Humanity is literally mad

Is the mind the same as the body? What is consciousness? Can machines have it?

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Humanity is literally mad

Post by roydop »

If a reasonable definition of insanity is: Performing the same actions over and over, expecting different outcomes, then:

Given all systems of thought: Religion, philosophy, psychology, science; has any of it lessened the degree of suffering within the human species?

I submit that the degree of (psychological) suffering within human consciousness is the highest it's ever been. If this perspective is accurate then to believe that more thought is going to help anything is precisely insanity.

No. The path to happiness, Truth, Reality, is 180 degrees in the other direction.

I am speaking from my own experience. I have dedicated my first priority to shifting my attention onto the space between thoughts/thought free Awareness. The result has been a drastic reduction in the interior monologue and stress, and a dramatic increase of bliss and happiness.

The entire species is entranced by the spell of Maya. Believing thought to be the final authority, we continue to follow it as it leads us deeper into delusion and suffering.
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Re: Humanity is literally mad

Post by seeds »

roydop wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:29 pm ...I have dedicated my first priority to shifting my attention onto the space between thoughts/thought free Awareness....

...The entire species is entranced by the spell of Maya. Believing thought to be the final authority, we continue to follow it as it leads us deeper into delusion and suffering.
Hello roydop (and welcome back).

Well, I suggest that the irony of thinking that in order for one to experience bliss and happiness, one must empty the mind of thoughts,... that if God was a proponent of “thought free Awareness,” then we and the universe would never have come into existence.
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Re: Humanity is literally mad

Post by roydop »

You seem to be inquiring as to the purpose of all this.

The closest I can come to answering this is: This realm is a Divine game, with the goal being to escape the game. Like entering a labyrinth.

I'm here to help consciousness escape the game, not to engage in philosophical debates, as thought is what the labyrinth is constructed of.
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Re: Humanity is literally mad

Post by Dimebag »

roydop wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:35 pm You seem to be inquiring as to the purpose of all this.

The closest I can come to answering this is: This realm is a Divine game, with the goal being to escape the game. Like entering a labyrinth.

I'm here to help consciousness escape the game, not to engage in philosophical debates, as thought is what the labyrinth is constructed of.
I can agree that life is like a game, it is the greatest game.

But then, you mention the “goal” is to escape the game.

What Do you think happens when you escape this game? Is there another greater game in which this game exists? Or something else? The “absolute” as some speak of? “Infinite oneness”?

What if this were it?

Would the game justify its own existence, simply by understanding that it is a game?

I think that once you realise it is game like, it does seem absurd, like playing a game for no reason. What if the point of the game is inherent in the gaming and not on any external outcome of the game? Can you discover the inherent meaningfulness in each moment? In each experience, no matter how seemingly meaningless?

Cutting wood, carrying water? What if that’s it?
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Re: Humanity is literally mad

Post by roydop »

The Absolute requires nothing relative to it in order to affirm it's existence. Not a world; not thought.

This state is paramount in dreamless sleep. In sleep consciousness withdraws back into the Self/Absolute where the world, and time, is unmanifest.

The reason why sleep is experienced as a void from the perspective of the physical realm is due to the level of Self-Awareness. Fully Enlightened beings are Self-Aware during dreamless sleep. It is only remaining karmic momentum that requires them to live out the rest of the game.

The ongoing experience of liberation is the equivalent of bringing the peace of dreamless sleep into this realm of Maya. Regardless of what happens in a dream, if one is lucid, nothing will affect you.
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Re: Humanity is literally mad

Post by RCSaunders »

roydop wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:29 pm Given all systems of thought: Religion, philosophy, psychology, science; has any of it lessened the degree of suffering within the human species?
Disregarding the mixed bag of intellectual enquirey, as if religion, philosophy, and psychology were the same kind of discipline as science, you are apparently unaware of the facts that diphtheria, polio, and smallpox have been wiped out, that all first-world countries enjoy indoor plumbing, clean cormfortable homes, endless means of transportation, and antibiotics that save thousands every day from diseases that killed (like strep and staff) and endless machines that have taken the drudgery out of most daily chores.

Perhaps you see no difference in the modern world and the world where famine wiped out a third of the population every seven to ten years, where children were crippled for life from disease and poor nourishment, and half the babies conceived died in birth or shortly thereafter, often taking their mothers with them.

It is thinking like yours that is the cause of the rampant gullibility and paranoia that infects most of the world today.
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Re: Humanity is literally mad

Post by roydop »

RCSaunders wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:07 pm
roydop wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:29 pm Given all systems of thought: Religion, philosophy, psychology, science; has any of it lessened the degree of suffering within the human species?
Disregarding the mixed bag of intellectual enquirey, as if religion, philosophy, and psychology were the same kind of discipline as science, you are apparently unaware of the facts that diphtheria, polio, and smallpox have been wiped out, that all first-world countries enjoy indoor plumbing, clean cormfortable homes, endless means of transportation, and antibiotics that save thousands every day from diseases that killed (like strep and staff) and endless machines that have taken the drudgery out of most daily chores.

Perhaps you see no difference in the modern world and the world where famine wiped out a third of the population every seven to ten years, where children were crippled for life from disease and poor nourishment, and half the babies conceived died in birth or shortly thereafter, often taking their mothers with them.

It is thinking like yours that is the cause of the rampant gullibility and paranoia that infects most of the world today.

Funny how my practice would lead to " the rampant gullibility and paranoia that infects most of the world today" when I experience none of that in my life. How can there be any of that when there are no thoughts? Those are just thoughts.

If you would take a bit more care in reading, you would recognize that i said: "I submit that the degree of (psychological) suffering within human consciousness is the highest it's ever been. All we've done with all of this thinking is shift the type of suffering from physical to mental, due to our ever increasing addiction to thought and all that mind creates.
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Re: Humanity is literally mad

Post by roydop »

roydop wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:32 pm
RCSaunders wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:07 pm
roydop wrote: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:29 pm Given all systems of thought: Religion, philosophy, psychology, science; has any of it lessened the degree of suffering within the human species?
Disregarding the mixed bag of intellectual enquirey, as if religion, philosophy, and psychology were the same kind of discipline as science, you are apparently unaware of the facts that diphtheria, polio, and smallpox have been wiped out, that all first-world countries enjoy indoor plumbing, clean cormfortable homes, endless means of transportation, and antibiotics that save thousands every day from diseases that killed (like strep and staff) and endless machines that have taken the drudgery out of most daily chores.

Perhaps you see no difference in the modern world and the world where famine wiped out a third of the population every seven to ten years, where children were crippled for life from disease and poor nourishment, and half the babies conceived died in birth or shortly thereafter, often taking their mothers with them.

It is thinking like yours that is the cause of the rampant gullibility and paranoia that infects most of the world today.

Funny how my practice would lead to " the rampant gullibility and paranoia that infects most of the world today" when I experience none of that in my life. How can there be any of that when there are no thoughts? Those are just thoughts.

If you would take a bit more care in reading, you would recognize that i said: "I submit that the degree of (psychological) suffering within human consciousness is the highest it's ever been. All we've done with all of this thinking is shift the type of suffering from physical to mental, due to our ever increasing addiction to thought and all that mind creates.

An objective perspective would recognize that it is literally madness to continue thinking thought is going to decrease suffering. It is quite obvious from a perspective outside of the ego that it is thought that is the CAUSE of the psychological suffering experienced by the human species.
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Re: Humanity is literally mad

Post by AlexW »

Thinking has its place in life just like any other movement - when you need to avoid an approaching car you run, when you need to solve a problem you think, when you need to eat solid food you chew... etc etc... We don't run when its not required, we don't chew if there is no food in our mouths, but... we think even, most of the time, there is actually nothing to think about. This addiction to thinking is unhealthy, it results in all sorts of stress and depression - imagine what would happen to the body if we would be running all the time... our muscles would be sore, our joints would hurt... we would simply be miserable.
The exact same thing happens when we think all the time.

Now it seems easier not to run than not to think - but this is only due to our past conditioning, our upbringing, school system, society as a whole. If one sits on a park bench, perfectly silent and simply looks at the scenery, this "activity" is deemed to be suspicious - better stare at the screen of a mobile phone and get lost in social media brainwashing... much less suspicious ;-)

Fortunately, just like one can train his/her body to run or ride a bike, one can also train the mind to be silent when not needed. The result will be, just like roydop said, an "increase of bliss and happiness" - and this is not at all mysterious. Why think when there is no need to think? Why run when there is no need to run? Just sit back and relax (but not lost in thought, but simply aware of the here and now)
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