Decentralization, a GOP favorite idea

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Peter Kropotkin
Posts: 1752
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

Decentralization, a GOP favorite idea

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

The GOP/MAGA party doesn't deal with these issues anymore,
it deals with insane conspiracy theories, mass media is a plot to overthrow
our freedoms, wearing masks turn us into robots, stolen elections nonsense..
but at one time, the GOP was in favor of decentralization of power... nowadays,
for the sake of power, the GOP will happily take power wherever it can get it,
local, state, federal.......they are power whores these days....

However, at one time, the GOP was in favor of decentralization of power,
take power away from the federal government and return it to the state or
even more local government... the liberals were in favor of a larger role
for the federal government.... which is why liberals were thrilled to see
federal action in several local incidents.... Brown v. the board of education
of Topeka for example... or ROE vs Wade...

Liberals noted, correctly, that much of the ills of the world, were generated
at the local level.. the state/local putting in bigoted/ prejudice laws designed
to limit the freedoms of a people, race, creed, sex or sexual orientation....
and rightfully so, the federal government, either by the courts system or
the legislative process, changed or removed local laws that were designed
to limit the freedom and opportunity of a class of people..

but let us look closer at this idea of decentralization....

look about us, we see a myriad of problems facing us today, from climate change,
to income inequality, to homelessness, to pollution, to overpopulation...

and the GOP solution is to decentralize the government... solve problems
at a local/state level... except when it convenient, like ending ROE.....
or literarily making it impossible to pass gun control laws at the state level
see NYSRPA VS Bruen...

and the real problem lies with the fact that so many of our problems
are not local in nature or even state wide... for example, how can a
local agency or a state agency, deal with a problem like climate change?
a huge problem requires, demands a huge response... we cannot, at
the local level or even at the state level, do enough to solve the problem
of climate change.. it must be done at a much larger level than just
at a local or state level....

let us take another problem, income the state/local
level there is virtually nothing that can be done about the massive
problem...income inequality must be delt with at a national or perhaps
even at an international level...a local/state solution will not make
any difference to global problems like income inequality or pollution
or overpopulation or as mentioned, climate change..

Given the nature of our problems, being in nature greater than local/state,
not just being national but being international in does
decentralization of power, from national/international to local/state help
solve national/international problems?

It cannot and we should acknowledge that fact... decentralization as
demanded by the GOP/MAGA party simply cannot work in our modern age...

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