Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

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Philosophy Now
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Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Post by Philosophy Now »

Brian J. Collins critiques Yuval Noah Harari’s ethical and political incoherence.
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Agent Smith
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Re: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Post by Agent Smith »

"Who is that guy?"

"Yuval Noah Harari, Israeli historian, author of Sapiens."

"What on earth is he doing?"

"He's doing exactly what everyone else is doing or trying to do. We already talked about this 5 pages ago!"

"5 pages ago?!"

"Yes, 5 pages ago, Chapter IX, The Secret."

"That's interesting. I don't remember, are we reading a book."


"You mean ..."

"You have aphantasia."

"Then I'm right! OMG!"

"We should give Harari this. Quick, now's our chance!"

"Psst ... Harari ... Harari."

"Hello? Is there anyone there?"

"Harari ... Yuval ... Noah ... hey, here!"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"Right now I'm your fairy God mother. Here take this, you'll need it. There's 4 and a half, ok?"

"Just what the doctor ordered! What do I do with the half?"

"I don't know. Think of something. Adios mi amigo!"

"Thank you."
owl of Minerva
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Re: Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari

Post by owl of Minerva »

Brian G. Collins you are absolutely correct in your critique of Yuval Noah Harari’s worldview. His view is totally wrong and misleading. At a time when humanity should be evolving out of literalism Harari is reinforcing it. Literalism was necessary in the Dark Ages, as the numinous could be incomprehensible or even dangerous. For humanity then literalism was a safe harbor.

All cultures prior to The Dark Ages, including Ancient Greece, understood the importance of myth, its reality, and how it was the basis for lived life. Not to downplay the importance of reason but without myths to live by reason is blind. Far from myth being just a creation of the human imagination, as Harari sees it, it is the ground of being that Carl G. Jung perceived it to be.

If we were devoid of our nightly dreams our daily lives would be unmoored. Hitler wanted someone to stay up with him and play cards. What would his dreams have been?

As noted in Collins critique Harari’s worldview doesn’t stand up to philosophical analysis, it unravels when considered philosophically. Life is confusing enough without another erroneous view gaining traction. The success of Harari’s books shows how enamored the populace can be by an erroneous viewpoint without understanding its flaws.

Thanks for this critique of Sapiens it deserves to be widely circulated.
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