Hi I am not new to philosophy but I am new here

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Hi I am not new to philosophy but I am new here

Post by barbarianhorde »

But it seems to me most people here are new to thought. No offence.

One advice for the rookies Ive encountered so far:

One thing you might learn in the process of philosophizing is to own up to your own weaknesses and not try to argue yourself into believing it was really "of course" the questions fault that your failed to answer it. If there is an idea you hadn't encountered before, dont immediately respond. Read a few chapters from pertinent philosophers, play some music if you have the abilty, take walks, dance, cook food, make love if you have a suitable partner, rest, sit and think. Maybe drink some coffee, maybe have a smoke or a glass of good wine, and perhaps a sensible approach will dawn on you.

For a history of my more recent thinking please visit
http://beforethelight.forumotion.com - running from 2011 when I discovered the logic of being. My name is Fixed Cross.

Posts: 52
Joined: Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:46 pm

Re: Hi I am not new to philosophy but I am new here

Post by barbarianhorde »

Here is a video I recorded once, in 2014, calmly talking about the subject of valuing. I ended up making hundreds of other videos, but I wont post them all - I would rather invite others to also make philosophy-walk videos to strengthen the sense of identity in the online-philosophy community,


We are going to need that sense of identity. As before long the world will be calling on us. On those of us who have it in them to know their own valuing, know themselves as their valuing - those with strong hearts.

The fact that philosophy requires leisure (Nietzsche) does not indicate that one should take it easy within philosophy. On the contrary; precisely because philosophy is a Titanic battle with oneself, some distance from the everyday humdrum mundanity and from any labour that is done strictly to get paid, is required.
Wage-slavery creates an antiphilosophical mindset. Why Marxism is such a venomous brew.
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Re: Hi I am not new to philosophy but I am new here

Post by Walker »

Also, maybe spare others the tedious egomania.
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