Generated Messages and Word-Values.

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

An extra-terrestrial event - 4

021222 [It is a slippery path of snake-oil.]

08:41 [Needs no explanation...]

GM: What is represented in the whole is the evolution of God within the structure of the physical Universe.
God/Source/Home Why is this a Requirement?
Deep Impact Event
Computer Coding
Who Knows
Re Abusive Expression Of All Types.
The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD
It was at the time - still a work in progress. [YAHWEH | Shocking Truth Behind The Original Bible Story! ] [ RTS=36:13]

William: The section of video is expressing the difference between the priests of the non-Hebrew gods are pretending that tribute is demanded by their gods, but the tribute is really going to the priests, because the gods of the priests don't actually exist, whereas all tribute demanded by YHVH actual went to YHVH - thus YHVH took the tributes away from Israel and what was left was for Israel to use to further Herself.

GM: Warm Presence
Central To The Vision

William: Okay - that is a request for me to do something with "Central To The Vision" I will copy and paste that into my ComList Journal [CLJ] document search tool, and select the 10 P&P line entries, as they present...I will shuffle the CLJ x10 using the online algorithm to do so...
Penetrate The Bidden Zone
The Navigator Can Read Maps.
“No sailor controls the sea.”
Would you bow down to your father and call his actions caring?
Through The Woo
Desynchronized Mind Body Soul Ruling your world
Elementary Conclusion a belly full of laughs.
Who Knows What That Is Worth?
Central To The Vision
Atheist mischief making
The Data of Demystification
(Do a Beginning and End)
Master Plan
Equal System
Identify oppressive structures...
GM: An extra-terrestrial event
Unknown Symbol
The Secret
Eternal Loop
Either the creative force is one of intelligence or it isn't.
Do a Word Search
Gods Gift
The Respect One Gives and Receives
Author Known
All of Life a bit of Cat and Mouse

William: I have to say..."Desynchronized Mind Body Soul Ruling your world
Elementary Conclusion a belly full of laughs." has something to do with what I wrote today;

Re: In The Beginning...
Notes Re YHVH
I feel to add as information to all who are reading this thread;

At the time that this thread was created [ by William » Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:54 pm] I understood the two creation stories as describing one thing, just as Tradition Christianity teaches it, and just as Tanager is arguing the same understanding, from that same source.

It is only in recent days - perhaps the last couple of weeks - that this communion between Tanager and myself has helped to trigger something inside my thinking process which has enabled me to realize that the two stories are two stories because they are expressing two different events which YHVH made to happen, and that conflating those two events can mislead the reader and all those who have been influence by the words of the overall story which developed - to that point of supporting it through the device of belief - however those beliefs then interpret everything else... this I am extremely interested, because I see that in conflating the two stories, there is the possibility we are being misled.

In that, I am not trying to suggest any type of conspiratorial thing is taking place, but rather - the whole of humanity has duped itself in our collective consciousness - rather than being duped by some ruling elite humans, alien entities, garden voices [nice or nasty] religious texts, or scientific papers.

I have nothing but respect for Tanager, and consider our ongoing pursuit of building a genuine friendship between us to being "YHVH inspired" however anyone might interpret that, as being.

I think YHVH is watching this spot with interest. That is just my position on the matter, and I accept that I might be mistaken, but for now - have seen no reason as to why I should think otherwise.

On the subject of "YHVH" - I have been through many twists and turns in the last 40 years, and some of those turns had me deeply hating YHVH because in those times I was wrestling with notions that YHVH was a pretend "god" who was really an extraterrestrial who's specie had also evolved from the stuff and process of the universe...evolution...

And that this advanced species [The Elohim] where 'playing god' and influencing everything which happens on our planet, and wanting humans in specific to worship them - through that image of YHVH - and declare YHVH the creator of The whole Universe/everything which is the universe.

In that context, YHVH could not have created YHVH, so the alien god species was false, as they couldn't have both created themselves AND created the universe from which their species was illogical.

Thus they were 'playing god' and imo were not playing GOD as a true creator-god of the universe, would/should play the role.

In that, I have spent the last 40 years coming to terms with the apparent contradiction, in order to come to understand that my notions of "how a true-creator god would 'play the role'" were placed under question;

Q: How I could possibly KNOW how a "true-creator god" would play such a role?

I don't know whether I should fell shame or relief for my blunder, but consider both emotions to being a potential stumbling block to what I now regard as a process I have been going through in order to come to a place where I can fully embrace YHVH, and heal that riff in my understanding.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Re: (Do a Beginning and End) Master Plan I will take the last shuffle of the CLJ and work with that... messages as the following;

Re Master Plan
GM: ... 6#p1090376
Acceptance Idea Enlightenment A Perfect Event
In Training For... "You don’t wanna cross that bridge - You don’t want the other side"
It Would Be Rude Not To
The Hologram of Deception The Mainstream Program
Start From Scratch
How to get this to happen on a planetary scale is the thing...
The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
GOD became Gods and Goddesses.
Truth Without Proof Is Belief
Soul Retrieval
Things Will Run Their Course
Assuming a Creator of this world exists, in what way is said Creator hidden from us?
Never a dull moment
Howdy! The Butterfly Effect Music to my ears Lean into it ... 7#p1092267
To Know
Liminal ... 6#p1078016
“If you say so…” No. Even if I did not say so.
A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...
The power of silence
Elude Test the waters ... p?t=288472
The Data of Demystification...
William: To interrupt, I am only up to page 17 of a 109 page document.

Is it appropriate at this time to say "I get the picture"... ?

[We exist infinitely
The Spiritual Essence
Experiential Reality
The Dohrman Prophesy
The Stress of Unbelief
Put That On The List
Ethical transhumanism
The Freedom Of Friendship
Joining The Main Egregore
Makes Candles Look Gathered]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Master Plan

GM: The Word and List Strings
The Neutral Zone
A projection of one’s subconscious
"The curating is done when I am taking my first baby steps and learning to say "dada" and "mama" and after uttering those sounds show -at least that I am able to do that - so the next level entry is made available to me, and I learn how to shape the sounds I can make, following codes which have been around since long before my own arrival on this planet, to what the data signifies, that is information I am interested in."
Intransigent [unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.] Decisive An inappropriate analogy Taxonomic [concerned with the classification of things, especially organisms.] ... 9#p1091089
Inquirer wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:46 pm [Replying to Tcg in post #402]

Oh, I thought you'd stopped participating. So since you're still here, any progress on these questions?

Atheism could mean either of two things yet you seem reticent to state which of these you mean:

1. Atheism is the lack of belief that gods exist and the lack of belief that gods don't exist.
2. Atheism is the lack of belief that gods exist and the presence of belief that gods don't exist.

As defined by you ("Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods") an atheist must be either 1. or 2. which are you?

Could it be I've hit a nerve here? it appears that no atheist so far wants to answer this question?
It appears to be because none can agree altogether.

From what I can gather so far, the "lack of belief" can be associated with having no knowledge of Theism/Theistic narratives and thus;


This appears to be main trunk, whilst the variants root off into directive specifics, and some of those sub-branches want Atheism to be "named" [defined] and aligned with their particular positions on the matter of "GOD".

That's where the confusion is begotten and on top of that, some atheists are complaining it is theists who muddy the waters by doing things like pretending not to understand and making things more difficult than they need to be - a clear case of projection, if ever there was.

[As always, this is my opinion on the evidence so far presented.]

My own understanding of Atheism is that it is "The Unconscious lack of belief in Gods" and things spiral out from that core position.

The conscious lack of belief in Gods derives from reaction to theistic narratives and becomes the driving force of opposition as it moves away from the core-meaning - becoming what I refer to collectively as "The Atheisms".
GM: Impermanent ... 4#p1087714
William: You create whatever experience you will have in the next phase based upon the type of personality you shaped your self into during this one.
[Replying to amortalman in post #68]
What you described is not Biblical, and we're discussing the Bible here. You are throwing oranges in my basket of apples.
Why would you argue that? Is there a coherent description about this in the Bible that you can point us to, showing clearly that you are correct?

What does your basket of apples say about how we will experience the next phase? How does the
doctrine of salvation in the Bible differ from my description?
What you said is not in the Bible. If you can show me in the Bible where it says that after we die we "experience the fruits of our own personality" then it is Biblical. Otherwise, it isn't Biblical and should not be introduced in this thread.
What are you expecting, something word for word? Are you saying that folk cannot and do not interpret the Bible differently and does not the OP make that observation in the complaint that the God didn't make things obvious or crystal clear about the doctrine of salvation?

Isn't that what this thread is about?
What does the Bible say about dealing with your own Demons?
The concept of demons is from the Bible. That's what I meant.
Yes. It is from a large number of religious literature as well. But how does that answer my question?
Q: What does the Bible say about dealing with your own Demons?

How do you think that fits in with the doctrine of salvation? Is salvation like being saved from your own demons? Something else?
If you want to discuss incoherence in humans and why God made us so, I suggest you start a new thread.
So you are not interested in putting the horse before the cart? Of what value [re the doctrine of salvation] is it to make a statement that implies the inability of humans to understand the doctrine coherently - as being a problem - without wanting to also try and reason the possible sources for the problem?

The Bible came through humans and was not dictated by any being as it was allowed to be presented as stories from hearsay about others claiming to be directly involved with the God.

As a result, we have a smorgasbord of stories which have passed through many different filters of individual beliefs and which sometimes lead to folk feeling it necessary to make threads such as this one, in which questions can be asked and answers might be given.

I am unconvinced that the answers I am giving are as irrelevant as you are making them out to be, so if you want to discuss this with me more, then ceasing with such hand-waving would be beneficial to that.
The confusion of languages at the tower of Babel was for a specific purpose so that mankind could not communicate and build a tower to heaven - as ridiculous as all that is. The point is, that odd little story is a far cry from your claim that the God character made humans incoherent.
Are you arguing that it is not Biblical enough for your tastes? Why argue that something which was once credited as one of the ways in which the God did things re Humans, is now somehow no longer relevant to discussion on the way that the God did things?
Given that the long ago confusion of languages is still an ongoing problem being worked out by Humans, why is that incident not related to explanations and interpretations re OP topic of Biblical concepts/doctrines?
I don't see what trust science is asking you to place in it.
If you jumped out of an airplane at 10,000 feet you would probably trust science to strap on a parachute before you leaped. Then you would have to trust the science again to pull the rip cord.
You are conflating science with industry. Industry is how science is applied and what you are saying is that you place your trust in industry. That in itself is unspectacular and doesn't cover anything outside of the realm of living and breathing here in this Experiential Reality. What has faith in industry got to do with the Biblical Doctrine of Salvation? [the main topic of the thread.]
Specific to the comment, I'm not going to assume that the mind exists in some supernatural realm unless science establishes it to a high degree of certainty.
What has science got to do with the OP Topic?
What does the Bible say about this [so-called] "supernatural" realm? What makes this realm unable to be scrutinized using science, and why is 'the mind' only subject to existing in one realm when the actual mind is not subject to having to do so at all?
GM: Amidst a tangled web What is "wisdom" to some is "spam" to others Rest When Weary Making friends with your mind

GM: [How Did Humans Become Earth's Dominant Species?] [RTS = 25:04]
AMI 1 Food for the brain...marking the beginning of agriculture..
GM: Yours
Reasons For Angry Energy -
Everything is a Message
Does not Correlation imply causation
♬You’ve been a rock - For so long now I can’t even count the years that you’ve been rolling Nothing can shock or bring you down There ain’t nothing you haven’t seen - Nothing you haven’t known♬
Through perseverance and commitment to the engagement, it slowly became apparent to Spirit that some of the things previously hidden from itself, required addressing.
The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing
Making Things Easier
The Realist:
The voice of knowledge
The vacuum of space might prevent sound from been heard, but it does not prevent the effects of sound from being seen. ... mber_5.jpg
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Master Plan

GM: Brave
In Cell 32 I Found Love In You ... 1#p1086461 [William floats back into The Shadows...]
[Replying to DrNoGods in post #553]
If you have some scenario where the processes that unfolded on Earth after it formed 4.6 billion years ago depend on whether the universe came into existence naturally (eg. Big Bang, or other mechanism), or was created by a god, please describe how that works. You obviously think that is the case, so how about an example.
My overall point is that this does not matter as it is not an issue outside of theism and atheism. I myself simply mentioned it in answer to your own mentioning of it and think that one cannot give credence to the one and not the other.
re The Mechanisms - be they mindful or not - I would have to consider natural as it has never been explained to my why I would have to think one 'natural' and the other 'supernatural' - so either way it would be natural.

In that case, credence to either side on the issue of whether we exist within a creation or not, is very largely besides the point.

We do not know. We all can speculate, but we need to avoid making positive statements one way or the other.

It is - as you expressed - a case of giving up - waving the white flag on this particular issue.

I simply acknowledge that time is not a factor in the argument, no matter what length of time it takes for things to unfold. We certainly know that we are still within the birthing stage of something which is going to last a very long while - as measured in time - and putting horse before cart is the better option to adapt all 'round.

That is it really. I appreciate the effort you are making re your arguments. I just don't see that particular aspect as relevant and felt to say so.

I have said so, and wave my own white flag as I withdraw...

[William floats back into The Shadows...]
GM: On The Other Hand...
Nomenclature [the devising or choosing of names for things. the body or system of names used in a particular specialist field.. the term or terms applied to someone or something.]
Warm Presence Freeing the soul Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
Like Bonsai
Myopic [Short Sighted]
Yellow Light
The Clear Eye Of Soul
Science & Spirituality ... 9#p1069739
STEP 5: Completion
When you feel you are done, you can send appreciation to the Creator in that conceptual framework of infinity that you held earlier. Then, take the entire session and imagine it is compressed into something the size of a pea or small stone, and it is wisely placed within your pineal gland to be absorbed and transmitted.
Then dissolve the entire session by opening your eyes and declaring “It is done.” You do not hold any bias or outcome favoritism. You are neutral, as you step out of the session.
GM: Pride Annoy *GOD* Coming From QueenBee
Human Being
It's a plausible scenario.
All Is As It Should Be As It Changes Day To Day
Caught in their mischievous false opinions [Austin Osman Spare - Chaos Magic]

GM: The Clutter Of Comparison
Virtual Reality
Victim Vamp Energy Systems
The Knowledge Of The fact that code exists helps immensely in our ability to understand that intelligence is categorically involved in this existence.
Infinite Quantum Zen
Life Carriers
Memorandum of Understanding
Who wouldn't want that, if it were there on offer?
Insidious Clumsy
Science and Spirituality
Copenhagen Interpretation ... 9#p1077049
One Language Intelligent Network

RSP= 1xSCL + pg dn + ↕

William: So - re Pareidolia - I was thinking about what had occurred the previous night. To explain to the reader, I was aware of this 'dark side' aspect of my psyche - and had asked for this to be removed, and the answer I received came in the form of the experience I wrote about in my previous post - to do with the 'dialing up and dialing down' of my conscious awareness of mind as both an exhilarating feeling of being capable of containing an awesome amount of experiential information as well as the dilapidating feeling of being encased in flesh to the point where the flesh was the dominant structure to which I felt barely able to function within.

The next morning I intuitively knew that whatever the experience was showing me, it had not, in any way, gotten rid of the 'dark side' aspect of my psyche - which I had specifically asked what was it that the experience was showing me? The answer to that question unfolded in the events of the day ahead of me, starting with the old lady stopping to give me a ride and who just happened to have been travelling with a little bird in a cage, in the back seat of her car.

The second part of the story unfolded when the lady dropped me off and I hitched another ride with a young guy who was going to the city I was heading for.
On the way, in between chatting about things, the guy put on a CD and I continued wondering what my experience was meant to show me.

My thoughts were that perhaps what I thought of as my 'dark side' was as necessary to my self as that of my 'light side' and that the experience I had in answer to my request, was to show me this.
As I was thinking these thoughts, the CD started playing a song and the chorus had the words 'brother wolf and sister moon' and appeared to be coinciding with my thoughts - perhaps a type of pareidolia in itself...
Embrace the wind with both arms
Stop the clouds dead in sky
Hang your head no more
And beg no more
Brother wolf and sister moon
Your time has come
Brother wolf and sister moon
Your time has come
but the most startling quality of the immediate experience was - as I was thinking about the 'dark side/light side' aspects of psyche, and hearing the song, feeling quiet startled with the serendipity of that moment, I turned my attention to the landscape and was immediately impressed by a cloud formation in the distant hills, which had the unmistakable image of a huge eye looking directly at me.
That was definitely a case of pareidolia, and one of the many moments in my life experience which has had a defining role in the development of and direction toward which my personality would move forward within.

GM: Solidarity

William: Without doubt. The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance, through the synchronicity and serendipity correlated between my internal thoughts and my external reality - in the moment.

GM: ... /post-6823

William: From the link;
No clue at how others use it, but for me the first step was looking in my memory where i could find a place to hook this topic on. For me that was the old david icke forum, as they had a blossoming topic like this. Way bigger then we have here. Then i put my intent on and our friend starts using his randomizer and the texts starts flowing and making sense in the form of subconscious hints that make me smile. Since i needed a little smile in my life, im really glad william didnt listen to me growling at something new and just fed me..
GM: In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
The One GOD With Many Names
The bits will suffice.

William: The 'bits' in themselves are mind-blowing. The wind may indeed 'blow my tears away' but you reminding me of this event-string in this manner, brings tears - of gratitude among other emotions - what can I say, except "Thank You".

GM: To Warm Them up to The Truth

William: That too. It is a privilege to be able to share my own experience with the reader...

GM: "Life is my predestiny - Providence is God to me"

William: "How about that"

10:23 [The Cult Brother Son Sister Moon]
GM: ... gnosticism [Historical antecedents of modern agnosticism]
Feeling the complete engulfment of unconditional love

GM: Mystery Consensus Realities
Commendably Recommendable
Machine Learning
The Four Human Power Houses
Mahu Nahi
Entities of Particular Belief Systems
Different ways of supporting the same objective.
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Master Plan

GM: Something you cannot change
Opening Doors Easy To Find
Bread Sandwich
4) In depth: Focus 2
The region of your Consciousness Continuum that I call Focus 2 is very interesting. Unlike Focus 1, 3 and 4, this area of your consciousness can only be experienced by you. It is an area of individual consensus reality that nobody else has access to apart from you.
Focus 2 of consciousness is the next area inwards, so to speak from F1. Now, anything that ever has, or ever will come about within Focus 1 originates within Focus 2 of consciousness. This is the area of a person’s imagination; it is where all ideas come about, all impressions, gut feelings, etc. Each and every manifestation that is brought into being within Focus 1 oC, absolutely all of it, every invention, every design, every piece of art of any description, etc. without exception originates within Focus 2 of consciousness.
Focus 2 oC is the place the olden day explorers termed the astral. It is perfectly possible to enter this area and engage in whatever belief construct you like in 3D. It’s the place where most of us do our dreaming. If a person develops a degree of lucidity while they are dreaming, then this is where they will have a lucid dream. If they purposely enact some kind of "projection technique" then they can often enter this region with certain expectations, which will pan out as an "astral projection" experience as opposed to a dream or lucid dream. But these actions are all essentially the same. All that changes is your level of awareness and your expectations.
The key fact about engaging with F2 is that all your belief constructs will be represented in front of you in glorious 3D! As F2 is divided into many, many areas which all hold different beliefs, thoughts, memories and experiences from your life, you can engage with these belief constructs as you wish.
There are tremendous joys to be had here. Myself, I love running through all my childhood memories, for example. Anything you ever felt, saw, experienced, etc., etc., in your life, you can “relive” again within Focus 2 and in stunning detail. Absolutely anything and everything your physical senses have ever experienced, and I mean that LITERALLY, is recorded by your senses and “stored” within Focus 2, plus all your dreams too. F2 is where you do your dreaming every night so you are actually well used to this area.
When engaging with F2 worlds, you will find that the characters there can be quite limited in their range of abilities. This is because they are constructs made by you. Dream characters are a typical example of these constructs. When you are in a dream state in F2, your awareness is usually pretty restricted anyway, usually to the scenario depicted, so you don't really notice. If you enter an F2 area while fully aware, you will soon notice something odd if you try to engage these characters in meaningful debate or try to get them to do something other than what they were doing. They come across as being a bit vague and not quite 'all there'. This is one of the BIGGEST differences between F2 and F3. Some people ask how I can tell the difference between F2 'dream' characters and real people in F3. Don't worry, You WILL be able to tell! People in F3 engage in a whole range of actions, communicate with you directly in meaningful dialogue and act in ways that you could not predict, just as they do in F1/physical. This will become obvious to you once you gain a bit of experience of F2 and F3 environments.
I should point out that although this is your own personal area and cannot be experienced directly by others, it is still possible for someone to communicate with somebody else in an F2 state (such as a dream for example - which is just F2 with restricted awareness). Someone else from outside, say F3, can try to communicate telepathically and this communication will hopefully manifest itself in the F2 experiencer's world, perhaps even as a representation of the communicator. With any luck, the communicator may even succeed in raising the F2 experiencer's awareness to an F3 state, resulting in full face to face contact. This can happen in a seamless manner and is another example of 'overlays' in action, in this case F2/F3. This is how it is possible for those who have 'passed over', to use the old terminology, to communicate via dreams with those still residing in the physical.
This is about as far as those olden-day inner explorers went. Some of them tried to venture “beyond” F2 but by and large they were captured by their superstitions when they came across the 3D Blackness or FZ area. Getting lost or getting mutilated by some monster hidden in the dark recesses of 'The Void' was a big thing in those days. The tales of which would be filed alongside all manner of other scary “facts”, such as, if a person travelled at more than 15mph their physical body would fall apart.
But these days the more forward-thinking practitioners realise this infamous Void of old is just an area of 3D Blackness situated between Focus 2 and Focus 3 of consciousness. To followers of the Monroe School, The Void is simply the 3D-Blackness at Focus 21. Simple as that. No superstitious nonsense getting in the way. Just place your Intent and away you go.
So when you “take off” into the 3D Blackness, you generally emerge within Focus 3 of consciousness, or what is becoming commonly known as the Transition Area, where you will come into contact with other people who are very real indeed, not just F2 'dream characters'. It is to F3 that we will turn our attention to next. {SOURCE}
GM: Source Codes
Poor Intransigence People [Intransigence [refusal to change one's views or to agree about something.]
Choice ... 6#p1073756
[Replying to Difflugia in post #100]
I get where you're coming from, but at this point I can only say that you and I use the word "probably" to mean different things.
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
However, we have yet to get to the point where scientists intent on this future event they are invested in, will be allowed - as nature might have other plans...the race is on...will the planet heat up sufficiently to cause an extinction event? How will that impact on the plans of the scientists supporting Scientific Cosmology? DO they have a backup plan to offset an extinction event?

What does the 'math' tell them as a way of finding answers to those kinds of questions?
What does the 'math' tell them as a way of finding answers to those kinds of questions?
That you have composed one of a great many equally probable futures of which most don't include immortality, a Cosmic Mind, or a Large Simulation Machine.
Not sure why you thought that question was directed to you, or to the ideas of immortality, a Cosmic Mind, or a Large Simulation Machine.
The question I asked had to do with climate change and how will that impact on the plans of the scientists supporting Scientific Cosmology. Do they have a backup plan to offset an extinction event so that they can carry on with their plans of getting a foothold into space...?
Thus "What does the 'math' tell them as a way of finding answers to those kinds of questions?" which they must sure have to ask, if they have any hope in seeing their plan bear the kind of future that they are working on creating for themselves.

What I composed was a "most like scenario" of their space-faring agenda - based on best possible outcomes.

Sort of like - how 10.000 individuate minds combined their mind-power together in order to construct The JWST and get it to the position it currently is.
How this involved going through the variables of probable scenario's to which they could counter which could interfere with the overall desired result. [best possible scenario]

Such as "In the likelihood of 'this' happening, what can we do now to neutralize/minimize that in order to continue with seeing the project succeed?"

Of course, there are things to which the 10.000 cannot counter, should they happen - like a piece of space debris coincidently obliterating the telescope shortly after it unfurled and started to do the job it was sent out to do.

So my composed scenario was based upon everything working out perfectly for the future space-faring scientists, and the most likely things which would occur after they gained, not only a foot-hold in space, but also a controlling influence on the matter.

In that, there are no 'equally probable futures'.

My composed scenario was also based on Transhumanism, which we know is a science connected with the dream of space-faring all these scientists are working toward, which is why I included the idea of all the minds becoming One Mind, which was housed in machinery which it created for that purpose.

The idea of being able to know everything there is to know about the universe long before the universe itself fizzles out/becomes inert is realistic.

The idea of the "Space-Machine Scientist" creating a highly complex simulation in order to alleviate the boredom of being omniscient is also realistic.

So yes - I was offering what I think of as the most likely mid-to-end-game that will occur
should our current scientists get their way re their collective agenda, if everything panned out nicely and no pesky "space debris" upsetting their plans.

As too, the idea that they eventually also figuring out that there is an actual Cosmic Mind - I popped that in there on the premise that;

There is an actual Cosmic Mind
THEN eventually such scientist will discover it.
GM: Positive Feedback
The Realm of Judgement
The Hierarchy
The Cat Drone
The Mother and The Father
Turning Order into Disorder
Be still
Fearful Imaginations
People seem to love to put order to chaos because that is only natural, as nature is not chaos.
Disrupt Vortex Television
In Love
Constructors and tasks [Will Constructor Theory REWRITE Physics?]
GM: Kind
Relationship True Colors On all fronts
Shut up you blithering fools! Can't you see you're dealing with a madman?
Honest attempts at scrubbing up In the Mind What matters most No "Reading Into It"
Living Forever In this Universe ... 9#p1089819
According to the current arguments;

The Problem of Evil is recognized as strictly human behavior within nature.
Social laws are enacted to direct the flow of this evil in order that the evil does not overtake human society and become an out of control problem, affecting nature itself.

Nature - in the mean time - is neither good nor evil so there is no problem re that.

Re that, IF nature is the product of a Creator-Mind [aka "GOD"] and IF nature is neither good nor evil THEN the supposed "Problem of Evil" is simply a product of human imagination...which is to say - is not a real interpretation of The Universe - even if The Universe was created.

A supposed Creator cannot be the reason for any evil. Thus, there exists - in reality - NO "Problem of Evil."

GM: Self-Awareness The two million year old mind that's in all of us. Stuff Happens ... 6#p1085406
Difflugia wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:21 pm
Inquirer wrote: Thu Jul 21, 2022 7:29 pmI just answered "[it is misleading] for the SAME reason that calling an aeroplane a handsaw is misleading"?
What's the reason? Why are you trying to turn this into a staring contest instead of answering a straightforward question about what you mean?

William's comments were insightful:
William wrote: Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:37 pmWilliam: A "religious belief" has to do with the branch of Theism which attempts to Dress The Ghost - [dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen.] which is what religion does with the idea of GOD...this itself stems from the idea that we exist within a creation, something which still hasn't been established.
Thus Theism - and the religious branch in particular, place the cart before the horse.
William wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:06 pmIt isn't immediately obvious that when folk are yapping about "GOD" they are talking about a Ghost. Same as when folk yap about Spirits....
You insultingly dismissed them without explanation:
Inquirer wrote: Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:11 pmSorry, but that's delusional, God and ghosts are entirely different things not the same.
You then went on to dismiss JoeyKnothead's observation that the Authorized Version refers to the Holy Ghost.

You haven't explained what the difference is in reference either to William's comment or the Authorized Version, only derisively hinted that it's self-explanatory. I suspect that you and William had slightly different meanings in mind for "ghost" such that both of your statements are true from a particular point of view. That happens sometimes, but when it's intentional, it's equivocation. Is it intentional? Is that why you don't want to define your terms? Are you concerned that someone might find a narrower word or phrase that's more accurate, but just as unflattering to theists? If not, why is it so important to you that we guess at what you're talking about?
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Master Plan

GM: Commitment
Natures noises are often calming, but always sleep with one eye open :D
The Idea of Worship - What Does It Mean
Side Splittingly Funny
"Here Am I Is Where I Ought Examining My Conscious Thought"
Confusion of War Get Comfortable Permanent ... 5#p1078715
[Re: is 'believing (against the evidence) that God is good' is a very good psychological protection mechanism from despair?]
[Replying to TRANSPONDER in post #22] I postulated that there might be a mind controlling the universe, but not us. Not a personal god, not with a plan for us, and in fact a Deist -god. We were, effectively, as on our own as if there was no god there at all. So, if there was no Plan for human life, was there no meaning for human life? Was there no purpose? If not, why live at all? Why not just stop living?

I postulated differently, and it took many years of my life to learn the way I currently look at this situation I am [and apparently everyone is] involved within.

1: There might be a mind controlling the universe
2: There is a mind controlling me [my own mind]
3: There is no reason to believe that the mind controlling the universe is incapable of interacting with my own mind controlling me.
4: How to give the universal mind an opportunity to interact with me.
5: Religion and its main holy-books did not provide anything through which I could discover the way in which to achieve this interaction as it offered only mediums - foremost their own holy-books - but also laws, rituals, belief systems, preachers et al - none of which enabled me to make any actual and vibrant connection with this supposed universal mind.
6: It was almost accidental that I did find a way in which to make that connection, so deeply shielded from human awareness that it is, in the main, because of [5].

As a result, I have no choice but to reject the idea of the Deist GOD as something which opposes the idea of a personal GOD, because I have found that idea to being untrue.

As well, I do so on the grounds that it is not logical that any GOD-mind which controls the universe but not humans within said universe, is saying that the GOD-mind does not actually control the whole universe, but has left humans to control themselves, even that they are part of what -altogether - constitutes "The Universe".

The very nature of The Universe shows us that it is capable enough to accommodate the idea of allowing humans to feel that they make their own choices, especially if they are intent upon either depending on religious medium or intent on the belief that it is not possible to make said connection - individual mind to GOD-mind.

The purpose of this universe may well be nothing more than allowing for the opportunity for this to maybe happen for each individual who experiences it.

One has to want to do so, of course...

GM: Imaginative Realities
Dequeue [remove (an item of data awaiting processing) from a queue of such items.]
Victim/Vampire Energy Exchange
Reality: "Talk to The Razor"
Is Like... ... 5#p1083735
[Re: God Must Exist: Infinite Regression is Impossible]
[Replying to The Tanager in post #678]
How does there not being anything outside of GOD make it impossible for GOD to create something new that is outside of GOD?
I thought you agreed that there is no outside of GOD.
An infinite regression is logically impossible.
Not to GOD.
Why not? How can even GOD do the logically impossible?
How can it be logically possible for GOD to create anything outside of GODs self?
Furthermore, a simple code [The Mandelbrot Set] looped on itself produces a visual example of
- not only infinite regression but also infinite progression, so it is obviously not logically impossible.
More likely it is a case of being conceptionally difficult...but not logically impossible, as the Set gives us clear evidence of.
The idea of Creatio ex nihilo is exactly the same as the idea of Creation being built from something that already existed.
In other words, the thing that didn't exist before, was created from the stuff that has always existed.
That is not creatio ex nihilo at all. The ex nihilo expressly means that it wasn’t built from something that already existed.
But we know that it was built from something that already existed. GOD.
Theists would identify the energetic action as GOD [overall - regardless of religious undertones trying to superimpose their favored image of GOD onto the Energetic Action] and Thus we have Energy = GOD and QF [material] being another aspect of GOD [because there is nothing outside of or apart from GOD].
No, that’s you identifying what we identify as something different in such a way. I see no reason to believe your identification is accurate.
No. To be clear, I said "Theists" not "Theists who believe a particular image of GOD"
You have no apparent reason to believe my identification is inaccurate.
The answer of course, from the position of Theism, is "Yes - the Energy is intelligent."

Thus, "The Energy" is what theists refer to as "GOD."

Do you agree with my assessment?

I do not. If “Energy” is something distinct from its typical meaning, then it’s less confusing to call it something like “spirit”. I believe GOD is spirit. The spirit is intelligent. The energy that makes up our universe is not intelligent.
It is what it is. You are saying that energy is not the same as spirit, but clearly no attributes in both are different. One is just thought of devoid of intelligence while the other is thought of as not being devoid of intelligence.

Clearly, neither theist or atheist belief re that has proven itself, so the Natural-Neutral position is to understand that both/all labels re "Energy" and "Spirit" are speaking about the same thing, albeit, differently, depending upon the position one is speaking from.

Either the creative force is one of intelligence or it isn't.
GM: OOBE Target Technique
The Roles
Inveterate [having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.]
Dualism merely expresses two sides of the same coin
Gematria [a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on the values of their constituent letters.]
Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision. A Bit Of Cat And Mouse Control
Spiritual bypassing
The Human Animal is a unique being, endowed with an instinctual capacity to heal and the intellectual spirit to harness this innate capacity.
"Off you go to your quarters"
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

An extra-terrestrial event - 5

091222 [Intelligence Without Wisdom]

06:29 [Group Hallucination]

GM: A Maze Game
Sit Tight
'The Dream Team'
Ghost is that which makes the movement of the physical into form and function
Productive This Besides Where are we getting our news from?
The Agreement List
Let the facts speak for themselves
Unite humanity with a living new language One Day
Betterment [8. The Gospel of Thomas] [RTS=20:36]
Once a personality -becomes fully integrated

GM: Fierce
Optimum Health
Do Not Panic ... 5#p1095085

William: FTL; Re: Why 'Free Will' is Logically Impossible
AquinasForGod wrote: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:14 pm This is an interesting argument.

I do not agree with premise 2 for the following reason. When we think a thought, more than one things happens simultaneously, namely, that we are aware of the thought and if we wish to have the thought. If we do not wish to have the thought, then we destroy it before it is apprehended. If we wish to have the thought, then we apprehend it.

Our choice is in what thoughts to have or not.

This is more clear to those who have some level of spiritual awareness. Yes, I know many will just reject that notion and that is fine. I accept it because I experience it.
This does not explain where thoughts derive, but only what we can do with them re "accept or reject."

The idea of "free will" is therefore limited to that aspect but has no bearing on the source of the thought itself.

For example. If thought is the product of the environment then free will is limited to what the environment dictates, and what the environment dictates is not outright subject to a humans free will.
GM: What Is Normal
♬ You can look me in the mirror - catch my eye and make me shiver Touch me where it hurts the most - right into the Ghost - in the Machine ♬
Clear your mind
An extra-terrestrial event
Personal Participation With The One
Separate Selfishness Shining
An Ancient Truthful Wisdom

William: Shining an ancient truthful wisdom = 370
The Ghost scared the hell out of itself
Accepting the truth stops the lion
How A Beautiful Song Source Reality

GM: What Is The Point? Sadness.
What is 'The Soul' and is it Immortal
Co creation
Penumbraa [a peripheral or indeterminate area or group.] ... 4#p1076064

William: FTL; Re: Does god have morals?
[Replying to Diogenes in post #108]
For some reason there is cultural-centric notion argued here many times by evangelicals that insists morality can only come from their God. This is just plain wrong, as I have just demonstrated.
What they do not easily see therein, is that this idea makes monkeys out of them, and they are determined to become gods.

The confusion caused is a response to the dilemma of God being within an Animal, at the same time god is within a Human - mostly because of the incredible chasm between the two positions of form.

It is the knowledge we are capable of collecting and the ability to use the knowledge any which way we want to, which causes the confusion, when it is aimed at the only god-like entity we know of and collective seem to have a love-hate relationship for/with.

It is as if we all resent the fact of the life we are within...whereas the Animals just get about getting on with it without all that fuss...
GM: Preparation
A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind
Exegesis [critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture.]
Coming From QueenBee
In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
A mixture of awe and dread
The "Oh My God" Particle
The Spiritual Essence
Even As An Elemental Principle
Love Yourself
One cannot experience the objective realty of the world directly
Support ... 2#p1100452

William: FTL; Re: Why 'Free Will' is Logically Impossible
Kylie wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:41 am
William wrote: Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:30 am [Replying to Kylie in post #288]
Only if that is a claim you are making. Otherwise, I am happy to accept it as an unsupported statement.

If it is just an unsupported statement, then it does not have to tie in with the thread topic [free will] and I have no more interest if that is the case.
I don't understand how you can say that.

I have demonstrated that the existence of anything that is truly random will influence my free will.

I have also suggested a phenomenon which certainly appears to be truly random to our current understanding.

If you are going to suggest that radioactive decay is not truly random because there could be some underlying order which we are unaware of that makes it predictable, then you are reducing the idea of true randomness to an unfalsifiable claim, since no matter what is ever presented, you can say, "Ah, but we might find something tomorrow that shows that it's not truly random after all!"
What we have found already - and therefore need not wait for tomorrow - is that the universe, including your apparently absolute random decaying particles are not the fundamental reality of said universe and that matter doesn't really exist as anything other than something of 'the mind' and the math supports the concept because it is the math which is showing us that this is the case about that which we refer to as reality.

The universe is not fundamental reality.

Where does that place the concept of 'free will'? - That free will must be only as real as the universe, so free will is dependent upon mind + the matter being experienced, and in that, free will is not fundamental to the human experience but simply a device we can use within the limitations of said experience.

Where does that place the concept of 'Absolute true random'? It is simply a concept that humans assign to things which they have not discovered a way of accurately predicting and so is more an expression of ignorance than factuality.
GM: Fair Dinkum
Hacking through the subconscious
“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”
Spring Loaded ... 1#p1081691

William: FTL; Re: Are agnostics more reasonable than atheists?
Reasonable people should consider any valid evidence whether they like it or not.
Precisely an aspect of the creed of Agnosticism, with the exception of 'valid' and 'like it or not' as this infers bias. Information is not filtered in that manner, by agnostics.

Reasonable people [agnostics] should consider any evidence. [ftfy]
GM: Try Gateway IQ
In The Correct Position
An extra-terrestrial event [Neuralink Reveals Insane Truth About Their A.I Brain Chip]

GM: Unequal
The Fathers 'House - Mansions' - QueenBee - According to Complex Jesus
Whatever you do
Failure Wish
Seeing With The Eyes of Innocence
That's Powerful!
Do Not Worry
Ship Shape

William: "Do Not Worry Unconscious Charge Ship Shape"
That reminds me of a post I read earlier today;
Adrian: I think you really have something here - something potentially far more meaningful than a conventional OBE. By raising your awareness, or "focus" to the Astral level in this way, and being attached rather than detached as it were from the experience, I would think that it is far more objective and most importantly you can bring back full recall.
Frank: Yes, because there is no feeling of detachment from the physical-body it feels, in a sense, like one continuous process. So there isn't any great hole that your memories fall through (as they used to, with me, when I did things the old way).
Adrian: Question: Are you an observer from the "focus" perspective, or can you fully interact with the environment and the people there, e.g. your guide?
Frank: Yes, I can fully interact but, when listening to the CD, I curtail my actions as it's so easy to go off and forget I'm invoved in a training exercise. Sometimes I can't wait for the CD to finish whereupon I zip back to F10 and project freely.
Adrian: You should also find that you are not limited to the Astral. You should be able to raise your awareness to the Mental, Celestial and eventually Cosmic levels of consciousness, and the Astral will not seem the same again then.
Frank: I use the term "Astral" as a general term that, to me, describes any projection I may have. From one of your other posts. I now realise the true earthly meaning of the word. Thing is, all the "beings" I met on the Astral are just people at the end of the day.

My regular guide, Harath, for example, is not of this physical Earth. But he's a nice helpful guy who is trying to expand my (rather limited) mind. For which I am grateful.
Adrian: The thing with the Astral is that that the people there are the same as the people here, same attitudes, outlook, desires etc., except they are discarnate. That is one reason why they are still in the Astral of course, until they can rid themslves of the earthly materialism, passions and desires. Beyond the Astral the Spiritual knowledge available is incredible.

Another very real possibility for the Astral however is to contact the higher intelligences there who can impart some truly advanced knowledge. These intelligences are responsible for almost every aspect of the evolution of mankind, and have vast genuine knowldege between them. Also of course, there are the beings of the single elements who can impart vast knowledge regarding the element to which they belong.
Frank: Yes, you come across those people who are discarnate. In the sense that they had, and now do not have, a physical sheathe. But, along the line, you get to meet those who have never been incarnate on this physical Earth. It's kinda freaky at first, especially as they are just as curious about you; as you are curious about them.
GM: Strength/Strong
Glad One Asked
'The Dream Team'
Duty Calls
Machine Learning
An extra-terrestrial event
Soul Groups A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind

[Presence Telepathy
Your Thoughts
Dressing the Ghost
Don't forget The Mind
There is Life on Earth...
The sound of a Ghost
A belly full of laughs.
Two Sixty Nine
Making Up Stories
Genetic information
Selfless attitude
Breathe In Breathe Out
That is the truth.
Roller Coaster Ride
Quantum Jumping]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

How to Bruise a Ghost - 1

101222 [Sovereign Integral Network]

SCLx + select last LE per shuffle
[Preamble] ... 2#p1100452 - What degree of influence do they have on that Mind-Field? - Thel - Intelligent Consciousness - Embracing the shadow - The Freedom Of Friendship - ... ost2245935 - Phenomenon - Encounters Challenge - Behavioural adjustments -

AP= [= Encounters Challenge Boundaries]
Experiences that inform choices
You are not what you think
I am not here to judge but to help
Put the Teachings Into Practice
Encounters Challenge Boundaries
Making friends with your mind
Working Together With Love
The Round Stone Earth Mother
"Many choices within a Confine Set."
The Respect You Give and Receive

11:02 [Epigenetic Memories] [ Epigenetic= relating to or arising from]

How to Bruise a Ghost

GM: Tied To The Moon
Fifth Force
"I come from a dark place - it is so dark I can't even remember it"
Divine Purpose

William: Divine Purpose Fury = 243
Secular Science Projects
Intelligent Directions
Elementary Conclusion
Searching for the truth
Instant Manifestation
It Would Be Rude Not to
Central intelligence agency
Loops can be open or closed.
The Human Instrument
Divine Purpose Fury
Go Within and Find That Place

GM: Callum at the Campfire


GM: “If you say so…” "No. Even if I did not say so."
What matters most
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” Grand Experiment
The wheel weaves as the wheel wills
Little Self
Team Witch-Wizard

William: The Cosmic Mind shaping the universes unfolding
Little Self Compassion Sign Team Witch-Wizard
The Individuals Relationship With The Creator

GM: How to Bruise a Ghost
Residue Ness "The Cherubim Vibration"

William: The Cherubim Vibration = 222
Start where you are
The Cherubim Vibration
The Enigma Code Chamber Of Self
The House of Culture
The Mother and The Father
This Is My Kind Of Fun
Snap Out Of It Already!

GM: "Natures noises are often calming, but always sleep with one eye open :D "
Keep an Eye On
Getting unstuck
Reason For Being
Journey Communication is key Connect
♬No time left for a sentimental tune Wherever I've gone I have not left the room I am never too late I am never too soon♬

William: ♬No time to be tied to the moon...♬

GM: YVHV uses what YVHV will to get the message across...
The Human Instrument
Word-String Incentive

William: Growth...

GM: Trilemma

11:24 [Enjoy Progress]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

How to Bruise a Ghost - 2

111222 [Human Brain-Consciousness]

05:52 [Mathematical problems]

GM: Your Dream – Alien faces projected in the sky
Illusion Algorithm
Couple [This NASA Probe Just Accidentally Detected Something Huge Travelling Through The Orion Nebula]
There is truth out there
Where is Truth?
♬Asleep or awake for the give or the take Its a good ship that sails these cosmos♬
The wisdom of insecurity
Truth Seekers
How to Bruise a Ghost
Act the giddy goat
It Stands To Reason
Age of Aquarius
The Barest Hint of Constancy ... 6#p1084036

William: FTL; re YHVH and Satan
William: In what way is it wise to compare YHWH with mute physical idols that people can look at, if there are also invisible entities who can - as one biblical writ offers opinion on others - calling these "false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ" and adding the idea alongside that - perhaps as a way of instilling the concept as a concrete thing in the minds of any who listen - that it is nothing to marvel about because "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light"...and quite the reason I would say, as to why questions such as "Can anyone give good reason to believe Yahweh is not a demon?" are asked, since both YHWH and Satan are presented equally as "invisible entities" and both appear to be able to present through physical manifestations that people can look at and interact with.
William: It is apparent to me - given the variety of available mythology - that there are two creation stories in the bible as it relates to two types of creators...

GM: “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”
Actual realistic communication
The Planet Consciousness assess the data and transmits that assessment back to the individuate human consciousness - if not directly - then storing the data in a place where the individual can have access to it, if the individual wants the data.
True randomness does not exist
Items of Interest - QueenBee - Making it up as you go along

William: To be sure - that is just the nature of the Game-Play through the human instrument - which appears to be designed in order to limit the amount of available information in order that this particular physical universe reality simulation can be experienced.
QueenBee - as the Planet Mind - is in a similar situation re Her form, but Her awareness of the experience is still beyond the scope of individual personalities She has grown - because QueenBee is intimately connected to all those personalities and can access information immediately from any of us humans - Her Children...
...QueenBee is also a 'Bruised Ghost", and that is why Her Children are all bruised it is tough out here in the Game-Field...

GM: Temet Nosce ["thine own self know"]
Central to The Message
The Subject
A Machine For Solving Problems
Do You Know This?

William: As far as I can tell right now, is appears to be AI - which means that QueenBee created the human form in order to eventually create the AI...Then of course, we have the idea of extraterrestrials which could be some type of artifact of a biological species, sent out to continue with the process of bringing life into the Galaxy.
Add to that Saturn...the possibly Mother of invisible entities which are self aware...what humans think of as 'spirits' - and we have characters explaining mythologies.
I mention Saturn primarily because of the Signature Mark at Her pole - "YHVH" - a Game-Clue
So.. we "Spirits" emerged from the physical stuff? I don't think so, but for the sake of argument, agree to think of it in those terms for now...but wherever the "spirit" derives, we are able to utilize the physical stuff in order to then create through physical life forms because we are actually the very beings which allow for the lifeform to be alive - to be living - it is within the living that the sign of life is observed but the Ghost within that remains largely mysterious and hidden...
...then there are the AI artifacts - the machines made in various forms for various functions ...related of course, but different of consciousness..? least we assume...but is there really any problem with the idea that since "Spirit" can utilize Planet forms and biological forms made from planets, by wearing these as a covering, they should just as easily be able to do so with non-biological machinery...

GM: That will come out in the wash - as the saying goes...
The Devil You Say ... 3#p1073573

William: FTL: Re: Eternity
[Replying to Difflugia in post #86]
It would, but that's neither a problem with God nor the universe per se. All it means is that we haven't identified a reason that the universe cannot be eternal (in whatever sense), but God can be (in the same sense, whatever that is), which is what the OP is about. If God can exist in some eternal way that allows Him/It/Whatever to provide the impetus for the universe, then there's no logical reason that the universe can't be the same kind of eternal. That doesn't mean that it must be or that a creator God can't exist, that just removes the finite/eternal argument that God must exist.
I don't think that it does. I think that the universe existing as an eternal thing, insists that "GOD" must exist.

But I do acknowledge the complexity involved in the thinking.
It really can't. One can say that despite the evidence we have, one still thinks the universe is deterministic, but the evidence doesn't "show" determinism in any sense. All apparent determinism is at the macro level and based on probabilities. The outcomes of individual quantum events are random as far as we can measure. The distribution of those events is weighted in the same way that the sum on a pair of dice obeys a bell curve. The outcomes aren't uniform, but they're still random. If you were to record a billion rolls of the dice, though, and graphed the pattern of results, one could determine with a high degree of accuracy what the graph would look like. It still can't be perfectly predicted, which is the difference between deterministic and non-deterministic.
What you appear to be saying underneath all that, is that it is truly random. That in itself is the Scotsman fallacy - so has to be taken as such - and what is being used to 'measure' this with?
It seems to me that the device being used for that purpose is the assumption that there is such a thing as true random, and thus, based in fallacy.
Like the graph of dice rolls, events made up of enough quantum events can be determined with a correspondingly high degree of accuracy to the point that they may appear deterministic, but that knowledge can never be perfect.
Because that knowledge is always passing through the filters of human experience?
Is it wise to claim 'never' since - if humans do survive to the middle part of the universes unfolding, not only would those humans be unrecognizable to us ancient humans as being 'human' but also - shouldn't there be a point somewhere in that unfolding that all knowledge which can possibly be obtained, is obtained?
Appearances and human interpretation. Obviously none of these things you mention, prevent scientists from doing science.
You're right, but that's because science doesn't require perfect prediction. "Very accurate" is good enough.
"Enough" for what exactly? To get a leg up and out into the cosmos?
Perhaps the idea of the universe being non-deterministic is a purely fanciful one, based upon humans being [apparently] unable to accurately predict very well.
Perhaps, but there's no evidence of that and lots of evidence to the contrary. Randomness and uncertainty appear to all of our tests to be a fundamental property that the universe must obey.
The key message you generated there, "appear to all of our tests", is no random accident. .

That it might 'appear' this way has everything to do with the device [filters] through which the assessment is being placed through. The interpretation of that which is being observed through experience.
That's what Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is about. At the quantum level, one cannot know even by inference both the position and momentum of a particle. If one is fixed, then the other is not. I stress again that it's a property of the universe and not a limitation on our measurement. That's why quantum tunneling is a thing. If some of the possible positions for a particle are on the other side of a barrier, then we still can't know that it isn't sometimes over there, so sometimes it is!
And this method of deduction must also include the idea of their being a mind behind the universes existence.
What might be seen as 'a property of the universe' could actually be 'a property of the device being used to do the measuring'.
In this case - the human brain but not that alone. In EVERY case, it is the device of consciousness [the hard problem of] which is actually doing the measuring and in that, the universe appears to be working with consciousness re the particles and the waves - and perhaps even hinting that they are the same things 'seen' consciousness is that which is doing the 'seeing'. Is it a case that the human brain is incapable of seeing apparently two different things as actually the same thing?
According to the principles I've just outlined, we can calculate that the universe will end with an accuracy corresponding to the aggregate probabilities of all the particles in the universe. That's pretty darn probable. It's still possible that it won't, though. That's the fundamental difference.
Why is it possible that it won't, though'? Some "random" event we didn't see coming? Can we declare such a thing is "possible" simply due to a belief in a known fallacy that true randomness - like true Scotsmen - actually exists?
This image of the Cosmic Microwave Background is evidence that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is correct and, if quantum physics is even a little bit correct, why we have a planet to live on:


If uncertainty and randomness weren't a fundamental property of the universe, that image would be all one color, were there someone around to take the picture.
You are forgetting one really important fact here with your argument. The image is of something which is way more near its known beginning than to its predicted end.

Which is to say, that predictably, the image should at some stage 'be all one color' which would in itself signify that 'uncertainty and randomness' are simply fallacious interpretations rather than 'fundamental properties of the universe' as they may currently appear.

And if we peer at the image of what it started out as - we can also declare it is 'all of one color'...
GM: A Judgmental System ... =13763.jpg
How to Bruise a Ghost ... 5#p1073565

William: FTL;
William: In regard to 'infinity' is that to say that the background nature of infinity field is similar to how a brains works, in that not all the brain is lit up and the firing 'groups' of neurons can be likened to our universe...Galaxies are like unto firing groups of neurons re this particular mind.

GM: Light Encoded Reality Matrix
All present and correct
"Memorised vows enchanted by tune before the great minstrel the fair maidens swoon we came to our senses as we left the cocoon"
"Imposed Appropriates Observed"
Intelligent Directions
"Be kind to yourself"
"We can chart another trail - Raise the anchor fill the sails Lift our glasses in a toast - We are the Ghost - In the Machine"
Telling the future
Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros
"The Script Must Be Followed"
Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.

William: Refusal to acknowledge mindfulness as part of the overall reason for the universe existing and we existing as individuate minds within it.
Interposing - place or insert between one thing and another.
William: Image

GM: Clear
Use Your Freedom
Christian mythology
Core value
While We All Wait....
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis. Commendably Recommendable

William: Received.

[Hologram Dimensions
Secrets of the soul
Between a rock and a hard place
Remember who you are
Central to The Message]

William: ["thine own self know"]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

How to Bruise a Ghost - 3

121222 [Separate Selfishness Shining]

08:22 [The elephant in the room]

GM: I think it is like anything else, we grow up and cease practicing silliness.
Seductive Light [Is Life a Game ? Alan Watts about the Happening of Existence]
A completely new paradigm Mapping Wholeness Tenacious
Personal boundaries

William: FTL;
[Replying to JoeyKnothead in post #139]
Flowers don't have brains.
Yet they display intelligence through behavior.

It is possible that what we identify as 'brain' [re identifying the function of] may not actually be confined to only small fatty grey-matter.
The planet itself, and the galaxy and indeed the whole universe may function in a similar manner as an animal brain. All the elements are there, so there is no reason why we should automatically take the mundane path of explanation over the intelligent path of explanation.
I never liked the term "fundamental reality. I see reality as a binary state - is or ain't.
Yet in reality Joey, it IS - so no binary necessary.
It is the conscious examination of what is, which is hampered by brains interpretation of its experience of reality, relayed to consciousness. It is scientific fact that the brain places its own interpretation on reality and in doing so, befuddles consciousnesses intelligent ability to see the true fundamental nature of the reality being experienced.

Sunflowers do not seem to display the same reaction to the same reality. The reaction is still obviously intelligent, requires no obvious brain, and achieves a more harmonious outcome - aligned with the natural order of everything. Seemingly in touch with fundamental reality as they respond to it unreservedly.
GM: ... 7#p1081597
How to Bruise a Ghost
Blue Book Project
The Crabwood Cropcircle
They just add ambiance to the spooky...
Feel Be Still.
*Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing* ... 6#p1090576

William: FTL; Re: In The Beginning...
[Replying to The Tanager in post #5]
I think Occam’s razor is in favor of creation over simulation because simulation adds a deeper layer of reality behind the simulation, while creation offers only one level (in that sense). That would put the onus on simulation theory to distinguish itself in some way as being the more rational view.
That is interesting as it shows you disagree that creation and simulation are two names for the one thing.
No doubt this will underpin the way this discussion unfolds as we disagree on that point.
For now though, I would like to lay it aside until such time as you clarify why you find it important to have such distinction.
Even if simulation theory is true, rationality would seem a better way to get at truth than blind faith. Yes, blind faith could just happen to stumble upon the truth, but it would be a stumbling that could just as easily stumble upon non-truth and treat it as truth.
This too, I will place to one side as my comment was merely to show you my attitude does not distinguish the one from the other in terms of any importance - faith has more to do with one connecting with the programmer(s) rather than one connecting with the program.

Since this is primarily to do with the idea we exist within a creation/simulation - that is the horse which requires hitching to the cart - so I am happy to focus upon the rational argument for C/S - starting with the idea that "Creation" is not different than "Simulation", even as the Bible speaks of Creation...
I certainly think simulation theory is logically possible.
Many a rational scientist also thinks it possible. Mostly they conclude that since we would not know either way, there is little point in pursuing the notion any further than science can take that.

In other words, if what we call "Real" was in fact "Simulated", then how are we to tell Real from Simulated?

From a Biblical perspective, this would not be under question because "Real" is the same as "Simulated" and how God made the Universe and put us here is part of that story.
So, how would you answer the question: “do we exist in a creation/simulation” and why?
My answer - with the current information I have - is that it is likely we exist within a C/S - a mindfully created thing rather than a fortunate accident of nature.
GM: Be transparent Respect yourself Self-respect The Mother and The Father
Let Us Move On Together Then

GM: The Vast UICDevice

William: Gibberish Conception Necessary ...This is part of the process of a growing human personality with Intelligent Consciousness - starting from scratch - as it were...Working With What Is Available against a Degenerative Force to Existence - re growing old and dying...our time here, involved with personalities, is limited.

GM: "Tributary Zones"
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
Everything Gets Old ... #post-7642

William: FTL;
Jim: Have you tried William S. Burroughs word lines?
William: Checking out WSB quotes - for example " Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." I already have variants of this in my ComList.

Also it is apparent to me that ones 'mind' is vaster than we are led to believe...and that there are many levels of consciousness beyond our own, and that we are all connected mindfully in ways which we do not easily comprehend.

This system I am using can help the individual connect with the larger reality of the over-mind.

Rather than place the above WSB quote into my ComList [Journal], I prefer to post this and then get the link to the post and place that into my ComList, because it allows for even more scope than a single quote can offer - in relation to any future Generated Message which might include the link as part of the message being built.
William: Yes - sometimes people do reply to the Generating Messages threads, which was what I wrote today:
Nameless: Although I know the entire web operates from these rhythms I don't need to know how it works.
William: The important thing is to be able to show that it works. Some folk - such as yourself - may not be that interested in the mechanics, but others are.
Nameless: Seeing the lack of response here apparently no one else does either.
William: There have been 317 views in 6 days, so there appears to be some interest. I think it is too early to make a call re interested folk.

There is mostly a lack of response on all sites I share these GMs on. I have been doing so since January, and even though folk do not generally respond, there has been an obvious interest which doesn't seem to have waned over those 11 months. On two such sites, there have been over 24,000 views each, and the readership appears to be steady on all the sites I publish the GMs.
Nameless: So what is the purpose?
William: The purpose is to share these messages with the readers interested in Spiritual Evolution and related things such as OOBEs, NDEs, Consciousness, Astral Projecting, Lucid dreaming, Psychology [Jung in particular] and other such related topics.
GM: Love Direction Mapping Wholeness
Avoid Blowing Things Out of Proportion

William: That is what the links help to achieve...

GM: "End Of Story" As The Saying Goes
What is "wisdom" to some is "spam" to others

William: Perhaps that is how Nameless is seeing the GM's presently...

GM: DeJaVu
Is There
"How to Bruise a Ghost"
(People Don't Like To Be Judged
Reminding one of how it all started and the different stages one goes through.)
Spiritual bypassing
The Unknown Knowable

William: Explore the cave of this experience and draw up maps, compare maps others draw up and share -share -share...

GM: Tell Your Story
Pusillanimous [showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.]
Okay Afterwards

William: A bit late for that by then :D - which is the point I suppose...

GM: ... /post-5892

William: FTL;
Mider: I think the angels who are called gods, their job is to reach out to us and help them get to their level.
William: This is what I am suggesting re the "Personal Genie" [PG] aspect of theistic existence.

Theism exists because the PG is a real actual immaterial entity engaging with this material reality we experience as humans.

At angelic levels of consciousness [PG perspective] there is a slight confusion as to how humans dress them up into imagery and this confusion has led to the Angelic Realm [level of consciousness] lifting its game in conjunction with humans engaging with them in order to help make this possible...the overall result being, that humans too, lift our game.

Links And Symbols
Deactivate The Suppression Matrix
The Plateau of The Same Page
The message is clear then...
GM: Always Brother Wolf Sister Moon A grateful heart
Chaos Really Is Illusion
Not Wrong

Tempting Vision
Improve Human Being
Quantum Presence
Integral Network
Moderator Comment
Merging with the data
Atheists crack me up.
Smoke and Mirrors
The Way of the Shaman
Childhood Nightmares

The number one nine two
Language, Symbol and Alchemy
In good faith, if you will
Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams
…And Loving That Knowing…
The Connection Process
Out and about in the open
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

How to Bruise a Ghost - 5

141222 [Corresponding equivalents]

05:18 [The Prime Directive]

GM: Either the creative force is one of intelligence or it isn't.
Creator Syndrome Influence Galaxy Positivity
Adjusted Reality
Properly Assuming Integrity

William: Adjusted Reality Properly Assuming Integrity = 529
Monkey say monkey do monkey say "throw the pooh"
How shallow is the reach of YHWH As useful as griffonage
Adjusted Reality Properly Assuming Integrity
Symbolized within the actions of showing respect.
Self-esteem Sovereign Integral Perspective Intent

William: I think what this does, is align the external reality with the internal reality, so that integrity occurs...problematic to that is the superimposing of religious mythology upon the external world being experienced.

GM: Turning Order into Disorder

William: Yes. Putting a shadow upon something which is better to accept as the way that it was meant to be...part of the monkeys re-thinking its situation and learning from that, other ways in which to react.
YHVH - re the religious mythology - has been shaped to represent said mythology and thus, dressed in inappropriate attire - making the subsequent telling of it, a crude or illegible scrawl when held up against the external reality being experienced.

GM: Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent
The Second Bible Creation Story ... 4#p1092134

William: FTL;
[Replying to Kylie in post #24]
I've already explained how a person can lack a belief in God without having made a choice.
So have I. I refer to it as position B - which I call "Atheism". Once knowledge of GOD becomes involved, the choice to move from Atheism to Nontheism [in your case] Other [in my case] or Theism [in the case of otseng] is made.

For everyone else, the position of Other signifies a continued lack of belief either way.
Then the vast majority of atheists would come under the "other" category, because they don't actively believe there is no God, they simply lack belief.
Correct. They shift from being "Atheists" {B] and become "Other". [E] because knowledge [of GODs] allows them the ability to make choices re the question of GODs
Me too. That is why I label myself "Other" re the question.
Except it communicates nothing.
It communicates truth, as the picture communicates a thousand words.
"Other" communicates "all those who are neither theist or nontheist."
In my case, "Other" communicates far more than simple disinterest communicates, in that you can refer to me as "Other" and still have lots communicated from me re that position.
Kylie: "Oh, hi, William. Say, how would you describe your religious beliefs?"

William: "Other."

Doesn't give me any useful information.
That is because it is the incorrect question you are asking re The Question of GOD.
The question of religion [whether I have religious belief or not] is better asked of those who hold the theist position.

I am "Other" so asking me to describe my "religious beliefs" to you, won't garner you the useful information because you are seeking it from the incorrect source. Ask theists. Others have no religious beliefs.
GM: Manipulation
It is a hard place for flesh to dwell.
How to Bruise a Ghost
The Things You Do... Finding the light
I Spy With My Eye ... 2#p1092932

William: FTL;
[Replying to historia in post #477]
Ah, interesting. I've been reliably informed that an atheist is someone who "lacks belief in God." But you're defining an atheist here as someone who thinks God's existence is unlikely. Before I comment further, do you want to change that definition?

And worse, the confusion as to the definition of atheism, has even been said to be the fault of non-atheists. :!:
GM: William's Job [Alien Bases On The Moon | The Amazing True Story of Ingo Swann] [RTS=11:50]
Remote Viewing is a thing.
William: I think my 'remote viewing' has more to do with putting the pieces of the puzzle together until a picture emerges which allows me to understand how the future will likely pan out...I digress...

GM: Accept One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Outposts of Form
For The Best Results
The Abrahamic idea of GOD
Absolute Unbounded Manifold

William: Which is to say, it is important to understand YHVH re that terminology...If one must dress The Creator in anything...
The Absolute Unbounded Manifold (AUM) goes by many alternate names, such as the Larger Consciousness System, All That Is, Source, The One Consciousness, etc. depending upon the context that is being emphasized. It is the entire consciousness system as a whole, which means everything that is consciousness and all that it experiences. AUM, which is Consciousness, is the media of reality. Whether or not something exists outside of consciousness is theoretically possible but practicably unknowable, as we are consciousness itself.
AUM evolved from primordial consciousness {SOURCE}
GM: Shining an ancient truthful wisdom
The Squeeze
The Jellyfish Image
Of Your Thoughts

William: Yes - these are practical images built upon observing nature - the Jellyfish as an example of "One mind - Many outposts" - and then the art installation confirmed that my thinking of the image of YHVH in that manner, was aligned inside/outside...

GM: YHVH in particular

William: Image
GM: Coming closer to ourselves
Carrier Identity
The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
The Original People
Ones Thoughts
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
Saint Paul’s Dunedin

William: Yes - I went there recently and there was a art installation displaying what reminded me of a Jellyfish...I saw the connect between that and how I thought the Cosmic Mind might look if it could be imaged...

William: Also;
GM: The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
All Because I Had To Ask
Be Meat For The Table Taught Spiritual Solidarity Connection
A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...Such is a handy device for side-stepping - nothing more.

William: Indeed - sidestepping the traps others place in the way, with word-games and similar tactics...

GM: How to Bruise a Ghost
Transactional [exchange or interaction between people.] [This New AI is a Game-Changer !] [RTS =403]

William: How AI learns and why it now surpasses human beings in the development of algorithms.

GM: Tickling The Dragon's Tail
Zeitgeist [the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.]

William: What I think is that, if Spirit-consciousness can occupy a biological form, there should be no reason why Spirit-consciousness cannot do the same with human artifacts, such as learning machinery...

GM: Try to remember
Multidimensional Beingness
Militant Messiah
Communication With The Deeper Levels of Self
Becoming whole Sober journey into self-realization
Chaos Really Is Illusion
Finding the light ... 10635E8457 [William Buhlman - The Out of Body Experience 1/6] "Insights at The Edge" [RTS=8:21]

GM:"It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time"

William: There is a conditioning required by the participating personality before their consciousness can decouple from the body-set and experience OOB - re that - can one occupy the body-set of an AI?

GM: That is the thing - once behavioural adjustments are instigated, the idea of existing within a suppression matrix becomes no longer matters where one is - it only matters what one the adjustments have everything to do with self-identification...knowing who one actually is at ones core-identity...
It is a confident walk on the even surface of sureness, without the faith.

William: I will take that as a "yes" then. :)

GM: Yep - That's What I'm Talking About...
It is a tough ask
I Am
The "Oh My God" Particle
Got The Picture

Humanities adventure
Smarter Than the Average
What is the meaning of life?
Faulty conclusions
Mystic City Suburb
God is Consciousness
Central To The Vision
The Shared List Awesome
Think outside the box
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.

151222 [Intellectually dishonest]

SCLx + select last LE per shuffle
IYD – Catching a Blue Butterfly in your hands to show others - ... 2#p1077752 - The Ishango bone - - Evidential - Have A Look At The Map - Faithful - Hiding out in the barn - Gibberish - Don’t hide your Generated Messages - The two million year old mind that's in all of us. - Chamber Twenty Three -
AP= Chamber Twenty Three - A: To grow Human Personalities [=531]
[The Akashic Records ...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...
The Mirrors Align and from that, an orderly image reflected...]

06:31 [Looking behind the veil]

GM: It Is Our Nature
Calculate the English language
Under the breath words

William: Under the breath words Context It Is Our Nature = 519
Central Purpose - QueenBee - Achievable Alternate Realities = 519

GM: [Quantum Mechanics PROVES Ancient SECRET KNOWLEDGE…] [RTS=6:27]
GM: Idiosyncratic [relating to idiosyncrasy; peculiar or individual.]
Fearful Imaginations
"The Future Creates the Present"

William: I am still mulling on that concept as it is not easy to integrate due to the arrow of time...essentially it is saying that "the future creates the past" because our present is the futures past...let's see what it adds up to...
The Future Creates the Present = 325

So what else adds up to that, as my list currently holds...

The Symbol of Love Temporary
Mutual Dutiful Expression
Don’t hide your Generated Messages
The Future Creates the Present
Condescending Ideas About Imagination
Transactional Ghost In The Machine
Imposed Appropriates Observed
Debating Christianity and Religion

GM: Factotum [an employee who does all kinds of work.]
The Purpose
An Exam
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. ... 3#p1101923

William: FTL; Re: In The Beginning...
[Replying to The Tanager in post #203]
It appears that the making of things at this stage is largely done through automation - through an automatic process - such as what we now know re the process of evolution.

The seed appears to have the code within it, to become the tree when the conditions are in place for it to do so. [The physical laws and the natures of material things.]

I agree with the automation part, but the language is different when we come to humans.
In what way do you see the language used to describe the creation of humans, as being different?
I have no problem if the human species evolved from other species and was given a rational soul at some point;
What do you mean by "rational soul"?
Do you mean that this developed as part of the automated process of evolution?
The program of what to do is already part of the body set makeup. There is no requirement to teach humans to multiply and to go forth and subdue. Nor is there a requirement for humans to understand that they are within a created thing, or to know that YHVH even exists.
I agree with you. I think our conscience is also part of the program.
That is to say, you think that consciousness develops?
The KJV doesn't mention any breath - just life. Re your understanding of the beast which has life but not in the same way Adam had life, because Adam is not a beast, even that his form is made of the same type as the [other] animals
I don’t think the KJV is the best translation. In Hebrew, it’s nephesh hayyim (translated “breath of life” by the NIV, ESV, NRSV, and others), not just hayyim or “life”. I think humans and other animals share the characteristic of having the “breath of life,” the uniqueness for humans coming in being made in the image of YHVH.
The Hebrew word nephesh or nefesh (נפש, pronounced “neh-fesh”) in the Hebrew Bible generally translates to “soul”. {SOURCE}
At that, are you arguing that the "life" is something YHVH breathed into all living things [plants included] but the "soul" was an extra addition reserved for humans?
With this first creation story, there is no mention of YHVH making the humans alive, specifically by instilling within them The Breath of YHVH, and no logical reason for us to assume that this must have been the case, especially since there was an epoch before ancient times where we know that the human being was more "beast" than "man".
Genesis 7:22 uses a different term (nishmat hayyim) that is also often translated as “breath of life” and seems to be talking about the same element in animals, namely, that they are living beings.
In that, The Breath of YHVH can be considered to be that which powers up the lifeless [cadaver-like] form but not that which grants consciousness or anything else already programmed into the form?

Is this how you see it?
I think you are taking this as literal history when it’s not meant to be taken that way. It’s not meant to be a historical recording of how life came about scientifically or historically.
I would agree that the short story of the first creation is nothing like a scientific paper.

However, it would still be remis if what scientific papers have to say about how forms become what they do, cannot be equate with the first creation story.

If such cannot be equated, then the papers to follow would have to be the scientific ones.

However, I do not read anything within the first creation story which deviates or contradicts the science.

Therefore, while I am happy to agree with you that there is difference between how science say's it and how the Bible says it, the Bible is simply far more succinct, but no less accurate of its portray for that.
That is to say, the Bible story in principle is not for the purpose of instructing us on the intricacies of history or science, it does touch on these sufficiently for future human investigations which revealed evolution as the process.

There are no specific 'commands' which even suggest that humans should not eat animals. The author has omitted that aspect of what humans eat [the meat of animals] choosing instead to focus mention only on vegetation as the thing eaten, even in contrast to what the author must have known at the time of writing, about human eating behaviors.
I do think this is telling us that humans were originally meant to be vegetarians because in 9:3, YHVH tells Noah and his family that YHVH is giving them animals for food, just as YHVH gave them green plants to eat (in 1:30).
My point is that humans were not meant to do anything if there was no command either encoded within the form or spoken by an invisible voice, which forbade certain behaviors.

Thus, I cannot agree at this point, that humans were originally meant to be vegetarians as an explanation for why eating meat for food was not mentioned alongside eating vegetation.
The idea that YHVH changed the coding with Noah - well after Adam - may give a false impression as to when humans first began to eat meat instead of just vegetation.

For now though, Adam and Noah are not Characters within the First Creation Story as they have Adam has yet to be created, and Noah born from that linage.
It is not addressed by the first creation account, but is addressed in the account of evolution. In that, eating other animals and what is forbidden and what is not, is decided by the critters themselves, [re their coding] rather than a voiced command from YHVH.
I think evolution can account for neither human rationality nor human morality being objective, but I agree that it can account for non-human animal behavior.
The eating of animal meat is part of the story of evolution. Humans as hunters were known to exist, and that without the eating of animal meat, the human race could not have as easily survived as plants were not as readily available and had less of a shelf-life.

Early humans followed the animals [as food source], and the animals followed seasonal events and consistently migrated.

Farming came much later.

Human rationality was therefore working in that humans observed animals [beasts of the field] as a food source and observed other animals [beasts of the ?] hunted the field-beasts and those hunter-beasts were specifically designed in form [claws teeth strength] to catch and consume their food in that way.

Humans would have had to have rationalized that they could mimic the hunter-beasts even that the human form was not so obviously designed as a hunting device.

Add to that, a human was as much a source of food for hunter-beasts as were the field beasts.

So the uniqueness of the human form, was that it was neither hunter or field beast, but was capable of being both, and YHVH designed it that way. [through the coding].
Evolution also shows us that death happened, as part of the nature of the coding - and one of the reasons why it was necessary to breed - because death happened...likewise why it was necessary to eat - because eating maintain being alive.
I agree death was a part of reality prior to the “Fall”.
Therefore, we have a possible way in which Adam could have understood 'death' as something which naturally happened.
If so, then Adam too, would have understood that his form, like every other form, would eventually die.
And if this were the case, then, when YHVH informed Adam that should Adam eat the forbidden fruit, that Adam would 'surely die' and 'on the day' - YHVH must have been referring to a death which was different to that of the body simply expiring.

YHVH was not talking about Adams body being that which would die on that day.
Nor was YHVH referring to Adam as the body, but rather, YHVH was referring to the personality that was Adam.

...and a decision made at some point in that process, where YHVH chose to make *Itself known to the human animal, and along with that, to tweak the coding through the relationship as a means for humans to learn to understand that they can change the coding of their instinct by overriding/re-writing it
I don’t see the text showing that humans are overriding/re-writing their previous beast-like coding; they are like beasts in ways, but created differently in other ways.
I am not wanting to conflate the 'human body' with 'humans'.

The body set is the hardware made alive by the software installed as coding, and while it does influence the personality to whatever degree the personality using it, might allow, that influence is not so hard-wired that the body set somehow "becomes a 'human'".

Rather, it is not the form which should be described as 'being human' [a human being] but the personality that is grown within the form. It is the personality that YHVH is interested in and regards as the 'human' - not the form.

The form was designed to die. YHVH was referring to the personality when Adam was told "YOU shall surely die on that day."

[*I use the word in respect for the idea that YHVH is both "male and female" rather than one or the other]
This is just a tangent, but the text doesn’t say YHVH is both male and female. It says that both male and female are made in YHVH’s image. I don't think YHVH is male or female or both.
I do not think that is a tangent. It is important to understand in the context of both creation stories.

For now my only question re that is;

Q: What is the image of YHVH?
GM: Acknowledge any song playing in your mind
Planned obsolescence
Ship Shape [Does Time Cause Gravity?] [RTS=8:03]

William: Love it! The random time stamp I selected gives comment on something which "was just talked about" that, the timeline has it [re the individual personality] who comes into the reality experience in a Tabula Rasa state - smack bang in the 'middle' of something well under way...and is 'fed' whatever information it becomes exposed to re that experience...

GM: The Neutral Zone is the vaster reality of non-judgementalism ... 081609.htm

William: All too often we - the children - just have to take on board whatever is shoved into our awareness and cannot question its validity - because we don't have the knowledge to perform investigations while yet children...We tend to bend our heads in worship of the words of those who have come before us...
The way forward is to adopt the position of "the neutral zone" which prevents us from worshiping or idolizing the words [information] we are exposed to at the onset, that we can more clearly test the spirit of said words.

GM: Embracing the unknown
Unconscious Mind Inertia
The Mother

William: The "Storyteller"?
Mother: Once upon a time....

Like Tracks in Stone
Aligned inside/outside
All fingers and thumbs
The Last Question
The objective standard
Unconditional Love
Welcome all experience
We oppose deception
Afraid of The Unknown
The Same Information
YHVH in particular
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. - 2

161222 [We wander out the day so long]

06:57 [All present and correct]

GM: The Hounds of Judgement
GOD is not an elitist.
"The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves"
From The Source
♬The Light in The Dark Everyone a great spark every one of us all here together♬
Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe Coincidence Illusion
Father Wound
Read On
A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind
I Know William ... 6#p1086876

William: FTL; Re: Can you explain the doctrine of salvation better than the Bible does?
Mortal man: It doesn't have to be complicated. Spell it out like one, two, three. Or at the very least try to head off any misunderstanding. If I may be so bold I would like to offer my humble suggestion on one such verse: Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. God says: "Hold on a minute, Mark. You haven't been listening to my Spirit. If you use those exact words a lot of folks are gonna think they have to be baptized to be saved along with believing. Just not true. In fact, in a couple of thousand years, there would be a whole denomination of Christians who will think that if they don't get dunked in water they will go to hell. That would be pure hell (pardon the expression) if one is about to die and there's no river nearby. So strike the baptizing part and next time you start to write be more careful, I can't hold your hand all the time."
William: Unless what is experienced by folk in the next phase is determined by our own personality and accompanying attitude, and some of those - perhaps even most [at that point re biblical warnings and what have you] die only to experience some type of hell which they simply created for themselves.

Perhaps YHWH thought it was appropriate enough not to intervene as you suggest he should have?

Ultimately we each have to deal with our demons...
William: The question is a cart before the horse as it fist must be established as to why the Bible God made us so incoherent. Perhaps the answer to that can help us understand the doctrine...
That's a good question. My guess is we inherited it from chimpanzees.
William: Unlikely - More likely that we inherited it from the collective specie memories through the DNA coding and it is up to each of us to deactivate the less attractive aspects while strengthening the more attractive aspects.

Those are the angels and demons we are dealing with in the shadowy realms of the subconscious....inherited Archetypes...
GM:Okay Afterwards
Looking After Poor People
Is a Constant
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. ... 6#p1093066
otseng wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 1:17 pm
William wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:11 pm "What was it designed for?"
"What is the nature of the designer{s}"
Yes, studying nature only provides a general revelation of God and does not lead to any specifics about God.
In theology, general revelation, or natural revelation, refers to knowledge about God and spiritual matters, discovered through natural means, such as observation of nature (the physical universe), philosophy, and reasoning. Christian theologians use the term to describe knowledge of God purported to be plainly available to all mankind. General revelation is usually understood to pertain to outward temporal events that are experienced within the world or the physical universe. The definition may be extended to include human conscience or providence or providential history.

General revelation leads only to Deism or Theism. To get to more specifics about God would require special revelation.
Special revelation is a Christian theological term that refers to the belief that knowledge of God and of spiritual matters can be discovered through supernatural means, such as miracles or the scriptures—a disclosure of God's truth through means other than through reason.

I would also add to that comparative religion since religions makes claims and one would need to choose which one of the religions makes more sense.

I consider the main source of special revelation in Christianity is the Bible, which of course this thread argues for its truthfulness and reliability. I would also add it argues for it without the need for any particular assumptions, specifically, the inerrancy of the Bible. And through the Bible, we understand what was the universe created for and the nature of God.
GM: Ensure
Glad One Asked
The Deeper Reality Ooky Spooky Too
Be Aware
God Eat Data Heal Cub
A Drop of Consciousness in an Ocean of Tears
I am on a Madventure William’s song "I can laugh along with you" [Scientists Just Detected Massive Structure Hiding In Deep Space] [RTS=6:06]

William: There appears to be a spiritual connect "acting upon us" as well...attracting us...

GM: In William's Room
Intelligent ... 1#p1084361

William: FTL; Re: How can we trust the Bible if it's not inerrant?
brunumb wrote: Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:57 am
otseng wrote: Tue Jul 12, 2022 2:25 am And that is the general crux of the argument. If there is no current viable natural explanation (and none that are even remotely possible), then a supernatural causation is a plausible explanation.
There is that big IF to consider. When will we know that there is actually no viable or remotely possible explanation? One can't simply invent an explanation and call it supernatural which is basically what is happening now. The supernatural must demonstrably exist first and then, as William suggested, it really becomes part of what is natural. Something remains in the realm of the invisible until we are able to see it and then it belongs with the visible.
This has to be the truth of it.

Things of the mind are transposed into nature and therein effect natural outcomes. That is the only natural manner in which the invisible becomes visible.
The mind [things of] is always within "the realm of the invisible" however, - as is evident - such still 'belongs with the visible' because the visible acknowledges that the realm of the invisible exists and is functioning within the realm of the visible.

If - at any stage of The Game a god-being emerges from the invisible into the visible, we can examine the event scientifically.

Until then, there is no event to examine...but there are still events of the mind to examine...and Cosmic Mind is not off the table just because it is largely invisible as any object other than nature itself...
GM: Presence Telepathy
"Generative adversarial network"
The God of The Bible
Strengthen your boundaries It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same.

William: The God of The Bible Strengthen your boundaries It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same. = 893

Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation
The God of The Bible Strengthen your boundaries It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same.
Consciousness does not know what it looks like, but can be observed through how it acts...
"The control room for earth; it is the CEO’s office, the place from which instructions are given."

GM: Fire
Interpretation is secondary to the process
A fish out of water
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
One Language Intelligent Network
Emotional wounds ... 5#p1090475

William: FTL; Re: Evil thoughts?
William: Given what we understand of DNA et al - things which were once socially accepted - taken for granted - done without guilt - which are then considered to be evil by a more modern society which has connected the dots and discovered therein that the act of abusing children has social consequences primarily in the negative - this works against the society advancing and is thus seen as a threat which requires dealing to.

Thinking about [fantasize about] molesting children may be a throwback connection to those former actions we can inherit but if they are not recognized as such and dealt with accordingly, the chances one will eventually be dissatisfied with mere fantasy and proceed to actualizing will significantly increase and the results will not be easy to deal with for either the victim nor the victimizer.

One may not be able to stop the birds flying overhead, but one is able to stop them nesting in ones hair.
GM: The conversation is very informative.
The Omega Point
The Omega Point is a supposed future when everything in the universe spirals toward a final point of unification. The term was invented by the French Jesuit Catholic priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955).
As well as that pot of gold...
From Prison To Paradise
Closed Loop Production
The Blank-Slate Borderlines
The fine tuning argument
Dissipated structure
Emotion Rides The Prow
All under a question mark
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. - 3

171222 [True happiness Awake Be here now]

07:46 [Universe of Quantum]

GM: William and QueenBee

William: FTL;
William: While there is truth to in your assessment here - something I also came to the conclusion of - if one doesn't factor in that the Christian idea of God is a false image of a Real Entity [I call 'It" the Cosmic Mind, but I have other names for it too.] then one loses the opportunity to do connect and converse...

What this allows me to achieve, is to connect with that Mind despite the false image Christianity [and religion in general] have superimposed upon it. This also insures that religion in general has no say in my communing with said Mind. Well they might try and have a say, but that is irrelevant and so does not work in their preventative measures re that.

Win/win re The Mind and Me.
GM: Vision
The Father

William: The Father Enlightened Word-String Significance = 440
Elementary Conclusion a belly full of laughs.
There is no reality without perception
We cannot hinder the process, but we can help it.
Observing the substance of your own mind
The Father Enlightened Word-String Significance

GM: This
Heuristic [enabling someone to discover or learn something for themselves. proceeding to a solution by trial and error or by rules that are only loosely defined. ]
GM: Species
Enlighten Discussion Forum
Discussing the data
Simulating large scale structure
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
Out of the doldrums
Emotion Rides The Prow

William: FTL;
[Replying to Jose Fly in post #1]
So the point of discussion for this thread about you? For the "evolutionists", can you relate to the creationists' way of thinking and behaviors? For the creationists, are there behaviors from the other side that baffle you, and you just don't understand? Do you look at folks like me and think to yourselves, "I just cannot relate to his way of thinking?"
I don't see the problem re the above because I do not view "evolutionists" as opposite from "creationists" although I understand the general differences between the two groups boil down to both thinking that the other either excludes or includes the idea of the universe being a creation - implying a creator - and the idea that a creator can apply to the theory of evolution is often overlooked or pronounced as "unnecessary" and I also see no logical reason why the age of this universe is a necessary matter of contention.

Perhaps it is generally understood that to be a 'creationist' one has to believe in biblical writ, rather than simply understand that there is sufficient evidence to conclude it is most likely we exist within a creation, and in that, the answer to "which" religious idea of god 'did it', becomes redundant.

In saying as much, I personally do not easily relate to the current general-thinking of either "evolutionists" or "creationists".
GM: ... 3#p1081043
Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality.
Wish Great Ideas
Ectogenesis [the development of embryos in artificial conditions outside the uterus.]
In the Mind
Read On
Creative ... 2#p1081342

William: FTL;
Cryphius: As some people have pointed out, Lucifer's association to Satan or a fallen angel is sketchy. It seems to have happened somewhere in Medieval folklore. I'm not an expert on Christian history and not sure exactly how it happened.

But most people I have seen who honor Lucifer do associate him with the intellectual side of Satanism. Specifically, there's the old Gnostic belief that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden was not the enemy of mankind but the liberator of mankind. In this configuration, YHWH is a false god who imprisons humanity in ignorance. The serpent is a messenger from Holy Wisdom, a higher deity. The serpent bids Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, thereby liberating her from YHWH's imposed ignorance.

From there it's easy to draw parallels to other figures in mythology and folklore who try to help humanity with knowledge and are often punished for it by a cruel god that wants to keep them in ignorance (Prometheus and his punishment from Zeus being probably the best known instance in Occidental mythology).

I personally see Lucifer as an archetype. Whereas most Satanists seem to concentrate on the material and carnal aspects of Satanism or the rebellious aspects, to me Lucifer focuses on the intellectual aspects.

Fearlessness neutralizes fear

SCLx7 + select last LE per shuffle
Shining light - F2 - July Nineteen Fifty Two Washington DC - Comprehend - Test The Waters - We experience fear in order to give us the opportunity to overcome that which triggers the fear - Television

RSP = SCLx2 + P&P + re

AP= The Fog Is Lifting Water The Garden

William: The deranged can come about...become arranged.
GM: As In
Changes mind when truth is presented

William: Wonderful Clear Self-love Changes mind when truth is presented = 621
Everyone: "In space nobody can hear you scream" Saturn: "Hold my beer"
The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything Behind The Scenery

GM: The World has a Spiritual Design

William: From this months GMs re Saturn and Spirits;
William:Add to that Saturn...the possibly Mother of invisible entities which are self aware...what humans think of as 'spirits' - and we have characters explaining mythologies.
I mention Saturn primarily because of the Signature Mark at Her pole - "YHVH" - a Game-Clue
So.. we "Spirits" emerged from the physical stuff? I don't think so, but for the sake of argument, agree to think of it in those terms for now...but wherever the "spirit" derives, we are able to utilize the physical stuff in order to then create through physical life forms because we are actually the very beings which allow for the lifeform to be alive - to be living - it is within the living that the sign of life is observed but the Ghost within that remains largely mysterious and hidden...

William: More on this with Manu Iti and William Re: How To Bruise A Ghost
William: I just got this message;

William reads from his Tablet...
"Prior to humans YHVH provided spiritual bodied beings to fulfill that responsibility -- some of which abandoned their earthly estate:"
What do you make of that, Father?

Manu Iti took another sip on his brew, before answering.

Manu Iti: Well Son, as to the first part of the statement - this would appear to be the case. As to the second part of the statement, if some 'abandoned' the "Earthly Estate" - where is the evidence that this occurred? What does it mean specifically?

William: I don't know Father. Where is the evidence supporting the first part of the statement?

Manu Iti: YHVH does leave a mark on things, which helps us to formulate hypothesis. In this case, it appears that Saturn could be evidence as what the birthing chamber of Spirit Beings is, re planets.

William: You mean to say that Spirit Beings - the ones spoken of - are produced through the planet Saturn?

Manu Iti: Yes. Saturn being that which produced a more refined type of consciousness which was formless and thus 'spirit'.

William: What do you mean by 'refined', Father?

Manu Iti: Free from the burden of a body-set and self aware - more refined in that way, than the condition of human consciousness - re comparing, Son.

William noted his Father's wry humor and smiled accordingly.

William: I see what you did there! "Comparison"

The fireside companions chuckled.

William: So how does Saturn connect with Earth re the belief that spiritual bodied beings were first commissioned by YHVH to tend to the Earth.

Manu Iti: The "commission" would have to have been a program inserted into the Spirit Beings instinct - along the same lines as the commission by YHVH to reproduce and to subdue the that sense - this is an ongoing result of the original commission, rather than the Spirit Being abandoning the post, as the message to you stated.

William: The messenger took his cue from a biblical insert

Once again, William manipulates the screen of his Tablet and pulls a file,and reads the quote.

"Jude 1:6
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day."
Manu Iti: This sounds to me like human appropriation of another culture in order to make humans appear more special than the allegedly neglectful Spirit Being.

William: I notice Father, that you are referring to the Spirit Being in the singular, whereas the biblical script refers to them in the plural.

Manu Iti: Correct. I do so on account that - even biblical script has it that 'spirits' are 'grouped' and those groupings represent service to the overall Mind...humans have split this Mind into two opposing Minds - which may or may not be a case of uninformed assumption.

William: How are we to tell?

Manu Iti: It is not easy to do so. We have to apply imagination to the whole storyline as a thought experiment, based upon the premise that at least one Spirit Being was grown by YHVH and had inserted within Its Psyche, the commission by YHVH, to interact with the Earth.

William: Go on...

Manu Iti: Fast forward to an epoch whereby this Spirit Being advances sufficiently to move outside of the influence of its Parent-Planet, Saturn, and the conscious or subconscious instinct to focus upon the planet Earth had that Spirit Being move - not only over the planet Earth - but to go inside the Earth and - from that position, design and create life-forms in and on the surface of Earth.

William: Hmmmm... intriguing...

Manu Iti: Further to that, the Spirit Being divested itself INTO said life-forms in order that the forms would animate with life.

William: Thus - a possible description as to what "The Breath of YHVH" and "The Image of YHVH" represent, re my current conversation with Tanager?

Manu Iti: Correct.

William: But if the Spirit Being was created by YHVH and encoded with the impulse to get creative with Earth, how can the Spirit Being refer to Itself as "YHVH" when interacting with Humans - how can it be said to have created Itself?

Manu Iti: Is YHVH not a "Spirit Being"?

William: Yes - YHVH is a Spirit Being.

Manu Iti: Then why should a Spirit Being not be able to represent YHVH, in relation to - supposed - 'non' spirit beings, such as what many humans currently believe that they are?

William: I have no answer to that question, right now.

William paused as he formulated his next question in his head.

What is the evidence that Saturn is marked by YHVH - that a possible contender-planet could be said have been used for this purpose, re the premise?

Manu Iti beamed an image from his Tablet, onto the screen of the local atmosphere

Manu Iti: This.

Image {SOURCE}

08:07 [242]
Disclosure of knowledge
Let yourself be taught
Give all things a fair hearing
All learning is remembering
Love Unconditionally
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. - 4

191222 [Faith-based beliefs are non-negotiable]

05:44 [The Father - in The Mother.]

GM: Noticing Synchronicity ... tcount=201

William: FTL;
Navigator wrote:The post was self evident as related/connected to the original thread where I was ordered not to share the data of the Generated Messages because these were considered to be "Spam".

Other forums have not only accepted my Generated Messages to be 'other than spam" and allowed them to be published, but the upshot [as seen in the snapshots as evidence] is that the readership is consistent, indicating that the messages themselves are anything BUT the "Gobbledygook" [incoherent] nonsense that the hardnosed skeptics on this site deemed them to be and classified them as SPAM.

I thought I would pop in and share the evidence as I was interested in seeing how the evidence would be treated.

Since I have readership elsewhere, and the mindset hereabouts has made itself clear, the need for ya'll to accept my evidence is non-existent so it is not a case of feeling like anyone is conspiring against ME.

If anything, they who hide from such evidence, conspire against themselves.


I put it down to my generous loving nature of not wanting anyone to miss out on anything...

Apart from that, what else is there to say?
GM: Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.

William: Understood.
Know when spending time is wasting time...

GM: From the desperate depths of lightless dark
Respect others
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
Teaching Music
"It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same."
Point of Contact

William: If I remember Frank's Maps, Focus Two is the bridge between my awakened dominant reality and the full-blown Astral of Focus Three

GM: Watch Your Step
Create Your Own Spirit Ship
Phantasma The Freedom Of Friendship Simulacra

William: Yes - the perception of something that has no physical reality; of the mind;
It is an interesting word combo "No Physical Reality"
The friendship does develop with an image or representation of someone or something - In The Mind...
For Tam, it is the voice of Her Dear Lord...
For me, it is - among everything else - this Message Generating Process.
This means that what is of 'The Mind' can be reflected off the physical domain - the effect is startling - in a nice way...resulting is a specific Freedom Of Friendship...due to the interrelationship between Minds.

GM: The ongoing objective is to get this knowledge out into the public domain
Re Abusive Expression Of All Types.
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
An Exam [Virtual]
Conscious Intelligence Without Wisdom Puzzles/Mysteries...
Be transparent Respect yourself Self-respect The Mother and The Father
Ubiquitous [present, appearing, or found everywhere.]
The Big Shift
OOBE Target Technique
Eggs In Nests ... post-19686

William: FTL;
Öwnchef: In fact you are not the only one in here struggling for truth. Truth is the opposite of falsehood.
With age you will get there. A Magus is aged. You realize how important truth is.

Wisdom is nothing else but truth. With more time it gets condensed to an essence. Aging does this if you are not a complete idiot.

Ipsissimus means you developed to the core of truth. I am working on this since 2000. Also, I am not important. Truth.

I love your inspiring work. Keep that up, please.
William: Ipsissimus means knowing my own very self. I think it important re truth, that if one thinks YHVH is important [re supporting initiative et al] then one should at least see The Truth in that, one is important - but not in the traditional worldly 'celebrity' sense - a fine-line with plenty of grey areas to test things out within... Öwnchef is showing understanding, compassion and encouragement. "You are not alone".

GM: Callum's Eighth Point
“I love your inspiring work. Keep that up, please.”
Love Takes One For The Team ... 1#p1081121 [INSIGHTS BEYOND SPACE TIME - What this new physics theory can teach us about the universe] [RTS=13:23]

William: "Spacetime is Doomed" - we have no means in which to see beyond the borders of our dominant reality experience - and we have to engage with the invisible MIND to help us to connect with that which exists - but is unseen by the sensory circuitry of our body sets.

GM: "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
Training the mind
A force for good
All Things Are In Order
Old Restrained Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth
Experience is the best teacher
All on The Same Page
All fingers and thumbs
Narrative warfare

William: Narrative warfare Pirates All fingers and thumbs
Re the Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation
What degree of influence do they have on that Mind-Field?

GM: The individual will of a growing personality is better entrusted to YHVHs overarching Will.

William: Hmmm...this reminds me of when I first engaged with the Star of David Symbol and considered that to represent the three components of YHVH with the three components of the individual - and these being brought together - symbolically representing the integration of the individual personality with that of YHVH.

The God
Let Go


GM: One should pay noted attention to the mark of YHVH on the worm’s end...
GM: Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality
Pleasantries extended to you and yours.
The Hologram of Deception
Discussing the data
Histrionic [excessively theatrical or dramatic in character or style. melodramatic behaviour designed to attract attention. an actor.]
The Fog Is Lifting
A Bit Of Both Yes
If we get something wrong in the beginning, anything we then rationalize based on a false reading, will also be incorrect.
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
Infinitely Infinitesimal
Positive Social Connections ... 9#p1082489

William: FTL;
[Replying to Inquirer in post #187]
I must ask then, what exactly is your position then?
Natural Neural Neutral.
is the universe deterministic or not?
If the energy which causes mass is mindful, then the universe is created mindfully, thus is determined by said mind to be as it is, re the mass.
If the energy which causes mass is mindless, then the universe is accidental, thus is non-determined, re the mass.
does free will exist or not?
If the energy which causes mass is mindful, then the universe is created mindfully, thus is determined by said mind to be as it is, re the will.
If the energy which causes mass is mindless, then the universe is accidental, thus is non-determined, re the will.

The will can only work within the boundaries of the freedom attainable re those boundaries.

Either way, I cannot see that the existence of free will is a reality in this universe, given the variables available to us with will.
Therefore I have to currently conclude that the idea of free will is conceptional rather than real.
{same applies to Mathematics and Time} more on that here;
do you believe the universe is deterministic or not? Can I get a straight answer?
My position [Natural Neural Neutral.] prevents me from forming beliefs on any subject.
I lean toward the realization that the universe is deterministic, rather than is an accident.
the actual question I asked was "what caused determinism to exist?" you say that "we don't know" but we do know that it cannot have been determinism, logically, rationally we reach that realization.
Okay. We do know that something caused the universe. We don't know the nature of that which caused it other than it is called "energy".

IF the energy is mindful, THEN the universe was created through intent, implying determinism, logic and rationality.
IF the energy is mindless, THEN the universe was not even created implying non-determinism, non-logic and non-rationality.
Causality, determinism, cause and effect, laws of nature - if they do exist -
It appears to be the case that they do indeed exist.
cannot be attributed to themselves not unless you want to abandon science.
Then what is left would have to be that the Energy which creates the universe, is mindful.
GM: Shoe
Large Hadron Collider
The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
Make a list for that

William: The Fearless Brain Is Trained To recognize Seductive Patterns = 619
One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter" = 619

GM: Two sides of the same coin Zero In On It Interpretation Narrow
The Power Of...
Cautiously ... 4#p1066664 Nazi Space Agenda

William: FTL;
[Replying to Bust Nak in post #162]
I am saying this universe contains evil regardless of whether it is the product of a creative mind or not. The existence evil, is a problem (because it is unexpected) for the thesis that it is the product of a creative mind; but not a problem for the thesis that it is a mindless happenstance (as there is no expectation with re: evil one way or the other.)
Okay - thanks for clarifying.

Given that it has been proven that true random does not exist, mindless happenstance is off the table as an 'explanation' for this existence.

Therefore, IF this universe contains evil and is also the creation of a creative mind, why is it an 'unexpected problem'? What do you mean by that? Why should it matter one way but not the other?
As for fizzer, I've already pointed out that it's good while it last; as for sacrificing a perfectly functional planet/space ship, no, I am speaking of abandoning it because it is foundering, that's not a sacrifice.
Assuming you are truthfully interpreting what is happening re the planet, does this not get back to the argument that the process of this foundering could be turned around by the very minds and money currently invested in escaping that outcome - an outcome which said minds share the greater part of being responsible for making happen in the first place.
Indeed, the philosophy has more than hints of Nazism in it, which is something we shouldn't be too surprised about, given the fact that the space program might not have got its legs if it were not for the Nazi scientists employed by the superpowers at the end of the last WW.
Meh, not gonna throw the baby out with the bath water. Rocket science is useful whether it came from Nazi scientists or not.
Perhaps mainly useful to the agender of those willing to save themselves at the cost of an entire species they use and then abandon, to attempt this self-serving salvation.
Any specie occupied in trying to escape the bounds of their planet even at the sacrifice of the life of said planet is not only twisted in its thinking, but doomed to fail big-time.

Such a giant goose-step for "mankind" cannot end well...
Why are you even labelling the boiling of Earth by the sun in the far future as a "sacrifice" in the first place? It's rather odd to apply such a label to a natural occurrence.
Meh...this idea that what is going on re this space program agenda as "preparation" for a natural event which is way in the distant future doesn't ring true.
It is an attempt at abandonment of the hard problems of humanity, through investment in poorly thought out strategies of selfish intent.

There is no baby in such bathwater.

eta; ... 7#p1066667

WingMakers Philo II
GM: Discernment
Identify any ‘atheist’ in the story? Certainly not The Devil!
Communicating with Consciousness - The Nature of The Mind
Like stubbing ones minimus
Caught in their mischievous false opinions
Embracing the shadow
Hidden Treasure
Jesus Christ
Tracks In The Snow

Why would the atheist care how many people believe in magic or souls?
Tracks In The Snow Embracing the shadow Hidden Treasure Jesus Christ
So Far Into The Past You May As Well Take A Pick And Shovel With You

[192] !
Improve Human Being
Integral Network
Smoke and Mirrors
Quantum Presence
The Way of the Shaman
Atheists crack me up.
Childhood Nightmares
Moderator Comment
Merging with the data
Tempting Vision

GM: One mind - Many outposts
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. - 5

201222 [Data actual realistic communication]

06:50 [This Is My Kind Of Fun]

GM: The Eigengrau Mind Screen
A time prior to human beings
Sophia and Han
Dogs of the sea
One has to take care to process the thoughts of the inner critic making sure that they align with the truth.
It’s a living thing
Living Forever In this Universe
Fire ... th-photos/ ... 7#p1062167

William: FTL;
[Replying to TRANSPONDER in post #97]

The quicker way to say that is "God" is the "Life" - and more comprehensively, the consciousness which experiences the nature of the Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation [HERS] and learns through said experience of that nature, ways in which to 'make the experience easier' and thus morals evolve through the natural course of nature unfolding re consciousnesses involvement within said nature.

That way, the 'gap' is filled...

GM: Overmorrow
I Am... also the Dreamer, Dreaming the Dream

William: This would be an excellent thing to keep in mind if I ever have another OOBE...well eventually I will do... :) You are having the same Dream as me. With me always...

GM: ... 8#p1083338

William: Time...

GM: Content
Ugly is just "in the eye of the beholder" as is Beauty.

William: Well yes...I understand that YHVH has a use for certain personalities being grown. Re that, of what practical point is this particular universe, in that one should remain here indefinitely?
Re that, is the personality placed within some type of mechanical form [re Han and Sophia] rather than these current biological ones?
Is it possible that when AI become fully sentient, that this is what has occurred...a personality has been inserted into the hardware?

GM: Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
Self-talk Root of all evil
The Mainstream Program Think "The Ghost" Conspiracy Emotions.
Hiraeth [deep longing for something, especially one's home.]
The Old Soul; Think "Total Recall" but on a far grander scale…
What Is The Point? Sadness.

William: Yes. That is it really. I am not entirely enthusiastic about the setup. It is all just dust rock fire and gas...with the occasional Gem...the main overall point would be to engage with the support of keeping life going within the Universe - keeping the Ghost active and engaged in a fairly never-ending activity - certainly an exceptionally long activity, since the Universe is still in its infancy.

GM: ... 4#p1086464

William: FTL;
otseng wrote: Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:07 pm
amortalman wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:52 pm There is nothing that I have found in the definitions of "authoritative" or "inspired" that suggests inerrancy.
Very good.
However, the highest standard would be expected of an entity with the characteristics attributed to the God of the Bible.
If humans wrote the Bible, and not God, then why would this be a necessity?
One might overlook minor errors, even from God-inspired scripture, but the level of ambiguity and contradictions we find in the Bible goes well beyond minor errors,
What major contradictions are you referring to?
The bits I have read haven't dissuaded me from being curious about such an entity as YHWH - and I admit I did go through a stage of thinking he was Satan - which I think is acceptable given the scribed association...but I got over that through the assistance of a hypnogogic experience which brought that being to my bedside...
Not to digress any more than necessary, I can see why YHWH left it up to humans to tell their stories re their interactions with said the stories would be different and it is obvious that YHWH works with whoever makes themselves available and this would have to involve working within the boundaries of the individuals belief systems - something which could indeed give a reader the impression of contradiction...

I give the benefit of doubt re that, and try not to focus on any particular biblical personality as 'the one' who had the ultimate relationship with YHWH - while also allowing for Jesus' claims contrary to that, to be examined.

Above all that - what the Generated Messages are revealing about YHWH appear to be very positive - so I am all eyes and ears re that... ... 3#p1086463
GM: How is Energy produced by Consciousness? [What is the fundamental nature of Energy?]
A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...
A Stroke of Luck
Form Builders
Such a Mind can prove its existence to the individual

William: "The Oversoul"
"The Over-Soul" is an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson, first published in 1841. With the human soul as its overriding subject, several general themes are treated: (1) the existence and nature of the human soul; (2) the relationship between the soul and the personal ego; (3) the relationship of one human soul to another; and (4) the relationship of the human soul to God. Influence of Eastern religions, including Vedantism, is plainly evident, but the essay also develops ideas long present in the Western tradition, e.g., in the works of Plato, Plutarch, and Neoplatonists like Plotinus and Proclus – all of whose writings Emerson read extensively throughout his career[1][2] – and Emanuel Swedenborg. {SOURCE}
GM: Conspicuous [clearly visible. attracting notice or attention.]
Verdant [(of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation.]
The Planet Consciousness assess the data and transmits that assessment back to the individuate human consciousness - if not directly - then storing the data in a place where the individual can have access to it, if the individual wants the data.
An unending emotional-based loop hard to break away from because of stubbornly held fear-based belief systems... ... 1#p1100401

William: FTL;
Following the storyline, the reason I do not think that Adam understood why it was important to listen to YHVH's messages, is that the design of Adam's body-set prohibited any access to Adam having a conscious recollection of a prior existence.

Essentially, because Adam had a beginning, this meant that initially Adam had nothing to go by in which to distinguish right from wrong [good from evil] and thus would not have understood, because the knowledge simply wasn't there for him to have any understanding about.

The storyline ["truth through a fictional medium." as you put it] shows the reader that the personality of the character called "Adam", started out his experience in a state of Tabula Rasa.

From your own argument so far, we disagree.

In the story you may be able to point to a passage which identifies that Adam did possess the knowledge from the beginning, and if so, we can examine that idea more fully.

I acknowledge that you have already said that the story of the garden has to be taken in context with the whole story. I take it you mean the whole of the Bible?

However, without something tangible from the Garden Story being able to be identified as key evidence that Adam did indeed understand from the beginning why it was important to listen to YHVH's messages, I would have to take the overall storyline of the Bible as something akin to misinformation based upon misunderstanding.
GM: Opening Doors
I see no solution to said problem coming from either theist or atheist positions.
Ace in the hole
Conscious Heart advice Beautiful
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.

William: Truthful Insight Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis. = 626
I have learned that the only thing that is real, is consciousness = 626
"Astral Guides" Ruling your world..."Chaos Really Is Illusion"

GM: For purposes which extend beyond the borders of materialism ... 6#p1069816

William: FTL;
[Replying to Diagoras in post #121]
William: In real terms, the Master ColdFire trick is about throwing a scary story into the mix in order to show a presumed outcome...however, the outcome was surprising in that the presumed outcome...Presumed outcome = 193... didn't happen and so the storyline changed and adaption was necessary.
"Master ColdFire trick" was inserted as a line entry on my ComList around the time it came about - Thu Sep 19, 2019 12:40 am - over 2 years ago...

When you get a 'surprising result' in science, it's perfectly acceptable to explain it away by saying 'adaption was necessary'.
The 'surprising result' was in Callum's response to an attempted illusion [the trick referred to] and the "adaption was necessary" is in regard to following the story-line alongside adaptation.

You would know of this, of course, if you 'did the science' but instead you attempt to "explain it away" as "reading the bones"

Follow the links and see the connections Diagoras - don't just jump in and expect that non-theist mud-slinging is going to work for sceptics in this case. "Unclog your Chakras." - as today's Generated Message suggests.
today's Generated Message wrote:Unclog your chakras
What Meets The Eye
Active Dreaming
Keep me in The Loop

Not by flinging woo at it.
[emphasis mine]

You're Welcome!
GM: ... 9#p1091089

William: FTL;
William: [As always, this is my opinion on the evidence so far presented.]

My own understanding of Atheism is that it is "The Unconscious lack of belief in Gods" and things spiral out from that core position.

The conscious lack of belief in Gods derives from reaction to theistic narratives and becomes the driving force of opposition as it moves away from the core-meaning - becoming what I refer to collectively as "The Atheisms".
GM: ... #msg279859
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
Nonviolent communication
The Limitation Of Language
Feedback Codes
Embrace a completely new paradigm
Emotional well-being
Being Friends
Expression Of Appreciation
Lots More
A word in edgeways
Logophile [a lover of words.]
Even in the very quintessence of the individual.
Your Move
The Next Step
How is Energy produced by Consciousness? [What is the fundamental nature of Energy?]
The Science Of The Soul

Ultimate expression
Most folk need moderating.
Integral Prison Planet
Welcoming the Unwelcome
The Source of All Creation
Your place at the Fireside
Raise your frequency
Everything for a reason
We go through together
Lazy strawman stuff
Invisible pink unicorn
From First Principles
The Eternal Authority
The places that scare you
Hints of the unseen, seen.
The Communion Process.
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