new book

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new book

Post by ettinger »

For basically selfish reasons (the only kind there are, when motivation is conscious), I'm trying to arouse interest in a new edition of my book YOUNIVERSE. The new subtitle is TOWARD A SELF CENTERED PHILOSOPHY OF IMMORTALISM AND CRYONICS.

To establish initial evidence that it has some substance, following are some words of appreciation for the first edition:
Appreciation for the first edition of Youniverse:

Professor Peter Gouras, M.D., Ph.D., Columbia University:
"A classic for anyone trying to understand what this universe is all about...and it has many little things that add to the fun of reading it

Professor Emeritus Henry R. Hirsch, Ph.D., University of Kentucky College of Medicine:
“Youniverse is one of the most important works of philosophy of this and the last century because it reveals the ideas and convictions of a visionary who foresees the possibility of a blindingly bright future for the human race. The guidelines which he proposes are notable for their wisdom and their good practical common sense. They are accompanied by many examples of applications which are useful and sometimes entertaining. In short, if one were limited to reading a single book on philosophy, this would be the book”

Psychiatrist Jerry Lemler, M.D., former President of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation: “Once again it's Bob Ettinger with his latest work, Youniverse, who leads us out of Hamelin yet again. For all vertebrate creatures on this particular planet, the amygdala, (in the limbic system), the phylogenetically oldest part of the brain, is the organism's "smoke detector" for existential threats. The zebra on the Serenghetti or a newborn human infant can merely react with the classic fight or flight response. As we acquire language, however, what irony it is that the added menu item is the freeze response. Youniverse comes to the rescue of this apparent paradox, as Ettinger presents the salient arguments that posit we deploy our higher cortical functions to launch top-down rather than bottom-up processing like our less fortunate evolutionary forebearers. "Plop. plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!"
The book is now available at, (Barnes & Noble), and from the publisher,, both as a paperback and as an eBook. On the latter site there is also a free preview consisting of the first 25 pages of the book.

Robert Ettinger
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