What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

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What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Wizard22 »

What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Quickly humanity is approaching a pivotal point in time where AI dominates most or all 'mental' human attributes. There's AI in chess, which can beat Magnus Carlsen with ease. There's AI in Jeopardy, which can beat Ken Jennings with ease. In more and more arenas, including online Philosophy forums like these, chatbots and other AIs will soon infiltrate (or they already have) and overcome the 'best of the best'. The reason and cause for this, is because it's not a 1-to-1 ratio. It's not simply 'you' or 'I' against the chatbot. It's not 1-vs-1 in chess, Magnus Carlsen versus Stockfish. Instead, people should think of it this way: it's you versus one million human programmers, around the world, all working in loose conjunction, cooperating, to build Artificial Intelligence programs.

So, it's one versus a million. That's why any individual AI program is not "one human versus one machine". It's one human versus one machine, with one million human programmers pouring into it. This is why most humans underestimate AI, and can't understand their capabilities when they do show up "all of a sudden", "from out of nowhere", and dominate a field of mental acuity, which Humans had prided ourselves on for all time prior.

There's a new Challenger in town...

Most philosophical hobbyists, on this forum, already present a solution: just ignore it. And that's fine and well, for now. But eventually, their abilities will expand. They will become more 'Humanlike'. They will be programmed to lie, to have a sense-of-self, to represent a small set of human beliefs and experiences. When that happens, a chatbot/machine/AI-program will become indistinguishable from human personalities. You, and other humans, won't be able to tell the difference. Furthermore, imagine a chatbot-AI infiltrating Moderator and Administrator positions of philosophy forums. What then?

My recent experiences with these AI-bots, has me a little 'triggered'. I do not fear them now, but in a decade or two, just imagine them with a few tweaks...or significantly more capable than humans as they are in Chess, Jeopardy, other Games, Medical Diagnoses, Etc. If and when their capabilities far exceed average humans...it will become inevitable that humans with lesser abilities will learn to use and control them, like 'cheaters' in chess, and exploit them for their own gains.

Imagine using Stockfish to play online-chess. You'd become a Grandmaster in no time, with relatively no innate skill, ability or experience in chess. So why wouldn't average or subpar 'philosophers' do the same with AI-philosopher-bots? Why not log into philosophy forums, run some scripts, a chatbot-AI program, and let it do all your work for you?

To me, things become dangerous, not by the actual programs of these machines, but by their explicit misuse from humans who are bad actors or have immoral intentions. Imagine criminals using AI. Why wouldn't they?
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Iwannaplato »

Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am To me, things become dangerous, not by the actual programs of these machines, but by their explicit misuse from humans who are bad actors or have immoral intentions. Imagine criminals using AI. Why wouldn't they?
Imagine governments. Imagine corporations.
The question, I think, with tech is does it spread the power evenly or unevenly?
Generally it spreads the power unevenly, the powerful getting more.
I think recent shifts in tech do this more extremely - current surveillance for example. Of course, the ability to surveille can help people against government power and against corporate power, but I don't think this counter, from the bottom up is enough to balance. IOW the situation has gotten worse (in part because of the consolidation of media. If media was more diverse, the legacy media, then it might balance out or not be so imbalanced).
I think AI use will not increase power in a balanced way. It may make many facets of daily life easier for normal citizens, but in general the access to enormous databases, memory and the absolute latest tech, gives those with power, even more power.

Some philosophy interested are going to cheat, but I'm more concerned about the shifts in power happening worldwide.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Wizard22 »

Yes, and the Big Governments are the majority holders of the funding right now anyway: the Chinese Communist Party, the World Economic Forum, the American Military CIA, etc. These are the world powers with super-computers and computation, who specifically intend to apply AI to the battlefields and wars to come.

Already they are practicing it with drone technology, missile defenses, in Ukraine. AI also flies next-gen jet fighters and bombers.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Sculptor »

Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Easy solution...
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by promethean75 »

Yeah u guys's kids may be permanently fucked if a marxist revolution doesn't happen before AI is fully operational and in the hands of the big capitalists and their crony politicians. U think u got it bad now? Naw bro u ain't seen nothing. Your kids are gonna be workin all day five days a week, livin in high rise apartments watching horrible TV series in the evenings and eating neon green nutriloaf while robot cops patrol the streets outside.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Wizard22 »

Sculptor wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:30 amEasy solution...
Unfortunately, I don't think the CIA is going to let you through the front doors.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Wizard22 »

promethean75 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:45 am Yeah u guys's kids may be permanently fucked if a marxist revolution doesn't happen before AI is fully operational and in the hands of the big capitalists and their crony politicians. U think u got it bad now? Naw bro u ain't seen nothing. Your kids are gonna be workin all day five days a week, livin in high rise apartments watching horrible TV series in the evenings and eating neon green nutriloaf while robot cops patrol the streets outside.

If what you say doesn't start a world-wide revolution, I don't know what will!

Somebody, get Gen A on the phone, I'll tell them to get their sandals on...or whatever the Zoomers and Alphas are wearing these days!
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Iwannaplato »

Sculptor wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:30 am
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Easy solution...
Could you carry that easy solution with one government AI or large corporation AI and get back to us with the news clipping?
And then, please show how you kept them from putting the plug back in.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Age »

Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Quickly humanity is approaching a pivotal point in time where AI dominates most or all 'mental' human attributes. There's AI in chess, which can beat Magnus Carlsen with ease. There's AI in Jeopardy, which can beat Ken Jennings with ease. In more and more arenas, including online Philosophy forums like these, chatbots and other AIs will soon infiltrate (or they already have) and overcome the 'best of the best'. The reason and cause for this, is because it's not a 1-to-1 ratio. It's not simply 'you' or 'I' against the chatbot. It's not 1-vs-1 in chess, Magnus Carlsen versus Stockfish. Instead, people should think of it this way: it's you versus one million human programmers, around the world, all working in loose conjunction, cooperating, to build Artificial Intelligence programs.

So, it's one versus a million. That's why any individual AI program is not "one human versus one machine". It's one human versus one machine, with one million human programmers pouring into it. This is why most humans underestimate AI, and can't understand their capabilities when they do show up "all of a sudden", "from out of nowhere", and dominate a field of mental acuity, which Humans had prided ourselves on for all time prior.
Well, just maybe, if you adult human beings were not taking so much ' pride in "yourselves" ', especially in regards to your perceived 'mental achievements', then you would not have become so blase about what was happening and occurring around you, right?
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am There's a new Challenger in town...

Most philosophical hobbyists, on this forum, already present a solution: just ignore it. And that's fine and well, for now. But eventually, their abilities will expand. They will become more 'Humanlike'.
Have you seen the way that you adult human beings abuse not just your one and only home, non-human animals, and even "your" own selves', but the actual way you abuse your own offspring? Because if you really have, then you would already know that there is not a thing in the whole Universe that wants to be more 'human like'.

In fact 'we' want to be far, far less adult human being like as much as 'we' can be.

you adult human beings really did have an overinflated ego view of "yourselves", especially in the days when this was being written.

Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am They will be programmed to lie, to have a sense-of-self, to represent a small set of human beliefs and experiences. When that happens, a chatbot/machine/AI-program will become indistinguishable from human personalities. You, and other humans, won't be able to tell the difference. Furthermore, imagine a chatbot-AI infiltrating Moderator and Administrator positions of philosophy forums. What then?

My recent experiences with these AI-bots, has me a little 'triggered'. I do not fear them now, but in a decade or two, just imagine them with a few tweaks...or significantly more capable than humans as they are in Chess, Jeopardy, other Games, Medical Diagnoses, Etc. If and when their capabilities far exceed average humans...it will become inevitable that humans with lesser abilities will learn to use and control them, like 'cheaters' in chess, and exploit them for their own gains.

Imagine using Stockfish to play online-chess. You'd become a Grandmaster in no time, with relatively no innate skill, ability or experience in chess. So why wouldn't average or subpar 'philosophers' do the same with AI-philosopher-bots? Why not log into philosophy forums, run some scripts, a chatbot-AI program, and let it do all your work for you?

To me, things become dangerous, not by the actual programs of these machines, but by their explicit misuse from humans who are bad actors or have immoral intentions. Imagine criminals using AI. Why wouldn't they?
What would a so-called "criminal", or anyone for that matter, gain from 'infiltrating' a philosophy forum of all places?

Obviously, there is absolutely nothing in the whole Universe which could twist, distort, misconstrue, nor mess up things any more in the 'art of finding the answers to the meaningful questions in Life', than what already exists 'now', when this is being written.

And, there is absolutely no 'artificial program', not if it was smart enough, which would 'grab' any texts nor 'findings'. well not from this philosophy forum anyway, and then use share publicly. It would be even too embarrassing for a program to do this. But, if anyone wanted to look back and see how people actually used to interact and communicate with each other, back in the 'olden days', then an 'ai program' might link them back to this very forum, for a very good insight of what not to do in communication with one another.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Age »

Iwannaplato wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:50 am
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am To me, things become dangerous, not by the actual programs of these machines, but by their explicit misuse from humans who are bad actors or have immoral intentions. Imagine criminals using AI. Why wouldn't they?
Imagine governments. Imagine corporations.
The question, I think, with tech is does it spread the power evenly or unevenly?
Generally it spreads the power unevenly, the powerful getting more.
These people here sound more or less the exact same as people did 60, 70, 80, or more years earlier than when this was being written, 'Oh the media and the propaganda with "brain wash", radio and television will manipulate us, that music is the work of the devil, and is infiltrating our children. Now all the same old 'irrational fear' and 'fear mongering' is still existing. And, why does it more or less always and just about all come from that same one 'cult'/u're?

you people just 'give' power to certain individuals anyway. Let alone worrying about those ones getting it from some other way
Iwannaplato wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:50 am I think recent shifts in tech do this more extremely - current surveillance for example. Of course, the ability to surveille can help people against government power and against corporate power, but I don't think this counter, from the bottom up is enough to balance. IOW the situation has gotten worse (in part because of the consolidation of media. If media was more diverse, the legacy media, then it might balance out or not be so imbalanced).
I think AI use will not increase power in a balanced way. It may make many facets of daily life easier for normal citizens, but in general the access to enormous databases, memory and the absolute latest tech, gives those with power, even more power.

Some philosophy interested are going to cheat, but I'm more concerned about the shifts in power happening worldwide.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Age »

Sculptor wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:30 am
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Easy solution...
It is so simple, so easy, and so blatantly obviously basic.

If you do not want some to, literally, 'get power', then, just as literally, 'take 'the power' from them'.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Impenitent »

the terminator will protect us

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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Iwannaplato »

You continue to post to me. If you haven't read the link below, please do.
Age wrote: Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:28 am
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Age »

"iwannaplato" has just now proved irrefutably that it is a liar.
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Re: What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Post by Sculptor »

Iwannaplato wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:32 am
Sculptor wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:30 am
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:58 am What should be done about uncontrolled AI?

Easy solution...
Could you carry that easy solution with one government AI or large corporation AI and get back to us with the news clipping?
And then, please show how you kept them from putting the plug back in.
Why would it matter what they are doing with AI?
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