What causes muslims to be violent

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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by Belinda »

seeds wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:45 pm
Belinda wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:49 am Seeds wrote:
...could have popped out of his mother’s womb sporting an “appetizing vagina,” what does that suggest about the deeper truth of the ontology of gender itself?

I’ll tell you what it suggests.

It suggests that whatever our true and ultimate form actually is,...

(sans the penises and vaginas that will be left behind upon exiting these bodies via death)

...it will be something that is genderless and far more wondrous than the useless and purposeless (non-evolving) forms suggested in Islam, or any other world religion.
Belinda wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:49 am But "our true and ultimate form" presupposes there is such a thing,...
Yes it does, B, and it could indeed be wishful thinking.

However, I personally feel that even if it’s wrong, it is nevertheless far more preferable than presupposing (like you do) the equally questionable notion that life is basically meaningless (at least in terms of there being no ultimate or eternal purpose for us as individuals).

Why are you so hell-bent on embracing (almost worshiping) nihilism, B?

Is it because you have already experienced a long and rich life and have lost the capacity to view the world from the perspective of, for example, a child with a terminal illness who is filled with the hope that her life will not end with the death of her body in a few days?

Why are you so determined to take her hope away?
Belinda wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:49 am ...and moreover that a true and ultimate form is an idea in the mind of God.
Well, if we look at this from the perspective of a Berkeleyan form of Panentheistic idealism,...

(which, admittedly, could be nonsense like any other concept of God)

...then if the entire universe is indeed the MIND of God, then of course literally everything within its bounds is going to exist in the form of an “idea” within the mind of God.

So no surprise there.

However, the whole point of my own particular theory is that God has been able to fashion his ideas in such a way as to cause his own life essence...

(which is imbued within the fabric of his ideas – imbued within the fabric of human brains)

...to individuate and emerge as a complete and autonomous (familial) replication of himself - as is depicted in yet another of my oft-used illustrations...


In other words, what I am suggesting is that just like any other self-replicating lifeform, God has been able to conceive a complete replication of his “I AM-ness” (i.e., a replication of his own personal agency and potential) that, following the event of death, can (and will) exist independent of himself...

(metaphorically similar to the way that we now exist independent of our mother and her womb)

...in a higher context of reality that exists above and outside of the cosmic “womb” of his mind and universe.

For what it’s worth, it should be obvious that the concept I am promoting is absolutely drenched in “natural” metaphors.
Belinda wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:49 am True and ultimate form, together with everlasting orgasmic bliss, is an idea which is no longer useful or credible.
I thought that I had made it quite clear that any expectation of everlasting “orgasmic bliss” in the form of “eternal erections” and harems of female sex slaves with “appetizing vaginas”...


...is pure and utter nonsense.
Belinda wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:49 am It is a very simple, rural, sort of Muslim who believes in everlasting orgasmic bliss,...
Well, perhaps you should take that up with Averroes, because based on this statement from him,...
Averroes wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:39 pm In Paradise if we make it there, God willing, the pleasures are tremendous indeed as described by the messengers of God, the Almighty.
...he seems to lean toward the “eternal erection” concept of the Hereafter.

Besides, it’s not just Muslims who believe in a useless and non-evolving “peel me a grape” state of purposelessness in the afterlife, for Christians seem to bank on something pretty similar.

And likewise, when it comes to visualizing the Hindu/Buddhist concept of the afterlife, I defy you (or anyone else) to come up with something other than the image of someone sitting in the lotus position and eternally contemplating their naval.
Belinda wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 9:49 am ...and it is pre-Darwinian religionist who believes in true and ultimate form.
How many times do I have to point out to you, B, that the post Darwinian state of scientific knowledge in no way, shape, or form gives us the slightest clue as to how the pre-existing order...

(again, the unfathomable order that had to be in place before evolution could even commence)

...came into existence?

B, you need to abandon your blind and trusting assumption that the theory of evolution somehow resolves the mystery of reality, for nothing could be further from the truth.
Pre-existing order such as you believe in, Seeds, may be the truth. However we cannot know there is pre-existing order. It is better to humbly try to make order for ourselves with what abilities we have. These abilities may be summed up as science and reason. Reason includes empathy and sympathy without which the individual is unreasoning.

I'd certainly not talk like this to someone who needs reassurance and hope. If that person already believed in a happy afterlife and divine Providence, I'd not argue but I would agree with them. There are many times when being sociably tolerant are more important than sceptical intellectual discussions.

I am not sure what a nihilist is. I do believe something. I believe in human potential to evolve and that it is the intention to be good and true that matters, not believing that goodness and truth have been identified once and for all.

The afterlife virgins promise is like other descriptions of eternal bliss; literal nonsense that however makes sense as an attempt to describe ecstasy as loss of ego self.It is regrettable so few people can appreciate allegories and metaphors.

Species are not fixed and can and do evolve when environments demand they evolve. I hope Xianity is able to retain its moral message while accommodating the transient nature of species including the human species.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by dorothea »

Pretty simple reason for violence if you think about Nietzsche's musings on the subject: weakness, disappointment in life and lack of achievments or personal esteem. Look at the islamic world - 57 states every single one of which is a failure, even those with huge resources. Subjugation and abuse of women and children, even newborn babies if you believe what Iran's leaders have recommended in publications, and a long history of genocide and attacks on their betters, especially Jews. In their hearts, some of the more aware (a minority after generations of consanguinity) know they have no rights to any part of the ME or north Africa and that numberless trillions are owed in compensation to those they have expropriated, driven away, or murdered.

Then there's the embarrassment of the palpably fake claims about their scripture and history and the hilarious idea that anyone, even satan himself, would choose a ranting paedophile as a prophet. All the refusal to be open to knowledge, truth, morality and critical thought is the defensiveness you'd expect of losers: the howl of rage and frustration from the powerless. The most recent atrocity, those who have helped creat it, and those who have rushed to defend it, are emblems of failure in themselves and in their self-induced victimhood and misery.

An important indicator of violence sourced in weakness is its cowardly nature. Targets are always without the means of defending themselves. In the three wars started against israel (especially provocative because it succeeds in creating a flourishing life for muslims in a jewish state) the attackers ran away when confronted - in the 1967 war leaving new soviet tanks with the motors still running. Then in 1990/1 the iraqis and palestinian servants working in Kuwait turned on the defenceless Kuwaitis, raping women, girls and even boys. Again, once Schwartzkopf had them trapped, they bolted without firing a shot. I was involved in the aftermath of that war and believe me, the perpetrators were the most pathetic specimens of humanity you could meet.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by Immanuel Can »

dorothea wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:09 pm Pretty simple reason for violence if you think about Nietzsche's musings on the subject: weakness, disappointment in life and lack of achievments or personal esteem.
That fails to take into account the history of Islam since its inception. It's never been other than an aggressive, crusading, militant thing. It began expanding in Mohammed's day, back in the 7th Century, and didn't start to shrink until the Ottomans were defeated at the Battle of Vienna, 1683. Since then, its empire has dwindled, and has become continually less impressive. But at one time, Islamists ruled the entire Mediterranean, and threatened Northern Europe with conquest.

So if the problem is their "weakness" and "disappointment," why were they so violent when they were winning? :shock:
Look at the islamic world - 57 states every single one of which is a failure,

That's true, but that's primarily in comparison to modern states. As ancient civilizations go, it was more dominant than most, and had some grounds for arrogance. Even today, for them, "failure" is relative; they seem to judge by 7th Century standards, not by modern or liberal democratic ones.
An important indicator of violence sourced in weakness is its cowardly nature.

That might be true now. Although there's good evidence for some of the motivations you cite to account for some of the Islamic violence today, your list can't nearly account for all the violence throughout the history of Islamism by saying they feel poor, beaten down and cowardly now. Islam is only recently a "victim" creed in the eyes of Western liberals, and it never sees itself as one.

There's a lot of anger in Islam, much of it born of the vulnerability of the ideology itself, rage at the recent failures of Islam to do things like continue to expand or retain its alleged third city, and its propensity to blame others for its own inherent failures. A sizeable proportion of Islamists still dream of imperial conquest, though. They're clearly not feeling defeated, or admitting defeat, even if they seem to be defeated.

Weigh up the terrorists carefully. For example, you can call the 9-11 bombers many things: but "fools"? No, they knew what they were doing. "Cowards"? No, they did have a ton of nerve. "Backward"? Hardly; they were all very educated. "Victims"? No, they were self-conscious aggressors, out to kill victims. Be careful not to underestimate such people: vicious they may be, but they're not stupid.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by seeds »

seeds wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:39 pm **According to WikiIslam in regards to the 72 virgins:
WIkiIslam wrote: “...they are graphically described by Qur'anic commentator and polymath, Al-Suyuti (died 1505), who, echoing a Sahih hadith from Ibn Majah, wrote that the perpetual virgins will all "have appetizing vaginas", and that the "penis of the Elected never softens. The erection is eternal.”
Pure and utter nonsense!
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:34 am It is not utter nonsense to the Muslims.
Right, it is not nonsense to Muslims (Muslim males, that is) in the same way that a flat earth is not nonsense to flat-earthers.

The point is that nonsense is nonsense regardless of one’s feelings about it.

And in regards to this...
seeds wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 10:45 pm Besides, it’s not just Muslims who believe in a useless and non-evolving “peel me a grape” state of purposelessness in the afterlife, for Christians seem to bank on something pretty similar.

And likewise, when it comes to visualizing the Hindu/Buddhist concept of the afterlife, I defy you (or anyone else) to come up with something other than the image of someone sitting in the lotus position and eternally contemplating their naval.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:21 am "Contemplating their navel...??"
This is based on your ignorance and you would be better off in you were to do more thorough research on Buddhism proper.
...If you had paid the slightest bit of attention to what was written, then you should have noticed that I was clearly referring to Hinduism’s and Buddhism’s extremely vague and nondescript concept of the AFTERLIFE.

In other words, the state of being that one allegedly exists in after one achieves moksha and is completely free of samsara.

Some theories say that it is an extinguishing of the self and consciousness altogether, while others suggest an eternal state of nirvanic bliss and happiness (which clearly implies the continuation of a person’s consciousness in a transcendent context of reality).

And my point is that none of it offers the slightest clue as to what useful or logical (evolvable) purpose one might have for existing eternally. For if it is not an evolvable state of being, then it may as well take its place next to the horny Muslim guy with the “eternal erection.”

And just as a preemptive measure, please don’t attempt to regale me with your incessant (and side-tracking) blather about how any concept that pictures a person living in an afterlife, is merely the result of an existential crisis regarding their mortality. And that’s because we’re talking about Hinduism and Buddhism here and whether or not my “ignorance” of Buddhism is as severe as you claim.
Last edited by seeds on Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by seeds »

dorothea wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:09 pm Pretty simple reason for violence if you think about Nietzsche's musings on the subject: weakness, disappointment in life and lack of achievments or personal esteem....
Hello dorothea,

I couldn’t help but notice in your well-written post that you left off the Muslim violence that is induced by having imperialist invaders come into their sovereign territory and slaughter their children with drones and hellfire missiles...


...while simultaneously attempting to gain control over their oil and other resources.

Furthermore, how would you react to these foreign thugs...


...kicking down the door to your home in order to haul you or your loved ones off to be subjected to this...


...or something far worse?

My point is that we shouldn’t be blind or feign some kind of self-righteous innocence when it comes to assessing the motives of others.
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Immanuel Can
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by Immanuel Can »

seeds wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:57 pm you left off the Muslim violence that is induced by having imperialist invaders come into their sovereign territory and slaughter their children with drones and hellfire missiles...
If Islamic radicalism and violence were simply recent phenomena, that kind of explanation might carry a little weight.

But Islam has been vicious since the 7th Century, both when it was ascendent and several centuries later, when it was not. Long before there were "drones and hellfire missiles," back in the day of swords and camels, Islamic radicals were cheerfully beheading infidels, rounding up slaves, beating women, and carrying on pretty much as they do now. So the alleged "resentment" they might have of Israel, or of foreign "invaders" is of very recent vintage, comparatively speaking, and seems to have made no difference to their modus operandi, except to suppress some of the worst of it in some places.

If you're going to propose a cause-effect relation, the proposed cause has to exist as long as the purported effect has been going on. If it hasn't, you can be 100% sure it's not the only or major cause, even if we argue it could be one today.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by seeds »

Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:56 pm
seeds wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:57 pm you left off the Muslim violence that is induced by having imperialist invaders come into their sovereign territory and slaughter their children with drones and hellfire missiles...
...If you're going to propose a cause-effect relation, the proposed cause has to exist as long as the purported effect has been going on. If it hasn't, you can be 100% sure it's not the only or major cause, even if we argue it could be one today.
The main purpose of my post was to point out the hypocrisy of Westerners who are the main instigators and pot-stirrers of trouble in the Middle East, being appalled by such things as the stark and barbaric brutality of Muslims retaliating by beheading their perceived enemies...

...while, at the same time, completely ignoring the even greater brutality of children’s bodies being torn into pieces by a “smart” bomb that has been delivered from the comfort and safety of the videogame-like control seat of a Western drone operator.

I mean, we have all been subjected to the ghastly horror of pictures and videos of beheadings. However, just imagine if we could have a clear and slow-motion video of a toddler’s entire body being ripped apart by our preferred methods of death and mayhem.

Would the perpetrators of that heinous act (us Westerners) be less evil than the beheaders?

Obviously, both situations are examples of human madness. However, me and Jesus are having a difficult time trying to figure out which one is worse.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by Immanuel Can »

seeds wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:16 pm The main purpose of my post was to point out the hypocrisy of Westerners...while, at the same time, completely ignoring the even greater brutality...
I'm not sure who these "ignorers" are. Perhaps you know. It might be Bush or Obama, perhaps, or those who supported their activities in Iraq? Or all the citizens of all the involved countries? I don't know. It's a pretty narrow group who actually have decision making power over what goes on in Iraq...politicians? Military personnel?

Meanwhile, are you equally concerned about those who would like us not to take thought for the bloody history of Islam? Are they "ignorers" too? :shock:
However, me and Jesus are having a difficult time trying to figure out which one is worse.
Well, we can be sure only one of you is uncertain, I think. :wink: After all, Islam was performing atrocities long, long before the US or GB got involved in Iraq. In fact, Islam has had an unbroken record of atrocities since its inception in the 7th Century, one that continues making headlines today, even as troops are being pulled out of Iraq by the latest US President.

While every country has its own sins to answer for, the sins of one don't cleanse the sins of others, so I'm not sure what point we want to make here. We can't say, "Well, nobody can point out that Islamists have been violent for ten centuries, because Obama and his drones were violent for eight years." Maybe he's violent too...and maybe a hypocrite...but it doesn't clear anything up for Islam if he has been plenty of either or both.

So I just don't see what point you're making.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by dorothea »

Immanuel Can.
Thanks. I accept what you say, but i do wonder if it has ever been possible to hold their beliefs (the depraved 72 virgin nonsense for instance) without shame and embarrassment. They have wives and daughters, for heaven's sake. Then there's the winged beast and the thigh sxe with newborns. Dear me. I know of no other religion or culture with such embarrassing beliefs. 1000 years before, when a Spartan king (name escapes) and wife failed to produce an heir the assembly reluctantly agreed a second wife. It was a shameful thing but neceassary. Same thing happened during the Peloponnesian war when the plague added to losses: the assembly decreed second wives (the widows one imagines) to rebuild the population. Hence Socrates saying goodbye to Myrto as well as Xanthippe.

I sensed this embarrassment with my Arab friends and students. They adhered to the religion but did not want to discuss it. Maybe there's a clue to how the civilised world should respond - not aggressively - the Quaker view of how to respond to violence which is to say: Dear friends, what has brought you to this?

Seeds and Veritas.
Come on.
Not that old tale. The West got involved in the ME in response to horrors. What we didn't realise, in the case of liberating Iraq from Saddam, was that he wasn't iraq's only probelm. (I had to lodge a couple of Iraqi PhD students in 1990 when they were chased out of the international students residence by other Iraqis and Kuwaitis). Like the EU bureacracy, there's a vast number of men, mullahs and imams, hanging on to their power and non jobs. It's an old story. Remember what happened when King Tut's father tried to put some montheistic sense into Egyptian religion. Tutankhaten had to become Tutankhamen to save his skin.
Last edited by dorothea on Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

seeds wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:57 pm
dorothea wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:09 pm Pretty simple reason for violence if you think about Nietzsche's musings on the subject: weakness, disappointment in life and lack of achievments or personal esteem....
Hello dorothea,

I couldn’t help but notice in your well-written post that you left off the Muslim violence that is induced by having imperialist invaders come into their sovereign territory and slaughter their children with drones and hellfire missiles...


...while simultaneously attempting to gain control over their oil and other resources.

Furthermore, how would you react to these foreign thugs...


...kicking down the door to your home in order to haul you or your loved ones off to be subjected to this...


...or something far worse?

My point is that we shouldn’t be blind or feign some kind of self-righteous innocence when it comes to assessing the motives of others.
There you go with your 'what aboutism'.

All sort of violence and evil acts must be condemned regardless of the source.

The OP is what caused Muslims [specific and in particular] to be violent.
The root cause with Muslims [followers of Islam] is the due to the 'ideology of Islam' and the evil laden commands in the Quran that compelled Muslims to kill non-Muslims upon the slightest threat [fasadin], i.e. even the drawing of cartoons.

That is why violence perpetrated by 'Muslims' is caused by the ideology of Islam and the political moves by foreign nations are secondary.
Note the contrast where Tibetan Buddhists do not invoke any glaring continual evil and violence against the CCP oppressors.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by Belinda »

seeds wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 8:57 pm
dorothea wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:09 pm Pretty simple reason for violence if you think about Nietzsche's musings on the subject: weakness, disappointment in life and lack of achievments or personal esteem....
Hello dorothea,

I couldn’t help but notice in your well-written post that you left off the Muslim violence that is induced by having imperialist invaders come into their sovereign territory and slaughter their children with drones and hellfire missiles...


...while simultaneously attempting to gain control over their oil and other resources.

Furthermore, how would you react to these foreign thugs...


...kicking down the door to your home in order to haul you or your loved ones off to be subjected to this...


...or something far worse?

My point is that we shouldn’t be blind or feign some kind of self-righteous innocence when it comes to assessing the motives of others.
Our opinions on metaphysical questions don't matter what matters is our morals are the same .
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by seeds »

Skepdick wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:54 pm
attofishpi wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:39 pm Personally, I would prefer 72 sluts...
You were born just one generation too soon!!!

This song is apparently No.1 on the charts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10cRNiXlWRQ
Good lord.

And it is music like that, along with our culture representations such as this...


And this...


And how about Lady Gaga’s meat dress...


...that should leave no doubt in the mind as to why such images (among other reasons) compel certain Muslims (Iranians, for example) to call America the “Great Satan.”

( :twisted: “Come on now Islam, just look at what the Christian West has to offer you. Why are you resisting? :twisted: Can't you see that it is just your naïve and antiquated reverence for God that is preventing you from enjoying the pleasures of this world?” :twisted:)
Last edited by seeds on Thu Oct 22, 2020 1:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Immanuel Can
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by Immanuel Can »

seeds wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:39 pm And it is music like that, along with our culture representations such as this...
I don't debate that the West is corrupt. Sure it is.

But the idea that the West is the cause of Islamic radicalism won't stand even the sniff test. The Islamists were calling other people infidels and Satanists and chopping of hands and heads long before the appalling performances of the late modern period. Remember? From the 7th Century onwards, they never did anything else.

So all of this is just meaningless self-flagellation, on the part of the West. Islamists would hate you simply for not being Islamists. It doesn't take any more.

Again, the cause must come before or contemporaneous with the purported effect. Note that. There are no exceptions to that rule. Just as you can never say, "The Napoleonic Wars were caused by computer failure," you can't say the modern West caused Islamic aggression. There's just no way that works.

If Islam is "made violent" by the West, it has to be in some way that dates back to the 600s. If there's no such way, then the West is not the real cause. The West is at the very most, a recent contributor to a long-standing problem with Islamism. It's not the cause.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by seeds »

seeds wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:39 pm And it is music like that, along with our culture representations such as this...
Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 7:04 pm I don't debate that the West is corrupt. Sure it is.

But the idea that the West is the cause of Islamic radicalism won't stand even the sniff test.
I think you need to get your sniffer examined, for it has failed to help you sniff out the fact that I never once stated, or even implied that the West is the original cause of Islamic radicalism.

So stop pushing that false narrative here.

Again, I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the West looking down its nose and condemning Islamic methods of violence while ignoring its own methods of violence which can be far more brutal and, in some cases, on a much larger scale.

As an example of the callous and cavalier attitude that the West holds towards Muslims: when asked in a television interview about the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children that resulted from U.S. sanctions placed on that country in the 90s, the soon to be Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright said:
“...we think the price is worth it...”

Now just turn that around and imagine the shoe being on the other foot where some powerful foreign government states that we think that our actions which contributed to the deaths of 500,000 Canadian children, or 500,000 British children, or 500,000 American children was “...worth it....”

Don’t you suppose that those would be some unforgivable fightin’ words that might just lead to some retaliatory consequences?

I mean, the karmic consequences alone should be beating the crap out of us (and I think those consequences are just now starting to kick-in and rev up on us).

The bottom line is that, no, the West isn’t the original cause of Islamic radicalism. However, it is certainly doing its utmost best to incite it.
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Re: What causes muslims to be violent

Post by Immanuel Can »

seeds wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:15 pm I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the West looking down its nose and condemning Islamic methods of violence...
Sorry. I misunderstood. You were off topic, and I thought you were answering the topic.

The subject here is "What causes Muslims to be violent."
The bottom line is that, no, the West isn’t the original cause of Islamic radicalism.

Right. And that was the topic of this thread.

How about saying something relevant to the OP, then?
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