Sex and the Religious-Left

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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by promethean75 »

"This isn't 2008 anymore where I could be jobless, live off unemployment"


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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Sculptor »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 12:17 am
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:23 pm Pages worth of "Alt Right" ideas and this is the extent of your retort??? I was hoping for more. Don't tell me the OP is so logically sound that this was your best defense!?
So there was a point at which you hoped your OP deserved serious discussion was there?
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:05 pm This is not new in history. After major war victories, at any point in human history, the same results tend to happen: a period of sexual liberation and peace by which the former Victors "release" or "relax" their previously strict and disciplined Morality. Hard times produced Strong men (hence becoming morally strict and disciplined). Because those Strong men won a great war (the Greatest Generation), the ensuing generations (Baby Boomers) felt that they no longer needed to 'follow' or 'obey' that previously strict and disciplined morality.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Iwannaplato »

Generally I don't buy the Jewish conspiracy side of this post. Yes, there are lots of Jewish people in media. But the ultra rich and powerful running things are a diverse group of what nowadays would get classed as white people.
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:47 pm The Religious-Left bases their metaphysical beliefs, core-values, and (im)morality off of Sexuality, specifically that *NOT* marrying into your own race and creating a big, loving family, with lots of children, is morally Good.
There certainly people on the Left who are like this to some degree. I don't see many Lefties saying one should not marry someone of one's own race. I don't hear much directly about not having a big family, but I would guess that some would see this as taxing the environment.
In fact, it is morally Best to the Religious-Left to destroy the institution of marriage (All Traditions), and promote racial/ethnic mixing across the board.
Again, there is a portion of the left against marriage, yes.
This is easily proved today, by Western Propaganda, that now inserts it into every movie, every tv show, every commercial, every billboard from Los Angeles to Berlin. This is worldwide, Global. So nobody can now deny the pervasiveness and perniciousness of the Religious-Left. They dominate Western Culture, and are destroying everything that used to be Good, Moral, True, and Righteous.
I do see trends in media that match this to some degree. I don't see it destroying all those things. I also see a difference between the media the left.
Western Media is dominated and run, mostly by Jews and a minority of Liberal-Leftist Whites, in the United States. From this coalition, Western Media and Propaganda is spread everywhere, and pretty much All Westerners thusly subscribe to this propaganda, which is essentially their Religion (the Religion of the Liberal-Left).

I don't see all Westerners subscribing to this propaganda.
In the 90s, 00s, 10s, they pretended to be "Atheist" and "Secular", but they're not. They act one-minded. They tolerate no doubt, no questioning, no interrogations, no arguments, no rationality, and no reasoning. They are as-religious if not more religious than the "Religious Right". They are more Un-thinking, Un-questioning. And they stop at nothing, to destroy the Religious-Right, which is what is going on politically in the United States currently.
There are certainly people like this on the Left. When I was younger I experienced this more on the Right. It certainly is the state of the world right now that 'my team is good' and 'your team is evil' and 'there are two teams so choose the right one, no other options.'
The reason that Jews and Liberals took-over and dominated Western Media and propaganda, was because of how powerful Hitler came to power and dominated the new technologies of Radio and TV, in Europe. Upon the defeat of Nazi-Germany, Jews and Liberals vowed, to 'never again' let "Evil Whitey" gain control of Western Civilization's Medias and Propagandas. Hence, they worked fanatically and obsessed, to takeover and control these institutions, which took place since the 1950s. Note here, that these Jews and Liberals are "White" themselves, which has become a huge problem just these last few months, as the Liberal-Left is beginning to turn on International Jewry, by supporting the 'brown people' of Palestine, instea dof the 'white jews' of Israel. This has caused many Jews around the world to instantly "reassess" their previous decades of Propaganda. Can Jews really trust the Liberal-Left, or US Democrats??? It appears they cannot, if they are indeed Zionists and support the Israel 'project'.
There is a new situation. People who used to be allies, for example talking about both Islamophobia and antisemitism and now being pressured to pick one as their priority. Old allegiances are falling apart.

The Baby Boomer Generation was the result—the most Selfish generation of humans ever born in history, expressed on this forum right now.
I don't know how to evaluate this. Many of them went into public service and strove politically around social and political issues. I understand that you disagree with many of their positions, but isn't part of your problem with them precisely that the advocated so much for minorities and oppressed groups at the expense of white people? Why is that more selfish that some other position?
The Jewish-Anglo Alliance was powerful and seemed to be invincible. It created American Hegemony across the world, and brought The West into the economic, social, political, cultural Golden Age that lasted from 1950-2001 in the United States. But, Good Times don't last forever! And that's what this is all really about. After one, two, three generations, Western Jews have created a propaganda that now works against the very ones who saved them from the Holocaust and Concentration Camps. Because of these broad racial generalities, 3rd Generation Jews (like Flash on this forum), now see "Evil Whitey" as Any White Person. Thus, the Nazi-Germans who created and executed plans to expel Jews from Weimar Germany... are perceived to be "the same as all other White People".
I don't experience Jews having this postion. I think the Nazis wanted to do a bit more than expel Jews.

Because of this vast Media control, the Propaganda now is undeniable throughout the West and entire world: Evil Whitey is to be hated...unless you're a groveling, kneeling, Libtard. If you prostrate yourself to the ground, like a bitch, then you can be 'Forgiven' of your Inherited Sin, according to the Religious-Left. This is why most of this forum, are the Religious-Left, and this is the core of the moral ideologies around here. But if you are a "Conservative-Right" Evil Whitey...then this is unforgivable. This is a Sin that cannot be forgiven.
There is a pattern like this out there.
Thus, you must "not notice" this racial-mixing propaganda that leaks into everything now, and all this Woke garbage turns our old media to shit. You're supposed to be blind—to movies, television, internet, billboards, etc. all which demand that Western (Whites explicitly) let in tens of millions of illegal immigrants (Moslems/Semites in Europe), or you must be made into a Heretic. And if you resist LGBTQMAP+ then again, you must be made into a Heretic.
There is a strong Left PC out there now in media.

Of course it isn't really questioning core issues like the expanding centralization of power in media, the expanding power of the rich, the concentration of power in megacorporations and so on. IOW it doesn't really work much around traditional Left issues and oddly, despite how much they get called Neomarxists, I rarely hear much outcry on the Left about supporting wars, the power of banks, nor the power of corporations and corporate control of government. Not that most of the Right is doing this enough/much either. Both sides seem focused on cosmetic hatreds and rarely the real power.
And it is this 'sexual' point that is the pivotal point.

It is sexuality by which the Religious-Left dominate and control, wish to destroy Western Tradition, Western Families, and seek to 'revolutionize' the world.

The West has become split by Trump and the "MAGA" movement, for these reasons and causes. The "MAGA" Americans represent Conservative-Whites in the United States, who want to return to the 1950s, American "Golden Age". This normally wouldn't be a problem, to want to return to a 'better' past. But the Religious-Left has "progressed" too far.
Well, it's amazing that sexual conservatives would see Trump as their representative. He's hardly conservative about sex or sexuality, not on a personal level.
They now call the Americans who fought and saved them from Nazi-Germany, the "New Nazis". This is how and why history repeats. It doesn't take Jews and the Liberal-Left very long to "conveniently forget" the recent past. Therefore, a New Scapegoat is needed, for Western Civilization. A new "Evil" must exist. The Religious-Left is happy to make this into Trump, the MAGA-movement, and Conservative-Right Americans in general. Thus the Conservative-Right and Religious-Right now get painted as "Nazis", even though we technically defeated them, and saved the Jews, less than a Century ago. But because the masses of the world have short-memories, it leads to a repetition of this history.
I wish people could see beyond Trump vs. Biden. I do understand that conservatives see Trump as somehow outside the system, but this once billionaire is not. He's been going to all the insider power events the Clintons go to. He is a real estate billionaire and more isolationist. This puts him slightly at odds with the Wall St. let's get our fingers into all parts of the world crew.

But he's not sexually conservative and he's not on the side of the working class.

Each side ends up with a candidate that is either kind of a dead fish but the lesser evil or the White knight.

Neither of these guys is the white knight

It's just a good cop bad cop routine - which each of the supposedly only two sides having a different ideas of which is the bad cop.

This battle is over 'Sexuality', over 'Sex'.

As Iwan recently, correctly observed: those who control the Sex, control Everything. Which is why the Religious-Left believe they/you have Impunity and Invincibility, when it comes to Western Civilization and Culture. Your side 'owns' the Media. You have owned it, since 1950.

So look at what you have produced, and are now responsible for!!!

Your side is responsible for LGBTQMAP+, "gender transitioning", these freaks pretending to be women, severely injuring women in women's sporting events, etc.

The Religious-Left must be stopped.
The other side was for 'pedophilia is carried out by strangers on dark streets and don't tell me anything about my kids'. They were responsible not just for gay people being physically attacked, evicted and a wide range of other abused, but for straight men, for example, getting called faggots and for living in fear of showing any trait that might seem gay'. They were responsible for blaming rape victims in a variety of ways. They were responsible for it not being possible to consider that a husband could rape his wife. They were responsible for every rigid ideas of gender - I'm not in the men and women are really the same, it's all culture camp. But conservative views of normality were not only wrong and limiting for women, but also for men. Lots of terror denial gussied up as knowledge. And this affected everything that went on between men and women, including in the bedroom. Part of the conservative PC was a fundamental infantization of women. Yes, many conservatives respected women, but there was also infantalization. And of course this is a generalization.

These patterns were toxic and there were others also. These are ones perpetuate more by conservatives, though certainly Liberals could also support these, because conservative PC was in power. But this is recent history.

We move further back in time and the toxic traditional patterns take on even more pernicious forms.

As a kind of pagan, I take a very dim view of recent traditional/conservative views of sex/sexuality/men women and more.

We are always asked to choose one side. I dislike both Yes, I think the current Left PC is causing a lot of problems. But Trump and the conservative ideas of these things is certainly not a solution. I think one of the key plays is to get people to think there are two ways of life and those who are on the other team are the problem. The real players don't care about any of us and love sowing the seeds of social wars and more literal ones abroad.

To put things in a different way. In a sense your essay considered the Jewish/Anglo approach to now be causing itself problems. I think it's actually better to think that the people in power are good at what they do. Seemingly unintended side effect may well be what is intended. Do you really think the bankers, wall st. people, billionaires of the world care about trans people? Or hate white people? They don't care. They don't care who is picking over the leftovers, only that no one pays the wrong kind of attention to them and the amount of leftovers gets smaller and smaller. They are trying to find ways for people with relatively little power to see each other as enemies.

I'm not saying the various culture wars don't exist or matter, but they are being used and effectively.

Trigger the public to support the changes we want in economic matters, foreign policy and centralization of power.
Trigger the public to hate 'the other team', think there are only two teams and not to look at radical changes that are happening in terms of power.

Just a kind of tangent. When the Europeans started coming into the colonies, they were startled to find that the Natives consider children not to be little adults. Even in so basic a view of family the Europeans did not understand as much as the barbarians about developmental psychology and nurturing.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Sculptor »

The Trouble is Wizzard, Walker and VA is that they have no sense of humour.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Gary Childress »

Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:47 pm The Religious-Left bases their metaphysical beliefs, core-values, and (im)morality off of Sexuality, specifically that *NOT* marrying into your own race and creating a big, loving family, with lots of children, is morally Good. In fact, it is morally Best to the Religious-Left to destroy the institution of marriage (All Traditions), and promote racial/ethnic mixing across the board. This is easily proved today, by Western Propaganda, that now inserts it into every movie, every tv show, every commercial, every billboard from Los Angeles to Berlin. This is worldwide, Global. So nobody can now deny the pervasiveness and perniciousness of the Religious-Left. They dominate Western Culture, and are destroying everything that used to be Good, Moral, True, and Righteous.

This will eventually result in Calamity, just a matter of when, not if. Sooner? Or later?

Western Media is dominated and run, mostly by Jews and a minority of Liberal-Leftist Whites, in the United States. From this coalition, Western Media and Propaganda is spread everywhere, and pretty much All Westerners thusly subscribe to this propaganda, which is essentially their Religion (the Religion of the Liberal-Left). In the 90s, 00s, 10s, they pretended to be "Atheist" and "Secular", but they're not. They act one-minded. They tolerate no doubt, no questioning, no interrogations, no arguments, no rationality, and no reasoning. They are as-religious if not more religious than the "Religious Right". They are more Un-thinking, Un-questioning. And they stop at nothing, to destroy the Religious-Right, which is what is going on politically in the United States currently.

The reason that Jews and Liberals took-over and dominated Western Media and propaganda, was because of how powerful Hitler came to power and dominated the new technologies of Radio and TV, in Europe. Upon the defeat of Nazi-Germany, Jews and Liberals vowed, to 'never again' let "Evil Whitey" gain control of Western Civilization's Medias and Propagandas. Hence, they worked fanatically and obsessed, to takeover and control these institutions, which took place since the 1950s. Note here, that these Jews and Liberals are "White" themselves, which has become a huge problem just these last few months, as the Liberal-Left is beginning to turn on International Jewry, by supporting the 'brown people' of Palestine, instea dof the 'white jews' of Israel. This has caused many Jews around the world to instantly "reassess" their previous decades of Propaganda. Can Jews really trust the Liberal-Left, or US Democrats??? It appears they cannot, if they are indeed Zionists and support the Israel 'project'.

These trends have a long history, and I cannot extrapolate them all here, now, so quickly. But there are a few main points to discuss. First, Jews fell in love and adulated American Patriots for freeing them from the Holocaust and Concentration Camps in Europe. So in the immediate Generation thereafter (1950-1975), Jews worked arm-in-arm with American WASPs, to create American "Public Relations" (Century of Self, Freud, Bernays). Jews and American Evangelicals rose to power, and sided against Stalin, USSR, and Eastern Europe in general, for Russia's expulsion of the Trotskyites/Jews. The West could not forgive "The East", for this. And it dominates politics especially today (Nikki Haley is the prime candidate for the US Military Industrial Complex on behalf of the Republican party). Second point, American Propaganda in the 1950s explicitly appealed to the White American Middle Class: white picket fences, Anglo husband and wife, Anglo children, hence expanding the US Middle Class which spilled-over immediately into Europe.

The Baby Boomer Generation was the result—the most Selfish generation of humans ever born in history, expressed on this forum right now.

The Jewish-Anglo Alliance was powerful and seemed to be invincible. It created American Hegemony across the world, and brought The West into the economic, social, political, cultural Golden Age that lasted from 1950-2001 in the United States. But, Good Times don't last forever! And that's what this is all really about. After one, two, three generations, Western Jews have created a propaganda that now works against the very ones who saved them from the Holocaust and Concentration Camps. Because of these broad racial generalities, 3rd Generation Jews (like Flash on this forum), now see "Evil Whitey" as Any White Person. Thus, the Nazi-Germans who created and executed plans to expel Jews from Weimar Germany... are perceived to be "the same as all other White People". The Propaganda that was created as a result of WWII and our Victory, now turns against Westerners, as Westerners are made to turn against ourselves.

Because of this vast Media control, the Propaganda now is undeniable throughout the West and entire world: Evil Whitey is to be hated...unless you're a groveling, kneeling, Libtard. If you prostrate yourself to the ground, like a bitch, then you can be 'Forgiven' of your Inherited Sin, according to the Religious-Left. This is why most of this forum, are the Religious-Left, and this is the core of the moral ideologies around here. But if you are a "Conservative-Right" Evil Whitey...then this is unforgivable. This is a Sin that cannot be forgiven.

Thus, you must "not notice" this racial-mixing propaganda that leaks into everything now, and all this Woke garbage turns our old media to shit. You're supposed to be blind—to movies, television, internet, billboards, etc. all which demand that Western (Whites explicitly) let in tens of millions of illegal immigrants (Moslems/Semites in Europe), or you must be made into a Heretic. And if you resist LGBTQMAP+ then again, you must be made into a Heretic.

And it is this 'sexual' point that is the pivotal point.

It is sexuality by which the Religious-Left dominate and control, wish to destroy Western Tradition, Western Families, and seek to 'revolutionize' the world.

The West has become split by Trump and the "MAGA" movement, for these reasons and causes. The "MAGA" Americans represent Conservative-Whites in the United States, who want to return to the 1950s, American "Golden Age". This normally wouldn't be a problem, to want to return to a 'better' past. But the Religious-Left has "progressed" too far.

They now call the Americans who fought and saved them from Nazi-Germany, the "New Nazis". This is how and why history repeats. It doesn't take Jews and the Liberal-Left very long to "conveniently forget" the recent past. Therefore, a New Scapegoat is needed, for Western Civilization. A new "Evil" must exist. The Religious-Left is happy to make this into Trump, the MAGA-movement, and Conservative-Right Americans in general. Thus the Conservative-Right and Religious-Right now get painted as "Nazis", even though we technically defeated them, and saved the Jews, less than a Century ago. But because the masses of the world have short-memories, it leads to a repetition of this history.

This battle is over 'Sexuality', over 'Sex'.

As Iwan recently, correctly observed: those who control the Sex, control Everything. Which is why the Religious-Left believe they/you have Impunity and Invincibility, when it comes to Western Civilization and Culture. Your side 'owns' the Media. You have owned it, since 1950.

So look at what you have produced, and are now responsible for!!!

Your side is responsible for LGBTQMAP+, "gender transitioning", these freaks pretending to be women, severely injuring women in women's sporting events, etc.

The Religious-Left must be stopped.
The above sounds absurdly xenophobic.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:45 pm The Trouble is Wizzard, Walker and VA is that they have no sense of humour.
Is this the 'Ironic comment of the month' winner, hands down? To add to the 'Most appropriate avatar of all time' trophy?
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Amazing how there has been a sudden increase in the number of women committing rapes and murders. In fact there was a particularly disgusting and gruesome one just recently. A woman murdered a complete stranger--a man who was simply walking home. She did this after putting a cat in a blender. Does anyone on here have any theories as to why so many women are suddenly committing heinous crimes--especially sexual crimes?
Wow, just as well this woman isn't a man. Imagine what men would do to her in a men's prison. I do hope they don't accidentally use the wrong pronouns for her in prison. That would be terrible and might cause her to harm herself. ... ailyRecord
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

This is probably a long shot, but I've come up with a theory for this strange and seemingly anomalous state of affairs. The one characteristic these women share (apart from the fact that they are all women) is the fact that they were all born with a penis. Hmm. Could there be a connection? What does everyone think? Am I way off here? Any other theories?
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

There is an odd website -- The Unz Review -- run by Ron Unz who, if such things matter, and I think in this case it does, has degrees in Physics and Classical History from Harvard, and he assembles there articles from an extreme wide range of people on all sides of the political spectrum (almost to the point of the absurd). But most of these people have been excluded -- cancelled -- for one reason or another from conventional venues so it is, at least, interesting to be able to read their thoughts.

For example he has been publishing articles on Gaza by Chris Hedges (fired from the NYTs for being too far Left) and also Andrew Anglin -- an odd creature who, above all other things, could fairly be classed as extremely anti-Jewish (I do not use the term antisemite because the word is imprecise and, like so many contaminated.)

Unz himself is technically Jewish (that to me means born Jewish and I have no idea if it means something or anything to him) so it is either *welcome* or *doubly weird* that he allows so much opinion on his site that is extremely Jewish-critical. Now the odder thing is that Ron Unz has been devoting a good deal of his time to reading a great deal of material on the Holocaust. Like many he accepted the *standard story* that we all have received, but as he has investigated the issue he has come to some surprising conclusions. By that I mean that he challenged all the significant pillars of the narrative. All of them.

Now, the reason I mention this is not because I want to enter into this controversy or even that it is an area of interest (it is only on the periphery of my interests) but rather to say that I think it is impossible (very difficult let's say), and it is becoming more impossible, to arrive at a position of *genuine, accurate, historical knowledge*. How could I (and how could anyone really) sort through the mass of information to arrive at a *realistic* picture of any controversial historical event? I refer not to the Holocaust alone ... but to the entire WWll Narrative. Nothing is quite as it seems, and also *historical interpretation* seems to depend on who one exposes oneself to. This could depend on mere chance, on environment, or some inclination of the will. Critical and revisionist histories open the vistas to very different ways of looking at things. But there really are Civic Religious Narrative that we have all been exposed to that present us with the *correct angles*.

How do we gain the *right viewpoint*?

The reason I mention this is not (calm down Flash! you'll be able to scream Nazi soon enough) to launch into some sort of diatribe on Jews but only to mention the following: the advent of the Internet has allowed for information that was not easily accessible to be accessible and it has (both for good and for bad) upended *standard narratives* about all topics but especially the controversial ones. Race, Judaism, 'The Jews' (whenever I use that term I think of David Chapelle's SNL monologue), Sexuality, Feminism, Democracy, Mass Culture, and I think it safe to say the entire Postwar Liberal Construct that is the *home* we live in.

Ron Unz wrote an article back in 2016 where he wrote:
We naively tend to assume that our media accurately reflects the events of our world and its history, but instead what we all too often see are only the tremendously distorted images of a circus fun-house mirror, with small items sometimes transformed into large ones, and large ones into small. The contours of historical reality may be warped into almost unrecognizable shapes, with some important elements completely disappearing from the record and others appearing out of nowhere. I’ve often suggested that the media creates our reality, but given such glaring omissions and distortions, the reality produced is often largely fictional. Our standard histories have always criticized the ludicrous Soviet propaganda during the height of Stalin’s purges or the Ukrainian famine, but in its own way, our own media organs sometimes seem just as dishonest and absurd in their own reporting. And until the availability of the Internet, it was difficult for most of us to ever recognize the enormity of this problem.
This is, sort of, my preamble to offering comments on Wizard's OP. Which is filled to the brim -- bristling -- with contrarian ideas that challenge 'accepted narratives'. There is a tumultuousness in it, naturally, and this is reflected in the general *upending of viewpoint and opinion* that has been going on for at least a decade now.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by FlashDangerpants »

Alexis Jacobi wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:18 pm Unz himself is technically Jewish (that to me means born Jewish and I have no idea if it means something or anything to him) so it is either *welcome* or *doubly weird* that he allows so much opinion on his site that is extremely Jewish-critical. Now the odder thing is that Ron Unz has been devoting a good deal of his time to reading a great deal of material on the Holocaust. Like many he accepted the *standard story* that we all have received, but as he has investigated the issue he has come to some surprising conclusions. By that I mean that he challenged all the significant pillars of the narrative. All of them.
As a notorious Holocaust denier, the guy does of course have a wikipedia page... Here's the highlights

Relation to anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, homosexuality research, etc.
The ADL and others criticized Unz for a $600,000 grant for research in evolutionary biology to Gregory Cochran, a professor who argued that homosexuality may be caused by a "gay germ."[45] Ralph Nader, while running with Unz for Harvard board of overseers called him "a very nuanced guy. He should not be stereotyped as a lot of the world of identity politics does."[32]

The Unz Foundation, of which he is president, has donated to individuals and organizations which are alleged by the ADL to have published or expressed opinions that are antisemitic or anti-Israel. In 2009, 2010 and 2011, it gave $108,000 to Paul Craig Roberts, $74,000 to Philip Giraldi, $75,000 Norman Finkelstein, $80,000 to CounterPunch and $60,000 to Philip Weiss, co-editor of the Mondoweiss website.[42][56] In addition, the Unz Foundation has given grants to Alison Weir, founder of If Americans Knew.[42] He has donated tens of thousands of dollars to VDARE, which he admits is a "quasi-white nationalist" website, but has said "they write interesting things".[57][5][58]

Since their 2014 article, the ADL commented in October 2018 that Unz "has embraced hardcore anti-Semitism", "denied the Holocaust", and "endorsed the claim that Jews consume the blood of non-Jews", referring to blood libel.[3] In July 2018, in articles for The Unz Review, he wrote about the claims in the Czarist forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Henry Ford's The International Jew. Ford's work, a series of antisemitic pamphlets published in the 1920s, appeared to Unz to be "quite plausible and factually-oriented, even sometimes overly cautious in their presentation."[3] He partly accepted the standard consensus on the Protocols but believes they were assembled by "someone who was generally familiar with the secretive machinations of elite international Jews against the existing governments... who drafted the document to outline his view of their strategic plans."[3]

In August 2018, Unz made use of Holocaust denial arguments and wrote, "I think it far more likely than not that the standard Holocaust narrative is at least substantially false, and quite possibly, almost entirely so."[3] That same year, The Unz Review published material written by Holocaust denier Kevin Barrett,[59][39][60][61] while Unz himself defended David Irving, who lost his libel case against Deborah Lipstadt. Unz also implied that Mossad was involved in the murders of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert.[39] Writing about the 2001 September 11 attacks in a September 2018 article for his Review, Unz stated: "the vast weight of the evidence clearly points in a single direction, implicating Israel and its Mossad intelligence service, with the case being overwhelmingly strong in motive, means, and opportunity.”[62]

Seems like exactly the sort of guy you and Gandalf the KKK would be quite large fans of.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

He illustrates exactly the point that I made in the post: the Postwar narrative is — how to put it? — collapsing or in any case being severely stressed. The tension of this stress is playing out everywhere.

The System creaks and at the same time the System shows a certain violent authoritarianism in demanding (under pain of imprisonment in some places) that The Story be adhered to.

I mean many different Stories and not just the Holocaust.

But who, really, is the Authority? Who really is qualified to decide and then to assert snd control what is thought and convluded?

One of Unz’s assertions is that we live in a system comparable to the Pravda system. And the issue revolves therefore on the problem — real and consequential indeed — of politically correct, determined, and unfree thought.

This seems to be the principal domain of one notable poster who tends to •chime in• with some regularity. 😍

The Holocaust story, when examined by Unz — who has an advantage insofar as he is Jewish and therefore has greater credibility (?) — is shown to have many problems. That is according to Unz.

Now, the question is: why? I mean what is the defect in Unz that causes him, propels him, to conduct his research and find flaws in the narrative? Why would he, himself a Jew, and a man with a notable and prestigious academic background do this? — what is his nefarious motivation?

What does it mean that a man like Unz dedicates so much of his time to examining those narratives of our Civil Religious belief-system and discovers what he believes, sincerely it seems, to be flaws?

What does it mean that there are flaws? Not just in respect to the Holocaust but in regard to many hot topics?
"I think it far more likely than not that the standard Holocaust narrative is at least substantially false, and quite possibly, almost entirely so."
What I want to know is why he made this statement?

I have no means at my disposal to arrive at any conclusion — accept by reference to what I received from early childhood and my own background in Reform Judaism.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Gary Childress »

Alexis Jacobi wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:00 am He illustrates exactly the point that I made in the post: the Postwar narrative is — how to put it? — collapsing or in any case being severely stressed. The tension of this stress is playing out everywhere.

The System creaks and at the same time the System shows a certain violent authoritarianism in demanding (under pain of imprisonment in some places) that The Story be adhered to.

I mean many different Stories and not just the Holocaust.

But who, really, is the Authority? Who really is qualified to decide and then to assert snd control what is thought and convluded?
Generally speaking. the "authorities" are individuals forming groups of individuals with enormous wealth and influence, knowing the right people, having the right social positions and connections, controlling resources and institutions, etc. In the end, individuals die or lose power, however, the system of privilege and authority itself wishes to remain eternal, as it is filled by the next generation of believers and opinioners and then their beliefs and opinions become the canon for a while.
Last edited by Gary Childress on Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by FlashDangerpants »

Alexis Jacobi wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:00 am I have no means at my disposal to arrive at any conclusion — accept by reference to what I received from early childhood and my own background in Reform Judaism.
Well of course. The point is always to insinuate, never to show or to tell. When somebody asks you to be specific about anything, that's when you need to hide the most.
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Re: Sex and the Religious-Left

Post by Alexis Jacobi »

Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:47 pmThe Religious-Left bases their metaphysical beliefs, core-values, and (im)morality off of Sexuality, specifically that *NOT* marrying into your own race and creating a big, loving family, with lots of children, is morally Good. In fact, it is morally Best to the Religious-Left to destroy the institution of marriage (All Traditions), and promote racial/ethnic mixing across the board. This is easily proved today, by Western Propaganda, that now inserts it into every movie, every tv show, every commercial, every billboard from Los Angeles to Berlin. This is worldwide, Global. So nobody can now deny the pervasiveness and perniciousness of the Religious-Left. They dominate Western Culture, and are destroying everything that used to be Good, Moral, True, and Righteous.

This will eventually result in Calamity, just a matter of when, not if. Sooner? Or later?

Western Media is dominated and run, mostly by Jews and a minority of Liberal-Leftist Whites, in the United States. From this coalition, Western Media and Propaganda is spread everywhere, and pretty much All Westerners thusly subscribe to this propaganda, which is essentially their Religion (the Religion of the Liberal-Left). In the 90s, 00s, 10s, they pretended to be "Atheist" and "Secular", but they're not. They act one-minded. They tolerate no doubt, no questioning, no interrogations, no arguments, no rationality, and no reasoning. They are as-religious if not more religious than the "Religious Right". They are more Un-thinking, Un-questioning. And they stop at nothing, to destroy the Religious-Right, which is what is going on politically in the United States currently.

The reason that Jews and Liberals took-over and dominated Western Media and propaganda, was because of how powerful Hitler came to power and dominated the new technologies of Radio and TV, in Europe. Upon the defeat of Nazi-Germany, Jews and Liberals vowed, to 'never again' let "Evil Whitey" gain control of Western Civilization's Medias and Propagandas. Hence, they worked fanatically and obsessed, to takeover and control these institutions, which took place since the 1950s. Note here, that these Jews and Liberals are "White" themselves, which has become a huge problem just these last few months, as the Liberal-Left is beginning to turn on International Jewry, by supporting the 'brown people' of Palestine, instea dof the 'white jews' of Israel. This has caused many Jews around the world to instantly "reassess" their previous decades of Propaganda. Can Jews really trust the Liberal-Left, or US Democrats??? It appears they cannot, if they are indeed Zionists and support the Israel 'project'.
Since my main assertion is that the Postwar Liberal narrative, or construct, is *collapsing* or, perhaps more accurately, undergoing stress and revision, I can then turn to the controversial assertions that Wizard is making. But it must be noted that these contrarian ideas are views and interpretations that have been developed by a fringe that is largely excluded from public conversation. I suggest that what this actually means is that we live in an atmosphere which claims that it values *free thought* and genuine truth investigation, but that in truth we live and operate in an intellectual environment that is very controlling. There are topics, subject and ideas that if one mentions them will result in personal disaster. So we must face the facts: we do not live in an environment of open idea-exchange and we operate in one that will punish severely if certain established limits are transgressed.

Let me isolate and encapsulate some of the assertions Wizard makes:

1) That the Left-Progressive ideology has a 'religious' aspect. It is a worldview with an emoted ideology. The beliefs seem to become absolute. And if you do not accept them, or differ, you will be classified as not merely bad or retrograde but evil. There is a weird metaphysics that operates in Left-Progressivism that operates like a secular religiousness.

2) That sexuality, or the subversion of *sexual norms*, has been a primary area of Left-Progressive activism. Sexuality has been employed as a (very powerful) tool in those processes I have called 'social engineering' (especially intensely in the Postwar).

3) Left-Progressives seek to break down race-differences and to amalgamate society. Those views that recognize racial difference are vilified with what often looks like a religious condemnation. I.e. to ascribe *evil* to those who think or believe in such terms.

4) The attack on *the family* and normativity in this area involved the de-sacralization of the male-female bond. That is to say that marriage as a sacrament was attacked. There is a very strong current of this in Marxist-Lenninist thought. The family as such must be sacrificed to the ideology of the State.

5) Obviously, the Postwar concretized a general notion -- here I speak of Americanism specifically -- that the better road for all peoples, and especially in America and Europe, involve a breakdown of social divisions and an annihilation of 'race' as a legitimate area of concern. To have a *race preference* was also defined as *evil*. However, and just a few short years earlier, it was normative to think in terms of *the preservation of one's race*. (Again: social engineering processes are referenced).

6) Propaganda, PR and "social engineering" -- mass PR efforts -- and the creation of the most sophisticated public relations/propaganda institutions must be considered as one key factor determining the 20th century. The PR institutions originated around WWl. They determine our culture(s).

7) The Left-Progressives are said to have *marched through the institutions* and they occupy most important positions. That is to say that at an ideological level they *control the narrative*. Reference: Gramsci. See here.

8.) The Jewish relationship to these above-mentioned processes can be examined. It is a complex topic. Generally speaking, and in contradistinction to other cultural groups, Jews tend to involve themselves in intellectual pursuits. So they tend to locate themselves in those institutions that can and do mold opinion. I think this is a fair assessment and is not paranoid or exaggerated. Thus, and given the events of WWll and the attempted expulsion of Jews from Europe (not merely a German thing but in fact pan-European) the Jews have been naturally concerned about and have advocated against all ideas and ideologies understood or imagined to be a threat to Jewish well-being.

In any case it is possible to discuss these issues and questions dispassionately. However, in our present it is actually largely impossible to do so because with the mere mention of a desire to examine one can be and one is *implicated* in that 'evil' which the Left-Progressives (and others as well) use to condemn their enemies. The use of shame & blame (and 'cancelling') is what I refer to.

9) Now the *turn against Europe*, or the turn against *whiteness* and the category of whiteness, can be examined. What is the root of this ideological weapon? Pretty obviously it derives from wartime propaganda narratives designed to channel vilification and hatred against Germans and Germany. But strangely it also was turned against an entire category of people. That is, all Europeans are implicated to the degree that they can be found, or seen, to value any category of self-definition or distinction. In America it is referred to as white supremacy and, obviously, it has been defined as a super-evil. Yet again: just a few short years ago the valuation of the category of *whiteness* was a virtue. And indeed in America the Founders and the founding documents value and privilege the category of European whiteness. The nation was established for this people *and their progeny*.

One must understand that this general idea, now rendered evil, is being attacked and re-engineered. What this means is that the nation's identity is being restructured or even reinvented through specific activism and that social engineering.

And this Americanist ideology, which indeed has become a primary ideological position of Americanism, has been transferred to the entire world. There are numerous European intellectuals who notice this transfer of ideology and its imposition onto Europe and into European institutions. They take issue with it, and yet if they voice their concerns, genuine or paranoid (depending on your view) they face condemnation which can be quite extreme.

Thus we are in the midst of *idea-wars* and authority-structures are fighting with determination to *control the narratives*.

Anyway, this is what I have extracted and isolated from Wizard's post. All these ideas are indeed being thought about by wide ranges of people all over the world. And it is largely the Internet that allows this flow of information. (For this reason the free flow of information is now described as a menace).

Now, and with all that said, I suggest examining and thinking about the wide range of assertions that Jonathan Bowden makes here. What I ask essentially is he involved with? It is an examination of the entire Liberal Construct of the Postwar. It is in this sense a manifesto of rebellion. Of discord. Of opposition.

This European grammar of self-intolerance -- what a powerful idea really -- is what he brings out for consideration.

And that, my friends, is what we are essentially talking about when we are forced to consider the disruption of the Postwar Liberal narrative. Make of it what you will. Make choices as to where you stand. But this is the arena.
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What the dissident right really mean though...

Post by FlashDangerpants »

When they let the mask slip, what the "dissident right" really mean is stuff like this.


The propagandist can try all he likes to sanitise their craziness, but they keep writing ....
Wizard22 wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:47 pm The Religious-Left bases their metaphysical beliefs, core-values, and (im)morality off of Sexuality, specifically that *NOT* marrying into your own race and creating a big, loving family, with lots of children, is morally Good. In fact, it is morally Best to the Religious-Left to destroy the institution of marriage (All Traditions), and promote racial/ethnic mixing across the board. This is easily proved today, by Western Propaganda, that now inserts it into every movie, every tv show, every commercial, every billboard from Los Angeles to Berlin. This is worldwide, Global. So nobody can now deny the pervasiveness and perniciousness of the Religious-Left. They dominate Western Culture, and are destroying everything that used to be Good, Moral, True, and Righteous.

This will eventually result in Calamity, just a matter of when, not if. Sooner? Or later?

Western Media is dominated and run, mostly by Jews and a minority of Liberal-Leftist Whites, in the United States. From this coalition, Western Media and Propaganda is spread everywhere, and pretty much All Westerners thusly subscribe to this propaganda, which is essentially their Religion (the Religion of the Liberal-Left). In the 90s, 00s, 10s, they pretended to be "Atheist" and "Secular", but they're not. They act one-minded. They tolerate no doubt, no questioning, no interrogations, no arguments, no rationality, and no reasoning. They are as-religious if not more religious than the "Religious Right". They are more Un-thinking, Un-questioning. And they stop at nothing, to destroy the Religious-Right, which is what is going on politically in the United States currently.

The reason that Jews and Liberals took-over and dominated Western Media and propaganda, was because of how powerful Hitler came to power and dominated the new technologies of Radio and TV, in Europe. Upon the defeat of Nazi-Germany, Jews and Liberals vowed, to 'never again' let "Evil Whitey" gain control of Western Civilization's Medias and Propagandas. Hence, they worked fanatically and obsessed, to takeover and control these institutions, which took place since the 1950s. Note here, that these Jews and Liberals are "White" themselves, which has become a huge problem just these last few months, as the Liberal-Left is beginning to turn on International Jewry, by supporting the 'brown people' of Palestine, instea dof the 'white jews' of Israel. This has caused many Jews around the world to instantly "reassess" their previous decades of Propaganda. Can Jews really trust the Liberal-Left, or US Democrats??? It appears they cannot, if they are indeed Zionists and support the Israel 'project'.

These trends have a long history, and I cannot extrapolate them all here, now, so quickly. But there are a few main points to discuss. First, Jews fell in love and adulated American Patriots for freeing them from the Holocaust and Concentration Camps in Europe. So in the immediate Generation thereafter (1950-1975), Jews worked arm-in-arm with American WASPs, to create American "Public Relations" (Century of Self, Freud, Bernays). Jews and American Evangelicals rose to power, and sided against Stalin, USSR, and Eastern Europe in general, for Russia's expulsion of the Trotskyites/Jews. The West could not forgive "The East", for this. And it dominates politics especially today (Nikki Haley is the prime candidate for the US Military Industrial Complex on behalf of the Republican party). Second point, American Propaganda in the 1950s explicitly appealed to the White American Middle Class: white picket fences, Anglo husband and wife, Anglo children, hence expanding the US Middle Class which spilled-over immediately into Europe.

The Baby Boomer Generation was the result—the most Selfish generation of humans ever born in history, expressed on this forum right now.

The Jewish-Anglo Alliance was powerful and seemed to be invincible. It created American Hegemony across the world, and brought The West into the economic, social, political, cultural Golden Age that lasted from 1950-2001 in the United States. But, Good Times don't last forever! And that's what this is all really about. After one, two, three generations, Western Jews have created a propaganda that now works against the very ones who saved them from the Holocaust and Concentration Camps. Because of these broad racial generalities, 3rd Generation Jews (like Flash on this forum), now see "Evil Whitey" as Any White Person. Thus, the Nazi-Germans who created and executed plans to expel Jews from Weimar Germany... are perceived to be "the same as all other White People". The Propaganda that was created as a result of WWII and our Victory, now turns against Westerners, as Westerners are made to turn against ourselves.

Because of this vast Media control, the Propaganda now is undeniable throughout the West and entire world: Evil Whitey is to be hated...unless you're a groveling, kneeling, Libtard. If you prostrate yourself to the ground, like a bitch, then you can be 'Forgiven' of your Inherited Sin, according to the Religious-Left. This is why most of this forum, are the Religious-Left, and this is the core of the moral ideologies around here. But if you are a "Conservative-Right" Evil Whitey...then this is unforgivable. This is a Sin that cannot be forgiven.

Thus, you must "not notice" this racial-mixing propaganda that leaks into everything now, and all this Woke garbage turns our old media to shit. You're supposed to be blind—to movies, television, internet, billboards, etc. all which demand that Western (Whites explicitly) let in tens of millions of illegal immigrants (Moslems/Semites in Europe), or you must be made into a Heretic. And if you resist LGBTQMAP+ then again, you must be made into a Heretic.

And it is this 'sexual' point that is the pivotal point.

It is sexuality by which the Religious-Left dominate and control, wish to destroy Western Tradition, Western Families, and seek to 'revolutionize' the world.

The West has become split by Trump and the "MAGA" movement, for these reasons and causes. The "MAGA" Americans represent Conservative-Whites in the United States, who want to return to the 1950s, American "Golden Age". This normally wouldn't be a problem, to want to return to a 'better' past. But the Religious-Left has "progressed" too far.

They now call the Americans who fought and saved them from Nazi-Germany, the "New Nazis". This is how and why history repeats. It doesn't take Jews and the Liberal-Left very long to "conveniently forget" the recent past. Therefore, a New Scapegoat is needed, for Western Civilization. A new "Evil" must exist. The Religious-Left is happy to make this into Trump, the MAGA-movement, and Conservative-Right Americans in general. Thus the Conservative-Right and Religious-Right now get painted as "Nazis", even though we technically defeated them, and saved the Jews, less than a Century ago. But because the masses of the world have short-memories, it leads to a repetition of this history.

This battle is over 'Sexuality', over 'Sex'.

As Iwan recently, correctly observed: those who control the Sex, control Everything. Which is why the Religious-Left believe they/you have Impunity and Invincibility, when it comes to Western Civilization and Culture. Your side 'owns' the Media. You have owned it, since 1950.

So look at what you have produced, and are now responsible for!!!

Your side is responsible for LGBTQMAP+, "gender transitioning", these freaks pretending to be women, severely injuring women in women's sporting events, etc.

The Religious-Left must be stopped.
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