Munchauseen Trilemma as Foundation for Philosophy

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Munchauseen Trilemma as Foundation for Philosophy

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

1. All being exists as assumed through a process of imprinting upon what is formless. This imprint can be on the subconsciousness or it may be the imprint of something of form, such as a rock, onto something else which is formless such as sand. All being exists through a process of imprinting which allows for the phenomena to exist as repeating through time.

2. Infinite regress occurs through an ever changing "now", where "now" acts as the perpetual means, between future and past, as the change of phenomenon.

3. The continual circularity of phenomenon occurs through the replication of the phenomenon across time. One thing repeating, such as a particle repeating itself across space through time, is the cycling of a phenomena.
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