True Story of the Day

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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by attofishpi »

So the ol' fella gave me his old work van (1996 Maxi Econovan) and the motor still runs great, but the body has loads of rust and is defectable.

I've been sanding and cutting the rust and dabbing rust converter. I sprayed primer and needed another can and decided I would get a can of off-white to go over (a Brian bodge job)

So when I get home and finished the prime paint I went to pop the lid off of the off-white - thinking the edge of the lid which had serations indicated where you need to put two thumbs to pop the thing off (kiddy proof) - well, it popped off but broke the nozzle.
Pissed off atto was, having to return it and decided screw it, I will paint the entire van with auto paint using the ol' boys air paint gun.
The woman on the returns counter is a miserable **** as I have dealt with her before...eventually she agreed to refund me.
Eventually I went into the garden shop area and bought a nice plant for a spare pot on my veranda. The girl on the register there said I would have to exit from the main hardware area since workmen were being ***s.
So atto has a look at a lemon tree and other garden plants before deciding to exit. I walked along in a day dream and, I queued at the checkout. I put the plant on the counter and no sooner had I paid when I noticed the receipt in my other hand and realised what a plonker I am. I just paid again for the same fucking plant. The girl on the checkout and everyone in the queue had a laugh at my stupidity as I called myself every plonker fuckwit under the sun. The girl on the checkout said she can't do refunds...yep, atto had to queue at the miserable ***s refund desk..AGAIN.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

this is good commercial writing. the art of the littlest nuance. the red headed kid carrying a bag that's as big as he is... the almost imperceptible wavering side to side when he says 'yeah dad etc.' that's on pupose. they didn't want him to stand perfectly motionless becuz it'd look funnier if he shifted as if about to lose balance and fall over. dad's exaggerated red beard to match son's hair. the upbeat bigband jazz sound. and look at the flight attendant's face when she smiles as she says 'that's adorable'. lol. any middle class family that has seen this commercial now feels inclined to use shipgo to avoid ever being the subject of such mockery by a flight attendant. and I think they maybe wanted the mom in the yellow shirt to have dark black hair and bangs on purpose to convey how depressing waiting for your misplaced luggage at the airport is? I'm telling you nothing is arbitrary in a commercial. The antidepressant commercials are the worst. Suddenly everybody is dressed is yellow clothing and laughing and smiling as the dog chases a frisbee in the park etc. Anyway oh you brought your luggage to the airport! That's adorable.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

my recent comment to Gary - the 'work Gary!' - is a colloquial expression some might not be familiar with. it's something you'd say to someone who was on a roll at something, etc.

gary sent me a polite PM aksing me what i meant when i said that. perfectly feasible, so i explained the meaning of the phrase.

anyway that's not the point. the point is, when for the very first time I saw that i had a new message and almost had a panic attack becuz i thought/hoped some hot philosophy babe wuz tryna holla at me...

... i discover it's Gary instead.

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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

griner's not gonna have any trouble in prison over there not just becuz of her size but more so becuz even the roughest and toughest of female prisoners will empathize with griner over the absurdity of her charge/sentence. It's glaring. griner gets a special victim status and a kind of respect she needn't aks for or even earn. I think regardless of her race or sexual orientation, those prisoners are gonna be sympathetic and therefore friendly.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

what has the world come to when trump has both Kanye West and a white supremacist over for dinner?

i mean i knew these guys are idiots but come on!

Kanye, u need to snap out of it, stop tryna be like a rich white guy, reconize who's sitting across the table from u, and get out cho gat.

And Nick, how u gonna eat dinner at the same table as a negro, bruh?
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

in this episode prom75 and Brandon the homeless heroin addict master pan handler discuss a stolen laptop that Kim, Brandon's homeless heroin addict master pan handler girlfriend, got a meager $20 dollars for at a pawn shop in 2015ish.

we may surmise that the pawn dealer recognized Kim's desperate and disparaged state and therefore believed she would accept even the smallest offer.

prior to this a brief exchange regarding terminal illness, the right or not to take your own life and the existential absurdity of the whole situation ensues.

finally I advise Brandon and Kim to obtain a set of matching his and hers packs in which they can carry all their belongings... rather than continue toting around miscellaneous book bags, duffle bags and plastic grocery bags.

these clips were recorded while sitting in a conversion van on the DL in a parking lot. both our subjects, Brandon and Kim, are high on heroin.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

this collection of random clips occured over  the course of a few hours in this order:

Prom75 and Kim are sitting in the van while Brandon meets the dealer to cop. Prom75 uses the opportunity to scold Kim and suggest intervention options for their recovery, or, at worst, sustaining a legitimate job to finance the heroin addiction.

Brandon returns to the van with the dope and after finding a dark place to park, conversation about a job offer and a certain paper 'subscription hustle' happens as Brandon and Kim prepare their shots under the red interior valence lights in the back of the van. A amateur Tarantino scene if ever there should be one.

Finally, as our subjects start to come down from the high, they become depressed, agitated, anxious, and an argument begins between them.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

wait I had that wrong. i remember now. this other heroin addict dude 'Sky' got Kim to pawn a laptop he stole cuz she had an ID and he diddint. she got $22 dollars for it but Sky kept it all and took off.

this behavior, unique to drug addicts in social groups, is an evolutionarily unstable strategy and almost without exception leads to the groups demise.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

lol this is gonna be the new thing. accusations of fraud and demands for ballot recounts. we're gonna see it from here on out during every election.

really but think about how comically absurd this particular situation is. human's get together in groups and agree to conduct their affairs together democratically, to commit to following rules the majority of the group decides on. They work out a voting process for doing this only to end up not trusting the legitimacy of the votes.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

in a sense trump is the pioneer of this new trend in the ongoing comedy that is politics, and he symbolizes something very special in a certain ironic way; he makes synonymous the lowest, most pitiful type who, after losing at something, claims the competition was unfair.... with what we expect should be one of the most important, most reasonable and responsible kinds of citizens - one with a political office.

Man's trust in the political process is stripped of all integrity and confidence if a buffoon like trump ever holds a presidency even once. That's all it takes.

The existence of trump has permanently sabotaged the people's conception of what a polical process should be. But, in a crude sort of way and without him having intended to, trump has 'drove home' the punchline to a joke that only nihilists and anarchists understand. Right when American politics couldn't get any stupider or more deranged, trump comes along.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

"Bianna Vitalievna Golodryga born June 15th"

now see Gemini is the last sign I'd have guessed. i absolutely put her as an earth or water sign. one must aks 'how would a Gemini news anchor behave? what would a Gemini news anchor do here, and here, etc.

the general impression is a very reserved, very measured, very solid but not overwhelming presence. she's never excessive, never overdrawn, and doesn't cojole and joke as much with co-anchors during segment transitions. there is not a hint of histrionics. fully composed almost to the point of being the generic by the book news anchor. if i had to guess just from what I've observed, I'd have guessed virgo or Scorpio just because of how sexy she is.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

when u buy new clothes and wear em out in public the first few times, that difference of feeling you have about yourself - that u are improved, enhanced, more confident, a new person becuz of this awesome jacket, etc. - originates from a false notion and is completely illusory.

those people don't know those are new clothes

only u know they're new, so it's all in your head kiddo.

and don't act like you don't feel like it's a yuge deal to wear new clothes.

obviously this rule doesn't stand for all commodities. one indeed is perceived by everyone as new, enhanced, improved, a different person, etc , if he rolls up in a 2023 Corvette or walks up wearing the latest in a series of air Jordans or something; only for distinct and popular clothing brand lines does this rule not stand. I'm talking about clothing in general.

u buy the shirt, put it on and invigorated by some mystical energy, go to the club. you're at the bar and man do you shine becuz of this new shirt. you feel like a different person, project a more confident and proud attitude, are more social, etc.

u actually think this shirt has transformed u into something that u weren't before, something that magically draws people and opportunity to u like never before, etc.

but nobody knows that shirt is new, bro.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

see when talking points on the news become about communist china's people outraged by the lockdown, viewers who's knowledge of communism (marxist communism) consists only of knowing how to spell the word correctly, begin to make an analogy between excessive authoritarian countries and communism.

if china was marxist-communist, the citizens would make a decision democratically whether or not to have a lockdown, rather than one guy and a handful of advisors deciding what everyone will do.

no siriusly. China's not even kinda marxist-communist... just like North Korea isn't even kinda a democratic people's republic.
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by promethean75 »

"You can't be jerking off on the train, man. It's wrong. Merry Christmas."
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Re: True Story of the Day

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

promethean75 wrote: Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:14 pm

"You can't be jerking off on the train, man. It's wrong. Merry Christmas."
Why film him? Fuck I hate those self-righteous, disingenuous arseholes who film everything. He's obviously mentally ill or retarded or something. Right. Let's just make the rest of his pathetic, miserable life even more miserable and pathetic. Besides, I didn't see any 'jerking off'. We just have the camera-happy arsehole's word on that. Why not just tell him if he's that concerned? Why film it?
At least he's not flopping his willy around the way you love to do, as if women are only there to satisfy your base sexual urges.
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