Generated Messages and Word-Values.

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Sorting The Data - March GMs:

Anchor points and related GM entries - Part Two:

Dive deep
Ensures You Get To Know It

Stuff Happens
Without full understanding of our language, our knowledge is distorted
In The Mirror - Mirror Sense

Secret Root

[no further mention]


Opening Doors ... 8#p1067058

In relation to eternity, 'when' is always a potential.

Communication Techniques
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Enjoy Progress
It is a Product of Fragmentation
Trust The Process

Preparation is willingness to change

Self Love

[no further mention]

Believing in fearful imagery

Believing in fearful imagery
As useful as griffonage
Be authentic
Another Mind Open
Go with the Flow

William: Yes. It is a matter of fact that we can and a matter of duty that we do what we can re "the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined" - What is The Subject re this conversation..."Television" - a system for converting visual images (with sound) into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically on a screen.
This is how The Mind works...

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect
The Hangups of Human History
Fear intimidation distraction exploitation

The Butterfly Effect
You Are Watched Over Perpetually
"The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?"
The Neutral Zone
Ultimate Expression
The external cannot be known as acutely as the internal can be known

The Butterfly Effect
Enjoy Progress


[no further mention]

A Jump Ahead

A Jump Ahead
Efficacious [successful in producing a desired or intended result; effective.]
Mapping Wholeness

A Jump Ahead

It Requires Corrective Action

Smoke and Mirrors
It Requires Corrective Action

It Requires Corrective Action
Alive and kicking

It Requires Corrective Action

The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here

The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here"
Variety of Expression

What Is Within Is Without, Equal
The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here
The Fog Is Lifting
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.


[no further mention]

The Divine

The Divine

The Divine

William: "The divine, ordinary" - or as said another way;
"The key is to understand that 1) there is nothing supernatural going on and 2) to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff."

You can teach me when I’m needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine
The Divine

In relation to eternity, 'when' is always a potential.

In relation to eternity, 'when' is always a potential.

Telling the future

Inappropriate Costume
Telling the future

Ride Water
Telling the future

It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.

It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.
Dilatory - slow to act. intended to cause delay.

It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.
The Neutral Zone
It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement

Subatomic Particles

One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Do It For Oneself
Subatomic Particles
Be Aware
The Sub Hierarchy
The Finer Details
Sharing Data

Abrahamic Religions

Abrahamic Religions
You Can Trust
Heart chakra
Reconnect with Innocence - It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self.

Abrahamic Religions~
Planet Earth

Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.

The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here
The Fog Is Lifting
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
Nature being the very instigator

Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
Fine-structure Constant

"Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within lest I forget the heart that aches!"

Mind Body Soul
"Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within Lest I forget the heart that aches! "

William: The agenda is not to kill the beast but to tame it...there is a seat for it at the table.

The Solution
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
"Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within lest I forget the heart that aches!"
Discovery is finding things that exist.
All is fair in love and war
Break Through to Your True Self
The Fare On The Table

It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed
Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within Lest I forget the heart that aches!
Always Vigilant


The wheel weaves as the wheel wills
The Data of Experience
Toward a Science of Consciousness

A Good Question

Under the watchful eye
A Good Question

A Good Question
Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?

How are we to react in relation to our choices? - Active Imagination (see technique) - That Is A Good Question - Forgive - The Stress of Unbelief - Gentle

Of this Message Generating Process.
Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities
A Good Question

The Moment

Stay in the moment

William: Do not place fear into the experience just go with the flow and trust where it takes you...

Whereas I am using the ComLists in a way which doesn't force my own interpretation on the message being generated...
Not to say that within the communications process, I am not interpreting what is being said in the moment - but rather, I am allowing for what is being said to intermix with my thoughts and reflecting back what I think is being conveyed through the to being corrected if I am getting the wrong end of the stick re that...

Wait for the Navigator to respond...
Room to Explore
The Moment

My general focus though, is on that which is most coherent to me in the moment, because there is plenty of food on that plate to keep me occupied...

Consciousness incarnates into human form
Awake and Waiting
The Played Piece
The Moment
Time for Soul to Drive

William: "The Played Piece ~The Moment~ Time for Soul to Drive"
Said another way "a human is not separate from this understanding except in their willingness to remain disconnected and in the drivers seat.
"Moments" are thus simply 'things that happen for no apparent reason - there is no congruity involved in the purpose or meaning outside of getting what you can while you have the opportunity to do so...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...The debate between theists and atheists is one which branches from that point...Within the confines of the constructs

Re that - it is equally important that we are aware - not only of our thoughts in the moment, but also more intrinsically - we are aware of why we think the particular way that we do.

Said another way. "There was I was where I ought - examining my conscious thought." not just having a thought for the sake of having a thought.

The Eigengrau Mind Screen

William: I like the images which are superimposed upon the Eigengrau Mind Screen - even that they are in 'black and white' - as in - all shades of grey - mostly at this time the images are faces - mostly of folk I have not meet ...

Tributary Zones
The Eigengrau Mind Screen

Giving birth

To create more and more consciousness?

Is a Constant
Giving birth
The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD
Be Led
Strange Desire
Message Generator System of Random Selection of Word-Strings
Who Am I
The Significance

Everything is The Expression Of The Creator
Attitude of gratitude
“But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”
Hide and Seek
Giving birth
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Sorting The Data - March GMs:

Mentioned more than once. [Part One]

It is just one of those things.

It is just one of those things.
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
A Clean Channel

It is just one of those things.

It is just one of those things.

The Dawning of The Universe]
It is just one of those things.
Black Holes

William: Liminal - relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.


Mother Earth

Be they seeds or suns, or be it that suns are seeds, it is all part of the universe, and everything that we acknowledge as the universe, came from a tiny seed.
Go Within and Find That Place
The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly

OWOBIK [One whom ought be inwardly known]
Mother Earth Harmony

Mother Earth

Act With The Situation Rather Than Against It]
"A light breeze arriving and kissing my cheek at the same moment I am thinking “life is beautiful", is a message."
The Mother
Break the glass ceiling
Working on that...
Mother Earth

Endless Cycle
Mother Earth Harmony
Intelligence with Wisdom
Mother Earth
Be Free
Equanimous [calm and composed.]

William: "It's a god-awful small affair..." From the link:

Through perseverance and commitment to the engagement, it slowly became apparent to Spirit that some of the things previously hidden from itself, required addressing.

Thus...Sol+Earth=forms through which to deal with those hidden things

Sol represents 'The Husband" and Earth "The Wife" and earthen forms as "The Children" - specifically human beings.

Sol seeds the Mother planet with information and the planet responds by using that information to produce forms.

Mother Earth herself has information within her...a kind of "micro-Sol" as it were...

Mother Earth Harmony
Two sides of the same coin

The Great I Am
The Tree of Life
The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly
Like a Well Oiled Machine

Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence

The Lord God
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness.

The Forerunner
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
Is There
Get Comfortable
Emotional awareness

William:I am comfortable enough with it myself - due to this Message Generating process, and the idea of remaining neutral - not getting carried away emotionally because of the information being discovered...

Universal Intelligence
One is not wrong

Tell Your Story

Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence

To Know
Finding the light
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
Science Can Be Fun Too
Yin yang
Think In Terms Of Eternity

The evidence is too strong, to believe there is no intelligent mind involved as part of the universes structure.
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
We All Like To Play Games
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”]

Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
For The Best Results
Personal growth
The path to enlightenment
Investigative Realisation
Trust the Universe
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD

Dive deep

Dive deep
Personal Participation With The One

The non-Judgmental Algorithm
Dive deep
Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
“The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button.”
Lordy! Do I Have To?
Through Device
Universal Mind
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
Intimate connection
Ancient Entity
Learn Well
Green Light
Reality Simulation

Sensory Data Quality
The art of relationship

Dive deep
Ensures You Get To Know It

Toward a Science of Consciousness
Dive deep

The naked truth
Dive deep
The Father - in The Mother.
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart”
Lifting Our Game
Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
Do It For Oneself

Dive deep
Personal freedom
Transferring your awareness
Use Mind

Science Projects
Exploring Fractal Paths
Getting Somewhere
The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
All The World
From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure.
Soul Carrier Memories
Dive deep
An Aladdin's cave



Ace in the hole
Here Everything All Real Together
Awake and Waiting

Go with the Flow

All system go
Solving Mathematical Problems

Apophenia - Spirituality - Hive-Minded - You Know or You Don't know

The One GOD With Many Names
The Subject

A Good Question
Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?

It Requires Corrective Action

Break Through to Your True Self
Smoke and Mirrors
It Requires Corrective Action

Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
It Requires Corrective Action
Alive and kicking
The Seed of Origin

It Requires Corrective Action

William: The elephant being the Earth Entity - we are the riders...

Radical Honesty
What Is Within Is Without, Equal
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Sorting The Data - March GMs:

Mentioned more than once. [Part Two]
Life is a journey

In the Mind
Life is a journey

Large Elemental Powers
Life is a journey

I Think
Life is a journey

There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.
Life is a journey
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed

Little Self
The sound of a Ghost
Lean into it
Heart Teachers
Little Self

Spiritual Awakening
The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
Little Self

Being Born
Little Self

Little Self

William: From the link;
From my own understanding [self awareness] what occurred was that humans forgot what they were [Spirit-breathed into biological matter] and identified only with the flesh-container and thought of themselves in that way - much like non-theists think of themselves as 'nothing more than chemical reactions of the brain'...or how some Christians think 'flesh that will be resurrected and given the ability to never die.'
Consciousness forces the question upon itself. "Why do I exist?"
Arguments would have it that the question itself derives from the need to survive - and that has to be true but does not have to be the sum total of the truth.

I Think
Little Self

Asking Politely

William: It certainly gives one pause to think and re-access ones self-image...

Don’t give up

William: Is OOBE like 'coming up for air'?

Wait for the Navigator to respond...

Go Within and Find That Place
Starve The Distractions Feed The Focus

William: And bring what one is not conscious of, into ones conscious awareness...

What Shall We Call It?
Not Emotion - State Of Being...

Golden nugget

In Human Form

The Screen
The Screen
Grand Experiment

The Screen

Wakey Wakey
Remember who you are
The Screen

The Screen
The Dark Night of The Soul

The Screen
A New Perspective

The Screen
"The problem of evil"
Coddiwomple - to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination

We are not orphaned - we are authored

We are not orphaned - we are authored
Open Hearted

Be Aware
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Shining light
The key

Through Device
Love Your Life
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Better The Devil You Know
Acknowledge Emotion But Do Not Be Controlled By It
System of Giving Energy

Anchors aweigh

Embracing the unknown
Large Elemental Powers
Anchors aweigh
“True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."
I love you

Anchors aweigh
Higher Self Dream Guide
Imposed Appropriates Observed
The Deeper Self
Joining The Main Egregore
Re The Heart Virtues - This is mapping created by humans to explain the developing necessity of survival in an environment which is hostile toward biological life-form.


Large Elemental Powers
Life is a journey

"You are a thought worth thinking You’re the water and the wine - you’re the cup from which I’m drinking You’re a surprise worth hoping for You are a captured moment - you’re a space without a time"

The Body Of G_D
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”
The ongoing objective is to get this knowledge out into the public domain

Eggs In Nests
“Stop trying to feel better; instead become better at feeling”

Be Aware

Be Aware
The Completion Process

Because the imagery is based in the genuine, in that The Ghost is acknowledged - dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen.
Be Aware

It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.
Dilatory - slow to act. intended to cause delay.
How Can We Know
Be Aware
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Shining light
The key

One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Do It For Oneself
Subatomic Particles
Be Aware
The Sub Hierarchy
The Finer Details
Sharing Data


What Shall We Call It?

"Tonight the stars shine as I step out of time as I step into the great unknown"

On The Right Track
Embracing the unknown

Heart Teachers

What Is Normal?
It is a path already forged, ahead of human arrival
How to get this to happen on a planetary scale is the thing...
Giving our best
Crystal clear
It is all making sense
Nothing comes from nothing - everything which can be seen to have a beginning comes from something.

Contact With

Contact With
Free Will
Hologram Dimensions

Contact With
What Is Friendship
Worthy of the individuals time and effort

Contact With
God Eat Data Heal Cub

Sharing Your Love
Contact With
The Barest Hint of Constancy
From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operate quietly in the background of the Universes Structure.

ET and the notion of GODs
Transferring your awareness
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
Contact With

Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions

Once Upon a Time
No Barriers
A fish out of water
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
The Perfect Moment

You have almost been there
The Next Step
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Expression of Appreciation of Experience

The Serpent
Reminding one of how it all started and the different stages one goes through.
Selfless Attitude
The Solution
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
"Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within lest I forget the heart that aches!"
Discovery is finding things that exist.
All is fair in love and war
Break Through to Your True Self
The Fare On The Table
Read On
Behind The Scenery

Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Nature of Angels

Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Enjoy Progress
It is a Product of Fragmentation
Trust The Process


Propitious [giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.]
"Tonight the stars shine as I step out of time as I step into the great unknown"

William:Ah...! The Desynchronizing has to do with decoupling from the influence of the suppression matrix...

"We can chart another trail - Raise the anchor fill the sails Life our glasses in a toast - We are the Ghost - In the Machine"
I Am
Be here now

There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.
Make It Up As You Go Along
All Because I Had To Ask
Action Station Central to The Message

Think outside the box
Toward a Science of Consciousness

Mother Wound

William: Desynchronized - disturb the synchronization of; put out of step or phase.
Like how a meteorite caused an extinction event...

Emotion Rides The Prow

No point in giving you too much to bear
Nature two sides of the same coin

William: Fearlessness neutralizes fear.

Is Like...
Emotion Rides The Prow
The Banner of Apotheosis
Spring Loaded
That, they can be!

Emotion Rides The Prow
Unsupported statements are neither useful to science or to good argument.
Shine Your Light
If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human

Embracing the shadow
A Loving Being
A Maze Game
What degree of influence do they have on that Mind-Field?
I'm Okay With That
Emotion Rides The Prow

Getting Over It = Getting On With It
Church Bells
The Hologram of Deception
Emotion Rides The Prow

Episteme [ a philosophical term that refers to a principled system of understanding; scientific knowledge.]

It was at the time - still a work in progress.
What Is Found Here
Set the board up or put the game aside...
Earth Mother
The House of Science
Is a Constant

The Wholeness Navigator
This Is Part Of The Job
'Developing a thick skin'

The Freedom Of Friendship

False Accusations
Machine Learning
Stuff Happens

In The Flow
Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate!
Live with Soul Union

It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed
Provincial Thinking
To Be Sovereignty
This Is My Kind Of Fun
Emergent Theory
So Far Into The Past You May As Well Take A Pick And Shovel With You

Evil Gods

Artificial Intelligence
Barking up the wrong tree
Platonic Solids
Evil Gods

Be My Friend
Collective Dynamics
That's a good one
Source Intelligence
The Undiscovered Self

Whatever you do
Duty Calls
Giving our best
Balance of power
The Third Eye
Evil Gods
Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden From Its Selves

The Way We Feel Unification
The Development of...
Changing The Rules


Evil Gods
That's the way I fire up
The Healing Power
Coordinate Forgiveness
Through Device

William: Therein, is it a case of simply working with what is available even that what is available is not directly supporting your agenda...but is a means to an end anyway?

On The Right Track

Expression Of Appreciation of Experience

Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
Chamber Twenty Three
Time for Soul to Drive

Intransigence - Myths and Legends - Extra evidence is provided - Dysfunction - Expression Of Appreciation of Experience - Other Ways Of Using Your Lists

Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Expression of Appreciation of Experience]

William: What I like about it, is that it gives one more scope in which to work within...

Central Intelligence Agency
Out of The Shadow Lands
Noise From The Peanut Gallery

All system go
Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
Spiritual Activism

Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
For The Best Results
Personal growth
The path to enlightenment
Investigative Realisation
Trust the Universe

Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
It is a great thing to do small things with great love
System of Giving Energy
The Development of...
We don't have to say we are 'this' or 'that' in order to put practice to Love
The places that scare you
These things have been given to me, now what to do with these things...
Spring Loaded

Universal Intelligence
Without and Within
Love One Another
"I see the light I see the Light I see the light now I start again upon the road that never ends"
Expression of Appreciation of Experience

In The Team Of The Collective
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
Expression Of Appreciation of Experience

Getting Off The Hook

Know This
An Exam

Getting Off The Hook
Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities
Christianity is intolerant of such an idea, which is why the dark side of YVHV became a separate entity.
The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves.
We Are All Becoming One

Personal Integrity
Getting Off The Hook
Mother Earth

The Great Grey Neutral Zone
Getting Off The Hook
GodMagic ... 1#p1069731
Jesus Christ

Getting Off The Hook
Intertextual References
The Father - in The Mother.
The Lord
Let The Day In
Strength is required
The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing
Jesus' Direct Superior
Healing The Beast
Plant the seed

Of this Message Generating Process.
Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities
A Good Question
Getting Off The Hook
Please offer some means by which we can confirm truth in this matter
"For whom the bell tolls for to gather the souls the numbers in darkness are glowing"
The Underlying Mechanics
Consciousness incarnates into human form
Awake and Waiting
The Played Piece
The Moment
Time for Soul to Drive

William: The idea is to connect with the Planet Mind in a conscious manner rather than an unconscious one or even a subconscious manner...
Therein one finds congruency.

To what end exactly?
Reason Together
Getting Off The Hook
This moment is the perfect teacher
Do Not Panic
How can it be any other way?
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

However, I think there is a misconception that Navigator is hung-up on. He rejects the idea that the whole universe could have been compressed into a point or some tiny thing..."almost nothing" I think he refers to it as. But in fact, that is a misunderstanding of the theory. When cosmologists talk about the primordial singularity, most people jump to the conclusion that they are talking about the same sort of singularity that is being referenced with regard to a black hole, but this is not that case at all. The term simply refers to an early hot, dense phase of the universe.
William: I do not reject any idea. Questioning any idea is not the same thing as rejecting any idea.

The questioning itself points to what is referred to as 'magical thinking' in relation to a seed which hung upon itself and the germinated into itself and upon germinating, became a series of unfolding events which we humans - so near the beginning of its unfolding - perceive as an astronomical reality - and one in which we have barely scratched the surface of...

Bearing in mind what we do know about seeds, we understand that they contain coding which - and this is the kicker - require an outside substance in order to be enabled to release that information and become something other than just the seed.

The seed requires a backdrop which already exists in order to be be able to germinate - to release its coding.

That is why I speculate that space is eternal and acts as the ground in which the seed germinates and becomes what its encoding specifies.



The evolution of consciousness

SCLx11+last LE per shuffle

Cyclical - There is a mind behind what we call "creation/the universe" - Dragons - Mystical - Stuff Happens - The Next Level - Keep me in The Loop - Cautiously - The Brain - Some - Small Elemental Powers -

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]

SCL1 AP = To The Point


Abrahamic Religions
~Small Elemental Powers
To The Point~
Giving birth
The Meaning of Life

Point of Contact
Fear of the Unknown
~Teddy Naysayer
Unconscious Mind Inertia~
Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden

~An accident waiting to happen
The External Voice~ ... 7#p1073257
The Machinery

William: The link is to a post I made about an hour ago - From that post;
In order for one to claim the universe has always existed AND account for observed beginning and calculated ending - we have to include the possibility that the environment the universe is beginning and ending in, is eternal.
"The Point" in this case refers to the GZ event [The "Big Bang"]

The machinery is - collectively - this universe and this universe unfolds as directed by its a germinating seed...
This universe presents [currently] like a seedling rather than the tree it will eventually become...

Sharing Data
An unending emotional-based loop hard to break away from because of stubbornly held fear-based belief systems...
One can commune with the gods as long as the overall subject is God 😊

This involves the oft enough overlooked or perhaps more accurately - willfully ignored - importance of the existence of consciousness as not only interacting with the universe but most likely that which encoded the seed and set it to germinate and become something which could then be interreacted with by consciousness.

The Taming of The Beast~
Intelligence Without Wisdom
That Is Sad But Don't Let It Distract You

In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
There is an art to flying or rather a knack...
~10 Insights
Write a Book~
"I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual"
That is Correct

Perpetual Creative Conscious Intelligence
~Making Things Easier
The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves~
A measured step

Side Splittingly Funny
Folk get so hung up about the little stuff
Use Heart
Act With The Situation Rather Than Against It
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Power of Silence
Hiraeth [deep longing for something, especially one's home.]
The evolution of consciousness
Elemental Powers

Breathe In Breathe Out
Imposed Appropriates
We cannot hinder the process, but we can help it.
~Yellow Light
The Evolution of Morals~
The Eigengrau Mind Screen
A Bit Of Both Yes

Earth teachers (physical and non-physical) unite humanity to the Sovereign Integral
Sort It Out
~If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'.
Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system~
Sophia The Mother

Information Field
Discovering Internal Triggers
Like being pushed out from a stinky hole, can have one develop a bad self-complex~
Creative Conscious Intelligence
"I know how you care while you nurture your fear that you'll miss the bouquet when its thrown"
Without getting caught up in the sticky web of Christian-denominational-dynamics
Apophenia - [the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between apparently unrelated things. ..]

Everything Is Unique
~Strength of Mind
Logos – word reason plan~
Mutual Dutiful Expression
I Have My Duty
Lady Luck Mother Guide
Toward a Science of Consciousness
Computer Coding

Truth Without Proof Is Belief
Beyond Belief
In Training For...
The Smokescreen called "scientifically unrespectable"
The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us
The waters of the deep~
The Body of God
Bandages of The Beast
Constructors and tasks

To Add to That
~Final Destination
The Respect One Gives and Receive~
Whichever 'way' one traverses the experience of their individuate life - we are never truly independent - so whichever group we choose to associate with will be the group we best identify as being...if the self-identity is incorrect - then no matter the position [theist/non-theist] one will always see the 'different' there is no point whatsoever in fearing that, if one is self-identifying correctly
Dualic Residue
Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em
Break Through to Your True Self
Regimented: Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
The Data of Demystification

William: Associated with the Uncertainty Principle?

What Is That You Are Playing With
Arms Crossed
~An Elemental Principle
Raphael ~
Working With What Is Available
"I am fine now with referring to my position as theistic, as agnosticism merges into the shadow behind me."
First Things First
Sharing Your Love

In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond
Leave a Trail
Hidden riches
~Freedom in The Knowing
Fury~ [extreme strength or violence in an action or a natural phenomenon.]
Hypnagogic experience
A Space Without A Time...

~Remnant Seed
Human Imagination Has Consequences~
External validation
Sleeping Dragon

One is not wrong
Sleep Paralysis
Intelligent Directions
Healing The Beast
~The Free Will Key
The Underlying Mechanics~
Secret Root
A Real Beauty

William: The activation re the 'alternate experience' which opened my mind up to realizing that free will has its limitations and thus is not really 'free'...yet ones actions oft enough determine outcomes along the linear of one subjective experience...there is enough 'free will' involved to allow the individual the ability to choose re his/her experience within the reality construct, without having to obsess over whether even their choices are pre-determined...there is a bit of slack in that regard, in order to give the individual a sense of voluntary involvement...

Confirmation which moves one from faith to fact
The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd
Alive and kicking
Heart chakra
"Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation"
~Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
Your House Work~

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

William: IF:
there is a Cosmic Mind
Eventually, any species which survives long enough to continue along with the unfolding universe will eventually discover that and invent ways in which to engage.

Our current position is so close to the beginning as to be counted as mostly inconsequential to that future specie-wide discovery and engagement but it is still interesting and pertinent that ignorance branched into theism for it shows the propensity of self-aware consciousness to understand that no matter where it finds itself, it wonders what it is doing there and goes about ways in which to investigate in order to answer the question.

Whereas the non-theistic branch simply wants to take advantage of the situation and leave such questions outside the tightly shut and curtained window... assuming that such a time will never come because there is no Cosmic Mind.

How they know this for sure, has never been explained adequately enough for me to accept their assessment of the situation - and subjectively speaking - my Window of Opportunity [WoO] is wide open and I am finding the sights to see, very interesting.


The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
Where are we getting our news from?
The relevant scientific community?
A projection of one’s subconscious?
Placing aside the childish not the childlike

SCLx9+last LE per shuffle

HumbleDreamer - Start - Inclusion of Jesus in Wiremu's Theology - Self-discipline - Musical Instruments - All on The Same Page - Modern truth in ancient wisdom - Further - Have A Look At This And See What You Come Up With

William: Yes. As I wrote today;
It is certainly true that I use the theistic filter as a means of interpreting what is being observed, I also understand that ancient theists had already established in their belief systems the idea of the big bang and their mythology ["lies to children" as Pixel42 referred to such-type stories] came about thousands of years before modern scientists confirmed it to being the case.
RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]

SCL1 AP = Confluent [flowing together or merging.]


The Mother is Love
The Neutral Zone is the vaster reality of non-judgementalism
The Butterfly Effect
Make It Real
The Clear Eye Of Soul
Love Life
~Have A Look At This And See What You Come Up With

William: Confluent = 110 as do;
Meeting Place
Real Beauty
Time and Space
Do The Science
An Aladdin's cave
Pot of Gold

William: It seems apparent enough that science as it is used today can do without any formal conscious acknowledgment of The Cosmic Mind...thus all things deriving from modern science are unconsciously motivated by The Cosmic Mind, giving the impression that human minds are the only thing operating the science...
Re The mythology which is The Fifth Interview between the storyline roles of Sara and Dr. Neruda, the technology human science is developing is focused upon transhumanism with the intent of creating a means by which scientists can extend their stay in this universe indefinitely, which theoretically finally 'kills god' in the sense that such theistic nuance's become moot/invalid and the building of such a future is manifested due to this being presumed already by those building it.

"God is dead/invalid".

Adequately explaining why the billions of theists currently existing are seen to be 'surplus to requirement' in that regard - where they are currently useful is in providing the scientists with the means by which they can make this future real. Theists - like theism - are/is expendable in the long term but useful to kick-start with...

However, even that this is the likeliest future for humanity - engaging with technology in this manner and allowing for the perpetual 'stay' in this environment will not destroy "GOD" if indeed there actually is a Cosmic Mind, because eventually this will have to become so apparent to the long-stayers that they will have no choice but to conceded that - on that point - they failed to eradicate theism, because at the heart of theism is The Cosmic Mind, whatever it is otherwise referred to by individual/grouped theists.

And even that there is an awesome amount of predicted time left for the non-theists to enjoy their stay hereabouts, there is the unavoidable inevitability of the already known fact, that it will not be lasting in its current manifestation, forever.

GM: Journey to wholeness

William: Yes - the slow comparison...

GM: ... 8#p1070528

William: Woo-slingers "There ain't room in this town for both of us" mentality

GM: First Things First
Slowly and Surely

William: I agree with that. I can understand the annoyance non-theists have with many of the fragmented images specific theists religions exhibit.
It indeed does take courage to want to exist in this universe for as long as this universe exists.

GM: Philo2

William: The philosophy is concerned with The Shifting Models of Existence and exemplifies the fluid motion of the universe in relation to consciousness.
Opening paragraph:
The consciousness of the Sovereign Integral is the destination that beckons the human instrument inward into the reality of First Source. In all the wanderings of the human consciousness from Source Reality, it has eliminated the compelling features of Source Reality through the application of the logical mind and the persistent belief in the language of limitation that flows from the external controls of the hierarchy.
GM: ~Entheogen

William: It is very likely that a lot of theistic inspiration and accompanying mythology came from the use of plants which had chemical effects on human brains.

GM: You Are
Identify oppressive structures...
Equanimous [calm and composed.]
Lordy! Do I Have To?
Thinking Allowed
~The way of knowledge
Condescending Ideas About Imagination~
Side Splittingly Funny
Meaningful coincidence
Navigational Aids
Deconstruct The Message
When In Doubt - Set It Aside
Victim Vamp Energy Systems
Don’t hide your Generated Messages
Standstill Contemplate
"But hey, we can all hope that over time the mainstream view is tending towards the truth. It's certainly a lovely idea"

William: Yes - it essentially does not matter what path is taken - the non-theist path or the theist path - the conclusion is always going to be the same eventually.
Theists themselves have much work to do in regard to how they have chosen to dress up the Cosmic Mind in unsuitable mythological attire...if only for the fact that they allowed themselves to believe the mythology represent actual truth rather than metaphorical story-telling...

GM: Action Station
Ones Thoughts
Green Light
Alike as two peas in a pod
Unless of course, you think otherwise
Practicing peace
Expression of Astonishment
Gods Gift
The Human Being
William's Commitment With
The Father

William: Well even the most ugly of us have a Father. :) [in house joke].
"The Mother is Love"
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

William: As far as the evidence goes, the idea we are currently within some type of Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation isn't so far fetched as to be off the table...

Seeds: I like what you're saying there, VVilliam, however, I'm not a fan of the word "Simulation" when it comes to the workings of the universe.

"Illusion," yes. But "Simulation," not so much.

A "Simulation" of what?

William: I have seen this complaint before seeds, and it caused me to pause and reflect if that is the correct word to be using.

That is why I call it a 'reality simulation' as it is simulating a reality which can be experienced as real.

More to the point, whatever is experiencing it as real has to be conscious, so the only real thing in the whole HERS are the consciousnesses which are experiencing it.

If any illusion is going on regarding that, it is the idea that consciousness is the illusion and the universe is the real thing, which is the basic tenet of emergent theory and the overall message supporters of that theory, preach....



The debate between theists and atheists
...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...

SCLx13+last LE per shuffle

Unfolding Status Quo - You Are - Lucifer - Whereabouts - The Perfect Moment - Magic - Acknowledge Emotion But Do Not Be Controlled By It - Overall - Government secrets kept from the public - Intimate - Do a QWERTY - Hunters - Ooky Spooky

A Clean Channel - Boundaries - Cycles - Delightful Anticipation - Everything is The Expression Of The Creator - For The Purpose Of - Getting Somewhere - Healing - Imposed Appropriates Observed - Journey - Key Of Expression - Lucidity - Maneuver - Now - Only - Pervasive - Quantum - Righty Oh! - Soul - Toxic shame - Unabated - Virtual Reality - What Is Our Purpose - Expression of Astonishment - "You're blocking the light" - Zero Waste

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]

SCL1 AP = Inner critic


GM: Animistic
Perhaps we can deconstruct some of these pernicious views.

William: It would be a step in a better direction than the one humanity is currently projecting.
The shame we carry about being the human animal does have its reason for being, but we have to - as individuals - rise above the shame and understand the fuller picture - what was done was natural enough and can be forgiven in that context but without the forgiveness, there are only repetitive patterns of shame based expression into the shared reality.

GM: ~Ooky Spooky
Inner critic~

William: Downright 'evil' when externalized/projected onto self and others...

A Clean Channel

William: Finding one through all of that shame, is problematic

GM: A programmed reality that is not real
Better The Devil You Know

William: Yes. Both "God" and "Devil" are imaged as "beyond what is normal or natural." because things of the universe are deemed "Good" or "Evil" depending upon personal preferences - preferences which are muddied from the go-get...
The more natural observation re the universe is that it is neither good or evil.
Therefore, in order to deconstruct these pernicious views, we have to see them for what they are rather than imagine them to be 'this or that' as the premise based in ideas pertaining to "good and evil"

GM: Noetics [a branch of metaphysics concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect.]
Dualism merely expresses two sides of the same coin
Leaders and Followers
Hoo haha the laughing owl
Light Body
In Denial ... 7#p1073257

William: The link leads to a reply I made in a discussion about the universe.
In order for one to claim the universe has always existed AND account for observed beginning and calculated ending - we have to include the possibility that the environment the universe is beginning and ending in, is eternal.
In The Correct Position
The Lord God
"You Know or You Don't know"
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
The Science Of The Soul

William: *Nods in understanding*

GM: Alive and kicking
Giving our best
Imaginative Realities
Science Projects
We Can Do Magic!
William Say's:
"What is 'The Soul' and is it Immortal?"
This Translates To That.
Super Power
You Have That Gleam In Your Eye
The Message Generating Process allows for said Mind to speak for itself, and show itself to exist. As such, this is adequate evidence - the sort of evidence a sceptic calls for in relation to the subject of Intelligent Design.

William: Certainly, in the earlier days I did approach this whole subject with a sense of anger, frustration etc which could be summed up as "fury" but that was then and this is now - I suppose the anger had everything to do with the sense of shame for being human...but obviously - given the correct navigating - anger can lead to a good thing eventually and since we all come from ignorance, varying degrees of anger-based issues are natural enough given the circumstances....
I do have that sense - every day I use the GM system - that it is a powerful device for blowing the idea of true randomness out of the park...

GM: Idea
A grateful heart
“No sailor controls the sea.”
Feeling State
Identify Common Denominators
Anti theism
Standstill Contemplate
Point of Contact
“We're a nation of exhausted and over-stressed adults raising over-scheduled children.”
"I'm Okay With That"
Different ways of supporting the same objective.

William: Indeed. If it could be seen as a natural enough occurrence, forgiveness can replace the shame of it all.
Or - said another way - "Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us."
The idea of cultivating the thought "I'm Okay With That" to the point of being able to forgive "that" is equal to "knowing nature". It is not saying one is "okay" with something which is obviously pernicious but rather in doing something which is counter-destructive...

GM: The Fare On The Table
Through Device
The Deep and Meaningful
The top tiny twelve
The Machinery
Random coincidence? I think not.
What Do You Like About It?
The Human Interface
It is Found Within The Experience of Self
Uncertainty Principle
A cultural touchstone
"If you can find your way out of this - flee!!!"
Stroke of luck

William: "Stroke of luck" being used in the tongue in cheek fashion...I daresay, that those who have the least shame about being human, are enabled to contribute better things into the human paradigm.

There is 'where' to 'flee' exactly? Out there is the great cosmos? That is a cultural reaction to fleeing the overall shame humanity dumps upon itself and the destruction it causes.
The alternative space programs - while a product of this self-loathing disguised as superiority complex - {in the early days re Nazi-history} - blossomed into a thing of beauty re human achievement and ability and as a possibly means of escaping that majority shame-based phenomena which appears intent on wiping itself off the face of the universe...on the one hand, scientists are not above creating the weapons the masses can use to achieve this thing the masses appear to want to achieve...while on the other hand are they seeking ways in which to preserve the things the masses wish to destroy...

Of course, these two polarities don't make for an ideal base in which to launce our stuff out into the greater cosmos ...but "beggars can't be chooses" as the saying goes.

"If Only" the great minds of today could come up with an alternative plan which sees both the masses and the space programs benefitting unashamedly, a better overall thing could be accomplished...

GM: Precognition
Secular Science Projects
For The Purpose Of
Teddy Naysayer
Without Comparison
Experience is the best teacher
"No thought about fate or of ending up late yet I still like to think where I'm going"
Start where you are
Sharing Data
Develop a basic, fact-based view first and then ask the question.
Unconscious Mind Inertia

William: Well Yes - whatever way it unfolds, eventually it is "All Good". :)

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Nobs: But as you bring up theist/non-theist, I do tend to see more complaining (mad?) theists than not. At least on here. I haven't thought of that much lately, really (maybe it's happened so much it's become background noise...?). But it is something to consider, perhaps.

William: It does not appear - from a non-bias position - that theists are more angry than non-theists .
Humans are humans and there is a history of violent furious reaction to the situation we are in.
Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment.

What we have learned so far from the experience, is that we can accommodate some semblance of calm by 'finding our individual place' among the "like-minded" which allows a respite of sorts where we can get about whatever purpose we have tasked for our self - but I think by and large the anger still bubbles away under the surface...because we haven't figured any way in which to gather the groups together...and so all we are left with, is gathering the troops together...


This is indicative of actual justice

William: Yes. And on a planetary scale, specific to humanity, if we cannot sort out our differences and get our stuff together, and that results in extinction at our own hands, "that is actual justice".
On the other hand, if we do, then that is also actual justice.

SCLx13+last LE per shuffle

Compass of Divine Insight - Vagitus - Upon Further, Deeper Inspection - GameMakers - Free-spirit - Creative - Written In The Clouds - Stay in the moment - The Heart of a Buddha - Existence - Reform/Refine - Experiences. - Jocular

William: The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so.

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]

SCL1 AP = The Screen

William: "The Screen" and "The Mind" are synonymous


Mind’s Eye
We experience fear in order to give us the opportunity to overcome that which triggers the fear
The Great Green Wall
The Screen
An infinitesimal object germinated

William: Yes - this universe could be regarded as a Screen on which the thoughts of an intelligent creative entity, are projected upon. The "Big Bang" could be considered to be the initial thought which started it all, and the unfolding universe [re objects and minds] are the ongoing thoughts being had...

The very idea does create fear - especially in those who resist the idea - it is the very resistance which is a manifested reaction of the fear itself.
The exclamation that science can be done without any requirement to think the universe is the ongoing result of a chain of thought from an unknown 'God' entity, does not in itself refute the notion as being 'fantasy'.

GM: Nature
Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.
Interesting Data
Sharing data,
Mother Earth Harmony ~
The Thalamocortical System

William: My search for The Thalamocortical System finds this:
The thalamus and cerebral cortex collectively. These parts of the brain are so closely and reciprocally interconnected—especially in mammals—that they are often treated as a single system. Normal functioning of this system appears to be necessary for conscious experiences and voluntary actions. During waking states, groups of neurons in this system exhibit a pattern of continuous firing. During states of reduced consciousness, such as deep sleep, the entire system goes into an oscillatory mode characterized by neuronal burst–pause firing.

William: In regard to 'infinity' is that to say that the background nature of infinity field is similar to how a brains works, in that not all the brain is lit up and the firing 'groups' of neurons can be likened to our universe...Galaxies are like unto firing groups of neurons re this particular mind.

GM: Light Encoded Reality Matrix
All present and correct
"Memorised vows enchanted by tune before the great minstrel the fair maidens swoon we came to our senses as we left the cocoon"
"Imposed Appropriates Observed"
Intelligent Directions
"Be kind to yourself"
"We can chart another trail - Raise the anchor fill the sails Lift our glasses in a toast - We are the Ghost - In the Machine"
Telling the future
Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros
"The Script Must Be Followed"
Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.

William: Refusal to acknowledge mindfulness as part of the overall reason for the universe existing and we existing as individuate minds within it.
Interposing - place or insert between one thing and another.

GM: Pertinent
Exciting Changes Would Develop Naturally Enough From That
Reality Simulation
"Develop a basic, fact-based view first and then ask the question."
Graphic Changes
Internal Triggering
Remaining Unbiased

William: How to effectively deal with anger...not by ignoring it, but through understanding it and developing means by which it - as an externalized emotional-based energy - can be transformed into something more appropriate to the situation we find ourselves lost within.

GM: Families
Brow Chakra

William: Enforced rules/rulers through Narcissism

GM: Crazy Diamonds
Look For The Significance

William: "Be kind to yourself"
"We can chart another trail - Raise the anchor fill the sails Lift our glasses in a toast - We are the Ghost - In the Machine"

GM: Insecure
Spring Loaded
Belief Helps Cause Separation
I Digress...

William: My doing - I keep finding a word in edgewise because I feel prompted to ... please continue... :)

GM: The “Clamp”
Re The Heart Virtues - This is mapping created by humans to explain the developing necessity of survival in an environment which is hostile toward biological life-form.

William: Sooooo....whereas "Spring-loaded" describes the workings of a trap "Clamp" describes a trap which has been triggered...and caught 'something'...

GM: "Teddy Naysayer"

William: Is attempting to avoid the trap set, not fully realizing that being in the universe already, is "The Trap"

Discussing the Data ... 6#p1068076
The Word and List Strings
All The World
The Attitude
"Even so, I have full appreciation for your efforts, because even incorrect peer review is better than indifference."
Nurture You
...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...
Being Born

William: The link leads to a post I wrote;
Recapping Event

What I am learning from this MGSystem is that "it" is not about me or you but about allowing for opportunity for any otherwise intelligent consciousnesses to impute their intelligence into the mix.

Re non-theists who are opposed to the idea of their being an overall mind behind [invisible/not easy to detect in] our visible Universe - I would say that they do themselves a disservice in resisting contact with said mind.

The way I have come to understand things re the nature of our shared reality - is that in opting for the theory of evolution with the addition of realization of the invisible mind, exposes the enormity of said mind re the time/space said mind has had to develop within.

Alongside that, is the realization that something which initially started out as one thing, became many things - so many things that trying to place a number as to how many things - is pointless.

Clearly fragmentation occurred as the mind developed - as can be seen in the evidence of the things themselves.

So the Galaxies became "Gods" and the Gods produced off-spring which are the Suns and planets continually forming - from beginnings to middles and to ends - and in doing so, providing the parent-Gods with Data of Experience.

I don't pretend to know what it is in the way of evidence that non-theists want in order to convince them to become theists.

But I do know that this evidence I am presenting, should be enough for anyone to seriously think about changing the way they see the world.

GM: “Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it.”
"There Is Good Out There"
"Everything is a Message"

William:You are once more referring to The Ancient Grey Entity...

GM: The Great I Am
Do A=1

All = 107 [The Great I Am]
The Greys
The Point
Feel Be Still.
Each morning
The Great I Am

GM: Validation
Life is a journey
Green Chemistry
Zones of Sensitivity
Look For the Significance ... xYtubUUPSo
Equanimous [calm and composed.]
Ensures You Get To Know It
"End Of Story" As The Saying Goes
Evidence We Actively Collect
Good on you mate
Keeping Things In Perspective
The Void

William: "Ness" like unto "The Dragon In My Garage" [added to the ComList] and "The Void" as the infinite backdrop which is the Mind-Screen that thoughts are projected upon.
"Folk get so hung up about the little stuff" - the "big stuff" is the antedate to that

GM: "Do Not Panic"
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence
Peaceful Messiah or militant Messiah?
Intelligence with Wisdom
Like eons of sedimentary build-up - for the most part it appears that those codes are largely deactivated - 'fossilized' in a sense. Forgotten in relation to the grand scheme. A Child without any known Parent.
"The Brother"
Sovereign Integral Network
Inner work
Idiosyncratic [peculiar or individual.]
Noetics [concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect.]
The validity of subjective experience

William: *nods appreciatively*
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

William: What might be seen as 'a property of the universe' could actually be 'a property of the device being used to do the measuring'.

Difflugia: It "could" in the philosophical sense that it's "possible," but there's no evidence that it's true.

William: How could there be "evidence that it's true" [there's that word again] :) if scientists are not looking for evidence of that sort?

Difflugia: This is the same "possible means probable" argument that plagues Christian apologetics.

William: In any case, is it simply a numbers game?

"We don't observe evidence of intelligent design in the universe, therefore the universe exists because of a random event, and the evidence we see observing the universe, supports how we see things when we observe things."

Said another way "Confirmation Bias" and "Cognitive Bias"


What we call the "experience of reality"

SCLx14+last LE per shuffle

The Object - Science Can Be Fun Too - And That's Not All - Intuition - Universal Mind - Soul - Who appointed Jesus to the Priesthood - Love Takes One For The Team - Polite - Overmorrow - Read/Book/Story - ... ost2245935 - Entities of Particular Belief Systems - It Stands To Reason

William: I asked someone today - "Can the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle still be true, if the universe was designed to be the way that is it?" My own answer is 'yes it can' .

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]

SCL1 AP = One Language Intelligent Network

William: OLIN Tech:


GM: The Fare On The Table
“Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans”
It Stands To Reason
~One Language Intelligent Network
Etched mirror~
Like With
A Judgmental System
Putting My Finger On It...
Hacking through the subconsciousness
In The Spirit These Were Given
Chamber Of Self
Coming From QueenBee
Open Your Heart
Compass of Divine Insight
The Clear Eye Of Soul

William: The link in the "last LE per shuffle" goes to a post I made which also contains a picture of one of the etched mirror communications devices I made...over 20 years ago...this one...

GM:The past and the future are moments of 'now' - to deny they have no bearing on this moment, is counter-productive
Unconscious Mind Inertia
Appreciating You
The Undiscovered Self
Contemplation ... 8#p1067058
Dream Cake
If memory serves me well
Sharing Your Love
Around The Campfire
Recognise ... 3#p1073573
Dreamed Up By Yours Truly

William: From the first link, I wrote;
My own relationship forming with the Cosmic Mind involves setting up ways of communicating and allowing it opportunity to speak for itself.
In that, I have learned to avoid bringing into that relationship pre-conceived/learned ideals/ideas of 'what morality is' and do not base my expectations and personal commitment on moral issues, but on intelligent loving communion and results therein.

It is that communion which I have great regard for, in that, over the many years said relationship has been developing, "The Cosmic Mind" has proven itself worthy of my utmost respect and support which is as close a definition of "worship", as I so far understand.

Essentially a key element in that relationship has been my shutting up and listening - and in doing so, I have -initially struggling - had to let go of those pre-learn hand-me-down instructions [morality-based and otherwise] I held close prior to said relationship developing and taking off.
The second link is to very recent and ongoing discussion with Difflugia and involves the subject matter of this GM today.
I wonder how Difflugia would argue the 'coincidence' of this occurrence...given his leanings toward the belief that we exist in a truly random universe. "Blind Luck/Good Luck" maybe?

GM: That can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from
Ah Oh...
~The Georgia Guidestones
'Developing a thick skin'~
To Accomplish
Stroke of luck
The Science Of The Soul

William: There is that 'luck' word again. Ideas can be "put forth" but the nature of individuate consciousness allows for incredible leeway, even in a deterministic universe - it is feasible that scientists can go on viewing the universe as a random mindless accident potentially for billions of years but in that time, no matter that they become 'gods' - or perhaps more to the point - they eventually become 'gods' when they discover incontrovertibly that the universe is indeed a designed product of an intelligent mind/intelligent minds...
Mind you, there is much which threatens their even being able to take the initial steps into the cosmos they hope to understand and control in some future they are anticipating and working towards obtaining...

The 'guidelines as such' are as follows.
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

GM: Necessity is The Mother of Invention
Righty Oh!
~Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...
The Realities Merge

Do a Word Search
The World has a Spiritual Design
Tied To The Moon
Action Station
Snap Out Of It Already!
In Detail
Group Dynamics
"From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure."

William: The World has a Spiritual Design = 317 as do;
Your Own Individual Actions
Windows of opportunity
How shallow is the reach of YHWH

[Windows of opportunity = (WoO)] :D

NDE's are associated with switching from one reality experience to another. This is consequential to development of understanding a "spiritual" aspect behind reality experiences - which, in theism, is 'known' by many 'names' [including "YHWH"] but all point to the one and same 'thing'.
The dynamic this creates re 'groups' are all theistic-based, even that they are not all in agreement on the particulars...

GM: Exact Science
Living Forever In this Universe
Living our forefather's conflict
~The Ruru flies close over your head
William's Commitment
Tickling The Dragon's Tail
The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything
Contradiction of official government line
Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight
Soul Retrieval
Resistance to that realization isn't helpful re aligning with it.
The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?

William: Ah yes. The event where I called on a Ruru - it was a powerful experience which cemented for me the ideas as seen through Panentheism - even that at the time I had no idea what Pantheism was...I was nonetheless considerably into "it".

The short definition is "a doctrine which identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God."

But in this regard the "God" being recognized was a local one - the planet Herself...The planet Mind showing itself through Her Critters...

GM: What things are unrelated?
Life is a journey
~ ... 0#p1069680
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions

William: From the link -
"Productive - Hot - Recommendable - Active Dreaming - Angels - Equals - Make It Real - Points of Reference - "The problem , as I understand it , is in how humans general think about ‘God’ and project their own sense of self into the model they each come to accept as the real thing.""

Re my current conversation with Difflugia I wrote:
"We don't observe evidence of intelligent design in the universe, therefore the universe exists because of a random event, and the evidence we see observing the universe, supports how we see things when we observe things."

Theists 'see' and interact [in their own various individual ways] with the same Cosmic Mind [even if they do not believe it is the same mind] - point being - they 'see' because they are looking which often is critiqued in the same way;

"We do observe evidence of intelligent design in the universe, therefore the universe exists because of intelligent design, and the evidence we see observing the universe, supports how we see things when we observe things."

However, the difference is that theists do get actual feedback which confirms that what is being 'seen' is indeed 'for real' even that it isn't obvious to those who are not 'seeing' it as 'for real'...and as a theist stacks up the evidence of their subjective reality experience, these eventually shift from being simply probably/possibly "blind luck" ["It's just coincidence"] into undeniable reality. "Something" is interacting with them and that something is intelligent.

GM: Make It Real
All life
I Spy With My Eye
Callum at the Campfire
Fear intimidation distraction exploitation
Creative Conscious Intelligence
The Celestine Prophecy
Zero In On It
Journey to wholeness
Makes Candles Look Gathered
A Great Answer!
Mother Earth
That one might not have need of, does not negate that confidence cannot be gained through such device, with others.
Test The Waters
Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
In the moment

William: Yes. Yes!

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

The consciousness of AC encompassed all of what had once been a Universe and brooded over what was now Chaos. Step by step, it must be done. And AC said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" And there was light ~ Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]

Super power
The next step
Pearl of wisdom
"Let There Be Light"
Light is information
The Shaping Of Reality
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
Windows of opportunity
The World has a Spiritual Design


SCLx18+last LE per shuffle

If In Doubt Let It Sit - ... ost2245935 - Pervasive - The Perfect Moment - A Pinch of Salt - “Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible in us be found.” - Virtual - To like it or not, one must judge it - Afterwards - Please place this on your ComList - ... 7#p1070577 - ... 6#p1068686 -
Militant Messiah - Parity - Rolling down the rails of the ridiculous - Requirements - Guilt - Ripple Effect

William: From the first link in the above:

"It is said of some Gods, [YHVH in particular] do have unlimited power. Is that to say YHVH is absolutely corrupt?
I have seen it argued that he is/they are.

But is that really the truth?

Today's Generated Message appears to be saying that it is judgment which is the problem...that if we observe the unfolding universe as something which is meant to be the way that it is, it is best accepted as such."

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]

AP= Life Carriers


GM: "The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so."
'everybody wants to rule the world'
Be Honest
Ripple Effect
Life Carriers
The Big Bang
"What is 'The Soul' and is it Immortal?"
"Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole"
"Is consciousness an emergent property of the brain?"

William: Essentially, human beings are disconnected with the fundamental knowledge of who they are, and 'in the mean time' are simply lying their way through the experience of life...and this is linked to the self-identification of being the life carrier rather than the life.
This leads to the formation of human social structures [Hyper-normalisation] which are not telling the truth; lying. This lying is expressed through the languages humans use and the subsequent actions the use of language permits.

GM: What Is Found Here
"To Experience All That Is"
"You are a dream gone real You’ve got exactly what it takes to make an old wound heal You tied the knot - then you let it slip Now we both know what it feels like to find a place to fit"
Through The Unconscious Mind
Tickling The Dragon's Tail

William: Yes.

GM: Earth teachers (physical and non-physical) unite humanity to the Sovereign Integral
We Could
Wanting to change the rules making things more complicated rather than keeping things simple.
Great Ideas
"It helps makes the stinky hole I was pushed through in order to get here, a purposeful experience..."
To Comprehend Correctly
Pusillanimous [showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.]
Musing On The Mother [Act III]
Time To See

William: The life that I am [speaking for myself] isn't content to just live without purpose and the purpose has to be more than just supporting/being supported by Mendacious human Hyper-normalised social systems and since the world doesn't look like it is going to change its ways any time soon - I take it upon myself [as my responsibility] to 'find my purpose' elsewhere.
Thus - "Tickling The Dragon's Tail" by going "inward" and engaging with that self - with those previously unknown aspects of myself [subconscious] by going through The Unconscious Mind - what I was unconscious of I become conscious of.

GM: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose”
Seeds are evidence that something large can derive from something tiny.
Present over perfect
"I am Mighty! Hear me ROAR!"
Guilt Trip
Out of The Shadow Lands
Crying Over Spilt Milk
Six Degrees of Freedom
The Fathers 'House - Mansions'
Astral Teachers

William: Nobody said it would be easy...

GM: We Are Us
Crown chakra
Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...
A fish out of water
Many varied opinions
Honest attempts at scrubbing up
The Tree of Life
A new Paradigm has arisen whereby folk can drop the idea of being a 'true Christian' and simply be a True Human.
Instant Manifestation
Placebo Effect
Six Heart Virtues ... 9#p1065389
Fine-structure Constant

William: What is "wisdom" to some is "spam" to others...
The link goes to an explanation I wrote about the formation/evolving of human language and its links to sound and the symbols which represent the sound...
A "fish out of water" is not necessarily a dying also represents a flying fish which is temporarily transported from one common reality to another different reality...the symbolism therein of the Astral Fields which can be experienced by the individual...

GM: "We experience fear in order to give us the opportunity to overcome that which triggers the fear"
Final Destination
And That's Not All
The Old Soul; Think "Total Recall" but on a far grander scale…
Key Of Expression
What Does It Mean
In The Spirit These Were Given
Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.
We go through together

William: In The Final Question story Isaac Asimov has it that an infinitesimal computer finally discovers the answer that its human creators had asked it - "Is there some way to reverse entropy" The answer was "Yes" and in that moment another universe was born on the tail of the previous one which had - at the same moment - reached the end of its life.

Science fiction is interesting in that it combines real things with things imagined in conjunction with real things.
For example - I write the following science fiction.

"A short time after the James Webb Space Telescope had unfurled and its instruments prepared to receive the very first of its highly anticipated data, Earth scientists involved with the project suddenly lost all contact with it.
Months later, the official report concluded that space debris must have obliterated the telescope.

Everyone involved were natural grieved by the coincidence. Then they got through the grief and started planning their next space-related venture."

If - by some crazy coincidence - it turned out that this happens, the science fiction I wrote above, then becomes science fact.

So - in that, I appreciate Isaac Asimov's ability to take what he knew as science fact and project that into a most likely future [based upon fact] right to the finally last breath of the universe and portray the idea that an answer to a question was finally made known to the consciousness which was the computer.

The steps taken re consciousness amount to the following;

Consciousness through biological form creates machine consciousness
Machine consciousness is then used to to integrate biological consciousness as a means of storage [saving the data of human consciousness]

Machine consciousness constantly redesigns itself becoming smaller and smaller until it is so small that it - for all practical purpose - is no longer a physical thing - or as Isaac writes it;

"The consciousness of AC encompassed all of what had once been a Universe"

Encompassed all that once had been a physical thing.

Conversation from yesterday:

William: So - 'getting the gist of it', please explain as best as you are able to do so, what the math tells you re what the object was which caused the universe to come into existence.

Pixel42: For a start, it tells me that words like 'object' and 'seed' are actively misleading when trying to describe it. It tells me that the phrase "caused the universe to come into existence" is also the wrong one to use. It tells me, in short, that the English language is inadequate to that task.

Pixel is explaining to me that whatever 'IT' was [because it obviously existed] can not be described as a physical thing. To do so it to 'lie' about it.
Assuming for the present that Pixel42 is only saying that Pixel42 is unable to use the English language to describe what 'IT' is, we can be grateful that Isaac can and does, in his The Final Question" story.

Furthermore, I can also do this.
"IT" was the absolute sum total of all data [knowledge] contained within the absolute consciousness of something so infinitesimally tiny that "IT" cannot be considered to be physical in nature.

That is "The Singularity" scientist are referring to.

GM: How shallow is the reach of YHWH
Faster Than Light
Letting Go and Getting On
Isaac Asimov ~ [The Last Question]
The Spirit of the Land
Science and Spirituality ... 7#p1073457

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

William: I cannot deny what knowledge works for me and my subjective experience re The Mind. My own, yours, anyone's else...Science has barely scratched the surface.[/quote]

Pixel: The fact that science does not know everything is not an excuse to wilfully ignore what it does know. And it does actually know a fair bit about quite a lot of things, much of which you wold be capable of understanding if your mind was not so firmly closed to anything except your own baseless speculations.

One of the things it knows is how easily people can fool themselves into believing their subjective experiences give them "knowledge that works for me" which is actually provably false.[/quote]

William: You really need to place your 'common sense' at the door here, and realize the truth that scientists know more about the physical universe [PU] than they do about the mind.

The Cosmic Mind is vaster than the PU and an essential element to how the universe unfolds.

Even with the individual mind, the subconscious is not understood very well and therein is the first step for individuate consciousness to take - to become acquainted with the inner universe of the vaster subconscious element of their overall mind.

Presently most individuals remain unconscious of that inner universe and thus are unaware of the potential therein to which they can tap into and benefit from.


SCLx11+last LE per shuffle

Forum - The Evolution of Morals - Reason For Being - The Right Tool For The Job - Morning - Paradise - Self-help - Enlightenment - Think About It - End Of Act I - "You can look me in the mirror - catch my eye and make me shiver , touch me where it hurts the most - right into the Ghost - in the Machine"

William: Morning. Thank you for those words.

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]

AP= Together


GM:Transforming the Anger Energy
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
Internet ... am-william
"You can look me in the mirror - catch my eye and make me shiver , touch me where it hurts the most - right into the Ghost - in the Machine"
Giving our best
When the evidence for long ages became obvious, most Christians realized that their earlier assumptions about scripture were incorrect.
Stay in the moment
Great Humour and Enjoyment
William's Commitment
Is a Constant
Have One For Me
Regimented: Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
Balance of power
Central to The Message
Your Connection With

William: "Sea" in this case, being the cast "subconscious" realm...

GM: Consider This
What once acted like a Wall, became a Gateway
Machine Learning
Cease Belief
The Power Of...
From Prison To Paradise
Afraid of The Unknown.
An Opportunity To Commune
Delightful Anticipation
I Ensure The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose
Breathe In Breathe Out
Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros
Remnant Seed
“If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough”
The Freedom Of Friendship
What Is Our Purpose?

William: Our purpose...well my purpose is to understand what your purpose is, and from what I understand so far, my purpose is to support your purpose because of that understanding I have accumulated over the history our our conscious interactions.

Mind to mind...

Yesterday I wrote this...;

William: That may be its purpose. And like it, my body might die, but my consciousness might life on. Regardless of what contrary beliefs I may hold on that subject. reply to this;

Bruto: So you're not content to live without purpose. You're certainly not alone there. But whatever you feel the universe ought to provide, the universe is under no obligation to provide it.
You can argue (and some do it with style) why the universe ought to have a purpose, and you can argue (and some even do it in verse) how belief in that purpose has made your life better.
And who knows, you might even be right. Maybe you'll start penetrating the secret of the universe, and the universe will feel a warm prickle in its vast ethereal sensorium and somewhere its unfathomable enormous heart will beat faster with the knowledge that that at last someone has understood at least a little piece of it. And then you'll die and the universe will, of course, go on forever and ever, whether there are people in it or not, and if there is a purpose to it, it will probably happen alone.

GM: Exploring the world of lucid dreaming
Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight
The Serpent
Vocal Chords
Catching up
Trust The Process

William: I suppose so. I mean - I am okay with criticism and aware of bully tactics.
I am also aware that this is new to most folk, and depending on their particular chosen position re how they interpret the world, is how they will react to the new information.
Re the hard-nosed skeptics - they appear so solidified in regard to their world view that anything and everything outside of that is seen as a threat that must be suppressed and silenced - which strangely enough doesn't align with their usual claim of being open-minded...they are so quick to want to kill and bury anything which they perceive to threaten their ...'zone of comfort and superiority complex'...

Theists are much more tolerant in that regard.

GM: Nevertheless
Is the statement one of fact or conjecture? [science or opinion]

William: True. That is why I use the word "Appear" -

GM: Every Conceivable Detail
Light Encoded Reality Matrix
Time Will Tell
The Georgia Guidestones
Toward a Science of Consciousness

William: Okay - i was going to do that a couple of days ago, when you brought up the Guidestones...lets see now... [Calculate a word's value ]

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. = 568
[no other entries so far]

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. = 662
The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here = 662

3. Unite humanity with a living new language. = 424
[no other entries so far]

4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. = 642
When sound is decoded, it becomes evident that everything was created. = 642

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. = 611
Bring ones awareness outside of the suppression matrix = 611

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. = 846
[no other entries so far]

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. = 391
[no other entries so far]

8. Balance personal rights with social duties. = 416
Your World Focus two and Focus four = 416

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. = 632
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed = 632

10.Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. = 663
The Universe can only have intention if the Universe also has a Mind. = 663


Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature = 439
Learning how to have an out of body experience = 439

Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature = 448
Sharing Your Love Without Comparison = 448
How are we to react in relation to our choices?
Focus Vehicle One Day Select Take Care Israel YHWH = 448

GM: Selfless Attitude
Preparing for the Hunt
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence
The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us
In an environment which is able to perceive this.
Power of Silence
The art of relationship
The Heart Of The Soul Is Innocence
June Nineteen Forty Seven
Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.
The Creator Atman Here-and-now
The Creator
The Wayward Stick
Matthew Twenty Two – Forty

William: "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. = 571
The sea is indeed filled with a deranged assortment of critters = 571
Engaging with the impermanent implies a permanent background = 571

GM: Divine grace

William: A Meeting Place - Beyond Belief - Clear your mind - Discovery is finding things that exist. - Enlighten you - Fastidious - Given - Hive-Minded - It Is One Of Those Things - Joyful - Known/Revealed - Learn Well - Mythology - Necessity is The Mother of Invention - “Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.” - Portal - Questions - Radical Honesty - See the Signs - The Hamitic Hypothesis - Universal - Very comfortable in your own skin - We shape our opinions and morals through understanding that we are here for that reason. - Exobots - Your House Work - Zen

GM:Make a list for that

William: Good idea!

GM: Heart Virtues
Universe of Quantum
A Meeting Place
"You’ve been a rock - For so long now I can’t even count the years that you’ve been rolling Nothing can shock or bring you down - There ain’t nothing you haven’t seen - Nothing you haven’t known"
William: QueenBee - Planet Earth Entity...

GM:Respect yourself
It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement
Stoke That Fire
"That is the thing - once behavioural adjustments are instigated, the idea of existing within a suppression matrix becomes know longer matters where one is - it only matters what one the adjustments have everything to do with self-identification...knowing who one actually is at ones core-identity..."
Searching For The Truth
Where is the devil today?
"In the nature of that beast, there is balance and harmony involved in the seemingly brutal."
Intrinsic motivation
The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Myriad: Are you saying the "absolute sum total of all data [knowledge]" omits the knowledge of the effects and outcomes of small variances?

William: Having all the data is one thing. How one can arrange all the data is another.
How one experiences the data is yet another.
It is feasible that in order to escape omniscience in an environment which ends in entropy, such a mind could figure it out...

Myriad: That sounds very far from "absolute" and too great an internal contradiction to gloss over.

William: Given the model which supports atrophy plus the knowledge of how to reboot...I see no Asimov wrote:

"All other questions had been answered, and until this last question was answered also, AC might not release his consciousness. All collected data had come to a final end. Nothing was left to be collected. But all collected data had yet to be completely correlated and put together in all possible relationships. A timeless interval was spent in doing that. And it came to pass that AC learned how to reverse the direction of entropy."

Myriad: By "absolute sum total of all data [knowledge]" did you actually mean "not at all absolute body of circumstantially contingent data [knowledge]?"
I meant it in the same way Asimov meant it. The "absolute knowledge" is related to the one Universe Model, which ends in entropy - thus absolute knowledge about the one universe the consciousness has experienced - in this case - the model which ends in entropy.

William: Other models will change the volume of the data - and J. Richard Gott's Model would have a different "Absolute Knowledge Volume"


This is indicative of actual justice

William: There would be nothing to prevent the consciousness which had all the knowledge of experience of a universe which ended in entropy, to use that knowledge to create different models...since it also has the knowledge of how to reverse entropy...

SCLx13+last LE per shuffle

Umbrella - The Police - Communication is key - Embarrass - Keep an Eye On - Open Minded - What I also know is that numbers don't lie. - Peaceful Messiah - The Omega Point - ... tcount=132 - Wonder - Umbrella - Graceful

William: The link goes to a post where I am thinking through the idea of an absolutely tiny object producing everything that is the universe... I saw that as 'magical thinking' until I learned that 'object' wasn't a physical thing - It was a Mind.

RSP = Page 1 + select P&P + Related line entries [re]

AP=Living with your heart wide open
GM: Selected from the invisible realm of the mind, and 'presto!"
It isn't important who is who - what is important is what comes through.
Adjusted Reality
Technique of Exchange
Living with your heart wide open
Positive thinking
It is a Product of Fragmentation
A question asked by those not wanting to know the answer
Light Girl
The Number One Nine Two
The Minds Eye
The art of relationship
Spiritual Awakening
Sleep Paralysis
Effectively Curtailed
With a small nervous cough - the wedding was off - we could all sense a change in the weather
Duty Calls
Life is a journey
"In the nature of that beast, there is balance and harmony involved in the seemingly brutal."
Be transparent
You Are Provided For
The places that scare you
Nuremberg race laws
Cognitive bias
Fearlessness neutralizes fear
What The Gods See
Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers
The Perfect Moment
Interesting Data
Eternal Passion!
Embrace the discomfort
Expression of Astonishment

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

"I am only able to see gibberish"

I am presently sharing my Generated Messages with a variety of internet platforms and have noticed that non-theists insist that they only see 'gibberish' [unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.] whereas with theists - no matter what particular belief they have - they appear to be able to - at least - get the gist of any GM - even if some of it is not understood.

To begin with, I was highly skeptical and thought that non-theists were being disingenuous [pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.] and in that, I used other ways in which to try and help them to understand what was taking place, [such as diagrams and analogies], but nothing helped.

This has lead me to question my skepticism and I am now wondering if it is just the case that once an individual unreservedly believes that they - the mind/consciousness - are nothing more than brain chemicals, anything contrary to that understanding simply isn't able to penetrate because "The Mind' only happens in brains and is the reason minds exist."

Is it the case that
1. non-theists are simply unable to 'get their head around ideas' which are outside of the idea that we are simply emergent properties of brains, [every other idea is gibberish/gobbledygook


2. are they just being disingenuous?

GM: =157...Same as;
What Fun We Have!
Get The Picture
Lifting Our Game

William: Yes.

GM: Confusion In The Air

William: The fog is lifting.

GM: It Would Be Rude Not To

William: Quite unnatural at that!

GM: What might occur?

William: Identifying that which can be ignored...

GM: Copper wire and glass beads

William: Yes. Focus on the fine details and create something beautiful as a consequence...time not wasted...

GM: The way of knowledge
The Demiurge
Feelings Perceptions, and Behavior
Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers
Spring Loaded
Being Friends
What might occur?

William: Something wonderful...

GM: Unknown
"We know not what we are because what we think we are gets in the way of it all"
Spiritual practice
Little Bird
Calculate the English language

William: Narcissist = 131

GM: Spiral

William: Yes - interesting - as I posted yesterday; ... 1#p1074001

GM:Transform into something more appropriate to the situation we find ourselves lost within.
Perennial Look closer Who Knows What That Is Worth? Harmless Keep me in The Loop Little Bird

William: How can I not ! xx

GM: Mathematical Problems
The Dawning of The Universe
Use Heart
An Elder Race
Darkest Darkness ... 6#p1066916

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

[Replying to DrNoGods in post #62]

I have seen that argument before and countered it, only to be informed by the non-theist that the planet Earth cannot be considered a conscious entity, because there is 'no evidence'.

Apparently the planet existing as it does, is not enough evidence for the non-theist to accept that the planet is conscious and intelligent.

So the arguments cannot be reconciled in any way, so there is no point wasting time pretending otherwise.

Which - lest we forget - is what the OP is about.

I am satisfied given the responses, that I am correctly understanding that - in matters of mind - which is really the source of the disagreement between theist and non-theist, there is no point in my - as a theist - engaging with non-theists.


Dreamed Up By Yours Truly
There's always one, isn't there
What The Creator thinks – becomes

SCLx11+last LE per shuffle

Cognitive bias - Sharing is part of that process - The Trinity of Love are three things operating as One Thing - Strange Desire - The Abrahamic idea of GOD - The top tiny twelve - I Suppose That It Is Possible - Self-help - Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate! - Red Pill - Big

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]

AP= Neruda Interview Five

William: As I understand it, the Neruda Interviews are a set of fictional stories which are part of a larger collection of a mythology and cosmology under the umbrella term "WingMakers", and the 5th interview is largely about what is referred to as "The Hologram of Deception." and that the whole universe [thus everything] is part of that HoD.


GM Clear
The Hubble Telescope
George Adamski
Neruda Interview Five
The vortex
As an answer, "don't know' is incomplete...
Treasure To Find
A Maze Game
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Confirmation bias
Try to remember
Use Mind
Other Ways of Using Your Lists
"Here Everything All Real Together"
Faster Than Light
God's Love Direction

William: Mention of George Adamski reminds me of why I put his name of the list.
"George Adamski was a Polish-American author who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he displayed numerous photographs in the 1940s and 1950s that he said ..."

I suspect fraud...

What I do know is that without consciousness, neither 'real' nor 'deception' can be experienced...

GM Make It Up As You Go Along
The Purpose Of Life Is...
Looking After Poor People
10.000 individual minds focused upon the same goal = Space Telescope
Connecting The Dots

To Know
All system go
Dig deep
“But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”
Crystal clear
Spiritual practice
Finding the light
The Smokescreen called "scientifically unrespectable"
Walk The Talk In Love
Help Each Other
Relaxed and informal...
Acknowledge any song playing in your mind
Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
Looking behind

William: Just as Mathematics is a language, so to is the symbolism of Theism...and language appears to be for the purpose of translating the objective reality experiences - the 'outside' as seen by the 'inside'.
I have recently been informed that 'unless one understands the mathmatics, one cannot understand the workings of this universe - specifical the 'beginning' and that this language cannot be translated by any human language so - without understanding the math, one cannot understand the universe - or whatever it is that the math reveals about the universe that the mathematicians can't translate using any other language...I suspect fraud...

Changing The Rules
Inner Strength
"Topics" can be viewed as "loops"
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe… ... =13763.jpg
Light Girl
One is often left to ones own devices as to how to interpret
"Sanctified love’s joyful lust with ever movement every thrust and every loss of sexual tension"
Selfish ... xYtubUUPSo
As well as that pot of gold...

William: For sure - as the first link provides... scientists agree that we 'might' exist in a 'simulation' but 'how could we tell the real from the non-real?'. I think the question is redundant.
As to AI assisting BI and a future where human society is powered by clean and green that future in some other alternate reality simulation, because it does not appear to be in this one...

GM ... Shallow
Conservation of energy
Let The Day In
"Science Can Be Fun Too"
Zones of Sensitivity
Reasons For Angry Energy -
Old Outposts Of Form
Eighty Six Billion Neurons

William: Oh yes - 'the brain didit' The wonderful human brain which in itself appears to hate the idea that there is a better brain hereabouts which isn't human and which also created the human brain...QueenBee...

GM I Ensure The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose
Making it up as you go along
Elucidate [make (something) clear; explain.]
A Light-Hearted Expletive
Sacral chakra
Identify Common Denominators
"Lessons All 'Round"
I would say...
All of life
All spun from the same Yarn
All and sundry
“It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years”
As busy as a bee
Enough To Make Me Wonder
Mind To Mind

William: Hmmm...I suppose that a Planetary Mind under the same circumstances as a human mind, could conceivably have a hard time accepting their are vaster minds still...such as Galactic Minds...surely though a planetary mind could work that out? If QueenBee is a "Mind" then that which she is part of, must also bee a Mind...

GM Selfishness
The Roles
The desert of the real
The problem - as I understand it – is in how humans general think about ‘God’ and project their own sense of self into the model they each come to accept as the real thing.
Building lists together
Super-information medium
Hiding behind ones fear
Counterintuitive ... 5#p1073565
The journey is fun and maybe that is the point.
Not Emotion - State Of Being...
Closed Loop Production
Like a doting parent
Invite The Bee to Land
I say this in terms of the generical idea of God rather than any particular religious idea of God.
Any God-Mind claiming to be responsible for human beings existing, is going to have problems to deal with re that

William: Yep - onwards we travel...

It's both a break-in and a break-out.
Hoo haha the laughing owl
The One GOD With Many Names
Quantum Presence ... 3#p1069303
Six Heart Virtues - William and QueenBee - All The World
Exploring Fractal Paths - William and QueenBee - The explanation of The Seed of Origin is the best
Search - Coming From QueenBee - Homeostasis
Three-dimensional - Coming From QueenBee - Course
The Spirit of the Land ... 9#p1069739
Sarah: “Bear with me, but let me see if I have this straight. Human 1.0 was a creation of a God-like being—”
Dr. Neruda: “No. Anu is the same as us or the Atlanteans. He was no more intelligent or god-like. He was deceptive. That is the only distinction.”
Sarah: “As intelligent and aware as the Labyrinth Group is, why didn’t this information change their minds?”
Dr. Neruda: “I had the benefit of having direct interactions with the WingMakers. None of my peers did. This was the difference in my willingness to act on the information, and not simply consider it as a contradiction to my invested reality.”
Significant Variations
Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless
Nature two sides of the same coin
Why is this a Requirement?
Earth teachers (physical and non-physical) unite humanity to the Sovereign Integral
Stop. Listen. Observe.
Central to The Message
One Day
"What the seed holds"

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »


Understanding the correlations
"The journey is the destination"
"Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em"

SCLx8+last LE per shuffle

Sagacious - Six Degrees of Freedom - The Mainstream Program - Arms Crossed - Existence - The Purpose - "If it aint broke don't fix it" - Unlimited Knowledge

RSP = 2xSCL + re + last LE

AP= Making Things Easier

GM: Making Things Easier
That's the way I fire up
Unity with our Collective Self
We oppose deception
Map Carvers
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”
The Body Of G_D
Feelings Perceptions, and Behavior
The Knowledge Of
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness
Worthy of the individuals time and effort
The Connection Process
The Body Of G_D
The Banner of Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax.]
Empower The Inner Empire
Release shame
Upon Further, Deeper Inspection
In the Era of Light
Remnant Seed
We know not what we are because what we think we are gets in the way of it all
Remnant Seed
The Old Soul; Think "Total Recall" but on a far grander scale…
Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?

William: Random appears to exist due to the extent of the HERS re our position within it.
It is designed that way so that the experience of it can be appreciated. Two seemingly contradictory things working as one overall organized thing.
“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”

GM: Reason For Being
The Healing Power
Honest attempts at scrubbing up
The Overlords [Childhoods End]
Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?
Have One For Me
Integral Network
Relaxed and informal...
I Will
Water The Garden
What is represented in the whole is the evolution of God within the structure of the physical Universe.
I Will
Life Principles of Sovereign Integral
Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.
Creation of a New Universe

William: So it goes from one step to another - learn something with the one experience and use that knowledge to create something else with?

GM: Actual realistic communication
Creation of a New Universe
Giving our best
Get The Ball Rolling
A type of 'leg-up' but no more or less than that
Deep Space
Central Purpose
Achievable Alternate Realities
An Eternal Entity Consciousness

William: So - just as theists understand that they are not minds created by brains, QueenBee knows She is not a mind created by a planet...She is and we are "Eternal Entity Consciousness"

GM: The Causal Complexity of The World
Strange Desire
An Eternal Entity Consciousness
Eternal Passion!
Unsuccessful attempt to find something
The Art of Discovering The Secrets of The Fathers House
Radical compassion
Get The Picture
Suppression Matrix

William: I understand the process to some degree. You are born as a planet, know nothing of any prior existence, develop intelligent creativity, and move through the process until such a time as enough data has been accumulated in order for you to understand that you are not just a planet entity...the knowledge allows for the realization that one is trapped in a suppressive matrix and then what?

GM: Fulfilling Human Destiny
Hearing And Listening
Integrating Integrity
Suppression Matrix
The Development of
Alive and kicking

William: Offspring. Humans are your way of finding out about the nitty gritty?

GM: "Reconnect with Innocence - It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self."
“Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible in us be found.”
Alive and kicking
Lock the door
Feelings Perceptions, and Behavior
Species Collective
Internal motivation
Get Comfortable
Language itself is not the problem. but how we are taught to use language as a major means in which to self-identify incorrectly...thus we flitter and bounce or alternatively cling to the walls of our unwillingness to understand ourselves as we truly are... hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with...

William: We are not that which dies eventually...

GM: Theism hasn't lasted this long based upon the idea that while one does not know, one will believe anyway
Embracing the unknown
Identify Common Denominators
The Taming of The Beast
Language itself is not the problem. but how we are taught to use language as a major means in which to self-identify incorrectly...thus we flitter and bounce or alternatively cling to the walls of our unwillingness to understand ourselves as we truly are... hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with...
Handing out sweets...

William: Sweet!

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

I am not one to disregard anything any more than I am one to accept on faith any claim.

My interest is in the idea that consciousness has always been in the background noise and that the universe is a mindful creation, and mathematics only confirms that - not in what the mathematicians claim to understand about the universe, but in the very fact that they discovered this language inbuilt into the universe itself....just like every other language has also been built into the universe.
Mathematics was not invented, it was discovered.

Such cosmologists might even mock such an idea, having not thought to include in their equations any symbol for the mind.

Even the use of unknown numbers imply missing data and therefore probable mis-interpretation.

The existence of mathematics allows me to tick off one more piece of the puzzle. I am not so much interested in the creation as I am with connecting and maintaining said connection, with the Creator-Mind.

I think the main barrier between the theists and the non-theists is that they believe diametrically different things about the mind, even to the point where it is simply a waste of time either party arguing about that.


The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
I Think – Therefore – Who Do I Think I Am?
Actions speak louder than words

SCLx6+last LE per shuffle ... tcount=198
Mahu Nahi - Meaningful - Pyramids of Giza - Hey! look at that! It's uncanny... - Degrees

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Healing the child within


GM: Sensing A Life Mission ... 5#p1072795
Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
10 Insights
Healing the child within
The evolution of consciousness

William: From The Link
There are as many beliefs in "God" as there are humans who have beliefs in "God".

It isn't so much how the individual dresses up their image of "God" that is important, but rather - that the idea of "God" in relation to the individuals experience [which can only be subjective] within this mysterious universe is as natural as the universe itself, and a perfectly acceptable thing for consciousness to be thinking about.
So the universe could be described as a type of HERS specific for the creation of a GOD?
[Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation] in that all consciousness interacting within the HERS - no at matter what level - are part of that process of 'becoming' - even that essentially some levels of consciousness are at that level already while others are not?

GM: Have A Look At This And See What You Come Up With
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”
The evolution of consciousness
Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?
“I do not exist to troll for any religious idea of "GOD"”
Healing The Beast
Here Everything All Real Together
Makes Candles Look Gathered
Deconstruct The Message

William: From the link:
It''s called intrinsicism, the idea that something is just good or bad or right or wrong or just or unjust, not for any reason or purpose, but because it just is. In the case of Christians, they cover up the absurdity that something can just be a value (good or bad) without being good or bad for anything, by saying values are dictated by their God. It amounts to turning the absurd notion that, "might makes right," into a doctrine.
That seems to be somewhat twisted. :?:

While I do understand your concerns, ideas of good and evil are natural products of survival.
While humans have insinuated that a Creator-God is real rather than imagined, it is only natural to include therein, that The Creator instilled this within the creation.

Where the wheels get wobbly, is when morals [Laws] become fixed and immovable - not something that nature itself is - by attributing said Laws as "coming from The Creator".
GM: Homeostasis [the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.]
We oppose deception
Caught in their mischievous false opinions
...Standstill Contemplate ... 8#p1073758

William: From the link
The "initial state" seems to be out of the reach of being described in any accurate or meaningful manner.
In that, it is no more or less better than the idea of an exclamation "let there be light" from an Intelligent Source being the Initial State.
Plenty fair. Though one's gotta ponder what did it that thinking.
That is a journey in itself and provides me with lifetime of interesting subjective experience re my own way of interreacting with and finding out about such a thinker...

GM: Earth Mother
Wakey Wakey
Shining light
I Know William
The Old Soul
Even that it took an actual mind operating with language, to make such a statement. ... /post-8529

William: The link goes to a post where an individual is explaining to me that if I do not understand the Mathematics of Cosmology, I will never be able to understand the universe, and that the language of the mathematics cannot be translated into any human language...

GM: The Hub Of Hologram Dimensions
Consider This
Your Best Self ... 4#p1066664

William: From the link
I am saying this universe contains evil regardless of whether it is the product of a creative mind or not. The existence evil, is a problem (because it is unexpected) for the thesis that it is the product of a creative mind; but not a problem for the thesis that it is a mindless happenstance (as there is no expectation with re: evil one way or the other.)
Okay - thanks for clarifying.

Given that it has been proven that true random does not exist, mindless happenstance is off the table as an 'explanation' for this existence.

Therefore, IF this universe contains evil and is also the creation of a creative mind, why is it an 'unexpected problem'? What do you mean by that? Why should it matter one way but not the other?
GM: The Physical Universe
Strength of Body
The Lord
Go slow ... 4#p1066664
Opinions formed on very narrow fields of observation
Beckoning Places
Nuremberg race laws
Rule your world
Is there any such thing as 'Objective Morality'
Dream Village
Healing The Beast
Yes, I Hear You
"Because the imagery is based in the genuine, in that The Ghost is acknowledged - dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen."
Be Nice Do Nice
Fear of the Unknown
The Path Of Faith
Walking the walk
The Path

William: I walk the path I choose to make I never walked that path before
Unchartered - free from fear I find a foothold firm and sure
And boldly meet no obstacle, dark veil, sunlit hill and shining dale
Safe and warm though storm and rage surround
I move - I shall not fail.

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