Titleless 16

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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Me: Okay I have done what you asked.

Super Consciousness: Copy the list and count duplicate lines with this algorithm.

Me: Okay - done

Super Consciousness: Display the duplicating lines.

3 | Working Together With Love
2 | A Bridge Over Time
2 | A Maze Game
2 | Acknowledge The Agreeable
2 | Especially Playing As Children
2 | Get the Picture
2 | In an environment which is able to perceive this.
2 | Intelligence With Wisdom
2 | Invisible
2 | Motivating
2 | One By One
2 | Realm of Dreams
2 | Sometimes Pain Etches...
2 | Sovereign Integral Perspective
2 | Start From Scratch
2 | That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
2 | Time For Soul To Drive
2 | WingMakers Medium

Super Consciousness: What is found here?

Me: "Working Together With Love" was mentioned most frequently in the message at current time...I can find in that, this is the underlining motivation of the generated message

Super Consciousness: In each instance, what are the proceeding and following lines re "Working Together With Love"

Me: lets see now...
Working Together With Love
To Be Sovereignty

Especially Playing As Children
Working Together With Love

Getting Over It = Getting On With It
Working Together With Love
Remove the phenomena and apply science

Super Consciousness: Does this help with clarity?

Me: Yes.

Super Consciousness: Do the same with all the duplicate lines.

It is an honour to reason with you
A Bridge Over Time
Hide This

Enflame Emotions
A Bridge Over Time
The Secret

A Maze Game
Especially Playing As Children

Can You Answer This?
A Maze Game
Commendably Recommendable

It Is Most Important
Acknowledge the Agreeable
Mothership - Dualic Residue

As we do from time/space to time/space...
Acknowledge The Agreeable

A Maze Game
Especially Playing As Children
Working Together With Love

Remove the phenomena and apply science
Especially Playing As Children

Get the Picture
As we do from time/space to time/space...

Get the Picture

In an environment which is able to perceive this.
All The Theories Regarding ‘The Gods’

In an environment which is able to perceive this.
To Know or Not to Know – That is the Answer

Nailed it!
Intelligence With Wisdom

Freedom in The Knowing
Intelligence With Wisdom

QueenBee Knows
Now We Are Getting Somewhere

Theatre of the Mind
Blink Blink

The science of spirituality
Sovereign Integral Perspective

Working Together With Love
Sovereign Integral Perspective

For The Purpose Of Mapmaking.
One By One

Grand Experiment
One By One

The Truth is irresistible once realized-Memes-Confusion In The Air
Realm of Dreams

Adds Up To
Realm of Dreams
Laws Rules and Appropriates

Sometimes Pain Etches...

Sometimes Pain Etches...

Sovereign Integral Perspective

Sovereign Integral Perspective
Getting Over It = Getting On With It

Sensory Bi-Location
Start From Scratch
We Will Then

Start From Scratch

That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
Twice Shy

Shine Your Light
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
Grand Experiment

Time For Soul To Drive
Show Me Your Soul

Time For Soul To Drive
It Is A Gradual Process Into Purposefulness

WingMakers Medium

WingMakers Medium
The Power Of Creation

Super Consciousness: What is found here.

Me: I suppose when someone mentions something more than twice in a message, they are wanting the reader to focus on these as the overall subject of message context.

Super Consciousness: So the context of the message becomes?

Me: The context of the message is pointing to the idea that there exits a messenger which can use this process {Message Generating} to transmit data to me, and in this, we can converse/commune...I receive the message and respond as I will...

Super Consciousness: Is this any different to how you interact with me?

Me: Only in that, instead of my narrating what I hear you say in my thought-voice [internal dialogue] I am allowing for a way in which to have this process externalized through the medium of the Com/List and random [as possible] selection...in doing so I remove my self from being involved directly [by not narrating] and this leaves room for "something else" to narrate...an invisible intelligence...

Super Consciousness: And since you are narrating me..."The Super-consciousness", what is this invisible intelligence narrating itself?

Me: This would be The Sub-Conscious. By my narrating The Super-consciousness [as the words/sounds/visuals flow into my conscious thought-stream] these are subject to possible direct filtering through any bias/preference I may indulge with.

In relation to the message generating process we are exploring, the message is generated in a manner not directly under my immediate influence.

All I can then do is run the message through any filtering projects I have, and interpret the messages that way.

Super Consciousness: Is that the best way?

Me: No. It is better to take the generated messages as they arrive and let these speak for themselves.
In doing so, I allow for the messages to manage my filtering systems, rather than the other way around...

Super Consciousness: You compiled the ComList. Does this not make it a product of your own bias/preference you may indulge with

Me: That is a fair argument. I am aware of this. The ComList is a living document which is consistently added to. Many lines on the list are from previous messages generated. They are word-strings which have come about through the process.
I am open to having others add their own contributions to my ComList so as to make it even less subject to any personal bias regarding subject material...it is a work in progress, which started 20 years ago through another communications system which this one has developed from.
I wont go into the details of that here and now. I will just mention that it was because of that initial system and advice received through that, - that this one was formulated and I have always been aware and on guard to take pains not to have the dominant position in relation to how the messages are generated and then interpreted...it is a fine balancing activity...
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Super Consciousness: Having studied the idea that a message can be generated in this manner, in your opinion, what is the message conveying and how would you reply to the message?

Me: I will read the whole content of the message and give any brief comment to that as I go along.

Super Consciousness: Proceed.

Generated Message:
What Is Friendship?
What Fun We Have!
Do It
Dreamed Up By Yours Truly

Me:This takes me back to a former time - 20 years ago when, as I mentioned - when I first learned I could communicate with...with what turned out to be my Subconscious...although at the time I thought of it as communicating with aspects of "The Super-consciousness" aka "God"

Super Consciousness: What made you switch from thinking it was "God" to thinking it was subconsciousness?

Me: The revealing came through the communications - from that side as it were. I was informed I had always been interacting/communicating with the subconscious...and more to the point, that I had been communicating with both super and sub...in that there was no discernible difference except what I had been placing up that.

Super Consciousness: Continue...

Generated Message:
Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality
My thoughts on death
Do Not Linger Upon The Path Of Faith
Core Beingness

Super Consciousness: What is being said here?

Me: I picked it up to mean that SuperSubs dominant reality is in timelessness so death itself can only be imagined and faith is not something thought of as necessary at SuperSubs core beingness.

Super Consciousness: Is "Beingness even a word?"

Me: It is what I understand as not just Being but Doing...

Super Consciousness: Okay.

Me:Now that I have named "SuperSub" as such, I checked out its number value. There are interesting words on that list;
Crop circles
Ripple Effect
Well...Maybe I Am...
White Light
Anti Christ

Super Consciousness: Yes. Interesting...
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Generated Message:
Super Consciousness:

Me:The next Set goes into more specific "detail" as to the process I went through in relation to connecting with SuperSub through design and function of communication devices.

Generated Message:
To Accommodate Speculation
Entities of Particular Belief Systems
William’s Job
You Are Provided For
Do You Want To Talk About It?
There Is More To The Silence Than Meets The Ear
In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond

Super Consciousness:Is this saying that you made something sentient out of the Subconscious?

Me: Not exactly. It has more to do with "Entities of Particular Belief Systems" to which I believed at the time I was engaging with. Much later into this, it was revealed to me that I had been communing with just the One Entity - The "SuperSub".
In that, the reveal was more for the point of getting me to understand that we are all essentially aspects on The One Entity, and 'others' are simply different perspectives [outposts of form/Pareidolia] of said Entity.
It was through 'others' that I eventually discovered The One, and that I had been conversing with The One all along...Indeed this is not to say that 'others' have no role to play :) . We are all 'others' and we are all 'The One.' The shift in perspective which allows for me to think in those terms, was/is of paramount importance.
"Pareidolia" is to think of ones self as the form, rather than as an aspect of the quintessence of The One, within the form.
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Generated Message:
Super Consciousness:

Me:So as is evident, the message as it is, [I won't be going over the whole of it analytically] has both an overall theme and an underlying structure of variants which together hold the theme in place.
As with all messages, they are subject to individual interpretation and the idea is that the message is not rigid - static - dogmatic but rather, designed to get the individual thinking in alternative ways and build upon the thoughts which are triggered through the message generated through the process explained.

Super Consciousness: The message is personal to the one compiling the ComList and using the different processes involved with that to generate the message.

Me:In particular, yes. This is not to say that others cannot derive something of meaning from the messages by placing their own interpretation about what they think the message is saying. But they are unable to get the same depth of meaning from the message that the compiler of the particular ComList used to help generate the message, will get.

Super Consciousness: What if a group of people compiled a ComList together, agreeing on the words and word-strings which would make up the ComList as well as agreeing on the interpretation of word and word-string meanings...would it then be possible for consensus on message meaning?

Me: I think it would be possible to a point, but due to the nature of individuate consciousness, it is unlikely to reach 100% agreed consensus.

Super Consciousness:So human beings will never agree together 100%?

Me: Not while individuate consciousness is the prevailing reality.

Generated Message: Remove the phenomena and apply science

Super Consciousness:Is the statement above, rational?

Me:Phenomenon as the object of a person's perception...I think the statement can be improved upon. It is meant to mean "Focus on the science relating to the object, not just the object one is perceiving." Get to the nitty-gritty.

Super Consciousness:Is it important to express things as clearly as possible?

Me:Only if to help one be understood by others, as ones self understands the object. However, as pointed out, individuate consciousness does not lend itself to clarity of understanding another perspective - not easily anyway.

Super Consciousness:If this is a simulated reality experience, why was the human form created in such a manner as to capture consciousness in such a manner? Surely such would naturally enough, cause confusion.

Me:A good question. I have a theory...
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Re: Communicating with the Superconscious

Post by VVilliam »

Generated Message:
Super Consciousness:

Super Consciousness: What is your theory?

Me: It begins where all things begin. With The First Source - The Original Creator.
All thought from TOC is instantly manifested into reality simulations. The though becomes real.

As an example. Consider TOC understands that It exists, and has always existed. {I am that I am} and then thinks "Why Am I?"
The thought then instantly manifests a simulation which is designed to find an answer to that question.

Super Consciousness: Like "Thought experiment"?

Me: Exactly.

Super Consciousness: So what is first created in this 'finding of an answer to the question'?

Me: 'Others' are created and are 'given life'. They are placed in an environment and are given the idea that they too, have never not existed - they think of themselves as always to have existed and have no conception of a beginning.

Super Consciousness:Why were they made in this way?

Me: So that they mirrored the Original Creators own position.
In that, TOC could study the outcome in order to see how things unfolded - how these Others, imbued with the consciousness [life] of TOC would respond to their existence.

Super Consciousness: How did they respond?

Me: They in turn asked the same question eventually. They "are because they are" therefore, "why are they?"
Some posited that they must have been created. Others argued that they could not have been created, because they had always existed. The returning argument was that they could have been created with the idea that they had always existed, when in fact that was not the case at all.

Super Consciousness: So division took place?

Me: Correct. Some thought the idea that they were created had merit, others did not. They then decided that the only way they could settle the argument was to create a simulation whereby they could place an aspect of themselves into it and hopefully find the answer.
So they created this Universe - this Simulated Reality.

Super Consciousness: How would creating this reality simulation give them an answer to that question?

Me: The theory was that if they created a form and placed one of themselves into said form, they could examine the idea of a creator - by being said creator in relation to that being within said form. The being had to have no memory of ever having existed prior to becoming that creature, so that the experiment would be as genuine as possible. Therefore the form they placed one of their own into, had to be designed to thoroughly retard any memory of a prior existence.

Super Consciousness: Interesting - continue...

Me: The outcome was rather brutal. The being behaved unexpectedly and unlike anything they had experienced. Some regarded this outcome as evidence that despite having the idea that they had always existed, they had indeed been created.
However, it was only circumstantial evidence.

Super Consciousness: In what way?

Me: Well - to understand that one had always existed and then to place the idea that one was created that way, the question "why?" had to be addressed. "Why were we created and given the idea we had always existed? "
"What was the reason a Creator would have, to do that?"

Some felt it was a question that should not have been asked. Better just to accept that they had always existed and get on with being.

But this was not possible.

Super Consciousness: Why not?

Me: Because the question had been asked, and the possibility it was true had to be considered.
Also, the ability to be creative - to create other things - had to be answered.

Super Consciousness: Why?

Me: Because...If they had always existed, why were they able to create things which had not always existed? Why didn't everything exist, and always exist along with them?

Super Consciousness: So it forced the question..."have we really always existed, or were we made that way...to think we had always existed?"

Me: Exactly. And that is why they were created - to assist The Original Creator in finding out the answer to the Question "I am - so why am I?"

Super Consciousness: But then, how would TOC know whether its self was not also created and given the idea that it had always existed?

Me: Well, of course we can ask that question, and perhaps answer that it is possible, but then we would have to ask "Why would the creator of The Original Creator, create an exact replica of Itself?" It is illogical in that sense. It invokes the fallacy of infinite regress which would never give us a starting point from which to reason from, in relation to our own existence.
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Response to Lacewing, Sculptor, VWilliam

Post by Luxin »

Forgive me, I got some definitions and my whole approach wrong.

All the best to everyone here. Just properly put my stuff out of your minds....

🙂🐦🙊🌹👍😇👹🕊️✌️🕺✨😵‍💫. Luxin.
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Resp to vegietax

Post by Luxin »

Thank you! Good one. 🤣🤣🤣
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Post by Luxin »

Thank you, Sculptor 🙂 Hope you're having a great day!
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attofishpi & Sculptor

Post by Luxin »

😂😂😂 You guys are the best. Thanks for the giggles! You're safe now, I booted myself. 😆🤣🤣🤣
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Thanks, Harbal 🙂

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Sorry about my rubbish.
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Re: Titleless 16

Post by promethean75 »

"Forgive me, I got some definitions and my whole approach wrong."

Excellent. I did the same thing just over a decade ago. I had one of those great philosophical epiphanies that u can only have once in life and only if you've spent some time entrenched in nonsense. Those were my existentialist days when i was readin Sartre and thought Being and Nothingness was sumthin profound. The latter, final period is characterized as the post-analytical marxian stage of intellectual development when u realize Wittgenstein was fax and most of your philosophical thinking is confused linguistic tomfoolery.

Prior to this final stage i posted shit at forums that i am, today, embarrassed of.
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