traditional political idea's

How should society be organised, if at all?

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Peter Kropotkin
Posts: 1737
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

traditional political idea's

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

The idea was that we have two distinct and separate political parties...
the conservatives and the liberals... the two had two distinct and separate
ideas about what government was for, or the size of government
or the role of taxes in government.. these were for decades, the
political fight between conservatives and liberals... and these discussions
meant something... for it impacts our lives directly what the size of
the government was or how much taxes we had to pay....
these ideas directly impacted our lives...

But today, we have a vastly different dialogue between
conservatives and liberals.... Liberals still talk about
the size of government and the value of taxes and how much
liberty we have or don't have...

but conservatives have a vastly different dialogue...
do they talk about the traditional roles of government?
or the impact of taxes on our lives? NO, they the GOP/MAGA
party no longer talks about traditional ideas of the conservative party...

what does the GOP/MAGA party offer us today? Insane conspiracy theories
about stolen elections and elites taking away our rights and crazy theories
about the Covid 19 virus... and such theories about how George Soros has
lasers in space causing wildfires in California... not normal...

but what about the bread-and-butter idea's about making peoples lives
better or improving the system to better help the people of this or
any other country?

Nope. the GOP/MAGA party has no interest in any ideas helping people
to lead better lives...or what about the size of government? No, in fact,
the current GOP/MAGA party is only interested in destroying the
government... look at their attacks upon the very foundation of
a civilization... the attack upon the institutions that allow us to
have a civilization... The recent SCOTUS destruction of the EPA
means all institutions of the American government is under threat
of being destroyed... from the EPA to the justice department to
the IRS, to the educational system... the conservatives have spent
the last dozen years trying to destroy the public educational system..
and the SCOTUS might be their best chance... as IQ45 has said,
"I love the uneducated" and the conservatives love the uneducated
because they lack the critical skills of thinking and reasoning to
understand and approve or oppose an can just tell the
uneducated, the ones who love IQ45 just about anything and they
will believe you.... aliens spaceships bring in illegal aliens and the
uneducated will eat this shit up...

but as "much" fun as insane political theories are, do they help
you or the average person live a better life? Do insane conspiracy
theories help you pay your taxes or put food on your table or
put your children through college? Not at all... and that is the problem...
by holding to these insane conspiracy theories, the GOP/MAGA party
doesn't do anything to improve or make your life better... and that is
the point of political parties.. and the point of government... to
allow you to live your life as you want to... to be free to engage in
what it is that floats your boat.... if you are too busy just surviving,
how can you engage in the very important stuff of government,
your personal safety, the taking the trash from your house, the creation
of libraries and sewage plants.. fire and police..... the government
does this stuff so you don't have to and you become free to engage
in the stuff the declaration of Independence calls,

"... life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness"

for we cannot engage in our own pursuit of happiness if we are
too involved in educating our children or taking away trash from
our houses or paving the streets....

the proper role of the government is the daily discussion of
political parties and if one party is engaged in insane
conspiracy theories, that party has let down and disowned
it primary purpose in existence.. to improve the lives of the
citizens of that country....and do we need daily discussions
of how the "elite" as captured the government? I think not,
for that takes us away from the point and purpose
of the government....

Peter Kropotkin
Posts: 1737
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

Re: traditional political idea's

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

now one of the long time principle idea's of
conservatism is in decentralization of government..
political/social/economic organizations are best served
by decentralization.. the transfer of authority/power from
a central to a local government... Brexit was based upon this
idea of transfer of power from a central location to a
local government.. and it was a bad idea... for a couple of reasons...

the modern world isn't a localized problem, it extends world wide...
local jurisdictions cannot possible be able to work out problems that
can only be solved in a much more central location.. in other words,
you want to solve, say homelessness or hunger issues, local jurisdictions
simple cannot solve such national problems as homelessness or lack
of enough food for people...the other problem is that a great deal
of the source of the problems lies within worldwide global corporations..
how is say, Chicago, deal with a world wide, global corporation that
is polluting its rivers? You need an organization that can rival and even
conquer a global corporation and that is a government like the United
States Government.. force must be met with equal force..
and our only two options are another corporation to fight
corporations or a government large enough and powerful enough
to fight corporations.... those really our only two choices...

thinking that decentralization can solve any modern problem is a
failure to understand the nature of our problems...

in order to solve worldwide problems, we need, must have a worldwide organization..
and thus the only possible choice we have to solve worldwide problems is
to have worldwide government..... there is really no other solution to solving
our global problems... now recall, I was an anarchist for over 20 years, I
have no love of government, but in order to solve worldwide problems,
we must have worldwide solution...ask yourself, what other solutions are a
possibility to solve worldwide problems? certainly not the single worst
solution to our modern problems which is decentralization....

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