goals and roads...

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Peter Kropotkin
Posts: 1753
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

goals and roads...

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

we are told to have a goal.. and that goal is given in terms
pursuing one of the trinkets of existence... either wealth, or power
or fame or material possessions or titles..... and we spend our lives
seeking those trinkets that are empty, and temporary... they have
no lasting value... money comes and goes rather quickly
and material possessions are short lived, and fame, well, nothing
is more fleeting than fame.... except maybe money... and power...
power is a tempting bitch, but really, how many people actually have
real power and not pretend power? few, very few...

the fact is that the goals of existence are rather pointless...
so the question comes down to this, what should we be doing instead
of seeking out the trinkets of existence?

how about trying this.... seek out a path or a road to follow....
in which we use our values to hold as a ''way of life''..
instead of seeking out specific goals like money, we use our time
to hold to love as a value in which we use for our ''way of life"
the value becomes the path we take, not the specific goal we have...

is my path/road leading me to become a better human being... that
is a "way of life" question, not how much money do I have saved up for
that new car question....

we seek out a "way of life" in values instead of seeking out some specific
goal like making money or seeking out titles... ask yourself, am I on the
path/the right track to become a better human being, or am I simply trying
to make money/become famous/ gain material possessions?

seeking out a ''way of life'' becomes the path we take... and we all, all would
be the better for it if we would try that instead of some empty pursuit of
vain ideas like wealth or fame....

for much of what drives us is hidden from us in our unconscious mind...
to follow Socrates path of "knowing thyself" we must explore and understand
our inner drives and desires that come from both the unconscious mind
and our egos... for in our desire to sate our ego, we seek out the wrong things...
in my life, ego has lead me to pursue the wrong things.. I sought out
titles in the name of ego... and I was sorely disappointed when I actually
got those titles because they didn't fulfill my desires or needs....because
another need of ego would pop up and become my new desire of ego...
to gain another title and another title and no amount of titles would
or could fulfill me...because the search for titles is ego driven and not
an actual need of mine...

and the pursuit of fame is ego and the pursuit of material possessions is ego
and the pursuit of power is ego...and ego demands more and more and more..
and to what end? yep, to continue to seek out our ego driven goals, with
no end in sight...there is no end because with ego, no matter how much
we get, it is never enough.... there always needs to be more....

but in following the path.. not in seeking out specific goals, we are
working a ''way of life'' and not a specific goal like being rich...
the path become far more important than any goal...
the path to becoming is growing into a "way of life", not seeking
out wealth or titles...

and what is one way we become a better human being?
we explore and seek out what it means to be a ''moral human being"..
what does morals and ethics actually mean? How can I become
a better human being? the road/path to becoming begins
with us thinking about life as a ''way of life" not as a
goal to be achieved.....

what is your path? only you know if, if you are willing to explore
what it means to be human....

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