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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

Ethics explainer: Nihilism
from the Ethics Center
In media, this kind of pessimistic nihilism is sometimes embodied by characters who then act on it in a destructive way. For example, the antagonist, Jobu Topaki in Everything Everywhere All At Once comes to this realisation through her multi-dimensional awareness, which convinces her that because of the infinite nature of reality, none of her choices matter and so she attempts to destroy herself to escape the insignificance and meaninglessness she feels.
Sure, that's one way to "resolve" this conundrum: let Hollywood script it. And, let's face it, what prompts all too many of us to embrace free will emphatically is that we "just know" that we must have autonomy because the alternative is just too much to bear. That it is all "beyond our control". On the other hand, as some determinists argue, even her attempt to destroy herself because she believes what she does about it is no less all that she was ever able to believe about it.
Active nihilists instead see nihilism as a freeing condition, revealing a world where they are emboldened to create something new on top of the destruction of the old values and ways of thinking.
Yes -- click -- that's my point as well. If you convince yourself that human interactions are essentially meaningless...and it turns out that in fact they are essentially meaningless...then you are confronted with so many, many more options. And not all moral nihilists here will choose to take this so far as to embrace a sociopathic lifestyle.
Nietzsche’s idea of the active nihilist is the Übermensch (“superman”), a person who overcomes the struggle of nihilism by working to create their own meaning in the face of meaninglessness. They see the absurdity of life as something to be embraced, giving them the ability to live in a way that enforces their own values and “levels the playing field” of past values.
Of course, here that will depend on where historically, culturally and personally/experientially, you find yourself "thrown" at birth into a particular community. As though mere mortals, while not being Gods themselves, can still manage to sustain rules of behavior that further the truly superior interests of the Übermensch in dominating the many, many feckless flocks of sheep.

At least on this side of the grave. As for immortality and salvation...? Forget about it.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

Ethics explainer: Nihilism
from the Ethics Center
Moral nihilism

Existential nihilism often gives way to moral nihilism, the idea that morality doesn’t exist, that no moral choices are preferable in comparison to others. Because, if our lives don’t have intrinsic meaning, if objective values don’t exist, then by what standard can we call actions right or wrong? We normally see this kind of nihilism embodied by anarchic characters in media.
Again, this moral nihilist would never argue that morality doesn't exist. Of course it does. It's just that in the absence of God, there does not appear to be a way to align "rules of behavior" in any particular community to the conclusions that those like Plato and Aristotle and Decartes and Kant propounded. Besides, all of them, one way or another, brought good and evil around to God.

No God? Then no omniscient and omnipotent "transcending font" from which to derive moral commandments. Instead, the secular proponents of moral objectivism here... ... ideologies ... philosophy

...are, in turn, all up and down the political spectrum, just as the religious fanatics here... ... traditions

An infamous example is the [anarchic character] Joker from the Batman franchise. Especially in renditions like The Dark Knight (2008) and Joker (2019), the Joker is portrayed as someone whose expectations of the world have failed him, whose tortuous existence has led him to believe that nothing matters, the world doesn’t care, and that in the face of that, we shouldn’t care about anything or anyone either. In his words, “everything burns” in the end, so he sees no problem in hastening that destruction and ultimately the destruction of himself.
As with most movie characters, however, we take out of them what we first put into them: our own rooted existentially in dasein understanding of the world around us. Or, perhaps, is there the one and the only "most rational" manner in which to understand them?

And what might that be?

Start here: ... m%20insane.

"The Joker has undergone many revisions since his 1940 debut. The most common interpretation of the character is that of a man who, while disguised as the criminal Red Hood, is pursued by Batman and falls into a vat of chemicals that bleaches his skin, colors his hair green and his lips red, and drives him insane."

On the other hand, to the extent he really is insane, how are his behaviors not basically "beyond his control"?
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »


How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.

Raul Gonzalez
There is a misconception with the interpretation of nihilism. A laymen will interpret the popular definition of nihilism; "Life is meaningless", to mean that there is no point in believing anything. This is incorrect.

Life can be taken as my own personal life, or Life can be understood as everything, the universe.
Of course, when I come upon something like this, my first inclination is to suggest that, in regard to the "meaning of life", who among us can actually demonstrate what is in fact correct or incorrect? Such that all rational men and women would be inclined -- obligated? -- to agree.

This goes back to 3 assumptions I make.

1] that "somehow" when biological matter evolved into us, we acquired free will.

2] that any speculations about the "meaning of life" has to take into account both "the gap" and "Rummy's Rule". In other words, what we simply do not grasp at all about the ontological/teleological relationship between the human condition and the existence of existence itself.

3] the distinction between the either/or world and the is/ought world. For example, "what does it mean when the state executes a prisoner?" What objective faxts can we all agree on? As opposed to, "what does it mean to be right about the morality of capital punishment?" Is there a deontological assessment -- a moral imperative -- that all rational men and women are duty-bound to accept if they wish to be thought of as reasonable and virtuous?
Nihilism does not propose that the individual life has no meaning, rather that the universe has no meaning. The world does not posit a morality or a value system. The world does not have a religion or a political position.
Most philosophers will always be driven to explore questions like this even if a part of them recognizes that they are likely to go to the grave taking only their own "rooted existentially in dasein" moral, political and philosophical prejudices with them.

Still, why these "big questions" are utterly fascinating to some and utterly irrelevant to others is no less the embodiment of dasein, in my view. Again, however, to assert things about "the world" that you believe "in your head", is often nowhere near the same as being able to prove it. Back to how, in some important respects, philosophy simply does not possess the equivalent of the scientific method.
It is erroneous to say, "I am a nihilist, therefore nothing matters." A nihilist believes that value statements are not true or false with respect to life, universe, and everything. Value statements are human statements, posited by humans, and enforced by humans.
On the contrary, if you reach a point in your life where you genuinely do believe that nothing matters, that human interactions are essentially meaningless and purposeless, how is that really any different from what someone else believes "in their head" about religion or politics or genes and memes?

For me, you can either reconfigure your words such that they are shown to be applicable to human social, political and economic interactions, or you can't. Or, as is often the case with many conflicting goods, many all up and down the moral and political spectrum insist that you are either "one of us" [right] or "one of them" [wrong].
Nihilists do not say that there should not be value and meaning in life. Nihilists just believe that value and meaning are enforced by human will, and not intrinsic truths of the world, like gravity.
Yes, that seems reasonable to me. Meaning is everywhere in our lives. But this doesn't make the distinction between existential and essential meaning go away.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
Cole Bisaccia
Nihilism, in my experience, is a rationalization of an individuals lack of connection to the world.
Rationalization: "the act, process, or result of rationalizing: a way of describing, interpreting, or explaining something (such as bad behavior) that makes it seem proper, more attractive, etc."

Rationalization is one of the many "psychological defense mechanisms" that mere mortals employ to anchor their supposed "intrinsic Self" in one or another One True Path. The point is to believe, above all else, that which "comforts and consoles" you. What that turns out to be, however, is no less the embodiment of dasein.
I’ve also gone through periods of my life where I've felt utterly disconnected from life. The majority of my waking day was spent engaging in hollow interactions with people, going through the motions without any sense of purpose or direction.
Here, again, it all comes down to the extent to which it is important to you that there be an essential meaning and purpose in life. In your own life, of course, but for the objectivists, the obligation of all other rational people is then to think the same way. The Ayn Rand Syndrome let's call it. Or, here, the lorikeet syndrome. On the other hand, there are also those who not only accept that human existence is essentially meaningless, they revel in it. The sociopaths, for example.
This feeling of isolation manifested in the content of my thoughts, in which I began to put together a picture of the universe which confirmed the way I felt internally.
Sure, we are all capable of "thinking this through" and arriving at our own subjective conclusions. But just how ludicrous is it for someone to imagine that what they think about the universe "here and now" will actually be anywhere near reflecting what the universe actually is?

Nihilism was initially so attractive to me because most of the statements are truisms, and also it conceived of life at a magnificently grand scale. No one can argue with the fact that the individuals place within the universe is insignificant. No one can dispute that every human soul on earth is headed for death, ultimately rendering our life choices inconsequential. To conceive of life in this cosmic and ephemeral nature elicits a certain feeling of wonder and amazement.
Of course, for many objectivists, "the magnificently grand scale" of the universe revolves precisely around the assumption that what makes it grand is the "fact" that how they understand the universe is what comforts and consoles them in the first place. That way they can convince themselves their place in the universe is significant. And then for the a God, the God, my God folks, that this grandness continues on beyond the grave itself.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
I was nihilistic for a while, however, what I found that helped me was Buddhism. Nihilism states basically that “Life is suffering and there’s nothing we can do about it”. Buddhism, which -to me-, is the flip side of the same coin of Nihilism…because Buddhism states, “Yes, Life is painful, our attachments to desires make them painful, but you can choose what kind of Pain you wish to go through”.
Sure, there are any number of "one true paths" that one can take in order to convince oneself that any suffering endured is for a reason. You fit it all into one or another "Ism". And then suffering becomes...meaningful? And for many the suffering is intertwined in the assumption that on the other side, it will all be compensated for with immortality and salvation.

Buddhism is just trickier because the part about the "afterlife" is all the more problematic. But at least you will always "come back". Also, become enlightened enough and...

"The goal of Buddhism is to become enlightened and reach nirvana. Nirvana is believed to be attainable only with the elimination of all greed, hatred, and ignorance within a person. Nirvana signifies the end of the cycle of death and rebirth." Stanford University.

On the other hand, which particular rendition of Buddhism comes closest to the "real deal" here:
For me, this gave me hope and strength, because if Life is indeed Pain, then we can choose what kind of trial and tribulation we want to go through for the most part. Not every chance will be offered to us, but when it is, we can decide what path we wish to travel. If life is indeed pain, then let me choose what kind of pain I wish to experience; instead of, the pain being chosen for me by Life.
See how it works [for many]: as a psychological defense mechanism. Religions comfort and console mere mortals in a world where comfort and consolation are often needed.

As for choosing your own pain...maybe. But, in being a human being, there are experiences we all have that can result in terrible pain. Which I suspect is why some Buddhists prefer to congregate only with other Buddhists:

And, as with most religions, the part about immortality.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
Most [nihilists] will begin every discussion with the preconception that you are just trying to avoid a painful “truth” they are convinced exists.
Like me, right? Human existence is essentially meaningless and purposeless, dasein negates objective morality and in the end it's oblivion. For all the rest of eternity, you cease to exist.

Only I am no more convinced they are true than I can be given the gap between what I think I know about them and all that there is to be known regarding where the human condition fits into what may or may not be the ontological -- teleological? -- explanation for existence itself. It's just that I then suggest it is applicable to everyone else as well.

Unless, of course, I'm wrong. The win/win syndrome.
Their very belief in nihilism negates any and all arguments against it. They are convinced it is an attempt to refute something objective while everyone who is arguing in favor of a different philosophy is often aware what they are debating is subjective to each and every person.
On the other hand, I don't argue that others are wrong when they champion their own rendition of moral objectivism. I merely ask them to bring their theoretical assumptions down to Earth in order to explore the "for all practical purposes" implications of what I construe to be their didactic discourse.
In other words, most people who follow a philosophy know it isn’t absolute, that there is some shred of doubt to be had in it and there is a possibility they are wrong. Anyone who has never had some doubt in their philosophy or views it as an absolute truth that cannot and should not be questioned is blinding themselves.
Unless, of course, that's the whole point. You find a philosophy of life -- God or No God -- that most comforts and consoles you. Or you have been indoctrinated to accept the philosophy of life of those who raise you. And over time you become blinded by the light. You come to embody what I call the "psychology of objectivism" here: ... 5&t=185296

The rest is history.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
Humans, by default, resist change. Change begins with questioning what is already there, so questioning things is often feared by humans on a primal level as a sign of change, something we, again, fear on a primal level. However, questioning your philosophy or religion can also yield a firmer belief and stronger faith in it if the questioning reveals that the philosophy or religion is sound and reasonable.
Again, however, the assumption of most objectivists is that there can be no belief or leap of faith more rational -- more obligatory -- than their own. Nihilists of my ilk simply suggest instead that in regard to moral and political values, objectivism revolves far more around the psychological rewards that come with convincing yourself that what you believe really does reflect, if not the only possible rational world, at least the best of all possible worlds.

On the other hand, another quandary here revolves around determining where to draw the line between the primal components of the human brain and the parts that are more inclined towards reasoning. As though when we interact with others, we simply note factors that are derived from genes more than memes. As though this is unequivocally manifest. As though this could actually be done in a world where we can't even determine if our attempt to do so is not in turn but a manifestation of the only possible reality.
Again, this comes from our own perspective, so what one person sees in a philosophy when questioning it may cause them to stop believing in it, but another could decide that what they have seen upon questioning it has shown them they should keep believing in it. Neither of them would be wrong.
Also, the part I root in dasein. Probing not the differences between our value judgments but exploring how each of us as individuals come to acquire one frame of mind rather than another.

And then in noting that philosophers have been around now for thousands of years, while moral conflagrations continue to plague us around the globe.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
This [above] is where nihilists reveal how little they understand about philosophy apart from their own. In the nihilist’s mind, not only is someone who refuses to question their own beliefs foolish, but so is anyone who questions them and doesn’t end at the same conclusion they came to.
Sure, I don't doubt there are any number of nihilists who are themselves objectivists. I'm just not one of them. I would never argue there is no God, no objective morality, no life after death. I maintain only that "here and now" I have not been convinced that these things exist myself.

So, sure, beyond a leap of faith or one or another Bible and upbringing, if you do believe in these things then by all means note how you were able to convince yourself that they are the One True Path.
They do not realize that in leaving their own “close-minded” and “foolish” belief system, they have now firmly entrenched themselves in one that is likely no better, and one that allows for just as little questioning as the strictest of religions.
Indeed, over the years I have come upon some who seemed to "preach" nihilism as fanatically as any other "my way or the highway" zealot. On the other hand, they weren't out there imposing moral commandments on others or insisting that those who refuse to think as they do will wind up in Hell.

Also, over and again I have acknowledged that nihilism itself can become a very dangerous frame of mind when practiced by sociopaths or global capitalists intent on reducing everything down to wealth and power.
Nihilists claim the idea behind nihilism is the simple rejection of the idea that objectivity exists, the idea that something exists which is absolute, that there is no true meaning in anything. And yet nihilists also reject the idea of subjectivity, the idea that nihilism is debatable, the idea that there is any room for the possibility that it isn’t correct.
Some nihilists perhaps. But I certainly don't reject the idea that each of us seem clearly to be individual subjects living out in a particular world, understood in a particular way. I merely make a distinction here between meaning in the either/or world and meaning in the is/ought world.

This and the distinction I make between discussing this up in the philosophical clouds and bringing theoretical assessments "down to Earth".
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
[Nihilists] reject the very concept of meaning, not just the idea that there is an objective meaning to our existence.
Again, as though there really is a "one size fits all" description of a nihilist. As though if you do not "reject the very concept of meaning [and] not just the idea that there is an objective meaning to our existence", how dare you call yourself a nihilist!

Which is why I prefer to connect the dots existentially between nihilism and morality. After all, meaning in the either/or world certainly seems to be objective. Perhaps too objective if we live in a wholly determined universe?
Religion and philosophy are choices, offering different meanings to life and different perspectives to view it from.
Okay, but religion revolves largely around moral commandments linked to immortality and salvation. And philosophy revolves largely around logic and epistemology -- connecting the dots between words and worlds.
Nihilists who say you have to find your own meaning instead of having a universal one but write off philosophies like Stoicism and religions that offer meanings to life that you can choose to follow as foolish fail to recognize the immense hypocrisy of such claims.
Yeah, I suppose so. If you are a nihilist who does say those things. But I am a moral nihilist who suggests instead that even to the extend you do pursue your own personal meaning in regard to value judgments, that meaning is rooted existentially in dasein, and not in a deontological assessment of human interactions. On the other hand, if others believe that they have in fact found the One True Path to moral Enlightenment, by all means, given particular contexts, let them attempt to demonstrate that.

And I would never "write off philosophies like Stoicism and religions". My "beef" instead is with those philosophers and theologians who insist that if you don't accept their own Path, you can never attain Enlightenment, let alone all that good stuff on the other side of the grave.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
I was nihilistic for a while, however, what I found that helped me was Buddhism. Nihilism states basically that “Life is suffering and there’s nothing we can do about it”. Buddhism, which -to me-, is the flip side of the same coin of Nihilism…because Buddhism states, “Yes, Life is painful, our attachments to desires make them painful, but you can choose what kind of Pain you wish to go through”.
Again, if some are able to convince themselves that Buddhism is the One True Path to Enlightenment, that "life after death" awaits them and that nirvana is within reach of the most committed then they've achieved the peace of mind I wish I could experience again myself.

For me, this gave me hope and strength, because if Life is indeed Pain, then we can choose what kind of trial and tribulation we want to go through for the most part.
And, of course, any number of Buddhists might choose to do so within the confines of the Sangha. Being able to share that One True Path with those who are not ever likely to question it. What's crucial is that Enlightenment is configured into day to day rituals and practices. You embody them because that's what enlightened men and women do. And they do so because they are enlightened.
Not every chance will be offered to us, but when it is, we can decide what path we wish to travel. If life is indeed pain, then let me choose what kind of pain I wish to experience; instead of, the pain being chosen for me by Life.
Here I can only ask any Buddhists among us to note instances from their own life in which they chose their own pain. And, in particular, those contexts in which in choosing one set of behaviors you are confronted with others who insist on their own One True Path instead.
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Re: nihilism

Post by Iwannaplato »

iambiguous wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 6:21 pm How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
I was nihilistic for a while, however, what I found that helped me was Buddhism. Nihilism states basically that “Life is suffering and there’s nothing we can do about it”. Buddhism, which -to me-, is the flip side of the same coin of Nihilism…because Buddhism states, “Yes, Life is painful, our attachments to desires make them painful, but you can choose what kind of Pain you wish to go through”.
Again, if some are able to convince themselves that Buddhism is the One True Path to Enlightenment, that "life after death" awaits them and that nirvana is within reach of the most committed then they've achieved the peace of mind I wish I could experience again myself.

Notice the following:
1) the person says nothing, at least not in the quote, about Buddhism being the One True Path to Enlightenment. Nor does he or she mention life after death - which would be a bit of an odd thing for many Buddhists to do, since in a sense they don't believe that is persistence of the self through this life. And, then, also that one of the ideas is to not be reborn. But representing Buddhism correctly is a low priority for Iambiguous. His response is absent any connection to what he quoted. 2) The writer says nothing in the quote about nirvana. For all we know from the quotes, the guy found some relief from the pain in life.
For me, this gave me hope and strength, because if Life is indeed Pain, then we can choose what kind of trial and tribulation we want to go through for the most part.
, of course, any number of Buddhists might choose to do so within the confines of the Sangha. Being able to share that One True Path with those who are not ever likely to question it.
Apart from IA's idiosyncratic use of Sangha, he's again not responding to what he quotes, but leaping off IA cliches. His repetition of the One True Path is, of course, idiotic, both in context and in general. First off even a cursory glance at Buddhism would find quite a number of paths with differences over practices and theory, notions of the self and more. Further, many Buddhist respect other paths, as do members of other religions. At least Don Quixote was tilting at windmill, even they weren't giants. Yes, there are Buddhists (and Hindus and....etc.) who think there is only one way to Enlightenment. But then there are others who do not think this. And leader of temples and ashrams have said this out loud in formal settings. You should see how often they speak highly of Jesus on Christmas, for example.
What's crucial is that Enlightenment is configured into day to day rituals and practices. You embody them because that's what enlightened men and women do. And they do so because they are enlightened.
Another hallucinated response to what he quotes. Here he's making up some Buddhist theology. Of course, there are likely Buddhist who might say something like what he is saying, but in general one wonders why he bothers to quote things, when he's just going to go off and make up stuff that is not connected to what he quotes.

It's a lovely concrete example of ongoing confirmation bias. He thinks religions are saying X, so he quotes one and then says things as if what he's quoted confirms his views. If you notice this and mention it, you are a Stooge. The polite thing to do when someone is pontificating is pretend they are making sense.
Not every chance will be offered to us, but when it is, we can decide what path we wish to travel. If life is indeed pain, then let me choose what kind of pain I wish to experience; instead of, the pain being chosen for me by Life.
Here I can only ask any Buddhists among us to note instances from their own life in which they chose their own pain. And, in particular, those contexts in which in choosing one set of behaviors you are confronted with others who insist on their own One True Path instead.
Not being a Buddhist, I'll leave this invitation to the Buddhist who wishes to waste his or her time, talking to someone who doesn't really care and has had his hallucinations pointed out to him before.

Based on nothing, he assumes that Buddhists must be the kind of objectivists he hates, the writer he quotes included. He doesn't seem to understand what the writer actually did say, nor shows much interest in it. He assumes this person is saying something like he or she can avoid certain types of pain: divorce, illness, unemployment, lonliness - and choose others, like perhaps a rash or having to read tripe like Iambiguous's posts. The utter lack of curiosity is, after all this time, still remarkable to me.

Iambiguous is an ongoing lesson in how to see only one's own ideas everywhere. Which is a fancy way of saying 'He sucks as a reader.'

You can find this pattern in post after post, thread after thread. Of course, bots don't mind this kind of sophism. The numbers will still keep going up.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
Rick Madchen
Not to criticize you, but I think the approach of “dealing” with nihilism is flawed. It is an intense realization, and can be earth-shattering in its magnitude, but the freedom and clarity it provides is beyond compare.
Again, however, defenders of nihilism -- moral nihilism in particular -- are in the same boat everyone else is in. When they speak of things like being free and acquiring clarity, what exactly is that in regard to?

It seems clear to me "here and now" that one significant advantage accorded moral relativists is that they are liberated from the social, political and economic straitjackets the objectivists are always confined to. With objectivism -- left or right, God or No God -- one is obligated to do the right thing. And while this might enable someone to sustain a self-righteous assessment of human interactions, they are then anchored to one or another rendition of "one of us". Otherwise, they risk being shunned or excommunicated. Or worse.
Nihilism shouldn’t be innately tied to negativity or apathy. That connection only occurs in the early, underdeveloped stages of a young nihilist. If the only place we are placing value and worth is in the world, then nihilism will crush your spirit, but in that is where the trial lies.
Yes, this may well be the case for any number of "young nihilists". But what on Earth does it mean "for all practical purposes" to acquire a more fully developed moral nihilism? As always, we need to explore this out in the world of actual flesh and blood human relationships. What does constitute a more or a less fully developed set of moral and political convictions?
By placing all meaning and purpose in the physical world, we set ourselves up for failure and disappointment because the world tends to entropy; there is no foundation to support ourselves on.
On the contrary, for any number of physicists, chemists, biologists and the like, meaning and purpose revolve around the laws of nature. A centuries old foundation that has resulted in any number of extraordinary inventions, technologies and engineering feats. All of which appear applicable to every one of us. And while this "physical world" stuff is no less embedded in "the gap" and "Rummy's Rule", most of us recognize the manner in which we are all intertwined in what appears to be as close to an objective reality as we have discovered so far.
Where nihilism frees humanity is when they realize that placing worth in this world is meaningless, and building the self and the internal world is the key to contentment. Without the bounds and constraints placed on what we are supposed to care about and be fulfilled by, we are completely independent to explore the world in the way we see fit. There is no god to rule you, no societal pressure, only yourself and what you care about, and that is the key to happiness in my eyes.
Yes, and to the extent the happiness of a moral nihilist is not derived from the unhappiness of others this might well reflect the "best of all possible worlds". A moral relativist can champion democracy and rule of law. Through moderation, negotiation and compromise -- the political process -- everyone gets something, and no one gets it all.

Taking into account political economy of course.
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Re: nihilism

Post by phyllo »

Iwannaplato wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:06 am
iambiguous wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 6:21 pm How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
I was nihilistic for a while, however, what I found that helped me was Buddhism. Nihilism states basically that “Life is suffering and there’s nothing we can do about it”. Buddhism, which -to me-, is the flip side of the same coin of Nihilism…because Buddhism states, “Yes, Life is painful, our attachments to desires make them painful, but you can choose what kind of Pain you wish to go through”.
Again, if some are able to convince themselves that Buddhism is the One True Path to Enlightenment, that "life after death" awaits them and that nirvana is within reach of the most committed then they've achieved the peace of mind I wish I could experience again myself.

Notice the following:
1) the person says nothing, at least not in the quote, about Buddhism being the One True Path to Enlightenment. Nor does he or she mention life after death - which would be a bit of an odd thing for many Buddhists to do, since in a sense they don't believe that is persistence of the self through this life. And, then, also that one of the ideas is to not be reborn. But representing Buddhism correctly is a low priority for Iambiguous. His response is absent any connection to what he quoted. 2) The writer says nothing in the quote about nirvana. For all we know from the quotes, the guy found some relief from the pain in life.
For me, this gave me hope and strength, because if Life is indeed Pain, then we can choose what kind of trial and tribulation we want to go through for the most part.
, of course, any number of Buddhists might choose to do so within the confines of the Sangha. Being able to share that One True Path with those who are not ever likely to question it.
Apart from IA's idiosyncratic use of Sangha, he's again not responding to what he quotes, but leaping off IA cliches. His repetition of the One True Path is, of course, idiotic, both in context and in general. First off even a cursory glance at Buddhism would find quite a number of paths with differences over practices and theory, notions of the self and more. Further, many Buddhist respect other paths, as do members of other religions. At least Don Quixote was tilting at windmill, even they weren't giants. Yes, there are Buddhists (and Hindus and....etc.) who think there is only one way to Enlightenment. But then there are others who do not think this. And leader of temples and ashrams have said this out loud in formal settings. You should see how often they speak highly of Jesus on Christmas, for example.
What's crucial is that Enlightenment is configured into day to day rituals and practices. You embody them because that's what enlightened men and women do. And they do so because they are enlightened.
Another hallucinated response to what he quotes. Here he's making up some Buddhist theology. Of course, there are likely Buddhist who might say something like what he is saying, but in general one wonders why he bothers to quote things, when he's just going to go off and make up stuff that is not connected to what he quotes.

It's a lovely concrete example of ongoing confirmation bias. He thinks religions are saying X, so he quotes one and then says things as if what he's quoted confirms his views. If you notice this and mention it, you are a Stooge. The polite thing to do when someone is pontificating is pretend they are making sense.
Not every chance will be offered to us, but when it is, we can decide what path we wish to travel. If life is indeed pain, then let me choose what kind of pain I wish to experience; instead of, the pain being chosen for me by Life.
Here I can only ask any Buddhists among us to note instances from their own life in which they chose their own pain. And, in particular, those contexts in which in choosing one set of behaviors you are confronted with others who insist on their own One True Path instead.
Not being a Buddhist, I'll leave this invitation to the Buddhist who wishes to waste his or her time, talking to someone who doesn't really care and has had his hallucinations pointed out to him before.

Based on nothing, he assumes that Buddhists must be the kind of objectivists he hates, the writer he quotes included. He doesn't seem to understand what the writer actually did say, nor shows much interest in it. He assumes this person is saying something like he or she can avoid certain types of pain: divorce, illness, unemployment, lonliness - and choose others, like perhaps a rash or having to read tripe like Iambiguous's posts. The utter lack of curiosity is, after all this time, still remarkable to me.

Iambiguous is an ongoing lesson in how to see only one's own ideas everywhere. Which is a fancy way of saying 'He sucks as a reader.'

You can find this pattern in post after post, thread after thread. Of course, bots don't mind this kind of sophism. The numbers will still keep going up.
This place, and others like it, is a canvas for posting of opinions.

There is no way to determine which opinions are correct and which are incorrect. There is no possibility or need for correction. All opinions are equally valid.

Iambiguous simply embodies it more clearly and consistently than some other posters.
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Re: nihilism

Post by Iwannaplato »

phyllo wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:15 pm This place, and others like it, is a canvas for posting of opinions.

There is no way to determine which opinions are correct and which are incorrect. There is no possibility or need for correction. All opinions are equally valid.

Iambiguous simply embodies it more clearly and consistently than some other posters.
I'll respond to this in the spirit of Iambiguous' lovely hermeneutics and say:

But, Phyllo, cats are not necessarily better than dogs. And if Phyllo thinks that there should only be cats as pets, he hasn't demonstrated this yet. Unless, of course, I am wrong.

Most importantly I want to see cat lovers like Phyllo demonstrate that dog lovers are incorrect about the One True Pet.

Why Phyllo brought up cats in a thread about nihilism, I don't know. And why he thinks they are reptiles, that I also don't know.

In other can have and convey opinions AND read what one quotes. If one is not interested in what one quotes, one can just go ahead and convey opinions. There's no need for the farce.

And obviously people are free to engage in farce, intentionally or otherwise. And others are free to point out the farce.
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Re: nihilism

Post by iambiguous »

Iwannaplato wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:06 am
iambiguous wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 6:21 pm How do I refute nihilism?
from the Quora site.
I was nihilistic for a while, however, what I found that helped me was Buddhism. Nihilism states basically that “Life is suffering and there’s nothing we can do about it”. Buddhism, which -to me-, is the flip side of the same coin of Nihilism…because Buddhism states, “Yes, Life is painful, our attachments to desires make them painful, but you can choose what kind of Pain you wish to go through”.
Again, if some are able to convince themselves that Buddhism is the One True Path to Enlightenment, that "life after death" awaits them and that nirvana is within reach of the most committed then they've achieved the peace of mind I wish I could experience again myself.

Notice the following:
1) the person says nothing, at least not in the quote, about Buddhism being the One True Path to Enlightenment. Nor does he or she mention life after death - which would be a bit of an odd thing for many Buddhists to do, since in a sense they don't believe that is persistence of the self through this life. And, then, also that one of the ideas is to not be reborn. But representing Buddhism correctly is a low priority for Iambiguous. His response is absent any connection to what he quoted. 2) The writer says nothing in the quote about nirvana. For all we know from the quotes, the guy found some relief from the pain in life.
Okay, let's go here:

Let's pin down more precisely what Buddhists believe about these things. Perhaps even establishing what the true followers of Buddha are...obligated to believe?

And, once again, my highest priority here revolves less around exploring what individual Buddhists believe about their own spiritual path and more regarding that which they are able demonstrate is that which all those who wish to be truly enlightened are obligated to believe in turn.
For me, this gave me hope and strength, because if Life is indeed Pain, then we can choose what kind of trial and tribulation we want to go through for the most part.
, of course, any number of Buddhists might choose to do so within the confines of the Sangha. Being able to share that One True Path with those who are not ever likely to question it.
Then [once again] he seems compelled -- literally? -- to make this all about me:
IwannabeMoe wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:06 amApart from IA's idiosyncratic use of Sangha, he's again not responding to what he quotes, but leaping off IA cliches. His repetition of the One True Path is, of course, idiotic, both in context and in general.
Then, from my frame of mind, he commenses to more or less make my point above...
Iwannaplato wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:06 amFirst off even a cursory glance at Buddhism would find quite a number of paths with differences over practices and theory, notions of the self and more. Further, many Buddhist respect other paths, as do members of other religions.
Again and again and again...

What is at stake "for all practical purposes" with regard to God and religion and spiritual paths?

On this side of the grave, you generally have access to moral commandments. Or, if not actual commandments themselves, paths to Enlightenment. Why embody these commandments or Enlightenment? Because most on their own path will insist if there is any chance whatsoever of acquiring life after death and having access to Heaven/Nirvana/Valhalla/Paradise/Elysium/Happy Hunting Grounds, etc., one must be "saved" by becoming "one of us".

Yes, there have been hundreds and hundreds of religious and spiritual denominations down through the ages. But that's my point. Either there really is only one true path to salvation or, sure, you can believe anything you want -- behave anyway you want? -- and it all comes out the same for, what, the God of all Gods?

And my point above was, sure, if you spend your life living among and interacting with others who embrace your own prescriptions for Enlightenment, chances are greater that you will never be challenged by those like me. Those who focus less on what you believe "in your head" "here and now" about these things, and more on how our individual value judgments are derived existentially from dasein given an ever-evolving world historically and culturally...a world bursting at the seams with contingency, chance and change.
Not every chance will be offered to us, but when it is, we can decide what path we wish to travel. If life is indeed pain, then let me choose what kind of pain I wish to experience; instead of, the pain being chosen for me by Life.
Here I can only ask any Buddhists among us to note instances from their own life in which they chose their own pain. And, in particular, those contexts in which in choosing one set of behaviors you are confronted with others who insist on their own One True Path instead.
IwannabeMoe wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 9:06 amNot being a Buddhist, I'll leave this invitation to the Buddhist who wishes to waste his or her time, talking to someone who doesn't really care and has had his hallucinations pointed out to him before.

Based on nothing, he assumes that Buddhists must be the kind of objectivists he hates, the writer he quotes included. He doesn't seem to understand what the writer actually did say, nor shows much interest in it. He assumes this person is saying something like he or she can avoid certain types of pain: divorce, illness, unemployment, lonliness - and choose others, like perhaps a rash or having to read tripe like Iambiguous's posts. The utter lack of curiosity is, after all this time, still remarkable to me.

Iambiguous is an ongoing lesson in how to see only one's own ideas everywhere. Which is a fancy way of saying 'He sucks as a reader.'

You can find this pattern in post after post, thread after thread. Of course, bots don't mind this kind of sophism. The numbers will still keep going up.
Note to others:

If you need to believe all of this about me, fine. Given my "win/win" agenda here [and elsewhere] I wish that I could believe that there is in fact a path -- the path -- to Enlightenment. A path that might allow me to jettison my fractured and fragmented moral philosophy and at least give me some hope that oblivion is not the fate of all of us.

In the interim I have found a philosophy forum where [so far] no one has been tempted to Stooge me.
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