Uncaused Cause

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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skeptic griggsy
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Re: Uncaused Cause

Post by skeptic griggsy »

Craig is counting on nobody noticing that he is introducing a red herring- an ignoratio elenchi- with the Hilbert Hotel and the other analogies as they all beg the question of a beginning. Others do answer those analogies, and he has his responses. Actually, no one would have to count rooms and books as one can add infinity to infinity without numbering.
He and Alvin Platinga are master sophisticated sophists of supercilious farragoes of abstruse and with Planting of modal argumentation, but which when amply examined leads to frustrating feeling of forlornness due to their prolixity of preposterous problems.

Andrew Smoltczyk, German journalist declares that God is neither a person, an entity or a principle but the ultimate explanation, but then if not a person nor an entity , He cannot act to implement Himself as such![
Therefore, God is vacuous as we ignostics declare, and thus cannot exist! :oops:
How can He be the First Cause when the argument from existence notes that as Existence is all, there can be no external cause or material, whence it comes.It eternally transforms itself from the quantum field as the law of conservation holds. See " Atheist Universe." :wink:
The infine regress argument, in line with physics, notes that cause, event and time presuppose previous ones.
Some theists allege that He is outside time- timeless, but then He couldn't act within time. Craig alleges otherwise, but in the end winds up no better.

Blessings and Goodwill to all! :mrgreen:
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Re: Uncaused Cause

Post by IgnosticMorgan »

Craig would have us believe that Yeshua is God is thus the Uncaused Cause,but as with the Kalam, he fails as he is so credulous in taking the Christian Testament as true instead of taking the skeptical approach to discern that we have no way of verifying what the authors allege, miracles are natural and no Resurrection could ever occur per the presumption of naturalism and its Hume's corollary.
How can there exist a being that cannot exist outside Existence as my thread arguments about Him illuminates? How could such a non-existent being cause anything? Craig ignores matters,just concentrating on sophistry!
We can discuss all this @ arguments about Him. :oops:
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