Listing of Causes in Experiencing God

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Veritas Aequitas
Posts: 12998
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Listing of Causes in Experiencing God

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Thesis: Whatever is related to God is driven from the Brain.

It is Impossible for God to exists as Real Externally

As such, those who insist God exists based on beliefs from authority, holy texts, personal experiences are reducible to something happening in their brain and nothing else.

What are the likely causes that can trigger a belief and experiences of God or divine presence in the brain.

The most relevant reason is;
God is invented necessarily from an illusion to soothe the inherent cognitive dissonances arising from an existential crisis [an evolutionary default].

From ChatGPT"
"Quote" .......
Experiences of God or a divine presence are highly subjective and can vary greatly from person to person. It is important to note that the nature of these experiences is often deeply personal and can be influenced by various factors, including cultural and religious backgrounds, personal beliefs, and individual psychological and physiological conditions. While it is difficult to provide an exhaustive list, I can mention some commonly reported ways in which people have described experiencing or perceiving a divine presence:
  • 1. Religious or spiritual practices: Engaging in rituals, prayers, or meditation associated with a particular religion or spiritual tradition can create a conducive environment for experiencing a sense of the divine.

    2 Mystical experiences: Individuals may report mystical or transcendent experiences where they feel a deep connection with a higher power or a sense of unity with the universe. These experiences are often described as profound and beyond ordinary perception.

    3 Near-death experiences (NDEs): Some individuals who have had near-death experiences report encountering a divine presence or having a sense of being in the presence of a higher power. These experiences can include feelings of peace, love, and a life review.

    4. Personal revelations: People may report having personal revelations or moments of profound insight that they attribute to a divine source. These can involve sudden understanding, clarity, or a deep sense of guidance.

    5. Nature and awe-inspiring experiences: Being in nature or witnessing awe-inspiring sights such as a beautiful sunset, starry sky, or majestic landscape can evoke a sense of wonder and reverence that some individuals interpret as a connection to something greater than themselves.

    6. Altered states of consciousness: Certain altered states induced by practices like meditation, fasting, or sensory deprivation can create an environment where individuals may report experiencing a heightened sense of spirituality or a connection to the divine.

    7. Hallucinogenic substances: Some individuals who have used hallucinogenic substances such as psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, or ayahuasca report having profound mystical experiences or encountering a divine presence. These experiences are often influenced by the specific substance, set and setting, and individual mindset.

    8. Dreams and visions: Dreams and visions have long been regarded as potential channels for divine communication or experiences. Some people interpret vivid dreams or visionary experiences as encounters with a divine being or a higher reality.

    9. Synchronicities and coincidences: Some individuals perceive meaningful coincidences or synchronicities in their lives as signs of a divine presence or intervention.

    10. Emotional and transformative moments: Moments of deep emotional connection, intense joy, or personal transformation can lead some individuals to attribute these experiences to a divine influence or presence.
more ...
  • Spiritual or religious retreats: Participating in retreats or immersive spiritual experiences, such as intensive meditation retreats or religious pilgrimages, can create an environment conducive to experiencing a sense of the divine.

    Emotional and psychological states: Intense emotional states, such as profound love, gratitude, or deep sorrow, can sometimes elicit experiences that individuals interpret as a connection with the divine.

    Creative and artistic inspiration: Artists, musicians, and writers sometimes describe moments of profound inspiration or creativity as being guided or influenced by a higher power or a divine source.

    Religious or mystical texts: Engaging deeply with sacred texts, scriptures, or spiritual writings can evoke a sense of encountering the divine and lead to experiences that individuals interpret as encounters with God.

    Symbolism and religious imagery: Symbolic representations and religious imagery, such as icons, statues, or religious art, can serve as triggers for experiences of the divine.

    Community and group dynamics: Being in the presence of a religious or spiritual community and engaging in communal worship, rituals, or group practices can foster an environment where individuals may report experiencing a divine presence.

    Personal longing or seeking: Individuals who have a strong desire for a spiritual connection or a longing for something beyond the ordinary may be more susceptible to perceiving experiences of the divine.

    Nurturing beliefs and expectations: Preexisting beliefs and expectations about the existence of God or a divine presence can shape the way individuals interpret and experience events, leading them to attribute certain experiences to the divine.

    Faith traditions and teachings: Religious teachings and doctrines that emphasize the possibility of encountering God or the divine can influence individuals' interpretations of their experiences and provide frameworks for understanding and attributing these experiences.

    Cultural and social influences: Cultural and societal factors, including religious upbringing, social norms, and cultural beliefs, can shape individuals' perceptions and experiences of the divine.
It is important to recognize that while these experiences are significant to those who have them, they may not provide objective evidence for the existence of a specific deity or higher power. Interpretation and understanding of these experiences can vary widely based on individual beliefs and cultural contexts.
........... "Unqote"

I add the following;
  • 21. Dr. Persinger's God Helmet
    The term God Helmet refers to a controversial experimental apparatus in neurotheology. The apparatus, placed on the head of an experimental subject, stimulates the brain with magnetic fields. Persinger reports that at least 80 percent of his participants experience a presence beside them in the room, which they variously say feels like God or someone they knew who had died.
    The leading researcher in this area is Michael Persinger. Persinger uses a modified snowmobile helmet or a head-circlet device nicknamed the Octopus that contain solenoids which create a weak but complex magnetic field over the brain's right-hemisphere parietal and temporal lobes.

    22. Temporal Epilepsy:
    Ramachandran, the Temporal Lobes and God
    How Our Brain Creates Delusion Of God

    23. Brain Damage
    My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor
    Taylor experienced 'god-like experience' immediately upon a stroke from severe brain damage.
I am sure there are more .. see post #2 below;
If you are aware of any, please add to the above list.

Contd ..
Last edited by Veritas Aequitas on Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Veritas Aequitas
Posts: 12998
Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:41 am

Re: Listing of Causes in Experiencing God

Post by Veritas Aequitas »


Here are more from ChatGPT:

Temporal lobe epilepsy: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a neurological disorder that affects the temporal lobes of the brain. Some individuals with TLE may experience religious or spiritual hallucinations, visions, or intense feelings of religious significance during seizures or as an aura before a seizure.

Postictal state: Following a seizure, some individuals may enter a postictal state characterized by confusion, disorientation, and altered mental states. During this state, some individuals report religious or mystical experiences.

Stroke: In rare cases, individuals who have had a stroke or a brain injury in certain regions of the brain may report profound religious or spiritual experiences, similar to those seen in temporal lobe epilepsy.

Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs): TIAs, also known as mini-strokes, can cause temporary disruptions in blood flow to the brain. In some cases, individuals have reported experiencing intense religious or spiritual experiences during or following a TIA.

Charles Bonnet syndrome: Charles Bonnet syndrome is a condition characterized by visual hallucinations in individuals with visual impairments or blindness. These hallucinations can include religious or spiritual themes, leading some individuals to interpret them as encounters with the divine.

Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that can cause various symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions. Some individuals with schizophrenia may have religious or spiritual delusions or auditory hallucinations involving religious or divine figures.

Psychotic disorders: Other psychotic disorders, such as bipolar disorder with psychotic features or schizoaffective disorder, can also involve religious or spiritual delusions or experiences.

Medications and substance-induced experiences: Certain medications, such as antiepileptic drugs or antidepressants, can occasionally trigger religious or spiritual experiences as side effects. Additionally, the use of hallucinogenic substances or psychedelic drugs can induce mystical or spiritual experiences that individuals may interpret as encounters with the divine.
Last edited by Veritas Aequitas on Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Listing of Causes in Experiencing God

Post by Age »

Causes of experiencing God.

God exists.
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