Divine Etymology Argument

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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

promethean75 wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:25 pm Nah that's not god messin with u becuz there is no god. If anything you've attracted some spirits that have taken an interest in u becuz your life experiences are similar to their own (when they were living). I haven't worked out the details yet but it has something to do with the fact that the spirits of the now deceased get trapped by gravity and can't get off the erf... and since they can barely manage to interact with the physical properties of the world (which makes for a very boring existence for ghosts), they tryda become symbiotes and basically possess still living beings. But they don't 'take over' as much as they just ride with u (so they can interact with the physical world again).

Now there's a whole huge economy of these things of many different ranks roaming the erf. Some are (were) simple shop keepers, some great military geniuses, some easy goin pacifists, some ruthless criminals, etc.

How u determine what kind of rank of spirit is fuckin with u is by examining your unique ambitions and aspirations. Do u wanna start your own cake baking business, become a serial killer, a painter, change your gender, be a professional fisherman or yoga instructor. Whatever u feel inclined to be will be the thing that brings u to the attention of some random roaming spirit that needs a living person to link up with, similar to itself. That's what a daemon is. A dead dude/chick who's bored out of his/her fuckin mind and wants to live again through u. It's either that or float around endlessly making things go bump in the night, and that's no fun.

So yeah we're kinda like a video game for them. Whatever you're doin in life - your general direction - has drawn the attention of one of these things and that's why you're experiencing paranormal activity and bizarre synchronicities and coincidences and shit.

Now see these things didn't always exist. What happened was, when intelligent biological life evolved on erf, it became possible; spirits came with self-aware beings. It's just part of the package. What sucks is there is no heaven or hell or way to transcend the material world of experience, and this thing goes on forever (where ever the universe generates sentient life). The MO of it all is the pleasure principle. The living and the dead just wanna have fun, mate.

But like I said I haven't worked it all out yet. When I do, I'll publish The Promonomicon. Not sure what will happen when I do, but it may very well cause another big bang or something. Or cause the whole universe to spontaneously implode, I dunno.
WOW! Unf'ing believable. You refuse to believe there is an intelligence that can manifest all matter, pantheism\panentheism but seriously believe there are spirits\ghosts!!!

What a load of old bollocks. There are no 'spirits' no ghosts. That is not to say people have never seen a ghost, sure if yer daft enough to believe such things then God\sages may project one to you. Same with UFOs - of which I have seen on two separate occasions - do I believe there are little alien entities flying a spaceship over there - NOPE. God projected that crap to me both times.

It just blows me away that you think it more likely that spirits and ghosts hang around in the aether, but that there is NO God. Amazing, you are dafter than I originally thought.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by promethean75 »

Here's another cool part. Each 'system' (a livable planet) goes through a series of stages. The end game is destruction (becuz all supporting star suns eventually burn out), but in the meanwhile the goal is to sustain the planet as long as possible to produce as many beings/spirits as possible so there can be more pleasure experience. Remember that's the MO.

There can be critical stage periods during this inevitable transition toward the final destruction stage that speed it all up; the planet can stop producing life long before its sun burns out. Kay now that's what we want to avoid for obvious reasons. Our particular situation is approaching that dreaded critical systems stage. What will be a premature end to life on erf will be brought about by capitalism; all its effects. War, religious disputes, poverty, pollution, disease, social conflict, etc. However, it can be prevented. And this brings us to my favorite part of the story. As we approach the tipping point - when capitalism becomes irreversible by the elite controlling AI and the working classes being no longer able to effectively revolt (see Elysium) - the criminal spirits start to become more active and become agents of chaos, for lack of a better phrase. They start'ta stir shit up more and more in an effort to bring the whole thing down before it can destroy itself prematurely. So in effect, the bad guys become the good guys and destruction becomes creation... or preservation, I should say. Nice twist, right?

So u basically now have a battle of spirits between the Bezos and the Che Guevaras of the spirit world. The Bezos don't care about a premature end for the planet system becuz they are solely interested in their own pleasure. There is nothing 'evil' in the grand economy tho, but if there was, it would be these guys. Cosmic parasites that sweep through planets, maximizing their pleasure and quickly depleting the host planet. The working spirits of the universe wanna get rid of these guys and the systems that engender their existence. All this just to extend the planets life a little longer before the sun blows up. Crazy shit, mate.

What may be possible is migration to another inhabitable planet in another solar system. This would be the only way to avoid a solar death. I dunno. But if it is possible, it will not be made possible by a capitalist planet system. Ergo, we gotta stop it before it's too late.

When a sun goes boom, all the spirits in that solar system go bye-bye. That is ultimate annihilation for the occupying spirits.

The only good news is there are operating solar systems throughout the universe with planets of intelligent life that are running through the same system stages. Some make it, some don't, but life does go on.

The problem is gravity. Spirits can't leave their planets without the use of machines. So they can't just be like yo let's just float to that galaxy over there so we can keep living while this planet continues to prematurely destroy itself. Nah bro, it don't work like that.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by promethean75 »

"It just blows me away that you think it more likely that spirits and ghosts hang around in the aether, but that there is NO God."

C'mon man I've already explained this to u a hunerd times. A single anthropomorphic monotheistic god is logically absurd and impossible. U gotta wipe your whole mainframe of that shit and read Spinoza, Benedict or you'll be a buffoon for the rest of your immortal life (if u don't get vaporized when the sun explodes).

Substance produces mind, not vice versa. There is nothing more than the modes and modifications of this substance 'god', which is immanent (not transcendent, not separate from creation, time and space). God is not some mega dude in space playing with the erf. God is not your pops. Not your mum. Not your counselor. He is not a gamer and does not have a computer.

U are god, mate. Naturatus fishpus naturata. And u better get with the program buddy.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by promethean75 »

I'll tell u about a weird one that happened when i was around eleven years old, fish. So i fell into the bad company of some ruffians on the block that introduced me to huffing rustoleum spray paint. Every day after school we'd get blasted on that shit and fry millions of brain cells (this is why I'm so smaht). So this one time I'm high af and I'm in the living room (before the old man came home from work) and i hear this eight bit video game style sound version of the presidential theme playing somewhere in the room. I shit u not. So then i start looking for the source behind the couch and in the firewood box and under the table and everywhere. There's gotta be a speaker somewhere. Has to be. Where in the hell is this coming from. TV and stereo were off, so not that. And i wasn't hallucinating was i? Bro it was the sound of sound, not the thought of what a sound sounds like. How could my brain produce an audible sound? It was the craziest shit becuz i was otherwise cognizant and sober... like i wuzzint so stoned i wouldn't know i was stoned.

There's only one explanation: the aliens or the government or the spirits got me, mate. They either beamed the sound into the room of uploaded it into my brain. It played over and over for like five minutes and I'm crawling around the room tryna find it. How could u do that to an eleven year old kid?

No wait it wasn't the presidental theme. That's not the one. It's that other one. Can't find it on youtube becuz i don't know what it's called. Here I'll whistle it.

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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Sculptor »

OMG. Not again!
Makes me see Kula
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

promethean75 wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:25 pm "It just blows me away that you think it more likely that spirits and ghosts hang around in the aether, but that there is NO God."

C'mon man I've already explained this to u a hunerd times. A single anthropomorphic monotheistic god is logically absurd and impossible. U gotta wipe your whole mainframe of that shit and read Spinoza, Benedict or you'll be a buffoon for the rest of your immortal life (if u don't get vaporized when the sun explodes).
How is God logically impossible and absurd? That is totally contrary to my 26 years of gnosis of God - ergo all atheists are wrong :wink:

I've probably read as much Spinoza as yourself. He's just a very intelligent atheist that should never have used the term "God".

Reading atheist or even theist philosophers will offer very little in relation to God...since I know God exists, what is a theist playing a guessing game going to offer ME?

Nobody as yet has provided a reasonable counter argument to my OP. Thus far the closest thing for a counter is some suggestion that I am being irrational in connecting unrelated things - you suggested that my argument is an example of Apophenia:- the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia

I'll start with: AN_ARCH_Y

Is that an example of Apophenia?
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

I'll start with: AN_ARCH_Y

Is that an example of Apophenia?

OK. So thus far nobody has a complaint. U see rationale in what I have done with the word ANARCHY.


What about these little gems?

Mr (missed her)
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:48 am I'll start with: AN_ARCH_Y

Is that an example of Apophenia?

OK. So thus far nobody has a complaint. U see rationale in what I have done with the word ANARCHY.


What about these little gems?

Mr (missed her)
And what about all of the other so-called 'gems', which are already known by, and thus are already 'in, me', which you are yet to recognize, see, and know, or just dis the covers and un-cover?

See, 'you' 'mr' (missed her) individual, but together (to get her) is very simple and easy.

An individual (in divid u al) will miss her but united to get her, literally, we will.

There is so much more here for you to learn, or find, and know and understand "attofishpi".
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:20 am
Dubious wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 3:38 am
attofishpi wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:40 am
English IS the default language of planet Earth.
For the time being it may still act as a type of international language not unlike Latin in the Middle Ages but that is likely to change based on the fact it's not the most "spoken language" on the planet. It was the British Empire which established the primacy of English and America which inherited it, the glory days of the former being long over. As the U.S. too erodes in power, English will become less universal, more neutralized as a communication standard. Also, through technology in which instant translations will be available between any language and lessen the importance of English.
All of which may be the case, but not particularly relevant. This God entity can certainly keep these key words within English in their current form, or even start manipulating a future common Earth language to indicate its presence.
One just needs to 'open their eyes and ears', as some might say here, to just, very clearly, be able to see and hear God, Itself.

God does not need to 'indicate' Its presence, when It can be seen everywhere and always, and heard and felt within all the time as well.
attofishpi wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:20 am So, do you still think all these homophones, word reversals etc are mere coincidence quirks of natural etymology?

Whether to go for a picnic tomorrow - one will check the WEATHER! :wink:
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

I am going to say this in the nicest possible way, please leave this argument between me and the atheists. I have no argument with you here.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by promethean75 »

"What about these little gems?

Mr (missed her)"

Okay but if she's married (Mrs.) she 'misses'. Misses what tho? Being sing_le? But she can still sing when she's married.

And an unmarried juvenile male is called a 'mast_er'. So what is supposed to do, find a chick and mast her... like put her on his boat?

Lesson: your theory does not allow u to determine which coincidences in grammar are meaning_ful and which ones are not. And when u practice your theory u are being full of mean-ness. Mean_ing_ful.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

promethean75 wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:49 pm "What about these little gems?

Mr (missed her)"

Okay but if she's married (Mrs.) she 'misses'. Misses what tho? Being sing_le? But she can still sing when she's married.

And an unmarried juvenile male is called a 'mast_er'. So what is supposed to do, find a chick and mast her... like put her on his boat?

Lesson: your theory does not allow u to determine which coincidences in grammar are meaning_ful and which ones are not. And when u practice your theory u are being full of mean-ness. Mean_ing_ful.
Carefool, you're starting to catch on, if ya keep delving into words I'd reject you might go insane!

Like I said in my OP, it's KEY words that revolve around life that tend to have the embedded further logic. The entire point I am making is that the cumaltive evidence of these words in their present form are NOT coincidences and must have been formed by an intelligence (God).

Let's try some more:-
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

promethean75 wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:25 pm Nah that's not god messin with u becuz there is no god. If anything you've attracted some spirits that have taken an interest in u becuz your life experiences are similar to their own (when they were living). I haven't worked out the details yet but it has something to do with the fact that the spirits of the now deceased get trapped by gravity and can't get off the erf... and since they can barely manage to interact with the physical properties of the world (which makes for a very boring existence for ghosts), they tryda become symbiotes and basically possess still living beings. But they don't 'take over' as much as they just ride with u (so they can interact with the physical world again).

Now there's a whole huge economy of these things of many different ranks roaming the erf. Some are (were) simple shop keepers, some great military geniuses, some easy goin pacifists, some ruthless criminals, etc.

How u determine what kind of rank of spirit is fuckin with u is by examining your unique ambitions and aspirations. Do u wanna start your own cake baking business, become a serial killer, a painter, change your gender, be a professional fisherman or yoga instructor. Whatever u feel inclined to be will be the thing that brings u to the attention of some random roaming spirit that needs a living person to link up with, similar to itself. That's what a daemon is. A dead dude/chick who's bored out of his/her fuckin mind and wants to live again through u. It's either that or float around endlessly making things go bump in the night, and that's no fun.

So yeah we're kinda like a video game for them. Whatever you're doin in life - your general direction - has drawn the attention of one of these things and that's why you're experiencing paranormal activity and bizarre synchronicities and coincidences and shit.

Now see these things didn't always exist. What happened was, when intelligent biological life evolved on erf, it became possible; spirits came with self-aware beings. It's just part of the package. What sucks is there is no heaven or hell or way to transcend the material world of experience, and this thing goes on forever (where ever the universe generates sentient life). The MO of it all is the pleasure principle. The living and the dead just wanna have fun, mate.

But like I said I haven't worked it all out yet.
And when, and if, you ever do work all of this out, then you will see where you are very clearly Wrong and Incorrect here.
promethean75 wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:25 pm When I do, I'll publish The Promonomicon. Not sure what will happen when I do, but it may very well cause another big bang or something. Or cause the whole universe to spontaneously implode, I dunno.
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by Age »

attofishpi wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:44 pm
promethean75 wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:25 pm Nah that's not god messin with u becuz there is no god. If anything you've attracted some spirits that have taken an interest in u becuz your life experiences are similar to their own (when they were living). I haven't worked out the details yet but it has something to do with the fact that the spirits of the now deceased get trapped by gravity and can't get off the erf... and since they can barely manage to interact with the physical properties of the world (which makes for a very boring existence for ghosts), they tryda become symbiotes and basically possess still living beings. But they don't 'take over' as much as they just ride with u (so they can interact with the physical world again).

Now there's a whole huge economy of these things of many different ranks roaming the erf. Some are (were) simple shop keepers, some great military geniuses, some easy goin pacifists, some ruthless criminals, etc.

How u determine what kind of rank of spirit is fuckin with u is by examining your unique ambitions and aspirations. Do u wanna start your own cake baking business, become a serial killer, a painter, change your gender, be a professional fisherman or yoga instructor. Whatever u feel inclined to be will be the thing that brings u to the attention of some random roaming spirit that needs a living person to link up with, similar to itself. That's what a daemon is. A dead dude/chick who's bored out of his/her fuckin mind and wants to live again through u. It's either that or float around endlessly making things go bump in the night, and that's no fun.

So yeah we're kinda like a video game for them. Whatever you're doin in life - your general direction - has drawn the attention of one of these things and that's why you're experiencing paranormal activity and bizarre synchronicities and coincidences and shit.

Now see these things didn't always exist. What happened was, when intelligent biological life evolved on erf, it became possible; spirits came with self-aware beings. It's just part of the package. What sucks is there is no heaven or hell or way to transcend the material world of experience, and this thing goes on forever (where ever the universe generates sentient life). The MO of it all is the pleasure principle. The living and the dead just wanna have fun, mate.

But like I said I haven't worked it all out yet. When I do, I'll publish The Promonomicon. Not sure what will happen when I do, but it may very well cause another big bang or something. Or cause the whole universe to spontaneously implode, I dunno.
WOW! Unf'ing believable. You refuse to believe there is an intelligence that can manifest all matter, pantheism\panentheism but seriously believe there are spirits\ghosts!!!

What a load of old bollocks. There are no 'spirits' no ghosts.
you refuse to believe that there are spirits/ghosts, but seriously believe that there is a, Spirit/Allah/God/Enlightenment, Intelligence that can manifest and/or manipulate all matter.
attofishpi wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 12:44 pm That is not to say people have never seen a ghost, sure if yer daft enough to believe such things then God\sages may project one to you. Same with UFOs - of which I have seen on two separate occasions - do I believe there are little alien entities flying a spaceship over there - NOPE. God projected that crap to me both times.

It just blows me away that you think it more likely that spirits and ghosts hang around in the aether, but that there is NO God. Amazing, you are dafter than I originally thought.
So, God/sages project things to others, which they believe exist, whereas God/sages project things to you, which you do not believe exist, right?
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Re: Divine Etymology Argument

Post by attofishpi »

:roll: ^ moron ^
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