All Language is Rings within Rings

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All Language is Rings within Rings

Post by Eodnhoj7 »

All Language is Rings within Rings.

1. All terms as subject to the law of identity, P=P, are circular.

2. This circularity necessitates each term as intrinsically empty.

3. As intrinsically empty each terms continues to a further term to justify it. This justification is the replication of terms that results in a symmetry being phenomena as the phenomena being repeated. This repetition, as justification, is structure.

4. One term inverts to another term as a subset of the original term thus resulting in a fraction of that term as a fractal.

5. Each term as fractal/fraction of the original necessitates the original term being produced in continual variation. This variation necessitates each term as a variable. Each variable, as composed of further variables necessitates the variable as a boundary of change. The term, as composed of further terms, is a summation of progressive terms thus is ever changing. A term, as a variable, is progressive change.

6. The term, as a boundary of change, is a summation of the progressive terms which define it, thus necessitating the law of identity as a boundary of change. This change is progression and this progression is repeated across all terms, even the terms which compose the original term. Each term is thus a progression of progression where any intrinsic meaning is derived implicitly through use.
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Re: All Language is Rings within Rings

Post by commonsense »

Not at all.

All language is spheres within spheres.
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Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:04 pm

Re: All Language is Rings within Rings

Post by Impenitent »

some language is marks on a page

some language is sound waves

some language is hand waves

some language never is telephoned

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