God and COVID-19

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Age »

Averroes wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 12:43 pm Dying as a Muslim in a state/condition that is pleasing to Allah, the Almighty. For example, like the death of prophet David(pbuh). When the Angel of Death came to Prophet David(pbuh), the latter welcomed him, and was ready to die on the spot. Or like the future death of Angel Gabriel (pbuh), who will die in prostration to Allah, the Almighty. These are the deaths that I aspire to, and I always ask Allah, the Most Merciful in my prayers for a good death and not a shameful return.
"Dying as a muslim, which pleases Allah/God", just means that that one has passed on leaving to the next generation a "world" that is Truly at peace.

Obviously, whenever any and every person that dies, in the days of when this is being written, passes on a "world" in turmoil and certainly not a "world of peace". So, no matter if one calls them self a "muslim" in this day and age, when this is written, they are not leaving this "place" in a state/condition that is pleasing Allah/God at all. You can ask from any one you like for any thing you like. But, be forewarned any time you ask for any thing that is for you only, or for a select few only, then that does NOT please Allah/God at all, and what you will actually get is the exact very opposite of what you are asking for.

By the way, there is NO thing nor NO one that is going to give you some thing. If 'you', as an adult human being, want some thing, then you have to do what it takes to get it yourself. So, if you want to die a Truly happy person in a Truly Loving way, then you will have to do all it takes to help in the creating of a Truly Peaceful "world" for Everyone, and not just for some.

The main reason WHY through religionS the "world" is in a far worse way is because ALL religionS only seek out and want what is best for only those ones who follow that particular religion. So, in that sense religion's', with an 's', can be seen as being one of the roots of all evil in the "world". However, a so called "religion", with no 's', that is one way of living, which is being VOLUNTARILY followed by absolutely EVERY one, and which is One "religion" that is Self-guiding, Self-governing, and thus just Self-wanted anyway, then that is just the One and only "religion", if there is one, anyway. (By the way I do not like the word "religion" but for lack of knowing a better word now I just used the "religion" word.)

Maybe the word 'way' is better. The 'way' (''religion'') that is wanted by EVERY one that leads to getting EVERY one what they Truly want and desire anyway is the 'way' ("religion") to follow, and be led by. Any 'way's' (or "religion's") with an 's' is the WRONG way/religion. But thee 'way' ("religion") without any 's' that EVERY one wants, agrees with, and accepts anyway, is the Truly One and only WAY ("religion").

(Sorry "lacewing" I know how much you hate this, but these are just the views from within this head, which I am sharing now. I will not change the views I have just to please some of the people, any time.)
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 amIf that be so, then examples of shameful deaths in my judgement are: the death of Pharaoh, the death of Nimrod, and the future death of Satan, the cursed, among others. And I ask Allah, the Almighty to preserve me, the Muslims and my loved ones from such deaths.
You can ask from any one you like for any thing you like. But, be forewarned any time you ask for any thing that is for you only, or for a select few only, then that does NOT please Allah/God at all, and what you will actually get is the exact very opposite of what you are asking for.

Also, why do you ask for only those people? Why not ALL people?
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am
Age wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 3:47 pm Why do you separate, and select, only some human beings to be preserved?
This is a very good question, thank you for asking that.

In Islam, I am forbidden by my Lord, the Almighty from imposing Islam on anyone, as Allah says in the following verse in the Holy Quran that there is no compulsion in religion:
  • There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut (the Rebel, the Satan) and believes in Allah, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. [Quran, interpretation of meaning 2:256]
That also means that I cannot impose what I consider to be good and bad on other people who do not share in my faith.
And what this means from Allah/God's perspective is that ONLY the 'way' that ANY one would and wants to follow VOLUNTARILY is the ONLY True and Right 'way'. When it is discovered that there is actually One 'way', (sorry "lacewing") in which absolutely EVERY one does want to naturally follow W/HOLLY VOLUNTARILY anyway, then that way is thee One and ONLY 'way' that ALL "religion's" are Truly SEEKING and wanting to be Truly adhering to anyway.

EVERY one wants and has faith in PEACE, but it is from human's hand that different versions of "religion's" are formed and made and it is through this separating process where peace is not taught and followed, but the exact opposite is taught and followed. The Truly unintended consequences of forming DIFFERENT religion's is that this is 'evil' in action, and not 'peace' at all.

Obviously, the DIFFERENCES in all 'religion's' is human made, this happens because people put their own 'spin' on what thee One and only actual Truth IS. This happens completely unintentionally because of the previous past experiences, which has influenced them to LOOK AT and SEE things from a 'distorted' perspective and it is this 'distortion' that has put one's own 'spin', in religion.

Peace is the EXACT SAME in ALL religion's and the driving force and reason behind WHY all religion's, but the reason WHY ALL previously religion's up to now, when this is written do not work, is because they are written and formed BY only a few, which tended to be men, by the way. Thus, Allah/God being wrongly labelled a "he". These religion's were also written FOR only a few, as well, which is why they have never worked and will never work.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 amFor example, as I already said, I consider the conditions in which Pharaoh and Nimrod died to be shameful, but not everyone will share my point of view. So for the latter people, I cannot impose on them my belief of what I consider to be shameful by asking for them to be preserved from something they might not consider bad! For example, some people might consider the destiny of Pharaoh to be good, thus if I were to ask for them to be preserved from the shameful death of Pharaoh, then I would be imposing my beliefs on them. Another example as I already said is the future death of Satan, the cursed which I consider to be utterly shameful and disgraceful. You must already know that there are many people nowadays who, in the exercise of their freedom of conscience, are openly worshiping Satan, the cursed.
Yes. I see an example of the worshiping, the concept, of satan, from Allah/God's perspective, right here in your own words. You are desperately seeking a so called "good death" for yourself. Just like in that other religion labeled "christian" the followers are taught to seek forgiveness in order to get a "good death" for themselves also.

From Allah/God's perspective, How greedy can you human beings get? What actually turns out to be more important to 'you', adult human beings, in the days of when this is written, is what happens to 'YOU' when 'you' die? 'you' are ALL far more to concerned about what happens to 'you' in "death", then you are about what happens to your children in 'Life'.

You are so worried and concerned about your own death, that you do not care about the actual life you leave for your children. 'you', adult human beings, have become so concerned, and so worried about 'you' that you have forgotten what Life is all about. Or, for most of 'you', you never even learned what 'Life' is about yet.

The 'afterlife', from Allah/God's perspective, is just in relation to what 'life' that is left for your offspring 'after' you die, and pass on, to your children.

There is obviously only One Life, and when a human body stops breathing and stops pumping blood, then that body just decays, and goes back to the earth as dust to dust, or as ashes to ashes, if it happens to be cremated. There is obviously NOT some other place, nor some other "world" that any one could go to. There is ONLY this One and only Universe, from which one never really leaves.

Human beings do not "pass on" and go somewhere else, when they die. Adult human beings 'pass on' and leave the "world", in which they created, for their children. Life is about doing what is right and good for children, the future off-spring of the species. Life, and living, is about the SPECIES, the children, and not at all about any individual one of the species. But WHY some people beginning worshiping individuals of a species is because they have mistaken that the One, which is meant to be, and I hate to use the term, "worshiped", because of the negative connotation that can be related to it, is the one known as Allah/God, which in the Truest sense is just one's own True Self, which is just the collective One of ALL of us.

Following and being guided by one's own Conscience, God/Allah, then that one is voluntarily doing what they Truly want anyway.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 amFor these people, I am forbidden to go against their freedom of conscience by imposing on them to be preserved from the destiny of their chosen false god.
EVERY 'false god' is any one/any thing other than one's own True Self. Obviously if one is not being their True Self, then they are just being false anyway. And, if one is choosing, following, or worshiping any thing or any one other than their True Self, then they have chosen to follow and be led by a 'false god'.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 amAs a last example, as I said, I consider the future death of Angel Gabriel to be a great death. Angel Gabriel(pbuh) will die in prostration to Allah, the Almighty. There are many people who do not want to worship and prostrate to Allah, the Almighty. So for these people I cannot impose on them something that they are continually refusing to do by asking for them what I consider to be a good death. Would you want me to impose my beliefs on you?
You re-repeating the same thing about three or four times appears that you are 'trying to' impose your beliefs on me anyway.

By the way, and to be truthful I have absolutely no idea nor clue at all what this "death of such and such", "future death of some labeled angel", "dying in prostration to Allah" means at all. But this is probably because I have not had much to do with the quran at all.

Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am Not many people would want that.
If thee Truth be known Allah/God does NOT want human beings to form nor to have any beliefs at all, anyway, because of the detrimental effect they have on all of you. Let alone 'you', human beings, imposing your own personal beliefs onto others.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am But in any case, I can't do that, even if you wanted me to. I can only humbly advise.
Asking people to come and join your own personal religion and to come and believe what you do is NOT being humble at all. In fact Allah/God does NOT want any person to follow nor to listen to absolutely any thing other than what they already KNOW is True and Right deep within their own Self.

God/Allah only wants people to listen to their own True Self, and NEVER telling anyone else what is True and Right. Now this is being what 'humble' means.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am I hope these clarifications answer your pertinent question.
We still have a LONG way to go yet.
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Age »

Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am
Age wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 3:47 pm Is 'your' Allah the exact same as "christians" God
Again this is a very good and pertinent question. Thank you for asking that. For me to be able to answer your question correctly, it is important for us to first consider that Christianity is not a monolithic religion. All those who call themselves Christians do not worship the same deity. There are Christians who consider Prophet Jesus (Pbuh) to be God and others who do not.
So, this is a bit like islam where some followers (muslims) put mohammed on a pedestal more than other muslims do.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am For example, Trinitarian Christians worship Jesus(pbuh) as God while Unitarian Christians do not consider Jesus to be God, but consider him to be only a human messenger of God.
In Islam, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) is considered to be a human messenger of God, the Almighty. In Islam, only God, the Almighty should be worshiped and no one else. Worshiping other than God, the Almighty is considered the greatest sin in Islam. So for those Christians who worship only God, the Almighty and no one else, then we worship the same God. But for those Christians who worship Prophet Jesus or the Trinity or whatever else besides God, then we do not worship the same deity.
I did not ask about 'worshiping'. i asked about Allah/God.

But I do understand what you have said here.

Only when people are worshiping Allah/God as Allah/God, then Allah and God are the EXACT SAME.

So, "jesus" is not Allah/God, "mohammed" is not Allah/God, only Allah/God is Allah/God. 'Allah' and 'God' are therefore just two different words for the EXACT SAME 'thing'.

And, that 'thing', contrary to popular belief, is just one's True Self anyway. (But, in the days of when this is being written, we are still a long way off from having this fully understood yet by most people?)
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am
Age wrote: Thu Apr 02, 2020 3:47 pm Have you or "christians" never considered that Allah/God does NOT care one iota about any one of 'you' over another one?
With all due respect to you, thinking that Allah, the Most Merciful does not care about us is not part of my belief.
Well you certainly very quickly or instantly turned and twisted this around from what I actually said.

I did NOT say that Allah/God does not care about you. I asked have you ever considered that God/Allah does not care about ONE OF 'you' over another one of 'you'?

Of course God/Allah cares about each one of 'you'. This is because God/Allah is just thee True Self of each one of 'you'. But that True Self is the EXACT SAME One. Therefore, God/Allah does NOT care about one of 'you' more than any other one of 'you'.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am Allah, the Almighty created us, and provides for us our sustenance and Allah forgives us when we sincerely ask for His forgiveness.
God/Allah forgives EVERY one of you whether you ask for it or not. This is because God/Allah KNOWS exactly WHY you each do what you do.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am It is because Allah, the Almighty cares for us that Allah has favored us with so much blessings that we cannot even count these blessings.
When you say; the Almighty care for 'us', do you mean Allah cares for each of 'us' DIFFERENTLY, or cares for each of 'us' EXACTLY THE SAME.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am Moreover, Allah, the Most Merciful says in Quran that those who are most righteous have a higher status in His sight.
And from Allah/God's view there is NOT one of 'us' who is the 'most righteous'.

Thinking that some human beings are 'more righteous' than others are, is WHY some people judge others.

Only those who are 'most' righteous, which are only those ones who are doing only what is Right in Life, have the status of being Allah/God It Self.

Allah/God does not LOOK AT and judge some as being 'more right' or 'more better' than others are. Allah/God just LOOKS AT everyone equally. This, of course, does not include the separation between children and adults. Only children can never do wrong. Adults, however, continually do wrong.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am
  • O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. [Quran, interpretation of meaning, 49:13]
Please, I do not want to offend anyone by replying in their place. So I will have to decline answering for the Christian part of your question. Please, see no disrespect to you or anyone in that reservation.

Again, I do not believe that. Allah, the All-Knowing says in the Quran in chapter 4 verse 107 that He does not love one who is an habitually sinful deceiver.
This is True in the sense that EVERY adult human being is habitually sinful.

Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am For example, Satan, the cursed who is an habitual sinful deceiver is completely removed from the mercy of Allah, the Almighty.
Once again, this is just EVERY adult human being.

Adult human beings who are the one's that are Truly responsible for their behaviors, but they habitually blame others or ask others for forgiveness for their own wrong doings. They continually and habitually do not what is needed for being a Truly responsible human being, that is; Being Allah/God -like.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am __________________________________

You are most welcomed. I try to do my best but as I told you I am not a scholar. So I ask for your understanding for any shortcomings in my answers.
Some times it is the so called "scholars" who have the highest amount of shortcomings.

All you have been doing is just re-repeating what you have read and/or heard anyway.
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am ________________________________

Thank you for the clarification. In case you change your mind in the future, I hope that the information I presented here will be of help to you or at least give a sense of direction of how to proceed.
And if someone else reading this had a similar query, then I hope that you have benefited.
I thank you for taking the time to inquire about Islam.

Have a nice day forum members.
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Averroes »

Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:37 am
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 amIf that be so, then examples of shameful deaths in my judgement are: the death of Pharaoh, the death of Nimrod, and the future death of Satan, the cursed, among others. And I ask Allah, the Almighty to preserve me, the Muslims and my loved ones from such deaths.
You can ask from any one you like for any thing you like. But, be forewarned any time you ask for any thing that is for you only, or for a select few only, then that does NOT please Allah/God at all, and what you will actually get is the exact very opposite of what you are asking for.

Also, why do you ask for only those people? Why not ALL people?
So you want me to ask Allah, our Creator for everyone and not just the Muslims. Alright, your insistence has paid off as you have succeeded in convincing me. But I still cannot go against the freewill of others. What I can do is to ask Allah, the Most Merciful, for you, who are insisting and people like you who are asking too that I supplicate Allah, the Most Merciful for them as well.

This is the prayer that I am making:

O Allah, the Philosophy Now forum poster Age, posting on this thread, is insisting with me that I supplicate You for him and everyone of his disposition. O Allah, poster Age, is insisting with me that I ask You that You grant him and those like him, a death in submission to You like the future death of Your great servant, Angel Gabriel(pbuh). O Allah, You are the Hearer of supplications, grant Age and everyone who agrees like him, and all the Muslims and my loved ones a life and a death in submission to You. Ameen.

Say “Ameen” everyone, who like Age, agrees with this prayer.

I amended my prayer on your insistence. I now sincerely wish that the prayer you insisted that I make is answered positively.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:37 am
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 amAs a last example, as I said, I consider the future death of Angel Gabriel to be a great death. Angel Gabriel(pbuh) will die in prostration to Allah, the Almighty. There are many people who do not want to worship and prostrate to Allah, the Almighty. So for these people I cannot impose on them something that they are continually refusing to do by asking for them what I consider to be a good death. Would you want me to impose my beliefs on you?
You re-repeating the same thing about three or four times appears that you are 'trying to' impose your beliefs on me anyway.

By the way, and to be truthful I have absolutely no idea nor clue at all what this "death of such and such", "future death of some labeled angel", "dying in prostration to Allah" means at all. But this is probably because I have not had much to do with the quran at all.
I am sorry to hear that. I will not blame you in any way for not understanding my words. Instead, I will blame myself for not being able to reach out to you. I try to express myself in as good an English as possible, but sometimes due to my shortcomings the message does not get across. To remediate my bad command of the English language on this topic, I will direct you to an Islamic scholar based in the USA who has expressed himself on this subject. He is Sheik Omar Suleiman. Sheik Suleiman has a great mastery of the English language. He was once invited by the United States Congress to lead a prayer for the US Congress and everyone understood his prayer as Congress collectively said “ameen” at the end. In the following videos, Sheik Suleiman talks about the future death of of Angel Gabriel (pbuh) and the past death of Pharaoh, respectively. Please, see if you can understand these:

Death of Angel Gabriel/Jibreel (pbuh) : https://youtu.be/4J_QIkH46CM (4 minutes)
Death of Pharaoh/Firaun : https://youtu.be/4uVrggehDuc (4 minutes)
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:41 am
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 am For example, Trinitarian Christians worship Jesus(pbuh) as God while Unitarian Christians do not consider Jesus to be God, but consider him to be only a human messenger of God.
In Islam, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) is considered to be a human messenger of God, the Almighty. In Islam, only God, the Almighty should be worshiped and no one else. Worshiping other than God, the Almighty is considered the greatest sin in Islam. So for those Christians who worship only God, the Almighty and no one else, then we worship the same God. But for those Christians who worship Prophet Jesus or the Trinity or whatever else besides God, then we do not worship the same deity.
I did not ask about 'worshiping'. i asked about Allah/God.

But I do understand what you have said here.

Only when people are worshiping Allah/God as Allah/God, then Allah and God are the EXACT SAME.

So, "jesus" is not Allah/God, "mohammed" is not Allah/God, only Allah/God is Allah/God. 'Allah' and 'God' are therefore just two different words for the EXACT SAME 'thing'.
The name “Allah” is a word used in the Semitic languages (Arabic and Aramaic) to refer to God, the Almighty. The word “God” is an English word used to refer to the Creator of the Heavens and the earth and anything in between. So, indeed, I confirm and concur with your conclusion that both the words “Allah” in Arabic and “God” in English refer to the same Being.

I also agree with the following statements you made: “Jesus is not Allah/God”, “Muhammad is not Allah/God”, and “only Allah/God is Allah/God.”

I thank you for understanding so fast. Many people have great difficulty understanding this but you understood it right away! Some people spend a lifetime studying the scriptures to finally end up not understanding the paragraph you understood right away.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:41 am And, that 'thing', contrary to popular belief, is just one's True Self anyway. (But, in the days of when this is being written, we are still a long way off from having this fully understood yet by most people?)
As a first impression on reading your words in the quoted paragraph above, this seems to me to be some kind of Hindu advaita philosophy. Are you into Hinduism or a derivation of Hinduism or Buddhism or some form of New age religion of non-duality? I am just asking to get to know your beliefs better. It’s alright if you don’t want to share or talk openly about it. If, however, you do want to inform me about your beliefs or way of life (or whatever is the appropriate term you use to qualify it), is there some official sites or documents that you can direct me to where I could learn more about your beliefs? I am a naturally curious person, I like to learn about others beliefs.
Posts: 20685
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am

Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Age »

Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:37 am
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 amIf that be so, then examples of shameful deaths in my judgement are: the death of Pharaoh, the death of Nimrod, and the future death of Satan, the cursed, among others. And I ask Allah, the Almighty to preserve me, the Muslims and my loved ones from such deaths.
You can ask from any one you like for any thing you like. But, be forewarned any time you ask for any thing that is for you only, or for a select few only, then that does NOT please Allah/God at all, and what you will actually get is the exact very opposite of what you are asking for.

Also, why do you ask for only those people? Why not ALL people?
So you want me to ask Allah, our Creator for everyone and not just the Muslims. Alright, your insistence has paid off as you have succeeded in convincing me. But I still cannot go against the freewill of others. What I can do is to ask Allah, the Most Merciful, for you, who are insisting and people like you who are asking too that I supplicate Allah, the Most Merciful for them as well.
What did I ever supposedly "insist" and when did I ever supposedly "insist" any thing.

What I recall doing is just asking you some clarifying questions, and when you were truly honest and open in answering them, then it was you who came to an answer/realization, all by your self.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am This is the prayer that I am making:

O Allah, the Philosophy Now forum poster Age, posting on this thread, is insisting with me that I supplicate You for him and everyone of his disposition. O Allah, poster Age, is insisting with me that I ask You that You grant him and those like him, a death in submission to You like the future death of Your great servant, Angel Gabriel(pbuh). O Allah, You are the Hearer of supplications, grant Age and everyone who agrees like him, and all the Muslims and my loved ones a life and a death in submission to You. Ameen.
Now, do you feel better by not separating human beings into separate groups of those who are supposedly worthy and deserving from those who are supposedly not worthy and not deserving?
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am Say “Ameen” everyone, who like Age, agrees with this prayer.
But I do NOT agree with this prayer at all.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am I amended my prayer on your insistence. I now sincerely wish that the prayer you insisted that I make is answered positively.
And I sincerely pray that you will answer what I asked for, that being; What, when, and where did I ever supposedly "insist" any thing?
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:37 am
Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 9:35 amAs a last example, as I said, I consider the future death of Angel Gabriel to be a great death. Angel Gabriel(pbuh) will die in prostration to Allah, the Almighty. There are many people who do not want to worship and prostrate to Allah, the Almighty. So for these people I cannot impose on them something that they are continually refusing to do by asking for them what I consider to be a good death. Would you want me to impose my beliefs on you?
You re-repeating the same thing about three or four times appears that you are 'trying to' impose your beliefs on me anyway.

By the way, and to be truthful I have absolutely no idea nor clue at all what this "death of such and such", "future death of some labeled angel", "dying in prostration to Allah" means at all. But this is probably because I have not had much to do with the quran at all.
I am sorry to hear that. I will not blame you in any way for not understanding my words. Instead, I will blame myself for not being able to reach out to you. I try to express myself in as good an English as possible, but sometimes due to my shortcomings the message does not get across.
It is not your use of the english language that I am not understanding your words. The reason I am not understanding your words here about "death and dying" is because I have not heard of them spoken like this before AND because I have no interest in understanding those words.

Your english is probably better than mine, and I think you will find far more people understand you than anyone has understood me so far in this forum.
At the moment, I just do not want to learn nor understand anymore in relation about this "death and dying" here. So, it would not matter if you explained things in absolute perfect detail, which could be understood by a four year old. I just have no interest at all in understanding this, at the moment, so no matter what you say I will not understand.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am To remediate my bad command of the English language on this topic, I will direct you to an Islamic scholar based in the USA who has expressed himself on this subject. He is Sheik Omar Suleiman. Sheik Suleiman has a great mastery of the English language. He was once invited by the United States Congress to lead a prayer for the US Congress and everyone understood his prayer as Congress collectively said “ameen” at the end.
If you would like to me understand things better, then just find out what I am interested in, and then you just use your own words to my clarifying questions.

Linking me to some thing that some one said who was invited by such a group of people, will just turn me off wanting to learn and understand more, from 'you'.

Just because some person got invited to such a group, in no way infers to me that that person is any way more knowledgeable about what is right in Life than any one else. In fact, I find the opposite more true. The ones who are not listened to are some times far more knowledgeable and knowing far more about what the actually Right in Life.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am In the following videos, Sheik Suleiman talks about the future death of of Angel Gabriel (pbuh) and the past death of Pharaoh, respectively. Please, see if you can understand these:

Death of Angel Gabriel/Jibreel (pbuh) : https://youtu.be/4J_QIkH46CM (4 minutes)
Death of Pharaoh/Firaun : https://youtu.be/4uVrggehDuc (4 minutes)
What would you like me to understand these for exactly?

Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:41 am

I did not ask about 'worshiping'. i asked about Allah/God.

But I do understand what you have said here.

Only when people are worshiping Allah/God as Allah/God, then Allah and God are the EXACT SAME.

So, "jesus" is not Allah/God, "mohammed" is not Allah/God, only Allah/God is Allah/God. 'Allah' and 'God' are therefore just two different words for the EXACT SAME 'thing'.
The name “Allah” is a word used in the Semitic languages (Arabic and Aramaic) to refer to God, the Almighty. The word “God” is an English word used to refer to the Creator of the Heavens and the earth and anything in between.
Just to clear things up there is no "in between" in regards to the 'heavens' and the 'earth'.

Unless, of course, some one can point out and/or show where the 'heavens' are exactly.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am So, indeed, I confirm and concur with your conclusion that both the words “Allah” in Arabic and “God” in English refer to the same Being.

I also agree with the following statements you made: “Jesus is not Allah/God”, “Muhammad is not Allah/God”, and “only Allah/God is Allah/God.”

I thank you for understanding so fast. Many people have great difficulty understanding this but you understood it right away! Some people spend a lifetime studying the scriptures to finally end up not understanding the paragraph you understood right away.

Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:41 am And, that 'thing', contrary to popular belief, is just one's True Self anyway. (But, in the days of when this is being written, we are still a long way off from having this fully understood yet by most people?)
As a first impression on reading your words in the quoted paragraph above, this seems to me to be some kind of Hindu advaita philosophy. Are you into Hinduism or a derivation of Hinduism or Buddhism or some form of New age religion of non-duality?
I am not into any "religion".

And, the only 'new age' I am into is, in this forum, some of what I say is relatively new and 'i' am age.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am I am just asking to get to know your beliefs better.
I have NO beliefs at all.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 10:53 am It’s alright if you don’t want to share or talk openly about it. If, however, you do want to inform me about your beliefs or way of life (or whatever is the appropriate term you use to qualify it), is there some official sites or documents that you can direct me to where I could learn more about your beliefs? I am a naturally curious person, I like to learn about others beliefs.
Again I have NO beliefs whatsoever because I neither believe nor disbelieve any thing at all.

I have done wrong things. I was TOTALLY Open and Honest about them, in my process of seriously Wanting to change, for the better. I wanted to change not for me, but for others.

During that process I learned a lot about 'Who 'I' am', and how to answer all the other truly meaningful questions in Life, which led to seeing HOW we can ALL live in peace and harmony together as One.

There are no current official sites nor documents that I can direct you to, but once one learns how to SEE things for what they Truly ARE, then absolutely every thing seen, read, and heard from then on shows and REVEALS what thee actual Truth IS.

There is really nothing 'new' to be learned, other than just be Truly Honest, when one is, then they are being Truly OPEN, and when one is Truly OPEN, then they cannot not stop learning and becoming wiser.

Where you said above that what I was saying seems to some kind of 'one' philosophy, what will be found is ALL "religions" and ALL things start fitting in together perfectly, like a jigsaw puzzle forming a perfectly crystal clear picture of ALL-THERE-IS. The big picture is SEEN for what It really IS.
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Averroes »

Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm What did I ever supposedly "insist" and when did I ever supposedly "insist" any thing.
Please, don't be offended by my choice of words. I do try my best to be careful but here I was seemingly not successful in that. I had observed that twice you raised an objection that I didn't ask for you and others in your situation for a good death as a Muslim, and for me the choice of the word ''insist'' seemed appropriate to depict this state of affairs. But if you feel offended by this choice of word then I remove it. So I will rephrase the prayer to something which will hopefully not offend you.

New rephrased prayer:
O Allah, the Philosophy Now forum poster Age, posting on this thread, twice objected that I did not supplicate You for him and everyone of his disposition. O Allah, poster Age wants that I ask You that You grant him and those like him a death in submission to You like the future death of Your great servant, Angel Gabriel(pbuh). O Allah, You are the Hearer of supplications, grant Age and everyone who agrees like him, and all the Muslims and my loved ones a life and a death in submission to You. Ameen.

Anyone who agrees with this prayer say ''ameen''.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm Now, do you feel better by not separating human beings into separate groups of those who are supposedly worthy and deserving from those who are supposedly not worthy and not deserving?
As I said I am forbidden to force anyone to join the Muslim community. I can only invite people I interact with to join the Muslim community. If they chose to decline the invitation and be seperate from the Muslim community, then I have no choice but to respect their freedom of conscience and expression and move on. But I did feel very good that you wanted me to include you and others like you in my prayer. And I will feel even better if my prayer is answered positively.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm I am not into any "religion".
Alright. Thank you for telling me about yourself. If I am not invading your privacy, may I ask you what was the predominant religion in the environment you were raised? Was it some eastern religion like Hinduism or Buddhism or was it Christianity? Or if it was something else, can you please tell me more about it? Please, you don't need to answer if you don't want me to know. As I told you, I am a naturally curious person, I like to learn about others way of life.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm I have done wrong things. I was TOTALLY Open and Honest about them, in my process of seriously Wanting to change, for the better. I wanted to change not for me, but for others.
I understand. It's good if you changed for the better.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm During that process I learned a lot about 'Who 'I' am', and how to answer all the other truly meaningful questions in Life, which led to seeing HOW we can ALL live in peace and harmony together as One.
I understand.  May I ask you who did you learn from during that learning process that you went through? Did you read some books? If so what were they? Were there any authors that you read and authors that you like to read? I also want to learn more about all these ''True'' things you talk about, like the ''True Self'' and the ''Truly OPEN'' concepts for example.
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Age »

Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:30 pm
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm What did I ever supposedly "insist" and when did I ever supposedly "insist" any thing.
Please, don't be offended by my choice of words. I do try my best to be careful but here I was seemingly not successful in that. I had observed that twice you raised an objection that I didn't ask for you and others in your situation for a good death as a Muslim, and for me the choice of the word ''insist'' seemed appropriate to depict this state of affairs. But if you feel offended by this choice of word then I remove it. So I will rephrase the prayer to something which will hopefully not offend you.
When I ask a clarifying question, like I did above, (which I now noticed I forgot to add a question mark to), I am not offended. I am just asking for clarity of where, when, and/or what is the part that you see as "insist".

To me, the word 'insist' means that I am more or less 'making' you do some thing, which I never was and never would.

I also do not even want you to 'pray' for me nor for others, as in I do not want you to ask someone nor something else for some thing. But the word 'pray' might mean some thing else to you?
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:30 pm New rephrased prayer:
O Allah, the Philosophy Now forum poster Age, posting on this thread, twice objected that I did not supplicate You for him and everyone of his disposition. O Allah, poster Age wants that I ask You that You grant him and those like him a death in submission to You like the future death of Your great servant, Angel Gabriel(pbuh). O Allah, You are the Hearer of supplications, grant Age and everyone who agrees like him, and all the Muslims and my loved ones a life and a death in submission to You. Ameen.

Anyone who agrees with this prayer say ''ameen''.
Just to clarify I do NOT want you to pray for me nor anyone else. I also do not care if you do or not.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:30 pm
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm Now, do you feel better by not separating human beings into separate groups of those who are supposedly worthy and deserving from those who are supposedly not worthy and not deserving?
As I said I am forbidden to force anyone to join the Muslim community. I can only invite people I interact with to join the Muslim community. If they chose to decline the invitation and be seperate from the Muslim community, then I have no choice but to respect their freedom of conscience and expression and move on. But I did feel very good that you wanted me to include you and others like you in my prayer. And I will feel even better if my prayer is answered positively.
You did not need to repeat what you have said before, especially in reply to my clarifying question.

You chose to use words to make out that it is "others" who separating themselves from the muslim community, whereas, the actual Truth is EVERY religious community has separated themselves from the ones who are Truly peaceful.

I also did not ask you if you feel better that I wanted some thing, which, to clarify, I did NOT want what you keep thinking I wanted. I asked you if you feel better doing some thing. Are you now saying you only did that because you thought that that was what I wanted?

If you only did it because you thought that that is what I "wanted" and you did not do it just because you wanted to do it, then was that because you had some underlying motive thinking that if I give them what they "want" then that would coerce me onto and into your separated "community"?

If, as you say, you will feel even better if your pray is answered because you are doing the same supposed "good" for everyone and not just a select separated few, or because you know that that is what Allah/God WANTS?

In other words are you doing, for what feels good and right for 'you', or, because you are just 'trying to' please "others"?
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:30 pm
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm I am not into any "religion".
Alright. Thank you for telling me about yourself. If I am not invading your privacy, may I ask you what was the predominant religion in the environment you were raised? Was it some eastern religion like Hinduism or Buddhism or was it Christianity? Or if it was something else, can you please tell me more about it? Please, you don't need to answer if you don't want me to know. As I told you, I am a naturally curious person, I like to learn about others way of life.
The predominant religion in the environment when i was younger was one of the christian ones, but I do not recall which one. I was never into it and hated every second of it if i was ever made to listen to it.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:30 pm
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm I have done wrong things. I was TOTALLY Open and Honest about them, in my process of seriously Wanting to change, for the better. I wanted to change not for me, but for others.
I understand. It's good if you changed for the better.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:26 pm During that process I learned a lot about 'Who 'I' am', and how to answer all the other truly meaningful questions in Life, which led to seeing HOW we can ALL live in peace and harmony together as One.
I understand.  May I ask you who did you learn from during that learning process that you went through?
From thy Self.

See, thee True Self is just the same One Being, within every one, human being.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:30 pm Did you read some books?
None worth noting. But when I was explaining what I was learning to people they would frequently tell me that what I am saying sounds like 'such and such', just like you did, and then I was frequently told; "You should read 'such and such'", which was usually one of the many varied and different religions. When I would open a page or three I could almost instantly see how ALL of them fit perfectly together.
Averroes wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 5:30 pm If so what were they? Were there any authors that you read and authors that you like to read? I also want to learn more about all these ''True'' things you talk about, like the ''True Self'' and the ''Truly OPEN'' concepts for example.
Well you have the 'curiosity' part down perfectly, so you will naturally keep learning and will become much wiser than others, much quicker.

'True things' are found, almost instantly, by just being absolutely and completely Truthful yourself. The Truth is found by your self, and not taught to you by "others". Thee Truth FOR you is your Truth, so It is revealed or uncovered BY you.

But, if you really want to learn what I am talking about, like thee True Self, and like about just being OPEN, then it is you who has to extremely curious and keep asking the very specific questions that you want answered, in regards to what it is EXACTLY that you want to learn. But I will not necessarily just tell you what the answer is. I will more or less guide you into showing you HOW you can find the answers for, and by, your own self.

Do you live in a environment where the elders say and teach that it is better to be open and honest, have you heard of this before, or do you know this yourself? Does the saying; 'It is better to be open and honest', "ring a bell within you", as some might say (and which I do not know how to put it in words that you might be familiar with).

The 'True Self' is found when one is Truly OPEN and Honest always, and is seriously wanting to change, for the better. The reason one has to seriously want to change to find thee True Self is because if one does not want to change, then they will obviously just remain the same one, and if that one has not been and is not being absolutely and completely totally Honest, then they are not thee True One, and if one is not be absolutely, completely, and totally Honest, then they are not being Truly OPEN.
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henry quirk
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Re: let's have a test (repost, in case you missed it, Age)

Post by henry quirk »

I meant being in a philosophy forum, at least speak only the actual truth of things, and also be at least able to back up and support any and all claims made here.

You're the one sayin' you're not human, yeah?

Please, back up and support that claim (cuz I think you're as human as anyone else.)
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Averroes »

Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm In other words are you doing, for what feels good and right for 'you', or, because you are just 'trying to' please "others"?
This is a very good question.
I do, indeed, try my best to please our Creator, the Almighty. And I feel good in doing that indeed. For example, Allah says in the Holy Quran:
  • Kind speech and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Free of need and Forbearing. [Quran, interpretation of meaning 2:263]
  • Have you not considered how Allah presents an example, [making] a good word like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches [high] in the sky?
    It produces its fruit all the time, by permission of its Lord. And Allah presents examples for the people that perhaps they will be reminded. [Quran, interpretation of meaning, 14:24-25]
So speaking good and gentle words to other human beings is pleasing to Allah, the Most Merciful and such kind of speech is also both pleasing to the speaker as to the listener of these words.
In general, whenever I find a command of Allah, the Almighty that I can easily implement in my daily life, I rush to it in order to earn the pleasure of Allah. And for the things that I fall short, I ask for His forgiveness. Islam is not difficult, and it’s very suited to me as I like simplicity and things that easy. For example, I find it easy to exchange gentle and kind words with you, so I think to myself why should I make my life complicated and difficult by going against the command of my Lord, the Almighty?

So to answer your question: I do good to please my Lord, the Almighty first and foremost and when my Lord is pleased then I feel good and others too feel good subsequently.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm The predominant religion in the environment when i was younger was one of the christian ones, but I do not recall which one. I was never into it and hated every second of it if i was ever made to listen to it.
I understand. Thank you for sharing your story with me, I really appreciate it. I am also from a Christian background and in my case I do remember very well that it was Trinitarian Christianity. I would not go as far as saying that I hated every part of Christianity but I did express great hatred for the worshiping of idols when I was about 4-6 years old. But to be fair, my Christian mom did teach me some good principles in life like speaking good and kind words to others, giving charity to the needy, not being arrogant and boastful, being good to neighbors and many other such good things. But I must be just and acknowledge that she failed to teach me the most important commandment of all and that is to worship God, the Almighty alone and no-one else. But, praise be to Allah, the Most Generous, this is something that, by the permission of Allah, I shared with her later and she listened and acknowledged that it was right.
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm 'True things' are found, almost instantly, by just being absolutely and completely Truthful yourself. The Truth is found by your self, and not taught to you by "others". Thee Truth FOR you is your Truth, so It is revealed or uncovered BY you.
These words are speaking to me. I find your concept of the “True Self” to be similar to what in Islam we call the “fitrah”, which is the natural disposition of following Islam that God, the Almighty gave each of us at birth. This natural disposition already in us includes knowledge of how to distinguish good and bad. This knowledge, as you say, is not taught by others, but it is already present at birth in every human being. And by honestly and truthfully looking into ourselves, we can discover (or uncover as you say) this truth. Allah, the All-Knowing says in the Holy Quran, interpretation of meaning:
  • And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it
    And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness,
    He has succeeded who purifies it,
    And [he] has failed who instills it [with corruption]. (Quran 91: 7-10, interpretaion of meaning)
I think I now understand better what you mean by this “True Self”.

Moreover, Allah, the All-Knowing describes the Holy Quran in the Holy Quran itself as a Reminder. The Quran is described as a reminder also due to the fact that it awakens and revives this natural disposition in us. We humans tend to be forgetful. This reminder that God sent to us in the form of the Holy Quran is thus a means to help us stay firm and upright on our natural disposition that He gifted us with.

I find it interesting to observe how babies react to the Arabic recitation of the Holy Quran. If you allow me, I will like to share with you some interesting videos on the subject.

1. Reaction of babies (3 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4slRE3V2y9s
2. Reaction of a fetus (5 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gUxJKARWUs
3. Reaction of a little girl (3min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYGKR7fk_vk
4. Reaction of a BBC reporter (2min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbh-S5uq8SY

Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm The 'True Self' is found when one is Truly OPEN and Honest always, and is seriously wanting to change, for the better. The reason one has to seriously want to change to find thee True Self is because if one does not want to change, then they will obviously just remain the same one, and if that one has not been and is not being absolutely and completely totally Honest, then they are not thee True One, and if one is not be absolutely, completely, and totally Honest, then they are not being Truly OPEN.
Again this speaks to me. Allah, the All-Knowing says in the Holy Quran in chapter 13 verse 11 that He does not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change what is within themselves. I completely agree that we need to go back to this natural disposition (fitrah) for us to be able to change for the better. This is what happened to me when I embraced Islam, I went back to living in accord with my natural disposition or True Self as you might call it.

And I also now understand what you meant by the following statement as well:
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm See, thee True Self is just the same One Being, within every one, human being.
This fitrah or natural disposition has a common cause. God, the Almighty is the One Who gave it to each one of us when He created us, and for all human beings it is the same fitrah/natural disposition.

This was a very interesting conversation. I thank you for sharing your story and perspective with me, and for taking the time to answer my questions. Now, I think I understand better what you meant by the “True Self”, and being “Truly Open” and “Truly Honest” to the “True Self”.
I have understood it as living in accord and in harmony with the natural disposition (the Fitrah) that God, the Almighty implanted in us. For me it is expressed concisely as following the instructions of Allah, the Almighty.
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Re: let's have a test (repost, in case you missed it, Age)

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:25 am I meant being in a philosophy forum, at least speak only the actual truth of things, and also be at least able to back up and support any and all claims made here.

You're the one sayin' you're not human, yeah?
Are you asking, or are you claiming and telling?

If it is the latter, then back up and support this claim by showing where I have supposedly said this.
henry quirk wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:25 am Please, back up and support that claim (cuz I think you're as human as anyone else.)
Why put a question mark at the end of your sentence if you are telling me that I have claimed such a thing?

When, and if, you back up and support your claim here, then I will back up and support also.

And, remember to use my actual words that I have said and written, and to use the actual letters as they are written in capitals or not, and NOT just use the words that you might be ASSUMING I am saying.
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henry quirk
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Re: let's have a test (repost, in case you missed it, Age)

Post by henry quirk »

Age wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:13 pm
henry quirk wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:25 am I meant being in a philosophy forum, at least speak only the actual truth of things, and also be at least able to back up and support any and all claims made here.

You're the one sayin' you're not human, yeah?
Are you asking, or are you claiming and telling?

If it is the latter, then back up and support this claim by showing where I have supposedly said this.
henry quirk wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:25 am Please, back up and support that claim (cuz I think you're as human as anyone else.)
Why put a question mark at the end of your sentence if you are telling me that I have claimed such a thing?

When, and if, you back up and support your claim here, then I will back up and support also.

And, remember to use my actual words that I have said and written, and to use the actual letters as they are written in capitals or not, and NOT just use the words that you might be ASSUMING I am saying.
Yeah, I did a forum search, can't find an example you sayin' you aren't human, so I guess I was wrong.

My apologies.
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Age »

Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm In other words are you doing, for what feels good and right for 'you', or, because you are just 'trying to' please "others"?
This is a very good question.
I do, indeed, try my best to please our Creator, the Almighty. And I feel good in doing that indeed. For example, Allah says in the Holy Quran:
  • Kind speech and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Free of need and Forbearing. [Quran, interpretation of meaning 2:263]
  • Have you not considered how Allah presents an example, [making] a good word like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches [high] in the sky?
    It produces its fruit all the time, by permission of its Lord. And Allah presents examples for the people that perhaps they will be reminded. [Quran, interpretation of meaning, 14:24-25]
So speaking good and gentle words to other human beings is pleasing to Allah, the Most Merciful and such kind of speech is also both pleasing to the speaker as to the listener of these words.
In general, whenever I find a command of Allah, the Almighty that I can easily implement in my daily life, I rush to it in order to earn the pleasure of Allah. And for the things that I fall short, I ask for His forgiveness. Islam is not difficult, and it’s very suited to me as I like simplicity and things that easy. For example, I find it easy to exchange gentle and kind words with you, so I think to myself why should I make my life complicated and difficult by going against the command of my Lord, the Almighty?

So to answer your question: I do good to please my Lord, the Almighty first and foremost and when my Lord is pleased then I feel good and others too feel good subsequently.
So, the True Self, the real One in 'you', feels good when you are doing what is right and good for every one. As doing right and good for every one not just pleases 'you', but also pleases every one, which in turn pleases the one and only One, correct?

If you are always doing good and right for every one, then thee True Self, within 'you', is feeling pleased and happy.
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm The predominant religion in the environment when i was younger was one of the christian ones, but I do not recall which one. I was never into it and hated every second of it if i was ever made to listen to it.
I understand. Thank you for sharing your story with me, I really appreciate it. I am also from a Christian background and in my case I do remember very well that it was Trinitarian Christianity. I would not go as far as saying that I hated every part of Christianity but I did express great hatred for the worshiping of idols when I was about 4-6 years old.
The saying; "Worshiping of idols", just means the worshiping of any thing or any person other than thy True Self.
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am But to be fair, my Christian mom did teach me some good principles in life like speaking good and kind words to others, giving charity to the needy, not being arrogant and boastful, being good to neighbors and many other such good things. But I must be just and acknowledge that she failed to teach me the most important commandment of all and that is to worship God, the Almighty alone and no-one else.
As I just said, and what is written in the quran, worhip Allah/God, thy True Self alone.
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am But, praise be to Allah, the Most Generous, this is something that, by the permission of Allah, I shared with her later and she listened and acknowledged that it was right.
So, in actuality your mom just acknowledged that 'praise be to God' is right, correct?
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm 'True things' are found, almost instantly, by just being absolutely and completely Truthful yourself. The Truth is found by your self, and not taught to you by "others". Thee Truth FOR you is your Truth, so It is revealed or uncovered BY you.
These words are speaking to me. I find your concept of the “True Self” to be similar to what in Islam we call the “fitrah”, which is the natural disposition of following Islam that God, the Almighty gave each of us at birth. This natural disposition already in us includes knowledge of how to distinguish good and bad. This knowledge, as you say, is not taught by others, but it is already present at birth in every human being. And by honestly and truthfully looking into ourselves, we can discover (or uncover as you say) this truth. Allah, the All-Knowing says in the Holy Quran, interpretation of meaning:
  • And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it
    And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness,
    He has succeeded who purifies it,
    And [he] has failed who instills it [with corruption]. (Quran 91: 7-10, interpretaion of meaning)
I think I now understand better what you mean by this “True Self”.

Moreover, Allah, the All-Knowing describes the Holy Quran in the Holy Quran itself as a Reminder. The Quran is described as a reminder also due to the fact that it awakens and revives this natural disposition in us.[/quote]

The ones who read and follow the bible probably say nearly the same thing, and those of every religion probably say the words in their religion are reminders of them to continue to do what is right and good, for EVERY one by the way.
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am We humans tend to be forgetful. This reminder that God sent to us in the form of the Holy Quran is thus a means to help us stay firm and upright on our natural disposition that He gifted us with.
'Reminders' are with us every day when we are Truly Conscious and Aware. Life, Itself, is the purest natural gift, and our natural disposition is Knowing what is good and right in Life. We just constantly "forget" this, and take Life, Itself, for granted. We "forget" what is good and right because we are greedy, as we have learned chasing after money is the most important thing in Life. Just look at the covid-19 and what the most important thing to every government at the moment is; Keeping the economy going. And, they have just about every adult human being believing that having a job and getting money is the most important thing now.
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am I find it interesting to observe how babies react to the Arabic recitation of the Holy Quran. If you allow me, I will like to share with you some interesting videos on the subject.

1. Reaction of babies (3 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4slRE3V2y9s
2. Reaction of a fetus (5 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gUxJKARWUs
3. Reaction of a little girl (3min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYGKR7fk_vk
4. Reaction of a BBC reporter (2min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbh-S5uq8SY
I am pretty sure people of every religion (or of every following) could find examples of this, in each case as well.

Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm The 'True Self' is found when one is Truly OPEN and Honest always, and is seriously wanting to change, for the better. The reason one has to seriously want to change to find thee True Self is because if one does not want to change, then they will obviously just remain the same one, and if that one has not been and is not being absolutely and completely totally Honest, then they are not thee True One, and if one is not be absolutely, completely, and totally Honest, then they are not being Truly OPEN.
Again this speaks to me. Allah, the All-Knowing says in the Holy Quran in chapter 13 verse 11 that He does not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change what is within themselves. I completely agree that we need to go back to this natural disposition (fitrah) for us to be able to change for the better. This is what happened to me when I embraced Islam, I went back to living in accord with my natural disposition or True Self as you might call it.
I think you will find, that is; if you are Truly Honest with "your" True Self that you are not living in FULL accord with 'y/our' natural disposition (nor True Self). By the way, and on a side note, 'y/our' True Self is the exact same One. Just like God/Allah is the exact same One.

Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am And I also now understand what you meant by the following statement as well:
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm See, thee True Self is just the same One Being, within every one, human being.
This fitrah or natural disposition has a common cause. God, the Almighty is the One Who gave it to each one of us when He created us, and for all human beings it is the same fitrah/natural disposition.
At the deepest level of understanding God/Allah, the Almighty One, is actually US, as One. That is; when 'we' are doing what is good and right for EVERY one, and not just some, which naturally then leads to ALL-OF-US living together in peace and harmony as One, then 'we' are being thee Being that we are Truly meant to Be, which is just our True Self.
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am This was a very interesting conversation. I thank you for sharing your story and perspective with me, and for taking the time to answer my questions. Now, I think I understand better what you meant by the “True Self”, and being “Truly Open” and “Truly Honest” to the “True Self”.
I have understood it as living in accord and in harmony with the natural disposition (the Fitrah) that God, the Almighty implanted in us. For me it is expressed concisely as following the instructions of Allah, the Almighty.
The 'instructions' come from within us, so when we are 'following' what is 'just' from our True Self, which we would want to do voluntary anyway, then we are 'following' True Peace. In other words, what God so called "implanted" in us is actually just God, Itself. The Knowing of what is right and good in Life, within us ALL, is just God/Allah, Itself, guiding us ALL to do what is right and good, which will create the life that we ALL Truly want to live in. That is; Peace and Harmony together as One.
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Re: let's have a test (repost, in case you missed it, Age)

Post by Age »

henry quirk wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:07 am
Age wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:13 pm
henry quirk wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:25 am I meant being in a philosophy forum, at least speak only the actual truth of things, and also be at least able to back up and support any and all claims made here.

You're the one sayin' you're not human, yeah?
Are you asking, or are you claiming and telling?

If it is the latter, then back up and support this claim by showing where I have supposedly said this.
henry quirk wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:25 am Please, back up and support that claim (cuz I think you're as human as anyone else.)
Why put a question mark at the end of your sentence if you are telling me that I have claimed such a thing?

When, and if, you back up and support your claim here, then I will back up and support also.

And, remember to use my actual words that I have said and written, and to use the actual letters as they are written in capitals or not, and NOT just use the words that you might be ASSUMING I am saying.
Yeah, I did a forum search, can't find an example you sayin' you aren't human, so I guess I was wrong.

My apologies.
There is no need to apologize here as I would not say "you are wrong", in the absolute sense. I have alluded, numerous times, to what you were thinking here. But, i have just worded things in a way that you could never find example of what you claimed here.

See, to fully understand what I have been 'alluding' to is to understand that the capital 'I' in the age old question; 'Who am 'I'?' is not a human being. But the 'you' is very much a human being. The one known as "age" here in this forum is very much a human being. However, who 'I' am, is a different question, which needs to be looked at in a very specific way, which is only for those who are Truly interested in this.
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Averroes »

Age wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:24 pm So, the True Self, the real One in 'you', feels good when you are doing what is right and good for every one. As doing right and good for every one not just pleases 'you', but also pleases every one, which in turn pleases the one and only One, correct?
This is how I put it:

Everything that Allah, the All-Knowing commands us to do is right. When I chose to follow the commands of Allah, the Almighty, my intention is to please Allah, the Almighty first and foremost. And when I follow Allah's guidance, then Allah is pleased and when Allah is pleased then I get peace and I feel good. Taking the same example I gave previously: Allah commands me in the Holy Quran to speak good words to others. When I follow Allah's command of good speech, Allah is pleased. And when Allah is pleased with my speech when I speak good words to others, then I feel good and others too feel good subsequently.

The True Self in me is my natural disposition to follow Islam that Allah, the Creator has put in me when He created me. And the Holy Quran is the word of Allah, the All-Knowing. The Holy Quran reminds me of my natural disposition to follow the commands of Allah, the Most Merciful.

Age wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:24 pm
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am
Age wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:53 pm The predominant religion in the environment when i was younger was one of the christian ones, but I do not recall which one. I was never into it and hated every second of it if i was ever made to listen to it.
I understand. Thank you for sharing your story with me, I really appreciate it. I am also from a Christian background and in my case I do remember very well that it was Trinitarian Christianity. I would not go as far as saying that I hated every part of Christianity but I did express great hatred for the worshiping of idols when I was about 4-6 years old.
The saying; "Worshiping of idols", just means the worshiping of any thing or any person other than thy True Self.
In my previous post, I was using the following English definition of “idol” as per the standard English dictionary:

idol: a statue that is worshiped as a god

Link to definition: https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries. ... glish/idol

Age wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:24 pm As I just said, and what is written in the quran, worhip Allah/God, thy True Self alone.
In the Holy Quran, Allah, the All-Knowing describes His attributes to us. For example, Allah, the Almighty says in the Holy Quran, interpretation of meaning:
  • He is Allah, besides Whom there is no god; the All-Knower of the unseen and the witnessed. He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    He is Allah, besides Whom there is no god, the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Giver of Peace, the Giver of Security, the Guardian, the Almighty, the Irresistible, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah from what they associate with Him.

    He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventer, the Fashioner. To Him belong the most Beautiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him. [Quran, interpretation of meaninng 59:22-24]
Allah, the All-Knowing also says in the Holy Quran, interpretation of meaning:
  • In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
    Say, “He is Allah, the One.
    Allah, the Eternal, the Absolute.
    He begets not, nor is He begotten.
    And there is none equivalent to Him.” [Quran, interpretation of meaning 112:1-4]
So, as you can see in these few verses in the Holy Quran, Allah has described Himself as the All-Knower, the Sovereign, the Creator, the Eternal, the Absolute, the Supreme, the Almighty, the Most Merciful and by the many other Beautiful Names/Attributes.

Age wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:24 pm
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am But, praise be to Allah, the Most Generous, this is something that, by the permission of Allah, I shared with her later and she listened and acknowledged that it was right.
So, in actuality your mom just acknowledged that 'praise be to God' is right, correct?
I thank you for asking me that question. As it is very important, I will give a rather detailed answer to this question of yours.

Firstly, there is no doubt that praising God, the Almighty is always right. God, the Almighty is the One Who created us and He is the One Who provides us our sustenance. We are always right in being grateful to our Lord, the Almighty for all the countless blessings He has given us and by praising Him we express our gratitude to Him.

But if we are to truly praise God, the Almighty, then it is of the uttermost importance that we have the correct understanding of who is God. As I already told you, I too was raised in the Christian tradition. And as you certainly already know, for a Christian, the way they know who is God, is by reading the Bible.

When I was discussing with mom on the subject, I told her that worshiping anything other than God, the Almighty is wrong. By quoting from the Bible that she gave me when I was a kid (i.e. a Christian Bible), I told her that Prophet Jesus(pbuh) was not God, the Almighty. For example it is reported in the Bible that Prophet Jesus(pbuh) said the following:
  • “You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. [John 14:28]
  • By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me. [John 5:30]
  • "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone. [Luke 18:19]
  • 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
    37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” [Matthew 22:35-40]
As you can read from the above quoted biblical verses, Prophet Jesus(pbuh) was ascribing might and goodness only to God, the Almighty. As you must already know, in the Bible, God, the Almighty is sometimes referred to metaphorically as “the Father.” This metaphorical usage first occurred in the Jewish Bible in Exodus in relation to Prophet Jacob/Israel(pbuh) and the Jews too interpret this metaphorically:
  • The LORD said to Moses, "When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go. Then say to Pharaoh, 'This is what the LORD says: Israel is my firstborn son, and I told you, "Let my son go, so he may worship me." But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son.'" (Exodus 4: -21-23)
Everyone easily understand that the description of Prophet Jacob as the firstborn son of God in the above verse can only be interpreted metaphorically as we all know that the real father of Prophet Jacob (pbuh) was Prophet Isaac (pbuh).

When someone reads the Christian Bible, it is clear that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) never claimed to be God, the Almighty. Moreover, Jesus(pbuh) himself is reported to have worshiped only God, the Almighty in the Bible:
  • Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me."
    Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." [Matthew 26:38-39]
Prophet Jesus(pbuh) is reported in the Christian to have said that he was not all-knowing when he denied knowing the Hour, I.e the end of the world:
  • "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. [Matthew 24:36]
In addition to that, there are many other verses in the Bible which says not to worship anyone or anything other than God, the Almighty. For example, idol worship is completely forbidden in the Bible:
  • (At that time I stood between the LORD and you to declare to you the word of the LORD, because you were afraid of the fire and did not go up the mountain.) And he said:
    "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
    "You shall have no other gods before me.
    "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. [Deuteronomy 5: 5-8]
So, after discussing with my mom about all these important verses in her Bible, she understood. And many other Christians as well realize after reading the Christian Bible itself that worshiping Prophet Jesus(pbuh) or the Trinity is the greatest sin. For example, the great mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton was also raised in a Trinitarian environment. After having spent about three years studying the Bible and the history of Christianity, Newton also ended up rejecting Trinitarian Christianity in favor of Unitarian Christianity. Wikipedia says something interesting about this:
Wikipedia wrote:By 1672, he had started to record his theological researches in notebooks which he showed to no one and which have only recently been examined. They demonstrate an extensive knowledge of early Church writings and show that in the conflict between Athanasius and Arius which defined the Creed, he took the side of Arius, the loser, who rejected the conventional view of the Trinity. Newton "recognized Christ as a divine mediator between God and man, who was subordinate to the Father who created him."[115] He was especially interested in prophecy, but for him, "the great apostasy was trinitarianism."

Newton tried unsuccessfully to obtain one of the two fellowships that exempted the holder from the ordination requirement. At the last moment in 1675 he received a dispensation from the government that excused him and all future holders of the Lucasian chair.

In Newton's eyes, worshipping Christ as God was idolatry, to him the fundamental sin.
You can read more on this on Wikipedia here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton
Age wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:24 pm
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am We humans tend to be forgetful. This reminder that God sent to us in the form of the Holy Quran is thus a means to help us stay firm and upright on our natural disposition that He gifted us with.
'Reminders' are with us every day when we are Truly Conscious and Aware.
I totally agree with the above quoted statement of yours. Allah, the All-Knowing says in the Holy Quran, interpretation of meaning:
  • We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness? [Quran, interpretation of meaning 41:53]
  • Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. [Quran, interpretation of meaning 3:190]
Age wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:24 pm
Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am I find it interesting to observe how babies react to the Arabic recitation of the Holy Quran. If you allow me, I will like to share with you some interesting videos on the subject.

1. Reaction of babies (3 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4slRE3V2y9s
2. Reaction of a fetus (5 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gUxJKARWUs
3. Reaction of a little girl (3min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYGKR7fk_vk
4. Reaction of a BBC reporter (2min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbh-S5uq8SY
I am pretty sure people of every religion (or of every following) could find examples of this, in each case as well.
I am interested to know these examples of which you are pretty sure. Please, can you give some of these examples for the other religions as well like the examples I gave for Islam? As I said I am a naturally curious person, I like to learn about other people's belief and way of life. If you be interested, here is some more examples of babies listening to the Holy Quran:

Baby listening to Quran: https://youtu.be/HScPi8UwOpg
Another baby listening to Quran : https://youtu.be/WHUhE6MO2Ck

I will like to see such reactions of babies and fetuses for the other religions if you are pretty sure of having them. I thank you in advance in case you might want to share them with me.
Age wrote: Thu Apr 09, 2020 3:24 pm In other words, what God so called "implanted" in us is actually just God, Itself. The Knowing of what is right and good in Life, within us ALL, is just God/Allah, Itself, guiding us ALL to do what is right and good, which will create the life that we ALL Truly want to live in. That is; Peace and Harmony together as One.
I believe that what Allah, the All-knowing has implanted in us is the knowledge of Him and knowledge of how to distinguish right and wrong. However, I do not believe that Allah Himself is in me or in any one of His creation. There are many commonsensical reasons for why I believe that. For example, as I previously quoted in the Holy Quran, Allah describes Himself in the Holy Quran as the All-Knowing. If Allah was in me then I would be All-Knowing. But I am very far from being all knowing.

I believe that God, the Almighty Himself is separate from His creation. Also, as I previously quoted from the Holy Quran, Allah says that He is Perfect, All-Knowing, Eternal, without a beginning and with no end, whereas I am ignorant of many things, very far from perfect, and I had a beginning when Allah gave me life and I will have an end when the Angel of death will come to take my soul. In fact, no one other than Allah has the attributes of Allah. As Allah, the All-Knowing says in the Holy Quran in chapter 112 verse 4 already quoted: “there is none equivalent to Him.”
Moreover, Allah describes Himself in the Holy Quran as the Almighty; everything is under His complete control whereas I do not even know if I will live to see tomorrow! I am completely dependent on Allah, the Almighty for my existence, whereas Allah is the Self-Subsisting.

For all these reasons, I do not believe Allah is in me or in any one of His creation. But I believe that the knowledge of the existence of Allah as our Creator and Lord was implanted in me and all human beings by Allah when we were being created. I believe Allah, the Almighty created everything and everything is under His complete control as Allah, the All-Knowing says in the Holy Quran:
  • Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is a Guardian over all things. (Quran, interpretation of meaning 39:62)
  • Is it not He Who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the like of them. Yes indeed! He is the Supreme Creator, the All-Knower.
    His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it "Be", and it is. (Quran, interpretation of meaning 36:81-82)
I thank you for taking the time to engage in such a courteous and interesting conversation with me. This has been so far a conversation I have much enjoyed. I wish you a nice day.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Averroes wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:59 am I find it interesting to observe how babies react to the Arabic recitation of the Holy Quran. If you allow me, I will like to share with you some interesting videos on the subject.

1. Reaction of babies (3 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4slRE3V2y9s
2. Reaction of a fetus (5 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gUxJKARWUs
3. Reaction of a little girl (3min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYGKR7fk_vk
4. Reaction of a BBC reporter (2min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbh-S5uq8SY
You are too emotional on this and succumbed to confirmation bias without understanding the facts.

Note this thesis:
Lullabies are rhymed and harmonious words; in the form of poetry and prose according to a certain melody generally sung by mothers but sometimes also by relatives like grandma, aunt, elder sister etc. in order to soothe crying children or make them sleep.1

2- Lullabies Activate the Actions of the Brain

http://ijbssnet.com/journals/Vol_3_No_7 ... 012/35.pdf
Rhymed and harmonious tones can even effect animals to calm them down to sleep.

Elephant Falls Asleep After Lullaby

So the effect that the babies had, has nothing to do with Islam and recitation of specifically the Quran.

What is effective here is the harmonious tones in the recitation not the Quran per se.
The words and verses of the Quran are not the critical factors here.
The recitations of Christian hymns and similar melodic tones will have the same effect regards of what the actual words used.

A Muslim can recite the most violent verses in the Quran in those kind of tones to Muslim babies, non-Muslim babies and adults, there is still an effect of calmness just like any other sound of harmonius tones.

E.g. If a Muslim recites;
"We will kill all of you, bloody kafir non-Muslims" or Quran 5:33 and other violent commands,
the listener [babies and adults] will still feel the same calm effect from the harmonious recitations.
Veritas Aequitas
Posts: 12957
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Re: God and COVID-19

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Averroes wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:24 pm This is how I put it:

Everything that Allah, the All-Knowing commands us to do is right. When I chose to follow the commands of Allah, the Almighty, my intention is to please Allah, the Almighty first and foremost. And when I follow Allah's guidance, then Allah is pleased and when Allah is pleased then I get peace and I feel good. Taking the same example I gave previously: Allah commands me in the Holy Quran to speak good words to others. When I follow Allah's command of good speech, Allah is pleased. And when Allah is pleased with my speech when I speak good words to others, then I feel good and others too feel good subsequently.

The True Self in me is my natural disposition to follow Islam that Allah, the Creator has put in me when He created me. And the Holy Quran is the word of Allah, the All-Knowing. The Holy Quran reminds me of my natural disposition to follow the commands of Allah, the Most Merciful.
It may not be applicable to you, supposedly a good human being.

  • 1. DNA wise, all humans are "programmed" with the potential to be very evil.
    2. Appx 20% of all humans are born with an active evil tendencies of various degrees.
    3. As such, 20% of all Muslims i.e. 300 million are born with an active evil tendency - these are evil prone Muslims.
As you had stated a Muslim is obliged to comply with the commands of Allah within the Quran.

54% [3,400++] of the Quran's 6236 verses are inherently evil and contemptuous towards non-Muslims to the extreme non-Muslims be killed upon the slightest hint of threats [fasadin] to Islam -Quran 5:33.
As such, Islam as represented by it Constitution, i.e. the evil laden Quran is inherently evil albeit containing good elements for the Muslims.

Whilst you being a good human being may not obey the evil commands within the 3400++ verses in the Quran, the evil prone Muslims will feast on these evil laden verses and commit the most terrible evil acts upon non-Muslims.
These evil prones as Muslims has to do what Allah commanded them to do, else in their view they will end up in Hell.
This is so evident since the advent of Islam in the 7th century to the present.

It is very unfortunate to humanity, such a religion is embedded with so much evil elements that catalyze the evil prone believers to commit terrible evil acts upon non-believers.
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