Selfish God

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Re: Selfish God

Post by attofishpi »

gaffo wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 11:31 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:13 am
gaffo wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2019 12:34 am

Hi Att, have you found the time to re-ponder "ask a foolish question" story, and listen to Cantile yet?

welcome farther discussion about both works when/if you have the time/will to do so.
To be honest Sir Gaffo - it really doesn't interest me! ..and am way too busy atm to bother with something I really didn't find interesting...sorry, but hopefully you can respect my frank honesty!

With regards to Cantile, if it's something I can listen to while I work, then sure - post me the URL link.

Sad to hear, but respect your honest reply and understand being busy (just rem this post in yrs hence and so when if you have time - rem the this thread, and so have opportunity to listen/read Canticle). Walter Miller Jr was a bomber crewman that was one of many that took part in the destruction of Monte Cassino, that experience compelled him to write this one work (he never wrote another) (author of A Canticle for Leibowitz (I personally view it as one of the greatest literally works of all time - up there with Dante/ect - but its Sci-fiction, so "English majors/profs/culture in general - degrade the merits of a story if it is in the Science Fiction genre (they are biased IMO).

I have the CD set, via FBS Foundation - they stopped offering the series shortly after (post 2005) - not sure why (legal? prob - who knows (it was a WHA (Madison Wissconson Pulic Radio Production - the same folks that made the excellent Mindwebs series around the same time, and refuse to offer the "master tapes" for purchase - all we have are "over the air" 45 yrs old recordings of that series) - and re-encoded it to 168 VBR mp3's - and uploaded it to Usenet 15 yrs ago. I know that at least one kind soul "out there" then re-offered it as a Torrent.

of course that was a long time ago and even if you have a Torrent client, that show might not be "out there" 15 yrs later. (in hidef - thanks to me!!!!!!!!!!!!ya i'm bragging ;-)...........). if that torrent is dead after all these years, you will find a lower qualtiy mp3 set over at Internet Archive (why IA did not find my higher quality mp3 set years ago and then offered them - is curious. I guess that knowbody in possesion of the higher quality knew about IA in order to offer it).

Why did i never offer said higher quality set - hell i got the CD set here in my home - could re-encode to 320 even - well, I never thought of it until my reply to you (I could! - i respect Internet Archive - been a fan sense it discovered them in 2002- and i should! - maybe i will!?) ... 11.41.16PM

wiki of the overal story arch:

-----------though off topic, Mindwebs - narrated/acted by the infinately talented Robert Hanson - also a WHA production of the same era as CFL - early 70's to early 80's is worthy of a listen (all shows are taken from SciMasters of old (all have social/human themes - for thinking folks listening).

thanks for reply, and look forward to any comments related to the above works - even if in yrs hense - understand being swampted by life/etc.
Hey, that's brilliant gaffo - I've started listening to podcasts on the long drive to my parents place. (I know it's multi-tasking but driving is pretty much just a body motor skill!)
So I will line/wire up my phone to the speakers and set it off to play while I drive back home later today. I've had a read of the Canticle WIKI article, looks like something I will does the Mindwebs podcasts - thanks for the heads up.

If you are interested in sci-fi podcasts - I use escapepod:-

I've written a novella and submitted to the last week and is being reviewed - can take up to 90 days apparently, fingers crossed.

My main work of sci-fi (near future cyberpunk) is Alpha Two under my pseudonym Andrew Seas available on Amazon. The ebook version shows upload of 2011 - but that was just a test kindle version. I've now had a mobi file conversion done, looks a lot better and am soon going to start marketing it, but Amazon will not change the publish date. They also have a restriction where you cannot review their books unless you've spent about $50 in a 12mth period on your account! - ridiculous.

So I am going to code my website to have a review section and promote Alpha Two via my site.

Chapter One is available on my site here:-

The book cover is my own artwork - more available on the site but am still working on some of them..

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Re: Selfish God

Post by gaffo »

attofishpi wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:44 am
gaffo wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 11:31 pm
attofishpi wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2019 5:13 am

To be honest Sir Gaffo - it really doesn't interest me! ..and am way too busy atm to bother with something I really didn't find interesting...sorry, but hopefully you can respect my frank honesty!

With regards to Cantile, if it's something I can listen to while I work, then sure - post me the URL link.

Sad to hear, but respect your honest reply and understand being busy (just rem this post in yrs hence and so when if you have time - rem the this thread, and so have opportunity to listen/read Canticle). Walter Miller Jr was a bomber crewman that was one of many that took part in the destruction of Monte Cassino, that experience compelled him to write this one work (he never wrote another) (author of A Canticle for Leibowitz (I personally view it as one of the greatest literally works of all time - up there with Dante/ect - but its Sci-fiction, so "English majors/profs/culture in general - degrade the merits of a story if it is in the Science Fiction genre (they are biased IMO).

I have the CD set, via FBS Foundation - they stopped offering the series shortly after (post 2005) - not sure why (legal? prob - who knows (it was a WHA (Madison Wissconson Pulic Radio Production - the same folks that made the excellent Mindwebs series around the same time, and refuse to offer the "master tapes" for purchase - all we have are "over the air" 45 yrs old recordings of that series) - and re-encoded it to 168 VBR mp3's - and uploaded it to Usenet 15 yrs ago. I know that at least one kind soul "out there" then re-offered it as a Torrent.

of course that was a long time ago and even if you have a Torrent client, that show might not be "out there" 15 yrs later. (in hidef - thanks to me!!!!!!!!!!!!ya i'm bragging ;-)...........). if that torrent is dead after all these years, you will find a lower qualtiy mp3 set over at Internet Archive (why IA did not find my higher quality mp3 set years ago and then offered them - is curious. I guess that knowbody in possesion of the higher quality knew about IA in order to offer it).

Why did i never offer said higher quality set - hell i got the CD set here in my home - could re-encode to 320 even - well, I never thought of it until my reply to you (I could! - i respect Internet Archive - been a fan sense it discovered them in 2002- and i should! - maybe i will!?) ... 11.41.16PM

wiki of the overal story arch:

-----------though off topic, Mindwebs - narrated/acted by the infinately talented Robert Hanson - also a WHA production of the same era as CFL - early 70's to early 80's is worthy of a listen (all shows are taken from SciMasters of old (all have social/human themes - for thinking folks listening).

thanks for reply, and look forward to any comments related to the above works - even if in yrs hense - understand being swampted by life/etc.
Hey, that's brilliant gaffo - I've started listening to podcasts on the long drive to my parents place. (I know it's multi-tasking but driving is pretty much just a body motor skill!)
So I will line/wire up my phone to the speakers and set it off to play while I drive back home later today. I've had a read of the Canticle WIKI article, looks like something I will does the Mindwebs podcasts - thanks for the heads up.

If you are interested in sci-fi podcasts - I use escapepod:-

I've written a novella and submitted to the last week and is being reviewed - can take up to 90 days apparently, fingers crossed.

My main work of sci-fi (near future cyberpunk) is Alpha Two under my pseudonym Andrew Seas available on Amazon. The ebook version shows upload of 2011 - but that was just a test kindle version. I've now had a mobi file conversion done, looks a lot better and am soon going to start marketing it, but Amazon will not change the publish date. They also have a restriction where you cannot review their books unless you've spent about $50 in a 12mth period on your account! - ridiculous.

So I am going to code my website to have a review section and promote Alpha Two via my site.

Chapter One is available on my site here:-

The book cover is my own artwork - more available on the site but am still working on some of them..

Hey! thanks for rely, and no, i do not view driving as "multitasking" (uless talking - per my experience i drive fine with blaring music/not with talking passengers though - recently discovered "Weillingham (NZ) Radioactive 88.6 via my internt radio (tabletop - home wifi unit) - looking into actually buying a "cellphone" (smartphone i guess they are now) - to allow me to listen via "tune-in" that station and a couple of other's i have for years now - 1940's uk radio is one.

I'm not a talker, so do not value "cellphones" - but might get one as a "dump-head" unit for internt radio - and so decent music (clear channel/iheart now) ruined radio here in america for the last 20 yrs, and so "radio" here in america is CRAP - but some stations outside america (canada has a few that are good too BTW) might be worth my time to sign up for cellphone service and install to my radio in the car via aux-input.

and yes, I was a pirate (20-10 yrs ago) and will soon again via 7 watter - rebroadcast my pirate radio station for my immediate 2-mile radius neighbors - to fight the unwinnable fight - don Quihote(sp)was a foolish idealist decades ago and still am..................a dreamer fighting unwinnable battles.

but unlike 20 yrs ago, my FCC is now toothless - they do not have the field offices they used to, nor do they enforce nearly as much. there has been 3 pirates in my area now for the last 3 yrs (one spanish religious so not a listener myself - the other two offer great music (one fell silent - "Steve" (a nice guy, i signal tracked him down via a radio i have and talked to him 1.5 yrs ago...........He looked "rough" at the time - thinking hardcore drinker at the time, i fear he may have died, i hope not, but his 20 watter fell silent a year ago so i fear maybe so)

per your work/s that is fab in my book! I gave up on Science Fiction decades ago (last exellent work IMO was Ender's Game - i met Orson Scott Card BTW, at a bookstore, we talked a few minutes, i mentioned how i liked his earlier short story "deap breathing exercises" (about near death those about to die start breathing in tandum - creepy story and as a young man of 20 had impact). Card came of as an arrogant asshole, but that is ok (sad though) - his works (some of them) are exellent. so like actors, directors - their message/talant is not dependant upon their character, and so value their works.

per say Eli Kazan's works - Babydoll, A Face in the Crowd - perfection, its said Kazan was a dick for selling out via McCathyism, maybe so - or not - i never met him, unlike Card, so do not know if he was a dick or a nice guy coward who soldout his friends (or thought his friends are russian agents) - not my concern, i just not the works offered and judge the works, not the men that made them.

thanks for reply and hope your story does well.

BTW, not that it is my business, but you got me curious, what is the theme of your recent work?
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Re: Selfish God

Post by gaffo »

BTW, if you have the time, investigate X-Minus One (on Internet Archive also) - a Radioplay broadcasted by NBC in the late 50's. its basically a re-issue of the older early 50's series Dimention-X (also in IA, and worthy, but not as good as the latter x-1). Ernest Kinoy had a hand in the latter series, and also in many american TV shows of the 60's/70's. a tallented man. great show. check it out if you have the interest.


Nightfall - a CBC (Canadian) early 80's Radiodrama is excellent!!!!!!! - also offered via Interent Archive.


Radiodrama is a now a dead artform (yes ARTFORM) - now long dead sadly. and forgotten by those they never listened via thier radios..............

i get sad when an artform dies, and no-one notices ;-(.
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Re: Selfish God

Post by attofishpi »

gaffo wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2019 1:15 amBTW, not that it is my business, but you got me curious, what is the theme of your recent work?
Geez Sir Gaffo - you gaff on a lot! I can't address all u write.

To be honest again, i'm not into the older era of fiction - a friend of mine loves Phillip K Dick - ..and he smokes trees of weed.

I listened to a Phil K D podcast on that site you listed on my way home today, it took about 20 mins before I realised how bored I aint my thang.

The 'theme' of my writing or art?

My writing - Chapter One of my novel Alpha Two on my site here:-

..has a blurb at the start (as in the back cover of a book), that details the general theme.

But hey, if you wanna have a read of chapter 22 which I wrote after smoking a spliff - here it is (of course it needed serious editing the next day)
Marlow is the business partner of the protagonist Helix Carone, and here he is going into a 'virtual' game where he has a neural-net cap on his head - ALL his senses are replaced by the technology within the neural net. (Marlow is a bit of an adrenalin junkie - he grew up in a rough area to say the least) - Helix on the other hand is a hacker and part creator of the original neural-net system - he's on the run from the company that created the neural-net.

I plan to put some more sample chapters up on my site - but hey - it's only $3.99 US and the free kindle app runs on all platforms. Amazon's review system at the mo is very restrictive but if you get a copy - and you have spent at least $50 on Amazon in the past 12mths - you get to review a book! Ridiculous I know - more money money money. ...and the reviews that have been made are on the UK site and AU site - they don't replicate to ALL domains - crazy.

First 3 chapters are on Amazon:- ... B0054E2WOE




Marlow was only three minutes into the neural-net game named The Alpha-Bet, the underworld of the Amsterdam cyber streets. Two hours and a bar stood in front of him from which to make as much money as possible. Nobody's walking into virtual clubs and taking stuff, liquids, anything you want for your own personal experiment. Inviting glassware, soothing colors and the taste etched to perfection.

Marlow gazed at the strange concoction now positioned on the bar.

The barman grinned in anticipation. “You wanna fry a little, friend?” The man laughed and added, “You won’t rip from this trip!”

The drink glowed blue, swirled and sparked as if embodied with electrical static charges.

“You done it?” asked Marlow.

“Three times. Freaks the shit out of me. You know when you know,” said the barman rubbing his nose and adding, “I’m Lazareth, twenty-eighth on the leaderboard. You won’t get near that score with these other drinks. Only a FOX can get to that level.” Lazareth then held a fist up to Marlow and said, “Chin chin.”

Marlow raised his right hand, clenched his fingers and tapped Lazareth's fist. He then slowly lowered his hand and took hold of the shot glass.

“You gonna go sick! Sick!” yelled the barman unable to contain his excitement. “Pupils, that’s all we are!” he said pointing two fingers at his eyes, “Pupils of the light.”

Marlow threw the Fact-Or-X shot into his mouth, tilted his head back and swallowed. The cold came screaming through every nerve sending a burnt message. Chill factor X. His mind warped to super analysis then an epiphany. Words rang true and now he understood them. X was superfluous, beyond understanding. The chill was real and beyond death to the point of X. Like a drug, any drug—all drugs, receptors fine tuned to its perfect caress. A fatal belief in the masses, that their brain could ever fully recover, that they would one day continue, normal without its injection, satisfying aeons of evilution, the Yin. He needed Yang, more drugs or a fucking good psychstim. He'd do a job, any job—plug someone for a hit and there was plenty of work.

Space and time condensed into matter. Light such to be nothing and more powerful than anything. A fix of some kind, any kind—but seemingly impossible. He stumbled into a street that was dark, shiny and damp.

A cockney accent called out, “Fox! I got the antidote—the fix you crave—but you gotta do a job. Don't fuck it up, or you'll be craving for two hours instead of two minutes.” The man offered Marlow a gun. “Head up the street into a club called the Let’s Go, tell Tony on the door Darian sencha.”

Marlow took the weapon and did as instructed, arriving at the entrance cyber sweat dripping from his chin.

“You Tony?”

“Who wants to know?”

“Darian sent me.”

“Is that right—a FOX?” The Dutchman laughed then bent down to Marlow’s ear and whispered, “OK you got two minutes. Inside there's a bad ass, a big black mother fucker pimp called Willis, another FOX wearing a red tracksuit and surrounded by whores and muscle. You won't be able to get near him for a clean shot, you won't be able to look at him without being belted, let alone raise your piece. You clip him, you jump behind the bar and a safe will open, inside cash—forty thousand and an antidote. You got the balls?”

“Out the way…” Marlow placed his right hand on the gun and pushed through a poorly lit crowd.

It wasn't long until he found what he was looking for, another player.

“Hi Nouno Urho, I'm Liz.”

“What? You one of Willis's whores?” quizzed Marlow.

“Willis who?”

With that Marlow grabbed her by the arm and dragged her through the crowd towards a corner where he could see the likely muscle. An obelisk sized character turned around to face Marlow. Marlow caught sight of the flecks of a red tracksuit.

“I need to speak to Willis, this bitch just tried to pull one over on him.”

The muscle frowned in confusion and made a fatal mistake in stepping back and turning around to Willis. Marlow lifted the gun and shot at the tracksuit square in the chest, he then stepped backwards with the girl in front using her as cover. Bullets tore into her as Marlow dove over the bar. The safe was there, the cash and the antidote, and beside the antidote another concoction labeled, God Mode. The bar was still being shredded by bullets so Marlow drank the God Mode and gave it a test, standing up into a hail of bullets and returned fire until his piece was all that made noise. Of course it was a test, he could have just gone straight for the antidote, but that would have been game, set and match. Game over for some.

Helix, meanwhile, observed Marlow in the flesh, flinching on the sofa as if in the middle of a crazed nightmare. He watched the scene unfold on the screen, watching Marlow take himself to extremes that most men hadn't the bottle. It was only while viewing Marlow in cyberspace that Helix could ever come close to understanding what dwelt within. Years of a Fire Zone upbringing embodying a hardcore reality, for Marlow the virtual was an escape for what still burned inside.

Not wanting to endure any more, Helix took a magazine and walked around to the side of the sofa pressing a button beside a glass door which opened onto a small terrace containing an even smaller pool. A beige wall two metres high surrounded the terrace and judging by overhanging branches, Helix calculated the terrace to be two to three stories high.

He walked barefoot around the pool and across tiles warmed by sunshine that only partially broke through the shade of the tree. He carefully sat down on a white plastic deckchair, padded with green cushions.

Where in the hell am I? Helix thought. He found the notion of not having any idea where he was disturbing. If it weren't for the skin grafts, he would move the chair to the side of the wall and clamber up for a peek, see if anything looked familiar. He knew he was north, far north of LA. He returned his attention to the magazine—an article on Lunar One.

Thoughts of contacting Alpha Two had entered his mind on more than one occasion during the day but had been put off by the need to sleep. He glanced at his watch. It was three o'clock. He then returned his attention to the Bioscope article. Photos of both the Alpha and Delta model androids accompanied the article and explained how Bioscope had intentionally made them physically identical to humans to help people working alongside them feel more comfortable. Helix laughed at the irony.

It was the AI construct programming that made them truly resemble humans. The spherical three-sixty degrees of scope endlessly ticking over its past and plotting its future, manifesting its personality. Degrees to simulate happiness, sadness, anger and all the other human traits, and the effect of that upon the AI’s logic. A degree of belief, randomness and chaos coerced into logic, fuzzy logic. Learning from the consequences of mistakes, better judgement and its benefits, all mapped for self analysis and self adjustment—some called it construct growth, others construct maturity, the essence of an Artificial Intelligence.

Helix had never seen a completed android, in the electroclasp, the flesh, the finished product. Spectra was his domain. While the droid constructs were rigorously being developed, he was coding the software to monitor and regulate them, not that any programmers had access to the finished product—that was the province of the android engineers. He took a moment, sat back into the chair and considered how this piece of machinery would be coping in the real world. Langford must have put a lot of effort into its construct to make it fit into the human world, otherwise it would never have lasted this long unnoticed. Helix pondered over what the droid—Alpha Two—would be doing right now. What does an android on the run do? No doubt it would have a room somewhere, probably with a backup battery pack on charge most of the time. It would also be likely to be carrying a couple while on the move. But move—where? Probably, he thought Alpha Two would spend most of its time jacked into the neural-net, waiting…in anticipation to project the next move to Helix.

A gentle, warm breeze occasionally made the leaves rustle above, the odd one spiraling into the pool. Helix could find nothing further of interest in the magazine, so he placed it upon his chest, closed his eyes and began to doze
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Re: Selfish God

Post by gaffo »

not a huge Phil Dick fan, but i hope the story you refer to that bored you to death was not his short, "Imposter" - that story is all about what it means to be human.

Dick is too nihalistic(sp) for my taste, i prefer depair, hopelessness, and irony (w/ the bigger picture of something better out there that all characters shit/pissed on or ignored) Nihalism rejects any concept of a greater good of any kind (and tends to revel in that bleak outlook).

I find Hinlein, Bradbury,etc as offer more than Phil generally.
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Re: Selfish God

Post by attofishpi »

gaffo wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 2:30 am not a huge Phil Dick fan, but i hope the story you refer to that bored you to death was not his short, "Imposter" - that story is all about what it means to be human.

Dick is too nihalistic(sp) for my taste, i prefer depair, hopelessness, and irony (w/ the bigger picture of something better out there that all characters shit/pissed on or ignored) Nihalism rejects any concept of a greater good of any kind (and tends to revel in that bleak outlook).

I find Hinlein, Bradbury,etc as offer more than Phil generally.
Sir Gaffo - that's all very well, but I wrote one. How do you feel about shelling out the large amount of $4 to buy a copy? ..have a read of something rather original! ... 1-fkmrnull
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Re: Selfish God

Post by attofishpi »

Actually - I've just converted 5 chapters to HTML, available here:-

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Re: Selfish God

Post by gaffo »

attofishpi wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 4:45 pm
gaffo wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 2:30 am not a huge Phil Dick fan, but i hope the story you refer to that bored you to death was not his short, "Imposter" - that story is all about what it means to be human.

Dick is too nihalistic(sp) for my taste, i prefer depair, hopelessness, and irony (w/ the bigger picture of something better out there that all characters shit/pissed on or ignored) Nihalism rejects any concept of a greater good of any kind (and tends to revel in that bleak outlook).

I find Hinlein, Bradbury,etc as offer more than Phil generally.
Sir Gaffo - that's all very well, but I wrote one. How do you feel about shelling out the large amount of $4 to buy a copy? ..have a read of something rather original! ... 1-fkmrnull
I wish you well in you endeavors (I understand the travails of budding writers and the pubishing industry and their general cowardice) - but I'm cheap and not willing to pay 4 bucks to read your story.

no slight, you may be a great author, and i understand the plight of authors, and the "System" (cowards - many in the music and film industry also - the gate-keepers), I respect you for having the passion to persue what you love - writing.

I'm just too cheap to pay to read your work - its that simple. no insult to you, and i hope you do not my take reply as an insult, and instead understand (noting Sturgeon's law - not saying what you offer is crap, just that i too cheap to find out if it ain't).

I welcome conversion with you Sir, and hope vise versa, and not take my reply as in insult and wall me off due to it.

peace to you and hopefully no ill will and we can continue to disscuess all things on this forum, and i also wish you well and full success in your writing carrier.

honestly, not into being an flippant asshole (my own accomplishments are too meager to be one such type). I've authored noting.

peace Sir.
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Re: Selfish God

Post by attofishpi »

gaffo wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:03 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 4:45 pm
gaffo wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 2:30 am not a huge Phil Dick fan, but i hope the story you refer to that bored you to death was not his short, "Imposter" - that story is all about what it means to be human.

Dick is too nihalistic(sp) for my taste, i prefer depair, hopelessness, and irony (w/ the bigger picture of something better out there that all characters shit/pissed on or ignored) Nihalism rejects any concept of a greater good of any kind (and tends to revel in that bleak outlook).

I find Hinlein, Bradbury,etc as offer more than Phil generally.
Sir Gaffo - that's all very well, but I wrote one. How do you feel about shelling out the large amount of $4 to buy a copy? ..have a read of something rather original!
I welcome conversion with you Sir, and hope vise versa, and not take my reply as in insult and wall me off due to it.
Sir Gaffo - I do love your miskeys upon the qwerty! ...I am not a proselyte! ...and I am simply unable to be converted to atheism. :wink:
gaffo wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:03 ampeace to you and hopefully no ill will and we can continue to disscuess all things on this forum, and i also wish you well and full success in your writing carrier.

honestly, not into being an flippant asshole (my own accomplishments are too meager to be one such type). I've authored noting. peace Sir.
Gaffo - read the FREE first 5 chapter available here:-
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Re: Selfish God

Post by gaffo »

attofishpi wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:17 am
gaffo wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:03 am
attofishpi wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2019 4:45 pm

Sir Gaffo - that's all very well, but I wrote one. How do you feel about shelling out the large amount of $4 to buy a copy? ..have a read of something rather original!
I welcome conversion with you Sir, and hope vise versa, and not take my reply as in insult and wall me off due to it.
Sir Gaffo - I do love your miskeys upon the qwerty! ...I am not a proselyte! ...and I am simply unable to be converted to atheism. :wink:
gaffo wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:03 ampeace to you and hopefully no ill will and we can continue to disscuess all things on this forum, and i also wish you well and full success in your writing carrier.

honestly, not into being an flippant asshole (my own accomplishments are too meager to be one such type). I've authored noting. peace Sir.
Gaffo - read the FREE first 5 chapter available here:-
I would not wish even upon my enemies to convert to Atheism, it offers nothing but despair.

I thank you for reply to me and shall - my take me a few weeks to actually read your work via the link, but will do so since you give me the honour to offering it.

thanks again Sir!
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Re: Selfish God

Post by attofishpi »

gaffo wrote: Thu May 02, 2019 3:25 am
attofishpi wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:17 am
gaffo wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:03 am

I welcome conversion with you Sir, and hope vise versa, and not take my reply as in insult and wall me off due to it.
Sir Gaffo - I do love your miskeys upon the qwerty! ...I am not a proselyte! ...and I am simply unable to be converted to atheism. :wink:
gaffo wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:03 ampeace to you and hopefully no ill will and we can continue to disscuess all things on this forum, and i also wish you well and full success in your writing carrier.

honestly, not into being an flippant asshole (my own accomplishments are too meager to be one such type). I've authored noting. peace Sir.
Gaffo - read the FREE first 5 chapter available here:-
I would not wish even upon my enemies to convert to Atheism, it offers nothing but despair.

I thank you for reply to me and shall - my take me a few weeks to actually read your work via the link, but will do so since you give me the honour to offering it.

thanks again Sir!
Cheers take your time Sir Gaffo! - but on the 'becoming an atheist' thang. You need to understand that once you KNOW this God entity exists, you cannot un-know - ergo - cannot become an atheist.
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Re: Selfish God

Post by gaffo »

attofishpi wrote: Thu May 02, 2019 7:30 am
gaffo wrote: Thu May 02, 2019 3:25 am
attofishpi wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:17 am

Sir Gaffo - I do love your miskeys upon the qwerty! ...I am not a proselyte! ...and I am simply unable to be converted to atheism. :wink:

Gaffo - read the FREE first 5 chapter available here:-
I would not wish even upon my enemies to convert to Atheism, it offers nothing but despair.

I thank you for reply to me and shall - my take me a few weeks to actually read your work via the link, but will do so since you give me the honour to offering it.

thanks again Sir!
attofishpi wrote: Thu May 02, 2019 7:30 am Cheers take your time Sir Gaffo!
I apprec the goodwill, and likewise shall read your work, though as said prior, i'm slow in most things, so will take a few weeks. but appreciate the "no pressure" - releives me from the pressure to move faster than the usual pace (I must be French in spirit - lol).
attofishpi wrote: Thu May 02, 2019 7:30 am - but on the 'becoming an atheist' thang. You need to understand that once you KNOW this God entity exists, you cannot un-know - ergo - cannot become an atheist.
As you may have noticed since i've been here, i partake in threads "snake" (I am the Greatest) - mobly snake avitar) - have read most of the Bible and have "historical and doctrinal interests - as an observer, not Beleiver. Snake and I kow each other from the now extinct forum "bibie-disscusion" - we were both there for 10 yrs - and i've been here for 1.5 yrs now (found this place after that other forum died - and i had to look for another with folks that have minds/ideas/and like to discuss important issues. I miss that other forum, it was made up of both Beleviers and non- but most folks there were thoughtful/philosophical in mindset.

like most folks, i too was a Believer when a kid, but become an Atheist around the age of 12 and never recovered - lol.

i loathe the "new" atheists - like Dawkins and Hitchens - smug asshats than hate Religion of any ilk, and yet never read any theological books! - they are utterly ignorant in refuting the religions they hate for never opening a book to understand their "opponent".

instead i miss the old school Atheists - the silent majority types, folks like Paul Carus (1880's brit and amatuer archeologist Atheist who wrote several books centuries ago and was a leader in the Universal Humanist movement).

oh well, the "new atheists" are just one more example of the "decay of western culture" which started around 30 yrs ago and continues sadly.

thanks for reply - if you'd like to disscuss Religious texts, doctrine, history (no conversion/testifying to me please - i no like that stuff - i'm hell bound for my unbelief, so they say, and so i leave that up your God not you) i welcome the discussion!

peace to ya!
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