What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The Cambrian explosion is one of the great mysteries of evolutionary science today. It marks the sudden emergence of complex species from a significantly microbial ecosystem with little evidence of corresponding intermediate evolution in the fossil record. To shed light on this conundrum, we need to view the Cambrian through the prism of the LINE hypothesis to understand what effect does living have on the individuals prospects for life after death. This will be a central question for all sufficiently developed, intelligent, self-aware beings throughout nature. For human life on earth it is also the question that many religions have sought to address throughout human history, via one mythological narrative or another. Through their doctrines, such belief systems suggest what are the rules to live by which will influence whatever it is those myths determine will become ones destiny after ones’ current life ends. These questions regarding living influences, as it turns out, are very good questions to ask. They, necessarily must have corresponding answers. Answers which can and must be founded in nature and accessible and describable by natural law and eventually by science, otherwise you couldn’t be alive. What natural, scientifically inclined basis can be used to make such determinations for ideas critical to science, yet long held close to the vest by religions throughout human history?

The LINE hypothesis suggests that metamatter is imprinted via natural entanglement. This QE connection persists throughout the course of each individual’s lifetime, no matter ones living form. While instantiated to fundamental forms, such as hosts in earths micro-biome, such hosts necessarily imprint metamatter in low volumes, or densities, given that a microbe is composed of only a single cellular instantiation. This combined with the incredibly short life-cycle, and high reinstantiation rate of life in the micro-biome, given sufficient time, causes this low information throughput to accumulate, and aggregate to become immensely significant to evolution on earth. The information volume imprinted to metamatter by such fundamental forms is very low in content and therefore has a very low impact or influence on the individuals FT. As a result this renders such host forms very weakly tuned to the individuals’ QEF, and therefore for future instantiations, renders the individual more open to arbitrary natural entanglement with a wide range of compatible hosts, ergo other microbes. On Earth prior to the Cambrian, with no forms of greater complexity available at that time, this condition persisted for billions of years. Should it persist, this period in the evolution of life in any ecosystem, results in a vast accumulation of evolutionary potential which may result in an explosion of complexity. Such inflations in ecological complexity cannot be explained by bottom up, random mutation, and natural selection alone. Ergo, today the influence not considered in Darwinian evolutionary science, is the influence of the LINE process.

An apt analogy for how the LINE process may lead to an explosion of complex life is with the printing of information by a computer printer. Consider the natural teleportation channel that is the LINE hypothesized QE connection to metamatter, established by the entanglement molecule within each single cell, as being like one element on a computer print-head. Each cell possesses the information transfer capability of just one such element per cellular instantiation in any host form. So, if your form is composed of just one cell, you have one print element with which to imprint metamatter in your ‘name’, that is to imprint metamatter at your QEF. In this analogy the more print elements there are in a print-head (living host), the more information can be transferred to the sheet of paper (metamatter), and the larger ones information bandwidth. The 100 trillion cells of a human host imprints that many times more than an ameba, bacteria, or a protozoa. Each cell of your host, whether one or many, are imbued similarly with some common degree of freedom (DOF) of your unique QEF and is therefore able, to some degree, to imprint, or otherwise contribute, to metamatter on your behalf. This metamatter ultimately informs one individuals fidelity of teleportation (FT) and ones future prospects for reinstantiation.

In this analogy a microbe is metaphorically equivalent to one print element which imprints metamatter during a great many, very short life spans, due to the incredibly rapid life, mortality, and reinstantiation rate of the microbial world. In this way an individual’s QEF imprints small volumes of metamatter, but very frequently, with information from many iterations of simple living forms repeated over epochs of ecological time. On earth, such forms dominated the planet for billions of years before more complex forms became possible. This information stored in metamatter is theorized to influence the evolution of living hosts on earth and universally. Eventually this imprinting by fundamental living hosts became a huge volume of evolutionary information stored in this non-local universal repository. Together with local conditions and circumstances on the early earth, this lead to the emergence of the entanglement cell (EC). Once the entanglement cell came onto the scene, it brought with it the capability to heterodyne individual cellular QE connections to establish the earth’s first generations of secondary emerged QE connections to metamatter , the position-of-view (POV). A heterodyned POV establishes a secondary emerged individuality, you. With it, the evolution of vastly more complex host forms became possible. On earth, this essentially marked the emergence of life 2.0, if you will. The wide proliferation of the EC began the amazing period in earth history known as the Cambrian explosion.

During the Cambrian, the newly emerged EC together with instantaneous universal access to a vast volume of imprinted metamatter, drove the unification and specialization of many formerly distinct living forms into complex communities, marshaled by new organelles able to distribute common aspects of the POV to all cells of the holistic host form, to propel the formation of new complex species. These new species quickly evolved due to the new emerged secondary entangled state, and the interaction at a distance resulting from the sharing of common degrees of freedom of the POV which describes this natural teleportation channel to metamatter. This metamatter imbued with evolutionary information from earths billions of years of fundamental life, as well as information from other life hosting ecosystems in this universe, gave the Earths new species a sudden and tremendous boost in complexity not possible by random mutation and natural selection alone. Hence, the QE connection soon evolved not only into the earth’s first POV’s, but eventually, into the earth’s first minds.

Further, individual QEF, having participated in countless instances of microbial life, hosted by Earths local ecosystem, and with FT’s by then highly tuned by terrestrially imprinted metamatter, burgeoning to propel a great transition, that is the natural teleportation of those individuals from simpler forms to more complex forms, became eminent. This new innovation which permits the sharing of common degrees of freedom by all cells in an emerged complex host with EC, bonded to one POV via the POVH bond, permits the organism to evolve in sudden and remarkable ways previously unattainable absent the EC. These more complex evolved forms will consist of increasingly larger numbers of fundamental hosts, such as cells. Each a metaphorical print element for metamatter and also, by virtue of an evolved protective host form, may live longer life spans for imprinting matamatter. This accelerates the imprinting of matamatter at the individuals unique QEF and further probabilistically tunes the individuals FT for compatibility with even more complex and compatible host forms, whether such forms were evolved, or engineered. On Earth the human form, for example, may consist of 100 trillion individual instantiations and many more than that counting from the point of QEF instantiation in the womb, up until deinstantiation, death.

The metamatter imprinted over the course of an increasingly longer lifespan, by any host, is potentially cumulatively significant to ones FT. For humankind this is not necessarily more so than the imprint made on metamatter by other, non-human, equally long lived host forms in earths ecosystem. In other words human beings may not be the undisputed champions of FT stability currently on earth. FT stability tuned by increasingly greater volumes of similarly imprinted metamatter describes the individuals chances of naturally entangling a particular host form, and perhaps of greater interest, reinstantiating to ones current host form. So, if sperm whales, having perhaps 1000 times more cells than the average human, and living equally long life spans on average, will imprint, at least by volume, orders of magnitude more cellular state information to metamatter than humans. This says, at least on its face, that whales may be a more stable, and more forecastable host for reinstantiation than the human form. That is to say, an individual QEF instantiated to a whale, all things being equal, may be more likely to reinstantiate to that same form than a QEF instantiated to a human form would likely be to reinstantiate to a human form in ones next life.

However, reality may not be quite this simple. What other aspects of one’s QEF, of one’s host form, and of its circumstances in life might there be that are imprinted to metamatter, which may influence ones FT? What properties of the cell are conserved via natural entanglement after death? Which degrees of freedom of the QE spectrum imbue this conservation of local living information to the non-local, more permanent, more accessible universal medium of metamatter? For now, the LINE hypothesis suggests volume of imprinting per cell, per host, and lifespan, but what of the type, or the nature of information imprinted? What other factors might there be as we live life which may creep into ones metamatter and effect ones FT via a complex nervous system bonded to a unique teleportation channel that is the POV-host bond (POVH) which constitutes the mind? Whether in a human or a whale, the answers to this question essentially form the basis for a new list of commandments. Not unlike the commandments of religions which purport to influence what comes next for the individual. The natural, empirical information which actually, naturally influences ones FT does likewise. Species do undergo Darwinian type evolution, but it is also driven by natural entanglement and punctuated by the evolution of forms like the entanglement cell, the pivotal catalyst for the formation of complex hosts in this ecosystem. Due to the EC being a host form, the remains of which will never be found in any shale, the Cambrian appears to be a true mystery until viewed through the prism of the LINE hypothesis.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

Where is everyone?

As we probe the depths of the known universe with increasingly majestic instruments based upon the detection of electromagnetism, and as of very recently, gravity waves, it becomes increasingly apparent that the proliferation and distribution of living ecosystems in this universe is curiously low. Today we refer to this absence of detectable extraterrestrial living contact in the cosmos, as the great silence. What could account for this apparent barrenness in a universe known to host at least one prolific, remarkably diverse, extremely long lived habitat for individualized life?

Historically, humankinds search for extraterrestrial life has been based upon a premise that may be false. We consider the prospects for life beyond the earth to be loosely based on the Drake equation (N = R * fp * ne * fl * fi * fc * L). This formula, conceived by Frank Drake in 1961, considers the quantity of possible extraterrestrial civilizations to be dependent upon a number of factors all of which considers only the presence and duration of classical matter based entities and conditions. However, nature has never proven to be as simplistic as humankind may first imagine. The LINE hypothesis suggests that individual life throughout this universe is instantiated and mediated by the entanglement spectrum and it is this pervasive non-local natural medium which ultimately determines the quantity of simultaneous living individuals that is possible in this universe.

The QE spectrum is hypothesized to naturally limit this universes capacity for life. Not unlike the electromagnetic spectrum which although also quantifiably infinite, is practically limited in its utility for simultaneous useful unique channels by classical technological devices. However, for the QE spectrum and life in this universe, this is not only a limitation of biology or even of technology, but is a limitation imposed by the topography between this verse and the underlying metaverse which define this universes local QE spectrum. If life and individuality are indeed dependent upon unique singleton teleportation channels of the QE spectrum, hence, it is hypothesized that there exists a maximum number of simultaneous living individuals possible in this universe, regardless of location or host form. This capacity is described by this universes laws of physics to be some finite, potentially calculable population regardless of the number of viable habitats for life that may exist. This capacity for life is called the LINE Capacity (LC) and is the number of instantiations of individual life that may exist simultaneously in this universe.

This living population represents not only the number of POV’s had by emerged multi-cellular hosts like humans or whales or ants, but far more significantly, includes the number of instantiations of fundamental hosts, such as individual cells, currently in existence whether composing such emerged hosts or not. On earth this is a large number. In nature, each count as one instance of individual life. At any one time a human host consists of perhaps 100 trillion cellular instantiations and over a lifetime, many more than that, plus one additional. That additional instantiation is you. Ones POV heterodyned by the entanglement cells (EC) is one of nature’s pinnacle evolved invocations in Earths ecosystem. It is hypothesized that once a verses living population exceeds its LC, any additional viable ecosystems that emerge will only be perfectly habitable yet completely barren worlds, like so many well constructed houses with no one home. Near the LC, for the emergence of life to take hold, such habitats will need to remain viable for the emergence of life for a time during which the QE spectrum simultaneously has available bandwidth viable for the instantiation of living individuals, i.e. cells, to entangle at unique uninstantiated degrees of freedom (DOF) of the entanglement spectrum. Thereby initiating an indigenous genesis of life.

Further, as any universes living population approach its LC, any ecosystems therein actively hosting life will begin to experience increasingly higher mitosis, gestation, and birth mortality rates. This occurs as the existing living hosts, unbeknownst, continue to procreate, to create new viable hosts for life which then fail to instantiate the crucial teleportation channel needed to establish the living individuals position-of-view (POV). In circumstances where the universal living population remains near its LC, like an establishment approaching its fire occupancy limit, the life and death cycle of living beings throughout the universe becomes increasingly influential as it essentially consumes and liberates QE bandwidth universally. Like occupants entering and leaving an establishment, this flux of instantiation increasingly informs the availability of unique QEF to instantiate new living beings. It is highly probable in most evolved ecosystems still possessing a robust micro-biome, that this outage of life will be largely absorbed first in the vast mortality rates of diminutive host forms such as single cell life and colonies thereof. Hence, primarily by mere attrition, this outage may only rarely effect the heterodyned QEF of more complex emerged multi-cellular hosts (with EC) such as mammals, birds, fish or insects.

A universal LC potentially informs the local success rates of new life in wild ecosystems such as Earth. Further, if the LC of this universe is near some integer factor of the current population of life on earth, or even if the LC is several million times that population, nonetheless, such a finite capacity for living beings combined with this universes unfathomable vastness probabilistically infers that humankind may never detect extraterrestrial life. At least not by classical means, because where the QE spectrum reigns, neither distance nor time holds sway. In light of this possible upper limit to the natural instantiation of individuality, it should come as no great surprise that this universe appears to be so devoid of extraterrestrial life. Ergo, it is not simply a consideration of matter or of the habitability of worlds that dictate and mediate the proliferation of life in this universe. No wild ecosystem can know where its universes living population currently lies relative to its LC absent a deep command of the principles described by the LINE hypothesis.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

In this universe, the property, at either of its extremes, which most dominates human science and our understanding of nature, is matter density, hardware density if you will, and the subsequent gravitational influence it produces, and its associated electromagnetic fields and radiation. This is so from the most dense neutron stars and black holes to the least dense subatomic particles. However, if we possessed the tools which would permit us to also detect complexity, software density if you will, distributed throughout this universe, our eyes would for the first time, be opened to a new and unimagined realm of reality which was there all along. This instrument would essentially be a new type of telescope whether or not we decided to convert the information it gathers into visible light at some juncture. This device would amount to a type of entanglement, or weak-measurement telescope; it would permit an observer to see the night sky dotted with bright sources of high software density perhaps represented as light intensity. Among the brightest may be sources not unlike the Earth itself, due to the Earth’s rich proliferation of life. Each of these bright points of light in the cosmos detected by such a device would not be a point only of gravitationally aggregated matter, but also, each is a point of accumulated natural complexity, such as life. Life may be among the densest forms of complexity in nature. If we could see life the way we see stars astronomy and cosmology would take on a whole new meaning. Fortunately for us, as matter density is exposed by the electromagnetic spectrum, The LINE hypothesis suggests that life also has its very own spectrum, the quantum entanglement spectrum.

This alternate approach will require an understanding of the principles described in the LINE hypothesis and the subsequent development of technologies based on its principles, such as the conceptual entanglement telescope. Such a telescope would reveal areas of dense natural entanglement present in living entities throughout this universe. This device will reveal life in the cosmos in a manner superficially similar to the way photon gathering (infrared, x-ray, gamma-ray etc.) telescopes expose optically hidden sources in the cosmos. The LINE hypothesis suggests that concentrations of metamatter complexity may occur as readily as concentrations of baryonic matter to create sources of dense informational complexity detectable as gradients of coherent quantum states across the night sky. Such sources are not defined by the local proximity of matter particles in this space-time, but rather by those particles’ common entangled states with non-local metamatter. Such sources of complexity are dense informational software sources as opposed to the dense hardware sources which define planets, stars and galaxies. These sources of complexity will exist throughout this universe and while invisible to any photon gathering telescope, may be detected with telescopes outfitted with entanglement detectors. Entanglement detectors are weak-measurement devices capable of measuring the entangled degrees of freedom of matter particles entering the detector.

So, how would an entanglement telescope work? Entanglement molecules are hypothesized to be primordial interstellar particles, whether monatomic or not. They are hypothesized to naturally spontaneously cohere with non-local meta-matter. At the particle level, throughout these cosmos, this behavior also involves countless particles of regular matter which are similarly tuned due to their participation in the living hosts of bygone individuals. That is, they share a common state via their mutual residual coherence to meta-matter. In fact, many particles that are entangled, in or out of the laboratory, are likely mutually entangled via metamatter as opposed to being entangled directly to other matter particles as they are now considered to be. Yet the participants of matter in these entangled relationships may be any distance apart. Since meta-matter is non-local to our space-time, these mutually entangled matter particles may be either touching, or separated by billions of light years, yet share a coherent state.

The cosmos is awash with such entangled particles, particularly in and near habitats which host life. This is because some of the particles of matter, the dust, left from the cells of bygone hosts in any habitat for life may remain entangled to metamatter for a time after its participation in the living form has ended. Further, such particles may eventually become entangled to future cells elsewhere in these cosmos which entangle this same metamatter. Expose a properly designed and configured QE telescope to the open sky and, not unlike photons in an optical telescope, entering the QE detectors will be entangled particles which are each entangled participants with any and every object in the cosmos. If you are having trouble fathoming this notion, consider that contained within each breath you now take there are atoms and molecules that were breathed by most of the individuals, human or not, that has ever lived on Earth and perhaps even by individuals that have lived in ecosystems beyond Earth. There are no doubt civilizations throughout these cosmos that have realized such devices and may use them to routinely observe and study distant, wild ecosystems such as Earth.

Further, unlike light detection, these naturally entangled particles of matter entering the equipment need not have traveled from the sources at the other end of their shared quantum coherent states. In fact, the relationship these Alice’s have with their Bob’s are instantaneous, regardless of the void of the cosmos that separate them. It is an almost romantic implementation, is it not? Once these entangled particles enter the equipment, and their degrees of freedom weakly measured, the information we would, in fact, be exposed to will be the immediate, the instantaneous state of their constituent particles that compose whatever object of interest was targeted, wherever it may be in this universe, and perhaps beyond. Such instruments will reveal the information states within the event horizon of black holes. Some may be participants in some unfamiliar living host, or in some inanimate object, because after you are done with your atoms and molecules, there is no telling where they may end up.

The process of filtering out unwanted entangled particles in lieu of those imbued only with the specific parameters of interest amounts to a type of tuning, or focusing of the instrument. With proper tuning even particles carrying information from different temporal frames of reference may be detected. Most sources will be objects we couldn’t possibly detect classically, due to the fundamental latency of electromagnetism in this universe. This mechanism describes nothing more than a technological version of the LINE mechanism which implements life and the mobility of individuality, and also defines the POV in every living being, within you, throughout these cosmos. Such a device will permit the instantaneous, real-time detection of life and conditions throughout the cosmos. Gone will be our search for photons, and gravity waves carrying million or billion year old information, or visits from extraterrestrial spacecraft. Humankind would be privy to the real time state of the cosmos and many of the answers we have always sought, and so much more.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The next fertile undiscovered frontier of science is the study of how the individual (you) naturally inhabit this universe. This topic speaks to the really interesting question of how any life, you, came to be where you are in the form that you are. Consciousness, self-awareness, sentience are evolved attributes had by very few forms of life in earth’s ecosystem, yet all are just as alive in nature. Such attributes cannot be relevant to either nature’s fundamental implementation of life, to being alive, or to experience. Experience may be enhanced by these attributes as they evolve in more complex hosts or species, but the phenomena which establish an instance of life likely brings no experience at all.

The position-of-view (POV) as described by the instantiation hypothesis is implemented by a fundamental property of nature called natural entanglement. This process produces the POV which localizes you in your space-time, whether you have five, one, twenty or no senses. Regardless of what or where ones living form may be in this universe. Effectively ones POV is the target for all of the sensory information we call experience. Any beings lifeID is temporarily localized to its host body by the naturally occurring entanglement between its physical host such as ones cell(s) together with a non-relativistic form of matter called metamatter (in Hilbert-space). The POV of each individual life can be represented mathematically by its unique wave function. This wave function is a unique solution of state for the individual in space-time and is the term missing from many of our quantum mechanical solutions. The POV is nothing less than the mathematical representation of a living being.

In life the POV brings no experience but only that which may have an experience. In nature a POV is the mathematical representation of a lifeID established either by entanglement of a single cell to metamatter, or alternatively by the heterodyning of multiple entanglement cells (EC) to metamatter. If you are in fact alive then your composite lifeID and its position-of-view together constitutes your being regardless of your physical state, form, condition or location in space-time. If the entanglement hypothesis accurately depicts the reality in this universe and the entanglement molecule exists, then it represents the most fundamental physical component of life as we know it. Like the Top-Quark, or the Higgs, the Ether or DNA, the entanglement molecule may someday be isolated and identified either in the cell or in the environment. or not. Either way we may learn something along the way.

However rare or ubiquitous host species for life may actually be in this universe, they nonetheless likely emerge via countless varied means and circumstances throughout this universe or throughout existence. Most can never be imagined by us. The implementation of host species in any particular environment in this universe is only one component of a much larger, grander implementation, that of individuality. We have become too accustomed to, and somewhat tunnel-visioned in, our understanding of life as being only the classical functional chemistry of the physical hosts that emerge here and there on this planet or in this universe. Individuality however is the original, the indigenous component of life. Like snowflakes, living hosts transiently come and go as they assume forms too varied and randomly influenced to predict or to repeat. With humankind being the very visual species that we are, we are once again confounded by the visible and captivating facade of life that reflects visible light, namely the physical, electromagnetically congealed component of the living individual, the species. The ongoing cognitive immaturity of humankind is engendered by this limited or flawed understanding of life.

The only life on Earth is the living cell. The lesser point being submitted for your collective consideration is that such attributes as consciousness, self-awareness, sentience, intelligence, etc., concepts already defined by others, are emergent skills or capabilities arbitrarily ascribed by observers to particular emerged composite hosts (with EC) and therefore cannot be fundamental to natures’ basic implementation of life. Currently and for billions of years on earth %99.99… of living hosts for life were and continue to be either single-cell individuals or non-emerged (no EC) collections thereof. To truly understand what life is and the mobility of its fundamental component; individuality, and the natural principles that govern and influence its instantiation, we need to consider only the single living cell. Viewed as an individual, a property traditionally ascribed only to human beings, the single living cell forces us to come to conclusions we never would with our usual limited perspective.

The first person position-of-view we refer to as individuality (Life) in this universe has emerged from a very basic natural phenomenon, namely natural quantum entanglement, a property of a naturally occurring molecule. Clearly like all other phenomena or processes or reactions involving groups of atoms and molecules these can also be categorized as being chemical in nature. Natural entanglement is the basis for individuality. When one is misguided into thinking that life is only the physical component of this natural entangled relationship a great amount of confusion and misconception will be the inevitable outcome. The first casualty is the dismissal of the mobility of individuality in this universe. As is usually the case we can live just fine with all of our misconceptions as life makes few demands on the intellectual awareness of its tenants. However, as we all know advancement requires enlightenment and the time for our further enlightenment in this regard grows near.

The classical ideas of thermodynamic entropy although essential in many practical technological applications, cease to exist at and below the atomic level. So attempting to describe the existence of life in these terms requires some implausible assumptions. Firstly one must accept that in nature individual life (you) is only defined at the cellular level where DNA is functionally implemented. In other words one must believe that nature does not have a mechanism or basis for distinguishing individual life once that individuals DNA has dissipated. This suggests that you and I and all instances of life begin and end with ones cellular DNA. This is logically and empirically inconsistent.

There are examples of living individuals with identical DNA, twins who are clearly not the same individual even when they are physically connected as are Siamese twins. More pointedly however, If any one or all of your trillions of cells were responsible for uniquely defining and distinguishing you from any other living being then separating even a single cell from your holistic body would cause you to lose your current identity (become someone else) or else terminate you as a living individual. However since all life in our ecosystem loses, replaces, transforms and exchanges our entire body mass daily over the course of a few short years, this also invalidates this belief.

Thirdly, this untenable notion violates the principle of re-occurrence of natural phenomena which states that for any natural phenomena to occur there must exist natural mechanisms which by their existence will also permit that phenomena to reoccur given appropriate circumstance. In other words whatever caused the big-bang can cause other big-bangs. Whatever causes nova and super-nova can cause other instances of both. Whatever caused and permits life here can and probably has caused life elsewhere. Further, whatever caused you can cause you again. The universal basis for this postulate of consistency in the laws of nature is the observed consistency of the fine structure constant in this universe.

Any individual life that can occur can reoccur. This last point mandates that you do not end with your DNA/RNA or with your thermodynamic, entropic biology. That nature must indeed have mechanisms known or unknown which serves to define or instantiate you from all other existing or possible instances of life, and such a mechanism must be an essentially immutable and reoccurring property of either this universe or of nature. This feature necessarily exists below the cellular and molecular level into the quantum realm.

To date the most promising structure yet discovered which displays some of the features and function consistent with those predicted by the instantiation hypothesis for the entanglement molecule (EM), while perhaps falling well shot of complete equivalence, is the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex. This photosynthetic antenna complex is the naturally occurring molecular structure responsible for the photosynthetic non-classical conduction observed in living plant cells via natural entanglement. In green algae it operates to overcome the otherwise inefficient latency of classical mechanisms which would result in a devastating loss of anti-entropic information needed from sunlight for the continued evolution of viable hosts on this planet.

Likewise, a similar natural entanglement antenna complex describes the predicted entanglement molecule which instantiate the living individual to available hosts wherever they may emerge in this universe. This Entanglement is between the living hosts (cells) and a form of matter (metamatter) in Hilbert-space made accessible only by the non-locality, non-relativistic reach of natural entanglement. It is indeed a true testament to the amazing ingenuity and flexibility of nature that such an implementation is not only possible, but naturally emerges, for life may not exist without it. This instantiation mechanism is the most plausible solution to the conundrum of individuality in this universe posed by the scenario of this thread.

If the entanglement molecule indeed predated the cell then, structurally if not functionally, it must be of a different design than the FMO complex. The FMO is a protein based structure assembled from complex amino acids and likely evolved within the cell here on earth or planets nearby. To predate the cell the EM must permit natural entanglement by utilizing a more fundamental elemental design. The entanglement molecule may be one with which we are already familiar.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The monogamy of entanglement is the law of nature that isolates an entangled state from intrusion by non-participant, non-indoctrinated entities. So how is it that the organelles in any given cell manage to share a common entangled state to the exclusion of other entities that may violate the cells wall? Isn’t the law of monogamy being violated? No, the law of monogamy isn’t being violated anymore than the law of gravity is being violated when we construct and fly 100-ton airliners carrying hundreds of passengers thru the atmosphere. As is always the case the laws of nature are never violated only manipulated and utilized to achieve the desired behavior. So it is in the living cell. To understand the living cells' utilization of a common entangled state think of a cruise ship at sea, it either has an onboard wireless communications transceiver (ham-radio etc.) or it doesn’t. A ship with such a device may allow its hundreds of crew members each in possession of their own hand units (talkies) to communicate with one another but also it permits the ship as an entity to communicate and share its state information with the cloud that is the outside world. In this scenario the crew shares a common channel of communication which is isolated from intrusion by some common degree-of-freedom defined by some uniquely quantifiable aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum. Usually, that property is electromagnetic frequency modulation combined with a layer of encryption derived from a private encryption key for added security.

In the lab today we understand the promise of entanglement as a security encryption protocol primarily because of its monogamistic properties. We see that we may use the public and private key approach for encrypting and decrypting information securely. Likewise the cell utilizes a sort of private encryption key process to indoctrinate new entities manufactured within the cell from the cells own DNA to become participants, new organelles within the cell. This private key bestows upon newly minted entities a common shared degree-of-freedom defined by this individual cells’ specific quantum entanglement frequency (QEF). The QEF is a uniquely quantifiable aspect of the quantum entanglement spectrum. It is exposed only via the cells entanglement molecules which at this stage in evolution of earth-life have likely been fully incorporated within the molecular structure of the cell’s DNA.

It is through the utilization of the cells entanglement molecules that the individuals unique QEF is made available as a private key for the indoctrination of new cellular organelles. In our cruise ship analogy, consider a responsible crew member is tasked to program secure hand units (talkies) with the ships unique frequency and encryption key and then to distribute those units to each new member of the crew. This enables each new arrival to become a participating member of the ships staff thereby animating the ship as a self contained living organism. In the living cell it is hypothesized that a similar activity is undertaken when a ribosome manufactures a new protein line from its’ RNA and DNA within the cell’s nucleus. All new organelles are imbued with a common aspect of the entanglement spectrum. This property is exposed by the entanglement molecule within the cells’ DNA and permits the otherwise inanimate organelle to utilize the cellular natural entanglement connection to metamatter. In so doing the organelle is not entangled but like the crew members on the ship is in communion on some level with other cellular entities and also able to shares cellular state information with the universal cloud-storage of metamatter accessible by other naturally entangled host anywhere in this universe. No doubt today in the modern living cell this is a complicated process to describe and document but it is nonetheless recognizable through this analogy. This describes the natural implementation that is the predominant difference between a living entity and a non living one and the instantiation of the individual by natural entanglement.

The monogamy of entanglement enforces the integrity and isolation of an existing entangled state such as the hypothesized position-of-view (POV). It is in fact nature’s last line of defense against infiltration upon any entangled state. This effect can essentially be thought of as a self-destruct mechanism. The concept of defense by self destruction appears at times in implementations both technological and natural. In human affairs when vital information needs to be isolated or otherwise protected from infiltration at any cost we wire the asset for destruction with explosives or such. In nature the integrity of a law of conservation is often when such an effect is observed. In the case of an entangled state it is indeed when the conservation of information, one of nature’s fundamental laws, is threatened with violation is when the asset, the entangled relationship, forfeit. If one wired an asset to explode upon infiltration or upon specific violation then one would also need to broadcast this fact to interested parties for it to be an effective deterrent. Alternatively, one would need to erect obstacles of a defensive, offensive, and perhaps cognitive nature to actively keep out unwanted intrusions upon the protected asset. This is exactly what living hosts (species) are.

This evolutionary arms race to protect the individuals’ vital asset the POV began with a simple cell wall in the early proto-cell. This cell wall may be metaphorically compared to the posts of timber erected by early peoples that settled in a new land. They often erected a defensive barrier to keep out environmental threats and also to protect vital assets on the inside of the encampment. Today these walls have grown and evolved substantially both in nations and in the living cell. In the living cell and in any other host all systems are evolved to support in the protection of the POV the entangled state maintained by the entanglement molecules within the single cell. In complex (multi-cellular) hosts the POV is the entangled state maintained specifically by the entanglement cells (EC) which must be protected from intrusion or infiltration while sacrificing many other non-EC cells in due course.

Another apt metaphor for this idea is the starship enterprise on the popular iconic TV show star trek. Though the enterprise bristles with offensive as well as defensive and cognitive systems, both living and non-living, the last line of protection is to isolate or protect the information content inherent in the enterprise from infiltration. This is accomplished similarly by annihilating the ship. So it is that the well known self-destruct system of the enterprise is ushered into service at the last possible moment. Likewise the monogamy of entanglement as previously stated is nature’s last line of defense of the law of conservation of information in this universe. Make no mistake this is purely a cause and effect mechanism of natural law. Quantum coherence and its monogamistic properties are observations made in the laboratory and are given labels, names. No one should suggest at this juncture to know the fundamental underlying implementation in nature of these phenomena. However, plausible well considered hypothesis are welcome.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The hypothesized entanglement molecule, a primordial arrangement of atoms, naturally establishes a shared information state with a form of matter called metamatter hypothesized to exist outside of our space-time within the Hilbert-space called the metverse. Today it is suspected that gravity is as weak as observed in our space-time because it too exists partially or mostly outside of our space-time. However, gravity like all known standard-model forces is governed and constrained by the laws of relativity and their effects are therefore limited at or below the speed of light in this space-time. Therefore, changes in the suns’ gravitational influence for example, take 8 minutes to reach the earth just as does the suns’ light. The only phenomenon known to science which demonstrates behavior which essentially subverts the current laws of relativity is entanglement, a type of quantum coherence. Natural entanglement is quantum entanglement implemented by natural structures like the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) complex or by the hypothesized entanglement molecule and is utilized in nature to great effect. Life is one such effect.

So what might be the origins and structure of the entanglement molecule? For starters it is most likely to be one of a finite number of known interstellar molecules. These are molecules formed from stellar or interstellar processes rather than in ecosystems. There is a good chance that whatever the structure of the entanglement molecule may have been prior to the emergence of life on earth it may since have been transformed here on Earth to be incorporated into cellular structures such as in the DNA molecule or in the FMO complex. Much of the DNA molecule remains unknown to modern science and is sometimes referred to as DNA dark-matter. This suggests that, like interstellar dark-matter, DNA dark-matter is also undefined. Nonetheless, this significant unknown portion of the molecule most influential to earth-life must be of primary interest in the search for the entanglement molecule; But what to look for? For guidance I tend to begin my scrutiny with the structure of the FMO complex. This photosynthetic antenna complex is the naturally occurring molecular structure responsible for the photosynthetic non-classical conduction observed in living plant cells via natural entanglement. In green algae it operates to overcome the otherwise inefficient latency of classical mechanisms which would result in a devastating loss of anti-entropic information needed from sunlight for the continued evolution of viable hosts on this planet, cross referenced with types of known primordial molecules. Today, in our quest for life, we tend to search only for molecules which support our current understanding of the implementation of life in this universe, which are molecules which comprise the biological structures we can readily identify, this is of course as it must be. However, there may be a more effective approach.

This alternate approach requires an understanding of the instantiation of life by natural entanglement and the subsequent development of technologies based on its principles such as a conceptual entanglement telescope. Such a telescope would reveal areas of dense natural entanglement present in living entities throughout this universe in a manner similar to the way non-optical telescopes illuminate matter. Properly designed QE detectors when exposed to the open sky will permit us to see life throughout the universe as bright star-like spots of complexity. Each such spot reveals, not the density of matter at those locations, but rather the immensely concentrated density of information complexity present in living entities at those locations, complexity which exists in much greater density in living entities than in non-living ones. In nature how does the influence and density of informational complexity encoded in living entities compare to that of inanimate matter?

Our most powerful computing systems programmed with our best models running non-stop for months can barley model the folding of a basic protein. Step that concept up to the full expression of a complex protein not to mention the Ribosome which is the tiny factory that builds proteins in living organisms, step that up all the way to modeling a living bacteria etc. This informational concentration of DNA and its systems, regardless of how we define them, is potent to the mathematics and therefore to the state of nature and each instance is a multiplier of this mathematical potency. Each instance is each DNA strand in each cell that has ever been created in the four plus billion years that DNA has existed on Earth. Put in these terms you can begin to appreciate how earth life has contributed to nature as a very potent mathematical factory contributing to balancing the existential formula.

On the other hand, we are much more capable of modeling a star like our Sun or even a black hole which we all know are both physically much larger than a DNA molecule or a Ribosome or your cat. As I'm sure you can see size doesn't matter in this regard. Likewise complexity can be deceptive to the human eye but is well defined in mathematical terms. The reason we are more able to model a Star is because the processes that implement a star and inanimate entities in general, are far simpler in mathematical and informational complexity than those that define a protein to a bacteria. Modeling a star is only a few orders of magnitude more difficult than simulating the aerodynamics and thermodynamics of the Space shuttle. Simulating even single bacteria is far, far more complex.

The theory of instantiation by natural entanglement proposes that all that you are experiencing at this moment including the body you’re in, and the reality you see as this universe, is a real-time rendering of a set of quantum wave functions of state (Hamiltonians) or qsf’s. These qsf’s comprise the metaverse if you will or Hilbert space if you won’t. They manifest a potential reality which for you, as an emerged composite being, would remain unresolved and inaccessible if not for your position-of-view (POV) produced and maintained by the entanglement molecules contained within a very special group of cells in your host form called the entanglement cells (EC). All living cells in or out of your body establish an entangled state with a form of matter called metamatter. However, most of your cells do not directly establish your emerged QE connection, your POV. It is only the EC’s that have evolved the specialization to heterodyne or combine their individual entangled state into a new unique composite entangled state to establish your individual LifeID at your unique QEF sufficiently different from that of your other cells. Together these elements establish your position-of-view (POV). The POV is the mathematical representation of the emerged individual. Each individual POV, regardless of the form taken by its host vessel, effectively provides a unique solution (practical and mathematical) which resolves, and collapses the surrounding ocean of qsf’s (Hamiltonians) that is nature, into that individuals’ reality. This collapse of quantum states into what we call reality is centered upon the individuals POV and manifests an individualized rendering of nature. Each individual rendering had by every truly living entity is similarly collapsed by those other POV’s. These realities are very similar at least for compatible POV’s such as those on earth and perhaps those that may be found throughout this universe.

Although not easy it is not impossible to detect differences between POV renderings as seen in individual observations of subtle quantum experiments (Double slit, weak-measurement etc.). Differences between individual POV’s and their resulting rendering of nature may have mostly to do with the cells that host the entanglement connection being that the QE spectrum upon which the POV is established is expected to be a significantly constant universal phenomenon. This is like saying that the audio experience produced by a radio set is primarily dependant upon the design and technology of the radio set given the same broadcast signal. In this metaphor ones’ natural entangled state is akin to the broadcast signal and your host form is the radio set. There may be many types of forms of radio sets and species but the fundamental natural implementation of both implementations, the natural entanglement spectrum and the electromagnetic spectrum, is universal.

One possible factor that may plausibly contribute to differences in POV rendering is likely to be the type of matter that comprise the host cells, or their equivalent, that is to say; normal matter as we know it versus some other form of (non-standard model) matter akin to dark-matter. Another factor is likely to be the unique degrees-of-freedom that may be indigenous to such exotic forms of matter may prove to be dominant in the description of the emerged POV’s wave functions (Hamiltonian) and interaction with nature. Liken the concept of a separate POV (which is not possible) to a CPU not yet connected to a motherboard, it is pure potential. Your position-of-view POV itself is not corporeal like a CPU but is instead essentially a standing quantum wave produced and maintained by your EC. The POV is the mathematical representation of the LifeID and both interferes and interacts and collapses natures own wave functions (Hamiltonians) which are the local superposition state of your environment (i.e. the cat is both dead and alive.) into the corporeal or particulate form your senses detect as your reality.

Ones senses, such as they’re configured in your particular host form, performs an entirely different task of rendering signals electromagnetically as telemetry gathered from this collapsed reality to form what we call experiences. Make no mistake, your position-of-view is not involved with such experiences but only serves to persist your placement as a solution of state in space-time. The collapse of the environments superposition state we call reality may not be solely or even largely performed by the living POV (arguably the electron plays a significant role in pre-rendering nature.) but nonetheless manifests the tangible physical position such experiences derives from. This is hypothesized to be the natural mechanism of ‘Being’ for every individual life-form that is implemented throughout this universe and indeed perhaps throughout existence. This is the root of the experience, or lack thereof, of life.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

Presumably there is a first time for everything. Consider then this earths first life, that is to say, the first time you or I or any individual is instantiated as a living being in any ecosystem, perhaps in this ecosystem, Earths’ ecosystem. This may seem like a strange notion to consider but realize that no matter what your current belief system one cannot deny there has to have been a first instantiation for each individual even if you think this life is that first time, the only time, the last time you will live. Further, let us call this first ever host of life in earths ecosystem and perhaps first in this universe Cell-1. What individual was hosted by Cell-1? Who was it that came into being so many billions of years ago entangled by this first living host here on earth? Was it me ? was it you? Was it someone we now know? A single cell being in nature as much a living being as any other, how then could we identify this or any individual position-of-view including ones own? Since the natural process that populates this universe with living beings is as all natural processes are, ubiquitous, prolific and may repeat whenever wherever conditions are favorable, this first individual may very well be among the living today. If you are having trouble comprehending this notion it is likely because you are thinking of individuality from a second or third person perspective, the visible tangible behavioral perspective. Instead consider individuality from ones own first person position-of-view. As with you or I, the form that any living being instantiates does not change the fundamental nature of ones position of view which is presence not experience. It is only ones form, placement and time in this universe that vary. Make no mistake the POV is not to be confused with a point of view which if had by a given species or host is a function of that particular host and is nothing more than the skills manifested by that particular entangled form. Skills manifested perhaps by cognition of a complex brain and/or nervous system, or a lack thereof.

A unique position-of-view is what defines the individual regardless of form. It is very difficult for hosts such as humankind to imagine the being of other life forms. So how does one imagine a beings POV even ones own? It isn't easy, particularly since there has never been anything one could do to change ones instantiated form, apart that is from terminating ones own life. Even then, with no natural persistent memory of ones past instantiations it is very difficult to comprehend this natural implementation. However one first step may be to realize the natural entangled mechanism of life and then to develop technologies for the detection of the living POV and to record individual inter-longevous histories.

If in fact the first host ever to exist in this universe had entangled your QEF, in nature, you would have been every bit as alive then as you ever were in any subsequently instantiated host including ones current form. When we ask what individual was cell-1? What is it that is being identified if not cell-1's host form, its body the cell and its functions and skills? The ILNE hypothesis suggests it is ones unique value of some quantifiable degree-of-freedom of the entanglement spectrum the QEF, call it QEF-1 if you will. Whatever the actual value that QEF-1 turns out to be for an individual, lets say cell-1 for example, that unique value of the QE spectrum will always instantiate cell-1's POV its position-of-view, POV-1. no matter where, when or what the design, biology or technology of the available host. Long after that first host had decayed back into the anonymous atoms that had first contributed to its form its QEF, QEF-1 has likely reinstantiated on countless other occasions since then. With each instantiation, in each life, QEF-1 by entangling matter to metamatter brought the same first person position-of-view into this universe, POV-1, by providing a place and a time to something that otherwise has neither. No second person perspective would recognize the individual that is POV-1 from the outside, in fact as with current earth-life there is often no means by which any individual could recognize itself as a recurring entity. Particularly if it were a single cell. However, perhaps if billions of such individual POV'S came to entangle highly evolved hosts possessing sufficiently high intelligence and perhaps if a critical mass of such individuals were to become enlightened, no doubt kicking and screaming every step of the way, to the reality of their living circumstances to develop technologies adequate to the task of analyzing and detecting the entanglement spectrum and the standing entanglement wave it manifests in living beings, such a species could one day measure, quantify, and identify the unique living POV of the individual no matter ones physical form. With the identification and comprehension of naturally invasive ideas often comes an ever increasing level of control. In this case it is control over the instantiation of ones own being, which is ones’ form, placement, and time in this universe.
Nature cannot be assigned the property of purpose. Nature doesn’t implement individuality in the manner in which a cognitive species such as a human might. However the ubiquitous natural universal process of instantiating a living being in any given environment ought to be quantifiable and understandable and may be described in terms of natural cause and effect. So how does the natural process of instantiating a living being resolve which QEF, who’s QEF is entangled to cell-1? Whose first person position-of-view, whose being, exists first, second, third etc. Clearly life doesn’t seem to us to be sequential but how can we know for certain?

As a thought experiment, consider that Earths’ hypothetical Cell-1 undergoes mitosis and creates a cell-2. According to the ILNE (LINE) hypothesis both must necessarily entangle stem-metamatter since at that time there can be no metamatter in existence which was imprinted by host species from Earths' virgin ecosystem as there would as yet have been no deinstantiation (Decoherence of an emerged individual), no death. Death is necessary to provide disentangled imprinted metamatter for future generations of life in any ecosystem. Further if cell-2 later divides to create a new cell; cell-3 before cell-1 dies then cell-3 will, as did its two living relatives, also entangle any viable host to stem-metamatter to instantiate yet another original POV never before instantiated in this or perhaps any ecosystem in this universe. Why? Because Cell-1, if it is anything like a modern cell, likely has a mechanism like DNA to transfer its hosts' design information physically generationally and so each host offspring, each relative, be it familial, spicial, or ecological, imprints upon metamatter with a diverging degree of similarity. All of this coherent cellular and QEF state information stored in metamatter attracts future generations of genetically similar hosts to entangle this metamatter. Presumably as is usually the case the individual is unaware of any of this as are even complex species such as present day human beings.

Alternatively, consider if cell-1 instead had disentangled, died before cell-2 divided to produce cell-3, then the LINE hypothesis suggests that this newly minted host (cell 3, grandchild of cell-1) would be more likely to reinstantiate its bygone relatives' QEF (QEF-1). Host cell-1 and 3 are in this scenario generationally, physically related due to their common DNA, and cell-1 over the course of its lifetime has imprinted metamatter, as do all living entities, with information from both their physical component (DNA etc.) and also from its’ unique entangled degrees-of-freedom (QEF-1). The QEF is not part of the cell nor is it an aspect of metamatter it is of the entanglement spectrum. The entanglement spectrum exists as a distinct implementation of nature with properties, characteristics and degrees-of-freedom which define it as such, not unlike the electromagnetic spectrum. These three elements of nature operate in concert to make individuality and life possible and mobile (teleportable) in this universe.

QEF-1 now uninstantiated and unentangled, mediated by the monogamistic rules of quantum coherent interaction becomes available universally for future instantiation with viable hosts. So cell-3 (grandchild of deceased cell-1) with DNA more compatible with deceased cell-1's existing residual metamatter imprint than not, will more readily attract or enter into an entangled state at cell-1’s QEF-1 and its existing recently disentangled metamatter in liew of widely available stem-metamatter. So the individual, the POV that instantiated previously to host cell-1 is now reinstantiated to its own offspring host cell-3. The possibility of familial reinstantiation is likely highly dependent upon the actual resolution of the theorized imprinting upon metamatter by the living cell. For familial reinstantiation ones fidelity of teleportation may need to be above some pivotal value (i.e. .75 or greater above the classical limit), any lower and only species and inter-species entanglement may become likely.

Nonetheless, Cell-3 the individual the world sees as the grandchild of deceased cell-1 could once again host POV-1. Such is the nature of life. It is only when there are no compatible imprinted and simultaneously disentangled metamatter and compatible hosts available that a newly emerged host will entangle stem-metamatter to establish an original (to this ECO system) position-of-view. In nature the laws of conservation mandate that every interaction has an effect and induces a change in its participants. Whether or not we can sense, measure or understand the interaction or the effect it produces. On human scales the gentlest touch transfers heat, induces friction, deformation etc. Electromagnetism changes the atoms and electrons it interacts with or there would be no electronics. A subatomic particle entangled with another or with others interact regardless of distance or time (even when in different temporal frames of reference). By this natural mechanism metamatter, ones non-corporeal life-matter if you will, is changed as it entangles with your cells over the course of each lifetime.

By this process individuality emerges in otherwise inanimate matter and gives rise to a living being that has either never lived in this ecosystem before or may have never lived in this universe previously, The implications for individuals currently instantiated on Earth, as in any viable ecosystem, are that ones future place (reinstantiation) in this eco-system is all but guaranteed barring some global scale catastrophe which erases all life on earth leaving only the possibility of reinstantiation elsewhere, barring such a catastrophe the entire DNA pool of earth-life will attract your QEF to available metamatter to host you once again
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

How does a living being with the capacity to do so begin to determine ones future prospects for life after death? The LINE hypothesis suggests it is via the determination of ones’ fidelity of teleportation (FT), a little understood but very real property of quantum information transference which is one metric that governs the instantiation of a living individual. It is the mechanism which the LINE hypothesis describes as the natural process that distributes individuality throughout this universe and likely throughout nature. Estimates of one’s FT is perhaps the value most important to any living being capable of fathoming its importance, no doubt followed closely by the value of ones QEF.

The FT value describes the accumulated probabilities that will influence an individuals’ next instantiation. There are always going to be uncertainties involved in determining ones reinstantiation prospects but generally some of these influences can reasonably be assumed to be constant. Factors such as the assumed persistence of conditions for life within earths ecosystem, and thereby the likelihood of the continuation of ones current species, ones DNA line. Extinction being a fundamental aspect of host evolution is an eventuality that may be generally deferred for such a consideration. Factors such as the proliferation and similarity of ones’ existing familial DNA as well as lifespan species and near-species population, also volume and resolution of imprinted metamatter may all be more dynamic factors relevant to ones FT value and reinstantiation prospects. Ones prospects for reinstantiation describes what host form, or species an individual might entangle in ones next life. Where one entangles that form depends entirely on where such compatible hosts are located in this universe.

Each currently living individual has more likely than not undergone numerous instantiations and lived many lives, many presumably may have entangled hosts right here on earth. Earth being the only known ecosystem with hosts for life that are compatible with your current indigenous earth form, whatever that form may be. Some day the Moon or Mars may become seeded, non-original bastions for earth life. This makes Earth a factory of imprinted metamatter and therefore a powerful attractor, if not the only existing attractor, for the reinstantiation of any being currently alive on Earth. Given that ones metamatter imprint is expected to lose its resolution over time spent uninstantiated, compatibility with hosts that emerge in extraterrestrial ecosystems becomes increasingly possible over time. Other ecosystems that emerged on other planets or in other viable environments in nature will host living forms with different indigenous designs, however the one common mechanism for life is the entanglement molecule, responsible for the QE connection to and the imprinting of that unique design upon metamatter.

Familial reinstantiation may be most desirable to the individual, whether consciously by enlightened consideration or only subconsciously by genetic evolution, but may nonetheless be a very high bar to expect of a pervasive universal natural process such as natural entanglement. Even if, in nature, familial reinstantiation is possible the frequency of it actually occurring may be quite low, or tenuous absent synthetic intervention. Factors competing for influence of the reinstantiation process are in nature likely to be quite aggressive and disruptive to the delicate resolution required for predictable, forecastable familial DNA entanglement. More frequent in nature may be the occurrence of species and near species reinstantiations. Particularly for species with many large populations of close genetic variations simultaneously in existence such as beetles, finches, or cichlids. Further, in natural settings, distance although irrelevant to the coherent information teleportation of natural entanglement, remains a very real obstacle to genetic proliferation across space-time. After all in the entire history of earth life the number of viable hosts that have left Earths ecosystem are negligible at best. Most may never even have left their landmass or lake of origin. Hence the LINE hypothesis predicts the probability of reinstantiating in ones current planetary ecosystem to be quite high due to the localization of corporeal genetic material that is similar to ones existing imprinted metamatter. It is obviously possible for ones QEF to entangle hosts indigenous to other original ecosystems in this universe but the probabilities involved with such stem-metamatter instantiations are comparatively very low, very unlikely, requiring the passage of relatively long spans of time. Of course to the individual any span of time uninstantiated is inconsequential since the uninstantiated individual QEF is removed from space-time and devoid of experience.

The specific implications for human culture and survival of understanding the actual natural mechanism for the mobility of individuality in this universe is unpredictable but will be profound. Humankind up to now has essentially suffered from a form of existential dislocation syndrome. The result of appearing in a place for a time with the capacity to comprehend ones own existence but with a deficit of ideas and information adequate for realizing the natural mechanism governing ones presence, ones being, ones position-of-view. This deficit fosters erroneous ideas of life, species, and self, leading to destructive and unfulfilling self-actualization schemes such as intolerant religions, scientific over-extrapolation, bigotry, and speciesism which corrode social and ecological cohesion necessary for the survival of a species such as humankind.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The search for the entanglement cell (EC) will require the isolation and identification of critical regions of cells that may be refereed to as ‘Follicle regions’. Follicle regions in this context describes isolated diminutive groups of cells which when sufficiently disrupted appears to cause the termination of the subject in a manner difficult to distinguish from genuine EC termination. EC (Entanglement cells) being the most fundamental physical implementation of individuality of an emerged composite being, disruption of EC exclusively is hypothesized to result in disentanglement to metamatter which is deinstantiation, individual death.

Follicle regions may actually contain EC, or alternatively only cells whose function is critical to systemic function not unlike cells of the heart or liver only whose role is much less obvious. Determining which of these two possibilities is the case will require the investigation to focus on each follicle group of cells by a process of elimination to reduce the group to the barest minimum of effective follicle cells within the group and then to trace and definitively determine how those remaining follicle cells contribute to host termination.

For each follicle group this process should always lead either to the determination and identification of yet another indirect cause of death or to the discovery of the presence of genuine EC within the follicle group. These EC will be those, one or more cells which contribute only and exclusively to the observed subject termination. This process requires the discounting (not subjecting to disruption) of those cells which either cause intermediate damage to other host systems or do not directly cause host termination.
Subject termination due to EC candidate cells within the follicle group must not result in any premortem cellular disruption (non-necrotic) physically or functionally to any region outside of the follicle group. Ergo, death without damage.

Approved subjects (flies, nematodes etc.) chosen for this process may need to be high fidelity clones in order to provide the required consistent physical structure and predictable systemic cellular distribution. This is so the process of elimination may continue unabated with minimal loss of progress as subjects are terminated and new test subjects are needed to continue the investigation. Further, subjects may not need to be fully formed individuals but may be sufficiently developed living embryonic forms. Subjects viable for testing but not viable by current definitions, for independent growth.

Probing for the entanglement cell (EC) does not require physical contact with candidate cells. To the contrary, the astute investigator will quickly realize that the less physically disruptive the probing mechanism the more progress will result from the exercise. Since the task at hand is not to disrupt any cellular internal function which could kill the cell but rather to disrupt only the heterodyning mechanism by which the EC maintain the emerged individual POV. The means of disrupting EC heterodyning are potentially numerous as the monogamy of this delicate state are unforgiving. Infiltration or only identification of the entangled state may occur by the use of appropriate entanglement witnesses such as properly tailored photonic, electronic or other non physical mechanisms. Of course there is a chance that every cell is an EC. This would require a slight modification of the predictions of the theory as in such a case the heterodyned state would be far more robust than currently predicted. This is because the entangled state of emerged POV would need to survive massive changes in cell participation as cells of the holistic host are perpetually transient.

Depending on the relative orientation and positioning of EC relative to other EC the probe will need to target individual candidate cells or very diminutive groups of the same. This is because it is possible that EC may have developed in close proximity or even in direct contact with each other during the gestation period of initial conception and engaged their heterodyning of their individual QEF to establish the emerged QEF and then later physically drift apart as the billions of new non-EC cells develop as the subject grows. Or alternatively the heterodyned EC may in all or some species remain in direct physical contact with other EC to maintain the heterodyning function required for emerged individuality to persist. Therefore the probe may need to be focused down to within the diameter of a single cell and be as noninvasive as possible yet highly maneuverable as to scan many cellular diameters in rapid succession.

Given all of these requirements the inventive investigator may imagine a probe not dissimilar from the polarized blue or UV laser found in a blu-ray disc player and research labs around the world as a good foundation upon which to fashion the probe for this endeavor. The LINE hypothesis suggests that sufficient disruption of the heterodyned state of EC will deinstantiate the emerged individual even while the non-EC or even the actual EC cells remain instantiated alive as individual, functional cells. But with all cells of the host remaining fully functional, how is the deinstantiation of the emerged individual determined? There is expected to be a time lapse between POV termination and the first signs of the shutting down of cellular function associated with postmortem necrosis of the host body. But the more immediate symptom of deinstantiation may be an alteration in species or subject specific nervous system and brain functions. Each of such symptoms may be used separately or together to identify POV termination of the subject.

To the environment a living host entangled at one QEF is identical to that same host entangled at any different QEF. There is no classically detectable outward influence or behavior of the POV that can immediately effect ones surroundings which includes ones host. because the host, the species is a part of that local environment. No causal difference between one POV and another is available to the outside world, only to the individual is the difference rendered manifest by the isolation of individuality. It is only the isolation of individual instantiation and also of experience centered upon ones position-of view that affords a clear distinction of self, being, and individuality via the acquired skill of self-awareness in each being capable to fathoming the distinction. The isolation imposed upon the individual POV by a protective composite, and often disconnected host, is a solitary condition which the instantiated being strives to overcome. This is widely achieved through communication in all of its forms which includes mobility. From the single living cell to bacteria to vegetation to human beings, genetically all strive to break the isolation imposed by this fundamental living condition of life. This journey out of the isolation of the basic natural entangled state of life not only began, but continues with the living cell in all of its forms and has evolved to become the prolific, diverse eco-system we see today.

Communication requires the development, usually via evolution, of structures and functions that augment the basic implementation by which natural entanglement is hosted. Evolution no doubt favors the group, which also benefits from communication. This is not to suggest that the perception of individuality cannot be clouded perhaps by intimately integrated communication systems of both a technological and biological nature. Such augmentation could fade the experiential distinction between self and others. Even so, make no mistake, there can be no classical infiltration of the individual POV as there are strict natural monogamistic laws of quantum coherent interaction that guarantees the isolation (or forfeit) of the individual entangled state that is the position-of-view.

Most often the information of self which is acquired during a lifetime is dissipated from the individual upon deinstantiation. Some information of ones past instantiations may persist in the memories of other instantiated beings for a time or within indelable works or, in the archival repositories of advanced societies. However, currently with no means by which any reinstantiated QEF can be identified, for now, the anonymity of the reinstantiated individual remains assured. It would require the development, evolutionary or technological, of persistent personal individual inter-longevous memory or the societal archiving of such information, coupled with the capability to identify and distinguish the unique individual QEF to then inform reinstantiated individuals of their past histories. Also with this capability would emerge the even more profound capability to influence ones future instantiations by manipulating aspects of ones’ fidelity of teleportation (FT), and further, to eventually develop controlled universal travel via targeted reinstantiation as advanced enlightened species in this universe already would. In so doing a threshold would have been crossed in the maturity of a species as the accompanying enlightenment transforms life as we know it.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

Within this space-time we are all too familiar with aspects of matter which are exclusionary in nature, that is, having properties that enforce a singleton behavior to the way all matter-based entities occupy this space-time. In short, no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. When you plug a video cable into a video port on the back of your PC that port becomes occupied and cannot be re-occupied until you remove the current connection freeing the port, freeing the space-time it occupies for future connections. This behavior is taken for granted by our interpretation of reality. Even in circumstances that may seem to defy this behavior it doesn’t. For example, two glasses of water poured into a vase may seem to occupy the same space at the same time but make no mistake even the molecules and atoms that compose this and every other fluid jostle each other and also any pollen grains in their midst for a singleton position in space-time. A thorough description of this behavior served Albert Einstein well when it earned him a Nobel Prize in 1921 for his paper on Brownian Motion.

Such exclusionary behavior exists throughout nature in many different implementations and yet, not in others. For example, electromagnetism is famously nonexclusive in sharing or exposing its quantifiable degrees of freedom such as frequency, wavelength, polarization, intensity, etc. Otherwise, we would all have to take turns enjoying our favorite stations on our fancy TV and radio sets. Electromagnetism travels outward from its source in waves and is constrained by the Higgs field to travel at or below the speed of light yet its DOF and the valuable information encoded therein simultaneously pervade the propagating waveform as it travels through space-time. Like all things in nature the specific magnitudes of these properties imprinted on the waveform immediately begin to circum to the laws of nature so distance or weather may affect the reception of your TV signal. Likewise, the aspect of instantiation of the individual life responsible for the mobility of individuality in this space-time shares exclusionary features that are similar to matter even if in an unfamiliar implementation. Ones' QE connection to metamatter in Hilbert-space is similarly exclusionary in its behavior as it entangles your living host form wherever viable forms emerge in this universe. Each LINE is a unique value among the infinite possibilities of the DOF of the entanglement spectrum (a property of Hilbert-space). One of these LINEs belongs to you, it always has and it likely always will, at least as long as Hilbert-space exists as it currently does.

Via natural entanglement, ones' LINE may non-relativistically connect any viable host in this universe with any metamatter in Hilbert-space to instantiate your position of view (POV). Like matter or the cable on the back of your PC, ones POV cannot be shared but must be terminated before a new entanglement a new instantiation a new life is established. This is the monogamistic, singleton, and exclusionary nature of life. It is why one must die to instantiate anew. Which particles of metamatter or of matter are involved or their location in this universe is completely inconsequential as both are completely transient, which is what makes it so ridiculous to think that matter is what defines one's individuality. Any matter and any metamatter will do just fine. Of course, what any species may care most about is its form at least at first. So what influences may be brought to bear on this implementation to offer beings like us some semblance of control over our own instantiations? Ones entangled metamatter in Hilbert-space and matter in this universe is nonspecific and are currently biased toward a specific QEF only by circumstances that are quite arbitrary in nature. Nonetheless, ones' instantiation is governed and mediated by the rules of monogamy of entanglement and by whatever influences happen to arise that might affect ones' Fidelity of teleportation (FT) and metamatter imprint.

This mutual tuning of the Alice and Bob components of individuality is the only means by which any possible control may be exacted. Though the entanglement spectrum must have existed for time untold even before the big-bang, this bias of stem-metamatter began when entanglement molecules first joined with other matter structures to form the first viable hosts for life. Ever since then, eco-systems in this universe and their evolved living hosts have essentially tuned metamatter by storing information into this bootstrapping cloud-storage repository of nature. This began the initial propensity for eco-systems to become obtuse attractors of metamatter that has been imprinted by these first generations of QEF’s entangled to hosts which evolved and still exist within its unique habitat for life. This describes the beginning of the process which tunes the individual FT. With time this process becomes or evolves to be progressively more finely tuned to individual LINE’s or QEF’s. Theoretically eventually this bias may evolve or may be manipulated to favor even specific familial DNA traits as metamatter becomes more finely imprinted. This begs the question; Can other eco-systems be targeted for specific individual instantiation by synthetically detuning or retuning ones imprinted metamatter to another ecosystem's unique evolutionary signature genetic or otherwise?

An understanding of ones’ living circumstances in this universe remains equally important even if there are actually no other life-hosting environments other than the Earth. This is because regardless of ones' current location in this space-time the mobility of individuality described by the LINE hypothesis also describes how one instantiates not only throughout this universe but also within ones' current local environment which is just as interesting and important as knowledge of life elsewhere. We too often expend our concerns on finding extraterrestrial life in lieu of understanding the natural implementation by which nature populates this universe with living individuals. This latter point does not negate the importance of seeking other life in this universe, quite to the contrary. However, it may alleviate the concern caused by never actually finding such life which is highly probable in a universe as vast as, and having the laws of physics of, this universe. The laws of physics that placed you in the ecosystem in which you currently live didn’t do so because there are fundamental laws of nature that are exclusive and unique to this planet, solar system, or even galaxy. The fundamental laws of nature are expected to operate equally at every point in this space-time, thus all phenomena are also possible at every point in this universe including the phenomena that is you. It is only the circumstantial probabilities of state that vary from point to point and moment to moment that determines local outcomes. Hence, life and individuality are circumstantially possible everywhere in this space-time. More profoundly, we know without question that life and individuality is a fact and the principle of natural reoccurrence guarantees that anything that has occurred can reoccur.

Viewed in this light concerns about the eventual expiration of the sun or the end of this universe when considered through the prism of the LINE hypothesis takes on a decidedly reduced urgency. As we realize that even as you read these words countless ecosystems, stars, galaxies and perhaps even universes have come and gone in the eternal history of nature prior. So too has countless instances of individual life, some even your own. Yet here you are alive with precious little memory or consideration of the vast history of both nature and you that came before, and so it shall be again. With this enlightenment, the urgency of the fate of specific conditions and objects or collections thereof, small or large, becomes somewhat less significant as we realize our true place in the permanent structure of nature and that although all stars die and this universes may eventually become non-viable for life the immutability of the quantum entanglement spectrum and its underpinnings is fundamental in nature and the mobility of individuality ultimately sacrosanct.

In this endeavor we call science you will find, I think, there is no stranger beast than Nature herself. Contrary to the suggestion of the Anthropic Principle, this universe is not as astronomers observe it simply because astronomers exist, or because they are here to measure it. Rather, astronomers can and will exist anywhere in nature where circumstances and conditions are right for life and for astronomers. Earth’s solar system is just one such place. The distinction between these two points is not at all trivial. In fact it is profound. Because the latter point supports one particular conclusion as posed by the LINE hypotheses which is the mobility of individuality. It is only local circumstances that determine a habitat's viability for individual life. By this definition, any ‘Here’ in this universe could host individual life.

Given all of these alternative locations for being, a better question for the individual may be; Then why here? Here being this star this planet this body, this cell. If neither place nor form persists the individual, then what does? If you are having difficulty fathoming this notion keep in mind that as you read these words you are yourself on a planet orbiting a star that together is both traveling through space-time at approx. 225 km/sec. So if you think it is some particular space-time location that has defined your presence, your being then the earth’s and your location is changing every second. If it is the atoms and molecules on and in the earth that you believe tether you to your form on this spherical rocket-ship through the cosmos, think again, the atoms and molecules of the earth and your body owe no allegiance to me or thee.

If location, which includes the space within all of the atoms of the Sun, the Earth, and your body and their relative location in space-time, is purely circumstantial then the inescapable conclusion favors that the mechanism which places any living individual where they are, when they are, must operate throughout existence. You live here because you are entangled here. Entangled to a temporary corporeal physical host which happened to emerge from local material in an ever-changing location in nature that is no more special than anywhere else. Make no mistake, this is not a conclusion that in any way diminishes how wondrous and rare the processes by which living hosts have emerged on this planet. Rather, it is an acknowledgment that similarly wondrous processes can occur throughout this or in another universe where circumstances happen to be right and there you may be as alive as you are here at this moment only necessarily, superficially, differently.

Further, these superficial differences won’t matter as they don’t now matter. Any astronomer any living being inhabits nature by the laws of instantiation. You will be, you can live, anywhere circumstances are right. Regardless of how one makes the journey, whether one manages to take ones' current entangled form along onboard a spacecraft or if by reinstantiation by natural entanglement. The mobility of individuality in this universe is replete with opportunities for life and experience. Placing restrictions on what’s ‘right’ for life as we currently do today in biology and life sciences are missing the natural implementation of life and individuality. Genetics describes living hosts Earth-style. The LINE hypotheses describes natural entanglement as the host form agnostic mobility of individuality, of you, throughout nature.

The realization of the science which describes the mobility of individuality in this universe, of the kind suggested by the LINE hypothesis, adds yet another layer of ethical concern to the already ethically laden endeavors of modern-day genetics. That is the manipulation of existing, and the proposed resurrection of bygone species. Naturally evolved hosts, even those that were bread by us, are generally of sound evolutionary foundation. Humans, dogs, cats, pigeons, and bacteria are made viable by natural selection even when deliberately bread by humankind. However, with the advent of genuine genetic manipulation of the sort made possible by the discovery of the Crisper CAS9 gene comes a new level of divergence or even a complete disassociation from the process of natural evolutionary selection.

Further, in the presence of complete ignorance regarding the implementation by which nature distributes individuality in living beings throughout this universe these concerns today give rise only to relatively moderate levels of controversy and discussion. We consider the question of should we manipulate and create new species from a naively disassociated perspective which just barely rises to the level of personal concern. We may consider our distress in eating a genetically modified cow or chicken or feel some displeasure in seeing an unfamiliar host resulting from the more esoteric or misguided attempts at genetic manipulation or perhaps we worry about creating a species that could threaten our current life in some manner. This is largely because we do not see how we may one day be the direct recipient of a synthetically manipulated host.

Most of humankind is prone to accept established ideas that we were thought or exposed to early in ones' current instantiation. Most are ideas that were last exposed to the bright light of cognizant consideration many hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Careful rules of non-questioning tradition and the hierarchical consideration of new ideas have been erected to protect the status quo from the corrosive influence caused by the acquisition of factual scientific information over time. Ironically even specific scientific ideas regarding the possible nature of individuality is guilty of this protectionism. Or perhaps it's not at all deliberate but a natural evolutionary implementation meant to protect the self-aware mind, We may be largely ignorant by evolutionary design. A form of mental protection akin to the shell of an egg for the conscious intelligent self-aware mind. Perhaps some things are best left unknown.

Nonetheless, the time to break through the shell of ignorance is upon us. Shortly it will become increasingly difficult to ignore the mechanism by which individuality is distributed throughout nature. With the discovery of thousands of planets, all evolved similarly to earth but with different specific circumstances, questions will arise in the scientifically alert nimble minds that are proliferating in today’s dynamic information culture. Questions like; What is the mechanism that places me here to experience life from this body which is a part of this particular planet as opposed to some other? Why are you in that body and not me and on this planet or on some other planet? These questions can be posed from the perspective of each of the trillions of living beings alive on or off the Earth at any given moment in time. In dealing with these questions one is almost certainly either in scientific denial or you cling to some religious narrative. You see science doesn’t try to explain these questions because for most of its history there was insufficient information to address them. This is no longer quite the case. We know of the mechanisms and are beginning to develop the principles for understanding how nature universally mediates the mobility of individuality.

Realize that the collection of species that exist on earth or on any viable planet at any time is the repository of living hosts from which nature will probabilistically naturally entangle a viable form to host ones next instantiation. This combined with the realization that there is a universal phenomenon mediated by the quantifying quantum measure described by ones unique QEF and fidelity of teleportation is what will define your existence in nature for perpetuity. As we are discovering more often than not, just about anything in nature is susceptible to some level of manipulation, and with such influence is born control.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

Why should any living being love or care for its offspring, or about its family, about ones species, for ones village and country, or about your eco-system and planet, or even your local Star? How does any individual assign concern to these locally interdependent physical forms? Any assignment of concern in this regard depends on ones species and culture. The sea tortoise lays her eggs in a carefully excavated hole on a particular beach then gently covers them over with sand then leaves them forever to the not often tender graces of circumstance. The bald eagle pairs with a mate for a time to prepare a nest for her eggs and together they care and rare their young to a viable state of readiness for its new life. Human beings have taken the raring of familial members to an extreme mostly as a cultural demand. With adequate enlightenment we begin to extend our concern to other members of our and other defined species and the communities they form and the environment which makes it all possible? All this occurs in the absence of any certainty about the true nature of one’s living circumstances. How are we here? Where were we before? What or where comes next. For some, abject denial offers occasional respite from the unknown, however, eventually no human escapes the wonderment endemic to the conundrum of life.

The layers of concern we manifest for the various structures that form our existence and upon which we depend for survival and well being at this emergent macroscopic level can be described as a sphere or bubble of concern. This bubble describes all of the cultural and instinctual notions which form an individual’s concerns for its surroundings. For humankind this bubble may be manifested by particularly rich narratives based on instinct, imagination, fear, ambition, perceptions, and as of relatively recently on empirical data. Each host form or species and the individuals instantiated therein may be circumstantially free to define its own unique bubble of concerns which describe the day to day trajectory of the individual’s current life. The stresses intrinsic to being alive for any living being able to fathom such notions are significant and unavoidable. The bubble of concern comes from an evolved need to survive not just physically but also cognitively. Ones bubble of concern contributes to the definition of one’s living reality.

The evolution of experience which defines the sphere of concern in living hosts often fosters a progressive increase of sensitivity to the environment. Being overly sensitive or overly sensory in an entropic universe may not be the best condition for a living being. Humans have five major senses but this by no means defines a limit for viable hosts. We need not think about all which we cannot sense just as do other creatures that share this ecosystem with us. What of the world might a being with more than five senses glean? Are there host forms possessing sensory implementations that permit a being to sense the state or condition of its ecosystem perhaps as a kind of emotion? Or sense the presence of a POV, the presence of life itself? It is difficult to imagine what experiences there can be which you can't, however, the fundamental natural implementation of life in this universe, natural entanglement, which brings no experience of its own, does indeed accommodate an untold diversity of living forms and their emergent skills and accompanying spheres of concern limited only by the metaphorical imagination of nature herself.

However, Just beyond the proverbial skin of this sphere are the natural laws of cause and effect that determine when where and how any living being is located in space-time, ones position-of-view (POV). A POV, instantiated by natural entanglement, is the rigid framework which defines and drives the presence of individuality throughout this universe. With distance being no barrier to this teleportation channel, as living hosts emerge and evolve out of the isolation of initial living forms, biological or otherwise, and as living hosts evolve to permit survival of the entangled state and experience, these also define ones unique sphere of concern centered upon ones the POV, upon you. The POV is the naturally teleportable definition, the instantiation, the kernel, of one’s individuality in this universe.

This behavior of concern or caring, whether instinctual or cognitive, although mostly culturally defined at the emerged host level, fundamentally derives from the basic natural cause and effect implementation of life itself, an implementation about which most life on earth today is utterly unaware including humankind. The imprinting of metamatter caused by the instantiation by natural entanglement that defines you, the individual, your position-of-view, is the source of this perceived concern. For offspring of basic hosts, like a single cell that divides to create new cells, it is only the cause manifested from the imprinting or tuning of metamatter by similar genetic progeny that renders apparent attachment to offspring. For a cell or microbe it is nothing more than the evolved tendency of like to seek like.

Metamatter imprinted by a newly available host’s progeny enters more easily into an entangled state with that new host, thereby increasing the value or scalar magnitude of the individuals’ (QEF) fidelity of teleportation (FT) and thereby ones reinstantiation prospects with similar species. Species evolution simply selects for this similarity by genetic variation as it does for many other properties. It gives the species an evolutionary benefit via access to non-local cellular state information stored in more similarly imprinted metamatter. The drive to proliferate ones’ own similarly imprinted matamatter is advanced by spreading ones current genetics (DNA), however, genetics are local to ones current position in space-time. Whereas the coherent state information stored in metamatter during the course of each lifetime, made accessible to living hosts throughout nature via ones uniquely defined natural teleportation channel, is one major driver of evolution throughout the cosmos even when the viability of local circumstances catastrophically cease to exist. Today most understand the drive to procreate only as the individual’s dedication to host offspring or to species. Seen from humankind’s evolved cognitive vantage point we narrate this effect as love and caring described by a lexicon of emotional terms, from these perceptions emerge community, religion, politics and culture.

In what order does the instantiation of life by natural entanglement select, and assign, any individual QEF to ones next host form, among the great diversity of genetic lineages on Earth, and perhaps elsewhere in this universe? As we live, we fixate on our current host species and its genetically related ancestry, and its future prospects, not realizing that one’s current defined species may be only one of many viable forms that have hosted your POV in past instantiations. In the short term, this diversity of lineages that has played host to you, to your position-of-view, may very well include a few different species and near-species. However, in the longer term history of earth-life, for any individual, ones host history may include a great many, often very different host forms. Further, Parents and ancestors are current and bygone individuals (QEF’s) that were also hosted by Earths tree of life.

The degrees-of-freedom (DOF), of the QE spectrum, and their implementation in the LINE process, may reveal underlying complexities which defines categories of QEF types which determines which host forms are able to instantiate certain QEF types. Ergo, not all QEF can immediately be hosted by all forms. A single cell may not be capable of hosting your QEF. Metaphorically speaking, as your FM radio cannot tune a TV signal. Not because your QEF is in any way dedicated specifically to the human form, but due to the underlying defining structure of the QE spectrum, and the underlying metaverse (Hilbert-space), and the topographies of their interface with this universe. Such a determination will require invasive research to discover the truth of it. Because this is a nuanced, and not at all as simple a thing as it may at first seem. Further, the LINE hypothesis suggests that QEF are described by the DOF’s of the QE spectrum, which are governed by nuances of the underlying metaverse. Consequentially, only a certain range of the entanglement spectrum may be exposed to any particular universe. Ergo, the QE spectrum may be essentially pre-filtered by overriding conditions, and circumstances, to expose this universe to only a certain band of QEF. That is, of potential individuals, which is then further filtered, or tuned, by more local circumstances described by ones fidelity of teleportation (FT), which instantiate these available QEF to compatible viable hosts. All of this contributes to the natural description of how you came to be what you are, where you are, and what comes next.

Like you, each ancestor, via their instantiated hosts, have participated in the local dissemination-of genetic information through various processes of procreation. More significantly, however, also by storing its cellular state to entangled metamatter over the course of each lifetime. Ones ancestors are bygone lives of individual QEF’s that, like you, were temporarily instantiated to hosts that contributed genetically to yours, in any given instance of life. However, more influentially, also by contributing to the universal repository of evolutionary information. This tuning influences ones FT value, and future prospects for reinstantiation. Each of those individual QEF’s are also on their own trajectory through the universal network of life. Via this mutual, cellular-QEF tuning of universal evolutionary information, individuals of ancestral QEF’s, could cross paths with your trajectory again. Realizing and comparing the DNA mediated tree of host forms on Earth, with the natural teleportation network that governs the assignment of individuality to those forms, will no doubt be a new and unfamiliar cognitive hurdle for humankind. If you feel evolution has been rough going, then buckle up.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

The LINE hypothesis suggests that there is no multiverse, however, there is a metaverse (aka Hilbert-space). In a metaverse, universes evolve by a process of Darwinian evolutionary natural selection, not unlike the evolutionary process we see in viable ecosystems for life in this universe. The universe or verse in which one finds one’s self is but one viable species of verse on this tree, or complex of verses, which has evolved to host individual life by its unique laws of physics. Many verses will not have this fortune of circumstance. A verse with no evolved mechanism by which to instantiate individual life may nonetheless inherit this capability from the evolutionary information imprinted in metamatter by other compatible verses which in turn inherited likewise from others. This is different from a multiverse in that, within the metaverse, verses may actually evolve, inherit, and in a sense compete, and even consume one another for existence, not unlike the way galaxies do, all on a time scale which makes the age of one's universe seem infinitesimal by comparison. Within the metaverse complex, the state or health if you will, of a verse is indicated by whether it is contracting or expanding and the rate of each. So where does the big bang fit in?

The metaverse is essentially an ecosystem where verses are the evolving species. However, resist the temptation to over extend this analogy with life as we know it. The goings on in the metaverse is governed by physics that are necessarily unfamiliar to the physics within any universe that it may produce. What we refer to as a big bang is but one of many metaverse phenomena which only hints at the goings on in this unfamiliar realm of nature. The appearance of the big bang to us as some kind of an explosion is as nondescript as the way a rain drop falling from the clouds may appear to a microbe caught therein, attempting to describe the hurricane, planet and solar system from which the drop emerged. In this, the microbe is just along for the ride. The degrees of freedom at work in the metaverse are far from fathomable by humankind. This is not a limitation of intellectual capacity, but rather a limitation of the type of intellect that is possible in ones universe.

The unique laws of physics of different verses manifest not just fundamentally different types of host forms, but also their very own unique type of position of view (POV). This is due to the unique degrees of freedom and topographies which define a particular verse and its laws of physics. Further, as in our universe, all life in each unique verse can only instantiate that same unique type of POV to become the kernels, the seeds of evolution for any living individual hosted by that universe regardless of the specifics of the indigenous ecosystems therein. Each viable verse is a different realm for instantiation and produces living individuals which can evolve to fathom its own living circumstances in that verse as humankind may in this universe while finding the nature of other verses impenetrable. You see, intellect is but one tier of an inverted pyramid of capability which evolves from the seed that is the instantiated POV. However, in the rich pallet of possibilities for life described by the metaverse, there are no doubt verses which evolve living beings which can transcend some of these limitations. This may ultimately prove to be such a verse.

A Metaverse by its hypothesized nature permits universes like ours to evolve with uniquely tuned degrees of freedom that seem too specific to be randomly emerged, this is because they are not, they are evolved. Like species verses do not lose evolutionary information like inanimate entities do. As in living beings, via the entanglement spectrum, each verse can store and inherit evolutionary information imprinted by its living tenants to metamatter. This imprinted cloud-storage repository of intra, and inter-universal evolutionary information mediated by natural laws of conservation of information, such as the monogamy of natural entanglement, not only guides the evolution of species, but also influences the evolution of verses to become finely tuned, unique habitats for life in the Darwinian complex of the metaverse.

Evolution, the mechanism by which ones ecology mediates living hosts, species, is an important tier of understanding for living beings to evolve to be able to comprehend within any viable ecosystem in this universe. However, although difficult to initially fathom, understanding species evolution is a distant runner-up to understanding the natural mechanism which mediates the mobility of one’s individuality that is ones position-of-view (POV). This is why the understanding offered by the LINE Hypothesis is the single most personally important idea that any living being will ever have the opportunity to consider, regardless of species or ecosystem in this or perhaps any universe.

Earths archeological and hard fossil record suggests that Earths ecology has produced no more than one species capable of assimilating and making use of this knowledge regarding the natural mechanism by which nature mediates individuality in this universe. This is not to suggest what untold secrets earth’s soft species history has produced, but of which no indelible imprints of its existence remain. Nonetheless, the importance of this knowledge is precisely because the intelligence and circumstances, indeed the opportunity necessary for any culture to gain the capability to assimilate and make use of this understanding is so rare. The evolved intelligence necessary for living individuals to comprehend their own natural implementation is one of the rarest and most pivotal evolutionary realizations in this universe for any ecosystem to develop, prove, and culturally accept. Mollusks can’t do it, ants can’t do it, only humankind currently has that incredibly rare and fleeting opportunity to comprehend, accept, and make use of this very real existence transcending knowledge. Further, the window of opportunity is not permanent and once gone, for humankind, it may be gone forever.

Currently, humankind is as are all other species in earth’s ecosystem, wild. We define wild-life as those host cultures that have not organized socially and culturally to reduce their dependence on the resources circumstantially provided by chance to some useful or perceived extent. However, this is a somewhat self-serving definition. In reality the true definition of wild-life is an ecosystems lack of a culture, consisting of any number of species, able to take deliberate control of individual instantiation into ones living circumstances. To continue, like all other species in its ecosystem to be arbitrarily reinstantiated by the probabilities of random chance which mediates when, where, and in what form one will live in your next instantiation, in your next life. Failure to have evolved sufficiently to reach this stage of development is the very definition of wild-life. Neither farming, nor art, or tool making or even genetic manipulation of living hosts alone moves an ecosystem across this life and existence altering threshold. Make no mistake; this achievement is indeed an ecosystem-altering feature. Ideally, once fully acted upon, the lines between species take on an entirely different significance as any individual may live and experience life in whatever available forms they please for as long as they please. It all begins by discovering the entanglement cell and molecule. Of course, the details of this local implementation depend on culture as some cultures may elect to permit the existence of only engineered rather than evolved host forms and may elect to control which individual QEF’s are instantiated to those select hosts. The ability to transfer between forms, independent of distance in this universe, once achieved will blur the line of distinction that now exists in the human mind regarding life, individuality, and space-time.

The importance of an idea like the LINE hypothesis stems from the fact that it marks the introduction to the understanding needed for living beings to escape the uncontrolled instantiation lottery of nature which confines living individuals within a particular ecosystem to untold lifetimes of arbitrary natural reinstantiations to randomly emerged host forms, (the true definition of wild-life). Such forms are incapable of assimilating and making use of such knowledge and therefore unable to assume deliberate control over the process that mediates the individuals living circumstances. In the nearly four billion years of earth-life, consider ones lifetimes as, and the existence of, a species such as humankind, despite all of its proud prior achievements, to be nothing more than a narrow window of opportunity within which instantiated individuals to this capable host form may understand, comprehend and act upon the true nature of life in this universe, to develop technology able to control when, where, and to what forms ones POV is instantiated, in essence to control your being. Further, consider what a tragedy it would be if a culture such as this forfeits this singular opportunity only to embrace the ignorance which defines the wild condition. Like every other endeavor into nature’s workings its ramifications and its morality and dangers will be clear and present, but may nonetheless be regarded as a necessary price to pay for this essential next step in the evolution of life on earth.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

So complete is the cognitive illusion of physical self, that each human being fully believes and accepts that they are defined by the prevailing cultural description of their current form, its assigned demographic description, and its ascribed history. This perception prevails by the complete ignorance of having previously been instantiated to an untold diversity of living host forms which describes ones’ actual instantiation history. In other words, you may necessarily have been, and subsequently lived the life of any living being in history, or none at all, mediated only by the laws of natural entanglement. What living forms would the book of our true naturally defined instantiation history describe? Metaphorically speaking, this is as if one personally adopted the history of the brand of car you now drive, say, Bentley, while being completely ignorant of the ancestral history of those vehicles owners. Who were those previous owners? Would, or should it matter? Should one relate to the car or to the owners? In life today, we behave as though we have always lived, and always will exist in some fashion, in one's current species and family and assigned demographics for all of ones’ instances of life, or not at all. Ironically, this cognitive dissonance exists alongside widely accepted beliefs in religious narratives of ongoing existence or in the acceptance of a secular null hypothesis of the one-off occurrence of life. Both of which, at the very least, suggests that the individual has never previously been in the form they are now.

What would it take for a family of owners to own the same make and model of automobile (i.e. Bentley Mark-V) for many generations of that owner's current family? While we know that our current body, like our cars, have a finite existence, likewise in life, what would it take for an individual QEF (owner) to reinstantiate to the same demographic and family for say, 1000 years, (50 generations)? In the car analogy, it would require a very deliberate, synthetic initiative to acquire only Bentleys. An initiative which may forgo better economic opportunities (deals), or may induce financial difficulty, or perhaps forgo advancements in technology, or may ignore the tides of change in order to serve preference upon one make of automobile. For life, a different but no less a synthetic initiative would be required to implement such a focused reinstantiation history upon an individual QEF into the same demographic and family. In other words for the individual to reinstantiate to say a, human, German, female, within a family named Frank, for 50 consecutive lifetimes would be an improbable occurrence. But is it possible, and would one care to?

Upon our birth the culture we are born into urge, or otherwise indoctrinates, the individual to adopt the history of their host form and its demographic narrative as described by that culture. This becomes a cognitive dissonance carried by the individual often for the rest of ones’ life. Generally, this is referred to as ones‘ demographics of species, gender, race or class, and nationality etc.. Although you were almost certainly born less than 100 years or so ago, one is urged to adopt a history in which neither the individuals’ current host nor ones’ current instantiation likely participated. Furthermore, if it so happened that ones’ QEF was indeed instantiated during that history, there is currently no accounting for what form (demographic) nor what role that instance of the individuals QEF may have assumed in that participation. The cognitive dissonance exercised today is that the individual has and will, in some way, by some unspoken means, always be in the form we currently are. Presumably, not much convincing is required to assure the reader that this idea is utterly false, as each individual knows all too well on what date and perhaps time ones’ current life began, and that it will undoubtedly end within a few decades. Even if your accepted belief system leads you to believe that only nonexistence came before life, and will also be the case after ones current life ends, even this renders the idea of adopted historical narrative misguided. Further, if one's belief system leads you to accept some religious narrative that describes a state of individual existence before and after ones current life, no doubt based on some mystical foundation, still, ones participation in any adopted cultural historical narrative remains highly questionable.

Nonetheless, most live life as if they are an actor that has been handed a script at birth. This script describes, to varying degrees, the individuals’ expected, or observed role in society and this role may even be mandated or enforced within certain cultures. Of course, as far as one's species is concerned, this mandate is also enforced up to a point by nature, since, while you live, you are currently destined to remain instantiated to the form you currently have, at least while no option to change that form exists. Also, as far as nationality is concerned, one is born to an ecosystem and some location therein as a matter of pure circumstance while no option to mediate one's instantiation currently exists. So, in these, there is no choice. However, for the culturally contrived properties of demographic categorizations of a host forms physical traits called race and the running historical narratives assigned to those categorizations, in these, all seem to buy in to the false narrative that the current individual is in some fashion either responsible, or was a victim, participant or assumed a certain role in that history. This illusion is so odd that it defies any rational explanation once unpacked. Only the sustained maintenance of a blind unthinking cognitive dissonance, or perhaps the lack of a plausible explanation of life, permits it to persist.

Consider that an individual today described, perhaps within American society, as a female age 29 of German descent named Frank. This description is informed by the genetics (DNA) of her current host form as described by its genealogical history on Earth. With no understanding or evidence to the contrary, society readily indoctrinates her socially and culturally with that history and with other individuals matching her demographic, for better or worst. How does this work exactly? We know for certain the date of lady Frank’s birth, her beginning of life 29 years ago. We can also say that she was not around, let us say; for the Germanic attacks on ancient Rome. Nor for WWI or WWII. Yet civilization enforces upon her some connection with this history, solely based on the history of her current host forms’ DNA. Some association is made, however weakly enforced, with lady Frank to each of those historical events and also with the entire history of all individuals born to viable hosts possessing German DNA. If it were true that society today either knew, or at the very least, strongly believed the principles of the LINE hypothesis, which describes a natural mechanism by which perpetual reinstantiation could occur and even possibly reoccur to the same familial (DNA) lines within species, then a case could be made, even if not proven, for one's possible role, ownership or participation in genealogically related historical events.

However, as it currently stands, no such understanding is widely accepted today. Therefore no basis in logic or reason currently exists for humankind's association of an individual with a historical narrative for which the individual may not even have existed on Earth. Or even if on Earth, one may not have been a participating species. Or within that history, one may not have been described at any point by the demographic to which one is currently being assigned. In the absence of the enlightenment and understanding imbued by the LINE hypothesis, individuals should only be associated with ones’ current behaviors and actions as ones participation in past events remain unlikely or at least in doubt. Further, as is widely the case today, ones acceptance of these socially assigned narratives as being ones defining litany of race, gender, history and culture and such, if you are so fortunate as to have a choice, consider carefully and feel free to adopt whatever culture makes you happy, but do so while leaving behind the baggage of a history you can only try to improve upon. Do so while doing no harm in the effort to make life better for all, now and for future instantiations, because currently, one can never know what host form circumstance will bestow upon you in your future. Recognize that life and individuality are naturally amorphous and ongoing processes of instantiation that is currently uncontrolled by humankind which renders each individual highly susceptible to arbitrary circumstances within current and future ecosystems. In other words, the conditions you foster for others in this life could be your own in another.
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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

What is individual presence? Presence is that natural phenomenon that you are experiencing at this moment. As unintuitive as it may seem, ones' presence has very little to do with one's consciousness, mental state, or even one's physical form or any of its emergent functions. In fact, in nature, a single living cell is enough to instantiate the presence of a living individual. Surely, one must realize that your presence can exist even if you cannot experience it. Whether it is because your host has not evolved to experience or recognize its own presence, or because you are comatose or under general anesthesia or circumstantially otherwise not functioning to full capacity. Still, if you are among the living, your presence, your instantiation persists. So what is this natural phenomenon unlike any other in normal experience which establishes a living individual position-of-view? That phenomenon is the Solution of State (SoS).

The underlying implementation of this universe and all possible verses is called the metaverse. The metaverse can be described as an ocean of quantum wave functions (QWF's) that exists in a state of perpetual superposition. As such, the metaverse possesses the potential to procedurally render all possible states and realities, while rendering none. That is until SoS are instantiated therein. SoS's are circumstantially emergent transformations of more fundamental forms of information in any verse. As turbulence in a vast ocean of water circumstantially emerge and interacts, so too does a solution of state (SoS) inform all manner of metaverse phenomena which become the seeds, the pebbles tossed into the metaverse ocean if you will.

SoS's are the metaverse amalgams of information, once teleported into this universe, undergoes quantum superposition collapse to manifest all of the entities and their defining degrees of freedom of ones' space-time and thereby create the indigenous reality of any universe. SoS become rendered entities such as electrons and quarks and all of the fundamental particles, known or unknown, and the forces which compose the reality of ones' universe. These fundamental entities, once collapsed from the metaverse by appropriate SoS's, combine and evolve to become atoms composed of electrons bonded to protons and neutrons which produce molecules of matter. This interaction also renders all of the fields and properties of this universe such as the electromagnetic and QE spectrums. These emergent properties combine to form the entanglement molecule (EM), an interstellar molecule that naturally establishes a coherent state with non-local metamatter. In the right habitat, under the right conditions, this molecule may evolve to instantiate a position of view (POV), a living individual. A POV is also a type of SoS which, to a much lesser extent, further procedurally collapses natures' superposition state within this universe to render an individual's living reality.

Solution's of State also exist in this universe, whether manifested as a subatomic particle, or as a QEF instantiated as a living POV in a living being, both establish a place and a time and thereby a state or a life in this universe, to something that otherwise has neither. Metaphorically, as a pebble tossed into a vast body of water creates a series of effects referred to as ripples, so too does each SoS instantiated into natures' ocean of QWF's create a series of effects we refer to as reality. Any of these realities may be simultaneously rendered, but cannot be simultaneously experienced, observed, or measured. Further, these renderings cannot instantaneously interact, except via the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the QE spectrum. So where does an SoS originate? To understand the origin of SoS one need not comprehend the intricacies of the metaverse which are fundamentally incompatible with any intellect indigenous to this universe. Solutions of state also exist in this universe in the form of any rendered state able to specifically interact with another state to precipitate a newly emerged state. Not all states can circumstantially fulfill a specific condition in the same way; therefore will not produce the same if any outcome. Like a key in its lock, particular states are evolved to interact and render or resolve other particular states to produce a new state, entity, or phenomenon. As the far wall in the double-slit experiment participates as an SoS to collapse the emitted probability wave to render into the observers' reality the particles of electrons or photons, so too does the observers' POV contribute, however weakly, as SoS within that environment to render those same particles. This is no different from the mundane effect of illumination whereby most matter acts as a SoS for photons of ambient light in any environment.

However, far less mundane are metaverse phenomena such as the big bang. A big bang requires a certain type of SoS, unfamiliar to this universe. Such SoS is capable of collapsing the metaverses' QWF to spawn a new universe. Such SoS interactions produce much more than mere ripples in the metaverses' ocean of QWF's but cause the biggest splashes imaginable. Such collapses instantiate a new realm of physics, and thereby, a new realm of reality. Such realms of reality evolve in the metaverse by the laws of metaverse physics. The ecosystem that is the metaverse complex is defined and governed and evolved by its own laws of interaction, an understanding of which would be a heavy, but perhaps not impossible, evolutionary lift for any instantiated living forms it produces to imagine. It is upon the formation of viable universes, such as this one, which define unique relationships and laws of interaction and of change known as physics, able to evolve environments which may become viable ecosystems to instantiate the SoS defined by the degrees of freedom of the quantum entanglement spectrum (QEF) to instantiate individuality, life. This ongoing rendering of reality and its zoo of instantiated entities by the metaverses' unique laws of physics is experienced by all indigenous POV's as this universe.

In the absence of the introduction of SoS's into the metaverse complex, like a perfectly still ocean of water, neither space nor time as we perceive them, exist. However, upon the introduction of appropriate SoS's, the reality we call this universe comes into existence for all matter living or not. The possible interactive, measurable, and observable variations between individual experiences of rendered entities are severely limited by the pre-rendering caused by electrons and other such primary observers (PO) in nature. All renderings occur simultaneously everywhere within this universe. However, for each solution of state, for each individuals' POV, nature renders each reality relativistically (with each POV a factor) and thereby manifests an individualized rendering of the local environment and of the measurable, observable changes caused by those states. It is this local rendering of ones' observable, measurable rates of change in local renderings of reality which we refer to as time and its observed relativistic dilations. As Einstein discovered, relativity is the description of the dilations or differences between each individually rendered rate at which change occurs relative to the speed of light. The closer to this speed limit an observer moves the slower the internal rendering appears to outside observers. Two observers in the same reference frame will render their environment significantly similarly but nonetheless, individually.

To the environment, a living host entangled at one QEF is identical to that same host entangled at any different QEF. There is no classically detectable outward influence or behavior of the POV that can immediately affect one's surroundings which includes one's host. because the host, the species is a part of that local environment. No causal difference between one POV and another is available to the outside world, only to the individual is the difference rendered manifest by the isolation of individuality. It is only the isolation of individual instantiation and also of experience centered upon one's position-of-view that affords a clear distinction of self, being, and individuality via the acquired skill of self-awareness in each being capable of fathoming the distinction. The isolation imposed upon the individual POV by a protective composite, and often disconnected host, is a solitary condition which the instantiated being strives to overcome. This is widely achieved through communication in all of its forms which includes mobility. From the single living cell to bacteria to vegetation to human beings, genetically all strive to break the isolation imposed by this fundamental living condition of life. This journey out of the isolation of the basic natural entangled state of life not only began but continues with the living cell in all of its forms and has evolved to become the prolific, diverse eco-system we see today.

Communication requires the development, usually via evolution, of structures and functions that augment the basic implementation by which natural entanglement is hosted. Evolution no doubt favors the group, which also benefits from communication. This is not to suggest that the perception of individuality cannot be clouded perhaps by intimately integrated communication systems of both a technological and biological nature. Such augmentation could fade the experiential distinction between self and others. Even so, make no mistake, there can be no classical infiltration of the individual POV as there are strict natural monogamistic laws of quantum coherent interaction that guarantee the isolation (or forfeit) of the individual entangled state that is the position-of-view.

Most often the information of self that is acquired during a lifetime is dissipated from the individual upon deinstantiation. Some information of one's past instantiations may persist in the memories of other instantiated beings for a time or within indelible works or, in the archival repositories of advanced societies. However, currently with no means by which any reinstantiated QEF can be identified, for now, the anonymity of the reinstantiated individual remains assured. It would require the development, evolutionary or technological, of persistent personal individual inter-longevous memory or the societal archiving of such information, coupled with the capability to identify and distinguish the unique individual QEF to then inform reinstantiated individuals of their past histories. Also with this capability would emerge the even more profound capability to influence one's future instantiations by manipulating aspects of ones’ fidelity of teleportation (FT), and further, to eventually develop controlled universal travel via targeted reinstantiation as advanced enlightened species in this universe already would. In so doing a threshold would have been crossed in the maturity of a species as the accompanying enlightenment transforms life as we know it.
Last edited: May 3, 2021
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Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2022 9:29 pm

Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?

Post by tonylang »

Dark Energy is one of the great enigmas of modern cosmology and physics today. To shed light on this piece of the cosmic puzzle we need to view existence through the prism of the LINE hypothesis .The multiverse hypothesis is a misrepresentation of the underlying procedural potential of the metaverse. Therefore, the multiverse is described as a vast number of simultaneously existing, pre-rendered realities or universes. Each usually imagined to exist within its’ own allocated vicinity or bubble. The multiverse hypothesis suggests that within any number of these bubble universes, you, or indeed any possible state, may or may not exist. The LINE hypothesis suggests that nature is far more frugal and elegant than this.

As a computer generated virtual environment emerge from this space-time, yet maps to no space or time within this universe, likewise, ones universe occupies no space or time as we perceive it within the metaverse from which all possible realities nonetheless emerge. In this behavior the metaverse can be compared to a computers’ CPU and its supporting electronics which concurrently embodies the potential for all of the virtual states which may be rendered therein. Virtual states which may also be experienced by a sufficiently implemented individual position of view (POV) instantiated perhaps by an individual such as the iconic game character Mario. In this CPU analogy there simultaneously exists the potential for finite yet unbounded virtual space, and also the potential to create all of the possible states, environments or simulations the programmer may imagine, as well as those possibilities the programmer can’t imagine, or none at all. Similarly, in nature, a living being is very much an instantiated character within a natural but procedurally rendered environment, one perhaps requiring no programmer as we may conceive it.

Living individuals are instantiated entities, not unlike Mario, inquiring of nature; how am I here? How large is my universe, and how is it structured? For example, as it would be for Mario, distance for us is very real regardless of its true nature within the metaverse. However, realize that for us, like Mario, distance, like all else within this universe, is nothing more than nature, procedurally, relativistically, individually, despite its very real consequences, rendering how many laps on the treadmill called space-time, a baryonic entity like us, or your pet rodent, or any particle or comet, or any star or galaxy, must tread to ‘reach’ any other rendered state (destination) within this universe. Distance is but a procedurally generated illusion of reality. So, speaking about the size of this universe at the big bang is to describe the universe when it was first instantiated. This is akin to Mario attempting to describe the size of his computerized virtual universe within the CPU when it was first turned on. Whatever the perceived ‘size’ that Mario’s universe appears or is calculated to be by him at any given moment, only higher dimensional beings like us can fathom its true implementation, an implementation which cannot be fathomed by Mario. Likewise for us, in this universe, all realities are circumstantially instantiated, or collapsed by solutions of state (SoS) which render the QWF’s that manifests ones universe. A POV is the SoS, the pebble tossed into the metaverse’ ocean of QWF’s, which, for a time, positions each instantiated individual, you, in that universe.

Consequently, rendering is reality. Rendering is change, from the smallest to the largest scales. Rendering is simultaneous and everywhere in nature. So, what is the engine which performs all of this rendering? Furthermore, does the amount, or volume, or other aspects of the information (SoS’s) within a universe impart a load or a drag on this natural rendering engine? Might this load at all times tax the universal rendering engine to mediate how fast entities within a universe may render or change? Does this load mediate how matter may maximally tread the treadmill we refer to as space and thereby effect ones’ local rendered rate of change we refer to as time? In essence might the total contents of a universe determine the maximum treadmill speed, that is the universal speed limit? Ergo the speed of light? Thereby, altering the rendering engines’ clock-speed, if you will? Nothing can travel through vaccum faster than light, whatever that speed may be. This is because the rendering engine is at all times loaded to its current rendering capacity by the current information content of that verse. As such, c= 299,792 km/s is directly related to the amount of information currently in this universe and also says something of the capacity of the rendering engine per unit of information therein. Hence, variations in the speed of light must be linked to the rate of any universal information loss or gain. Science dictates that there can be no loss of information. However, information can certainly be moved or transferred. Such a transfer describes the LINE hypothesized natural teleportation of information between all living entities in this universe to metamatter, but also, more influentially by black holes.

If indeed the universal information load can be mediated by ongoing circumstances, then changes in the information content of this universe, something that appears to break the laws of physics of this universe, could potentially alter the load on the rendering engine which mediates the state of all information herein moment by moment, ergo; time. Thereby, potentially altering this universes cosmic speed limit, the speed of light. Observations of change in this universal latency in the rendering of reality could be made only if variations in the universal information load occurred at various stages of the universal expansion, and could be seen as variations in the otherwise normal expected Doppler shift of ancient light. Further, if such variations were only caused by a gradual reduction in the universal information load placed on the rendering engine over time, then the corresponding changes in the speed of light would appear as variations in the acceleration in universal expansion. Ergo dark-energy. Alan Guths’ inflation hypothesis is the low latency period of the universal expansion when the rendering engine was initially minimally taxed due to the low information load of the first instants of the big bang.

As information poured into the new expanding universe and as its interactions evolved in complexity, this increased the rendering load, in the form of more fundamental particles evolving into hydrogen protons and into other less fundamental particles and eventually atoms. All taxed the universal rendering engine and progressively lowers the maximum rendering speed, and with it the speed of light, and also the apparent rate of universal expansion when measured by stellar spectroscopy. Not until the universal formation of a critical mass of black holes and living entities which transfers information out of this universe into the metaverse from which it came, did the load on the rendering engine begin to diminish thereby lowering the universal latency and increasing the maximum rendering speed, the rate of change, and the speed of light. That is, light travels faster as this universe transfers information to the metaverse. If it so happens that information could indeed be, not lost, but teleported or otherwise transferred from this universe into the metaverse, information transferred in part via the imprinting of metamatter by the LINE hypothesized natural entanglement of its’ living tenants, and to a greater extent via other natural structures such as black holes. These would constitute causes of a reduction in universal rendering load and would serve, over time and in sufficient magnitude, to mediate the maximum speed limit in this universe to produce an observable red-shift as the speed of light from distant objects change accordingly to produce the otherwise mysterious dark-energy acceleration profile observed in these cosmos. On its face, the universal loss of information may be expected to cause an apparent bluing of the Doppler shift in a star’s spectral lines. The universal gain of information should produce a reding of that same spectrum, but this may be a more complicated effect than it first appears.
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