The Postmodern Fallacy

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The Postmodern Fallacy

Post by Atthet »

Genetic feces of the world, especially the West, believe that "newer is better". They need the new iPhone5, they need to update from the iPhone4, the newest version of everything. It is a consumeristic and materialistic drive, a competition of resources. It is about fads and popularity. It is a drive of the feminine, a status drive.
The genetic feces needs a BMW, a rolls royce, a ferrari, a sports car, something newer and better. Next year's model!

Newer is better? No, sometimes a man's truth lasts and lingers for thousands of years. Sometimes a Prophet Muhammad comes along, and changes world history. Singular men, individuals, independent against all society, change everything, and produce truths, truisms, and paradigms that withstand the test and pressure of time immemorial.

The genetic feces, like most on this forum, will automatically reject an ancient truth, for a postmodern, fitting, current, popular one, even when the message is ultimately, the same. The content of some truisms never change, except in how it's expressed, except in its delivery and language. For example, many Judeo-Christian morons believe that slavery doesn't exist, or has become absent in the West. This is a myth. The language has changed, but the forms of slavery, have not. Slavery over populations remain as it has, for thousands of years, except for new sophistication, new academia to cover up and revise history.
Human nature stays the same, stays constant.

Popularity is the judgment for fools. What is popular, is true. This is why democratic government has become so powerful in the West. Truth is to be voted on, and majority always wins. If it's popular, that's all that matters. If something falls out of popularity, then it is now useless to the genetic feces. What is popular must change, at faster and faster rates. Change is best, change is true.

What have you learned from this?
Newer is best and true.
Popularity dictates truth, majority rules. If ten billion genetic feces believes the Earth is flat, then it is, objectively.
What is popular, must change, and change quickly, or risk obseletion and deletion.
Newer versions are best and true, materialism, consumerism.
Constancy, consistency, order, unchange, permanence, oldness, wisdom, are all devalued, hated, ridiculed, and rejected.

This book was written in 1800? It must be false, thinks the postmodern faggot. A man born one thousand years ago, is not worth reading or understanding today. Today, right now, in this moment, is all that matters. Think like a woman, like a female. Be with the moment, enjoy life, live life to the fullest, and the fullest life is the most popular life!
Be popular! Because, what else matters, in life? Nothing, except popularity! 8)
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The Voice of Time
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Re: The Postmodern Fallacy

Post by The Voice of Time »

You know... this time for some reason I have the impression you're either on drugs or taking a high dose of caffeine after a longer term of being abstinent.
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Re: The Postmodern Fallacy

Post by Atthet »

I'm on the most popular drug, the new drug. The best drug. If it's not new, then it's not worth it.
What are you on, Voice of Time? What is your preference, your popularity?
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Re: The Postmodern Fallacy

Post by The Voice of Time »

Sometimes what's new is shit, because it is simply a downgrading from the past. So is the "new-ness" of something making it better? No. I like progress, and progress means not only making a new version of the old, but transcending the entire history by the discovery/making of something completely... either better or just giving rise to opportunities for something better.

For instance, scientific breakouts in physics are rare, but when they really happen they really happen, and though at first it may serve dull uselessness, it often opens a lot of doors that takes us further and allow us further transcendence ever increasing the chances that we may gain extremely advanced technology in turns providing extremely useful things. Like nano-tubes, or nuclear energy.

So what drug am I on? I'm on the drug of progress. What's new may be valueless, what's better is most likely not valueless, least it's better at doing something bad.

When it comes to movies for instance I stay away knowingly from many popular movies because I won't like their stereotypes, and prefer instead smaller but more daring movies.
Mike Strand
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Re: The Postmodern Fallacy

Post by Mike Strand »

Suggestion for Atthet: Where's the math? Maybe you meant to put this topic in Ethical Theory or Applied Ethics.
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