moral relativism

Should you think about your duty, or about the consequences of your actions? Or should you concentrate on becoming a good person?

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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
Philosophers who aspire to describe reality without resort to myth, too often remain in thrall to the myth of absolute neutrality. Myths are not without their proper uses, and belief in absolute neutrality can be a useful, even an indispensable premise in the practices of science, jurisprudence, sports refereeing, and a host of other activities in which we want to discourage corrupting biases.
Absolute neutrality? In regard to conflicting goods? Okay, what might that amount to pertaining to an issue like abortion? How can one be neutral given that a pregnant woman is either permitted to have an abortion or she is forced to give birth? The whole point of Roe v. Wade was to get as close to that as possible.

Same with gun control. Citizens are either permitted to own bazookas and artillery pieces and landmines and chemical weapons or they are not. Absolute neutrality there?

In fact, it is only when a community embraces one or another rendition of democracy and the rule of law that moderation, negotiation and compromise take us in the general vicinity of neutrality.

Still, absolute neutrality is a myth, one memorably formulated by Thomas Nagel as ‘the view from nowhere’. There is no ‘view from nowhere’, and any philosophical practice which pretends to occupy that mythical perspective sows confusion.
"The View From Nowhere is a philosophical exploration of these perspectives: the subjective and the objective. It is Nagel's firm belief that both perspectives are real and that the truth about our world can only be gained through an understanding of how these two perspectives coexist in all that we think and do." Cambridge University Press

Yes, in regard to conflicting goods, there are objective facts embedded in the either/or world that are applicable to all of us. And then there are the subjective reactions we have to those facts that, in my view, seem beyond the reach of philosophers and ethicists and political scientists.

And all I can do is to prompt the moral objectivists/realists among us to bring their theoretical assessments to a particular set of circumstances. There we can examine any possible differences between having a view from nowhere and having a view from somewhere...historically, culturally, existentially.
In this article I will describe and defend my kind of moral viewpoint (not my specific viewpoint). The label I will use for this kind of viewpoint is ‘moral objectivism’, because this creates a stark contrast with ‘moral subjectivism’ and ‘moral relativism’ – the views that no coherent morality is better than any other coherent morality, which along with ‘moral nihilism’ – the denial of any morality – present the most philosophically popular moral perspectives that are not of my kind.
Again, from my frame of mind, moral nihilism does not reject coherent morality so much as prompt those who champion one or another One True Path To Enlightenment to demonstrate why their own sets of facts and assumptions must prevail. Ever and always making the distinction between what we can know logically about abortion as a medical procedure and abortion as a moral conflagration.
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
Moral objectivism, as I use the term, is the view that a single set of principles determines the permissibility of any action, and the correctness of any judgment regarding an action’s permissibility.
And, of course, all I can do is to ask those who believe that this is the case, to bring their own assessment down to Earth and, given a particular moral conflagration of note, to note how, pertaining to their own interactions with others involving conflicting value judgments, they go about demonstrating to them why all rational and virtuous men and women are obligated to think [and to behave] as they do.
Does this view deserve the label ‘moral objectivism?’ I think it does.
As a "view"? Sure, if that view is sustained up in the philosophical clouds that pertain almost entirely to an exchange of theoretical assessments.
Although it doesn’t claim that moral principles exist independent of the people who hold them, or that moral properties such as justice exist independently of moral principles, it forthrightly states that some actions are right and some are wrong, regardless of the judgments others may make about them.
Okay, for those here who concur with this, cite particular examples given your own interactions with others down through the years. Pluck a headline from "the news" and note what you construe to be an assessment "within a community" that is able to be demonstrated to reflect objective morality.

Also, is the author making a distinction between objective morality within a community as opposed to universal morality applicable to all communities?
In making that claim, I am in conflict with the relativists and nihilists, both of whom assert that moral objectivism is poorly grounded compared to alternative metaethics. (A metaethic is a view about the nature of morality. It is not a particular moral view.)
Perhaps someone here who shares the author's conclusions might be willing to explore them with me given a context of their own choosing.

As for the nature of morality itself, there have been hundreds and hundreds of God and No God spiritual and secular paths said to encompass that.

But! it really, really is your own, isn't it?!!
These philosophers maintain that moral objectivism requires that we can only validate an action’s moral status or a judgment’s moral correctness by resorting to some beyond-human authority – some moral reality external to people which serves as the source of whatever set of principles a moral objectivist believes determines moral values and correctness. These relativists and nihilists claim that objectivism needs something like God, but they disbelieve there is anything like God, so they conclude that moral objectivism requires something which does not exist.
Over and again: I am not one of them.

First of all, there may well be a God. And even if there is not a God, the God, I have no way myself of demonstrating that objective morality is beyond the reach of philosophers or scientists. All I can do is to ask of those who do believe moral objectivism is the real deal to come down out of the theoretical clouds and to note how in regard to actual sets of behaviors in their own community they go about demonstrating objective morality.
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
I share the relativist/nihilist rejection of any form of supernaturalism. I do not believe in God, or in any other external authority that grounds moral objectivism. Indeed, I do not think morality can be grounded in any external source.
Okay, so right off the bat the author has to acknowledge that he has no way in which to connect the dots between moral commandments and immortality and salvation. Instead, as with other secular equivalents, he must remain content knowing that while there is no everlasting reward for doing the right thing on this side of the grave, he can still sustain the satisfaction of choosing perfection merely in assuming that everything he does choose to do "here and now" reflects the most rational frame of mind mere mortals are able to acquire. And if hundreds and hundreds of others argue the same thing? Well, that's their problem. There can only be One True Path to Enlightenment, and that revolves solely around "one of us".
Yet I am a moral objectivist, and I think there is a good chance you are too. In what follows I do not defend the content of my moral beliefs, nor make any presumptions about the content of yours. I do, however presume that many of you take the content your moral beliefs as seriously as I do mine.
Indeed, and over the years I have come upon philosophers who, while seeming to reject God and religion, are able to convince themselves that objective morality is still within reach. In other words, that in a No God world, one can still avoid becoming "fractured and fragmented" in regard to moral and political value judgments. That's the part where I invite them to examine my own moral philosophy in my signature threads [from ILP] and note why my frame of mind is not applicable to their own.

On the other hand, there is no way I am willing to avoid the "content" of their own moral philosophy. Why? Because that's the part "I" root existentially in dasein out in a particular world understood in a particular way.

After all, who among so many of these folks... ... traditions ... ideologies ... philosophy

...don't take their own content seriously?
I will seek to persuade you that moral objectivism is at least as rational, as well-grounded, and as consistent with reality, as any alternative metaethic. The fundamental error of relativist and nihilist arguments against objectivism is the implicit claim that morality can be judged from nowhere.
Judged from nowhere? In fact, my own "rooted existentially in dasein" set of assumptions here starts with the assumptions revolving around this:
If you were born and raised in a Chinese village in 500 BC, or in a 10th century Viking community or in a 19th century Yanomami village or in a 20th century city in the Soviet Union or in a 21st century American city, how might your value judgments be different?
Unless, of course, I am misunderstanding his own set of assumptions. And that's always possible given how very, very different our own personal experiences, relationships and access to information and knowledge might have been over the years.

But then that's precisely what the moral objectivists, in my view, fail to take into account. That many of these, at times, hopelessly conflicting One True Paths to moral enlightenment are still around.
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
The nature of motivation is the province of psychologists, who study it empirically. However, without stirring from our armchairs, we can safely say that people are sometimes motivated by rules that they have accepted, such as ‘move chess bishops only along the diagonals’, or ‘floss daily’. Acceptance of a rule can, in part, constitute motives for actions.
And what do these sorts of rules share in common? The fact that they revolve largely around objective truths that are applicable to everyone. The bishop can only move diagonally in a game of chess. And if you don't brush your teeth and floss daily you can come to endure all manner of dental debacles.

On the other hand, you can choose not to play chess and you can choose to trade your real teeth in for false teeth. The point being that in either case there are objective truths pertaining to chess and teeth that very, very few of us will squabble regarding.

After all, what are the objective truths applicable to all of us in regard to conflicting goods that are of most interest to you?
Not only can rules motivate actions, they also influence judgments about the correctness of actions. The rule about chess bishops underlies my judgment that it is incorrect to move a bishop along the horizontal. While there are no precise criteria for whether or not a person has accepted a rule, or for measuring the degree of acceptance, ‘acceptance’ implies that the rule has some motivational force and influence on judgments. It would be nonsensical to say, “Silver accepts the rule forbidding moving bishops horizontally, although he is not in the least inclined to follow the rule, nor does he see anything at all incorrect about moving bishops horizontally.”
Same thing basically. And in the either/or world there are rules of this sort regarding all sports and all health concerns. Sure, you may choose not to follow the rules. And, as a result, there will be good and bad consequences for yourself and for others involved.

But what is crucial from my frame of mind is the extent to which communication breaks down far, far, far less frequently in regard to rules that are basically in sync with the material world around us. And in exploring the arguments of those who do come into conflict with others in the is/ought world. Why are the communication breakdowns much, much, much more frequent there?

So, where does the author go?
Among the rules that can motivate actions and determine judgments are those that classify all possible actions as either permissible or impermissible. I call such rules ‘categorical permissibility rules’ (henceforth, simply ‘permissibility rules’). Common examples of permissibility rules include: it is always impermissible to act in a way that will not increase overall happiness or reduce overall suffering (John Stuart Mill promoted that one); it is always impermissible to treat someone merely as a means (a favorite of Immanuel Kant’s); never do to others that which is hateful to you (the Talmudic version of a commonplace in religious ethics); always obey whatever the priest tells you God has commanded (another commonplace in religious traditions); and, never act against self-interest (Ayn Rand). Less common, but equally possible permissibility rules include: never run for a bus (Mel Brooks); and, never act against Mitchell Silver’s interests (no one, alas). There are an endless number of possible permissibility rules.
Straight up into the "general description intellectual clouds" where advocates of various "metaethical" -- metaphysical? -- "schools of philosophy" can do battle "theoretically" regarding the optimal -- or even the only? -- "permissibility rules".

And, again, all I can do is to ask those here who do subscribe to the author's assessment so far to note how his conclusions are reflected in their own interactions with others in which there are clashes over "the right thing to do".
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
If you accept, or stand ready to accept either implicitly or explicitly, a set of permissibility rules as determining the correctness of all possible actions, then you are a moral objectivist.
Seriously though, if there is someone here who thinks they do grasp what he means by "permissibility rules" above, how would they be applicable "down here" out of the philosophical clouds when two or more people are very much at odds regarding the "correctness of all possible actions".
Someone who accepts, say, the permissibility rule ‘everyone should pursue wealth above all else’ and judges all people and actions accordingly, relates to that rule as moral people relate to morality.
Right, and then the socialists come around and react to that with their own set of assumptions regarding such rules. And it's not as though ethicists can sit down with, say, liberals and conservatives, hear their own rendition of "correct actions", and then come around with "rules of behavior" wholly in sync with the most rational value judgments. Precipitating social, political and economic interactions that both liberals and conservatves can accept as the...optimal resolutions? The "best of all possible worlds" that mere mortals in a No God universe must subscribe to.

Although, sure, I may well be misunderstanding what the author means by "permissibility rules". It just seems reasonable to me to root such rules -- mores, laws -- in a world that is ever evolving historically, culturally and in terms of our own uniquely personal interactions with others.
It has the form of a moral rule, and anyone who accepts it is a moral objectivist, for she accepts a specific permissibility rule. For any objectivist, the content of her permissibility rules constitutes what she takes to be morality. Someone who accepts the ‘everyone should pursue wealth above all else’ rule thereby takes the pursuit of wealth to be the essence of morality. I do not accept that rule, so I judge it a mistake to believe that it has moral authority. I judge those who accept that rule to be in moral error; but still, they are, like me, moral objectivists.
This is all hopelessly...theoretical? Those on both sides -- on all sides -- in the abortion wars, in the presidential election here in America, in the conflicts in Ukraine, in Gaza get to insist that only their own permissibility rules encompass the most rational and virtuous interactions.

Then what?
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
Of course, you don’t have to know you are an objectivist to be one. Perhaps you simply have never indulged in metaethics, or perhaps you are self-deceived, or lack self-knowledge, and do not realize that you accept a specific set of permissibility rules.
Then the part where we attempt to explain what we mean by objectivist. My own description revolves around the assumption that moral objectivsts believe they are in touch with what some here call their intuitive or intrinsic Self. And that, in turn, this Real Me is able deontologically to "think up" the most rational and virtuous behaviors.

And, again, permissibility rules encompassing what set of circumstances? Why ours and not theirs? And how do those who subscribe to them explain the manner in which they embraced them other than as the existential embodiment of dasein.
Clearly, many people do accept categorical permissibility rules, including me, maybe you, and very likely your mother.
Indeed, and many of them anchor such rules in one or another God or ideology or philosophy of life.

Dueling objectivists? What then? Each advocate is permitted to insist it really is only their own path that counts? They're right from their side and we're right from ours?

Then [in my view] around and around and around he goes...
Permissibility rules exist, and anyone who has genuinely accepted a specific set of them must thus judge that morality exists. Moreover, the acceptance of permissibility rules (and thus morality) is a natural phenomenon.
How is this really all that different from Christians here arguing that God must exist because it says so in the Bible, and the Bible must be true because it is the world of God? Only instead of God others use political manifestos, or schools of philosophy, or books [Mein Kamph] or dogmatic assessments of "biological imperatives" [Satyr and his ilk] to "establish" their "natural morality".
There is nothing mysterious or spooky about the rules, their acceptance by people, or about the motivational forces they produce.
Yes, and if, over the years, as with science, all of this led to a general consensus among ethicists regarding the optimal "permissibility rules" with respect to conflicting goods of note, that would truly be impressive. Only we all know that has not even come close to happening regarding any number or moral and political conflagrations.

Unless, of course, your reasoning all unfolds up in the philosophical clouds...
Accepting a permissibility rule is compatible with all of the following: understanding the scientific explanations of the causes of one’s acceptance; believing that you do not understand all of the implications of the rule you have accepted; believing that you could come to reform or abandon the rule you currently accept; failing sometimes, maybe often, and perhaps always, to act in accordance with the rule; and finally, knowing that others adhere to different permissibility rules.
Agree? Okay, then note how it is applicable to your own life in regard to conflicting goods.
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
Explaining Morality

The acceptance of permissibility rules has many causes, as does determination of the specific content of the rules.
Exactly my point. Historically and culturally, human communities are confronted with the fact that over and over again what some construe to be permissible behaviors others are appalled by. Sometimes the communication breakdowns occur between communities and sometimes within communities.

Among the most notable causes of content are other people’s permissibility rules, and other people’s reactions to yours. It’s easier to live with those who agree with you about the rules of permissible behavior. Moreover, we are influenced by what others, such as our parents, promote as the basic rules.
In fact, in my view, moral objectivism often revolves around the fact that it can sustain the psychological comfort and consolation that prompts those on their own One True Path to embrace it in the first place. "I think this...therefore you must think this too." Then, in any number of communities, it is all passed down from generation to generation.
In addition, most of us wish to be seen by others as decent members of society, who abide by commonly-accepted permissibility rules (ie, standards). Thomas Hobbes vividly pointed out that we all want to prosper, and we all represent a threat to each other, therefore, as prudent, self-interested animals, we naturally seek enforceable rules to promote prosperity and reduce the mutual threat.
Okay, but how does that make my own frame of mind here go away? That 1] "permissibility rules" evolve historically and culturally and that 2] for each of us as individuals they are acquired in the form of childhood indoctrination and then sustained all the way to the grave as a result of our own uniquely personal experiences.

Also, in order move beyond the "law of the jungle", where life for mere mortals can be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short", human communities are sustained in attempts to keep that to a minimum. Some evolve around the assumption that right makes might while others are more inclined to prefer one or another rendition of democracy and the rule of law.

Other philosophers have argued that the most acceptable rules likely to emerge from this human condition will enshrine fairness and equality at their center. The social and life sciences have also weighed in: economists have shown how permissibility rules grease commerce, psychologists how they emerge from our emotions, sociologists how they stabilize communities, and evolutionary biologists how they enhance fitness.
See how it works? Some embrace "permissibility rules" predicated on the assumptions of those like Adam Smith and Ayn Rand, others on the conclusions of those like Marx and Engels. Or, psychologically, who really does come closest to encompassing the "human condition"...Freud? Jung? Skinner? Reich? Pavlov? Frankl? Milgram? James?

Same with most other "disciplines". Lots of different theories precipitating lots of different assessments of which behaviors ought to be either prescribed or proscribed.

The rest, as they say, is history.
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
The drive to organize our judgments of actions into a logical structure, the urge to rationalize or justify them, is surely one significant explanation of the existence of permissibility rules.
On the other hand, let's not forget that children around globe have been indoctrinated down through the ages to embody the permissibility rules of those who were indoctrinated before them to follow them. Only that went much smoother back when men and women lived in small communities -- villages, hamlets, towns -- and it was basically understood that there was a proper place for everyone, and everyone was expected to embody that.

Or else?

And if only all the way to the grave?

The world today though is, well, you tell me.
Those who value reason and psychic harmony will likely be attracted to rules that justify their gut feelings. If you feel that bullfighting is wrong, and you like to have reasons for your feelings, you will be open to a rule that implies bullfighting is wrong.
Back again to "I just know deep down in my gut that bullfighting is wrong." And then if you can convince others in the community to accept that as part of the community's "permissibility rules"...that makes it an objective morality? If only in that community "here and now"?

As though our emotions and intuitions "somehow" transcend the arguments I make regarding dasein.

Though, sure, I may well be misunderstanding what the author means by permissibility rules.
But the causal chain can also go in the opposite direction. An inclination for rational orderliness may cause your moral feelings to align with your current theoretical commitments. Some who have no pre-theoretical moral dislike of bull-fighting may well come to have a moral dislike of it because a rule they accept brands it as wrong.
For me, the causal chain is rooted existentially out in a particular world understood in a particular way historically and culturally; and ever and always subject to change given new experiences, new relationships and access to new information and knowledge.
Many a philosopher has become a vegetarian not out of any sympathy for animals, but from a love of consistency and acceptance of a permissibility rule that forbids causing gratuitous suffering.
Let's run that by the meat eaters here. See if that persuades them to come over to Peta's permissibility rules.
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
Justifying Moral Judgments

An explanation provides an account of what something is or how something came about, and in theory anything can be explained; but an explanation is not a justification: a justification gives an account of why something is right, or why it’s right to believe something.
Yes, that is basically how, for all practical purposes, one might go about making a distinction between the bahaviors they accept and the behaviors they reject. On the other hand, in regard to the objectivists among us, their explanation for why they do something becomes all the justification that is needed for them to insist that you are obligated to do the same thing. Well, if you wish to be thought of as a rational and virtuous man or woman. Like they are.
Little Mary’s belief that she will receive a Christmas gift is explained by her belief in Santa, but it is justified by her parents’ reliable generosity.
Again, what am I missing here? If Santa does exist and Mary's been good, she gets her presents regardless of her parents' bank account. But if he doesn't exist? Same with immortality and salvation. If a God, the God, your God does exist and you've been good, they're yours. And if He doesn't?

Same with objective morality and whatever the author means by "permissibility rules"? Yes, for someone who believes in their own set of them, that explains their own behaviors. The rules might revolve around ideology or deontology or biological imperatives. But again and again and again: why one set of rules and not another? Why yours and not theirs?
Similarly, the above considerations go a long way to explaining the widespread acceptance of certain kinds of permissibility rules, but none of them justifies any permissibility rule.
That's my point. Yes, you're born and raised in a particular community historically and culturally. Yes, you acquired an education that more or less keeps you in sync with Mom and Dad and the neighbors. But how is this really an example of...objective morality?
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
My charitable acts, such as they are, are explained by my upbringing; but if the acts are justified, it is due to a principle that recommends charity, or at least allows it.
This, in my view, is how some minds -- click -- are able reconcile all of this....

"Yes, my behaviors today are explained by my own particular upbringing but even so some of my acts reflect bevaviors that are justifified and others behaviors that are not. The assumption being that 'somehow' you are able -- through an 'intrinsic self'? -- to 'just know' what deserves and what doesn't deserve charity."

The part about being "principled"? Back to the links above where many of the different folks on many of their different One True Paths are never not principled about their own dogmas.
Only some things, such as beliefs, statements and actions, are candidates for justification. Explanations too are candidates for justification, for an explanation can be right or wrong. Since explanations can be justified, and justifications can be explained, it is easy to conflate the two. Nevertheless, explanation and justification are separate (albeit overlapping) processes, and by itself no amount of explanation ever justifies anything.
Sure, most of us are able to explain why we do what we do. The part, hoverer, I root historically, culturally and interpersonally in dasein. And these explanations are often filled with easily communicated objective facts. It's only when what we do come into conflict with what others that we attempt to justify our explanations. What of the "objective facts" then though?
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
The permissibility rules you accept are for you neither justified nor unjustified: they justify. As the sources of moral justification, permissibility rules are similar to the sources of non-moral justification: no adequate reason can be given for accepting or rejecting the sources that does not beg the question. We can justify beliefs; but we can justify the principles we employ to justify beliefs only with circular reasoning.
I must be misconstruing his point regarding "permissibility rules" here. How is the above not just another rendition of, "the Bible is true because it is the word of God, and it must be the word of God because it says so in the Bible"? Each of us, as individuals, given the existential nature of "I" out in a particular world understood in a particular way, comes to acquire particular moral and political prejudices. Many, however, come to embody them as objectivists. They embrace this or that God/No God One True Path because they are convinced it really is the one true path to enlightenment. And it must be because, otherwise, why would they be on it?

From my frame of mind, permissibility rules still seem far, far removed from objective morality. How is accepting one set of such rules over others to be demonstrated in any actual community? How is this specifically reflected in your own community when conflicts occur? After all, what are traditions and customs and mores and folkways and laws predicated on if not the historical and cultural evolution of the community itself?

And non-moral permissibility rules are often accepted precisely because in the either/or world, objective communication is simply taken for granted regarding any number of human interactions.
Likewise, we can justify actions, but we cannot without circularity or indefinite regress justify the principles we employ to justify actions. The justification of principles would require a resort to other justifying principles, which would themselves be unjustified. As Hume taught us, the belief that the future will resemble the past is unjustifiable, but we label those who disbelieve the sun will rise tomorrow ‘irrational’.
But: in regard to the laws of nature, mathematics, and logic, the past, the present and the future are basically interchangeable. Certain beliefs either can or cannot be backed up empirically, scientifically, objectively. With Hume, this all gets problematic when some confuse correlation and causality. But who is really going to insist on that in regard to our either/or world relationships?

What do I keep missing here?
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
As long as a set of permissibility rules does not require impossible actions (cure cancer, fly to Mars, eat your cake and have it, never die), or posit non-existing entities (the tooth fairy, the Devil, the eternal incorporeal commander), there are no epistemic or practical reasons for rejecting or it, just as there are none for accepting it.
Here, again, I'm assuming I am either misunderstanding his points about permissibility rules or he keeps confusing permissibility rules with objective morality.

So, if there are some here who do more or less accept Silver's assessment above, how might these rules be applicable to, say, the abortion wars...or in regard to any other moral conflagration that has rent the species now for millenia.
Hume famously, and correctly, said that you cannot derive ‘ought’ from ‘is’. It is equally important to note that you cannot derive ‘ought not to accept oughts’ from ‘is’.
Ought to or ought not to do what though? And while some here no doubt will insist I am myself advocating that we ought not to accept oughts, I'm merely arguing instead that "here and now" in a No God universe, I have yet to come upon a demonstrable argument that ought and ought not do in fact revolve around one or another set of deontological prescriptions and proscriptions.
The rejection of all permissibility rules has no more justification than the acceptance of a specific permissibility rule. The consequences of accepting or rejecting permissibility rules are another matter entirely; but whatever they are, by themselves consequences cannot constitute a justification.
If a community rejects all permissibility rules and revolves instead around, say, survival of the fittest -- those with all the gold rule? -- the consequences become whatever those in power are likely to prefer. Or, for the sociopaths, they revolve around "what's in it for me!"

But for the moral objectivists in that community? Well, once they attain power, the consequences will tend to reflect their very own One True Path value judgments. Then the part where "or else" becomes more or less draconian.
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Re: moral relativism

Post by iambiguous »

Our Morality: A Defense of Moral Objectivism
After our recent ‘Death of Morality’ issue, Mitchell Silver replies to the amoralists.
The consequences of accepting or rejecting permissibility rules are another matter entirely; but whatever they are, by themselves consequences cannot constitute a justification.
All I can do here is to request of those who do embrace his assessment of permissibility rules to cite examples from their own life...examples encompassing the consequences they confronted when either accepting or rejecting them.

And how do they make their own distinction between permissibility rules and objective morality?
Relativists and nihilists sometimes attempt to justify their anti-objectivism by invoking what they assert are the effects of belief in moral objectivism: arrogance, smugness, intolerance, and widespread suffering.
Yes, I'm one of them. But I'm also then quick to point out that moral relativists and moral nihilists, be they sociopaths or global capitalists, are also quite capable of precipitating and then sustaining all manner of human pain and suffering.
I dispute that those are the dominant effects of all objectivisms: a liberal, sensitive, egalitarian consequentialist (a species of objectivist), ever mindful of the fallibility of her judgments, can humbly try to foresee suffering, and minimize it.
Same thing. Do you concur with this assessment? Are you "a liberal, sensitive, egalitarian consequentialist"? Then, given a moral conflagration we are all likely to be familiar with, describe, what, "the best of all possible worlds"?

Abortion and permissibility rules? gun ownership and permissibility rules? homosexuality and permissibility rules? Whose "rules of behavior" ought to prevail such that human suffering is kept to an absolute minimum? Are we embracing "moderation. negotiation and compromise" here? Another rendition of "you're right from your side and I'm right from mine"?

Really, for those who embrace "permissibility rules" here, how exactly would "conflicting goods" be confronted in any particular community?
However, even granting the relativist/ nihilist assessment of the empirical effects of all and any objectivism, without a permissibility principle requiring avoidance of those effects, the relativist/nihilist has provided no grounds for rejecting objectivism. Railing against objectivism for the harms it causes is like protesting that the Constitution is unconstitutional.
Well, this moral relativist/moral nihilist is still completely baffled regarding how permissibility rules themselves reflect an objective morality.
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Re: moral relativism

Post by Iwannaplato »

iambiguous wrote: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:54 pm
However, even granting the relativist/ nihilist assessment of the empirical effects of all and any objectivism, without a permissibility principle requiring avoidance of those effects, the relativist/nihilist has provided no grounds for rejecting objectivism. Railing against objectivism for the harms it causes is like protesting that the Constitution is unconstitutional.
Well, this moral relativist/moral nihilist is still completely baffled regarding how permissibility rules themselves reflect an objective morality.
Permissability rules are parts, generally, of objective morality. Unless they are considered mere conventions, agreed upon social guidelines. Any proposed-to-be-objective morality will have permissibility rules. It's a part. I don't think many would argue they demonstrate the morality is objective. So, I suppose any answer depends on what 'reflect' means here.

But this question is not a response to what is quoted. Essentially here, Mitchell Silver - in the quote - is arguing that to argue that objectivisms or a specific objectivism because it does harm, is problematic for the nihilist/moral relativist since the attack comes from permissibility rules that are bing considered, in that argument, objective - which is off-limits to the nihilist/moral relativist.

The article these quotes come from is long and beyond my interest in checking. It is possible that in the context of the whole article, Iambiguous' response to how what is quoted above is used in other parts of the essay, might be on mark. But here with just what is quoted, his reaction to quote is confused.

I think however, that the conclusion of the article presents some nice challenges to the moral relativist, which is not the same thing as most kind of moral nihilism.
Relativists, Nihilists, Amoralists and Objectivists
If you, dear reader, claim in perfectly good faith not to accept any permissibility rules, then I could in haste judge that you are without morals. But not to worry; I believe that your moral nihilism is probably only a theoretical posture, inconsistent with your actual acceptance of permissibility rules, as reflected in your actual judgments of particular actions. Although your acceptance of permissibility rules implies that you accept that those rules are applicable to all actions and judgments, including your own theoretical judgments, your permissibility rules may allow you (as mine do me) to temporarily pretend that you do not accept them, in order to see what might in theory follow from their non-acceptance. But temporarily playing the amoralist in order to try and imagine how the world looks from that perspective, is not genuine amorality.

The assertion of a robust moral relativism means adopting a perspective from which all permissibility rules are viewed as equally valid. It is important (and often difficult) to keep in mind that moral relativism is not the descriptive claim that people have different and conflicting moral judgments; rather it is the normative claim that no moral judgment is more or less correct than any other. To become a sincere moral relativist one must abandon one’s permissibility rules without embracing other permissibility rules. A relativist could consistently act in accordance with any permissibility rule, but she cannot consistently believe there are any justifications for these actions.

If you sincerely and fully, even if only in theory, accept, say, a rule that it’s immoral to torture people, a rule that it’s immoral not to torture people, and another rule that torture is morally indifferent, then you’ve taken an incoherent theoretical position that’s equivalent to the denial of morality – moral nihilism. The other way to go, the non-acceptance of all permissibility rules, is not the mythical stance of neutrality, it is the particular viewpoint of amorality. It is not the discovery that no rules apply to all possible actions; it is a failure to apply any such rules. It is not an undistorted perspective which reveals morality’s non-existence: it is simply an amoral perspective. This is not how I see things, and I suspect it is not how you see things. I am, and you probably are, a moral objectivist.

Moral objectivism requires only the acceptance of a set of permissibility rules. This involves no metaphysical delusions. Your permissibility rules may be tolerant, liberal, modest, tentative and undogmatic, or the opposite. So long as they’re truly yours, you are a moral objectivist. So are you?
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