Perception as a Controlled Hallucination

Discussion of articles that appear in the magazine.

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Re: Perception as a Controlled Hallucination

Post by Phil8659 »

Or maybe
the ass of my ass is my breakfast?

So, a thing defines it self.
The perceptible really is the intelligible jack, says so, right here.

The verb really is a noun. A class, really is a member of itself!

Must explain masturbation. That is causing over population.
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Re: Perception as a Controlled Hallucination

Post by Phil8659 »

Damned I got it all wrong. Mad Magazine didn't die, it changed its name!
Wow, what a concept.

Hey, boy, just control your perceptions, and stop believing you are starving to death.
The perfect path,
Damned Roy, when did corporate advertising cause so much success, nobody had to work anymore?

Now that is real prophecy, GI Joe, GIGO, for giggles, garbage in, garbage out.
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Re: Perception as a Controlled Hallucination

Post by Phil8659 »

Get a firm grip on your perceptions! You are not being tossed out of your home, why you just inherited a really big house.

Why every room got its own shower, dryer, and even refrigerator so you aint got to go far for a cold beer. Don't knock paradise now, ya hear?

Now daz, they got pills to control your hallucinations, and when hallucinaten, pills to control your perceptions.
Oh, damn, I thought they were the same? I got to get me nuther script.

Now how bad did you say you can get confused between body and mind?
Why aint you heard of Spook, he can just melt your mind, aint no limit to confusion.

Sounds really good to me. Did we run outa meth? I dunno, cant see where I put em.

Whatever happened to that Moses fella? Didn't he take people to the promised land?
It turned out to be a real estate scam, he took em out of the perceptible wilderness, only to bring them to the intelligible bewilderness. Lots of money there. They say when it bad enough, he gonna make mo money, taken em back to the wilderness. Who say no such thing as perpetual devotion? Goin on forever, appears to me.
Ye, and it tells me, you fucked up when your teacher advised you to learn the scam.
Maybe, but I gota hope, chasing my own tail is getting really tiresome, maybe if I keep it up, i wear down the ground, like diggen a grave and all I gotto do is lay down, and let my perceptions just do their own thing and fade away.
Ye, it looks like that old devil made me do it trick, you can always blame the perceptible where der aint no intelligible at all.
Now, shut up and give me a piece of that cardboard, this room is shy on blankets.
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Re: Perception as a Controlled Hallucination

Post by popeye1945 »

Biological readout, is not a hallucination, it is sensory interpretation, alterations on and in the body created apparent reality; the body being the idea of the mind and it is through said body that one comes to know the world at large.
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