
Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Re: Relationships

Post by uwot »

Hi Atthet
uwot wrote:Specifically: what science contradicts my belief system?
uwot wrote:And billions of people simply do not fit your pathetic template.
This is not a belief system, this is one fact.

"All of science contradicts this."

Fluid mechanics, for instance? That is an absurd claim.

"Billions of people fit into the category of what you call "human"."

And how many people fit in the category of what you presumably call non-human?

"Billions of people fit into the category of what you call monotheistic, including Jews, Christians, and Muslims."

True, and even more billions do not.

"Face it, wowow, you're wrong. You're anti-science. And you're anti-reason."

Atthet, you have very little understanding of science and limited reasoning skills.
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Re: Relationships

Post by thedoc »

Atthet wrote: I am part of a pack. I have the option of leaving, coming or going, as I please.

The 'pack' is subservient to the 'alpha male' and you are not the 'alpha male'. you have no options except at the pleasure of that 'alpha male'.
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Re: Relationships

Post by mickthinks »

Atthet wrote:Let's assume that you, wowow, and I, are all not part of this self-aware group.
Why not just assume you are not part of any self-aware group?

You are a fool, mick.
lol NO U!
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Re: Relationships

Post by Atthet »

Wowow, if you accept science, then you accept that man is evolving right now, and some men are evolving at a faster rate than others. You accept that categories can be applied to man, meaning races exist, and vast differences can be accounted for by race. You accept the category of gender. You accept division, unequality, competition, war.
You accept that many people hate many other people, and there's nothing your Judeo-Christian "let's all be one family" can do about that.
I'm pleased that you admit this, wowow. Even though you're severely retarded, you still provide me some utility.
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Re: Relationships

Post by Atthet »

thedoc wrote:The 'pack' is subservient to the 'alpha male' and you are not the 'alpha male'. you have no options except at the pleasure of that 'alpha male'.
Let me teach you how a pack works, since you are part of the herd and clueless docdoc. We are comprised of a loose group of men, individuals. We come and go as we please. We have no permanent ties. We can walk away at any time. This is freedom, individuality. We are self-defining, and do not define ourselves by group association.

Now, your kind, docdoc relies on groups for definition. Without a group, alone, you feel hopeless and weak. To me, alone, I feel empowered and strong. I thrive in silence and divided from others.
The alpha position is not long lasting, and it is won through force, and direct competition. There is never complete subservience, within a pack. This is something you, as a Judeo-Christian, cannot possibly fathom. To you, the alpha position is permanent and mythological. You devote yourself, and prostrate yourself, to something invisible and never seen. Something unreal and fake, a lie.
You would never understand individuality and freedom. It's not something you'd find attractive, or comfort in, docdoc.
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Re: Relationships

Post by thedoc »

Atthet wrote: To me, alone, I feel empowered and strong. I thrive in silence and divided from others.

Then you should exersize your empowerment, be silent and seperate yourself from this forum.
chaz wyman
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Re: Relationships

Post by chaz wyman »

Atthet wrote: Ideologies and morality is genetic..
Possibly the propensity to generate moral and ideological systems might be genetic.
That is a world away from saying ideologies and morality is genetic.
Genes cannot store ideological and moral systems, for that you need culture.

Cross-culturally adopted babies do not carry their morals and ideologies with them from the parent culture, they adopt and reproduce their locally learned systems
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Re: Relationships

Post by uwot »

Hi Atthet

"Wowow, if you accept science, then you accept that man is evolving right now, and some men are evolving at a faster rate than others."

I accept the theory of evolution; you don’t understand it. Basically, men and women have sex, which you apparently believe is either the result of violent thugs raping women, or wicked women duping hapless nincompoops into sustaining erections long enough to spill their seed into the culpable temptress. Of the two, the former is shamefully the more common, I suspect by orders of magnitude. By contrast, I believe the majority of sexual couplings are the result of two consenting adults agreeing that they would like to fuck each other. In a small percentage of such unions their genes mingle and nine months later, the new mixture is ready to face the world and with a bit of luck and support, the child will grow to maturity and be involved in creating the next generation. On the other hand, sometimes something like you, a genetic dead end, plops out.
All of which means your statement ‘some men are evolving at a faster rate than others’ is bollocks of the most glittering quality. I doubt you understand why; your appreciation of science is no better than that of fools who spend more on their soap powder, because they are persuaded of the efficacy of the entirely fictional compound x; it is on a par with nutters who point to the Grand Canyon as evidence for Noah’s flood.

“You accept that categories can be applied to man, meaning races exist, and vast differences can be accounted for by race.”

This should be abso-fucking-lutely priceless: go on Atthet; tell us what these ‘vast differences’ are.

“You accept the category of gender.”

Well, duh!

“You accept division, unequality, competition, war.
You accept that many people hate many other people, and there's nothing your Judeo-Christian "let's all be one family" can do about that.”

Yes, yes, yes, the natural life is ‘nasty, brutish and short’, and wankers like you will kiss the arse of charismatic, powerful, brutal people; mostly, but not exclusively, men. Others won’t let them have it so easy, they have the courage to fight.

“I'm pleased that you admit this, wowow. Even though you're severely retarded, you still provide me some utility.”

Except I don’t, I may be, I doubt it.
chaz wyman
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Re: Relationships

Post by chaz wyman »

Atthet wrote:Wowow, if you accept science, then you accept that man is evolving right now, and some men are evolving at a faster rate than others..
This is meaningless.
As evolution has no direction planned, then evolving is not a matter of rate or speed.
Evolution is about differential reproductive success; and traits being preserved by survival and reproductive success.
Whoever these 'men' are, the only ones evolving are the ones who have the most viable progeny; be they black, white, stupid, intelligent, or hey even 'women'???!!
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Re: Relationships

Post by reasonvemotion »

Awareness is consciousness. And consciousness is discrimination.
There is a vast difference between Consciousness and Awareness. Consciousness can only exist because of the prior awareness. The awareness, on the other hand, does not depend on in any way whatsoever on the consciousness, and is not even touched by it.
Awareness "is that by which I know that I am." Thus the awareness is there before the "I am" (or consciousness) appears.
If I am conscious it is always conscious OF someting, awareness "is that by which I know that I am.

To become aware of the world, and ourselves within the world, we must heavily discriminate, find difference, exaggerate difference, and demonstrate all the causes of these differences. We must be racist, sexist, genderist, heightist, specieist. We must divide everything apart, before we can begin to see anything at all.

How do you heavily discriminate? What differences and how do you discover the causes and what is meant by the term differences. Are they measured by the calibre of Know Thyself? We must divide everything apart how is this done?

All of the above is an impossiblity. There is nothing to "see", because all this stuff your are trying to "divide" is not what people really are. A person is memories, knowledge, habits and other false identities, a "Mr So and so", a name. It is all an identity made up by thoughts.

Good Luck.
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Re: Relationships

Post by Satyr »

she indirectly admits that she has nothing to say contrary to the position that no Negroes of Females are represented in the highest levels of human thought, and that Negroes do have ana verage I.Q. of 185
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Re: Relationships

Post by reasonvemotion »


Bye now............
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Re: Relationships

Post by Atthet »

reasonvemotion wrote::mrgreen:

Bye now............
The cow relishes in her parting shot. She does not realize fully what protects her, especially from her own stupidity, naivety, and ignorance. She does not realize the system, the religion and dogma, that both she and "Rick Lewis" buy into, in order to justify their censorship, bullying, and banishment. These are bullies, people should recognize this.
On a philosophy forum, where truth must be honored above all, and where confronting reality must be the focus point, Satyr is banished for confronting the delusions of Judeo-Christianity, and its progeny. This is a memetic and genetic war. Judeo-Christianity, its dogma, hiding under the name "philosophy", reasserts itself as the modus operandi of the herd.

What are its ethos?
The majority rules, truth by democracy, truth by consensus, if you are popular, then you are right.
If you are new, or hip, or modern, or progressive, then the newness demonstrates utility and value. All that is old must be thrown out. The past is erased, and its reappearance is hateful.
The past must be erased, to maintain this Judeo-Christian dogma. This is historical revisionism, which goes very well with this "1984" English style censorship campaign. What is philosophy, and the pursuit for wisdom, when this process is littered with dogmatists like Rick Lewish, who ban everybody who disagrees with them? Or, when this forum tolerates a radical ****, who claims that all who disagree with him, is automatically an anti-semite?
This place is fucked. Allemotion, the first "female philosopher" in world history, is nothing more than pathetic.

The positive, if there is one, is the predictability of these dipshits. While claiming ignorance, and feigning any small interest in philosophy, their true goal, their underlying motive and drive, is focused on strengthening their Judeo-Christian dogma. These are jews and christians in their purest form. They are not other than this. And their interest in "philosophy" only exists to strengthen their flawed premises. They will not tolerate anything which disrupt their core dogmas, their metaphysics. Not only will they censor, to maintain what they believe, and their culture, but history shows billions of human feces, genetic pollution and garbage, are willing to die for these lies. And they will, again and again and again, history repeats.
chaz wyman
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Re: Relationships

Post by chaz wyman »

Atthet wrote:
reasonvemotion wrote::mrgreen:

Bye now............
The cow relishes in her parting shot. She does not realize fully what protects her, especially from her own stupidity, naivety, and ignorance. She does not realize the system, the religion and dogma, that both she and "Rick Lewis" buy into, in order to justify their censorship, bullying, and banishment. These are bullies, people should recognize this..
It's obvious to me, and I would wager most others who participate in the Forum that you are the bully in this situation.
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Re: Relationships

Post by RickLewis »

Atthet wrote: On a philosophy forum, where truth must be honored above all, and where confronting reality must be the focus point, Satyr is banished for confronting the delusions of Judeo-Christianity, and its progeny.
Actually, no - on a small point of correction, "confronting the delusions of Judeo-Christianity, and its progeny" is fine here. Satyr was banished for being a pain in the backside.

BTW, "radical ****" gets you a one day ban. I'm having a crackdown on racial slurs. And stupidity.
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