indoctrinations vs reality

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Peter Kropotkin
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indoctrinations vs reality

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

much of what is going on in today, is reflected in this:

I read of a man who was stalking a famous actress..
when asked, have you ever met her? He said no, all he had were
pictures of to which he ''spanked the monkey" and devoted
his days to worshiping... but he at no point, ever met her...
so, what was he reacting to? that is the real question here...
what was he reacting to?

every action and reaction he had, was in his head.. because there was no
interaction between him and the actress...she didn't know he lived...

and this little story embraces the world today...
we react to what is happening in our head, rather than reacting
to what is going on out there...a good example of this lies in this
website.. Age is an excellent example of someone who is reacting to
what is in their head, not what is there... they act and interact with
the things going on in their head, but not to anything in reality...

they are living, thinking, believing, praying, and being, inside their head,
not within the reality outside of their head... and that is the story of modern
man... living, believing, praying, being inside of their own head, and not
paying the slightest attention to the reality on the ground....

I see this at work all the time... people being so self-absorbed that they
have no sense of a world around them...that other people exist, seems to
really surprise them...

so, what happens that an event happens.. say, the Hamas-Israeli war...
and what they react to, is not what is happening there, but
they are reacting to what their beliefs and indoctrinations, values
and hopes are, not to the actual event... but what is going on in their head....

Like the stalker, who has no sense of anything outside of their head,
we have discussions about justice, the law, entitlement programs,
taxes.. but we don't go outside of our own beliefs and indoctrinations..
we argue from what is inside of our head, not realty...

an prime example of this is the conservative belief about immigration/illegal aliens,
that immigrants are destroying our country.... that is going on in the
conservative mind, not in reality... Texas once did a study in which
they estimated how much money immigrants/illegal aliens brought into Texas
and how much they took out of the state's money...
in terms of state programs like welfare or education or medical costs...
and what did the immigrants/illegal aliens produced in taxes to the state of Texas...

this study done in 2017, I believe, showed that immigrants/illegal aliens brought about 20
billion dollars in tax money into Texas and cost Texas about 7 billion dollars...
so, the reality was that the immigrants/illegal aliens brought about 13 billion
dollars into the state of instead of destroying Texas, the immigrants/
illegal aliens, were actually bringing a great deal of money into Texas....

this is the way reality vs what is going on in your head works...
quite often the reality is far, far different than what is going on
in your own head.... another conservative lie is that democratic cities
have been burned to the ground by BLM.... and they point to Portland
Oregon as an example... but instead of doing the research or actually going
to Portland, they go with what is going on in their head instead of reality...
the reality is that in Portland, the crowds attacked two city blocks and burned
down a small section of that two city blocks, mostly fences and cars, not even
buildings... but to conservatives, the picture/reality in their mind is more
important than the reality, the truth of the matter...they are reacting to
what is in their minds, not to the reality of the situation......

and that is why, in large part, why we must engage with our own mental
pictures, because as I have argued, that they were formed by our childhood
indoctrinations and education...and by not challenging them, not seeing
if they are actually valid indoctrinations, we hold to false and dangerous

or said another way, if you believe that the world is a dark and dangerous place,
then that is all you will see.... you won't/can't see hope or truth or peace or
love...for that is not within your worldly pictures of what reality is.....
we mistake the indoctrinations in our head for reality out there...

and only by challenging them, overcoming them, by examination of
our values and beliefs, can we move from reality being what is in
our head to what is reality in fact...or actually existing...

Portland didn't burn down, it is a thriving city that is quite safe...
unlike the indoctrinations that exists within conservatives head
about Portland... and conservatives prefer to exist within their head
and not in reality..... now conservatives will say the exact same thing
about liberals/democrats.... and who is right? I say, who cares?
the point here is to get to a point where we aren't living, breathing,
acting, being from indoctrinations in our head... but reacting
and being from the real world, not from indoctrinations.....

what indoctrinations do you live by? and do those indoctrinations
actually have any basis in reality? do they have any ''truth'' to them?
that is the point....what are you reacting to, reality or your indoctrinations?

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Re: indoctrinations vs reality

Post by promethean75 »

'indoctrination'? Keter imma stirnerite. How could I possibly be indoctrinated? I'm impervious to all spooks bro.
Peter Kropotkin
Posts: 1759
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

Re: indoctrinations vs reality

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

promethean75 wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:41 pm 'indoctrination'? Keter imma stirnerite. How could I possibly be indoctrinated? I'm impervious to all spooks bro.
K: the question is not whether you have been indoctrinated, you have been,
all education is really indoctrinations.. and to be perfectly honest,
I am ok with that... the question becomes, have you overcome your
indoctrinations/education to arrive at values and beliefs, that are
actually, your own values and beliefs.. arrived at by your examination
of your values and beliefs... what do I hold to be true, and just as
importantly, why those values and beliefs, and not others?

one such indoctrination is in the existence of god... god does not
exists... there is no proof or evidence of his existence... just faith
and hope...but no actual evidence....but we are indoctrinated into
this false belief from our very birth...the concept of Santa Clause is
god by another name....

but one might say, I believe in god and there is no facts or doubts
that will disprove that....which is kinda the point... it isn't about
the fact or evidence, but about how it makes one feel... that is
the value of indoctrinations.. it is about it makes one feel, as oppose
to what it true...

and for me, until we remove those types of indoctrinations, we
as human beings, cannot move forward... we are stuck, trapped into
beliefs and indoctrinations that prevent us from becoming, from
seeking out our possibilities... if the goal of existence is to
go to heaven, that is a far different goal than a goal created in
a ''no-god'' universe...

holding a belief that is an indoctrination from childhood, prevents
us from becoming who we are and what is possible for us....
Nietzsche held that the goal of existence was to travel from
animal to being human... I have added a second step which
is animal/human, in which we share aspects of both in ourselves...
to follow one instincts is to follow the animal in us...
and the entire question of animal vs being human lies on
the question of choice... animals cannot act from choice..
their actions and behavior is dictated by instincts,,
as we move from instincts to choice, we move from being animal,
because they have no choice, to being human because that
choice is what defines us as human when one says,
that we are evil or sinful and we have no choice in the matter,
that is animal... for we do have a choice...and every choice
is a choice for being human...if you have no choice, you are animal,
if you have some choices but not all possibilities are available to you,
then you are in that wide class of human beings that are animal/human,
and if you live your life as one choice and another choice, and another,
then you have become fully human....animals have no choice, but
we humans do... simple enough... to say we are guilty of sin or evil,
is to remove choice from our possibilities and then we are nothing
more than animals....

thus we find religions to be anti-human as they remove choice from
our possibilities... the point of being human is to make choices..
that is what it means to be human... to make a choice....and
to remove choices, is to remove the possibility of being human...

Posts: 5157
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:29 pm

Re: indoctrinations vs reality

Post by promethean75 »

"have you overcome your indoctrinations/education to arrive at values and beliefs, that are actually, your own values and beliefs"

I believe i have sir, but what I've discovered isn't 'my own' by any measure. Such revelation and enlightenment would occur to anyone who's walked in my boots. Unfortunately these boots are too big for most people so they can't wear them. That's not my fault tho. I can't help how small someone's feet are, but worse, neither can they. That being said, i must have the wisdom i have and know the things i know, alone.

Meanwhile I've got to keep movin keter becuz experience has made me rich and now they're after me
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