My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Dontaskme »

Walker wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:20 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:19 pm...
You've probably had a burning bush experience, eh?
No, I haven't actually, I usually try to keep well away from burning bushes on fire. I have experienced a fire caused by my lover laying directly on top of me though.

Yeah I know what you were implying Walker, it's right up your street that isn't it.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by bahman »

I have read your entire posts. I have had my own spiritual experiences as well which are very extensive. I have never used LSD but marijuana. It has been a long time past since my last use. I am still having spiritual experiences as well. There were times when my experience meant something to me. Now I am very skeptical. Perhaps they are all produced by my subconscious mind. Maybe not. I don't know!
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Age »

seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:34 am _______

(Continued from prior post)

The preceding experience had such a profound effect on me that I soon thereafter quit the diving team...

...(relinquishing an athletic scholarship, along with all of that temporary campus glory that a 19 year old university sophomore might enjoy by continuing on in a situation in which he, at that point (again, as mentioned earlier), was a three-time national champion/two-time All-American athlete who held a national record in his sport).

I was from then-on obsessed with exploring this new-found state of being that not only opened a door to an entirely new way of looking at reality, but also made me vividly aware of the vast potential of the human mind.(1.)

Needless to say, I continued to experiment with LSD (more times than I can recall), all with the dual intent of not only being constantly amazed by its effect on my senses,...

(for example, the hearing of Led Zeppelin or Joni Mitchell between two large (4-ft-tall) stereo speakers while tripping on acid, produces spectacular cinematic visuals that only a tripper can see)(2.)

...but also as sort of a "shamanistic tool" for exploring the nature of mind and reality itself.

For the sake of not turning this email into a novella, suffice it to say that my interior explorations during that following year led me to many new insights regarding the mind and its relationship with the body.

I'm talking about insights that also included the initial formulation of the Ultimate Seed concept (which was triggered by what seemed to be several divinely inspired visions, one of which involved an avocado, of all things),...

...all of which I was determined to chronicle one summer night in 1970 (I was 20 years old at the time).(3.)

Note: in the spirit of full disclosure*,...

...earlier that morning I had taken a mild, non-hallucinogenic substance (probably some kind of horse tranquilizer) that I already had several prior experiences with, so I was quite familiar with its effects. I then went for a long drive on some old country roads in order to mentally prepare an outline in my head of what I was going to write about later that evening.

*(The point of that disclosure is not only meant to demonstrate that I am not trying to hide anything, but also to assure everyone that the effects of that substance had completely worn-off by the time of the occurrence of the event that I am about to describe.)

Again, John, I had written about this experience in my book, and the following is a slightly paraphrased version of that writing:


From my book...

I was seated alone in the living room of my parents’ home; it was late in the evening, and they had long since gone to bed...

...(and, again, I stress, I was not under the influence of any hallucinogenic substance at that time).

I had been busily writing-away into the night trying to find the elusive words that would convey my discoveries to others. And even though the basic ideas were the same back then as they are now, it simply wasn’t the right time for any sort of formal disclosure. Nevertheless, I presented the ideas as best I could.

What followed the conclusion of that first writing has affected my life from that moment on.

For you see, the instant I finished the last word on the last page, I put my pencil down and looked up, and at that very moment, God entered the room.(4.)

(Continued in the next post)
1. If some 'thing' has made one supposedly 'vividly aware of the vast potential of the human mind', then it could be reasonably inferred that 'that one' was also 'more aware' of what the so-called 'human mind' was, EXACTLY. So, what IS the 'human mind', TO 'you', "seeds"?

2. So, 'your', supposedly, 'entirely new way of looking at reality, and also being vividly aware of the vast potential of the human mind' happened and occurred ONLY when USING lysergic acid diethylamide, correct?

3. I, at least, am still VERY CURIOUS and INTERESTED in hearing or reading what 'your' supposed 'many new insights regarding the mind and its relationship with the body' were/are, EXACTLY, as well as hearing, reading, and seeing what seemed to be several divinely inspired visions were, EXACTLY, which 'you' CLAIM to have had.

4. HOW did God enter the room? And, who and/or what WAS/IS God, EXACTLY, TO 'you', BACK THEN, "seeds"?
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Atla »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:31 pm I find it very amusing all these people who claim that it is only through the usage of mind altering drugs can they experience God of the higher realms.

I've never touched any of that shit either, not ever, not even slightly tempted, I like being on terra-firma too much, besides I never needed drugs, I've always been naturally wired for the high life on earth. I'm just lucky I guess.

I did however, once hear the most blissful exquisite sublime, softly chiming bell sounds while simultaneously feeling as though I was weightlessly floating through a warm bath of pink fluffy clouds during a lovemaking session with my ex-husband one night, but that's just the uniqueness of the human physical brain I guess, and probably TMI to talk about now. Maybe other animal brains have their blissed out experiences too, who knows, until you are their brain.

PS, no alcohol or mind blowing higher consciousness inducing drugs were ever taken on that wonderful night. It was all a natural experience from within my own body.
Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! - Bane

:lol: :lol:

These people take some drugs when they are 20, hallucinate a little, and it "changes their lives". I was fucking born into such an existence and had to survive through it for decades, and from what I've seen you experienced something similar. Only lately have I fully beaten it (which is widely considered to be impossible).
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Age »

seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:35 am _______

(Continued from prior post)
...the instant I finished the last word on the last page, I put my pencil down and looked up, and at that very moment, God entered the room.
To be clear, it wasn’t a visual manifestation.

In other words, other than a slight optical distortion at the point of entry on the far wall near the ceiling, I could not literally see God with my eyes.

Nevertheless, I was made vividly aware of his presence in what can only be described as a modern-day version of the alleged "burning bush" event presented in the Bible.

Somehow, from that specific and stationary point of entry, I could sense a tangible (dynamic/living) force reaching out and enveloping (saturating) the room and everything in it.

(Note: the only thing I can think of to describe what was happening is that it felt as if the eye of God’s mind was “focusing-in” and grasping the very substance of the room and my body.

I'm talking about something similar to how our own mind's eye can focus-in and grasp the mental image of an apple, for example, in order to examine or manipulate its features in some way.)

The extending essence of what appeared to be God's central consciousness (God's "I Am-ness") seemed to surround me and the chair I was seated in and gently cradle me in a manner that can only be described in the purely metaphorical terms of being "held in the palms of invisible hands."

It was a very "warm" and "magnetic" (gently undulating) sensation.(2.)

Furthermore, the enveloping force, without making any audible sound, seemed to radiate with the power of THUNDER, which made it feel as if God’s extensive presence stretched out into the clouds and beyond.

As you might well guess, I was somewhat taken aback (gobsmacked) by this experience.

My eyes were transfixed on the focal point of the power and I began mentally asking:

“...What do you want?...”(3.)

It was all so overwhelming, and the energetic presence of this living Entity seemed to be so disruptive of the very fabric of the house, that I felt certain my parents would surely be awakened by this.

However, I quickly sensed that this was not meant for them to perceive.

Then suddenly, I noticed that God was releasing his mental grip on my body and his presence was slowly withdrawing from the room. But before he had withdrawn completely, a word with the glowing brilliance of neon was “implanted” before the eye of my mind, and that word was...


I was immediately compelled to reach for the Bible that was sitting on the case next to me and turn to the book of Revelation, because, at that time, that is what the word "apocalypse" meant to me.(4.)

And after a few minutes of reading chapters that made no particular sense to me, I finally focused on the ninth and tenth chapters - chapters whose clarity of meaning seemed to be openly revealed to me and somehow pertinent to my state of mind.

And that was especially true of the tenth chapter, and more specifically, the seventh verse:
“ the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished...”

At this point, the room had returned back to its normal state, for the dynamic, matter-grasping "presence" of what appeared to be God's central consciousness (again, God's "I Am-ness") was gone.

So just get a sense of this now...

...At the very moment I lay the pencil down from writing a detailed thesis of what I believed shed a clarifying light on the mystery of God and creation, I am literally visited by an incorporeal Entity who,...

...after making it quite clear to me that the universe is its mind, (6.)and that it was the owner and willful controller of the material fabric from which my body was constructed,...

...then leads me to read a verse of prophecy from Revelation that refers to a point in time on earth when "...the mystery of God should be finished..."

(Continued in next post)
1. What is the so-called 'human mind's eye'? What is the so-called 'eye of God's mind'? What is 'God's mind'? How does 'your own so-called human mind's eye focus-in and grasp the mental image of an apple, and then how do 'you' do 'this' supposedly, for example, in order to examine or manipulate the features of an apple, in some way?

2. So it appears that 'you' could say 'you' had more or less the EXACT OPPOSITE experience/sensation when experiencing/sensing God from what "attofishpi" had when experiencing/sensing God. But 'you' BOTH still call 'It' 'God'. Are 'you' able to explain WHY 'this' could be? If yes, then will 'you'?

3. Did 'you' AWAIT the ANSWER? Or, were 'you' NOT that mentally AWARE/FOCUSED?

4. Did 'you' 'usually' read the bible beforehand? Had 'you' read the bible previously?

5. So was the 'mystery of God' REVEALED, TO 'you', and thus FINISHED, FOR 'you'? If yes, then will 'you' REVEAL, and thus FINISH, 'this mystery' TO and FOR 'us' here now? If no, then WHY NOT?

6. 'you' have, ONCE AGAIN, USED the 'mind' word here. Are 'you' now ABLE TO shed absolutely ANY light ON what the 'mind' word MEANS, or REFERS TO, EXACTLY, especially considering the fact of what was, supposedly, REVEALED TO 'you', and was, supposedly, FINISHED FOR 'you' here?
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Age »

seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:36 am _______

(Continued from prior post)

Now I am vividly aware of how crazy all of this must sound.(1.)

Nevertheless, I honestly believe that that amazing ("Burning Bush-like") encounter with God was meant to be a "confirmation" of the fledgling (Ultimate Seed) theory I had been developing over the last year (69-70)...

...(or, more accurately; a confirmation of the veracity of what I had been "allowed [guided] to see and understand" over the last year).(2.)

And as one last point of interest, the chapter ends with the following declaration,...
“...thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings...”
...which, to me, implies that the time has now arrived for the release and dissemination of the information that finally finishes (resolves) the "mystery" of what God actually is.(3.)

---End of paraphrased excerpt from my book.


And that, to me, John, was the climactic point in a chain of revelatory events that were set in motion a little over a year earlier with what - (in hind-sight) - seems to have been a “purposely (providentially) timed” phone call informing me of the death of a loved one.(4.)

So that’s pretty much it, John. And everything I have been trying to convey in my writings, and illustrations, and video lectures in the years that followed that event is basically my ever-sharpening interpretation of what I believe God imparted to me during that brief period of my life.

---End of email.

(Continued in next post)
1. To 'me' anyway NONE of what 'you' have said and written so far sounds 'crazy' AT ALL. In fact what 'you' have said and written so far EXPLAINS A LOT ABOUT what 'you' have been SAYING and WRITING here in this forum, up to this thread. WHY 'you' STILL have NOT YET FOUND the Right AND True words to USE is also somewhat EXPLAINED by what 'you' have written here in this thread so far AS WELL.

2. 'you' say here that 'you' were developing 'a theory'. But like ALL 'theories' 'they' should be able to be 'tested', for 'verification' and/or for 'falsification'. So, if 'you' would like to have 'your theory' 'tested', then will 'you' ALLOW 'us' TO? If no, then WHY NOT?

3. If 'you' have inferred that the time has 'now' arrived for the release and dissemination of the information that finally finishes (resolves) the "mystery" of what God actually is, then WHY do 'you' NOT just DO 'this'?

4. Now 'this' EXPLAINS WHY 'your theory' contains, and 'you' BELIEVE, ABSOLUTELY, that ONLY AFTER 'death' 'the so-called 'mystery of God' WILL BE REVEALED/FINISHED. Which also, by the way, RELEASES 'you' of absolutely ANY and ALL EXPLAINING 'here, now', IN Life.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Age »

seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:38 am _______

(Continued from prior post)

So, there you have it, Lacewing, my personal testimony regarding what I believe was a direct encounter with the living Creative Source of this universe.

Or, at the very least, it was an encounter with an incorporeal Entity who clearly demonstrated to me that it not only possessed direct and willful control over the material fabric of this universe,...

...but also wanted to compel me to associate all of my revelatory discoveries at that time (i.e., the "Ultimate Seed" concept) with Revelation chapter 10.

Now of course - OF COURSE - I don't expect that my little story will convince you (or anyone else) of anything(1.) other than the possibility that you are reading the babblings of an extremely delusional person. Moreover, I would be demonstrating a lack of logic and a lack of self-awareness if I were to deny that possibility.

However, hopefully (if nothing else), people can at least now understand why I not only adamantly insist that there truly does exist a living (incorporeal) Creator of this universe,...

...but also why I use that "eye of the mind" icon ("eye-con") in all of my illustrations,...


...for it is a metaphorical representation of what I experienced in my alleged ("Burning Bush-like") encounter with God, 53 years ago.
1. 'your' 'little story', ALONE, here will NEVER 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing'. However, ALL of 'your', human being's, 'little stories' COMBINED TOGETHER, BRING OUT and SHOW, or paint AND illustrate, the BIG and WHOLE True AND REAL Picture. 'your story' here "seeds" SHOWS and REVEALS HOW 'you' CAME-TO-SEE, and thus KNOW, what "others" have CAME-TO-SEE, and KNOW, AS WELL.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Lacewing »

seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:29 am So, at the risk of the inevitable mockery and ridicule that is sure to come my way,...
Ah yes... always plenty of that. In it's way, that too is informative and entertaining about human beings. 8)

I really enjoyed hearing your story! Thank you for sharing it.
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:30 am At the very moment I started to feel the effects of the LSD kicking-in, the phone rang.
Oh, geez! Intense circumstance! I'm guessing that you never again answered the phone during future tripping sessions.
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:30 am I then went downstairs into the dark living room/dining room area, and with a glass-enclosed candle in my hands, I began walking in a continuous circle around the inner-perimeter of the two adjoining rooms. The LSD was now in full force.
Holy fuck!
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:30 am Then suddenly, my attention was literally drawn upward toward where one of the walls meets the high ceiling; toward what seemed to be a "window” that was slowly opening between our "normal" dimension of reality that I was used to experiencing up to that point, and that of a transcendent dimension of reality...
Awesome! Yes, we human beings tend to think that everything we see and imagine on a daily basis is all that there is or could possibly be. But there are experiences via brain/awareness adjustments, whether by hallucinogens or not, that show OTHER dimensions that are very informative about the nature and potential of being.
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:30 am And right at that moment, an absolute “KNOWING” was imparted to me – a knowing that Daddy Brown was safe and not actually dead.
I get it. I've experienced that kind of absolute "KNOWING" too. Momentarily stepping through the veil that separates our limited material reality from what is so much greater than that. I don't think a person can do it or even understand a description of it while being in a dense mindset. But once you've experienced it, not only do you never forget, but the experience informs you for the rest of your life.
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:30 am a complete re-evaluation of the mundane earthly "reality" I was so accustomed to prior to that point.
Yes! Such a shift might seem scary (if not seeming completely unobtainable) to some people... but it is neither.
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:34 am The preceding experience had such a profound effect on me that I soon thereafter quit the diving team...(relinquishing an athletic scholarship, along with all of that temporary campus glory that a 19 year old university sophomore might enjoy...)

I was from then-on obsessed with exploring this new-found state of being that not only opened a door to an entirely new way of looking at reality, but also made me vividly aware of the vast potential of the human mind.
Wow! Yes, it changes everything.
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:34 am Needless to say, I continued to experiment with LSD (more times than I can recall), all with the dual intent of not only being constantly amazed by its effect on my senses.../...but also as sort of a "shamanistic tool" for exploring the nature of mind and reality itself.
My 5-year experimentation period during the second half of my twenties was during my marriage (which only lasted as long as my LSD experimentation :lol: ), and my trips were always wonderful, mind-expanding flights around the Universe while listening to music or exploring outside in nature. My only negative experience was when my husband forgot who I was and started jumping on the bed naked and then wanted to run outside onto a public street. I was thrust into being a 'caretaker' of him while being in full-blown tripping mode, myself. Aside from that, is was an extraordinarily beneficial time of exploration for me.

And the importance of what we think has continued to be demonstrated throughout my life. Thinking crap produces crap. Thinking limitless loving potential produces more of that.
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:35 am So just get a sense of this now...

...At the very moment I lay the pencil down from writing a detailed thesis of what I believed shed a clarifying light on the mystery of God and creation, I am literally visited by an incorporeal Entity who,...

...after making it quite clear to me that the universe is its mind, and that it was the owner and willful controller of the material fabric from which my body was constructed,...

...then leads me to read a verse of prophecy from Revelation that refers to a point in time on earth when "...the mystery of God should be finished..."
This sort of experience demonstrates to me (again) how completely connected we are to that divine essence that embraces, and is accessible, by and throughout all. When we are 'vibrating' in-tune with it, we experience that greater glory (so-to-speak). I reject any notions of being separate or not good enough... which is why I reject 99% of notions of 'God', which seem to be a very shallow and narrow fabrication of mankind. For me, there is no separation or judgment from that divine essence... ONLY complete love and acceptance.

Now it occurs to me to share something with you that might give you a little smile or chuckle. A bit of explanation, first... I don't typically meditate with eyes closed like most people think of meditation -- rather, I can be in a meditative state of mind with my eyes open. But this past summer, I was taking a class in which the teacher instructed all of us to close our eyes while she led us through a meditation. She had been saying that we all have 'spirit guides'... and that they could look like animals or people... and none of this was really resonating with me. But I was trying to be cooperative and open-minded, without being led. 8) She asked us to see our spirit guides in our meditative state. I stared at the black canvas behind my closed eyes, and within seconds, a giant eye appeared... looking back at me. It filled my entire 'view'. I thought, 'Oh! That's interesting.'

I had NO preconceived notions... other than maybe I didn't really expect to see anything. It was a normal-looking eye... not like the Egyptian Eye (that I have tattooed on my ankle). And it wasn't just a still image, it felt like an alive presence looking back. :)
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:36 am the fledgling (Ultimate Seed) theory I had been developing.../...the time has now arrived for the release and dissemination of the information that finally finishes (resolves) the "mystery" of what God actually is.
Yes, I don't know. I might look at your theory some more. Personally, I've just gotten the sense that everything is 'fine' as it is (which flips people out when I say that). :lol: It's hard to express experiences that seem to be beyond mundane human understanding. Telepathy would perhaps be much more efficient than describing with words. But, like you (and like many), I do my best to express what I hope might be helpful/inspiring to some.
seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:38 am However, hopefully (if nothing else), people can at least now understand why I not only adamantly insist that there truly does exist a living (incorporeal) Creator of this universe...but also why I use that "eye of the mind" icon ("eye-con") in all of my illustrations...for it is a metaphorical representation of what I experienced in my alleged ("Burning Bush-like") encounter with God, 53 years ago.
Yes, that is helpful to understand why you use the eye.

Nobody can erase or discredit these very real and profound experiences for us. We know it as vividly and truly as we know our physical human lives. And it might be experienced differently by everyone. What I love is the shared understanding beyond any of the mechanics or form.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Lacewing »

seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:10 pm While I, on the other hand, tried to argue that the normal human brain is designed to literally hide the higher dimension of reality from us so that we can not only stay focused on the task-at-hand of birthing and raising children in a context of reality (planet earth) that feels natural and logical to us,...

...but also, so that we are not compelled to long for the higher realm and try to seek it out prematurely.

In other words, instead of creating delusions, psychoactive substances simply (as Aldous Huxley suggested) open "the doors of perception" by providing us with (hazy) peepholes through the "veil" that separates this temporary material illusion from the "Real Thing," so to speak.
I agree. I was going to say much the same thing in my previous response to you, but then saw that you had said it here. I don't think it's a mistake that we're 'here' in this physical life experience... and we would not be able to 'do this' if we had full awareness beyond it. But tapping into SOME awareness beyond it seems to offer a good mix for making the best of it.

Much like KNOWING that you're performing as a character in a play on a stage is more fun and freeing than believing all of it as some kind of absolute reality.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Lacewing »

Atla wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:58 pm Hardly something to be amazed about. I went through 10 times more than you [atto] and seeds and I never even touched any psychedelics. I know these unusual states of mind and unusual experiences inside and out.
Can you provide some explanation and description of your experiences and awareness, rather than just making such a claim like some kind of putdown or dismissal of other people's experiences?
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Lacewing »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:31 pm I like being on terra-firma too much, besides I never needed drugs
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Good one!
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Atla »

Lacewing wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:49 pm
Atla wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:58 pm Hardly something to be amazed about. I went through 10 times more than you [atto] and seeds and I never even touched any psychedelics. I know these unusual states of mind and unusual experiences inside and out.
Can you provide some explanation and description of your experiences and awareness, rather than just making such a claim like some kind of putdown or dismissal of other people's experiences?
Not more than I already said on this forum, for example in a thread from atto. I mean I won't. My real life experience is way outside anything you guys have encountered. Probably over 99% of people wouldn't have survived it.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by seeds »

bahman wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:30 pm I have read your entire posts.
My thanks to you, bahman, and to all those who have taken the time to read that whole story. I know it's a lot to expect of the members and visitors.
bahman wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:30 pm I have had my own spiritual experiences as well which are very extensive. I have never used LSD but marijuana. It has been a long time past since my last use.
I don't know how long it's been for you, but I haven't partaken in any mind-altering substances (including alcohol) in over 40 years. I found that I reached a point where they were inhibiting my goals.

One minor and unfortunate effect of that decision is that I'm no fun at parties anymore. :D
bahman wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:30 pm I am still having spiritual experiences as well. There were times when my experience meant something to me. Now I am very skeptical. Perhaps they are all produced by my subconscious mind. Maybe not. I don't know!
Well, one thing certain for me is that (unless I am plagued with Alzheimer's disease or something similar) I will never forget the experience I described in the extensive OP. For despite what my detractors may say or think, it was a real and tangible occurrence that created an indelible memory for me.

It's also the reason why I become so frustrated with the proponents of hardcore materialism, and with those who adamantly insist that "God is an impossibility to be real" (if you know who I mean :wink:).

Which, obviously, to me, is pure and utter nonsense.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by Walker »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:24 pm
Walker wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:20 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:19 pm...
You've probably had a burning bush experience, eh?
No, I haven't actually, I usually try to keep well away from burning bushes on fire. I have experienced a fire caused by my lover laying directly on top of me though.

Yeah I know what you were implying Walker, it's right up your street that isn't it.
Well, there's that, but also consider ...

Your answer also reveals whether or not you have a clue as to what seeds has written.
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Re: My "Burning Bush-like" encounter with God.

Post by attofishpi »

seeds wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:10 pm
attofishpi wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:48 am As you know I have always loved your art and am glad you have expressed yourself all these years with such a talent.
Thank you, atto.

I look forward to seeing more of your highly creative art. Anything new in the works?
I'm working on a few paintings but have been too busy with compooter stuff. Once I get some time I will do a bit more on my Grandfather Time painting, and upload for you. It's a bit of an optical illusion, had to remember my technical drawing days from secondary school too, to get the dimensions correct.
I've just spent 3 hours in the dog park chatting to this retired computer engineer, he's from the Netherlands and every time we bump into each other we talk for hrs..We talk about all sorts, and he understand maths and quantum theory very well so by the time he mentioned that and I asked him what he thinks re wave-function collapse and particle entanglement where theoretically information can transmit faster than light, I got talking about God operating from below the Planck scale and the itsy-bitsy reality. Love the guy, so good when you can find genuine people that are very intelligent and open to debate certain concepts.
Take care seeds, and enjoy your Christmas.
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