My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by attofishpi »

Atla wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:32 pm
Lacewing wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:49 pm
Atla wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:58 pm Hardly something to be amazed about. I went through 10 times more than you [atto] and seeds and I never even touched any psychedelics. I know these unusual states of mind and unusual experiences inside and out.
Can you provide some explanation and description of your experiences and awareness, rather than just making such a claim like some kind of putdown or dismissal of other people's experiences?
Not more than I already said on this forum, for example in a thread from atto. I mean I won't. My real life experience is way outside anything you guys have encountered. Probably over 99% of people wouldn't have survived it.
You can't possibly know that your experience cannot relate to ours. ...and re 99% of people wouldn't survive your experiences, well in 2003 I hooked my Hyundai up to tubes from the exhaust pipe, drank a bottle of wine mixed with stillnox sleeping pills and gave God a decent opportunity to permit me to drop dead. I awoke in bed. I found my car had rolled and hit the shed, the drivers side door was open and the battery was flat where the interior light was on. In my lounge room was a sketch in pencil that appeared to have been drawn SOOOoooo fast!! ...all quick short pencil lines. I DIDN'T DRAW IT...the drawing was of the face of an old man that appeared to be staring down with some concern on his face, cradling either the solar system, or a child. (cradling something with his left arm)
When my Dad saw it, he was amazed and told me I did a bloody good drawing (I think that was only the second time in my entire life he ever complimented me) ...and why the hell did I draw it on the wall! I said I didn't do it, it just appeared - which is the truth. I never told anyone about the attempt at suicide btw.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

attofishpi wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:54 am
Atla wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:32 pm Not more than I already said on this forum, for example in a thread from atto. I mean I won't. My real life experience is way outside anything you guys have encountered. Probably over 99% of people wouldn't have survived it.
You can't possibly know that your experience cannot relate to ours. ...and re 99% of people wouldn't survive your experiences, well in 2003 I hooked my Hyundai up to tubes from the exhaust pipe, drank a bottle of wine mixed with stillnox sleeping pills and gave God a decent opportunity to permit me to drop dead.
I never told anyone about the attempt at suicide btw.
The above is likely to be related to 'spiritual emergencies'';
This article discuses about the concept of Spiritual Emergency.
Spiritual emergencies (transpersonal crises) can occur spontaneously without any precipitating factors, or they can be triggered by emotional stress, physical exertion, disease, accident, intense sexual experience, childbirth, or exposure to psychedelic drugs.
However, in many instances the catalyzing factor seems to be involvement in various meditative practices which are specifically designed to activate spiritual energies.

To prevent misunderstanding, it is important to emphasize that not every experience of unusual states of consciousness and intense perceptual, emotional, cognitive, and psychosomatic changes falls into the category of spiritual emergency.
The concept of transpersonal crisis is not oriented against traditional psychiatry; it offers an alternative approach to individuals who can benefit from it and are capable and willing to accept it. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved)
Gopi Krishna claimed "countless" cases of spontaneous kundalini awakening lead to insanity or less severe mental illness: "Apart from psychosis, there are also ... ... reyson.pdf
Reported cases of 'experiences of God' arose from many sources, e.g. drugs, hallucinogens, brain damage, psychiatric diseases, psychological disorders, meditation, stress, sex, magnetic triggers [God helmet], etc. and out of the blue.
In most of the above, the 'experiences of God' are reducible to neural activities i.e. altered states of consciousness and nothing more. ... sciousness

In the case of temporal epilepsy, patients do not experience god after being treated with the right medicines.
Ramachandran, the Temporal Lobes and God

Dr. Persinger's God Helmet
OBE and god-like experiences could be duplicated via the God Helmet

My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor
Jill Bolte is a neuro-anatomists and she had experience of God [liked] upon a severe brain damage from a stroke. But she knew it has nothing to do with any existence of a real god but rather it was only due to neural activities.

Andrew Newberg: Is The Human Brain Hardwired for God?
Newberg tracked supposedly experiences of God to neural activities.

There are tons of research out there that support the point that the experiences of God are reducible to neural activities.
However, many are ignorant of them or choose to ignore them to cling to the idea that there is a real God out there.
When informed of the available counter explanations, some go berserk.

The point is humans are capable of experiences altered states of consciousness which could be positive [contribute to greater well being] and detrimental [spiritual emergencies], however these experiences should never be extrapolated to a hasty irrational conclusion that a real God exists objectively out there.

From the above one can generate the idea of God as a useful illusion but to reify [hypostatize] that idea as real is delusional which as evident is dangerous to humanity as in those evil theistic religions.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by attofishpi »

I didn't read one word of that. Talking to idiots like you about the FACT that God exists is like placing ones bollocks into a wood-vice while someone like Richard Dawkins turns the handle.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Dontaskme »

Atla wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:14 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:31 pm I find it very amusing all these people who claim that it is only through the usage of mind altering drugs can they experience God of the higher realms.

I've never touched any of that shit either, not ever, not even slightly tempted, I like being on terra-firma too much, besides I never needed drugs, I've always been naturally wired for the high life on earth. I'm just lucky I guess.

I did however, once hear the most blissful exquisite sublime, softly chiming bell sounds while simultaneously feeling as though I was weightlessly floating through a warm bath of pink fluffy clouds during a lovemaking session with my ex-husband one night, but that's just the uniqueness of the human physical brain I guess, and probably TMI to talk about now. Maybe other animal brains have their blissed out experiences too, who knows, until you are their brain.

PS, no alcohol or mind blowing higher consciousness inducing drugs were ever taken on that wonderful night. It was all a natural experience from within my own body.
Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! - Bane

:lol: :lol:

These people take some drugs when they are 20, hallucinate a little, and it "changes their lives". I was fucking born into such an existence and had to survive through it for decades, and from what I've seen you experienced something similar. Only lately have I fully beaten it (which is widely considered to be impossible).
Yes, I think I know what you mean. I agree, most people would find it an almost impossible struggle to survive it. Those that do come through it, I have found to be the most pious, humble, loving, caring, conscientious, and fully aware people on the earth planet.

Same goes for those who claim to have had those epiphany moments of experiencing a glimpse beyond the veil of the material world and purport to have completely transcended their physical body seeing themself in some higher realm, and coming face to face with an authoritarian entity who is higher and above the lower realms of authority here on earth.... LOL... this still makes me giggle thinking about it.

It's simply substance dualism at it's finest, nothing more to it than a brain HAL experience.
Speaking of surviving ... anyone who purports to have had an awakening and lived to tell the tale is a liar and a hoax. As it's obvious within the nondual context, that a ''someone'' can NEVER survive their own ''awakening'', for one very good reason. As I'm sure you know what I am talking about Atla.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Dontaskme »

attofishpi wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 7:48 am :roll:
I didn't read one word of that. Talking to idiots like you about the FACT that God exists is like placing ones bollocks into a wood-vice while someone like Richard Dawkins turns the handle.
The library that is the human imagination is known to be ram jammed packed full of all kinds of books authored by many different authors. We get to pick and choose our stories from this vast and infinite archive of wild and wonderful sometimes horrific frightening experiences, based on what we want to identify as - as it appears to be a perfectly matched representation of the image we like to have of ourselves, like an exact mirror image of ourself so to speak.

Now, while I've taken a brief look at your story, my conclusion, to be perfectly honest and frank, is that I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole, It's just not my cup of tea.

Smell your own filled in garbage dump, why don't you. :twisted:

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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by attofishpi »

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:22 pm Smell your own filled in garbage dump, why don't you. :twisted:
What "filled in garbage dump"? I don't live in Yorkshire.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Dontaskme »

attofishpi wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:36 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:22 pm Smell your own filled in garbage dump, why don't you. :twisted:
What "filled in garbage dump"? I don't live in Yorkshire.
No one ever lived in Yorkshire.

Every human being lives in the garbage dump of their own ''empty'' mind. The human ''empty'' mind is an automatic self-full filling prophecy.

You see......I can talk cryptic garbage too, you're not alone when it comes to dumping your shit on other people, and then expecting them to like the smell of it.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by attofishpi »

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:12 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:36 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:22 pm Smell your own filled in garbage dump, why don't you. :twisted:
What "filled in garbage dump"? I don't live in Yorkshire.
No one ever lived in Yorkshire.

Every human being lives in the garbage dump of their own ''empty'' mind. The human ''empty'' mind is an automatic self-full filling prophecy.

You see......I can talk cryptic garbage too, you're not alone when it comes to dumping your shit on other people, and then expecting them to like the smell of it.
Yes, I suppose talking the science of the likes of Max Planck or Fourier's equations must come across as cryptic garbage to someone such as yourself, with a meagre Yorkshire pudding for a brain.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Dontaskme »

attofishpi wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:19 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:12 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 12:36 pm

What "filled in garbage dump"? I don't live in Yorkshire.
No one ever lived in Yorkshire.

Every human being lives in the garbage dump of their own ''empty'' mind. The human ''empty'' mind is an automatic self-full filling prophecy.

You see......I can talk cryptic garbage too, you're not alone when it comes to dumping your shit on other people, and then expecting them to like the smell of it.
Yes, I suppose talking the science of the likes of Max Planck or Fourier's equations must come across as cryptic garbage to someone such as yourself, with a meagre Yorkshire pudding for a brain.
Knowing anything at all is the artificial dream of separation, in what appears to be this realtime space and time duality...and so any knowledge is nought but a fictional story believed to be real in the human mind, that's all.

We can all say a duck is a duck or a spade is a spade, but as for the spiritual minded, do not project your own spiritual path onto another person. No one can tell another of their own mystical experience and expect them to believe it. All they can do is offer things to people and allow them to make their own mind up, and not be led to believe other paths are available for them. We walk the path that is unique to us only as an individual as and through our own direct experience.

No one with any intelligence takes on as their own, the belief of another, while they may listen, they will only make up their own mind as to what to believe. Even the Max Plancks of the world has a belief according to how his own direct experience perceives reality.

So to all those purveyors of knowledge, who think they know something others don't, thanks but no thanks, this is not for sale, we simply cannot tell other people how to walk their path to enlightenment.

Brains are not stupid by the way, they are simply on their own path, going their own's when they get diverted by other peoples belief that they then start to doubt their own way. Fortunately for me here, my brain is functioning at full wide awake intelligent capacity, so your projection of it being meagre is irrelevant, has no direct force or power and is completely and absolutely null, void, and meaningless to me.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Gary Childress »

After recovering from dozens of delusional episodes, I've concluded that all my "burning bush" encounters were delusions. Maybe I have it all wrong, though. Maybe I'm actually Moses and I should just go off meds to fulfill God's plan for me.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Walker »

There is another possiblity.
Delusions are delusions, and burning bush experiences are burning bush experiences.

Things are not always something else.
Gary Childress
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Gary Childress »

Walker wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:47 pm Things are not always something else.
And sometimes, they are.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Walker »

Gary Childress wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:50 pm
Walker wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:47 pm Things are not always something else.
And sometimes, they are.
Maybe you have it all wrong, just like you said.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Gary Childress »

Walker wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:52 pm
Gary Childress wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:50 pm
Walker wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:47 pm Things are not always something else.
And sometimes, they are.
Maybe you have it all wrong, just like you said.
Bye, Walker. Have a nice day.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Walker »

Gary Childress wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:53 pm
Walker wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:52 pm
Gary Childress wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:50 pm

And sometimes, they are.
Maybe you have it all wrong, just like you said.
Bye, Walker. Have a nice day.
That's the best kind to have.
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