How Do You Listen To Music?

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Bill Wiltrack
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How Do You Listen To Music?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »



How Do You Listen To Music?

Initially, I have to tell you the way I listen to music, to frame this thread. It's a bit odd.

, when I hear a song that I like, I will listen to it repeatedly. I mean repeatedly. Repeatedly.

Because of the internet, specifically YouTube, I am able to listen and listen and listen to one specific song again & again if I choose to.

Currently, as I type, I have Peter Gabriel Red Rain in my headphones. I have been listening to this tune on & off ALL DAY long. It seems as if I love it and appreciate it more & more each time I play it.

Then, after perhaps a hundred listens or so - I'm done. I don't need or want to listen to the song again.

I still LOVE the song and will listen to it in the future but I am not possessed to listen to it.

Strangely, the GIF that I have included within this thread, found it by accident seemingly by chance, oddly fits into the vibe I am feeling off this song. That's neither here or there.

Secondly, when I hear a song that I like during the day - my mind stops. Just stops. Stops.

The song consumes me. The tune encompasses me.

If I am talking or listening to someone my world stops.

I can't drag myself to the other impressions that surround me.

I'm sure this has something to do with the two sides of our brains but I have never hear of anyone reveal what I have attempted to explain within this thread.

I'm sure my relationship to music that I like could be signs of a malady or psychosis, I just don't know.


1 - I listen repeatedly to a song that I love
2 - A song can TOTALLY consume me

My thesis for this thread:

How Do You Listen To Music?

Can you relate to the contents of this thread in an emotional way?

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