What is the basis for reason? And mathematics?

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Post by roydop »

Age wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:46 am
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm This is genius and rather than trying to refute it one should try to understand it
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:02 pm
wtf wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:25 am

Just condescend to my pathetic level and explain to my poor beknighted self how your theory resolves the Banach-Tarski paradox or the Burali-Forti paradox or the lottery paradox or the Kleene-Rosser paradox or any of the many other paradoxes enumerated in this Wiki list.

Pick any one and apply your theory to it. If you can't do that for a single one of these well known paradoxes, all you have is a pile of word salad. With lo-fat dressing. And of course a hilarious moment of unintended high humor on your video, which made my morning.

ps -- Let me give an example. In 1915 Einstein came out with his theory of general relativity, which described gravity as an effect caused by the curvature of 4D spacetime. People didn't say, "Wow, huzzah, now it's all clear." On the contrary, nobody believed him until he APPLIED his theory to make a specific prediction that could be verified or refuted by astronomers. In 1919 Sir Arthur Eddington made the measurement and confirmed Einstein's theory. THEN Einstein became famous.

You can't just type in words. If someone challenges you to apply your theory and show how it gives insight, you either need to put up or shut up. If you applied your theory to, say, the Banach-Tarski paradox and I read your explanation and went, "Wow, NOW I understand something I didn't understand before," then I'd say you have something.

But if you can't give a single example of an application of your ideas, perhaps your own intellectual integrity would cause you to have a moment of self-awareness, and go back and have yourself another think.
Here is the application of my ideas:

I'm done. I know why all of THIS exists and have realized true, Absolute Self. All of that thinking is an errant path. It leads consciousness deeper into delusion. I'm pointing to the exit sign within the labyrinth of mind.

Walk through it or not.
Okay, let us 'walk' through this now, as I try to understand what you say.
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm I know why all of THIS exists and have realized true, Absolute Self.
What does the 'THIS' word here refer to EXACTLY? Do you mean ALL-OF-THIS/Everything, or some thing else?

And, if you have realized 'true, Absolute Self, then who and/or what is 'true, Absolute Self', EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm All of that thinking is an errant path.
What 'thinking' are you referring to here, EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm It leads consciousness deeper into delusion.
To me, 'consciousness', itself, does go deeper into delusion, and can not even be led deeper into delusion.

So, what is 'consciousness' to you, EXACTLY, and what is the actual process where 'consciousness' is being led deeper into delusion?

If that process is just 'that' thinking, then is it at all possible that there could be 'that' thinking, leading to delusion, within your words here? Or is this just NOT a possibility?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm I'm pointing to the exit sign within the labyrinth of mind.
What is this 'mind' thing, EXACTLY? Where does 'it' exist, EXACTLY?

What, EXACTLY, is the 'exit sign', within this so-called 'labyrinth of mind'?

How did you find this so-called 'exit sign', and why do so many people see you as being 'stuck' in a 'labyrinth of delusional thinking'?

So, again, could it be a possibility that 'your' thinking is 'that' thinking, which you speak of here?
The fact that you are expecting words and concepts to EXACTLY express Reality, shows that you would rather just go on thinking and blah blah blahing rather than transcend thought and therefore reach conclusion

Here is a perfect metaphor, that gets as close to "EXACTLY" as possible. If you don't see/"get it" after reading this metaphor, then that is the endo of our discussion because there is no more accurate way of putting it

THIS (the life of "your name here"; aka: all experience) is a Divine game created by you (aka: "God") for your entertainment. This game is the Reality from which all holographic expressions manifest. There are games, acting, irony, puzzles, labyrinths, because these are qualities of what is occurring

The purpose of the game is for entertainment and the goal of the game is to find conclusion of the game. Thought ("Maya") is the "opponent" within this game and it works to pull attention away from Reality/ Self and onto the illusion, keeping you within the game.

The direct path out of the game is via thought free Awareness
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Post by roydop »

Age wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:44 am
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:43 pm Having discovered the purpose of life and engaging in that purpose has led to completion.
What is the 'purpose of life'?

How do you define the word 'life' here?

And, the 'completion' of what, EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:43 pm What you could not see or understand is that I was abiding in/as effortless thought free Awareness, which is synonymous with Happiness
Why do you call 'that' 'thought free Awareness' 'effortless'?

Is there an 'effort thought free Awareness'?

If yes, what is the difference, (besides the obvious)?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:43 pm Flat out perfect contentment and happiness
How long do you think or believe 'you' have remained in this so-called 'effortless thought free Awareness'?

How do 'you' start or begin 'effortless thought free Awareness'?

And, how do 'you' finish or end 'effortless thought free Awareness'?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:43 pm Seems reasonable to me that consciousness that has a better understanding of Reality will experience less suffering and more happiness than consciousness that is in delusion
It is completely unreasonable, to me, that one thinks or BELIEVES that 'consciousness', itself, is EVER 'delusional'.

If 'you' ever want to obtain an ACTUAL Accurate 'understanding' of 'things' here, then 'you' first NEED to be far more OPEN and Honest here.
YOU simply ask a bunch of questions without actually trying to understand what is originally said
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Post by Iwannaplato »

roydop wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 4:58 pm
wtf wrote: Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:29 am
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:45 pm You think perhaps that sol ing that hypnosis ...
See you ARE a bit of a jokester. That's a decent pun.
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:45 pm and winning a million dollars would lead to happiness, when I know the direct path. The path is inward
Ok now we are getting somewhere. You are telling us that you have discovered the secret of happiness. Ok then. If you had posted this to the theory of mind or the ethics forum then it would make some sense. If you've discovered what makes you happy, and you want to share it with the world, that's great. I'd say that staring into a webcam for two and a half hours and uploading it to Youtube is not my cup of tea, but if that's your thing then it's fine with me. I'm a consenting adults guy.

But you posted your story to the Philosophy of Math forum and claimed that you have found the solution to paradox. Yet you have not solved any of the known paradoxes, nor, when challenged, have you been able to apply your ideas to solve any known paradoxes.

Again, if you said you've found the secret to your own happiness, I'd be happy for you. But you claimed to have solved "paradox," singular, yet didn't actually solve any paradoxes. That's my issue with your post. You have made a claim that you are clearly unable to back up. Indeed, your OP says nothing at all about happiness. You seem to be changing the subject, now that someone has taken you seriously enough to challenge you to show an application of your ideas.

If all you are saying is that by staring into a webcam for two and a half hours that you have found happiness, I'm all for it. As the sage said ... when you stare into the Youtube, the Youtube stares back.

ps -- At the two hour mark you cleared your throat. Brilliant! Well worth waiting for.
I have shown HOW paradox itself arises (the medium through which paradox presents, is SYMBOL, and symbol is in a superposition of existing simultaneously as a physical thing and a non-physical thought). This superposition is explicitly revealed in the liars paradox

I have presented an argument as to the WHY paradox exists. Paradox is Truth exposing the path of ignorance (called: "Maya" in Hinduism) that keeps consciousness trapped within Samsara/suffering
One of the other problems of the OP is that
This statement is false could be JUST/ONLY thought. And still you would have the problem produced by self-referentiality.
There is no need for there to be these two realms for there to be a paradox.
One could think and not even hear mentally, the sentence
This sentences is false.

No senses involved. No physical realm - here assuming your dualism is correct.

But still the paradox.
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Post by roydop »

It isn't possible for the voice in your consciousness to think "This statement is false" without a relationship with the physical symbols. It's the same situation as wave function cannot be separate and distinct from particle
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Post by Sculptor »

roydop wrote: Thu Nov 24, 2022 4:20 pm PARADOX SOLVED

In order for paradox to be solved, it must be recognized that:

A. The medium through which paradox presents, is that of symbol. These words that are “things” are symbols that represent non-physical ideas and systems of thought.

B. Symbol is in a superposition of existing as both a physical thing and a non-physical thought.

“This statement is false” exists within the physical realm because you can see it, and the statement also exists in the non-physical realm* as a “voice” within consciousness.

It is imperative that the statement in question is recognized as being “symbol”, and that “symbol” is in a superposition of existing simultaneously in the physical realm of the senses, and in the non-physical realm of thought.

Symbol is a special type of physical object in that interaction with it produces a non-physical phenomenon within consciousness. When looking at a three-dimensional tree, that interaction does not automatically produce a voice in your consciousness saying: “tree”. However, the word/symbol “tree” automatically produces a non-physical phenomenon to arise simultaneously with the sight of the symbol. This non-physical phenomenon is “the voice in your head.”

* The Paradox Solved theory assumes that “the voice in your head” (“thought”/”mind”) is non-physical. The senses of smell, touch, sight, hearing, taste constitute the physical realm. Thoughts constitute the mental realm, which is non-physical and is represented by quantum mechanics in the form of the “wave function”.

Paradox arises within “this statement is false” because the symbols are explicitly revealing the state of superposition that is symbol itself.
“This statement” points attention to the visual sense aspect of the symbols. “Is false” then pulls that attention to focus exclusively on the thought aspect of the symbol. The concept/thought aspect of the symbol “false” relates to no phenomenon within the physical realm (not to three-dimensional objects; not to the two-dimensional plane; nor to the linear one-dimensional symbol of language that exists within the two-dimensional plane).

A physical object cannot be “false”; only another thought can be false. “This statement is false” appears as paradox because the statement is referring to itself, which is symbol, which is in a superposition of existing as both a “thing” and a “thought”. The thought-sensation “paradox” is the feeling resulting in consciousness as its attention is pulled from the three-dimensional realm, through the two-dimensional realm (the screen or page) and onto the one-dimensional linear realm that is the symbol of language. Attention that is laser-focused on this one-dimensional realm will experience a non-physical phenomenon within consciousness: thought.

So paradox appears so clearly and strongly with: “This statement is false” because within the span of four symbols, attention is directed away from three-dimensional experience and onto a linear, one-dimensional experience within a two-dimensional plane. Interaction with this one-dimensional realm generates a zero-(spatial)dimensional phenomenon to arise within consciousness (thought/the “voice in your head”).
As symbol exists in a superposition of existing simultaneously as a thing and a thought, symbol is a portal connecting the physical and thought realms.

And herein is the “WHY”.

The blatant paradox revealed is Truth/Kali, explicitly exposing the spell that is cast, the magical slight-of-hand trick, that ignorance/Maya has used to mesmerize human consciousness.

Simply put, “This statement is false” is a lie, and due to Maya’s subtle and persistent programming, human consciousness believes the lie.

“False” generates an error (resistance) because the symbol “false” attempts to convince consciousness that the non-physical realm of thought is as “real” and substantial as the physical realm.

The statement is/all statements are, a one-dimensional stream of information that is expressed upon a two-dimensional plane within a three-dimensional realm. The statement exists in the physical realm but in a lower-dimensional state than that of three-dimensional objects. The act of “reading” has a four-dimensional consciousness narrowing its focus of attention onto a one-dimensional stream of information that produces a zero-dimensional, non-physical phenomenon: thought.

In this way, the process of “symbol” is a portal connecting the three-dimensional realm experienced by human consciousness with the zero-dimensional non-physical realm of thoughts. Through the use of symbol, Maya lures attention away from the three-dimensional experience of consciousness, through the third, second and singular dimension, and onto the non-spatial dimension of thought.

“Tree” is symbol representing a three-dimensional object that exists in a four-dimensional realm. “This statement” is symbol representing the linear one-dimensional symbol of language that exists in a two-dimensional plane. “This statement is false” is symbol that represents both the linear one-dimensional symbol of language and the zero-dimensional, non-physical thought realm, simultaneously. Maya has human consciousness believing (via thought) that “false” can apply equally to thoughts and sensations, but a sensation cannot be “false”. So consciousness that has seen through the artificially manufactured substantialness of thought itself sees not the paradox of two equally substantial realms “battling over truth”, but instead sees the process as the slight-of-hand deception, the lie, that Maya tells us in order to move consciousness deeper into delusion.
This only a seeming paradox because statements usually refer to something else, not to themselves.
THe same paradox exists with Russell's paradox and is in fact an example of Russell's paradox which asks can a set of all things also be a set of itself?'s_paradox
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Post by Iwannaplato »

roydop wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:42 pm It isn't possible for the voice in your consciousness to think "This statement is false" without a relationship with the physical symbols.
First, not everyone thinks with a voice. And many do not do that all the time. There is nothing to hear.

But much more importantly you have repeatedly used the phrase
non-physical thought
This is the entire thrust of the OP in this thread...that the problem arises because two realms are active at the same time, one the physical, one the mental, non-physical. The whole point of my previous post was that you do not need the physical to have the paradox.

Your response seems to be that the non-physical is also physical. But you said things like...
“This statement is false” exists within the physical realm because you can see it, and the statement also exists in the non-physical realm* as a “voice” within consciousness.

It is imperative that the statement in question is recognized as being “symbol”, and that “symbol” is in a superposition of existing simultaneously in the physical realm of the senses, and in the non-physical realm of thought.
Perhaps your wording is unclear and the whole thing words out. But one need not use any senses at all to have that paradox.

It's the same situation as wave function cannot be separate and distinct from particle
I don't think this works as a metaphor and certainly not as literal. I think you are conflating superpostion with wave particle duality. Further the analogy gives no force to your argument, AND I don't think it helps clarify things for those who might not understand. People generally can work with dualities, since dualities are embedded in our language. Dragging QM in, even if you were an expert, seems to muddy the water or make it seem like something is being posed as justification when it isn't.
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Post by Age »

roydop wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:21 pm
Age wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:46 am
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm This is genius and rather than trying to refute it one should try to understand it
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:02 pm

Here is the application of my ideas:

I'm done. I know why all of THIS exists and have realized true, Absolute Self. All of that thinking is an errant path. It leads consciousness deeper into delusion. I'm pointing to the exit sign within the labyrinth of mind.

Walk through it or not.
Okay, let us 'walk' through this now, as I try to understand what you say.
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm I know why all of THIS exists and have realized true, Absolute Self.
What does the 'THIS' word here refer to EXACTLY? Do you mean ALL-OF-THIS/Everything, or some thing else?

And, if you have realized 'true, Absolute Self, then who and/or what is 'true, Absolute Self', EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm All of that thinking is an errant path.
What 'thinking' are you referring to here, EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm It leads consciousness deeper into delusion.
To me, 'consciousness', itself, does go deeper into delusion, and can not even be led deeper into delusion.

So, what is 'consciousness' to you, EXACTLY, and what is the actual process where 'consciousness' is being led deeper into delusion?

If that process is just 'that' thinking, then is it at all possible that there could be 'that' thinking, leading to delusion, within your words here? Or is this just NOT a possibility?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:32 pm I'm pointing to the exit sign within the labyrinth of mind.
What is this 'mind' thing, EXACTLY? Where does 'it' exist, EXACTLY?

What, EXACTLY, is the 'exit sign', within this so-called 'labyrinth of mind'?

How did you find this so-called 'exit sign', and why do so many people see you as being 'stuck' in a 'labyrinth of delusional thinking'?

So, again, could it be a possibility that 'your' thinking is 'that' thinking, which you speak of here?
The fact that you are expecting words and concepts to EXACTLY express Reality, shows that you would rather just go on thinking and blah blah blahing rather than transcend thought and therefore reach conclusion
'you', "roydop", could NOT be further Wrong here in YOUR ASSUMPTION.

Also, 'reaching conclusion' would be KNOWING, and thus being ABLE TO express Reality, correct?
roydop wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:21 pm Here is a perfect metaphor, that gets as close to "EXACTLY" as possible. If you don't see/"get it" after reading this metaphor, then that is the endo of our discussion because there is no more accurate way of putting it

THIS (the life of "your name here"; aka: all experience) is a Divine game created by you (aka: "God") for your entertainment.
LOL 'you', "roydop", REALLY DO have a LOT MORE to LEARN and UNDERSTAND here.

Let 'us' know if 'you' would like to LEARN and UNDERSTAND MORE, and ANEW.
roydop wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:21 pm This game is the Reality from which all holographic expressions manifest. There are games, acting, irony, puzzles, labyrinths, because these are qualities of what is occurring

The purpose of the game is for entertainment and the goal of the game is to find conclusion of the game. Thought ("Maya") is the "opponent" within this game and it works to pull attention away from Reality/ Self and onto the illusion, keeping you within the game.

The direct path out of the game is via thought free Awareness
If, and WHEN, 'you' DISCOVER, and/or LEARN, and UNDERSTAND who and what the 'you' IS, EXACTLY, and who and what the 'I' IS , EXACTLY, then 'you' WILL SEE how it is PURE 'selfishness' WHY 'you' now have such DISTORTED False, Wrong, and Incorrect 'thinking' here.
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Post by Age »

roydop wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:23 pm
Age wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:44 am
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:43 pm Having discovered the purpose of life and engaging in that purpose has led to completion.
What is the 'purpose of life'?

How do you define the word 'life' here?

And, the 'completion' of what, EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:43 pm What you could not see or understand is that I was abiding in/as effortless thought free Awareness, which is synonymous with Happiness
Why do you call 'that' 'thought free Awareness' 'effortless'?

Is there an 'effort thought free Awareness'?

If yes, what is the difference, (besides the obvious)?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:43 pm Flat out perfect contentment and happiness
How long do you think or believe 'you' have remained in this so-called 'effortless thought free Awareness'?

How do 'you' start or begin 'effortless thought free Awareness'?

And, how do 'you' finish or end 'effortless thought free Awareness'?
roydop wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 11:43 pm Seems reasonable to me that consciousness that has a better understanding of Reality will experience less suffering and more happiness than consciousness that is in delusion
It is completely unreasonable, to me, that one thinks or BELIEVES that 'consciousness', itself, is EVER 'delusional'.

If 'you' ever want to obtain an ACTUAL Accurate 'understanding' of 'things' here, then 'you' first NEED to be far more OPEN and Honest here.
YOU simply ask a bunch of questions without actually trying to understand what is originally said
LOL BUT I KNOW, EXACTLY, what 'you' originally said. I ALSO KNOW, EXACTLY, what IS ACTUALLY and IRREFUTABLY True, Right, AND Correct here. This is HOW 'I' KNOW what questions to ask 'you', EXACTLY.

'your' INABILITY to provide answers to these questions and 'your' INABILITY to back up and support 'your' BELIEFS and CLAIMS is FURTHER PROOF to the Fact that 'I' KNOW what IS EXACTLY True here.
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Post by roydop »

Age wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:02 pm
roydop wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 5:23 pm
Age wrote: Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:44 am

What is the 'purpose of life'?

How do you define the word 'life' here?

And, the 'completion' of what, EXACTLY?

Why do you call 'that' 'thought free Awareness' 'effortless'?

Is there an 'effort thought free Awareness'?

If yes, what is the difference, (besides the obvious)?

How long do you think or believe 'you' have remained in this so-called 'effortless thought free Awareness'?

How do 'you' start or begin 'effortless thought free Awareness'?

And, how do 'you' finish or end 'effortless thought free Awareness'?

It is completely unreasonable, to me, that one thinks or BELIEVES that 'consciousness', itself, is EVER 'delusional'.

If 'you' ever want to obtain an ACTUAL Accurate 'understanding' of 'things' here, then 'you' first NEED to be far more OPEN and Honest here.
YOU simply ask a bunch of questions without actually trying to understand what is originally said
LOL BUT I KNOW, EXACTLY, what 'you' originally said. I ALSO KNOW, EXACTLY, what IS ACTUALLY and IRREFUTABLY True, Right, AND Correct here. This is HOW 'I' KNOW what questions to ask 'you', EXACTLY.

'your' INABILITY to provide answers to these questions and 'your' INABILITY to back up and support 'your' BELIEFS and CLAIMS is FURTHER PROOF to the Fact that 'I' KNOW what IS EXACTLY True here.
This is the proof:

This is Roy dopson abiding in/as the natural state of thought-free Awareness. It is Absolute Happiness/ perfect contentment.

That's it that's all. If you think there's something "wrong" with this state, that is your perspective

I keep telling y'all that to prove or refute my theory, you will have to engage in the practice of finding the space between thoughts and delving ever-deeper into it. And then y'all keep blabbering on about me proving it with thought exclusively

So engage in the practice or don't. If you engage in the practice you will find Reality/Self and be free of suffering
If you don't you will continue on using thought as a relative form of existence ("I think therefore I am"). Y'all can't stop thinking because your ego is using the voice in your head to infer your existence and every quantum of stillness is experienced by the ego as non-existence. This is why you feel the need to fill every moment with a thought or a sensation.

I am showing the way to experience Self directly but your ego is overriding this understanding by flooding your consciousness with more thought (your issecent questioning)
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Post by Harbal »

roydop wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:13 pm

This is the proof:
It's proof that you're nuts. :?
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Post by roydop »

Harbal wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:27 pm
roydop wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:13 pm

This is the proof:
It's proof that you're nuts. :?
I'm nuts because why? Because I sit in and of my own Being, completely happy?

Only someone insane would see that as insane.

What's insane is filling every single moment with thoughts and/or sensations. What's insane is humanity's helpless addiction to the screen and to the voice in the head.

You are witnessing complete sanity in that video but due to your (and humanity in general) deep state of delusion, you call it "nuts".
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Post by Iwannaplato »

roydop wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:13 pm
I keep telling y'all that to prove or refute my theory, you will have to engage in the practice of finding the space between thoughts and delving ever-deeper into it. And then y'all keep blabbering on about me proving it with thought exclusively

So engage in the practice or don't.
Roydop, my man.
You've come to a philosophy forum. You presented your ideas. You had months earlier other threads with your claims and your videos. We noticed them. Many of us watched them. The repeated condescension and sales pitches are confused.

You seem affronted that people are engaging with your thoughts on a thought level in a philosophy forum. Read that sentence a couple of times to see how absurd you are being.

You haven't added one iota more information about your state of thoughtless awareness. You made claims about solving a paradox in this thread and when people engage with your ideas, in a philosophy forum, in a subforum called Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics, you now just want people to focus on your practice. You changed horses fast midstream when people actually reacted to a very thought and idea filled OP

Some of us actually have experienced thought-free states. Some are not interested. Your behavior here is not a strong selling point for those who haven't because you can't really support your positions or behavior.

You know how many gurus and masters end up sexually abusing people or acting like narcissists or stealing from people, DESPITE being experts in thought free states? It's actually pretty common.

It's because you can have all sorts of problems and manage to float around in your non-dual bliss.

I'm not saying you are going to do anything criminal or physically abusive. My point really don't know what you're doing. And all your smugness aimed at people who can't meditate like you can or aren't interested is misplaced, because sure as shit they have sussed out some of your interpersonal problems and bs.

If you think you are beyond learning it might be just that you are incapable of learning certain things.
Last edited by Iwannaplato on Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Harbal »

roydop wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:54 pm

I'm nuts because why? Because I sit in and of my own Being, completely happy?
Okay, I cannot know what is or isn't going on in your head when you are blankly staring into space in that video of yours. You might be in a state of "thought free awareness", or you might be thinking about what you're going to have for dinner, who knows? All I can say is that you look as though you've lost the plot. :?
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Post by roydop »

That's from your perspective of being completely unable to abide free of thought. You can't recognize happiness when you see it.

I am telling and showing that your base state, your natural self, is happiness itself.

This has been the most important discovery in my life. It is the reason and purpose of life. I am sharing this here because it feels like the thing to do; to share the path out of suffering.
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Post by Harbal »

roydop wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:26 pm That's from your perspective of being completely unable to abide free of thought. You can't recognize happiness when you see it.
You don't know anything about me, yet you feel entitled to make these judgements.
I am telling and showing that your base state, your natural self, is happiness itself.
That is meaningless, roy.
This has been the most important discovery in my life. It is the reason and purpose of life.
Why do you think what is important to you must be important to anyone else?
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