What brightens your day?

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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

marjoram_blues wrote:
SpheresOfBalance wrote:
marjoram_blues wrote:Amongst all the doom'n'gloom of dreich winter days
I honestly don't find overcast, winter, or rainy days as doom 'n' gloom. To me they are all necessary for life on planet earth. I actually hate sunny days more if there is a lot of humidity, such that it's really humid days I can't stand, though we are 70 some percent water. :shock:

and being inundated with depressing and anger-inducing headlines,
Now that I agree with, yet for me it can simply be when I'm reminded of mankinds reluctance to change for the better, that sets me off.

it is easy to slip into the greyest of moods.
Grey might be my actual color, at least on the inside. ;)

So, this morning I read the latest from Clive James, who can still manage to raise a smile and share special moments of joy with others.

"http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle ... mes-winter

My maple tree has shed the last of its fiery leaves. This is now the actual winter, not a rehearsal. In compensation, my friend Ann Baer has sent me an autumn maple leaf in its full crimson glory. I have propped it up in the bookcase near where I write. Ann Baer is 101 years old and I am hoping to catch some of her secret.
I could use more time, but it will need luck. My main drug might stave off the leukemia indefinitely, but indefinitely could mean until tomorrow. Meanwhile, my morning antibiotics pick’n’mix must deal with winter’s threat to my tattered lungs, and a few days ago the threat was multiplied by the sudden failure of the heating system in my house.
I had to spend 24 hours wearing a complete set of thermal underwear under thick corduroy trousers and several sweaters: the layered look. The thermostat doodad was successfully replaced only just before I left for the oncology clinic at Addenbrooke’s. I was the only person in the waiting room who looked as if he had mistaken the clinic for a ski resort.
But the blood-tests were fine and I came home more determined than ever to enjoy the little things. Better than pretending you are living on a knife-edge like a downhill racer is to enjoy the way the coffee smells before you spoon it out of the tin. Call it the smaller hedonism. My niece, learning Russian at Melbourne University, spotted an error when I told her that the language is like being embraced by a bear in a fur coat. A bear, she pointed out, has a fur coat already. She was right: I should have said a bear in a brocade dressing gown. But I am delighted she has an eye for detail..."

'...enjoy the way the coffee smells before you spoon it out of the tin. Call it the smaller hedonism...'

Beautiful thoughts expressed with skill and in the spirit of humour and delight.
But I think that besides visible light brightening my day, ;) , it's something cute, innocent, honest, funny, or that smells really good and inviting, like maybe freshly ground coffee, whether it's in the tin/plastic or not. Does that make me a non specific hedonist?
Ah Spheres - thanks for dropping by. Always a pleasure to talk with you, even if you don't hear what I say ( because I'm mouthing at the screen).
My wife says the exact same thing, but she does it in another room, or when my back is turned. I'll be honest I wouldn't like dealing with me either, and would have a few choice words to say! ;)

I adore some of your more gnarly growls, I also laugh out loud at some of our other wonderful 'characters' ( devils included)...not liking the more hateful screeches but hey, this thread is to help balance out my mind - taking it to a sunnier clime.

It can be overwhelming and I really wish I could type out all my feelings and thoughts which arise - but time and energy are against me. Just hope that you and others keep on doing what you're doing. It would be a boring and useless place if we all agreed.

I'm not sure if you are a 'non-specific hedonist' - you are who you are. And that's just fine. As you say, we are all works in progress. Some of us are more work than others.
Enjoy the festivities and keep well.
I remember that we had a rather rough start, but I'm really glad you bounced back, as much as you seem to have. ;) I'm sure that your tongue is quite sore after replying to some of my more hateful posts. ;) :lol: Oh I do indeed feel sorry for those that put up with me!

Happy Holidays, whether you celebrate or not, as it's from me to you, that I wish you well in this joyous time. If only the spirit could be maintained forever... :D :(
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by marjoram_blues »

The Philosophy Now Forum where: 'Philosophy means never being bored' :wink:
All ye saints and sinners rise up and have a good day.
Colour it as you will - 'Merry Christmas !'
Obvious Leo
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by Obvious Leo »

marjoram_blues wrote:All ye saints and sinners rise up and have a good day.
I'm under no illusions as to which of these categories I fall into, MB, and I return my best wishes to you and yours.

Love and peace. ( As we crumbling old hippies used to say.)
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by marjoram_blues »

Obvious Leo wrote:
marjoram_blues wrote:All ye saints and sinners rise up and have a good day.
I'm under no illusions as to which of these categories I fall into, MB...
Boxing Day boxes

Is it, or is it not Boxing Day? That is the question...
It's a a secular or a religious holiday; it's known as St Stephen's Day, Wren's Day or Day of Goodwill.
For me, it's a day to recover from Christmas; no rush to buy sales items. The 'Sales' happen all year round.

So, apparently the tradition was for bosses to gift their 'slaves' a box. What lay within, I know not...
But I wonder if it varied according to which hierarchical box you ticked.

What kind and size of a box do you fall into; what is your content and function? A little matchbox; a P.O. box; a toolbox...

How did you get there? Was it of your own making - or did someone 'gift' it to you?

For me, there are no Saints or Sinners. Of course, others like to place you in a box of -isms or -ists. Does it make them feel better?
Although I take positions on some life stories, I try not to box myself in...too much.
I would like to look back and sing 'I've had the time of my life...' in and out of boxes; hinged or unhinged.

As Johnny said in 'Dirty Dancing': 'Nobody puts Baby in a corner'...
...hmmm, but then, what is the word 'Baby' if not a box...
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by marjoram_blues »

artisticsolution wrote:Aww...those were the days! Cher's long hair....gorgeous! And she always had that ultra shiny lip gloss that I wanted to wear so bad but I was only a kid so my mom,wouldn't let me. Then when I finally got old enough... matte lipstick was all the rage! Always a day late and a dollar short! Ha

Hi AS, I meant to ask you 'What kind of Silence? And Why?
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by Green »

marjoram_blues wrote:Hi Green, how green are you?
Every now and again, pretty damn green.
First beer - out of how many?
3 - 4 if I have anything to do the next day, if not 9 - 12.
How many fags a day?
1 in the morning, 1 after lunch and 2-3 while drinking.
Trying to figure out how a little floor heater helps your back. As for feet, nothing quite like a pair of thermals or fluffy pinks :wink:
The floor heater just feels good on my back while I'm reading, as the rest of the room is freezing during the winter. I like that contrast, but obviously if it gets too cold I crank up central.
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by marjoram_blues »

Green wrote:
marjoram_blues wrote:Hi Green, how green are you?
Every now and again, pretty damn green.
First beer - out of how many?
3 - 4 if I have anything to do the next day, if not 9 - 12.
How many fags a day?
1 in the morning, 1 after lunch and 2-3 while drinking.
Trying to figure out how a little floor heater helps your back. As for feet, nothing quite like a pair of thermals or fluffy pinks :wink:
The floor heater just feels good on my back while I'm reading, as the rest of the room is freezing during the winter. I like that contrast, but obviously if it gets too cold I crank up central.
Hi Green - didn't think you'd get back to me. Interesting how other people get their 'feel-good' factor. Loved your 'pretty damn green' :mrgreen:
Stay warm and well. Think of your liver, if not your lungs. Is there a reason for your sore back...
I know... I'm being too nosy and interfering; feel free to ignore :)
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by marjoram_blues »

How do they do that?
A few days ago, I watched a mesmerising recreation of Rome's subterranean archaeological underworld. Jaw dropped and eyes boggled...and all because of amazing 3D scanning.

'I've never been in a sewer before, I hear it's great' - Alexander Armstrong all suited up and ready to go...

presenting 'Rome's Invisible City BBC1 along with Dr Michael Scott - enabled by the fantastic team at ScanLAB projects.
with introductory clip (2m21s)
The show explores Roman infrastructure and ingenuity.

We journeyed via the icy, crystal clear waters of subterranean aqueducts that feed the Trevi fountain and two thousand year old sewers which still function beneath the Roman Forum today, to decadent, labyrinthine catacombs. Our laser scans map these hidden treasures, revealing for the first time the complex network of tunnels, chambers and passageways without which Rome could not have survived as a city of a million people.

The team experienced unprecedented access to some of Rome most recently discovered treasures and most recent archaeological finds, guided by a Rome’s Underground Archaeology Unit. Often access was complex but exciting - abseiling 20 meters down through a manhole cover into underground quarries or delicately picking our way in pitch black, water filled tunnels. The result is some of the most comprehensive scanning achieved in Rome, in an unprecedented level of colour, accuracy and detail.
Now, I really, really want to return to Rome - with a greater appreciation...but I won't be going down no sewer, no siree...
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by marjoram_blues »

A letter from an old friend.

For 'Auld Lang Syne':

with lyrics and English translation. Still time to practise before midnight...

Hope everyone has a very Guid New Year !!
*raises cuppa tea*
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by artisticsolution »

Thanks M! I didn't think anything could beat my fav version...


But your version kicks mine's ass! Now yours is my new fav.

This song has always been a fav of mine. Too me its so very sad.

Did I mention that I had a friend who died this year? Her name was Bunny ( she was born on Easter so her dad nicknamed her Bunny).

She was 94.

She had outlived everyone she knew and she was totally alone.

Yes, she had a few friends...but all were much younger. There is something very special for having someone to talk to who has witnessed your life and lived through the same times.Someone you can relate to.

I think most of us have really no idea what it is to be THAT alone. So alone that even when you walk down the street, or turn on the TV, there is absolutely no one left who remembers what it was to 'be' in the era in which you grew up. Even if they were interested in the past, all they could do is listen to your stories, time would never allow a deeper bond than that.

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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by marjoram_blues »

artisticsolution wrote:Thanks M! I didn't think anything could beat my fav version...

But your version kicks mine's ass! Now yours is my new fav.
This song has always been a fav of mine. Too me its so very sad.

Did I mention that I had a friend who died this year? Her name was Bunny ( she was born on Easter so her dad nicknamed her Bunny).
She was 94.

She had outlived everyone she knew and she was totally alone.
Yes, she had a few friends...but all were much younger. There is something very special for having someone to talk to who has witnessed your life and lived through the same times.Someone you can relate to.
I think most of us have really no idea what it is to be THAT alone. So alone that even when you walk down the street, or turn on the TV, there is absolutely no one left who remembers what it was to 'be' in the era in which you grew up. Even if they were interested in the past, all they could do is listen to your stories, time would never allow a deeper bond than that.

Happy New Year, AS and everybody !!

Yes, there are some lovely versions of 'For Auld Lang Syne' - not all sad and melancholy. Your friend Bunny might have enjoyed dancing to it...back in the days. The music get increasingly lively as the singing/dancing circle moves crazily to some kind of centre point where you all bang into each other - and then return for more :)
Here's a black and white clip of a Hogmanay TV special in Glasgow 1957/8. It's 35 mins long and was a 'first' - the Canadian presenter is so serious. You can hear all the directions as they flit between control room, the entertainment set and Glasgow Cross where the crowds are gathered. I only skipped through this...but caught a few pieces that made me smile. The innocence of those days...

There's a very young comedy duo Mike and Bernie Winters - see 14.30.
At about the 19.10 mark, an interview re police 'security' - hah !
Also some interesting historical background to the banishing of the bagpipes - and what the resourceful Scots did to replace them...

If you want to see an' Auld Lang Syne circle do their thing...you'll have to fast forward to the 30m mark :) ( quite tame really - far too sober )
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by marjoram_blues »

New Year's Resolution.
If I tell ya', then you will know when I fail. So I won't tell ya'.
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by artisticsolution »

marjoram_blues wrote:
Happy New Year, AS and everybody !!

Yes, there are some lovely versions of 'For Auld Lang Syne' - not all sad and melancholy. Your friend Bunny might have enjoyed dancing to it...back in the days. The music get increasingly lively as the singing/dancing circle moves crazily to some kind of centre point where you all bang into each other - and then return for more :)
Here's a black and white clip of a Hogmanay TV special in Glasgow 1957/8. It's 35 mins long and was a 'first' - the Canadian presenter is so serious. You can hear all the directions as they flit between control room, the entertainment set and Glasgow Cross where the crowds are gathered. I only skipped through this...but caught a few pieces that made me smile. The innocence of those days...

There's a very young comedy duo Mike and Bernie Winters - see 14.30.
At about the 19.10 mark, an interview re police 'security' - hah !
Also some interesting historical background to the banishing of the bagpipes - and what the resourceful Scots did to replace them...

If you want to see an' Auld Lang Syne circle do their thing...you'll have to fast forward to the 30m mark :) ( quite tame really - far too sober )
Okay, you did it...you brightened my cay with that clip! I loved the dance at the end! And everyone is so attractive...strange to see that in large groups. what I thought was cool was the 'mylar' looking party hats. They look so futuristic...like they could be party hats from today. I am going to have to watch it again when I have more time! First Friday tonight....hopefully people aren't too hung over to come out. :)

Happy New Year to us all!
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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by Walker »

The Magic Carpet Wizard Performs Miracles!

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Re: What brightens your day?

Post by duszek »

A good book.

Which makes me realize some interesting truths that I was unaware before.

Mi chiamo Michael Corleone. Ho ammazzato due stronzi stamattina e ho spaventato tre altri.
Dopo ho festeggiato a lungo. La vita è bella.


The idea of a story or a poem that I can put down and read in one of my literary circles next time.
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