Who are the real wild animals?

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Who are the real wild animals?

Post by FrankGSterleJr »

(Note to self: Do not read yesterday’s tabloid newspaper’s two-column-inch blurb when I can access far greater story coverage—including all of the facts—from today’s broadsheet newspaper.)

Although the Zanesville, Ohio (U.S.), authorities apparently did the best job they could manage with the stray, dangerous, personal-zoo animals, given the unfortunate circumstances, the four tranquilizing-dart guns to which they had access were too few and, from reading the full story, were too impotent in chemistry to be of any use at all in the matter. Perhaps now is the time for American (and Canadian, as well) animal-control officials to be equipped with adequate tranquilizing-dart gun numbers and especially tranquilizer strength to procure swiftness and lengthy unconsciousness, so that wild/dangerous animals on the loose in residential areas can be safely subdued and relocated to wherever on Earth, instead of being slaughtered en masse.
It is, after all, innately ingrained in our collective, fundamental mindset to place animals on a lower category of life than humans so that, for one thing, we can enjoy exotic and rare zoo animals produced for naught but our amusement. (Such a mindset was there during the era of the Bible/Torah/Koran, books which promote the sacrifice of animals—the lamb in the case of the Bible and Torah—solely for humanity’s alleged spiritual redemption.)
Perhaps needless to say, as long as people abuse and slaughter fellow Earthly animals, I’ll be ashamed to be a member of the too-often inhumane human race.
Last edited by FrankGSterleJr on Sat Oct 29, 2011 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Humans are the most inhuman animals on the face of the earth.

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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.

Humans are the most inhuman animals on the face of the earth.

Here, Here! I vote we replace them with one another such that humans are called inhumans and the act of compassion and empathy for other life forms is called human. :)
chaz wyman
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by chaz wyman »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.

Humans are the most inhuman animals on the face of the earth.


Humane is what human does, by definition.
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by keithprosser2 »

As an animal lover, I consider what happened a tragedy, but I think it is a bit absurd to suggest that every locality is equipped and trained to handle a sudden mass outbreak of wild animals. There are an infinite number of rare scenarios and you can't cover them all, otherwise you'd have to send the police on courses for what to do in case of an attack triffids or zombies and equip them with a supply of silver bullets in case of werewolves.

My reading of the story puts the blame squarely on the owner of the animals who clearly acted irresponsibly with tragic, but I feel unavoidable, consequences. Stronger laws and regulations are needed to ensure the safety and treatment of wild animals by private individuals so that nothing like this ever has to happen again.

There is wanton killing of wild animals for pleasure and profit in parts of Africa and Asia. Those are far more deserving of comdemnation than this tragedy. I have no doubt that some (not all) of the shooters enjoyed the experience of killing a tiger, but at least they did not seek it.
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Is it actually the tipping of the scales that humans are so good at with their cancer like procreation that's run amuck, forcing animals into extinction. Do you realize that once all the animals in the wild are extinct due to our forcing them out, that the balance between plant and animal will dictate that we're next. Oh I see, nowww you understand and you'll do something to save them and thus yourself, but not just for their sake.

Human selfishness knows no bounds and shall be their undoing.
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


Happy Birthday 7 BILLION!


One Billion to 7 Billion IN 200 YEARS!

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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.

Happy Birthday 7 BILLION!


One Billion to 7 Billion IN 200 YEARS!

Was this supposed to make me feel good, Bill? :cry:

Drink one for me, by the way, is that home brew?
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


The pic I use is actually me drinking a cup of coffee.

The mug is one of several I have from the U.S.A. Coffee Company. Union coffee from tree to cup.

I'm drinking some now as I type.

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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Bill Wiltrack wrote:.

The pic I use is actually me drinking a cup of coffee.

The mug is one of several I have from the U.S.A. Coffee Company. Union coffee from tree to cup.

I'm drinking some now as I type.

My eyes are so bad, It appears to be white foam on top of a yellow liquid in a clear mug. And I had 20/20 all my life until 44. Getting old beats the alternative, I guess!
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by saturnman »

chaz wyman wrote: Humane is what human does, by definition.
Don't tell that to the dictionary. ;)

More towards the original topic, the loss of these animals was completely thoughtless. I haven't read any insight into the nature of the owner's actions, but we can only surmise that, in releasing the animals, he thought he was doing them a favor. In this sense, you can't get any more stupid, and I take solace in the fact that he's no longer alive.
Beyond that, there's really no excuse for the fact that there was no preparation for containing these animals with tranquilizers. Any pertinent animal control or law enforcement authorities should have already been aware of the presence of these animals in their jurisdiction, and, subsequently, the risk that they could all escape. Not having the materials ready is shameful.
I don't see anything innately wrong with having kept these animals in a zoo, public or private, as long as they were treated adequately. By far the worst thing about the story was, again, the owner.
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by keithprosser2 »

Any pertinent animal control or law enforcement authorities should have already been aware of the presence of these animals in their jurisdiction, and, subsequently, the risk that they could all escape. Not having the materials ready is shameful.

Hardly shameful. They did have the materials ready - live rounds. It is unreasonable to expect a community to meet the non-trivial costs of maintaining constant preparedness for tranquilising all the animals in a zoo on the 10000-1 chance the owner might go postal and release them all on to the streets. A plan that involved killing them is fine - because unless you are very unlucky (as in this case) it will never come to that.

Law officers behaved exactly as they should (or must) in the circumstances. Only the owner deserves any blame.
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

keithprosser2 wrote:
Any pertinent animal control or law enforcement authorities should have already been aware of the presence of these animals in their jurisdiction, and, subsequently, the risk that they could all escape. Not having the materials ready is shameful.

Hardly shameful.
No, quite!
They did have the materials ready - live rounds.
Are you from Texas? If not please move there and commit a capital offense. Are you starting to feel the pinch.
It is unreasonable to expect a community to meet the non-trivial costs of maintaining constant preparedness for tranquilising all the animals in a zoo
They made the laws that allowed the non-trivial zoo, so rightfully they should put forth the non-trivial funds towards ensuring everyone's safety.
on the 10000-1 chance the owner might go postal and release them all on to the streets.
As if that's the only way they could possibly get loose. Sheesh!
A plan that involved killing them is fine - because unless you are very unlucky (as in this case) it will never come to that.
That sounds like the ideology of a trigger happy yahoo!

Law officers behaved exactly as they should (or must) in the circumstances.
That sounds like the ideology of a trigger happy yahoo!

Only the owner deserves any blame.
What is law and governmental control for if it's not exercised. For an entity of law and order to ensure the safety of their people against the dangers presented in this case they could have either created a law prohibiting such a place to exist or allow it and ensure they had measures in place to control this possible situation humanely.

In this case, no one paid the real price, except the animals, which, like the unsuspecting populace, were innocent of any wrong doing. Animals merely hunt to survive, that's nature. It would be different if they were in the wild and died, subject to natures balance.

Humans claim to be more intelligent and should know better, thus making provisions for such a problem, especially, in light of the laws that allow for it's potential. It's obvious that you're one of those that will only understand the gravity of this situation, once you're staring your death in the face.

Life is cheap when it's not yours; the epitome of cowardice.
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by keithprosser2 »

If it was just a lone animal, I think non-lethal methods could and should be used if at all possible. It seems that the authorities were equipped to handle such an event. But this was a large-scale incident and no other outcome could be expected.

My position is not that it is ok to shoot animals for fun. I don't live in Texas. Quite the opposite. I live in Uganda, and before that I lived in Kenya where I had some links with the Kenya Wildlife Service. I don't exactly have hippos in my back garden, but I don't have to go too far to get to 'Wild Africa'. I have never held a gun, leave alone fired one.

My position is that something like this was inevitable - even necessary - in the circumstances of several wild animals being wilfully released into anything like an urban environment. It is a tragedy, but in my view the authorities acted as they must. Non-lethal methods - even if they are available - are not easy to apply. It is romantic nonsense to suggest any other course of action is possible leave alone practical in the circumstances of the incident in question - and I speak as an animal lover, not as a paid up member of the NRA.

What is needed is regulation of zoos - especially private menageries - so this sort of thing doesn't happen again, not the absurd precaution of providing nets and tranquiliser darts to law enforcement in case it does. Once all those animals were out and wandering around the streets, it was too late for anything except a tragedy to happen.
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Re: Who are the real wild animals?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »


I know this is unrelated and an anomaly but well, here's Koko.

...and Koko watching here favorite movie.

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