Science and ART/culture

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Peter Kropotkin
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Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

Science and ART/culture

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

we have two distinct ways to understand the world, we
have science.. the method of logic and reason to understand
the world and we have ART and culture as a means to understand
the world...

the two are seen as enemies and opposed to each other..
but the reality is that they are just two methods, two methodologies
we use to understand the world around us... in ART/culture we have
a means to explain what it means to be human in the universe...
and science does the exact same thing... in fact, in many cultures
the truth was found or discovered by the poet, the artist, the creator of wasn't the "doctor" who found the truth but the artist...

today, we hold a different understanding.. the "truth" is found via
the scientific method.. by science and not by the creative ARTS...

but today, part of the problem with finding the truth, the reality of our lives,
is lost by the loss of ART and the creative ARTS... the poet, the writer,
the painter is no longer seen as being the bearer of reality or of the truth...
we have lost one means of finding the truth, of finding reality..

in today's world, the ARTIST, the creative person no longer has any right to
claim knowledge of what is true or what is reality..
the ARTIST of today, they are simply considered to being mere entertainers...
creating ART to amuse and entertain us, nothing more...
they have no access to what is true or what is real...
unlike in prior times and cultures... the ARTIST has nothing to say that
will tell us what it means to be be able to reveal truth
and knowledge about what the possibilities of being human isn't what
an ARTIST does anymore.. the Marvel universe is what passes
for culture today...

so, ask yourself... what is culture in our modern world? What truths
do we find in our writings, paintings, literature, poems and the vast
media that inhabits our world today?

In what medium do we find truths about what it means to be human today?
that is the value of the past ART and ARTIST'S, that they were engaged in
the question of what it means to be human and what are our possibilities
in this reality?

The only format that is even attempting to work out what it means to be
human is science fiction... SF engages not only the past and present,
but it engages in the future.. and who else does that? Short answer, no one
else...and SF is engaged in several formats, writing, film, TV, even radio...

let us now engage with Science.. we have, seen or discovered the dark side
of science... how science misused, can end lives, people, and even civilizations....
but science is, perhaps the best means/method we have to understand
what it means to be human in our world... science cannot give us the why,
but science can give us the how of existence...

one of the problems of modernity, is the rejection of science, without
the acceptance of ART/culture... and the fact is both science and the ARTS,
engage with the same problem, that of understanding what it means to be human
and what is possible for us...

Science and the ARTS are not mortal enemies, they are two sides of the
same coin... each focused on an exploration of being human and what that
means.. each engaged in seeking out what is possible for us as human beings...

the path to knowing, for knowledge lies in the engagement of both science
and the ARTS...We need both in order to find out what is our possibilities
and what it means to be human....

so, ask yourself.. what passes for culture today? What is the state
of the ARTS and culture in our world today?
for as far as I can tell, the ARTS and culture are dead today..
without meaning or purpose in our lives.....
and we cannot discover what it means to be human or seek out
our possibilities without the ARTS or culture...

for the ARTS and culture to recover its rightful place, we need
something that will shake up all our lives.. perhaps what we need to
recover the ARTS and culture is finding new life.. we need to be rocked
out of our minds for us to reengage with the ARTS and culture....
something serious must happen and soon for us to regain the
method of ART and culture to see what possibilities we have to
become fully human...

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