Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Post by Satyr »

Thought that would get your attentions.

Why did it evolve?
The original and only productive purpose for sexual intercourse to evolve is to replicate a species and the organisms that comprise its numbers.
In fact the designation of species is one based on reproduction.
What is the advantage?
A faster adaptation, through combinations increasing the normally occurring mutations single-cell replication relied upon; faster in relation to an environment which is flux...proceeding, at faster and faster rates, towards chaos.

What specialized types does it evolve to facilitate this primary purpose?
Male & Female.
What is the advantage?
Specialization is synergy applied.
The specialized, focused roles, adopted by sacrificing some degree of independence.
The individual sacrifices its independence adopting its specialized role within a group so as to increase its own survivability.
Of course the more sophisticated the individual is all the more reluctant it is to sacrifice its independence and to surrender to dependence. This is why simpler organism create more stable social structures whereas with man more sophisticated methods of integration and assimilation must develop either naturally or artificially, with human interventions.
What integration implies is an identification with a unity, either of cells, as in organism, or in organisms such as in Sueprorganisms like nation-states or Churches or tribes or ideologies.

One more methods of denigration that applies exclusively to man is memes.
Here is where genetic processes and replications give way to mimetic ones.

Specialization implies a sort of trained idiot savant: an individual gifted in one area, or totally focused and committed to a small part of reality, but totally inept and ignorant when it comes to all other areas of human interest.
Schizophrenia is another aspect of modern specialization as social roles usurp natural ones, sometimes contradicting them, which forces a splitting of consciousness. One set of rules apply in one area whereas a completely different set of rules apply in another.
This has been called by different names by different thinkers, such as Nietzsche and Orwell but one of its most common manifestations is the so-called, feminine mystique; the confusion men experience when trying to harmonize female actions in relation to female words. Simple men tend to place more trust on words, given that they've been traiend to confuse language for reality: First there was the word and the word was GOD.

How does it work when the flight/fight mechanism is already in effect?
The sexual urge is an evolution of the feeding urge.
Here the desire to consume becomes lust.
It's frenzy relies on chemical inebriation which the body produces so as to overcome the fight/flight mechanism of survival.
Sexual urge has been compared to a kind of madness. In the wild the males are so overtaken that they risk life and limb under the hormonal effects.
In females it takes on the motherly instincts.
Love is a sophistication of this sexual urge: lust.
It's purpose is to facilitate communal living and cooperative survival strategies. It begins as a parental instincts which then becomes an identification with otherness.
In some cases, when the mind is a less sophisticated less continuously developed, love becomes an identification with otherness or an abstraction such as nation, tribe, humanity, ideology etc.
This is a direct evolution of the parental instinct which identifies the offspring with self, as it carries 50% of the organism's genes.

Does sex mutate?
As with all characteristics and behaviors the sexual drive is subject to environmental effects and malformations and also influenced by hormonal imbalances during gestation.
Some of these mutations, such as homosexuality, a-sexuality, fetishes, are harmless to the system or are neutral towards its welfare, making them viable.
Some like homosexuality actually offer a benefit to the system as the feminine type is more easily manageable and controllable due to the sexual role it evolved to play with the heterosexual reproductive strategy. Therefore evolutionary dead-ends, genetically unfit behaviors, such as homosexuality and pedophilia and necrophilia and bestiality are accepted based on their utility or their neutrality towards the welfare of the system.

Does sex acquire other roles as it evolves and mutates?
Definitely, some of these add-on roles are:
Internal social stress relief - Hierarchy displays and symbolic domination which avoids direct conflict and violence - Communal bonding
The current obsession with lust and the worshiping of love is linked to feminization and the needs of a growing social system made up of heterogeneous populations...all of which must be harmonized, placated and controlled with the most subtle methods possible.
The more direct and obvious past methods of force and bribery give way to more sophisticated methods of mind-control...primarily based on the insights of Freud and Jung and through their application via Bernays.

The premise "make love not war" is best exemplified by the differences between chimpanzee and bonobo social systems. Here we see the more paternalistic compared to the maternalistic and how in one violence whereas in the other promiscuity reigns.
The basic difference is that of sheltering.
Bonobo systems evolve within less austere demanding, threatening environments making hedonism a viable alternative to competitive ascent.
We witness in modern western systems this increasing feminization resulting in increasing promiscuity, the elimination of sexual roles, or the gender roles they took on within particular cultural environments, the decline of the family as a central social unity, the increase in materialism and hedonism, pornography on the rise to deal with any excess libidinal energies due to the increased numbers of males with no access to sexual release and a decrease in their genetic investments within the system.
These disenfranchised males becomes "free-radicals" which disrupt the internal social balances necessitating other means of dealing with these unsatisfied sexual drives.
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Post by Satyr »

Gender is the application of sexual roles within social cultural and economic systems.
Men, nor males, invented sex, nor did they invent gender.
As with everything human men take a natural phenomenon and manipulate it, adjusting it to meet their needs.

Therefore man does not invent water or mountains or gravity but he manipulates water flowing down a mountainside, restricting it, funneling it, redirecting order to grow things and to produce electricity.

What is a species?
At its most primal form all genetic family designations, such as canine, cat, primate, and all subsequent variants of species are defined as populations that can share genes and propagate fit, healthy, offspring.
Propagation of genes is what defines the label of a species and what differentiates one from another.

In the case of a species like the homo sapient this replication of genetic materials takes on the added complexities of replicating memetic material.
Where distinction is based on a more primal designation of exchanging genes, ironically preferred by the “progressives”, the division within the species of man is further exacerbated and confused by the exchange and replication of memes.
Species is now divisible not only by the sharing and combining of encoded genetic information but also divisible by the sharing and combination of encoded mimetic information.
Just as two different species, though they belong to the same genetic family, cannot copulate and produce viable offspring so too it is becoming increasingly the case that within the human populations, though they can still reproduce genetically, there is a rift occurring where certain ideals and ideas cannot be shared and combined to produce viable healthy minds; these ideals being so contradictory as to be akin to trying to mate a primate with an ass.

I would suspect that the more importance the mind plays in the self-identification of the individual organism the more memes will play a greater role in determining one’s own kind. Where for a lesser mind the sexual component, primed and promoted by physical and chemical (re)actions, will still remain decisive for a more sophisticated, intellectual mind further considerations will play a larger role, such as: shared principles and ideals, shared levels of awareness, shared appreciation of otherness and discrimination, shared pride and ego valuations, shared psychological dispositions and tolerance levels and so on.

Species divergence.
The importance and relevance of how species split-off form a common ancestor to create multiplicity should not be ignored or underestimated.
It is obvious that in order for one species to divert from another, though they might belong to the same family tree, is a product of genetic isolation, over a period of time sufficient to cause the split. The severity of the conditions experienced by one or both populations will determine the time period necessary to lead to a total split, along genetic lines.

There is no alternative theory to explain how species splinter off from a common ancestry than the one that takes into account environmental conditioning, through time, leading to a uniformity of genetics which experiences a period of isolation sufficient to result in a splintering.
I would think that the period of time required is determined by the extremity of the environmental conditions experienced and survived.
A population isolated by geography or, in human circumstances by cultural barriers, will increase in uniformity which diverges from another population if this isolation is total. What divergences occur and how great they become will be determined by the circumstances experienced by each population and by the degree that these circumstances differ from each other.

If the level of severity experienced is large then a given population - let us call it population-A – might face extinction. If it manages to survive, having reached so close to the end, those who remain will carry the genetic material required for survival within said environment, which will then be uniformly distributed to all ensuing reproductions of it. Population-A will diverge from population-B to the extent that this near-extinction is complete and to the extent that the environmental conditions that will then affect both populations are divergent enough to necessitate the nurturing of different traits to meet the challenge.
Population-B will maintain its higher diversity in comparison to population-A, which will include the original traits population-A had before it faced extinction, but to a lesser extent as these population-A traits will be diluted by mingling with all the other traits. Population-A, on the other hand, will be less diverse and what relation it has with population-B will decrease, over time, as the specific traits required to survive within this different, more severe, environment will be further affected by continuous exposure to that environment, which is also changing.

Male Sexual Role
To facilitate the specialized role a male is to play in the reproductive cycles the male must evolve the appropriate traits to carry on this role. What mutations occur or how well these traits develop in each particular manifestation of maleness is determined by the particulars of the genes being combined through heterosexual means, the environmental conditions affecting the fetus in-utero and also the nurturing these masculine traits are given to be allowed to reach their full potential - the latter is determined by both environmental circumstances as well as social and cultural conditions.
The male's role is more uncertain given how expendable he is; sperm being less costly to produce but also due to the fact that the male is not the one who gestates and then nurtures the offspring to maturity.
The male role is to prove itself worthy and to then usurp whatever power exists so as to attain the possibility of fertilizing as many ovum as possible. Within natural, more austere, severe, conditions numbers are a way of coping with predation and disease and miscarriages - an increasing of the odds.
In more sheltered, superfluous environments the focus becomes increasingly on quality rather than quantity, particularly if the given environment places a risk or a limit upon promiscuity.

This anti-authoritarian attitude is a fundamental characteristic of masculinity and it explains why males developed philosophy, science, and art-forms which challenge the status quo and expand human awareness and thinks outside the box; but it also explains why masculinity is disruptive to any attempted form of order.
Since masculinity is the destroyer of all previous order so as to establish his own, this makes him dangerous to any social order.

In recent times the slow decline of masculinity, prohibited from development and left to atrophy, has resulted in symbolic displays of it with no content: men, children and females can now wear the mantle of masculinity without thinking like men. It all becomes a play, a display, reinforcing the notion that appearances are superficial and that they are not indication of essence.

Female Sexual Role
To facilitate the specialized role a female is to play in the reproductive cycles the female must evolve the appropriate traits to carry on this role. What mutations occur or how well these traits develop in each particular manifestation of femaleness is determined by the particulars of the genes being combined through heterosexual means, the environmental conditions affecting the fetus in-utero and also the nurturing these feminine traits are given to be allowed to reach their full potential - the latter is determined by both environmental circumstances as well as social and cultural conditions.
The male's role is more uncertain given how expendable he is; sperm being less costly to produce but also due to the fact that the male is not the one who gestates and then nurtures the offspring to maturity.
The female role is to prove itself productive, fertile, useful. She prefers stability because within them she can facilitate her role of nurturer and gestation process and, most importantly, of filtering mechanism more easily, less costly, and with less risks.
She, therefore, takes to authority easier...whatever dominant authority is present she will submit to it, serving it willingly and with passion; but just as easily she will change sides and choose another authority if the previsions one is usurped or declines.
This explains the easy passion, emotion, of the female but also how quickly she changes her mind and her preferences.

The primary role of the female is as filtering device: she filters out from the genetic pool substandard traits and then, within human environments, this role is useful in filtering out unwanted social and cultural traits and attitudes.
She is a forever thinker within the box, because only within it can she hope to carry out her role. Also, her sacrifice in independence, due to the requirements of her role, makes her more attached to order (masculinity) and to whatever norm is given to her. Once an idea, ideal, a masculine dominance, is accepted she carries out her purpose with cold efficiency.

As an agent of nature, natural selection, she laughs at masculine attempts to impose an order...within a disordering world. The female's "wisdom" is in her intuitive understanding that all things change and that she remains flexible in her loyalties and attachments. She is dependent upon order but what form this order will take does not really matter to her just as long as she can carry out her role, be appreciated for it and given the opportunity to climb up the internal social ladder - gossip and relationships are her bread and butter.
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Post by mickthinks »

mickthinks wrote:LOL - it's probably worth pointing out that many of us (most of us, I think) find Satyr's style of communication unsatisfactory and don't bother with him. By all means try and make it work for you but don't feel bad if you come to the same conclusion as we did.

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Post by Satyr »

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Post by reasonvemotion »

Coco Chanel Fragrance may not be worn ever again.

"A woman's natural scent, research has shown, increases a man's testosterone levels, which are linked with sexual interest. These levels are greater when a man smells the shirt of an ovulating woman. The question is whether or not ovulation is concealed in human females. In other species, there are indicators of ovulation, but it has long been accepted that human females dont give off clues".

Females know their own body language and there are many subtle signs for changes that occur. Do you agree that indicators of ovulation are hidden or are there overt signs to the contrary.
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Post by Satyr »

reasonvemotion wrote:Coco Chanel Fragrance may not be worn ever again.

"A woman's natural scent, research has shown, increases a man's testosterone levels, which are linked with sexual interest. These levels are greater when a man smells the shirt of an ovulating woman. The question is whether or not ovulation is concealed in human females. In other species, there are indicators of ovulation, but it has long been accepted that human females dont give off clues".

Females know their own body language and there are many subtle signs for changes that occur. Do you agree that indicators of ovulation are hidden or are there overt signs to the contrary.
They are hidden so as to ensure male interests throughout the year and not only during ovulation.
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Post by reasonvemotion »

"It comes directly home to the bosoms and business of men."

There are two different types of women that have a commanding influence on men. The chaste and supportive woman or the whore. They are male images imposed on women. In other words what men want women to be and the role a woman should play for their man and do play. "Desdemona often describes her devotion to Othello in front of other people, underscoring that, even though she does love him very deeply, she is to a certain extent playing the role of the virtuous wife." There is no way for a man to tell the difference between chaste and a woman who is playing the role of a chaste wife, who might actually be the opposite of this. "So while womanhood in Othello is, therefore, often defined by men in terms of pure virtue or voracious and deceptive sexuality, it ultimately shows that real women are far more complex".
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Post by Satyr »

reasonvemotion wrote:"It comes directly home to the bosoms and business of men."
There are two different types of women that have a commanding influence on men. The chaste and supportive woman or the whore. They are male images imposed on women.
Oh sweetie, seduction is about fitting into the other's needs.

Women "impose" upon men the "supporter, provider" and "protecter" modern times they've been socially engineered to demand the man who is woman with a penis.
A sort of ambiguous gay duo.

Bigger brains with imaginations often use symbols, metaphors, their fantasies going wild as their insistent mix with their social and cultural upbringing to come up with amalgamations.

Bottom line, sweets...both are looking for fitness in the other....each form the particular vantage point of their naturally determined sexual role.
Deal with it imbecile...gender was not invented by more than greed or violence or selfishness was. I know that you've been programmed and ti suits your feeble psyche to think of some of these as sinful or bad or evil...but they are natural.

The true social engineering and manufacturing of ideals is when these anti-natural ideals are presented as "pure" and "authentic" and everything else as being a fabrication.
The eradication of sexual/gender roles is the fake.
Gender is the integration, application, in adherence to the specifics of a social and cultural unity, of sexual roles, dear.

Men do not invent water or gravity...they use it, redirect it, block it, divert it.
Men do not invent human nature, dear...they...fill in the blanks yourself, you brain-dead twit.
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Post by johngalthasspoken »

reasonvemotion wrote:" it ultimately shows that real women are far more complex :lol: ".

When in reality,women are really simple creatures.females are no more complex than reading a twilight book :mrgreen:

reasonvemotion wrote:"There are two different types of women that have a commanding influence on men. The chaste and supportive woman or the whore.
i will respond to that with a few quotations from Camille Paglia's : SEXUAL PERSONAE

"The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it."
"Metaphorically, every vagina has secret teeth, for the male exits as less than when he entered."
"In sex, man is driven into the very abyss which he flees. He makes a voyage to non-being and back."
"The prostitute has come to symbolize for me the ultimate liberated woman, who lives on the edge and whose sexuality belongs to no one"

and one of my favorites from Weininger,
"Women have no existence and no essence; they are not, they are nothing. Mankind occurs as male or female, as something or nothing. Woman has no share in ontological reality, no relation to the thing-in-itself, which, in the deepest interpretation, is the absolute, is God."
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Post by Satyr »

The "complexity" of females is one of those myths promoted to ensure that when they say one thing and act in a manner diametrically opposite to it nobody accuses them of infantile thinking but seeks an explanation for their lack of depth and consistency in their "complexities".

I will repeat what I have said time and time again:
The male is confused, particularly the modernistic, more feeble, emasculated, dumb one, by a woman and her behavior only when he takes her words as being more indicative of what she is rather than taking her actions as being so.
Woman yap a lot as a form of redirection; octopus ink in the water as she slithers away...lacking a backbone.

Females mature faster than males just as Negroes mature faster than Europeans...and animals mature faster than humans.
The less complex the organism is the faster it achieves its highest limit and then it stagnates there awaiting to be overcome.

Women are not a sex they ARE sex.
Their entire body is a sex organ; their entire mind is obsessed with sex and with its tetrameters: family, relationships, children, love, psychology etc.
They have little interest in anything more abstract or detached form their personal ambitions and inter-relationships.

Females prefer space and stability, as this is promoted by uniformity and the soothing narcotic of love, because her sexual role is benefited by it.
She requires certainty and authority and stability because her role requires it.
This is why women never question authority and when and if they do it is only when they are seduced by another masculine authority, promising a more higher social status for them or a coming more stable harmonious coexistence.
Their loyalty to this order extends as far as their genetic interests allow.

Females are conservative by nature, if by "conservative" we take into account cosmology and define it as constant change.
Therefore, females being personifications of nature (mindlessly perpetuating life) are a personification of increasing entropy - chaos.
Males, on the other hands are a personification of order: authority, dominion, control.
Females are "progressive" in that they are fighting to preserve, to conserve, the constant change entropy imposes upon life.
Her role demands that every so often - the weening period of her kind - she must sample new genetic material to gestate and perpetuate.
Any restriction upon this, - called Paternalism - imposed by a masculine entity which must curb her natural inclinations to produce stable, uniform, ordered social systems, she is reluctant to fully accept for any long period of time.
She is attracted to order, physical and mental order (beauty, intelligence) but then loses interest...her focus determined by that 7 years itch period...but she intuitively knows that there is no earthly level of such a perfect state which would merit her eternal devotions.

Therefore abstract masculinity (State, God, Church) are attractive to her on a longer-term investment level, but biological manifestations of maleness are seductive for short periods of time. She changes her mind constantly and instinctively.
She accepts the latter forms just as a background to ply her wares and be all the female she can be.
The State, Church, God become like father-figures that protect her against the boys she goes out to seduce and to judge by comparing them to these abstractions of the perfect male.

All of this, of course, happens on an intuitive level because whereas a male wishes to understand a phenomenon, know it, by thinking outside of its premises so as to escape tis dominance, a female immerses herself in a phenomenon relying on her sensations, her intuitiveness, her feelings.
She is nature and so she rides the flows of temporal change, when man resists and struggles to stop them, to redirect them, to reverse them.

Man is order....woman is Chaos.
Chaos occur es naturally and with no effort required...Order demands lucidity and resistance.

Chaos is attracted to Order, as it also attracts it forever towards its demise.
The weak is always attracted to power and power to weakness; the first so as to surrender to it, the second so as to assimilate and control.
A woman wants to adsorb a male within her; a male wants to incorporate a female into his state of order.
She feels pity for a man's childishness, shaking her head, knowing that all things fall into chaos, and that control is ephemeral and partial; he finds honor, and nobility and identity in fighting against chaos; fighting in a losing battle where he gains an appreciation for himself, feels himself struggling, and the world he was cast within.

The intermingling creates the pockets of divergences we call energy and matter.

A man is nostalgic and looks back to gain knowledge - knowing is a form of looking back.
And what is behind in a universe where entropy is increasing? Yes...a higher form of order - projected as absolute uniformity of somethingness; order (Big Bang - God).
A woman looks forward, cares not for the past - she does not know she abandons herself to the flow of existence, to the forgetfulness of fragmentation.
And what lays ahead in a universe where entropy is increasing? Yes...a higher form of disorder (chaos), the absolute uniformity of nothingness ; chaos (Void, Emptiness)
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Post by Satyr »

Once sex is diverted form its original purpose then it allows any and every mutation to claim it as its own.

Here is where parasitism takes over, using a phenomenon to replicate itself when it, itself, is unable to (unfit).
At this point sex has lost its relevance, its purpose, its severity. It becomes a toy for infantile minds, stunted at birth and maintained in that state my a system that benefits from it; a pastime, a hedonistic contrivance with no long-term repercussions.
It becomes trivial for the retarded.
They are now protected by sexuality's consequences, particularly for the female sex.

Homosexuality turns into a viable alternative; a lifestyle.
Family loses its bonding common purpose, the risks that form solid unities in dire situations...such as in the battlefields.
Fucking is fun and easy and ubiquitous and inconsequential.
One day you fuck this one, the next the other...a vast Maternalistic bacchanal.

Remember the Bonobo maternal social systems?

At this point bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia also gain an argument for if consent is given, one way or another, discrimination of any kind is prohibited and considered evil, and fornication has no domineering aggressive elements to it, then all is possible and viable and a product of loving communion.

The "logic of humanism", the "reasoning" of liberalism, just as with Christian dogma leaves little room for misunderstanding.

Love is good.
Sex is love.
All deserve love.
Discrimination is bad.
Denying love to another is cruel.

Therefore a pedophile can copulate with a five-year old, a weirdo with his dog, a degenerate with the cadaver of his ex-friend who left him his form to enjoy after he was gone...and a homo can stick cocks in an orifice intended for expelling waste from the body.

Therefore, a liberal female should have no problem giving fellatio to a local bum, or rejecting a coworker who wants to fuck her up her anus.
It's all love and tender, and bonding and discriminating is bad...and sex is not about reproduction, it's about connectivity and spiritual communion.

Make love, not war people.
Be hippies.
Be progressive and open-minded; be true to your own ideals.

I remain forever a discriminating, "backward thinking, primitive mind.
I remain human...all too human.

But to you I am Satyr.
The only part of me that can tolerate the stench of your genetic filth.

Oh and about my avatar...
Instead of watching the films based on a trilogy by Harris, you should read the books.
The Hollywood ending is not there.

Then ask yourself:

Why is Hannibal Lecter born with six fingers on one hand and why are his senses and his mind so above the average?

Why does he eat "human" flesh and which noes does he kill and, sometimes, consume?

Why is his style and tastes so refined, when compared to the average...or to your own?

Ta, Ta,
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Post by mtmynd1 »

Satyr wrote:Once sex is diverted form its original purpose then it allows any and every mutation to claim it as its own.
What the hell are you, some preacher's son ? Laughable comments you make, sadder... truly sadder.
Satyr wrote:Homosexuality turns into a viable alternative; a lifestyle.
Family loses its bonding common purpose, the risks that form solid unities in dire situations...such as in the battlefields.
Fucking is fun and easy and ubiquitous and inconsequential.
One day you fuck this one, the next the other...a vast Maternalistic bacchanal.
You are really a joke and a misinformed bad joke at that, sadder... talk like this only proves how frustrated a little man you are in your private life.
Satyr wrote:At this point bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia also gain an argument for if consent is given, one way or another, discrimination of any kind is prohibited and considered evil, and fornication has no domineering aggressive elements to it, then all is possible and viable and a product of loving communion.
Good grief, Gregory... who gave you a podium to piss off of?
Satyr wrote:Therefore a pedophile can copulate with a five-year old, a weirdo with his dog, a degenerate with the cadaver of his ex-friend who left him his form to enjoy after he was gone...and a homo can stick cocks in an orifice intended for expelling waste from the body.

Therefore, a liberal female should have no problem giving fellatio to a local bum, or rejecting a coworker who wants to fuck her up her anus.
It's all love and tender, and bonding and discriminating is bad...and sex is not about reproduction, it's about connectivity and spiritual communion.
Sick, sick, el sicko! Do you believe all this nonsense yourself? It's as tho you really believe today's society is onto something new that you disapprove of.

Guess what, sicko.... there really is NOTHING NEW under the sun and we've been through it all for about 200,000 years.

Do you really believe your two-bit condemnation of your own hu'manity, treading upon fresh waters, is going to be detrimental to our species? Wake up, moron, and accept reality.
Satyr wrote:Ta, Ta,
"Ta, Ta" indeed...
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Post by reasonvemotion »


There is nothing highfalutin or esoteric about sex. You can have it and eat lunch at the same time. It only takes on more importance when it is absent from a relationship which would normally include sex or it is missing because of illnes, lack of desire or ability to perform.

All vertabrate species perform sex in the same way, using a thrusting fixed action pattern. Female orgasms.... are they necessary to become pregnant? There is slight evidence, and I repeat slight, for all you alpha males out there, that it increases sperm mobility and more voluminous ejaculation, but the most likely answer is "it feels good. Private sex is unique to human behavior. Marriage is universal. There are polygamous cultures, but monogamy is the majority. Cheating in marriage is a human speciality and in Western countries 40% of children are fathered outside of marriage. What areas of the brain are relevant to sexual stimulation. The Hypothalamus mid brain hormonal aspects, spinal cord pathway, back arching and the medial preoptive area. Dopamine is identical in both sexes, deplete dopamine and there is loss of sexual activity, it is the driving goal behavior and absolutely central to sexual activity. Dopamine rises higher with the anticipation of sex. Introduce the word "maybe" and the levels rise much higher than with the word it is a "certainty".

It has been said (by a male) "a relationship is the price you pay for anticipation of it". Cynical but there is truth in it.

In a dopamine study, people who found their "true love" had their dopamine levels tested at 2 weeks and another at five years. The first test the dopamine levels go mad and the second at five years, the dopamine level does not go up, instead the neurochemical transition goes to "comfort"

What hormonal responses are triggered? Female increases secretions, androgens release, this is central to sexual arousal. Oxytocin (works as a neuro transmitter) and dopamine are critical to forming attachment. The male has high levels of testosterone during sex. These levels of elavation in testosterone are in response to sexual behavior. So evidence of high levels of testosterone in males make males more sexually active is basically non existent. It is the other way around.

Then there are the genetic variations. Homosexualty. In the 1970s a person could be certified if you were gay or lesbian. This has changed since various studies have shown that it could be biological. Studies by Simon LeVay, who is homosexual, did post mortems on men who died from aids. It showed that the hypothalamus was half the size of a normal male. He became a hero in the gay community because he said he could prove that homosexuality was biology. Unfortunately, it all came crashing down.
The "Born Gay Hoax"

LeVay, it should be noted, had strong personal and political incentives to pursue research in this area.
It was actually discredited shortly after its release for several reasons.

First, LeVay compared the brains of nineteen men whose sexual habits he did not know, (he only knew that they had died of AIDS, which is known to ravage the brain) with the brains of thirteen men whose sexual habits he did not know. It is therefore impossible to draw any conclusion from his study. Second, although LeVay argued that a small INAH3 (hypothalamus) “caused” men to be “gay,” some of the men who, according to his guess work, had sex with men, had a hypothalamus that was larger than the average size of the hypothalamus of the men that, according to his guess work, had sex with women. Further, some of the men who, according to his guess work had sex with women had a hypothalamus that was smaller than the average size of the men who, according to his guess work had sex with men. So, some of his “gay” subjects should have been straight, and vice-versa. Third, Simon LeVay himself admitted in 2001 that the study was inconclusive, “It’s important to stress what I didn’t find. I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find a genetic cause for being gay. I didn’t show that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain.”
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Post by Satyr »

sweetness wrote: All vertabrate species perform sex in the same way, using a thrusting fixed action pattern. Female orgasms.... are they necessary to become pregnant? There is slight evidence, and I repeat slight, for all you alpha males out there, that it increases sperm mobility and more voluminous ejaculation, but the most likely answer is "it feels good.
Oh sweetness, you are so sweet.
In fact a female's orgasm increases her potential of being impregnated by the male who is present, or giving it to her.
This presumes female promiscuity.
During it the spasms produced in the cervix dip the mouth of the fallopian tubes into the fresh ejaculate, thusly giving those sperm a head-start.

The shape of the penis is also not its conical shape is meant to pull out any remaining semen from the vagina of a female who most probably copulated with multiple males before the event.
Again...female promiscuity and disloyalty is presumed.

Another interesting fact.
Amongst married couples who experience a period of separation - such as during a male's business trip - the male produces much more semen in his ejaculate than he did before.
It is speculated that this occurs, my sweetness, because again the male's body, no matter how naive and romantic the mind might be, presumes that the female has been fucking around in his absence and it wishes to flood the female with its own genetic material so as to increase the possibility that any pregnancy that might occurs during that time will be in his favor.
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Post by reasonvemotion »

Yes, That comes as no surprise as I have read about that.
A longer penis would not only have been an advantage for leaving semen in a less accessible part of the vagina, but by filling and expanding the vagina it also would aid and abet the displacement of semen left by other males as a means of maximizing the likelihood of paternity.”
A woman would have to have a gynecological examination on your return from a trip away. No trust there. LOL.
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