Ecological ethics of doom

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Ecological ethics of doom

Post by Sculptor »

Greenpeace and many Aid agencies around the world have steadfastly refused to discuss the issue of human population.
Mostly because of a couple of reasons. One is that it has a bad history of eugenics and mass sterilisations upon third world countries and disabled people in the west.
Another big argument is the fact that not all humans are raping the planet at the same rate. Americans' carbon footprint for example is at least 100 times that of the poorest countries where the focus of "overpopulation" seems to fall, such as drought suffering Chad, and other sub-Saharan countries.
Whatever you might think of the carbon footprint - it is a very good proxy for mass consumption of useless trash with which we tend to fill our lives.

Let's face it there are far too many Americans consuming the planet. Eating carb rich, fake fat, pseudo food giving them T2D, obesity and other metabolic diseases whilst the materials that they use are from the people they abuse.
All this human flesh trundling around the planet cushing bugs under their feet whilst they complain about their mental health and the trash not being taken out on time. They fill their bloated cars with petrol taken from a world market that systematically destroys ecosystems, and the livelihoods of indigenous peoples.
And to achieve what exactly??? So their fat bloated children can get to school without walking the streets apparently filled with pedophiles swarming out of Pizza shops - and then hope that those same bloated children do not get shot by some teenager that has never had a decent nutrient rich meal in his life but whose diseased brain as had to develop and grow on chips and twinkies.

And what is the advice from Greenpeace?? You are evil if you are not a Vegan and a bit less evil if you are a vegetarian. They obsess about meat as if it were the most basic poison and not the food of champions; used by the human species to become the apex predator until we mad the tragic mistake of planting seeds.
Meat is carbon neutral, yet you would think that a person who is a carnivore was some sort of psychopath versed in the dark arts.

I propose that we need fewer humans eating a natural diet.
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Re: Ecological ethics of doom

Post by Skip »

Between obesity and warmongers, CO2 and earthquakes, we're all working on it!
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