and my third political thesis of the day

How should society be organised, if at all?

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Peter Kropotkin
Posts: 1753
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

and my third political thesis of the day

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

this modern age is clearly one in which various sides are in
conflict with each other... in fact, I might suggest that the
biggest social, economic, political and philosophical problem
facing us today is this notion of conflict and conflict resolution...

the left and right battle each other in a long-standing conflict..
and how do we resolve this conflict? Wherein lies the solution to
the left/right conflict?

or perhaps the conflict between states, Texas vs California,
(personal note, I live in CA) or perhaps the international conflicts
between Russia and the West...
each of these conflicts have inherent massive risks to them...
and failure to facilitate a conflict resolution between them,
could be catastrophic to some or all of us...

for example, if America cannot solve the conflict between the left
and right, civil war may be coming (some believe that the civil war
has already begun, I can't say they are wrong)

so one of the crisis questions of our times is in this conflict resolution
between two parties.... personally, I see only two possibilities...

one, a superior power overcomes one of the two sides, which in fact is
the ideal solution... so, for example, god comes down and lays down
the law... and both sides must accept the will of god...
or perhaps, one side takes over complete power and destroys
the other side.. given how I see history working, that solution
never doesn't last long... but historically, dictatorships, which are
usually of the right, rarely last for long... and the conflict resumes
in some fashion or another....

the second solution is the civil war.. the two sides fight it out
and the winner takes the game.. and looking at the American scene.
a civil war will not be like the last one as the two sides, blue states
and red states are not really connected like they were for the first civil
war....this suggest to me, that the coming civil war will be hot in some
places and cold in other places....

Given the nature of America, the blue states are the wealthy, powerful,
industrial is a fact that the blue states send away more tax money
then they receive and the red states take in more federal tax money..
the fact of the matter is that the red states simply don't have the money
to fund a war, the only red state with that possibility is Texas...
keep in mind, that California by itself is the 5th largest economy
in the world.... and given that NY, ILL, Minnesota, Washington and Oregon,
all blue states have vastly greater economic possibilities then most of the
red states...any type of civil war cannot last very long within the red states...

so we are left with the most likely possibility which is already beginning
and that is a cold war... and we see that today...

and now, we return to the question of conflict resolution... how do
we resolve the ongoing conflict that threaten to destroy America?

One radical solution to be considered is to assassinate IQ45..
I am against violence but frankly removing the village idiot
does remove one source of conflict between the left and right..
but as I have said before, violence only leads to violence, so
another, less desirable solution needs to be found...
( removing Biden in this fashion does not change the equation in any
way) so short of removing IQ45, what other possibilities exist for
conflict resolution?

And we have reached a very important aspect for us, how to resolve
conflicts without violence?

This is the modern political question of our time...

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