Faith and reason

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Re: Faith and reason

Post by Atla »

Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:57 pm
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:00 am
Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:48 am

Okay. If this is what the one here known as "atla" wants to believe is absolutely and irrefutably true here, then this is 'perfectly okay', and fine, with me.
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
Yes, you have not yet provided absolutely any proof for your mind claim that the 'mind is a part of the brain', even when you have been asked specific clarifying questions regarding 'your mind claim' "atla".

your attempts at evasion have not gone unnoticed either. As I have already pointed out and shown some of them already. As well as this very blatant obvious one you have used here a number of times already.

Also, that you have clearly missed what I have already said and pointed out here, about your claim here, has also been seen and recognized.

But, please do not let this stop you from re-repeating the exact same diversion and evasive tactic "atla".
That's already proven, by pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, your job is to show otherwise. We're all ears.

STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
Posts: 20715
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Re: Faith and reason

Post by Age »

Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:21 pm
Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:57 pm
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:00 am
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
Yes, you have not yet provided absolutely any proof for your mind claim that the 'mind is a part of the brain', even when you have been asked specific clarifying questions regarding 'your mind claim' "atla".

your attempts at evasion have not gone unnoticed either. As I have already pointed out and shown some of them already. As well as this very blatant obvious one you have used here a number of times already.

Also, that you have clearly missed what I have already said and pointed out here, about your claim here, has also been seen and recognized.

But, please do not let this stop you from re-repeating the exact same diversion and evasive tactic "atla".
That's already proven, by pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, your job is to show otherwise. We're all ears.
My 'job' is certainly not what you say and tell me it is.

Look "atla" I do what I want when I want.

Now, considering that you keep proving that you cannot hear, cannot comprehend, and cannot understand what I have been actually explaining to you, means that you just keep missing and misunderstanding here.
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:21 pm STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
This one here claims that 'the mind' is a part of 'the brain'. Yet this one has backed up 'its mind claim' with zero proof, even after when asked specific questions for clarification. And, this one has even evaded doing so by now obviously dishonestly claiming:

1. That pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, in the days when this was being written, has already proven "atla's" own 'mind claim' here.


2. That I am evading dishonestly.

Look, "atla" you want to keep claiming that I am dishonestly evading doing something. So, either back this up and support this claim with some actual proof, you know exactly like I have done when proving exactly where and when you have been dishonestly evading here. Or, just accept that you are showing "yourself", once again, completely incapable of being able to back up and support your own made up personal claims here.
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Re: Faith and reason

Post by Iwannaplato »

So, just a gentle reminder of something obvious to others: Age has many beliefs.
Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:21 pm My 'job' is certainly not what you say and tell me it is.
Belief 1 in this post. Note that there is an implicit belief on Age's part. He believes he has the tools to know what his job or job is and can't be wrong.
Look "atla" I do what I want when I want.

Now, considering that you keep proving that you cannot hear,
So, here we have a judgment of what another person cannot do. And it is a complete judgment, not one about a specific instance or even all those instances of potential hearing in relation to Age. No, Age believes that Atla cannot hear, period.

This, we'll call belief 3.
cannot comprehend,
Belief 4

Let's take a break in this process just to make sure of something. Sometimes when people are shown that they believe things, when they claim they don't, they shift the conversation to the issue of whether their beliefs are correct.

Note: this is a separate issue.

and cannot understand what I have been actually explaining to you, means that you just keep missing and misunderstanding here.
Let's be generous here and say this is simply a rewording of what he has already presented.
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:21 pm STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
This one here claims that 'the mind' is a part of 'the brain'. Yet this one has backed up 'its mind claim' with zero proof, even after when asked specific questions for clarification. And, this one has even evaded doing so by now obviously dishonestly claiming:
There are a couple of beliefs in here, one about what Atla claims and also about him being dishonest. Beliefs 5 and 6. I would think, for example that belief 5 is probably correct about Atla has said. So, that's a belief of mine also. Belief 6 is more interesting. Here Age is asserting that Atla is not simply mistaken about what he has done, but that he has intentionally misrepresented himself/his acts.
1. That pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, in the days when this was being written, has already proven "atla's" own 'mind claim' here.


2. That I am evading dishonestly.
Look, "atla" you want to keep claiming that I am dishonestly evading doing something. So, either back this up and support this claim with some actual proof, you know exactly like I have done when proving exactly where and when you have been dishonestly evading here.
Age is often quick with his judgments of the motivations of his 'conversation partners'. If someone does not respond, it is generally interpreted as evasion. Disinterest, lack of expectation of anything valuable coming from that line of discussion, irritation due to many facets of Age's communication, and other motives are ruled out, without proof. Not doing what Age wants in a conversation is always given a motive that is at least neutral in relation to Age and his behavior, and generally negative in relation to the other person. Age generally does not justify his interpretation and mind reading. In this case, he hasn't managed to consider that Atla might in fact simply be messing with a person he considers irritating.

In any case, a couple more beliefs in this last bit.
Or, just accept that you are showing "yourself", once again, completely incapable of being able to back up and support your own made up personal claims here.
And here we have a belief in a false dichotomy. If he doesn't do what Age wants, then the only possible interpretation to be incapable of doing it. He has not demonstrated this belief either. But let's say he does. It's still something he believes in.

So, above, we have about 7 or 8 beliefs. Some perhaps justified, others potentially justifiable, others likely false, but beliefs all. Things he beliefs in with different levels of justification.

And, again, some people seem to think only false conclusions are beliefs. But Age cannot be one of them because he has claimed to have a belief that is true.

It is a bizzarre phenomenon to encounter someone who says they have only one belief, in a forum where one can easily track down hundreds of beliefs, in post after post.

Unless of course he is continuously asserting things he does not believe.

If so, he should realize that he might want to consider that the world, at the time this is being written, already has enough people doing that kind of thing and he is certainly not going to help the world that way.

He also believes he has a very special role that would stun or shock people if they found out. I can't remember the exact word describing how we would or I would feel.

But maybe that's the one belief he does own up to.
Posts: 7045
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Re: Faith and reason

Post by Atla »

Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:21 pm
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:21 pm
Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:57 pm

Yes, you have not yet provided absolutely any proof for your mind claim that the 'mind is a part of the brain', even when you have been asked specific clarifying questions regarding 'your mind claim' "atla".

your attempts at evasion have not gone unnoticed either. As I have already pointed out and shown some of them already. As well as this very blatant obvious one you have used here a number of times already.

Also, that you have clearly missed what I have already said and pointed out here, about your claim here, has also been seen and recognized.

But, please do not let this stop you from re-repeating the exact same diversion and evasive tactic "atla".
That's already proven, by pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, your job is to show otherwise. We're all ears.
My 'job' is certainly not what you say and tell me it is.

Look "atla" I do what I want when I want.

Now, considering that you keep proving that you cannot hear, cannot comprehend, and cannot understand what I have been actually explaining to you, means that you just keep missing and misunderstanding here.
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:21 pm STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
This one here claims that 'the mind' is a part of 'the brain'. Yet this one has backed up 'its mind claim' with zero proof, even after when asked specific questions for clarification. And, this one has even evaded doing so by now obviously dishonestly claiming:

1. That pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, in the days when this was being written, has already proven "atla's" own 'mind claim' here.


2. That I am evading dishonestly.

Look, "atla" you want to keep claiming that I am dishonestly evading doing something. So, either back this up and support this claim with some actual proof, you know exactly like I have done when proving exactly where and when you have been dishonestly evading here. Or, just accept that you are showing "yourself", once again, completely incapable of being able to back up and support your own made up personal claims here.
My claim is overwhelmingly supported, with no well-established counterargument, your ignorance or lie is not an excuse. Now get to the proving already or stop whining. We're all eager to see how you will turn all the accumulated and tested scientific and psychological knowledge about the human brain/mind on its head.

STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
Posts: 20715
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Age »

Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am So, just a gentle reminder of something obvious to others: Age has many beliefs.
Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:21 pm My 'job' is certainly not what you say and tell me it is.
Belief 1 in this post. Note that there is an implicit belief on Age's part. He believes he has the tools to know what his job or job is and can't be wrong.
Talk about one expressing their own belief/s contained within 'that head', without ever considering what the actual thinking is within another.

Maybe if I had presented and expressed 'the view' more explicitly, or more Accurately and more Correctly, then this one here would not have jumped to such an absolute conclusion that it obviously has here.

If I had used the word 'necessarily' in between the 'not' and the 'what' words, then this one might have 'seen' things here differently.

However, and anyway, let 'us' keep what I did actually say and write, and move along.

Now, you said and claimed 'that there is an 'implicit' belief, on "age's part'. And, of course, how one is defining the word 'implicit' this means that what you claim here could be looked at in a number of different ways.

However, let 'us' all not forget that just because "iwannapato", out of all people, claims some thing, then this by itself does not mean that there is, necessarily, any actual truth at all to the claim.

So, let 'us' look at the claims again.

Claim 1. What I said here is a belief. This is just a presumption, and/or belief of "iwannaplato's" here, only. So, unless, of course, you could actually prove that I believe that to be true what you say and claim here will just remain your own personal presumption, or believe, of yours alone. Do you think or believe that you could prove what you claim here "iwannaplato"? If yes, the how, exactly? Also, what are you even basing this presumption or belief of yours here, on, exactly?

Claim 2. There is an, alleged, claim of a, supposed, implicit belief on 'my' part. So, are you saying that I am somehow 'suggesting' a belief on 'my' part? Or, are you saying and claiming that I have an 'actual belief'? If the latter, then where and what is the 'actual belief', itself? But, if the former, then your own 'interpretation' that I am 'suggesting' that I have some sort of 'belief', on 'my' part, could just be your own False or Wrong misinterpretation, based on a pre-existing belief or presumption of yours, which you will not let go of and get rid of at all. For example, you are obviously holding onto very tightly and rigidly 'your belief' that I have to have beliefs. And, you are obviously continually maintaining 'this belief' of yours, right "iwannaplato"?

Claim 3. I believe some thing else. If you 'know' what 'your job' is "iwannaplato", can you not live and exist if you do not 'believe' what 'your job' is? I will re-repeat this for you again "iwannaplato". I do not 'need' to 'believe' absolutely anything at all. Which means I can 'know' what 'my job' is, without believing absolutely anything at all, I can also tell and inform you or another that 'my job' is certainly not what you, nor another, says or tells 'me' what it is, again, without believing absolutely anything at all. If I 'know' what 'my job' is, and you or another 'guess' it Wrong, then I can tell you, or the other, exactly what 'my job' certainly is, without believe absolutely anything at all.

One day even you might comprehend, understand, and accept this irrefutable Fact. But, obviously, this will never happen while you continue to keep and maintain the very strongly hold onto belief, which you have are holding onto here.
Look "atla" I do what I want when I want.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am Now, considering that you keep proving that you cannot hear,
So, here we have a judgment of what another person cannot do.
Any so-called and claimed 'judgment', by me here, is, as I just said and claimed, based upon that one 'proving' that it cannot do something.

Do you understand that if something has been 'proved' or is being 'proved', then 'it' becomes an irrefutable Fact?

Are you here trying to suggest that 'judgments' made or based upon 'actual proofs' is somehow a Wrong or a bad thing to do?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am And it is a complete judgment, not one about a specific instance or even all those instances of potential hearing in relation to Age.
If you would like me to go into further detail of how 'that one' is PROVING that it cannot hear, in the thread that that 'judgment', based on PROOF, was made in, then I can, and will.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am No, Age believes that Atla cannot hear, period.
If 'this' is what you BELIEVE IS TRUE, then 'this' MUST BE TRUE, to you, right "iwannaplato".

"atla" has proved that 'it' cannot hear what I have been saying and pointing out.

Do you always have an issue with seeing writings as always being 'in general', or 'period'?

Would you like 'me' to specify everything I say and claim into the very specific little details that they pertain to?

Or, have you ever considered that instead of just 'presuming' or 'believing' that you know absolutely what is being meant, and/or referred to, exactly, by everyone in what they say and claim, you seek out and obtain clarity, first?

if you did this, then you would stop making so many False accusations, and mistakes, and so would not be so Wrong as you are, as often as you are.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am This, we'll call belief 3.
you are absolutely free to call whatever you want by whatever you want.

But, just remember, what you say and call 'things' does not necessarily make 'them' so.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am
cannot comprehend,
Belief 4

Let's take a break in this process just to make sure of something. Sometimes when people are shown that they believe things, when they claim they don't, they shift the conversation to the issue of whether their beliefs are correct.
Talk about a prime example of a very deceitful deflection.

1. you have not shown that I actually believe absolutely anything here. Even though you would love to believe that you have. All you really showing here is just your very own beliefs, and assumptions.

2. If someone cannot comprehend what I, or another, is saying, then that one just 'cannot comprehend'. No belief, nor believing, is needed anywhere here.

3. "atla" has proved, and is proving, that it 'cannot comprehend', a lot, of what I have been saying and claiming here. Again, no belief is necessary at all.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am Note: this is a separate issue.
Also, noted is that your attempt at diversion and deception did not actually really work. Well not for all of 'us' here anyway.

Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am
and cannot understand what I have been actually explaining to you, means that you just keep missing and misunderstanding here.
Let's be generous here and say this is simply a rewording of what he has already presented.
Okay. But as can clearly be seen, so far you have not presented any actual evidence, let alone any actual proof, that I am believing absolutely anything here.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:21 pm STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
This one here claims that 'the mind' is a part of 'the brain'. Yet this one has backed up 'its mind claim' with zero proof, even after when asked specific questions for clarification. And, this one has even evaded doing so by now obviously dishonestly claiming:
There are a couple of beliefs in here, one about what Atla claims
Let 'us' at least try to work out where you are coming from "iwannaplato".

For example, if someone claims something, and in a forum, so that 'we' can go back and see what that one has actually claimed, but then another one says that that first one claimed 'such and such', then can the second not do this without you believing that 'that one' has to have a belief about what the first one claims?

See, this might be where your beliefs are coming from, which are not allowing you to see things clearly and Correctly here.

Also, what were you taught about 'beliefs' exactly, in the country or culture that you were 'raised up' within?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am and also about him being dishonest.
To me, if someone is 'being dishonest', and the proof is there for 'us' to look at and see, 'belief' is unnecessary.

Why do you believe that one has to 'have beliefs' when proof exists?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am Beliefs 5 and 6. I would think, for example that belief 5 is probably correct about Atla has said. So, that's a belief of mine also. Belief 6 is more interesting. Here Age is asserting that Atla is not simply mistaken about what he has done, but that he has intentionally misrepresented himself/his acts.
After I waited for proof, which is always irrefutable, to be presented, then I asserted what I did here.

Do you have some sort of issue or problem with this?

And, what do you believe that I cannot do this without having beliefs?

What has affected you so much that you believe, absolutely, that one cannot function without beliefs?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am
1. That pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, in the days when this was being written, has already proven "atla's" own 'mind claim' here.


2. That I am evading dishonestly.
Look, "atla" you want to keep claiming that I am dishonestly evading doing something. So, either back this up and support this claim with some actual proof, you know exactly like I have done when proving exactly where and when you have been dishonestly evading here.
Age is often quick with his judgments of the motivations of his 'conversation partners'.
So what?

One can make 'judgments' based on facts and/or proofs. Both of which are actually irrefutable.

Or, one, like "yourself, can make 'judgments' and/or be very quick 'to judge' based on nothing at all but there very own personal views, assumptions, and/or beliefs.

Do you see absolutely anything Wrong with the first one here?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am If someone does not respond, it is generally interpreted as evasion. Disinterest, lack of expectation of anything valuable coming from that line of discussion, irritation due to many facets of Age's communication, and other motives are ruled out, without proof.
Okay, If you say so. But, considering what I actually said, none of this applies to me.

But, if that is what you do, then so be it.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am Not doing what Age wants in a conversation is always given a motive that is at least neutral in relation to Age and his behavior, and generally negative in relation to the other person.
But what is 'it' you presume or believe here, 'I want, exactly'?

if I have expresses what 'I want, exactly', then you can inform 'us' here. But, if I have not, then what you are presuming and/or believing here could be completely and utterly False or Wrong, or partly False or Wrong.

But, until you present and expose your views, assumptions, or beliefs here 'we' will never know, for sure.

you appear to not be able to read another's writings, especially 'me' here, without 'judging' and 'accusing' them on and of 'things' that you are just presuming, or believing, are true. When are you going to start presenting actual 'proof/s' for your claims and accusations of others, instead of just making 'allegations'?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am Age generally does not justify his interpretation and mind reading.
How many times do I need to inform you posters here, before it is understood and comprehended. I will back up and support absolutely every thing I say and write, when, and only when, interest in shown.

Also, note how "iwannaplato" wants to 'accuse' me here of, ' generally not justifying 'my interpretations' and so-called 'mind reading' ', yet is doing the 'exact same thing' itself.

This one even goes to the extreme of claiming that it believes that it knows 'the thoughts' I have, (classic, what is Wrongly called, 'mind-reading'), but then still has not yet justified any one of what it believes it knows I am, supposedly and allegedly, believing, (not justifying its interpretations').

So, could 'we' have another example of 'projection' here from you "iwannaplato"?

Or, do you believe that you are not doing what you accuse me of doing here?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am In this case, he hasn't managed to consider that Atla might in fact simply be messing with a person he considers irritating.
Here is another prime example of this one believing that it knows what the actual 'thoughts and thinking' are, exactly, within another.

Now, why do you believe that I have not 'managed to consider' that "Atla" might in fact simply be messing, or attempting to mess, with 'me' "iwannaplato"?

Have you yet managed to consider that what you, once again, are just presuming or believing might just be False, Wrong, Inaccurate, and/or Correct, or partly false, wrong, inaccurate, and/or incorrect?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am In any case, a couple more beliefs in this last bit.
Or, just accept that you are showing "yourself", once again, completely incapable of being able to back up and support your own made up personal claims here.
And here we have a belief in a false dichotomy. If he doesn't do what Age wants, then the only possible interpretation to be incapable of doing it.
If one keeps making claims or accusations, but continually does clarify or does not back up nor support them, especially when continually being asked to, then is that one 'not showing', to you, that it is 'completely incapable' of doing so here?

If yes, then what are they showing, and/or what are you seeing, exactly?

See, in case you have not yet seen, or recognized, if one continually does not clarify, then one cannot Accurately ascertain why they will not clarify, back up, nor support their claims.

Now, of course, that one might not be clarifying, backing up, nor supporting their views and claims because it just does not want to or for some other reason. But, and obviously, if one continually will not clarify, back up, nor support, then the 'more' that they do not, then the 'more' they are 'showing' that they are 'completely incapable' of doing so.

Also, and just as obvious, if one continually 'shows' that cannot or will not clarify, back up, nor support, then they will just have to accept that they are 'showing', "them" 'self', to not be 'utterly capable' of doing so.

But, again, and also obviously, how another 'interprets' what they are actually 'showing' could be different, and/or False or Wrong. And, this is why I never said 'what "atla" was doing', but rather, 'what they are 'showing' 'us' here'.

Can you see the difference here "iwannaplato"?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am He has not demonstrated this belief either. But let's say he does. It's still something he believes in.
So, I have supposedly not even demonstrated 'this belief', but this one then says and claims, 'But if he does', then it is something he believes'.

you are getting more absurd and are here now Truly 'grasping at straws', as it is said.

Also, noted that because you believe so strongly that I have beliefs, you have even 'shown' that you believe that there is a 'this belief' existing, but which you have absolutely no evidence for, let alone proof for, yet.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am So, above, we have about 7 or 8 beliefs.
The only actual beliefs that 'we' have here are 'yours' alone "iwannaplato". And, because you continue to have and hold 'the belief' that I MUST HAVE beliefs, you will keep 'seeing', which may not even be 'there' anyway.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am Some perhaps justified, others potentially justifiable, others likely false, but beliefs all.
This one seems to be completely incapable of just considering, let alone comprehending and understanding, that one can just 'think' something is true without necessarily believing that it is true, or that one can have a view of something being true, without necessarily believing that it is true, or that one can just see something is true without necessarily believing that it is true.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am Things he beliefs in with different levels of justification.
you really cannot let go of this belief of yours, right "iwannaplato"?

If yes, then why do you believe that you are holding onto 'this belief', 'currently, which you obviously never had previously?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am And, again, some people seem to think only false conclusions are beliefs. But Age cannot be one of them because he has claimed to have a belief that is true.
Talk about resorting to absolute stupidity and/or idiosyncrasy in an attempt to try to 'justify' a 'currently' held belief.

As I have said and pointed out earlier, these people, back then, really would say just about absolutely anything in the hope that what they say will 'justify' and/or back up and support their 'currently held beliefs'.

Now, where and when have I ever claimed that I have a belief that is true.

Again, 'we' will wait, to see if you can back up this claim and accusation of yours here "iwannaplato".

Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am It is a bizzarre phenomenon to encounter someone who says they have only one belief, in a forum where one can easily track down hundreds of beliefs, in post after post.
It is even more bizarre when one claims to know that it knows the exact 'thoughts and thinking' within another, even though those thoughts and thinking' has not even been shared nor expressed, explicitly nor even implicitly,

This one has not actually tracked down 'one belief', but because it so strongly presumes and/or believes that it has, it actually is 'seeing' things that are not even here.

Now, to very easily prove this true, 'we' can just ask this one here to provide the actual proof that it has for 'that', which it believes that I am actually believing is true, or false?

This one is so deluded here, again because of its 'current' beliefs, that it cannot even consider that 'just maybe' what is believes it is 'seeing' might actually not even be there.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am Unless of course he is continuously asserting things he does not believe.
Of course, this is, exactly, what I have been doing.

And, I have expressed this many times already.

Why are you only 'now' just considering this, and/or just catching up?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am If so, he should realize that he might want to consider that the world, at the time this is being written, already has enough people doing that kind of thing and he is certainly not going to help the world that way.
So, only 'now' that this one has, finally, 'considered' something else from what it was only 'previously' believing was absolutely true, this one has 'caught up'.

So, to move onto the next one of what this one thinks or believes is true.

1. I do not care one iota how many people are doing what I am doing. If I want to keep doing 'it', then I will.

2. Are you under some sort of 'belief' that I was, certainly, going to so-call 'help the world', 'that way'?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am He also believes he has a very special role that would stun or shock people if they found out.
Talk about this one letting 'its imagination' run wild.

Now, besides 'this' here, just two sentences earlier this one said and claimed, Unless of course he is continuously asserting things he does not believe.

So, it finally come to 'the realization', but then only two sentences later, it appears that it has completely and utterly forgotten about 'that realization', as it here in this sentence very quickly claimed, once more, that I, again supposedly, believe something.

And besides this itself being just Truly bizarre and weird what it believes I believe is even more weird and even more bizarre, if that could even be possible.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am I can't remember the exact word describing how we would or I would feel.
Okay, but could 'this' be existing in 'your imagination', only?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:38 am But maybe that's the one belief he does own up to.
This one does not even yet know what the actual one thing is that I do believe and/or have a belief in, even though I have clearly expressed it here, but claims to know I have beliefs and believe in many other things. Which it has absolutely no proof at all for.

The hypocrisy and contradiction being 'shown' here by this one, is blindingly obvious.
Posts: 20715
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Age »

Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am
Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:21 pm
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:21 pm
That's already proven, by pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, your job is to show otherwise. We're all ears.
My 'job' is certainly not what you say and tell me it is.

Look "atla" I do what I want when I want.

Now, considering that you keep proving that you cannot hear, cannot comprehend, and cannot understand what I have been actually explaining to you, means that you just keep missing and misunderstanding here.
Atla wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:21 pm STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
This one here claims that 'the mind' is a part of 'the brain'. Yet this one has backed up 'its mind claim' with zero proof, even after when asked specific questions for clarification. And, this one has even evaded doing so by now obviously dishonestly claiming:

1. That pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, in the days when this was being written, has already proven "atla's" own 'mind claim' here.


2. That I am evading dishonestly.

Look, "atla" you want to keep claiming that I am dishonestly evading doing something. So, either back this up and support this claim with some actual proof, you know exactly like I have done when proving exactly where and when you have been dishonestly evading here. Or, just accept that you are showing "yourself", once again, completely incapable of being able to back up and support your own made up personal claims here.
My claim is overwhelmingly supported, with no well-established counterargument,
If you say and believe so, then 'this' must be absolutely true and right, correct?

Here is another great example of when, back in the 'olden days', people would believe something is true, then absolutely nothing can infiltrate nor counter 'that belief', while 'the belief' is being held onto and maintained.

Another great example was when, back prior to these 'olden days', people believed that the sun revolved around the earth. And, it can take human beings centuries before some 'beliefs' are infiltrated, countered and shown to be False or Inaccurate, and then thus Corrected.

Beliefs about 'mind' and/or 'minds' is another belief, which can be clearly seen here, took some centuries to overcome, and shake off.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am your ignorance or lie is not an excuse.
Okay, if you say and believe that this is what is happening and occurring here.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am Now get to the proving already or stop whining.
This one just keeps proving that it cannot read, hear, nor comprehend and understand the actual words, which I lay out before it here.

I will say this, once again, the more you tell me to do some thing, then less chances there are of me ever doing 'that thing', for you.

Look, I have already informed you of how and when I will explain, prove, and thus reveal, irrefutably, what I have said and claimed here regarding the Mind, Itself. So, as I keep reminding 'you' here, 'we' 'now' just wait.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am We're all eager to see how you will turn all the accumulated and tested scientific and psychological knowledge about the human brain/mind on its head.
you really make me laugh here "atla". So, what, exactly, were these alleged 'scientific tests', which were supposedly carried out on 'the mind', itself, and what was 'concluded', exactly, besides of course the only thing that you have said, which was; 'the mind is a part of the brain'.

Which, by the way, you have still not proved true, yet. Although, and even though, you claim that there is so-called 'accumulated knowledge' for.

Will you provide absolutely any of this supposed and alleged 'accumulated knowledge' here, for 'us' to look at, and discuss?
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
So, what 'proof' have you put forward?

'We' can clearly see 'your dishonest evasion' here. So, 'we' do not need anymore proof for 'this'.

However, 'we' are still yet to see absolutely any proof at all for 'your mind claim' "atla".
Posts: 6861
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:55 pm

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Iwannaplato »

Age wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:13 pm Claim 1. What I said here is a belief. This is just a presumption, and/or belief of "iwannaplato's" here, only.
Such a poor reader. I think my conclusion which I never claimed was absolute, lol, as you claimed about me/it, was the most charitable. I pointed out other possibilities. For example, that you could be asserting things you don't believe are true.

But I can prove that you are incorrect about the last part of this belief you have here, that it is only a belief of mine. It's obvious that Wizard and Atla believe you are regularly posting your beliefs, plural. IOW it is not a belief of mine 'only' as you say. Wizard has been quite clear about this recently.

I am sure there are many others. Many others who give you the benefit of the doubt, that when you assert things you believe them.

This is much more charitable that thinking you are lying or messing with people's heads or showing a lack of respect by asserting things you think are false, etc.

I don't rule that out, but I have no qualms about standing behind my claim that you believe what you assert.

If you are asserting things you don't believe, and it would have to be as a general pattern, perhaps add a little footer to your posts - please know that I don't believe what I say at PN.

That would be helpful for people.

And then I would know that I was being too charitable and would no longer say that you believe things that you are asserting.

Now just imagine how many ridiculous things you asserted in that long post of yours. So many beliefs or so many assertions that you don't believe are true.

You silly man. (or woman or something else).
Posts: 7045
Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:27 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Atla »

Age wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:32 pm
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am
Age wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:21 pm

My 'job' is certainly not what you say and tell me it is.

Look "atla" I do what I want when I want.

Now, considering that you keep proving that you cannot hear, cannot comprehend, and cannot understand what I have been actually explaining to you, means that you just keep missing and misunderstanding here.

This one here claims that 'the mind' is a part of 'the brain'. Yet this one has backed up 'its mind claim' with zero proof, even after when asked specific questions for clarification. And, this one has even evaded doing so by now obviously dishonestly claiming:

1. That pretty much the entire accumulated scientific and psychological knowledge of humanity, in the days when this was being written, has already proven "atla's" own 'mind claim' here.


2. That I am evading dishonestly.

Look, "atla" you want to keep claiming that I am dishonestly evading doing something. So, either back this up and support this claim with some actual proof, you know exactly like I have done when proving exactly where and when you have been dishonestly evading here. Or, just accept that you are showing "yourself", once again, completely incapable of being able to back up and support your own made up personal claims here.
My claim is overwhelmingly supported, with no well-established counterargument,
If you say and believe so, then 'this' must be absolutely true and right, correct?

Here is another great example of when, back in the 'olden days', people would believe something is true, then absolutely nothing can infiltrate nor counter 'that belief', while 'the belief' is being held onto and maintained.

Another great example was when, back prior to these 'olden days', people believed that the sun revolved around the earth. And, it can take human beings centuries before some 'beliefs' are infiltrated, countered and shown to be False or Inaccurate, and then thus Corrected.

Beliefs about 'mind' and/or 'minds' is another belief, which can be clearly seen here, took some centuries to overcome, and shake off.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am your ignorance or lie is not an excuse.
Okay, if you say and believe that this is what is happening and occurring here.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am Now get to the proving already or stop whining.
This one just keeps proving that it cannot read, hear, nor comprehend and understand the actual words, which I lay out before it here.

I will say this, once again, the more you tell me to do some thing, then less chances there are of me ever doing 'that thing', for you.

Look, I have already informed you of how and when I will explain, prove, and thus reveal, irrefutably, what I have said and claimed here regarding the Mind, Itself. So, as I keep reminding 'you' here, 'we' 'now' just wait.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am We're all eager to see how you will turn all the accumulated and tested scientific and psychological knowledge about the human brain/mind on its head.
you really make me laugh here "atla". So, what, exactly, were these alleged 'scientific tests', which were supposedly carried out on 'the mind', itself, and what was 'concluded', exactly, besides of course the only thing that you have said, which was; 'the mind is a part of the brain'.

Which, by the way, you have still not proved true, yet. Although, and even though, you claim that there is so-called 'accumulated knowledge' for.

Will you provide absolutely any of this supposed and alleged 'accumulated knowledge' here, for 'us' to look at, and discuss?
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
So, what 'proof' have you put forward?

'We' can clearly see 'your dishonest evasion' here. So, 'we' do not need anymore proof for 'this'.

However, 'we' are still yet to see absolutely any proof at all for 'your mind claim' "atla".
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.

If you claim to be able to prove something, tell us to ask you to prove it, and are asked to prove it, then stop asking completely ignorant questions about common knowledge such as the very existence of neuroscience or psychology. You claim to know about all these and found out how to refute them. Get to the proving.

Otherwise we have sufficient evidence that 'age'/'God' can't do what it claims, is a liar. This 'God' isn't a real 'God'.

Could still be demonic possession though heh
Posts: 6861
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:55 pm

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Iwannaplato »

Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm
Age wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:32 pm
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am
My claim is overwhelmingly supported, with no well-established counterargument,
If you say and believe so, then 'this' must be absolutely true and right, correct?

Here is another great example of when, back in the 'olden days', people would believe something is true, then absolutely nothing can infiltrate nor counter 'that belief', while 'the belief' is being held onto and maintained.

Another great example was when, back prior to these 'olden days', people believed that the sun revolved around the earth. And, it can take human beings centuries before some 'beliefs' are infiltrated, countered and shown to be False or Inaccurate, and then thus Corrected.

Beliefs about 'mind' and/or 'minds' is another belief, which can be clearly seen here, took some centuries to overcome, and shake off.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am your ignorance or lie is not an excuse.
Okay, if you say and believe that this is what is happening and occurring here.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am Now get to the proving already or stop whining.
This one just keeps proving that it cannot read, hear, nor comprehend and understand the actual words, which I lay out before it here.

I will say this, once again, the more you tell me to do some thing, then less chances there are of me ever doing 'that thing', for you.

Look, I have already informed you of how and when I will explain, prove, and thus reveal, irrefutably, what I have said and claimed here regarding the Mind, Itself. So, as I keep reminding 'you' here, 'we' 'now' just wait.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am We're all eager to see how you will turn all the accumulated and tested scientific and psychological knowledge about the human brain/mind on its head.
you really make me laugh here "atla". So, what, exactly, were these alleged 'scientific tests', which were supposedly carried out on 'the mind', itself, and what was 'concluded', exactly, besides of course the only thing that you have said, which was; 'the mind is a part of the brain'.

Which, by the way, you have still not proved true, yet. Although, and even though, you claim that there is so-called 'accumulated knowledge' for.

Will you provide absolutely any of this supposed and alleged 'accumulated knowledge' here, for 'us' to look at, and discuss?
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
So, what 'proof' have you put forward?

'We' can clearly see 'your dishonest evasion' here. So, 'we' do not need anymore proof for 'this'.

However, 'we' are still yet to see absolutely any proof at all for 'your mind claim' "atla".
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.

If you claim to be able to prove something, tell us to ask you to prove it, and are asked to prove it, then stop asking completely ignorant questions about common knowledge such as the very existence of neuroscience or psychology. You claim to know about all these and found out how to refute them. Get to the proving.

Otherwise we have sufficient evidence that 'age'/'God' can't do what it claims, is a liar. This 'God' isn't a real 'God'.

Could still be demonic possession though heh
I'd like proof that he's transcendent. But I have long learned that while Age will ask for proof and then immediately make all sorts of assumptions about the other person if they don't or he judges they don't, he never seems to get around to proving stuff when he is asked for proof. Immediately he starts asking lots of questions before he will begin. IOW, amazingly, the onus is still on the other person. It's always on the other person.

Perhaps that's what he means by being transcendent. He has transcended the burden of proof by always expecting others to jump through endless hoops. Transcendence by evasion.
Posts: 20715
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Age »

Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm
Age wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:13 pm Claim 1. What I said here is a belief. This is just a presumption, and/or belief of "iwannaplato's" here, only.
Such a poor reader.
So, to "iwannaplato" it is 'I' who is the so-called 'poor reader'.

Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm I think my conclusion which I never claimed was absolute, lol, as you claimed about me/it, was the most charitable.
But I never claimed that your conclusion was absolute. I showed and clarified this by the use of the 'presumption' word.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm I pointed out other possibilities. For example, that you could be asserting things you don't believe are true.
And I already responded to this, with:

Of course, this is, exactly, what I have been doing.

And, I have expressed this many times already.

Why are you only 'now' just considering this, and/or just catching up?

Did you miss this also?

Considering that you did not answer the actual clarifying question I posed, and asked you here, maybe you did miss this completely, as well.

Obviously, a so-called 'good reader' like "yourself" "iwannaplato" would not have missed this.

Also, and by the way, because I had already acknowledged the above, then this leaves two only other options, and not three like you said and claimed there was.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm But I can prove that you are incorrect about the last part of this belief you have here, that it is only a belief of mine.
But I have no belief here. So, from the very first half of this claim of yours here, you have begun Wrong and Incorrect here.

So, since 'it' is not a belief of mine, from the outset, you cannot prove at all what you claim here.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm It's obvious that Wizard and Atla believe you are regularly posting your beliefs, plural. IOW it is not a belief of mine 'only' as you say.
For the one who accuses the other a so-called 'poor reader', it is quite humorous to watch and observe you not 'reading' what I actually said and wrote, and understand, exactly, what I meant.

Now, I could have, purposely, written the way I did, knowing, already, that you 'read' things from a CLOSED perspective. So, just maybe, I knew what was going to happen and occur here. But, because some of you are of the belief that I could not do this, then just let 'us' say, 'that I did not'.

Now, seeing that you read 'that', without seeing what else it could mean, you read it 'very, very poorly', as some might say here, and this is why you have, once again, jumped to a completely False, Wrong, Inaccurate, and Incorrect conclusion, again.

Also, noted is your attempt at accusing me, again, of what I do not do at all here.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm Wizard has been quite clear about this recently.
your previous claim was and is False and Wrong, and so what you say here is absolutely moot anyway.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm I am sure there are many others. Many others who give you the benefit of the doubt, that when you assert things you believe them.
What can be clearly seen here is that when one jumps at a conclusion, before they have gained actual clarity, they can form False and Wrong conclusions, which, if they then believe is true, will allow them to keep making False and Wrong accusations and/or claims. While also not allowing them to find and see what the actual irrefutable Truth is, exactly.

Also, I suggest you go back and actually 'read' what I have actually 'said' regarding this matter here.

Furthermore, I will, once again, suggest that you never assume nor believe absolutely anything here until you have sought out and gained actual clarity first. That way you will not keep making the exact same mistakes, over and over, again and again, like you are doing and showing here.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm This is much more charitable that thinking you are lying or messing with people's heads or showing a lack of respect by asserting things you think are false, etc.
Here we can very clearly see just how quickly, simply, and easily people, with False and/or Wrong beliefs, twist and distort things in such ways that absolute more absurdity and more stupidity pursues.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm I don't rule that out, but I have no qualms about standing behind my claim that you believe what you assert.
'We' know already that you have no qualms about standing behind your claim that I believe what I assert.

But, even though I have clearly expressed my motivations and/or intentions, and even what I do and not do here, this one cannot 'read' these words and comprehend and understand them.

Which is Truly absolutely hypocritical considering what it accused me of before.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm If you are asserting things you don't believe, and it would have to be as a general pattern, perhaps add a little footer to your posts - please know that I don't believe what I say at PN.
I have already written many, many times so far, exactly, what I mean.

Now, either you can, once again, ask clarifying questions, in order so that you show you actually do seek out, in order to actually obtain, actual clarity here, before you keep assuming and/or believing completely, more, False and Wrong things here. Or, you can 'read' what I have already written and said in regards to 'this continuing issue' you have here regards 'beliefs' and 'believing'.

Or, you can do something else, and whatever you please.

That 'cult' or 'culture' that this one was indoctrinated into, as can be clearly seen here, has really Truly affected the way that this one is able to 'look at' and 'see' things.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm That would be helpful for people.
I have done it already. you have obviously just missed it, or ignored it.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm And then I would know that I was being too charitable and would no longer say that you believe things that you are asserting.
The very, very last thing that I want you to say, nor even think, is that I believe the things that I am asserting.

So, please, if you will, stop saying, and even stop thinking, this.

you are being too far led astray by that thought or belief.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm Now just imagine how many ridiculous things you asserted in that long post of yours. So many beliefs or so many assertions that you don't believe are true.
you really cannot let go of the 'belief' word.

I do not believe absolutely anything except for the one thing, which I have already explained many, many times here already.

Hopefully, now you have 'read' and have 'heard' what I have said, and asserted, here, and hopefully you can comprehend and understand this, this time, and will stop persisting with your apparent infatuation with 'beliefs' and/or 'believing'.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:45 pm You silly man. (or woman or something else).
If you say or believe so.

So, now, to this one, I am 'silly', and a 'poor reader'.
Posts: 20715
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Age »

Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm
Age wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:32 pm
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am
My claim is overwhelmingly supported, with no well-established counterargument,
If you say and believe so, then 'this' must be absolutely true and right, correct?

Here is another great example of when, back in the 'olden days', people would believe something is true, then absolutely nothing can infiltrate nor counter 'that belief', while 'the belief' is being held onto and maintained.

Another great example was when, back prior to these 'olden days', people believed that the sun revolved around the earth. And, it can take human beings centuries before some 'beliefs' are infiltrated, countered and shown to be False or Inaccurate, and then thus Corrected.

Beliefs about 'mind' and/or 'minds' is another belief, which can be clearly seen here, took some centuries to overcome, and shake off.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am your ignorance or lie is not an excuse.
Okay, if you say and believe that this is what is happening and occurring here.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am Now get to the proving already or stop whining.
This one just keeps proving that it cannot read, hear, nor comprehend and understand the actual words, which I lay out before it here.

I will say this, once again, the more you tell me to do some thing, then less chances there are of me ever doing 'that thing', for you.

Look, I have already informed you of how and when I will explain, prove, and thus reveal, irrefutably, what I have said and claimed here regarding the Mind, Itself. So, as I keep reminding 'you' here, 'we' 'now' just wait.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am We're all eager to see how you will turn all the accumulated and tested scientific and psychological knowledge about the human brain/mind on its head.
you really make me laugh here "atla". So, what, exactly, were these alleged 'scientific tests', which were supposedly carried out on 'the mind', itself, and what was 'concluded', exactly, besides of course the only thing that you have said, which was; 'the mind is a part of the brain'.

Which, by the way, you have still not proved true, yet. Although, and even though, you claim that there is so-called 'accumulated knowledge' for.

Will you provide absolutely any of this supposed and alleged 'accumulated knowledge' here, for 'us' to look at, and discuss?
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 7:05 am STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.
So, what 'proof' have you put forward?

'We' can clearly see 'your dishonest evasion' here. So, 'we' do not need anymore proof for 'this'.

However, 'we' are still yet to see absolutely any proof at all for 'your mind claim' "atla".
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.

If this is what you want to do, then you are, as always, absolutely free to do whatever you want to do.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm If you claim to be able to prove something, tell us to ask you to prove it, and are asked to prove it, then stop asking completely ignorant questions about common knowledge such as the very existence of neuroscience or psychology.
I do not even understand this sentence here.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm You claim to know about all these and found out how to refute them. Get to the proving.
Obviously, you are still not hearing and not listening.

I will say this again to you "atla", the more you tell me to do something, the far less chance I am ever going to do it.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm Otherwise we have sufficient evidence that 'age'/'God' can't do what it claims, is a liar. This 'God' isn't a real 'God'.
If this is what you have concluded here, then this is absolutely perfectly fine and okay, with me.

I have already informed you enough times now how and when I will provide the actual irrefutable proof, for my claims, which will actually refute some of your claims here.

If you have not seen or understand what I have already informed you, then you will still have absolutely no idea nor clue how to obtain actual clarity, from me.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm Could still be demonic possession though heh
Posts: 7045
Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:27 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Atla »

Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:33 pm
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm
Age wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:32 pm

If you say and believe so, then 'this' must be absolutely true and right, correct?

Here is another great example of when, back in the 'olden days', people would believe something is true, then absolutely nothing can infiltrate nor counter 'that belief', while 'the belief' is being held onto and maintained.

Another great example was when, back prior to these 'olden days', people believed that the sun revolved around the earth. And, it can take human beings centuries before some 'beliefs' are infiltrated, countered and shown to be False or Inaccurate, and then thus Corrected.

Beliefs about 'mind' and/or 'minds' is another belief, which can be clearly seen here, took some centuries to overcome, and shake off.

Okay, if you say and believe that this is what is happening and occurring here.

This one just keeps proving that it cannot read, hear, nor comprehend and understand the actual words, which I lay out before it here.

I will say this, once again, the more you tell me to do some thing, then less chances there are of me ever doing 'that thing', for you.

Look, I have already informed you of how and when I will explain, prove, and thus reveal, irrefutably, what I have said and claimed here regarding the Mind, Itself. So, as I keep reminding 'you' here, 'we' 'now' just wait.

you really make me laugh here "atla". So, what, exactly, were these alleged 'scientific tests', which were supposedly carried out on 'the mind', itself, and what was 'concluded', exactly, besides of course the only thing that you have said, which was; 'the mind is a part of the brain'.

Which, by the way, you have still not proved true, yet. Although, and even though, you claim that there is so-called 'accumulated knowledge' for.

Will you provide absolutely any of this supposed and alleged 'accumulated knowledge' here, for 'us' to look at, and discuss?

So, what 'proof' have you put forward?

'We' can clearly see 'your dishonest evasion' here. So, 'we' do not need anymore proof for 'this'.

However, 'we' are still yet to see absolutely any proof at all for 'your mind claim' "atla".
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.

If you claim to be able to prove something, tell us to ask you to prove it, and are asked to prove it, then stop asking completely ignorant questions about common knowledge such as the very existence of neuroscience or psychology. You claim to know about all these and found out how to refute them. Get to the proving.

Otherwise we have sufficient evidence that 'age'/'God' can't do what it claims, is a liar. This 'God' isn't a real 'God'.

Could still be demonic possession though heh
I'd like proof that he's transcendent. But I have long learned that while Age will ask for proof and then immediately make all sorts of assumptions about the other person if they don't or he judges they don't, he never seems to get around to proving stuff when he is asked for proof. Immediately he starts asking lots of questions before he will begin. IOW, amazingly, the onus is still on the other person. It's always on the other person.

Perhaps that's what he means by being transcendent. He has transcended the burden of proof by always expecting others to jump through endless hoops. Transcendence by evasion.
I don't find it so amazing, the belief in absolute infallibility is a core feature of the God psychosis. God doesn't have to prove anything because God is always right. What would be amazing would be if this could be broken.
Posts: 7045
Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:27 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Atla »

Age wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:45 pm
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm
Age wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:32 pm

If you say and believe so, then 'this' must be absolutely true and right, correct?

Here is another great example of when, back in the 'olden days', people would believe something is true, then absolutely nothing can infiltrate nor counter 'that belief', while 'the belief' is being held onto and maintained.

Another great example was when, back prior to these 'olden days', people believed that the sun revolved around the earth. And, it can take human beings centuries before some 'beliefs' are infiltrated, countered and shown to be False or Inaccurate, and then thus Corrected.

Beliefs about 'mind' and/or 'minds' is another belief, which can be clearly seen here, took some centuries to overcome, and shake off.

Okay, if you say and believe that this is what is happening and occurring here.

This one just keeps proving that it cannot read, hear, nor comprehend and understand the actual words, which I lay out before it here.

I will say this, once again, the more you tell me to do some thing, then less chances there are of me ever doing 'that thing', for you.

Look, I have already informed you of how and when I will explain, prove, and thus reveal, irrefutably, what I have said and claimed here regarding the Mind, Itself. So, as I keep reminding 'you' here, 'we' 'now' just wait.

you really make me laugh here "atla". So, what, exactly, were these alleged 'scientific tests', which were supposedly carried out on 'the mind', itself, and what was 'concluded', exactly, besides of course the only thing that you have said, which was; 'the mind is a part of the brain'.

Which, by the way, you have still not proved true, yet. Although, and even though, you claim that there is so-called 'accumulated knowledge' for.

Will you provide absolutely any of this supposed and alleged 'accumulated knowledge' here, for 'us' to look at, and discuss?

So, what 'proof' have you put forward?

'We' can clearly see 'your dishonest evasion' here. So, 'we' do not need anymore proof for 'this'.

However, 'we' are still yet to see absolutely any proof at all for 'your mind claim' "atla".
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.

If this is what you want to do, then you are, as always, absolutely free to do whatever you want to do.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm If you claim to be able to prove something, tell us to ask you to prove it, and are asked to prove it, then stop asking completely ignorant questions about common knowledge such as the very existence of neuroscience or psychology.
I do not even understand this sentence here.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm You claim to know about all these and found out how to refute them. Get to the proving.
Obviously, you are still not hearing and not listening.

I will say this again to you "atla", the more you tell me to do something, the far less chance I am ever going to do it.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm Otherwise we have sufficient evidence that 'age'/'God' can't do what it claims, is a liar. This 'God' isn't a real 'God'.
If this is what you have concluded here, then this is absolutely perfectly fine and okay, with me.

I have already informed you enough times now how and when I will provide the actual irrefutable proof, for my claims, which will actually refute some of your claims here.

If you have not seen or understand what I have already informed you, then you will still have absolutely no idea nor clue how to obtain actual clarity, from me.
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm Could still be demonic possession though heh
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION. It is PROVEN that Age's 'GOD' is NO REAL 'GOD', just an IMPOSTOR, maybe the DEVIL.
Posts: 20715
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Age »

Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:33 pm
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm
Age wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:32 pm

If you say and believe so, then 'this' must be absolutely true and right, correct?

Here is another great example of when, back in the 'olden days', people would believe something is true, then absolutely nothing can infiltrate nor counter 'that belief', while 'the belief' is being held onto and maintained.

Another great example was when, back prior to these 'olden days', people believed that the sun revolved around the earth. And, it can take human beings centuries before some 'beliefs' are infiltrated, countered and shown to be False or Inaccurate, and then thus Corrected.

Beliefs about 'mind' and/or 'minds' is another belief, which can be clearly seen here, took some centuries to overcome, and shake off.

Okay, if you say and believe that this is what is happening and occurring here.

This one just keeps proving that it cannot read, hear, nor comprehend and understand the actual words, which I lay out before it here.

I will say this, once again, the more you tell me to do some thing, then less chances there are of me ever doing 'that thing', for you.

Look, I have already informed you of how and when I will explain, prove, and thus reveal, irrefutably, what I have said and claimed here regarding the Mind, Itself. So, as I keep reminding 'you' here, 'we' 'now' just wait.

you really make me laugh here "atla". So, what, exactly, were these alleged 'scientific tests', which were supposedly carried out on 'the mind', itself, and what was 'concluded', exactly, besides of course the only thing that you have said, which was; 'the mind is a part of the brain'.

Which, by the way, you have still not proved true, yet. Although, and even though, you claim that there is so-called 'accumulated knowledge' for.

Will you provide absolutely any of this supposed and alleged 'accumulated knowledge' here, for 'us' to look at, and discuss?

So, what 'proof' have you put forward?

'We' can clearly see 'your dishonest evasion' here. So, 'we' do not need anymore proof for 'this'.

However, 'we' are still yet to see absolutely any proof at all for 'your mind claim' "atla".
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.

If you claim to be able to prove something, tell us to ask you to prove it, and are asked to prove it, then stop asking completely ignorant questions about common knowledge such as the very existence of neuroscience or psychology. You claim to know about all these and found out how to refute them. Get to the proving.

Otherwise we have sufficient evidence that 'age'/'God' can't do what it claims, is a liar. This 'God' isn't a real 'God'.

Could still be demonic possession though heh
I'd like proof that he's transcendent.
Well considering that I have never claimed this, then I suggest you seek out and claim 'the proof', for 'this', from those who claimed 'this'. That is; if anyone ever has.

At your age "iwannaplato" do you really still need to be told how to do things, for "yourself"?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:33 pm But I have long learned that while Age will ask for proof and then immediately make all sorts of assumptions about the other person if they don't or he judges they don't, he never seems to get around to proving stuff when he is asked for proof.
List the actual times when I have been, supposedly, 'asked for proof', and then 'we' will see just how much truth or falsehood is in this, yet again, another judgment, accusation, claim of yours here "iwannaplato".

If you do not, then 'we' are again left with absolutely nothing at all that could back up and support your claim here.

This is really how these people had discussions/conversations with each other, about others, back in the days when this was being written.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:33 pm Immediately he starts asking lots of questions before he will begin. IOW, amazingly, the onus is still on the other person. It's always on the other person.
If this is what you believe is true, then 'this' must be true, well to you anyway.
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:33 pm Perhaps that's what he means by being transcendent.
Again, what is with the presumption or belief that this has even actually occurred.

What are you basing this claim on, exactly, "iwannaplato"?

On, what I have actually said and written here?

If yes, then provide where I have.

Or, is it based on what others have said and written here.

If so, then 'this' has absolutely nothing at all to do with 'me'. So, once again, I suggest you go ask the one who made the claim what they 'perhaps meant'.

or, is it based on your own pre-existing beliefs or presumptions 'iwannaplato"?

if so, then I will suggest you go and ask "yourself".

Really how much more simple can things get here?
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:33 pm He has transcended the burden of proof by always expecting others to jump through endless hoops. Transcendence by evasion.
Once again, the stupidity and absurdity continues, after the False and Wrong conclusions are believed or presumed to be true.
Posts: 20715
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am

Re: Faith and reason

Post by Age »

Atla wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 12:47 pm
Iwannaplato wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:33 pm
Atla wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 2:46 pm
STILL ZERO PROOF for 'your' MIND CLAIM, just dishonest EVASION.

If you claim to be able to prove something, tell us to ask you to prove it, and are asked to prove it, then stop asking completely ignorant questions about common knowledge such as the very existence of neuroscience or psychology. You claim to know about all these and found out how to refute them. Get to the proving.

Otherwise we have sufficient evidence that 'age'/'God' can't do what it claims, is a liar. This 'God' isn't a real 'God'.

Could still be demonic possession though heh
I'd like proof that he's transcendent. But I have long learned that while Age will ask for proof and then immediately make all sorts of assumptions about the other person if they don't or he judges they don't, he never seems to get around to proving stuff when he is asked for proof. Immediately he starts asking lots of questions before he will begin. IOW, amazingly, the onus is still on the other person. It's always on the other person.

Perhaps that's what he means by being transcendent. He has transcended the burden of proof by always expecting others to jump through endless hoops. Transcendence by evasion.
I don't find it so amazing, the belief in absolute infallibility is a core feature of the God psychosis. God doesn't have to prove anything because God is always right. What would be amazing would be if this could be broken.
If one does not really seek proof, then proof will not be seen, nor found.

Conversely, if one really does seek proof, then proof will be found, and seen.
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