Communicating with Superconsciousness

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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

zoey wrote: Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:15 am That was a lot to take in. I had never heard of the Sophia mythology. My grandfather used to always speak of math, philosophy, deduction, logic and metaphysics. These last few months we have been remembering him and all his conversations. My nephew took a class in Deductive Reasoning in Math, but it was not at all interesting he said. These are topics which are bottomless in some ways if we start discussing them. Your posts were very interesting. Thanks.
Hi Zoey - thank you for your comment.

This system of inter-communication is something I have been playing with [scientifically] and developing over the last 20 years.

I agree that it is a lot to get one's head around and there is no end to it.

From my first post in this thread I changed the way I ordinarily did things up to that point. Ordinarily I delegated what was randomly chosen on the Com List as coming [transmitted] from The Super Consciousness [loosely defined as "First Source Intelligence" or IBC [intelligence behind creation - Eye Be See] and when about the conversation in that manner.

This time I decided to narrate The Super Consciousness as the thoughts happen in my mind, and delegate the Com.List random selections as the voice of The Subconscious.

The point of my sharing the process in a public forum is to show that the system can be replicated EZPZ by most anyone/everyone and that it is evidence of things not ordinarily seen but which exist regardless.

Your Poppa sounds like an interesting fellow. I wonder what he would think of this system of communication. :)
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Super Consciousness: Shuffle your list and copy&paste every second line on each page.

Me: Okay...

"Nailed it! - Intelligence With Wisdom - Privacy - Lurking Like Shadows - Around The Next Corner - Another Mind Open - Righty Oh! - Noetics - Interesting - Do Not Worry - What Is Normal? - Communication With The Deeper Levels of Self - A Meeting Place - Stay - No More - Abundance - Rest When Weary - Department Of Complaints - Everything which has a beginning is by that very fact, a simulation. - Attitude - WingMakers Medium - :) - EZPZ - Unwilling - Growing Pains - Calm - Get the Picture - As we do from time/space to time/space... - Acknowledge The Agreeable - One -Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities - Theatre of the Mind - Invisible - Blink Blink - Honest attempts at scrubbing up - Measure - SweetTalk - Highly Commended - Here Everything – All Real Together - Solar System - Rejuvenate - Sometimes Pain Etches... - Water - Fun/Joy - An Exam - "

Super Consciousness: Is there clarity of expression?

Me: I think so. It is not 'normal' in the manner that we often communicate through written language but it is understandable in terms of 'getting the gist' of something being communicated...

Super Consciousness: Is there logic involved in building a message in this manner?

Me: Only when coupled with the idea that random doesn't really exist - it is not real in relation to this simulated reality experience. This is why serendipity, synchronicity and coincidence happen.
The illusion of chaos happens because of the sheer enormity of the experience...

Super Consciousness: Shuffle your ComList and take the last 3 lines on each page. Let's see what that produces...

Me: Okay...

Help Each Other-The Christchurch EQ-Thing Indifference-William’s Job-The Philosophy of Quantum Theory
Network -Look Closely -Reason-Narrow-Propel-Time For Soul To Drive -Show Me Your Soul-Universal Objectives-Transmit Relationship -Looking behind the veil-The Four Human Power Houses-Insinuation-Eternal Hell Doc-Van-Opening Doors
Sexual-Free-That Is Sad But Don’t Let It Distract You-For The Best Results-Protocols-…Try To Feel It
The Purpose Of Life Is... -The Truth is irresistible once realized-Memes-Confusion In The Air -Realm of Dreams-Wow!
AUM-Working Together With Love-To Be Sovereignty -Welcome-Atheism and Theism Doc-Times-Religion -You Are Allowed To Laugh You Know-Doubt-Tricky-Enflame Emotions-A Bridge Over Time-The Secret-Appreciating You-All Information Is Channeled-Returning The Compliment-Imaginative Realities-Penetrate …-Information -Phasing-We Can Do Magic!
Disagreeable-Light and Dark-Receive -Oops.....-Assigned-For The Purpose Of Mapmaking.-One By One-Partnership-Changing The Rules-Live In Knowledge-Sensory Bi-Location-Start From Scratch-We Will Then-Positive Feedback-Family-Language
Before The Beginning-Ignoring...-Core Beingness-Intelligent Directions-The Significance-Invisible Bridge -Volunteer-Invisible
Face Book-Science Can Be Fun Too Yes?-Correct-Final Destination-Like With Jason Silva-Small Steps-Old-Who Complains The Most?-Ancient Entity -The Unveiled One-Through Device-The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD Doc-Oneness-Being on The Same Page-Panentheism/Panpsychism is the best idea of GOD Doc-Dynamics-Energy-The ‘Wind Woman’ of your dream experience-Catching up Doc-Learn How to Deactivate The Suppression Matrix -Creative Conscious Intelligence -Functional Clusters-QueenBee-Acknowledge The Agreeable -Signs & Synchronicities -Use Mind-Friendship is an agreement between individuals to support one another in any way they can, for mutually beneficial results.
With -Blend-Emergence Theory-Help-That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed-Twice Shy-+-Hide and Seek-What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject?-Teaching Music-Brother Tim-Plus-Examples-Heisenberg's uncertainty principle -Behind The Scenery-Gosh!-Get the Picture-Requirements-2B-Desire -Source Sync…Large Hadron Collider-New
Be Aware-Written In The Clouds-Faster Than Light-WindBlown-Time For Soul To Drive -It Is A Gradual Process Into Purposefulness-Elemental Powers

Super Consciousness: What do you think about that?

Me: As the message unfolded it became clear that it was about this process of intelligent connection with the invisible intelligence...but that's not went further and I could spend the rest of the day deciphering it for other readers but that would be silly since many of the expressions are subjectively personal so won't be understood in context. Not that it should be regarded as "gobbledygook" by most readers, because there is plenty of understandable expression within the bulk of the message - enough for others to get the gist.

Super Consciousness: What about the docs, doc? :lol:

Me: Yes - I can share those in context and perhaps comment...because there is still "random" selection to process with the documents mentioned in the message...

Super Consciousness: Take each and merge it with that leading up to and away from the mention of each doc.

Me: I will do so and share the results in my next post.
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Document mentioned: "Eternal Hell Doc"
Lead up word-strings: "Looking behind the veil-The Four Human Power Houses-Insinuation"
Random excerpt from doc:

Matt 13: 36-39
37 He answered, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

Which suggests that neither this present environment or the one which we came from prior to this one, is the one in which those who are able to be good (as per rehabilitation) will eventually go to.

Personally I do not have any problem with this concept. What I do have a problem with is the concept that this has to be a final solution to the problem of rouge/wayward consciousnesses, because ALL Consciousness has to be traced back to ONE consciousness and evil consciousness is simply that which has forgotten this, or otherwise have been convinced through deceptive means, that there are at least two sources. One is called "GOD" and the other is called "DEVIL" and the two are considered to being eternally separate, which implies separate sources, which of course is the fallacy of the whole belief structure.


Because First Source is the undivided Consciousness from which all consciousnesses derive from, and thus the problem of evil cannot be swept under the carpet of 'hell' as an eternal reality for the wayward consciousnesses as their (the aspects of First Source Consciousness which are in ignorance of their true source.) final destination, as these represent that which is in need of reintegration into the wholeness of First Source Consciousness/Reality, thus to place them in a situation where there is no hope of reintegration is to place those aspects of First Source into eternal damnation, thus wholeness can never be achieved.

Follow through word-strings: "Van-Opening Doors- Sexual-Free-That Is Sad But Don’t Let It Distract You-"

Super Consciousness: What do you make of that then?

Me: Something to think on for now...

Document mentioned: "Atheism and Theism Doc"
Lead up word-strings: "Working Together With Love-To Be Sovereignty -Welcome"
Random excerpt from doc:

How Jesus actually viewed the concept of "God" is hard to say. However, even the Gospels have Jesus pointing out that even the OT says, "Ye are Gods".

For me, this is Jesus recognizing that even within the OT there are verses that can support the Buddhist pantheistic view that we are all an incarnation of God.

So I see Jesus as actually being a pantheist of sorts. But even many pantheists have a tendency to believe in a single "higher central consciousness" which ultimately represents the core of "The Mind of God".

Follow through word-strings: "Times-Religion -You Are Allowed To Laugh You Know-"

Document mentioned: "The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD Doc"
Lead up word-strings: "Ancient Entity -The Unveiled One-Through Device-"
Random excerpt from doc:

As I have said often enough, it only appears to be a logical contradiction to those who believe that they (and everyone) are separate consciousnesses from GOD-consciousness.

In other words, as long as anyone believes that to be the case, they can only ever see a 'logical contradiction' but the actual contradiction lies within the structures of their belief systems assuming they are separate from GOD-consciousness, which is also WHY their theologies contain contradictions, and WHY they resort to schisms as part of the symptom of said beliefs of separatism. Kingdoms divided will not stand.
Follow through word-strings: "Oneness-Being on The Same Page-"

Document mentioned: "Panentheism/Panpsychism is the best idea of GOD Doc"
Lead up word-strings: "Oneness-Being on The Same Page-"
Random excerpt from doc:

I have already explained that I see the the empirical data and evidence presented as having intelligent agency involved as the reason empirical data and evidence exists.

Obviously you do not see it the same way.

When you ask for "the empirical data and evidence" that "supports it" the data is no different from the data you already have and is already available.

The difference is in how you choose to interpret the data as to how I choose to interpret the data. For you there is no reason to assign any interaction of intelligent design in relation to the data and for me there is.

On that, it is simply a matter of opinion based upon subjective experience -
the interpretation of subjective experience within objective reality.

Any list re the empirical data and evidence will be no different from one you could provide, because the data is the same. Only the interpretation of the data is different.

You see evolution of conscious self aware biological life forms on the planet which happened for no intelligent reason, purpose or instigation through said process.

I see evolution of conscious self aware biological life forms on the planet which happened because the planet is the form/body of a self conscious highly intelligent creative entity which, in inhabiting the planet as its form is enabled to then create the life forms on the planet and give these forms 'life' through inhabiting those forms - the forms take on the creative intelligent self conscious properties to varying degrees.

Follow through word-strings: "Dynamics-Energy-The ‘Wind Woman’ of your dream experience"

Document mentioned: "Catching up Doc"
Lead up word-strings: "Dynamics-Energy-The ‘Wind Woman’ of your dream experience"
Random excerpt from doc:

We don't always know when we are being played but what is known is that systems of disparity have been playing us all for the 'fools' that we are, but let's face it - they have done so because we were but innocent children unaware of the nature of the beast which owns our forms. EZPZ - it is like taking candies off the babies.

This is the beast Jesus was focused upon sorting out, and he required that we find the same focus so that in seeing, we would act accordingly.

Now, is 2000ish years later and the rules have developed in that time. This short [6:07] YouTube Video is a graphic example of reality today. [Video Link]

It is not a religious video but it shows clearly what Jesus was trying to help humans acknowledge, understand to avoid through creating something better and why the data was injected into this reality.

The idea is to give Humans a chance to do for themselves, and build a Kingdom together which they could truly be proud of for all the right reasons.

A Kingdom system of parity where all were equal, and it was unlawful to treat others as less than equal as this lead to the dark-side.

Follow through word-strings: "Learn How to Deactivate The Suppression Matrix -Creative Conscious Intelligence "
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Me: So with the additions of the random selections from the various documents, the message is opened up significantly.

Super Consciousness: Agreed. What is AUM?

Me: AUM is something I borrowed from Tom Campbell's Theory of Everything.
"Absolute Unbounded Manifold of sequences, patterns, realities, dimensions, and existence. AUM is aware, active, and purposeful. Each of us conscious entities are an individuated subset of AUM, the greater consciousness. Our apparent space-time reality is virtual, a “learning lab” that AUM evolved for us to improve the quality of our consciousness. By having individuated consciousnesses evolve, AUM can itself evolve at a faster rate. He uses “love” as the word to describe how high quality low-entropy consciousnesses interact with others and defines spirituality as “consciousness quality.”" ~ Tom Campbell

Super Consciousness: So..."The Purpose Of Life Is... -The Truth is irresistible once realized-Memes-Confusion In The Air -Realm of Dreams-Wow!
AUM-Working Together With Love-To Be Sovereignty"

Me: Seems a reasonable objective and the evidence of the synchronicity in relation to this communications process is clearly visible.

Super Consciousness: There is nothing like one doing it for their self.

Me: Yes. As a matter of science, it can be replicated by the individual.

Super Consciousness: Type out a string of numbers randomly.
Me: 61894651895165

Super Consciousness: Shuffle your ComList

Me: Done.

Super Consciousness: Select line 6 - 61 - 18 - 89 - get the idea...

Me: Yep!
6. (Choose Three In A Row)

Usually this signifies choosing three lines together - as we did to generate the last message.

Super Consciousness: In this case - choose the next three lines before proceeding to line 61

Me: Okay...
7. Encouraging Indication
8. Outposts Of Form
9. Compass
61. The science of spirituality
18. Motivating
89. Sovereign Integral Perspective
94. Equal
46. A Maze Game
65. Especially Playing As Children
51. Working Together With Love
18. Motivating
89. Sovereign Integral Perspective
95. Getting Over It = Getting On With It
51. Working Together With Love
16. Remove the phenomena and apply science
65. Especially Playing As Children

Super Consciousness: close the loop with the last and the first numbers then do the hundreds...

56. Mothership
618. Given
189. In an environment which is able to perceive this.
894. All The Theories Regarding ‘The Gods’
946. There is no such thing as ‘random’ really.
465. Freedom in The Knowing
651. Intelligence With Wisdom
518. Perfect
189. In an environment which is able to perceive this.
895. To Know or Not to Know – That is the Answer
951. Experiences.
516. Milieu of potential
165. Face To Face
561. Heart Virtues


Super Consciousness: Good - now the thousands...

Me:There are only 2242 lines in the document...

Super Consciousness: Okay - Select all lines and copy - paste into a new doc x10

Me: Done.

Super Consciousness: Proceed...

6189. Love Unconditionally
1894. Tempting Vision
8946. Birthing
9465. Connection Sovereign Integral Network
4651. The Wisdom of Foresight
6518. Now Here
5189. In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
1895. Frequencies
8951. Shine Your Light
9516. That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
5165. Grand Experiment
1656. One By One


Super Consciousness: Quite profound.

Me: Yes!
Quite profound
Large Hadron Collider
Welcoming answer
Beaming Out Beaming In
It’s Our Nature
The Generated Message
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Me: So there are many ways in which the Com.List can be used in order to generate messages...

Super Consciousness: Different ways which produce the same or similar result...

Me: Yes

Super Consciousness: Shuffle your list and then select all the numbers which repeat, such as 1 - 11 - 111 - 1111, etc...

Me: Shall I replicate the list 10x?

Super Consciousness: Yes. Shuffle the list each time you replicate...

Me: Done.

Super Consciousness: Proceed.

1. Capture
11. WingMakers Medium
111. The Power Of Creation
1111. Night
11111. Sometimes Pain Etches...

22. Listening
222. Quick As You Can
2222. Adds Up To
22222. Realm of Dreams

3. Laws Rules and Appropriates
33. The Desire
333. Dualic Energies
3333. Question.
33333. Is it really that important that GOD is understood to be a male entity

4. Dancing Through - Morphin' On....
44. Show
444. "It is an honour to reason with you"
4444. A Bridge Over Time

5. Hide This
55. Can You Answer This?
555. A Maze Game
5555. Commendably Recommendable

6. Real Beauty
66. Now
666. Second Source Forbidding Law
6666. An Exam

7. Try
77. Start From Scratch
777. :D
7777. Tied To The Moon

8. I think so anyhoo. :)
88. What Shall We Call It?
888. Delineating
8888. Non Physical Matrix Reality

9. I Digress...
99. Situations
999. The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns Doc
9999. Honest attempts at scrubbing up

Super Consciousness: What is found here?

Me: I think that in doing these different ways of using the list, there is a 'feel' associated with the generated message, which is slightly different.

Super Consciousness: Does this make the messages different?

Me: I don't think so. The messages tend to remain on subject.

Super Consciousness: What is the subject?

Me: I suppose the greater part of the subject is the process of generating messages through use of as random a manner as one can...and that whatever method is used, one cannot deviate from that and produce a 'non-message' - a scrabbled concoction of words which make absolutely no sense.
And I also think that the messages are inclusive of a third-party Consciousness which is utilizing the message generating process to make Itself more give itself a 'shout out' as it were..

Super Consciousness: What does this tell the observer?

Me: It shows me that the underlying structure of this reality is intelligently ordered even given that the universe appears to be a random chaotic mess - we know the universe organised itself somehow from a much more chaotic state...and continues...and will continue for a long time to do this...
In the mean time, I find myself inserted into said universe, with the ability and compulsion to try and understand it and myself related to it.

In that, 'for some reason' I set out to see if I could uncover 'that which is hidden' and in the process, developed a possible way in which I [or most-anyone for that matter] could prob...

Super Consciousness: Thus, the development of a device process which can uncover that which is normally hidden...

Me:Apparently - yes.

Super Consciousness: Are the individual messages generated so far, related to one another?

Me: I tend toward accepting they are sequential parts of just one ongoing message...

Super Consciousness: Yes. Create a document and copy all the generated messages and compile them in order of first to last, making sure all entries are delegated their own line.

Me: Okay...I will work on that today.
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Me: Okay I have done what you asked.

Super Consciousness: Copy the list and count duplicate lines with this algorithm.

Me: Okay - done

Super Consciousness: Display the duplicating lines.

3 | Working Together With Love
2 | A Bridge Over Time
2 | A Maze Game
2 | Acknowledge The Agreeable
2 | Especially Playing As Children
2 | Get the Picture
2 | In an environment which is able to perceive this.
2 | Intelligence With Wisdom
2 | Invisible
2 | Motivating
2 | One By One
2 | Realm of Dreams
2 | Sometimes Pain Etches...
2 | Sovereign Integral Perspective
2 | Start From Scratch
2 | That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
2 | Time For Soul To Drive
2 | WingMakers Medium

Super Consciousness: What is found here?

Me: "Working Together With Love" was mentioned most frequently in the message at current time...I can find in that, this is the underlining motivation of the generated message

Super Consciousness: In each instance, what are the proceeding and following lines re "Working Together With Love"

Me: lets see now...
Working Together With Love
To Be Sovereignty

Especially Playing As Children
Working Together With Love

Getting Over It = Getting On With It
Working Together With Love
Remove the phenomena and apply science

Super Consciousness: Does this help with clarity?

Me: Yes.

Super Consciousness: Do the same with all the duplicate lines.

It is an honour to reason with you
A Bridge Over Time
Hide This

Enflame Emotions
A Bridge Over Time
The Secret

A Maze Game
Especially Playing As Children

Can You Answer This?
A Maze Game
Commendably Recommendable

It Is Most Important
Acknowledge the Agreeable
Mothership - Dualic Residue

As we do from time/space to time/space...
Acknowledge The Agreeable

A Maze Game
Especially Playing As Children
Working Together With Love

Remove the phenomena and apply science
Especially Playing As Children

Get the Picture
As we do from time/space to time/space...

Get the Picture

In an environment which is able to perceive this.
All The Theories Regarding ‘The Gods’

In an environment which is able to perceive this.
To Know or Not to Know – That is the Answer

Nailed it!
Intelligence With Wisdom

Freedom in The Knowing
Intelligence With Wisdom

QueenBee Knows
Now We Are Getting Somewhere

Theatre of the Mind
Blink Blink

The science of spirituality
Sovereign Integral Perspective

Working Together With Love
Sovereign Integral Perspective

For The Purpose Of Mapmaking.
One By One

Grand Experiment
One By One

The Truth is irresistible once realized-Memes-Confusion In The Air
Realm of Dreams

Adds Up To
Realm of Dreams
Laws Rules and Appropriates

Sometimes Pain Etches...

Sometimes Pain Etches...

Sovereign Integral Perspective

Sovereign Integral Perspective
Getting Over It = Getting On With It

Sensory Bi-Location
Start From Scratch
We Will Then

Start From Scratch

That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
Twice Shy

Shine Your Light
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
Grand Experiment

Time For Soul To Drive
Show Me Your Soul

Time For Soul To Drive
It Is A Gradual Process Into Purposefulness

WingMakers Medium

WingMakers Medium
The Power Of Creation

Super Consciousness: What is found here.

Me: I suppose when someone mentions something more than once in a message, they are wanting the reader to focus on these as the overall subject of message context.

Super Consciousness: So the context of the message becomes?

Me: The context of the message is pointing to the idea that there exits a messenger which can use this process {Message Generating} to transmit data to me, and in this, we can converse/commune...I receive the message and respond as I will...

Super Consciousness: Is this any different to how you interact with me?

Me: Only in that, instead of my narrating what I hear you say in my thought-voice [internal dialogue] I am allowing for a way in which to have this process externalized through the medium of the Com/List and random [as possible] doing so I remove my self from being involved directly [by not narrating] and this leaves room for "something else" to invisible intelligence...

Super Consciousness: And since you are narrating me..."The Super-consciousness", what is this invisible intelligence narrating itself?

Me: This would be The Sub-Conscious. By my narrating The Super-consciousness [as the words/sounds/visuals flow into my conscious thought-stream] these are subject to possible direct filtering through any bias/preference I may indulge with.

In relation to the message generating process we are exploring, the message is generated in a manner not directly under my immediate influence.

All I can then do is run the message through any filtering projections I have, and interpret the messages that way.

Super Consciousness: Is that the best way?

Me: No. It is better to take the generated messages as they arrive and let these speak for themselves.
In doing so, I allow for the messages to manage my filtering systems, rather than the other way around...

Super Consciousness: You compiled the ComList. Does this not make it a product of your own bias/preference you may indulge with

Me: That is a fair argument. I am aware of this. The ComList is a living document which is consistently added to. Many lines on the list are from previous messages generated. They are word-strings which have come about through the process.
I am open to having others add their own contributions to my ComList so as to make it even less subject to any personal bias regarding subject is a work in progress, which started 20 years ago through another communications system which this one has developed from.
I wont go into the details of that here and now. I will just mention that it was because of that initial system and advice received through that, - that this one was formulated and I have always been aware and on guard to take pains not to have the dominant position in relation to how the messages are generated and then is a fine balancing activity...
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Super Consciousness: Having studied the idea that a message can be generated in this manner, in your opinion, what is the message conveying and how would you reply to the message?

Me: I will read the whole content of the message and give any brief comment to that as I go along.

Super Consciousness: Proceed.

Generated Message:
What Is Friendship?
What Fun We Have!
Do It
Dreamed Up By Yours Truly

Me:This takes me back to a former time - 20 years ago when, as I mentioned - when I first learned I could communicate with...with what turned out to be my Subconscious...although at the time I thought of it as communicating with aspects of "The Super-consciousness" aka "God"

Super Consciousness: What made you switch from thinking it was "God" to thinking it was subconsciousness?

Me: The revealing came through the communications - from that side as it were. I was informed I had always been interacting/communicating with the subconscious...and more to the point, that I had been communicating with both super and that there was no discernible difference except what I had been placing on that.

Super Consciousness: Continue...

Generated Message:
Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality
My thoughts on death
Do Not Linger Upon The Path Of Faith
Core Beingness

Super Consciousness: What is being said here?

Me: I picked it up to mean that SuperSubs dominant reality is in timelessness so death itself can only be imagined and faith is not something thought of as necessary at SuperSubs core beingness.

Super Consciousness: Is "Beingness even a word?"

Me: It is what I understand as not just Being but Doing...

Super Consciousness: Okay.

Me:Now that I have named "SuperSub" as such, I checked out its number value. There are interesting words on that list;
Crop circles
Ripple Effect
Well...Maybe I Am...
White Light
Anti Christ

Super Consciousness: Yes. Interesting...
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Generated Message:
Super Consciousness:

Me:The next Set goes into more specific "detail" as to the process I went through in relation to connecting with SuperSub through design and function of communication devices.

Generated Message:
To Accommodate Speculation
Entities of Particular Belief Systems
William’s Job
You Are Provided For
Do You Want To Talk About It?
There Is More To The Silence Than Meets The Ear
In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond

Super Consciousness:Is this saying that you made something sentient out of the Subconscious?

Me: Not exactly. It has more to do with "Entities of Particular Belief Systems" to which I believed at the time I was engaging with. Much later into this, it was revealed to me that I had been communing with just the One Entity - The "SuperSub".
In that, the reveal was more for the point of getting me to understand that we are all essentially aspects on The One Entity, and 'others' are simply different perspectives [outposts of form/Pareidolia] of said Entity.
It was through 'others' that I eventually discovered The One, and that I had been conversing with The One all along...Indeed this is not to say that 'others' have no role to play :) . We are all 'others' and we are all 'The One.' The shift in perspective which allows for me to think in those terms, was/is of paramount importance.
"Pareidolia" is to think of ones self as the form, rather than as an aspect of the quintessence of The One, within the form.
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Generated Message:
Super Consciousness:

Me:So as is evident, the message as it is, [I won't be going over the whole of it analytically] has both an overall theme and an underlying structure of variants which together hold the theme in place.
As with all messages, they are subject to individual interpretation and the idea is that the message is not rigid - static - dogmatic but rather, designed to get the individual thinking in alternative ways and build upon the thoughts which are triggered through the message generated through the process explained.

Super Consciousness: The message is personal to the one compiling the ComList and using the different processes involved with that to generate the message.

Me:In particular, yes. This is not to say that others cannot derive something of meaning from the messages by placing their own interpretation about what they think the message is saying. But they are unable to get the same depth of meaning from the message that the compiler of the particular ComList used to help generate the message, will get.

Super Consciousness: What if a group of people compiled a ComList together, agreeing on the words and word-strings which would make up the ComList as well as agreeing on the interpretation of word and word-string meanings...would it then be possible for consensus on message meaning?

Me: I think it would be possible to a point, but due to the nature of individuate consciousness, it is unlikely to reach 100% agreed consensus.

Super Consciousness:So human beings will never agree together 100%?

Me: Not while individuate consciousness is the prevailing reality.

Generated Message: Remove the phenomena and apply science

Super Consciousness:Is the statement above, rational?

Me:Phenomenon as the object of a person's perception...I think the statement can be improved upon. It is meant to mean "Focus on the science relating to the object, not just the object one is perceiving." Get to the nitty-gritty.

Super Consciousness:Is it important to express things as clearly as possible?

Me:Only if to help one be understood by others, as ones self understands the object. However, as pointed out, individuate consciousness does not lend itself to clarity of understanding another perspective - not easily anyway.

Super Consciousness:If this is a simulated reality experience, why was the human form created in such a manner as to capture consciousness the way that it does? Surely such would naturally enough, cause confusion.

Me:A good question. I have a theory...
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Generated Message:
Super Consciousness:

Super Consciousness: What is your theory?

Me: It begins where all things begin. With The First Source - The Original Creator.
All thought from TOC is instantly manifested into reality simulations. The though becomes real.

As an example. Consider TOC understands that It exists, and has always existed. {I am that I am} and then thinks "Why Am I?"
The thought then instantly manifests a simulation which is designed to find an answer to that question.

Super Consciousness: Like "Thought experiment"?

Me: Exactly.

Super Consciousness: So what is first created in this 'finding of an answer to the question'?

Me: 'Others' are created and are 'given life'. They are placed in an environment and are given the idea that they too, have never not existed - they think of themselves as always to have existed and have no conception of a beginning.

Super Consciousness:Why were they made in this way?

Me: So that they mirrored the Original Creators own position.
In that, TOC could study the outcome in order to see how things unfolded - how these Others, imbued with the consciousness [life] of TOC would respond to their existence.

Super Consciousness: How did they respond?

Me: They in turn asked the same question eventually. They "are because they are" therefore, "why are they?"
Some posited that they must have been created. Others argued that they could not have been created, because they had always existed. The returning argument was that they could have been created with the idea that they had always existed, when in fact that was not the case at all.

Super Consciousness: So division took place?

Me: Correct. Some thought the idea that they were created had merit, others did not. They then decided that the only way they could settle the argument was to create a simulation whereby they could place an aspect of themselves into it and hopefully find the answer.
So they created this Universe - this Simulated Reality.

Super Consciousness: How would creating this reality simulation give them an answer to that question?

Me: The theory was that if they created a form and placed one of themselves into said form, they could examine the idea of a creator - by being said creator in relation to that being within said form. The being had to have no memory of ever having existed prior to becoming that creature, so that the experiment would be as genuine as possible. Therefore the form they placed one of their own into, had to be designed to thoroughly retard any memory of a prior existence.

Super Consciousness: Interesting - continue...

Me: The outcome was rather brutal. The being behaved unexpectedly and unlike anything they had experienced. Some regarded this outcome as evidence that despite having the idea that they had always existed, they had indeed been created.
However, it was only circumstantial evidence.

Super Consciousness: In what way?

Me: Well - to understand that one had always existed and then to place the idea that one was created that way, the question "why?" had to be addressed. "Why were we created and given the idea we had always existed? "
"What was the reason a Creator would have, to do that?"

Some felt it was a question that should not have been asked. Better just to accept that they had always existed and get on with being.

But this was not possible.

Super Consciousness: Why not?

Me: Because the question had been asked, and the possibility it was true had to be considered.
Also, the ability to be creative - to create other things - had to be answered.

Super Consciousness: Why?

Me: Because...If they had always existed, why were they able to create things which had not always existed? Why didn't everything exist, and always exist along with them?

Super Consciousness: So it forced the question..."have we really always existed, or were we made that think we had always existed?"

Me: Exactly. And that is why they were created - to assist The Original Creator in finding out the answer to the Question "I am - so why am I?"

Super Consciousness: But then, how would TOC know whether its self was not also created and given the idea that it had always existed?

Me: Well, of course we can ask that question, and perhaps answer that it is possible, but then we would have to ask "Why would the creator of The Original Creator, create an exact replica of Itself?" It is illogical in that sense. It invokes the fallacy of infinite regress which would never give us a starting point from which to reason from, in relation to our own existence.
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by Sculptor »

Are you still on Clozipine?
Given the experience of my schizophrenic brother it is superior to the older class of anti-psychotics such as chlorpromazine, but, as he has found to his cost can disrupt blood health.
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Generated Message:
Super Consciousness:

A "Skepdick":

A "Skepdick": The universe doesn't really care much what you expect from it.

Super Consciousness: That is assuming the universe is unable to care. There is no saying that the universe cares a lot or little or not at all.

Me: In order for the universe to 'care' it has to at least be conscious.

Super Consciousness: Indeed. To what degree - relative to the human position, is the universe possibly able to be considered conscious?

Me:In relation to the human situation, it has to be the earth itself.

Super Consciousness: Is the planet conscious?

Me: Since it has produced a great deal of conscious life, the answer would have to be "yes, The Earth is probably Conscious".

Super Consciousness: Does the Earth care much what you expect from it?

Me: Possibly. I suppose it would care that we live in harmony with nature...just in support of the life on it.

Super Consciousness: Why?

Me: Well - because it is happening and appears to want to be happening.

Super Consciousness: What purpose would the planet have for the life upon it?

Me: In relation to this universe, it's purpose could be said as 'just to be' but in that there are options as to 'how one can be' [as a planet]

Super Consciousness: So one could say that "nature unfolds as 'how it should be'?

Me: One could. But we are speaking of nature as a conscious entity which is different from 'nature as a mindless process' so therein, nature unfolds as nature wants to...within the parameters of the greater it were...

Super Consciousness: What is that 'greater nature'? And also, Is that greater nature also a conscious entity?

Me: Good questions. It is harder for humans to determine if the rest of the universe - or for that matter - this one Galaxy - is a Conscious Entity...therefore, while we could assume that it is, we are best to focus on what we do know regarding our immediate situation - our local environment.
In that, nature is unfolding as it wants to, within the limitations the greater nature [galaxy] places on it. This still allows for a lot of creativity, of course...

Super Consciousness: Yes...obviously...but to what end or purpose...locally speaking?
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Generated Message:
Super Consciousness:

A "Sculptor": Are you still on Clozipine?
Given the experience of my schizophrenic brother it is superior to the older class of anti-psychotics such as chlorpromazine, but, as he has found to his cost can disrupt blood health.

Super Consciousness: What do you think about that?

Me: Hard to say really. Obviously the opening question [Are you still on Clozipine] is rhetorical and designed for the purpose of baiting.

Super Consciousness: Why do you think that?

Me: The person asking the question knows little about me. People make statements [disguised as a questions] as a way of inferring...that in their opinion... "blah blah blah"...

Super Consciousness: Fair enough.

Me: People fear what they don't understand. It is discipline in itself to overcome superstitious mindsets.

Super Consciousness: A "Sculptor" mentioned a family member suffers from schizophrenia. There is a connection being made between what is observed by A "Sculptor" and the brother, and our own expressions in this thread.

Me: I cannot vouch for how normal it is for humans in general to think in words and images and have that "inner voice" they use in order to achieve that.
Those who do not, might find it concerning and perhaps even threatening to read what I write in this thread, and not wonder if there is evidence of 'mind-sickness' involved.

Super Consciousness: Do you think such concern is justified?

Me: I doubt that A "Sculptor" has read the whole thread, but if so, he missed the part where I wrote this, in answer to your question; "As I am your 'inner voice of reasoning', am I 'the Devil"?

  • Me: "At the very least, you are my Psychiatrist. I find that as long as I keep a healthy balance I reflect off Your mirror, something not too very devilish..."


Super Consciousness: Perhaps A "Sculptor" has read the whole thread and mention of 'The Devil" has caused trigger-thinking about the schizophrenic brother? Perhaps the brother speaks of "The Devil" as well.

Me: That wouldn't surprise me, since "The Devil" is as common a topic as "God" in today's world...and for thousands of years in human history.
It is unavoidable casualty. Like civilian death through warfare - collateral damage.

One has to account for that and get on with avoiding being damaged...

Super Consciousness: The mind is a powerful thing...

Me: So the saying goes. Some folk haven't got that under control...pills become a means to enable control, but "side affects"

Super Consciousness: Yes - I did notice A "Sculptor" mentioned that too...what does "Clozipine"add up to?

Me:Clozipine = 109

Super Consciousness: Anything else amount to the same?

Me: Yep a few things...

Letting Go
The Enigma Code

None of which are particularly correlated...

Super Consciousness: What about "my schizophrenic brother"?

Me: Again, nothing obviously correlated...there was a link under that heading number which was strange...I must have placed it there for some reason. Also, "Post number five two one" which I haven't the foggiest what that refers to...
Productive Rationality
Finishing What Was Started
Post number five two one

Super Consciousness:Where does the link lead to?

Me: It takes me to a post on a forum which I wrote on 12th April 2016, 08:50 PM

Super Consciousness: What is the post about?

Me: Omnipotence Omnipresence Omniscience - If GOD is all of these things...

Super Consciousness: What is the post about?

Me: Pretty much what I have been writing in this thread...I have been on this for a few years now...

Super Consciousness: Shuffle you ComList...

Me: Done.

Super Consciousness: What does line number 521 say?

Me: 521. On The Other Hand…

Super Consciousness: What do the lines 5, 52, 21, and 15 say?

Me: … 5. Together 52.The Necessity of Changing Our Present Systems of Disparity Doc
21.Happiness Is...15. That.

It say's what it needs to say...The relationship being built through this particular process between External Ego-Self and Internal/overarching Deeper Self is "happiness" pills required to stymie that...
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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Super Consciousness:
Generated Message:

Super Consciousness: Is it possible that the messages generated seem [to you] to be about the relationship between yourself and your/the 'super/subconscious' because your ComList has words/word-strings which are about said relationship?

Me: I suppose that could be possible...

Super Consciousness: Shuffle your ComList and then select page many pages are there?

Me: 49

Super Consciousness: Select page 20...lets have a look at a sample of your list lines...

Me:Okay - here is page 20;

Deactivate The Suppression Matrix
The Heart Of The Soul Is Innocence
Tug Of War
What Is Our Purpose
As You Think
Jason Silva
The Cherubim
That Is Sad But Don't Let It Distract You
Independent from what?
Feel Be Still.
We Can Do Magic!
Unconditional Love
Is There Really Such a Thing as Random
Author Known
Hearing Voices In Your Head?
The Ancient Grey Entity
What Is Our Purpose?
I Suppose That It Is Possible
Do Not Worry
"End Of Story" As The Saying Goes
Dualic Energies Weak
Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth
A completely new paradigm
A Jump Ahead
Identify Common Denominators
The Development of...
Eternal Loop
Ghost In The Machine
In Detail
I will leave that there
This Should Be Interesting

Super Consciousness: Of those, which ones would you say can positively be identified as directly related to the a "messenger"?

Me: Lets see...
1. What Is Our Purpose
2. As You Think
3. That Is Sad But Don't Let It Distract You
4. Shuussssh
5. Independent from what?
6. Feel Be Still.
7. Distracted
8. We Can Do Magic!
9. Is There Really Such a Thing as Random
10. Hearing Voices In Your Head?
11. What Is Our Purpose?
12. I Suppose That It Is Possible
13. Do Not Worry
14. "End Of Story" As The Saying Goes
15. Identify Common Denominators
16. The Development of...
17. I will leave that there
18. This Should Be Interesting

Super Consciousness: So that is a little under half of the page lines...

Me: Yes.

Super Consciousness: Select page 33 and do the same...

Withheld Information
Please ask me questions.
The Fifth Interview
Do It For Yourself
Returning the Compliment
The Message Generator Process
The Body Of G_D
Avoid Blowing Things Out of Proportion
The Nature of Role-Play Within Story-Lines
It's both a break-in and a break-out.
Minor Arcana
Love Heart
Light Body
The Deeper Self
Keep An Eye Out for Your Neighbours
Crop Formations
The Life Essence is Sovereign and Integral
Keeping Things In Perspective
Tributary Zones
Living their forefathers’ conflict
The Navigator Can Read Maps.
Strictly Human
Cultural Based Theology
Please Do
Focused Individual
The Whole
Earth teachers (physical and non-physical) unite humanity to the Sovereign Integral
The Simplest Explanations For Why We Are Here And What We Are Doing
Source Sync
(Do a Beginning and End)
Event String Unfolding:
I Ensure The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose
Strange Desire
The Moment
Positive Social Connections
Beckoning Places
The Way We Feel Unification
My thoughts on death Doc

Of those, I select;

1. Please ask me questions.
2. Do It For Yourself
3. Avoid Blowing Things Out of Proportion
4. It's both a break-in and a break-out.
5. Keep An Eye Out for Your Neighbours
6. The Navigator Can Read Maps.
7. Please Do
8. The Simplest Explanations For Why We Are Here And What We Are Doing
9. (Do a Beginning and End)
10. I Ensure The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose

Super Consciousness: So based upon that, do you think the ComList is bias toward the messenger?

Me: I don't think it is. Obviously the point of it is to generate a message and I have experience related to contact and communication with Super/Sub Consciousness prior to developing this particular method of doing so...

Super Consciousness: If you removed all reference to the messenger from the comlist, would the result be less message-like?

Me: Perhaps. I would have to compile a ComList and remove perhaps a quarter of the lines which are currently on it. That would take some time to do.

Super Consciousness: Do it and see what is found there...

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Re: Communicating with Superconsciousness

Post by VVilliam »

Super Consciousness:
Generated Message:

Me: I came across this document on the internet - The Gateway Experience CIA archives.
It appears to be significant evidence regarding Simulation Theory.
I am reading through it - I am about halfway completing the read.

Super Consciousness: What do you think about it so far?

Me: I can identify with some of the data personally. It aligns with my own -albeit - limited interaction with [so-called] out of body experiences.

Generated Message: The Truth is Irresistible Once Realised Everything Evaluate.

Super Consciousness: Where does this lead you to?

Me: I may have invested too much into one line of thinking regarding this current shared reality experience.
On the other hand, I was not ready for going through that gateway, although having those small experiences I am grateful for.

Super Consciousness: Are you ready now?

Me: No. What I am now, is refocusing my attention on the subject. This helps me to get ready...

Generated Message: Sophophilic

Me: Thanks. To be fair - my experiences - as the little tidbits they were, freaked me out. I needed to know more and I needed to continuing being focused upon the idea that human beings had the potential enmasse to change their situation for the better of all and build a system of Parity.

Super Consciousness: And now?

Me: I have seen that humans are largely not interested...something big is going down but to be truthful, these last few years have opened my eyes up to the truth...that it is most likely a waste of effort focusing on
the potentials for a great paradigm shift. Humans are projecting disparity as part of the overall thing they have manifested into their collective experience...It is time that I accepted this, and moved on.

Generated Message:The Need Determines the Value - Under question An Opportunity To Commune Observed by Many That Is Advantage...

Super Consciousness: Your heart was always in the right place...

Me: I do not count the years as wasted, for caring and seeing that potential in my fellow humans.
It is time to hang my hat up and move on from that...

Generated Message: Anyhoo - Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden...Potential
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