a story of being....

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Peter Kropotkin
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a story of being....

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

in thinking about the story of human beings, one
has to start with the beginning.....

think way back of the time of the beginning of human beings....
when we were born back oh, a couple of million years ago or so....
we lived within a very small family unit...most family units were
20 or 50 people, at most..... and this small unit size of human beings,
lasted maybe over a million years.... the next unit size would be
a ''tribe'' which could be as little as those 20 or 50 people or it
could be larger, but for over a million years, the human beings lived
in a tribe size of less than a 100 people... that is the basic tribe size...

the story of being human is the story of our being in larger and larger tribes...
until the idea of tribes became useless with the rise of agriculture... which
meant cities... and in the beginning, we had small cities.. a few hundred
people at most...and in a city of a few hundred people, you can know
pretty much everyone in that city....

now the next aspect to be aware of is this change from the beginning of
human ''economics'' which is going from the hunter-gatherer, in which we
were in very small groups/tribes and we hunted our food... this idea was
the center of human interactions for over a million years... the next stage
is the pastoral stage... in which we followed the food... we move with the
animals to hunt them... again, keep in mind, the relatively small size
of these groups following the food..

if you fail to understand these aspects of existence of humans, you fail to understand
human beings... and then with the rise of agriculture, we have, as mentioned,
the rise of the cities... again, most cities had less than 500 people... at most....

but notice, at every stage of the rise of human beings, we engage with more
and more people... the cities grow larger and larger.... the rise of institutions
and religions increase the level of sophistication in human beings..
to help in keeping track of an increasing number of people in the cities,
came writing, math, political organization.... the two aspects go hand in hand...
the fundamental aspect of human growth comes from the increasing number
of people interacting.... there is a different skill set in dealing with
20 or 50 people and dealing with hundreds if not thousands of people..
and the rise of institutions were the means of human beings being
able to keep those numbers in some sort of manageable condition...
in the city, we can't have everyone living in a ''state of nature''
as defined by Hobbes...the society and that we are now, cannot
remain if everyone tries to gain their goals individually....
and so, we go from a small tribe of 50 or so, to a state/society,
that can, by the means of institutions, keep control over the state/society..
where it maintains its existence....

if you fail to see how we traveled from a small tribe to a state/society,
you can't see how we got to here....and with every step in stage/society
organizations, we can see how the successful state/society survived
and prospered....

but as with everything, there was a price to be paid....the very rise
of the state/society, also lead to this feeling that we have '''lost''
some very important aspects of being human....one of the aspects
of a successful society/state, is the loss of our own individuality....
we must, in some fashion or another, suppress parts of who we are
in order for a society/state to succeed....we can no longer be violent
or do our own things, whenever and however we want.... this aspect
of transferring any personal allegiance, we might have to an allegiance to
the state/society... and this task, has taken millions of years to complete...
but it is an essential task... and many today, still haven't made this
switch from one's personal allegiance to the state/society...

but this growth of going from being one to being the few, to the many to everyone,
has taken millions of years to make....we associate ourselves today,
with every larger and larger groups.... such as our first such association
being with the family, then to a tribe, then to a small village/city,
to an ever-larger associations, the city, the state, the nation.....
and from the family to tribe to nationality/race, at every single
step, we have increased our own allegiance from the one, to a few,
to the many to all within our own ''tribal'' associations... with
a nation being just a large tribe...
this ever-increasing associations of human beings to larger and larger
groups, will eventually lead us to even larger and larger associations...
as shown by the United Nations...
and the allegiance we show to NATO and other wide ranging institutions...
and we luck, we will survive long enough to make further and greater
associations.... and one day, sooner or later, the idea that our main
associations is with the tribe or city or state, will go away, such
as the hunter-gatherer economics no longer worked for us...
as there are too many human beings for the economically limited
idea behind the hunter-gatherer economics...and the also limited
behind the pastoral economics... our economics and political
beliefs must adapt and change with the ever increasing population
and sophistication of human beings....

and with this said, I can see the end to the economics of capitalism...
at not working for our situation.. it too will have its day and
then fade from the human scene... and new economics
and political realities will come into play.....
as a problem solving species, we will see that our current political
and economic realities are insufficient to deal with our current
realities..... just as we outgrew those small local institutions
of tribes and small cities... we will outgrow our current
realities...as we did at one time, when we held that tribes
were the highest form of the society/state, we will outgrow
those realities into new realities, new societies and new states
and new institutions...the political and economic institutions
in a hundred years will not resemble anything we have today....
it changes because it must change and adapt to the new
realities of our increasing population and growth...

it is quite clear that our new realities and states to come,
will be ever increasing to larger and larger states and unions...
at some point in time, sooner than later, Europe for example,
will not be 30 or something states, but one... and that the Americas
will be united into one state...and South America will be united
into one state...and then at some point in time after that,
we will increase our unions to include all state/nations...

''We will be one nation under god''

that the words of the declaration of Independence, will apply to all,
ALL human beings... and the words of truth will be apply to everyone....

''That we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men/human beings
are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator, with certain
unalienable rights, that among these life, liberty and the pursuit of

and this will be applied to all human beings, not just Americans...
for that is the nature of growth in human beings... with an every larger
and larger allegiance to each other.... and no longer will there
allegiance to the small groups of race or nationality or religions,
but an allegiance of all, to all.....

for those who hold to those ideals of small-scale nature of human beings,
will find themselves ever becoming a smaller and smaller group of people....
to those who hold to the values of race or religion or nation or to some
other small scale belief systems, know that you are already,
dinosaurs in the coming new world... you just haven't figured it
out yet....

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Re: a story of being....

Post by Walker »

Used to be stories were of Ben.
Sci Fi opened the door to stories of Willbe.

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Re: a story of being....

Post by Harbal »

Peter Kropotkin wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:33 pm

now the next aspect to be aware of is this change from the beginning of
human ''economics'' which is going from the hunter-gatherer, in which we
were in very small groups/tribes and we hunted our food...
And gathered it. 🍌🍎🍇
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