What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:30 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:13 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:51 am
Speak for yourself, but personally, I'm not in the slightest bit romantic, not interested in idealisms, not interested in optimisms, I don't even like the idea of romance, it's just a cringe worthy idea to me. Urgh!

I just like what I see, and see what I like, I know exactly what I want and don't want in life. I have zero interest in small talk, don't respond to fake wooing or seduction techniques... For me, physical and sexual attraction is there instantly or it is not, and that's all I need to listen to. I just know how my own feelings work, and so far they have never let me down. I know who is right for me and who isn't. I instantly know I'm going to have a good time with a certain type of the opposite sex.
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:58 amFor how long?
What do you mean for how long?
For a 'length of duration'.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:13 pm How long for what?
You SAID that 'you' KNOW HOW your OWN 'feelings' work, and that SO FAR 'they' have NEVER let 'you' down. BUT, considering you had said that you LIVED ALONE, previously, I took 'this' to mean that you did NOT have a so-called 'partner' ANYMORE, (but you have CLARIFIED this now anyway), anyhow, by CLAIMING that you OWN 'feelings' had NEVER let you down, SO FAR, to me implied that the FIRST guy you saw, and 'felt' this one IS 'the one' meant that you were STILL WITH 'that one'. Which you may well STILL be, now that you have CLARIFIED that you do ACTUALLY STILL have a 'partner'.

So, the 'how long' was in reference to 'the one', or 'ones', that I thought you were NOT WITH, ANYMORE.
In a nutshell: she's full of crap.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Dontaskme »

Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:19 pm



Men just want to be adored by women, and women want to be adored by men, that's all.
I see now that I may have said that wrong. I do not know if men and women want to be adored by other men and women. I can only know that I want to adore other men and woman. Yes, I made an error of thinking there.

As for not caring to be adored by men and women myself, I will not put up any resistance or complaint if they do want to adore me. . So I understand I cannot speak for other men or women about whether they are wanting to be adored or not, so yes, I have made an error in saying what I said, apologies.

I said that because that's what I believe, I believe that men and women want to adore each other, but I see now that I cannot be sure they do, I can only be sure I want to adore men and women. It's only conjecture that I am making that other men and women want to be adored, I said that in the same context a mother wants to adore her children, the people she has given birth too. As a woman who adored her own children, I have no difficulty in adoring grown up men and women, just as I adored my children...but I now see that I cannot know if others want to do what I want to do.

It is my belief, which is pure conjecture, that people who were adored by their parents, like I adored my babies, would like that feeling of being able to adore people continue into adulthood, by adoring each other. But I see now, that was just something I want to do, and cannot know if that's what other people want to do, and so I admit, I was wrong to assume I did.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Dontaskme »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:10 pm
Because sometimes I hate being alive.
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:58 amFor ANY particular reason?
The only reason why I sometimes hate being alive, that I can think of is the pain issue, I'd rather not experience pain ever. But I understand that no one can prevent their own birth so I have to accept that I am born, and I do, but that doesn't prevent me from having thoughts such as like (I'd rather have not been born) those thoughts still arise in me.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:10 pmI would very much like to have never existed, this is true, but since I do exist there is nothing I can do about that now.
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:58 amOkay, but on first glance 'these words of yours' appear to COMPLETELY CONTRADICT 'your other words' about;
I live in a constant state of AWE and WONDER every second of the day just knowing him and being intimate with him, and I will die A VERY HAPPY FULFILLED WOMAN thanks to knowing him, and sharing my life with him.

Well to me anyway.
Of course my words and thoughts are contradictory, this is obvious to me anyway. As I said, there is not a fat lot I can do about being alive since I am now.
And as I've already explained to you earlier, my desire to have never been born does not change the fact that since I am born I am still quite able and capable of experiencing a life that I have described here.....I live in a constant state of AWE and WONDER every second of the day just knowing him and being intimate with him, and I will die A VERY HAPPY FULFILLED WOMAN thanks to knowing him, and sharing my life with him.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Dontaskme »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:13 pm How long for what?
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:30 pmYou SAID that 'you' KNOW HOW your OWN 'feelings' work, and that SO FAR 'they' have NEVER let 'you' down. BUT, considering you had said that you LIVED ALONE, previously, I took 'this' to mean that you did NOT have a so-called 'partner' ANYMORE, (but you have CLARIFIED this now anyway), anyhow, by CLAIMING that you OWN 'feelings' had NEVER let you down, SO FAR, to me implied that the FIRST guy you saw, and 'felt' this one IS 'the one' meant that you were STILL WITH 'that one'. Which you may well STILL be, now that you have CLARIFIED that you do ACTUALLY STILL have a 'partner'.

So, the 'how long' was in reference to 'the one', or 'ones', that I thought you were NOT WITH, ANYMORE.
Huh,what, you've completely lost me here, I have no idea what you are trying to say to me now. You'll have to make yourself clearer as to what you are saying to me here. I've read but cannot make head nor tails of what you are saying, sorry.

I said, my feelings never let me down, I know how they work, I know what I want in life, I know what feels right or wrong, true or false, fake or phony. I trust my own feelings. And I only act on them when the desire to do so arises in me, and when the feelings feel right in the moment.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Trajk Logik »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:04 pm
Trajk Logik wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:45 pm
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 7:46 pm

What makes you think those men in the video are 'gay'? Where have I ever indicated that I 'hate gays'? Shove your gaslighting bullshit up your arse. I don't even know what you are disagreeing with. Men can call themselves whatever they want. The difference now is that everyone is being forced to pander to it or else suffer legal consequences. There was only a problem created when men started being protected by law for encroaching on women's rights. This has opened a whole Pandora's box of difficulties for women. You obviously have trouble with reading comprehension so there's no point in discussing this further. There's nothing to 'argue' about. The whole 'transrights' movement is deeply misogynistic and I think that comes across very well in that video. The natural misogyny that has always been around and latent in many, if not most, men is now lauded and called 'heroic'. This is a women's rights issue and really none of your business anyway. If women aren't going to stand up to it then there's nothing I can do about that. There are many who are fighting it, and it's growing, but the opposition is enormous and powerful with seemingly endless funds.
Don't just watch your video. Listen to what those men say and you will then know what makes me think those men in the video are gay.

It's not just misogyny that men are doing this. I think a large percentage of them are simply sexual/social outcasts. They can't get a woman to like them, or even talk to them. They may simply be socially/sexually awkward which women find cringy. The only way for them to even get close to a woman or talk to one is to become one so they can join their sports and fraternities.

These are the factors that I think contribute to transgenderism as it exists today:
1) Somatic delusions, or mental illness
2) Parents that raised their child as the opposite sex thereby establishing this as the the child's norm so that as adults dressing as the sex they are born with would be abnormal to them
3) Attention seeking: this is becoming the primary cause for today's growth in transgenderism with social media as a means to get the most attention as possible.
4) Misogyny, as you pointed out
5) Sexual deviancy or awkwardness that leads to the opposite sex rejecting you so you will do almost anything to be near them or catch a glimpse of them in their bedroom or shower to satisfy your sexual fantasies.
As I keep saying, it doesn't matter 'why' they are fantasising about being women, or what they wear, or what they imagine themselves to be. The reasons are many and varied, as you say, but there is also a common theme of misogyny-- but that's hardly surprising, unusual, or exclusive to fetishists. And why would being an unattractive incel cause males to hate women? See what women have to put up with? Women are not responsible for making them feel better about themselves. If they are that desperate then they can get prostitute. What is concerning women (at least women with a brain) is the safety of women and protection of children. Every dangerous, preadatory freak now has free access to women's spaces and there's not a thing women can do about it because it's been written into laws. The 'social contract' between men and women that kept men out of women's spaces, sports etc. and worked well for decades is now a thing of the past and it's a free-for-all.
And all I'm saying is that you have to address the causes, not the effects, if you really want a long-term and successful solution. In normalizing delusional disorders and the various other causes that lead to the effects you speak of, in adopting the position that it is not okay to question the claims of the delusional or attention-whores, leads us to the state of things you are describing. It's like you want to only address the symptoms of this social disease, not cure it from the source.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Trajk Logik »

Age wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:42 am
Trajk Logik wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:18 pm
Age wrote: Sun Jul 02, 2023 11:21 am

I have YET to SEE ANY of 'you', people, here explain the DIFFERENCE between 'man' and 'woman' sufficiently, so WAITING for ANY of 'you' to explain the DIFFERENCE between 'masculine' and 'feminine' sufficiently would probably take a lot longer.

We will just have to WAIT, to SEE.
I think everyone here participating in this thread has at least graduated high school and already knew what those words refer to so didn't feel the need to explain it.
I obtained one of the GREATEST LESSONS in Life WHEN I LOOKED AT this EXACT SAME ASSUMPTION that I was maintaining.

That is; I thought we all KNEW what we were talking about when we SAID and USED words.

That WAS; UNTIL I QUESTIONED "my" 'self', and ASKED, 'What does 'that word' ACTUALLY MEAN?'

Although I ALWAYS thought I KNEW what a 'word' and 'words' MEANT, or REFERRED TO, is was ACTUALLY ONLY WHEN I would QUESTIONED, and ANSWERED, CAME-TO-REALIZE that 'i', and "others", do NOT ACTUALLY KNOW as much as 'we' think we know.
Then I assume you have an issue with what all words mean, like what does "word", "meaning" and "difference" mean? Sorry I don't have that much time to hold your hand and explain to you how language works.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:48 pm
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:19 pm



Men just want to be adored by women, and women want to be adored by men, that's all.
I see now that I may have said that wrong. I do not know if men and women want to be adored by other men and women. I can only know that I want to adore other men and woman. Yes, I made an error of thinking there.
Okay. Thank you for CLARIFYING and CLEARING 'this' up.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:48 pm As for not caring to be adored by men and women myself, I will not put up any resistance or complaint if they do want to adore me. . So I understand I cannot speak for other men or women about whether they are wanting to be adored or not, so yes, I have made an error in saying what I said, apologies.
Oh you do NOT have to apologize. I was just trying to gain some clarity so as to gain a better understanding of where you were coming from, that is all.

To me NO one has to apologize for just CLARIFYING 'things' here.

To gain and full understanding, written words can be sometimes much harder and so I just like to ask questions to gain more clarity.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:48 pm I said that because that's what I believe, I believe that men and women want to adore each other, but I see now that I cannot be sure they do, I can only be sure I want to adore men and women. It's only conjecture that I am making that other men and women want to be adored, I said that in the same context a mother wants to adore her children, the people she has given birth too. As a woman who adored her own children, I have no difficulty in adoring grown up men and women, just as I adored my children...but I now see that I cannot know if others want to do what I want to do.
In my words and questioning above I was also trying to make the point about, WHY ONLY adore 'men' and/or 'women', and WHY NOT adore ALL human beings, EQUALLY, of ANY age, just like EVERY new born human babies ARE adored, EQUALLY?'
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:48 pm It is my belief, which is pure conjecture, that people who were adored by their parents, like I adored my babies, would like that feeling of being able to adore people continue into adulthood, by adoring each other. But I see now, that was just something I want to do, and cannot know if that's what other people want to do, and so I admit, I was wrong to assume I did.
Okay. But you did get to a GREAT POINT here about how IF ALL children WERE 'adored', ALWAYS, then they COULD, and WOULD, 'grow up' have LEARNED HOW to 'adore' ALL "others", and NOT just SOME, and EQUALLY.

But we are STILL some ways OFF getting down to the INNER WORKINGS of 'these things'.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:01 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:10 pm
Because sometimes I hate being alive.
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:58 amFor ANY particular reason?
The only reason why I sometimes hate being alive, that I can think of is the pain issue, I'd rather not experience pain ever.
I think 'we' would ALL prefer to NOT experience 'pain' AGAIN. But, imagine what we would NOT KNOW, now, IF we had NEVER experienced pain BEFORE?

Also, 'the pain' that you experienced BEFORE was COMPLETELY UNAVAILABLE 'pain', and considering WHERE, and WHO, 'that pain' came FROM, NEVER wanting to experience pain EVER AGAIN, is Truly UNDERSTANDABLE, and even EXPECTED.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:01 pm But I understand that no one can prevent their own birth so I have to accept that I am born, and I do, but that doesn't prevent me from having thoughts such as like (I'd rather have not been born) those thoughts still arise in me.
The EXACT SAME 'thoughts' used to arise within this body also. But that was just because of what these bodies experienced, in their younger years. It is CERTAINLY NOT BECAUSE of what comes WITH 'Life', Itself, but just FROM past generational Wrong doing or ABUSE has CAUSED, and CREATED.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:01 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:10 pmI would very much like to have never existed, this is true, but since I do exist there is nothing I can do about that now.
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:58 amOkay, but on first glance 'these words of yours' appear to COMPLETELY CONTRADICT 'your other words' about;
I live in a constant state of AWE and WONDER every second of the day just knowing him and being intimate with him, and I will die A VERY HAPPY FULFILLED WOMAN thanks to knowing him, and sharing my life with him.

Well to me anyway.
Of course my words and thoughts are contradictory, this is obvious to me anyway. As I said, there is not a fat lot I can do about being alive since I am now.
And as I've already explained to you earlier, my desire to have never been born does not change the fact that since I am born I am still quite able and capable of experiencing a life that I have described here.....I live in a constant state of AWE and WONDER every second of the day just knowing him and being intimate with him, and I will die A VERY HAPPY FULFILLED WOMAN thanks to knowing him, and sharing my life with him.
Okay, but, once again, supposedly CLAIMING to live IN a CONSTANT STATE, of AWE and of WONDER, EVERY SECOND of the day, does seem to ABSOLUTELY CONTRADICT WISHING to have NEVER been born AT ALL.

But, if this IS what 'it' is, then so be 'it'.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:13 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:13 pm How long for what?
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:30 pmYou SAID that 'you' KNOW HOW your OWN 'feelings' work, and that SO FAR 'they' have NEVER let 'you' down. BUT, considering you had said that you LIVED ALONE, previously, I took 'this' to mean that you did NOT have a so-called 'partner' ANYMORE, (but you have CLARIFIED this now anyway), anyhow, by CLAIMING that you OWN 'feelings' had NEVER let you down, SO FAR, to me implied that the FIRST guy you saw, and 'felt' this one IS 'the one' meant that you were STILL WITH 'that one'. Which you may well STILL be, now that you have CLARIFIED that you do ACTUALLY STILL have a 'partner'.

So, the 'how long' was in reference to 'the one', or 'ones', that I thought you were NOT WITH, ANYMORE.
Huh,what, you've completely lost me here, I have no idea what you are trying to say to me now. You'll have to make yourself clearer as to what you are saying to me here. I've read but cannot make head nor tails of what you are saying, sorry.
But I will NEVER KNOW what to MAKE CLEARER if you NEVER inform me of what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, which is NOT CLEAR, to you.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:13 pm I said, my feelings never let me down, I know how they work, I know what I want in life, I know what feels right or wrong, true or false, fake or phony. I trust my own feelings. And I only act on them when the desire to do so arises in me, and when the feelings feel right in the moment.
Okay, I got 'this', the first time.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Age »

Trajk Logik wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:21 pm
Age wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:42 am
Trajk Logik wrote: Mon Jul 03, 2023 5:18 pm
I think everyone here participating in this thread has at least graduated high school and already knew what those words refer to so didn't feel the need to explain it.
I obtained one of the GREATEST LESSONS in Life WHEN I LOOKED AT this EXACT SAME ASSUMPTION that I was maintaining.

That is; I thought we all KNEW what we were talking about when we SAID and USED words.

That WAS; UNTIL I QUESTIONED "my" 'self', and ASKED, 'What does 'that word' ACTUALLY MEAN?'

Although I ALWAYS thought I KNEW what a 'word' and 'words' MEANT, or REFERRED TO, is was ACTUALLY ONLY WHEN I would QUESTIONED, and ANSWERED, CAME-TO-REALIZE that 'i', and "others", do NOT ACTUALLY KNOW as much as 'we' think we know.
Then I assume you have an issue with what all words mean, like what does "word", "meaning" and "difference" mean?
you are ABSOLUTELY FREE to ASSUME ABSOLUTELY ANY 'thing'. BUT WHY would you ASSUME 'this' here?

YOUR ASSUMPTIONS here could NOT be ANY FURTHER FROM the ACTUAL Truth of 'things'.
Trajk Logik wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:21 pm Sorry I don't have that much time to hold your hand and explain to you how language works.

But, are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that 'you', of ALL people, KNOW, WITHOUT ANY DOUBT and FOR SURE, HOW language works, EXACTLY, anyway?
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Dontaskme »

Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:12 pm
But I will NEVER KNOW what to MAKE CLEARER if you NEVER inform me of what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, which is NOT CLEAR, to you.
You didn't make what you said to me clear, I did not understand what you were saying to me, it might have been clear to you, but not to me.

If you want to make it clearer, then I'm ready to listen, and respond, if and when you do make it clear.

If you do not know what I want you to make clear, look back at the posts when I replied to you by saying Huh, and What?
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Dontaskme »

Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:10 pm
Okay, but, once again, supposedly CLAIMING to live IN a CONSTANT STATE, of AWE and of WONDER, EVERY SECOND of the day, does seem to ABSOLUTELY CONTRADICT WISHING to have NEVER been born AT ALL.

But, if this IS what 'it' is, then so be 'it'.
In life, the life that I am currently living right now, I am saying that I live in a constant state of awe and wonder at the experience of being in love with someone.

That to me has nothing to do with the thoughts I have about the idea of never having existed, as the thoughts of wanting to have never existed do not dominate the life I am living right now, and are not a constant state in which I live in, or that I think about. The only constant state I think about in the life I am living now, is the love I am experiencing when I am with my partner.

Does this clarify for you?
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:20 pm
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:12 pm
But I will NEVER KNOW what to MAKE CLEARER if you NEVER inform me of what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, which is NOT CLEAR, to you.
You didn't make what you said to me clear, I did not understand what you were saying to me, it might have been clear to you, but not to me.

If you want to make it clearer, then I'm ready to listen, and respond, if and when you do make it clear.

That is; even IF I WANTED to make 'it' CLEARER, to you, I NEVER COULD UNTIL I KNOW what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, which you ARE UNCLEAR ABOUT.

I do NOT KNOW what 'you' ARE UNCLEAR ABOUT. Therefore, I can NOT make 'it' [whatever 'it' is] CLEARER, to you.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:20 pm If you do not know what I want you to make clear, look back at the posts when I replied to you by saying Huh, and What?

ONLY if, and WHEN, you REALLY WANT TO UNDERSTAND some 'thing', OR someone, CLEARER, then you WILL DO what it TAKES to OBTAIN THAT CLARITY.

It is BETTER that it is NEVER UP TO 'one' TO WANT UNDERSTANDING and CLARITY, FOR "others". This is BECAUSE NO one can FORCE "another" to LEARN and UNDERSTAND 'things', which they do NOT WANT TO LEARN and UNDERSTAND "them" 'self'.
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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:27 pm
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:10 pm
Okay, but, once again, supposedly CLAIMING to live IN a CONSTANT STATE, of AWE and of WONDER, EVERY SECOND of the day, does seem to ABSOLUTELY CONTRADICT WISHING to have NEVER been born AT ALL.

But, if this IS what 'it' is, then so be 'it'.
In life, the life that I am currently living right now, I am saying that I live in a constant state of awe and wonder at the experience of being in love with someone.

That to me has nothing to do with the thoughts I have about the idea of never having existed, as the thoughts of wanting to have never existed do not dominate the life I am living right now, and are not a constant state in which I live in, or that I think about. The only constant state I think about in the life I am living now, is the love I am experiencing when I am with my partner.

Does this clarify for you?

For example, IF, as you SAY and CLAIM, 'you' live IN a CONSTANT STATE, (which MEANS ONE state ONLY), of AWE and WONDER, and you are, supposedly, like 'this', or in 'this state', ABSOLUTELY EVERY SECOND, of EVERY MINUTE, of EVERY HOUR, of EVERY DAY. So, what 'this' LITERALLY MEANS IS that 'you' could NOT POSSIBLY have ABSOLUTELY ANY time to think about NOR WISH that you were NEVER BORN.

And, INSTEAD of CLARIFYING here you are MAKING 'things' MORE PUZZLING by now STATING that;

The ONLY CONSTANT STATE you think ABOUT, in the life that you are living now, (whatever 'now' MEANS or REFERS TO, EXACTLY), IS the 'love', which you are supposedly experiencing, when you are WITH 'your partner', WHICH you do NOT even 'live with', and have even CONFIRMED that you 'do indeed live ALONE', and which, you do 'like it THAT WAY'.

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Re: What's the Difference if any between Man and Woman?

Post by Dontaskme »

Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:52 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:20 pm
Age wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:12 pm
But I will NEVER KNOW what to MAKE CLEARER if you NEVER inform me of what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, which is NOT CLEAR, to you.
You didn't make what you said to me clear, I did not understand what you were saying to me, it might have been clear to you, but not to me.

If you want to make it clearer, then I'm ready to listen, and respond, if and when you do make it clear.

That is; even IF I WANTED to make 'it' CLEARER, to you, I NEVER COULD UNTIL I KNOW what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, which you ARE UNCLEAR ABOUT.

I do NOT KNOW what 'you' ARE UNCLEAR ABOUT. Therefore, I can NOT make 'it' [whatever 'it' is] CLEARER, to you.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:20 pm If you do not know what I want you to make clear, look back at the posts when I replied to you by saying Huh, and What?

ONLY if, and WHEN, you REALLY WANT TO UNDERSTAND some 'thing', OR someone, CLEARER, then you WILL DO what it TAKES to OBTAIN THAT CLARITY.

It is BETTER that it is NEVER UP TO 'one' TO WANT UNDERSTANDING and CLARITY, FOR "others". This is BECAUSE NO one can FORCE "another" to LEARN and UNDERSTAND 'things', which they do NOT WANT TO LEARN and UNDERSTAND "them" 'self'.
ok forget it then, lets call the whole thing off, I'm happy with that.
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