How should society be organised, if at all?

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Frank N Stein
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Post by Frank N Stein »

Dachshund wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:13 am
Arising_uk wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 10:46 pm
Dachshund wrote:
You're staring down the barrel of a second civil war in the US right now, numbskull.

It will be white , straight, American men versus libtard communists ( cultural Marxists, etc) like you; or rather, not like you, because you would never have the balls to actually defend your own degenerate leftist BS when things start to turn hot on the streets.



:lol: Given you kill 60,000+ of your citizens a year through guns and the inability to drive on straight roads I wonder why you'd bother?
p.s. Still it'll give us something to watch on TV at least.
Do you think it's all a laugh.

You're from the UK I take it?

Guess what brother ? The current Lord Mayor of London is a fucking Muslim (Pakistani), whose been actively pushing social policy reforms on an Islamist agenda. London, the great Capital of England is now a non-white/non -Christian majority city. Do you think that's all a big laugh? Do you think losing your English cultural heritage - something which you inherited from past generations of Englishmen who trusted you would preserve and defend the English values, traditions and way of life they fought for, not just in WW1 and WW2 but in battles against foreign tyranny over the centuries. Remember that when you forfeited London to the Islamists (Arabs ,Pakistanis, Bangladeshis); Asians;Punjabis and Afro-Carribeans, you lost something that was NEVER YOURS TO LOSE IN THE FIRST PLACE; you were a custodian, London was something that you were supposed to protect and preserve so it could be passed on to future generations of your own people. Now, The East End, for example, has become a no-go zone for native,white English (including the police) where Muslim radicals have openly declared Sharia law trumps British law ( and they are right - it DOES); i.e; they openly thumb their noses at the "(British) law of the land"? And no one in multicultural, politically correct England has got the guts to say anything or try to stop them because they're too frightened of being branded a racist and ending up in court charged with inciting racial hatred and handed a 3 - month prison sentence. Do you think that's funny?

If you're a white Englishman, you should be ashamed of what you have let happen to England. Birmingham is another tragic example, in 5-6 years it will also become a non-white majority city. It has become one of the biggest shit-holes in Britain. There are currently FIFTY THOUSAND immigrants mostly Muslims WHO CAN NOT SPEAK A WORD OF ENGLISH living in Birmingham. How on Earth did a situation like this come about? It's absolutely mind-boggling in a country that is the home of the English language ??

I am a great Anglophile, my wife and son are English. My own forebears were English (I was born in the US, though grew up in Australia). I have lived in England for many years and I have always regarded the native English as the most civilized race of people on this planet. In regional England, the villages and towns in Suffolk, Cumbria, The West Country, the Peak District, Hertfordshire and so on, are still the most peaceful, picturesque and delightful places on Earth. The people are polite, congenial and courteous and there is a strong sense of community - people look after each other. They know their neighbours in the street where they live and if ever someone is ill or struggling with some kind of difficultly they will lend a hand to help. Perhaps the most distinctive trait of the English, however, is their almost puritanical sense of justice. They really do get upset when someone or something ( a dog, a cat, a horse) is treated unfairly. Also, like most English, generally speaking, they are obsessed with their history and take very good care of what they have inherited from the past. In a traditional rural town, just walking down the high street is a pleasure as you are very often you will find yourself,quite literally, walking through history, Georgian buildings, Victorian cottages, Tudor houses, a 13th Century Gothic church all rubbing shoulders with each other. I think that this close connection with their past ( and also with the land) gives the rural/regional English a very strongly/deeply rooted sense of racial/ethnic identity - that is, a very clear understanding of who they are as a people. They are people who value the uniqueness, rich diversity of their culture; moreover, they are proud of it (and rightly so), they realise that what has taken many centuries to create can be destroyed very rapidly indeed if it not well-cared for protected.

The traditional, unobtrusive, regional English are people who can still stand tall and say: "I am proud of who I am. I am proud to be English. I am proud of my people and my culture, I love this land" and I think this is an extremely healthy, life-affirming thing. And it is, BTW, precisely why it was REGIONAL ENGLAND that turned the tide of the BREXIT referendum in 2016; they knew that if Britain did not take back control of it's borders and stem the flood of incompatible immigrants pouring into England from the EU, it was inevitable that their England would be destroyed by foreigners, in the same way that Birmingham, Leeds and London have already been trashed.


There's nothing wrong with liking your Englishness, but do you have to be such a fucking fascist about it? Who doesn't find English culture interesting? The idiocy is when you make claims of being 'better' than everyone else. Look at your in-bred royals. There are some pretty damn degenerate poms around--think Jimmy Saville. Yuk. What kind of a people idolise a creature like that?
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Post by Lacewing »

Age wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:33 am
Lacewing wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:18 am If you want to truly consider human nature interfering with spiritual nature, you have to stop the human noise.
Is this the only way?
I don't know. It seems to make sense that it's hard to have clarity when one is filled with noise. What do you think?
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Post by Age »

Lacewing wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:52 am
Age wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:33 am
Lacewing wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:18 am If you want to truly consider human nature interfering with spiritual nature, you have to stop the human noise.
Is this the only way?
I don't know. It seems to make sense that it's hard to have clarity when one is filled with noise. What do you think?
I like to listen to human noise because of how utterly ridiculous and stupid it can be at times. The unknown dishonesty and self-contradictory noise that is produced from human beings really is, at times, very humorous and entertaining to listen to, and hear. Although, at other times, some of the stupidity can appear unfathomable.

Actually, I find listening to more human noise provides more clarity of what you call "human nature", and thus provides more clarity of how to communicate better with them also.

What you call "spiritual nature" already has clarity, no matter how much human noise is being made. What you call "spiritual nature" is already crystal clear and very easily distinguishable from, what you call, "human nature". Achieving or acquiring clarity is very easy, even with all the noise that human beings make, and try to make.
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Post by Walker »

Lacewing wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 4:50 pm
Walker wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:32 pm
Lacewing wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:46 am Just out of curiosity, what would each of YOU do if you were in their shoes -- perhaps escaping war and poverty and violence, with hopes of securing a better and safer life for you and your children?

What should anyone do in such a situation?
As an invader setting out to break the law you would likely be raped, so what would you do?
Why didn't you answer the question? Are you afraid of revealing that you would do the same thing as these migrants are doing?

If I was fleeing such terrible conditions that I was willing to go through hell for myself and my children, rape would not be a deterrent. Would it be a deterrent for you?
What would those conditions be for you and why can't you enter the US legally?

When you’re talking desperate situation, are you talking about an emaciated child squatting by the side of the road, too weak to walk, while a buzzard patiently waits for dinner?

Or, are you talking about a well-fed, strapping young man who wants all the things American, including wages or anything else he might want?

When you say war, are you talking about rotting carcasses out there in the hallway?
Or, are you talking about paying tribute to the gang on your block that protects you from the gang on the next block?

Be specific, Lacey.
Folks will tell you there hasn't been a war for many decades.

What conditions would cause you to send your child on a thousand mile walk with strangers? Would being lied to, and your own gullibility, be elements of those conditions?
Last edited by Walker on Sat Jan 26, 2019 9:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Greta »

Frank N Stein wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:04 amThere's nothing wrong with liking your Englishness, but do you have to be such a fucking fascist about it? Who doesn't find English culture interesting? The idiocy is when you make claims of being 'better' than everyone else. Look at your in-bred royals. There are some pretty damn degenerate poms around--think Jimmy Saville. Yuk. What kind of a people idolise a creature like that?
Agreed, and we can also remember bovver boys, football hooligans and some incredibly twee and unsophisticated music. The most sophisticated music markets in the world today are in continental Europe and South America - not exactly Anglo bastions.
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Post by Walker »

LW wrote:If I was fleeing such terrible conditions that I was willing to go through hell for myself and my children, rape would not be a deterrent.
People do the darndest things,"for the children."

Ask most any stripper.
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Post by Dachshund »

Frank N Stein wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 7:44 am

However, you hide your fear and hatred of women behind a desire to them women and deny them any kind of rights or independent value in life based on a spurious ideology entirely lacking any kind of actually basis beyond "the Bible said so" (never mind the ambiguities).

We know the ancients' idea of male and female energies - the male completely and utterly dominates and controls the female in every aspect of life aside from a tiny sliver of independence in doing what you would call "women's work" - cleaning toilets, servicing men like prostitutes and char-ladies 24/7 on demand, cleaning up garbage and excrement left by men, preparing food and cleaning up after mens' eating, making simple handicrafts and looking after babies.

Meanwhile, men - even the very stupid ones - may do all of the thinking, philosophising, learning that women must not be permitted, unless traitors to their gender. Nick's men make all decisions in all areas with zero input from women who, to you, are like children who should be seen and not heard.

Basically yours is it's a dream of empowerment to make up for a sense of impotence and weakness due to regular rejection by women. So you find an ancient ideology that fits with your fear and hatred of women to use as justification, to fight back and punish them by always advocating against any rights for them.


Greta now that you've had your little rant against the evil, white, misogynist Western patriarchy, perhaps you could enlighten my male ignorance by giving just one example of a successful human civilization from the past 6000 years that was matriarchal?

Then you could explain to me why when women got the vote they all cast their ballot for the left and the bloated Nanny State.

And also, could you tell me why gender feminism in the US, for example, intentionally decimated the traditional nuclear family, which even Daffy Duck knew was an essential foundation for any civilized, orderly human society, by destroying the institution of marriage with "no fault" divorce legislation.

Why , exactly did so many Western Women naively swallow the cultural Marxist/hard-left gender feminist ideology (which, BTW, is probably the most absurd, hair-brained, antisocial doctrine I have ever encountered) and stop having children? Was it to purposively slash the white birth rate, so that white Americans could look forward to enjoying all the wonderful benefits of becoming a reviled and despised demographic minority in their own country and having Mexicans/Blacks tell them what they are, and are not, allowed to do?. Why would these women do something so incomprehensibly "suicidal"? Is it because, basically, they're just really STOOPID (like you, Greta?).

Western feminists who attacked, and continue to attack, the traditional patriarchy, consign countless thousands of young children from broken homes to worlds of tremendous suffering and not uncommonly, serious psychiatric illness induced by trauma. Why do they do this ? I thought women were supposed to be the kinder, gentler more compassionate sex?

How come so many feminists and women who hate men in the West, ended up on welfare (paid for by hard-earned, male tax dollars), struggling to make ends meet.

Oh yeah, and how come so many feminists turn themselves into ugly, fat slobs with green or blue hair, "Hammer and Sickle" T-Shirts and lots bad taste tattoos? They are enough to put any normal man off sex for months !!

Thanks if you can help with these queries.


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Post by FlashDangerpants »

Dachshund wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:13 am Now, The East End, for example, has become a no-go zone for native,white English (including the police) where Muslim radicals have openly declared Sharia law
That's inconvenient for me given I'm white and I live there. Am I not permitted to go home tonight?
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Post by Nick_A »

What if you stop talking and thinking and judging and condemning? Are you able to do that? Are you able to stop all noise rattling around in your head? What do you see then?
You are describing a fault of the secular mind. It is trapped in binary reason and the world of blind belief and blind denial. A universalist doesn’t condemn reality but seeks to experience the quality of consciousness which reconciles it from a higher level of reality.

I have to judge in accordance with my goal. I live in NY. If I want to go to Florida it is good to go south and bad to go north. The secularist is caught up in emotional justification while the universalist seeks the experience of a higher quality of emotion which provides the force necessary to stay on course rather than fall into learned emotional justification.
All of the noise is human-based, Nick. All of your explanations about directions and levels, etc, etc, are human noise. If you want to truly consider human nature interfering with spiritual nature, you have to stop the human noise.
You deny the purpose of philosophy and the value of contemplating ideas. Noise is habitual mechanical inner chatter. Contemplation as opposed to fantasy requires conscious attention. You are mixing concepts which shouldn’t be mixed.

What does spirituality mean for you? Do you consider it the same as escapism and mindlessness?
Really? Many people see that it IS! Who is correct?
It isn’t a matter of who is correct and if the earth is divine but rather what you need and what is necessary to satisfy this need. Simone describes it perfectly:
"...It is not for man to seek, or even to believe in God. He has only to refuse to believe in everything that is not God. This refusal does not presuppose belief. It is enough to recognize, what is obvious to any mind, that all the goods of this world, past, present, or future, real or imaginary, are finite and limited and radically incapable of satisfying the desire which burns perpetually with in us for an infinite and perfect good... It is not a matter of self-questioning or searching. A man has only to persist in his refusal, and one day or another God will come to him."
-- Weil, Simone, ON SCIENCE, NECESSITY, AND THE LOVE OF GOD, edited by Richard Rees, London, Oxford University Press, 1968.- ©
She needed what was not a part of the world so the earth is not divine for her. If a person is caught up in worldly values then the world can be considered divine. That is all there is. Is it correct to need food? It doesn’t matter; it is a necessity.

Ideas of a certain quality serve the human psychological need to awaken to a human perspective. To deny them is to deny a necessary form of nutrition for human being. Spirit killers have become quite adept at this.
I don't know why you call it offensive. You seem to like to focus on people attacking some "uniquely spiritual minority", as if that is a favorite story-line to you. There are lots of story-lines. This is partly why I think we are on a stage... playing out fantastic potentials, while our spirits watch.
The most hated of all the machines is the alarm clock. It disturbs the peace so must be considered offensive. It is the same with those like Jesus and Socrates. They invited awakening and there is nothing more offensive to the world but at the same time essential for those who feel a human connection with a quality beyond earthly animal limitations.

Yes there is a part that watches but is that all we are capable of? If all we can do is watch lunacy, why watch? Do you really believe there is no purpose to watching we are largely ignorant of?
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Post by Dachshund »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:53 am
Dachshund wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:13 am Now, The East End, for example, has become a no-go zone for native,white English (including the police) where Muslim radicals have openly declared Sharia law
That's inconvenient for me given I'm white and I live there. Am I not permitted to go home tonight?
Last year I got a BR train to Liverpool street Station from where I was living in Herts, got on the tube there and walked out of Aldgate East Tube Station with my son. Then we walked all the way the Whitechapel Rd to "The Blind Beggar" to have a pint for a lark because that's where one of the Kray twins (Reggie, I think?) shot and killed some gangster he had a row with inside the pub.. All the way up the Whitechapel Road EVERY lamp post was plastered in bright red: "WARNING YOU ARE NOW ENTERING A SHARIA LAW ZONE" stickers and there were large banners set up in fluoro orange along the Rd and everywhere in the vicinity saying the same thing. (The big East London Mosque is about halfway up the W Rd).

There are still Muslim vigilante groups roaming through the area at night, hassling whites who are doing anything that Islamic scripture/Sharia disapproves of like drinking beer, chatting up tarts, or, if you are a white female wearing mini-skirts or other sexy Western clothing, etc.

So yeah, of course you can go home to your digs in the East End, mate, but if you do happen to well and truly get the shit beaten out of you (or worse) just for being white and on the streets at night, then in my opinion you only have yourself to blame, - and, BTW, don't expect the Old Bill to patrolling the area and keeping an eye on any dodgy-looking local mujihadeen. You see, as a white man, you are not welcome in the East End of London anymore, buddy, not at all, because it is pretty much all radical Muslim turf now - ( esp the general region that includes: Aldgate, Shoreditch, Whitchapel, the residential housing around the A11 and the Commercial Road, Mile End, the Brick Lane Mosque and the back streets around it, the general area around the Old Spitalfields Market, ETC) ;as far as the "Jihadi Joes" are concerned you are a Kaffir (an Infidel) lower than a dog. To them you life is worth NOTHING, that's what they get taught every F**king at their Mosques.

Regards ( and Allah u Akbar !!)

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Post by FlashDangerpants »

Dachshund wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 4:19 pm
FlashDangerpants wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:53 am
Dachshund wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:13 am Now, The East End, for example, has become a no-go zone for native,white English (including the police) where Muslim radicals have openly declared Sharia law
That's inconvenient for me given I'm white and I live there. Am I not permitted to go home tonight?
Last year I got a BR train to Liverpool street Station from where I was living in Herts, got on the tube there and walked out of Aldgate East Tube Station with my son. Then we walked all the way the Whitechapel Rd to "The Blind Beggar" to have a pint for a lark because that's where one of the Kray twins (Reggie, I think?) shot and killed some gangster he had a row with inside the pub.. All the way up the Whitechapel Road EVERY lamp post was plastered in bright red: "WARNING YOU ARE NOW ENTERING A SHARIA LAW ZONE" stickers and there were large banners set up in fluoro orange along the Rd and everywhere in the vicinity saying the same thing. (The big East London Mosque is about halfway up the W Rd).

There are still Muslim vigilante groups roaming through the area at night, hassling whites who are doing anything that Islamic scripture/Sharia disapproves of like drinking beer, chatting up tarts, or, if you are a white female wearing mini-skirts or other sexy Western clothing, etc.

So yeah, of course you can go home to your digs in the East End, mate, but if you do happen to well and truly get the shit beaten out of you (or worse) just for being white and on the streets at night, then in my opinion you only have yourself to blame, - and, BTW, don't expect the Old Bill to patrolling the area and keeping an eye on any dodgy-looking local mujihadeen. You see, as a white man, you are not welcome in the East End of London anymore, buddy, not at all, because it is pretty much all radical Muslim turf now - ( esp the general region that includes: Aldgate, Shoreditch, Whitchapel, the residential housing around the A11 and the Commercial Road, Mile End, the Brick Lane Mosque and the back streets around it, the general area around the Old Spitalfields Market, ETC) ;as far as the "Jihadi Joes" are concerned you are a Kaffir (an Infidel) lower than a dog. To them you life is worth NOTHING, that's what they get taught every F**king at their Mosques.

Regards ( and Allah u Akbar !!)

Weird. I have been round that way a few times in the last year and I never noticed those frightening stickers. Perhaps my senses for racial danger aren't so acute as yours for some reason. I do remember there was something like that round there like 5 years ago, and the dudes who did the Sharia patrols routine went to prison because the old bill do care about that sort of thing, and obviously there's none of these no-go zones. Those are bullshit made up Tommy Robinson and pals for the consumption of a Facebook audience of racists.
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Post by Lacewing »

Walker wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:40 am What would those conditions be for you...?
What would they be for YOU? As usual you refuse to answer questions that highlight what a self-serving, dishonest hypocrite you are, so answer your own slew of avoidance questions and fuck off.
Last edited by Lacewing on Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lacewing »

Age wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:20 am What you call "spiritual nature" already has clarity, no matter how much human noise is being made.
What makes you think you know what I'm talking about, such that you can make such a claim?
Age wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:20 amWhat you call "spiritual nature" is already crystal clear and very easily distinguishable from, what you call, "human nature". Achieving or acquiring clarity is very easy, even with all the noise that human beings make, and try to make.
Why do you suppose so many people would disagree with this?
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Post by Lacewing »

Dachshund to Greta wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:06 am How come so many feminists and women who hate men in the West, ended up on welfare (paid for by hard-earned, male tax dollars), struggling to make ends meet.

Oh yeah, and how come so many feminists turn themselves into ugly, fat slobs with green or blue hair, "Hammer and Sickle" T-Shirts and lots bad taste tattoos? They are enough to put any normal man off sex for months !!
Who the hell cares what "puts off a man"? Have you taken a look at the majority of men -- what they are incapable of, and what they look like??? Do you think women want THAT?
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Post by Lacewing »

Nick_A wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:30 pm
Lacewing wrote:What if you stop talking and thinking and judging and condemning? Are you able to do that? Are you able to stop all noise rattling around in your head? What do you see then?
You are describing a fault of the secular mind. It is trapped in binary reason and the world of blind belief and blind denial. A universalist doesn’t condemn reality but seeks to experience the quality of consciousness which reconciles it from a higher level of reality.

I have to judge in accordance with my goal.
Nope, evidently you're not able to do what I asked above. Rationalization and projection... just more noise.
Nick_A wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:30 pm
Lacewing wrote:All of the noise is human-based, Nick. All of your explanations about directions and levels, etc, etc, are human noise. If you want to truly consider human nature interfering with spiritual nature, you have to stop the human noise.
You deny the purpose of philosophy and the value of contemplating ideas.
No, I didn't and I don't. I was referring to spiritual nature vs. human noise. You, yourself, talk about what interferes with spiritual nature. But here you claim that I'm "mixing concepts", by doing so. Again, everything has to be by your terms. You cannot see anything beyond that. And you claim you're not intoxicated or manipulative... or full of noise.
Nick_A wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:30 pmWhat does spirituality mean for you? Do you consider it the same as escapism and mindlessness?
Of course not. Such an absurd question shows how desperate and dishonest you can be to discredit any view other than your own convoluted one.
Nick_A wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:30 pmIf a person is caught up in worldly values then the world can be considered divine. That is all there is.
No, that's NOT all there is. Seeing the world as divine does not need to be based on any worldly values. Why do you need to limit it as such? So that you can wrestle with it in your own epic battle of noise... right?
Nick_A wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 3:30 pm Yes there is a part that watches but is that all we are capable of? If all we can do is watch lunacy, why watch?
Maybe because we're divine and it's entertaining and informative to explore and create. Why do you need to make it "bad"? Why do you dwell on levels of delusional limitation so that you can rage against them?
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