Morality & Complete Map of Fruit Fly Brain

Should you think about your duty, or about the consequences of your actions? Or should you concentrate on becoming a good person?

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Veritas Aequitas
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Morality & Complete Map of Fruit Fly Brain

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

I have argued Morality is not about Rightness or Wrongness.

The focus of Morality is on the physical referents, i.e. the neurons and wirings that represent the inherent moral potential, functions, mechanisms and activities in the human brain.
This objective can be achieved when the Human Connectome Project has accomplished its objective in mapping the mechanisms within the human brain.
The Human Connectome Project (HCP) has tackled one of the great scientific challenges of the 21st century: mapping the human brain, aiming to connect its structure to function and behavior.
Scientists has began mapping the structures to function and behavior of the brain of small organisms;

In 2012, it was reported
So far, C. elegans [worm] is the only organism that boasts a complete connectome. Researchers are also working on connectomes for the fruit fly nervous system and the mouse brain. ... onnectome/
Now in 2023, the complete mapping of the fruit fly is announced;
A map of a fruit fly brain
A team of researchers from Princeton University has published a 3-dimensional replication of a fruit fly brain.
This is the first time the entire brain of an adult fruit fly has been mapped.
It contains more than one hundred and twenty thousand neurons and more than thirty million synapses.
The network of connections between the neurons in the brain is called the “connectome”.
The scientists have called their project “FlyWire”.
The connections are classified by what purposes they fulfil.
Because it’s a neuron-level map, scientists are able to test how different parts of the fly’s brain work and relate to one another by activating and deactivating neurons.
They’ve even simulated the “eating” and “grooming” behaviours of the fly by activating certain regions of the brain.
Just in March, a team of researchers completed the connectome of a fruit fly larva with about 3000 neurons.
With the new work, we’re now at more than one hundred thousand.
Their next big goal is the connectome of a mouse which contains about one hundred million neurons.
I’ve you’ve ever fancied tickling a fruit fly, the data are all available online and you can play around with it yourself.
I can just see how the evolution of the internet will progress from antivirus software to virtual insect sprays.
Scientists are working on the brain of other higher animals up to the human brain and has make partial progress.

2014 A Rough Connectome of the mouse brain.

So it is matter of time when like the Hume Genome, neuroscientists will some day in the future be able to map the whole of the human brain and connect its structure to function and behavior.

Since morality is part and partial of human nature, it would be possible to trace moral elements within a human-based moral FSR-FSK to the biological neural mechanisms in the brain.
It will not be a matter of whether is right or wrong to kill humans, but the existence of an ought-not-ness to kill humans existing as a potential and function in the brains of ALL humans.
This will be one of the objective moral facts which can verifiable, justifiable and tested.

With the trend of advancements of the above, it will be a possibility in the future, next 50, 100, or > more, and never a question of an impossibility.

Veritas Aequitas
Posts: 12990
Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:41 am

Re: Morality & Complete Map of Fruit Fly Brain

Post by Veritas Aequitas »


In 2016, re advance with the mouse brain;
Advanced X-ray technology allows researchers to measure from synapse to whole brain level
Researchers at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory have imaged an entire mouse brain across five orders of magnitude of resolution, a step which researchers say will better connect existing imaging approaches and uncover new details about the structure of the brain. ... first-time
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Morality & Complete Map of Fruit Fly Brain

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Notes: KIV
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Re: Morality & Complete Map of Fruit Fly Brain

Post by Age »

Keep In View that the one who starts these threads is ABSOLUTE IRREFUTABLE PROOF that while one BELIEVES some 'thing' IS TRUE that one is NOT OPEN, and thus NOT even ABLE TO, LOOK AT, SEE, NOR HEAR ANY 'thing' opposing THE BELIEF, let alone be even just ABLE to LEARN NOR UNDERSTAND ANY 'thing' DIFFERENT FROM THAT BELIEF.

This phenomena can be CLEARLY SEEN throughout EVERY one of 'its' writings here.
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