All is energy / God is energy

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am
Dontaskme wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:42 am Consciousness is not a 'thing' but knows all ''things''
Age wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:16 pmWHY is 'Consciousness' NOT a 'thing', to 'you', the 'thing' here known as "dontaskme" BUT 'Consciousness' IS a 'Thing', to 'me'?
To me here, the 'knower' aka (consciousness) cannot be a ''thing'.
What do 'you' mean by 'thing'?

To 'you', can invisible 'things' (if there are ANY, to 'you') be 'things'?

If no, then WHY NOT?

To 'you', can non physical 'things' (if there are ANY, to 'you') be 'things'?

If no, then WHY NOT?

Also, WHY, to 'you', can 'consciousness', itself, NOT be a 'thing'?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am Rather, only what is 'known' in this conscious knowing is the 'thing'.
So, are 'you' 'trying to' imply or infer here that 'consciousness' does NOT know about 'consciousness'?

If yes, then who or what KNOWS about 'consciousness', which 'you' speak of and about here?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am Which does appear as if the ''known thing'' is identical to conscious knowing, making this conscious knowing also the 'thing' ... seemingly appearing as two 'things' 1 (the knower) and 2 (the known)
WHY does this ILLUSION 'appear' here, to 'you' the 'thing' here KNOWN as "dontaskme"?

What 'you' SAY and CLAIM 'appears' here, to 'you', CERTAINLY DOES NOT 'appear' here, to 'me'.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am Even though, there is only 'No-Thing' Knowing. Knowing is ONE with itself always.
But 'you' just got through INFORMING 'us' that 'consciousness' is the 'knower', yet now 'you' want to CLAIM that there is NOTHING 'knowing'.

So, WHICH ONE is 'it'.

Does 'consciousness' KNOW 'things' or there is NO 'thing' that KNOWS 'things'?

If what 'you' have been 'trying to' SAY and CLAIM for years now is that 'consciousness', itself, KNOWS 'things' but 'consciousness' is NOT a 'thing', then ALL 'you' REALLY NEEDED to do was just INFORM 'us' of HOW 'you', "dontaskme", define the word 'thing' here.

AND THEN just EXPLAIN WHY EVERY 'thing' is A 'thing' BUT 'consciousness', itself, is NOT A 'thing', to 'you'.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am If both the knower (consciousness) and the known (concept) were 'things', that would imply two knowing things where there is here only one.
LOL WHY does this IMPLY, to 'you', what 'you' SAY and CLAIM here.

NO one "else" that 'I' KNOW of has INFERRED that for example a knowing 'thing' such as the 'human being' AND the 'thing 'rock' BOTH know 'things', NOR that the 'thing' such as 'consciousness', itself, AND the 'thing' 'tree' BOTH know 'things'.

But, IF there is ANY one who DOES INFER this, then PLEASE let 'us' KNOW.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am And upon deeper introspection it is realised 'knowing' is inseparable from the 'known', and that this knowing is always just one unitary movement, there is no split there, as in two things, as if the knower is separate from the known. The apparent split is illusory.
OF COURSE there is NO ACTUAL 'split' NOR 'separation'. BUT, it is because of HOW the human brain WORKS that a 'separation' of SORTS is MADE IN CONCEPT ALONE.

See, a CONCEPTUAL 'separation' WAS NEEDED for 'you', human beings, to be ABLE to MAKE SENSE of the 'world', or Universe, in which 'you' have FOUND "yourselves" WITHIN.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am The 'knower', aka Not a thing,
But the 'knower' is ONLY also known as "Not a thing', to 'you', "dontaskme", and a VERY FEW "others" ONLY.

This is BECAUSE the 'knower' is ACTUALLY KNOWN as A 'thing' to great deal MANY MORE.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am and the 'known' aka Thing....are conjoined twins.. aka NO -thing thinging.
I suggest making "your" 'self' ABSOLUTELY CLEAR about the FIRST PART here BEFORE 'you' even BEGIN to MOVE ON or ALONG.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 8:42 am This is true Advaita Vedanta Nondual undertsanding, but no one has to buy it. It's only another theory, as is every idea.
I suggest 'you' do NOT FOLLOW the 'teachings' of "others" who "themselves" have YET to FULLY UNDERSTAND what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, which they talk ABOUT and REFER TO. That way 'you' will NOT come across SO CONFUSED, and CONTRADICTORY.
Dontaskme wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:42 am All I'm saying is and you'll probably agree, is that consciousness is not a 'thing' that exists as an object that can be touched physically like a human can be touched.
All I will say here IS that there is 'consciousness' AND 'Consciousness' BOTH of which are just CONCEPTUALLY MORE 'things', MADE SEPARATE by 'thought' ALONE, and of which can NOT be touched physically, which 'we' are YET AWARE OF.
Dontaskme wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:42 am
'Consciousness', along with 'thoughts' and 'emotions', and 'air' and 'sky', and other 'things', to 'me', are 'things' which are just 'things' are NOT like 'objects', which can be physically touched. So, I agree that these 'things' can NOT be touched like the physical human BODY can be 'touched', and so I agree that they exist NOT like 'objects' that can be physically 'touched'. But I do NOT agree that those 'things' are NOT 'things' AT ALL.
From my perspective here, concepts are also labels for sensations and objects and all mental abstractions. But these known concepts are all aspects within the living one consciousness, they are already couched in consciousness, and do not have any separate existence in and of themselves separate from life's unitary seamless flow.

Okay. But this only DETRACTS from the CLAIM, made by the 'thing' here known as "dontaskme", that 'consciousness', itself, if NOT A 'thing'.
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am
Age wrote: Fri Dec 02, 2022 12:16 pm
I is a known concept, already located by Conscious knowing, that is fundamentally everywhere and nowhere all at once, one without a second.

Just like 'I' ALREADY KNOW that 'I', Consciousness, AM thee 'Thing' that ALREADY KNEW this IRREFUTABLE Fact.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am
Any empirical knowledge happens within the triad of “knower-known-knowing”. Indian philosophy calls this the “triputi”. This is an obvious fact, isn't it? Can there be any other way of acquiring knowledge without a subject-object distinction? Definitely not, we say.

But, a little introspection will reveal the hollowness of this statement. When I say, “I had a good deep sleep”, how do I know it was good?
Thee REAL and True 'I' is NOT STUPID ENOUGH to SAY NOR CLAIM such a Truly ABSURD, RIDICULOUS, and NON NONSENSICAL statement as 'that'.

ONLY 'you', human beings, would SAY and CLAIM such a NON Truth as 'that'.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am Do I have memory of the sleep?
ONLY 'I', Consciousness, It Self, is ABLE to OBSERVE 'you', human beings, and OTHER animals when asleep.

'you' are ALSO able to OBSERVE "others" asleep but NEVER "your" 'self'.

When 'you', adult human beings, SAY the ABSURD, 'I had a good deep sleep', then 'you' can just ADD 'that' to the countless OTHER ABSURD, and NON True, 'things' that 'you', adult human SAY, and CLAIM.

LOL I CERTAINLY did NOT go by what 'you', adult human beings, SAY and CLAIM in order to UNCOVER and FIND what thee ACTUAL Truth in Life IS, EXACTLY.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am Were my senses active when I was asleep?
TELL 'us' WHO and/or WHAT, EXACTLY, does the 'my' word REFER TO here. In other words, let 'us' KNOW what 'you' KNOW here, THEN 'we' can INFORM 'you' of what thee ACTUAL Truth IS.

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am But I am sure I slept and that “I” was present in deep sleep.
But are 'you' REALLY SURE?

If 'you' can NOT YET answer the question, 'Who am 'I'?' properly AND correctly, then HOW can 'you' BE SURE here?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am This keeps us wondering if there is anything unknown that's present when our body, mind, and the world are absent?
From these words ALONE 'we' can SEE that 'you' really do have a GREAT DEAL MORE to LEARN and UNDERSTAND here.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am Vedanta calls it the fourth state, Turiya. The one beyond waking, dream, and sleeping.

MANY of 'you', human beings, have called MANY 'things' by MANY DIFFERENT terms. But this does NOT mean that ANY of 'it' is even CLOSE to thee Truth of 'things', let alone IS thee ACTUAL Truth of 'things'.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am That state is ever existent and self-luminant. When you see the world, you don't see it. When it reveals itself, the world disappears. It has no form, no attributes, nothing. No word known to any man in the world can describe it.
But if the word 'it' does NOT even describe 'it', then what are 'you' talking ABOUT here?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am It doesn't “will” to be known because it is complete and blissful in Itself. But, it definitely reveals itself to a man who renounces the world.
WHY ONLY to 'men' who do this?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am To answer the question in one line,
To answer WHAT question here, EXACTLY?
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:00 am
the unknown doesn't “will” to be known. It is that place where all search ends invariably.
Source: Quora.
Here we have ANOTHER EXAMPLE of ANOTHER ATTEMPT at 'trying to' "justify" WHY one has NOT YET LEARNED NOR UNCOVERED what IS ACTUALLY and IRREFUTABLY True, Right, AND Correct.

'you', adult human beings, have been making this MOST ABSURD CLAIM that, "There are some things we can NEVER KNOW", for a VERY LONG TIME now, that WAS; HITHERTO WHEN this WAS being written.

'you', "dontaskme", are just doing what MANY previous "preachers" and "teachers" have done BEFORE 'you'. That is; CLAIM that 'we' can NOT know some things, and/or CLAIM that 'we' are NOT meant to know some 'things', which is ALL just the WEAKEST of EXCUSES when one is QUESTIONED and/or CHALLENGED OVER what they are 'trying to' CLAIM is the ACTUAL Truth of 'things' here.

EITHER 'you' have ACTUAL PROOF for YOUR CLAIMS, OR, 'you' do NOT.


'you', "dontaskme", sound EXACTLY like the "priest" or "preacher" here when they are CHALLENGED OVER their CLAIMS about God and/or God CREATING EVERY 'thing'.

WHY do 'you', adult human beings, just ADMIT and SAY, 'I do NOT know', instead of making the MOST ABSURD and NON True CLAIMS like, 'It can NEVER be known'?

REALLY, WHO do 'you' think or BELIEVE 'we' are, EXACTLY, to LIE to 'us' DIRECTLY like this?
Last edited by Age on Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by popeye1945 »

Lacewing wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:07 pm Everything is energy...continually changing and consciously manifesting into countless forms.

The many stories that we human beings make up based on human limitation and fear, which we try to apply to the 'infinite all-that-is', make no sense! There can be peace in considering that 'god/divine' energy is the energy within and throughout all which we can never be separated from. We are part of countless manifestations of energy: conscious, flowing, circulating.

We are not limited to (nor prisoners of) the dark and dense world and stories created by men, based on divisiveness and fear and separation from a god. We can manifest light, as countless beings do regardless of their spiritual affiliations or none at all. It's a natural potential of energy. If we put our intention toward being more conscious, rather than defending our identity and stories, how/what might we manifest?

Here's a short little video (one of many) that describes how all is energy, consciously manifesting in countless ways, which human beings assign different names to. ... &FORM=VIRE
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by popeye1945 »

The cosmos is energy if one chooses to call energy god who's to stop you? Energy is as good an answer as we have. Consider our apparent reality or everyday experience of the world, it is the experience of the world as object/s. In the cosmos, there are energies that we can sense and there are energies beyond our sensory organs. Those energies which are beyond our senses are said to be unmanifested, in other words, they are not objects/things.

As Spinoza pointed out the mind's only object is the body and it is through the body that we come to know the world. The objects he told us affect or make alterations in the condition of the body, and bodily reactions to their stimulus let us know them. I would take it a bit further; it is true this is the way we know objects in the world but just think, and link it back just a bit further. It is the energies that we sense through us, our bodies, that these energies become objects. This can be investigated by means of altering our own biology, psychedelic substances if you like, and simple impairment can limit our perceptions of the world but alterations to our chemistries alter our perceptions of the world our sense of time, and the sense of what to us is real.

What follows as a matter of deduction is this, there is no such thing as human action, there is but human reaction, for one must be moved within before one can move without. The term motivation and the term will unmistakably spell reaction. Reaction is the basis of evolutionary development and also is the source of all diseases. All diseases are reactions to unrepaired damage to the body or intrusion of chemical and biological agents introduced from without. Ageing itself is unrepaired damage much of the energy for repair is used to maintain the germplasm. I don't know if there have been any polls done to see how long eunuch live---lol!! The fact that we as a species of organism that do not control nature, do not control the changing world and thus do not control our reactions to it should make it obvious that free will is an illusion for to all organism the physical world is cause, it is cause to all reactionary creatures. The one thing one cannot do is not react to the physical world, for a no response no reaction to stimulus is still a reaction to the physical world. Others in your world too are objects to which you react and who react to you, so, if you're going to ponder another's behavior, ask yourself, what are they reacting to?
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Age »

Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am People make claims and believe stories that they have been taught by one culture or influence or another.
EXACTLY like 'you' are SHOWING and DOING here "lacewing".
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am Many people believe that the only true path is their own.
EXACTLY like 'you' DO here "lacewing".
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am Many believe that those who don't believe the same are evil, or blind, or will suffer some horrible punishment.
EXACTLY like 'you' SHOW 'you' DO here "lacewing".
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am But these human stories senselessly imagine a god who would create human beings that do not naturally pulse with God-energy like all of creation does.

Furthermore, the hierarchical stories are written by men for men throughout many cultures. Where are all the women incarnations of god? Why is God a 'he'?
But God is NOT a "he". NEVER WAS and NEVER WILL be. ONLY the FOOLISH and STUPID BELIEVE that God is a male gendered "he".
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am It is man who gave God a gender so that man can feel superior and godlike through association.
This is NOT a PROVABLE Fact, but I would be HIGHLY SURPRISED if this was NOT the absolute Truth AT ALL.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am Let's be honest and logical.

Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am These things do not make sense because they are the ideas of humans... NOT of a god.
WHY do 'you' SAY and WRITE, 'Let's be honest and logical', but then 'your' very next sentence is NOT absolutely 'honest' NOR 'logical'?

If 'we', REALLY, want to be Truly Honest, and Logical, then the idea, which 'you' expressed above about God being a "he", is an idea OF God, or ABOUT God. Although that OBVIOUSLY False idea came FROM 'you', human beings. That idea was, OBVIOUSLY, written BY human beings ABOUT God.

So, 'those things' do NOT make sense NOT because they are ABOUT God, but VERY SIMPLY because they are, literally, NONSENSICAL.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am There may be much wisdom and insight in various teachings because divine spirit is naturally accessible and pulsing throughout all (which includes human beings everywhere)... why wouldn't it be?
And, as 'I' have been SAYING, ALL ALONG, thee ACTUAL IRREFUTABLE Truth of 'things' is VERY EASY and SIMPLE to SEE and OBTAIN. It is JUST 'your' OWN individual human being Wrong INTERPRETATIONS, ASSUMPTIONS, and/or BELIEFS WHY 'you' were ALL BLINDED, BLOCKED, and PREVENTED from SEEING and KNOWING what thee ACTUAL IRREFUTABLE Truth IS here, EXACTLY.

BECAUSE 'It' (whatever one wants to call 'It'/'divine spirit' or ANY 'thing' else) IS VERY EASY and VERY SIMPLE to ACCESS because 'It' IS ALIVE/PULSATING WITHIN EVERY thing, UNCOVERING and FINDING thee ACTUAL IRREFUTABLE Truth of 'things' IS EXTREMELY EASY and SIMPLE AS WELL. As 'I' keep INFORMING 'you', human beings, BUT which 'you' WANT to BELIEVE OTHERWISE.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am But our separatist/divisive stories are a veil that obscures truth rather than revealing it.
SO, WHY do people like 'you', "lacewing", make up these SEPARATE and DIVISIVE STORIES, and then WORSE STILL start BELIEVING some of them to be true?

'you' SPEAK as though 'you' KNOW it is the Wrong thing to do, YET 'you' keep on doing the EXACT SAME 'thing' "yourself".
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am God would not be so limited as human beings are... and it is surely utterly absurd to think so!
SO, WHY do 'you', the human being KNOWN as "lacewing" here, keep 'trying to' LIMIT God/Divine Spirit WITHIN ALL and EVERY 'thing' with 'your' VERY OWN made up LIMITING STORIES and BELIEFS?

Seriously, WHY do 'you' KEEP DOING this very 'thing' "yourself", "lacewing"?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am Everything is energy -- and part of a web/network of connected energy throughout all. Nothing is excluded. Particles with no distinction or individual agenda are capable of manifesting into countless forms within forms within overlapping forms. So why not consider that there is not a particular product or agenda of a particular separate God,
ONLY the VERY RARE of a FEW, like "immanuel can", do this. So, WHY 'try to' SQUEEZE and PLACE SO MANY "others" into this VERY NARROWED and LIMITED VIEW and PERSPECTIVE of 'things'?
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am but rather this god-energy is continually manifesting throughout all?
This 'God-energy continually manifesting throughout ALL' as 'you' call 'this' here IS what is TAKING PLACE and HAPPENING here.

And, what IS HAPPENING with this OCCURRENCE whatever 'you', individually, want to call this 'Divine Spirit'/'Thing', or 'It', 'It' HAS ALREADY come to KNOW thy Self, and IS REVEALING 'this' in Its OWN WAY.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am Truly, why would there need to be more of a purpose than that (except as imagined by humans for themselves)?
Here is ANOTHER PRIME EXAMPLE of just HOW MUCH the adult human being, back in the days when this was being written, would Truly LIMITED 'things' here?

This one ACTUALLY BELIEVES that the 'purpose' it has 'found' is the ONE and ONLY PURPOSE for ALL and EVERY 'thing'.

EXACTLY WHAT this one ACCUSES of "others" doing, 'it' does "itself" in the EXACT SAME WAY.

This one IMAGINES that 'it' has FOUND the PURPOSE of Life, Itself, and WRITES in a WAY CONDESCENDING "others" who do NOT BELIEVE and FOLLOW this one's OWN WAY of thinking and IMAGINING how 'things' REALLY ARE.

This one is just doing EXACTLY what ALL 'preachers' and 'priests' do with their OWN IMAGINED BELIEFS.

By the way, WHY would there be MORE of a 'purpose' than the VERY LIMITED and NARROWED 'purpose' that 'you' have provided for 'us' here IS BECAUSE THERE IS MORE. VERY SIMPLE, REALLY.
Lacewing wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:34 am Why is it not enough to be part of this magnificent creation of energy?
LOL A LOT of the time here 'you' are CRITICIZING "others" for NOT being OPEN to MORE, or for NOT being ABLE to SEE that there IS MORE. Yet, now 'you' are QUESTIONING "others" WHY there WOULD BE MORE to what 'you' SAY and BELIEVE here.

'you' have ARRIVED at some IMAGINED Truth, which 'you' now BELIEVE IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED, and so now QUESTION "others" about WHY this is NOT ENOUGH. Talking about providing an ACTUAL PERFECT EXAMPLE of RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM, AT ITS 'best', or 'worse', depending on which way one is LOOKING AT and SEEING 'this'.

The INCONSISTENCIES, CONTRADICTIONS, and HYPOCRISY was RAMPANT, leading up to and in the days when this was being written.
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Age »

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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Age »

Lacewing wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:54 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 10:33 am The above story is just another human story, a mental projection, not excluded from all that is, rather, all inclusive of all that is, was, and ever will be, infinitely for eternity. Which is NOW always Now...popped aware.
The past is dead and the future is unborn. Everything is now and now is everything forever eternally this immediate unchanging change, uncreated creation, unborn born, unmoving mover. Now is this absolute reality. This empty fullness.

There is nothing wrong with you. You are never not enough. You are never not here.
Thank you... I agree with you, if we're not talking from the perspective of being a human being. As human beings, we create different stories (of varying densities, perhaps) for living our lives. I enjoy creating with the passion of being in a sensory form, while knowing that I am not limited to it.
So, 'what', EXACTLY, do 'you' BELIEVE 'you' are 'creating' here "lacewing"?

'what' 'your' VERY LIMITED BELIEFS ARE, EXACTLY, are VERY OBVIOUS, but 'what' 'you' are, supposedly, ACTUALLY 'creating' is NOT so obvious.
Lacewing wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:54 pm It is a balance. And it's not always easy, of course... it can be discouraging, exhausting, and heartbreaking for this flesh and blood form. However, I feel inclined to continually try to make the best of this experience by using what I have access to...
And, 'who' and/or 'what' is this 'I', EXACTLY, which supposedly HAS 'things' to access this 'it' (whatever 'it' is, to 'you')?
Lacewing wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:54 pm and while pulsing with as much love and light as I can handle while in this form and story. :)

HOW could ANY 'thing' be LIMITED to LOVE and/or LIGHT?
Lacewing wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 4:54 pm I posed this question to the forum: "Why is it not enough to be part of this magnificent creation of energy?"

For me, it is enough.
The REAL FUNNY 'thing' here is that there is absolutely NO one who has SAID NOR CLAIMED that by just being a part of this magnificent creation is energy is NOT enough. 'you' just ASSUME and/or BELIEVE that there are some BECAUSE of 'your' OTHER strongly HELD ONTO ASSUMPTIONS and BELIEFS, which 'you' are OBVIOUSLY VERY STUCK WITH (and) IN.

Or, do 'you' want to PROPOSE WHO, in this forum, has EVER SAID or CLAIMED that by just being a part of this magnificent creation of energy is NOT enough?
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Lacewing »

Astro Cat wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:46 pm What is meant by energy here? I only understand two contexts for the word:

We have the energy of physics, as in mass-energy, probably sufficient to say it is the capacity to perform work. Yet this context of energy is a property, not a thing that exists unto itself (nothing “is” energy, there are only things which possess energy).
It is my understanding that everything is made up of energy, as described by the following scientific concepts:

> Quantum physics suggests that solid matter does not exist in the universe.

> Since everything is made of atoms, which are energy, this could mean that everything is made up of energy.

> The Observer Effect states that by the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed reality. This suggests not only that everything is energy, but that this energy responds to consciousness.

> Entanglement states that once particles have interacted, they become “entangled,” no matter how far apart they are. They are connected by energy that permeates everything.

I created this thread to consider the implications of 'everything is energy', including how that applies to a concept of 'God': if someone thinks 'God is in all' or that 'we are created in a 'God's image', then that god is non-solid energy too.
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Lacewing »

popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am What follows as a matter of deduction is this, there is no such thing as human action, there is but human reaction, for one must be moved within before one can move without.
This doesn't make sense to me. It suggests that human consciousness cannot create. If all is energy, what is driving creation, and why would energy in human form be excluded?
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Age »

popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am The cosmos is energy if one chooses to call energy god who's to stop you? Energy is as good an answer as we have. Consider our apparent reality or everyday experience of the world, it is the experience of the world as object/s. In the cosmos, there are energies that we can sense and there are energies beyond our sensory organs. Those energies which are beyond our senses are said to be unmanifested, in other words, they are not objects/things.
HOW, EXACTLY, would one even KNOW if there was SOME thing BEYOND one's senses?

And, what are 'those energies', EXACTLY, which 'you' CLAIM here are BEYOND 'your' senses?

Also, WHO said that 'those energies' are UNMANIFESTED?
popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am As Spinoza pointed out the mind's only object is the body and it is through the body that we come to know the world.
Well this is OBVIOUSLY False, Wrong, and Incorrect, AS WELL.

The Mind's 'objects' IS ALL physical matter, and it is through these 'bodies' that 'I', the collective 'We' come to KNOW NOT just 'the world' but 'thee Universe, Itself', AS WELL.

What 'you', human beings, SEE or come to KNOW through human bodies ONLY is, OBVIOUSLY, VERY LIMITING and which is WHY 'you' are NOT SEEING and UNDERSTANDING ALL-OF-THIS, YET.
popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am The objects he told us affect or make alterations in the condition of the body, and bodily reactions to their stimulus let us know them. I would take it a bit further; it is true this is the way we know objects in the world but just think, and link it back just a bit further. It is the energies that we sense through us, our bodies, that these energies become objects. This can be investigated by means of altering our own biology, psychedelic substances if you like, and simple impairment can limit our perceptions of the world but alterations to our chemistries alter our perceptions of the world our sense of time, and the sense of what to us is real.

What follows as a matter of deduction is this, there is no such thing as human action, there is but human reaction, for one must be moved within before one can move without. The term motivation and the term will unmistakably spell reaction. Reaction is the basis of evolutionary development and also is the source of all diseases. All diseases are reactions to unrepaired damage to the body or intrusion of chemical and biological agents introduced from without. Ageing itself is unrepaired damage much of the energy for repair is used to maintain the germplasm.
So-called 'ageing' is NOT even a REAL 'thing' that ACTUALLY HAPPENS. 'Objects', however, are just CHANGING in SHAPE and in FORM. Physical matter is ALWAYS just IN a CONSTANT state of CHANGE.
popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am I don't know if there have been any polls done to see how long eunuch live---lol!! The fact that we as a species of organism that do not control nature, do not control the changing world and thus do not control our reactions to it should make it obvious that free will is an illusion for to all organism the physical world is cause, it is cause to all reactionary creatures.
Well this is one way to SLIP one's OWN BELIEFS into a topic.

By the way, if the 'you' is NOT IN CONTROL of 'your' OWN 'reactions', then WHO or WHAT IS, EXACTLY?

The IRREFUTABLE True, Right, AND Correct answer, by the way, might just surprise 'you'.
popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am The one thing one cannot do is not react to the physical world, for a no response no reaction to stimulus is still a reaction to the physical world.
Okay, but NOT REALLY SURE what part of this physical world 'you' WANT this BELIEFS of 'yours' to relate to, EXACTLY.
popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am Others in your world too are objects to which you react and who react to you, so, if you're going to ponder another's behavior, ask yourself, what are they reacting to?
What 'they' are REACTING TO IS:

1. The environment.

2. The emotions, within that body.

3. The thoughts, within that body.

And, NOT necessarily in that order.
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Age »

Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:47 am
Astro Cat wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:46 pm What is meant by energy here? I only understand two contexts for the word:

We have the energy of physics, as in mass-energy, probably sufficient to say it is the capacity to perform work. Yet this context of energy is a property, not a thing that exists unto itself (nothing “is” energy, there are only things which possess energy).
It is my understanding that everything is made up of energy, as described by the following scientific concepts:

> Quantum physics suggests that solid matter does not exist in the universe.
What would consist or constitute 'solid matter'?
Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:47 am > Since everything is made of atoms, which are energy, this could mean that everything is made up of energy.
Since WHEN has EVERY thing being made of 'atoms'?

OBVIOUSLY, what 'atoms' are made of are NOT 'atoms'.
Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:47 am > The Observer Effect states that by the very act of watching, the observer affects the observed reality.
Well this IS OBVIOUSLY False, Wrong, AND Incorrect. Unless, OF COURSE, 'you' want to INFORM 'us' of what the 'Observer' word here refers to, EXACTLY?
Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:47 am This suggests not only that everything is energy, but that this energy responds to consciousness.
But what 'you' have said so far NEEDS to be PROVE IRREFUTABLY True, BEFORE it would be LOGICAL to PROCEED ONTO what 'this' SUGGESTS.

If what 'this' is IS NOT EVEN True, Right, NOR Correct, then MOVING ONTO the SUGGESTING STAGE is just a WASTE of 'time' and 'energy', as some would say.
Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:47 am > Entanglement states that once particles have interacted, they become “entangled,” no matter how far apart they are.
Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:47 am They are connected by energy that permeates everything.
What do 'you' MEAN by, 'ONCE particles HAVE INTERACTED'?

IF energy permeates ABSOLUTELY EVERY 'thing', then EVERY particle is ALWAYS 'interacting', in A WAY, with EVERY OTHER particle, ALWAYS. Or, in other words, matter is ALWAYS INTERACTING WITH ITSELF, INFINITELY and ETERNALLY.

Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:47 am I created this thread to consider the implications of 'everything is energy', including how that applies to a concept of 'God': if someone thinks 'God is in all' or that 'we are created in a 'God's image', then that god is non-solid energy too.
Had some of 'you' ACTUALLY been thinking or BELIEVING that the God word, in the INVISIBLE and/or Spiritual sense, was referring to some 'thing' ELSE?
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by popeye1945 »

Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:58 am
popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am
"What follows as a matter of deduction is this, there is no such thing as human action, there is but human reaction, for one must be moved within before one can move without.

"This doesn't make sense to me. It suggests that human consciousness cannot create. If all is energy, what is driving creation, and why would energy in human form be excluded?
Man must have the energy to create but the process of creating is also a reaction, as I previously stated motivation spell's reaction.
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Age »

Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:58 am
popeye1945 wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 5:23 am What follows as a matter of deduction is this, there is no such thing as human action, there is but human reaction, for one must be moved within before one can move without.
This doesn't make sense to me.
This is ONLY BECAUSE 'you' are LOOKING AT, and thus SEEING, 'this' from a VERY LIMITED VIEW or PERSPECTIVE.
Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:58 am It suggests that human consciousness cannot create.
It does NOT suggest this AT ALL. Unless, OF COURSE, one is NOT Truly OPEN to what is ACTUALLY BEING SAID, and MEANT.

'you', human beings, CAN and DO 'create', from REACTION. In fact EVERY 'new' thought or imagined 'thing', which is HOW and WHAT EVERY new creation has come from, has come from at least two OTHER 'things' coming together/interacting, prior.
Lacewing wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 6:58 am If all is energy, what is driving creation, and why would energy in human form be excluded?
'Energy' in human form is NOT being EXCLUDED.

And, it could be said, ALL IS 'energy'.

Now, what DRIVES 'this' 'energy', IS, as I have previously STATED and POINTED OUT, physical matter INTERACTING WITH Its OWN Self.

INTER-action is the ACTION, from which ALL RE-ACTION comes from, which is just CREATION, Itself. ALWAYS HAPPENING and OCCURRING in the Eternal HERE (and) NOW.

There ALWAYS exists BOTH 'matter,' AND, a 'space' (or distance) between 'matter'.

'Space' is WHAT ALLOWS 'matter' to move FREELY.

'Matter' INTERACTING with 'itself' causes friction, or 'energy'. This 'energy', like 'matter' IS Eternal and ALWAYS EXISTING.

'Matter' REACTING with 'itself' creates One, SINGLE, REACTION, which is just CREATION, and what CAUSES EVOLUTION to take place, continually and constantly-always.

Thee One and ONLY Universe IS ALWAYS in a CONSTANT state of Creation. The ONLY time that the Universe "was" Created IS IN the HERE-NOW.


Energy can ONLY NOT be created NOR destroyed BECAUSE 'energy' is a part of the CONSTANT-ETERNAL Creation, being 'made' by 'matter' interacting/reacting with itself, which is ALLOWED to FREELY because of 'space', and which causes the 'Energy' that IS Creating ALL-OF-THIS, and which, ultimately, DETERMINES what WILL EVOLVE and, eventually, COME-TO-BE.
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by popeye1945 »


That isn't an argument, it is in fact nonsense.
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Re: All is energy / God is energy

Post by Walker »

Astro Cat wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 11:46 pm So what is “energy” as being asked about in the OP?
The OP says, "everything." Take your pick. The distinguishing evidence of energy is change detected by motion through time and/or space.

The most directly relevant energy for humans is the energy that moves body, voice, or mind.

Thinking about the energy that moves planets is a function of mind energy.
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