Why is nazism popular today?

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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by Dachshund »

Greta wrote: Mon May 20, 2019 7:26 am Nazism is the extreme of a broader trend. Most large governments are now either fascist regimes, corrupt and authoritarian or hard right always tending further towards authoritarianism. Global politics generally has lurched far to the right.

People are insecure. The world is changing fast. In desperation they elect the candidate most likely to dismantle their democracy. Seemingly when times are tough the One Saviour trope resurfaces.
All of this was predicted by the German philosopher of history, Oswald Spengler, in his masterpiece, "The Decline of the West", written at end of the Great War (1914-1918). Spengler accurately predicted that "socialism, feminism, a declining (white) birthrate and mass 3rd world immigration" would ultimately destroy the West. So far Spengler has been SPOT ON in his prognostications. Insofar as the flagship of Western civilization is the United States of America, he was absolutely correct. The US drank its own Kool Aide in 1965 when Democrat President LBJ signed the fatal "Naturalisation and Immigration Act" amidst the delirium of the Left's Civil Rights Movement. Four years later, Richard Nixon, one of the greatest ever Conservative US Presidents had the same mob of leftist rat-bags/scum marching in the streets across the US, chanting "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Ming is going to win", lofting North Vietnamese Communist flags, etc; (despicable morons one and all), at the height of the war in Vietnam in 1969; demanding an immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Indochina. But Nixon, a Republican, was a far stronger (morally), brighter and wiser man than the weak LBJ. At the height of the "New-Left", Hippy, anti-war demonstrations, he put himself on national television and appealed for the support of "The Great Silent Majority" (the quiet, average American Joe and his family) and got it - BIG TIME. (By 1972 Nixon had, in fact, officially WON the war in Vietnam, for America, but that's another story).

America is now walking dead. During the phase of Western decline we are witnessing at present, Spengler predicted the rise of "Caesarism", that is, of a series of populist, authoritarian, political hard -men ( like the most powerful of ancient, Roman Caesars, Julius Caesar, for example) who would emerge to control the chaos of social disintegration. Trump is a Spenglerian "Caesar." But Trump cannot save America in eight years. Because as it is rightly said "demographics IS destiny" and by 2042 white Europeans will officially have become a minority in their own country. It's hard to say what will happen around the middle of this century in the US. It is possible, say, there will be a second American civil war (but I doubt that). Personally I think that as the white European proportion of the population continues to dwindle and political power is increasingly transferred into the hands of the Blacks and Hispanics and their mixed - race offspring, there will be a large-scale "White Flight" to Europe. In any case, America, by which I mean the once great, white European nation that was leader of the free world will be dead. The Blacks and Hispanics will not, of course, be able to competently manage and maintain whatever white infrastructure there is that has been left to them by the fleeing whites, and given they will very likely have control over a vast arsenal of former US nuclear weapons, things don't look good for the future of human beings on this planet IMO. You must remember that when Spengler wrote " The Decline of the West" in 1918, nuclear weapons had not yet been invented.

And, guess who will have been responsible for this nightmarish "apocalypse - to -come" ? Guess who will have been responsible for the destruction of Western culture/civilisation (the greatest, most objectively superior culture/civilisation this world has ever produced) Well I'll tell you, Greta it was Enlightenment - leftist "know all - know nothings" ; smart arse, socialist/feminist/etc; degenerates like you. Full Stop. I am only disappointed that you will die of old age before you have to live with the horrors of the "perfect storm" that your arrogance and stupidity will bring to bear in the near (historically speaking) future.


Last edited by Dachshund on Mon May 20, 2019 3:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by Belinda »

Greta wrote:
Global politics generally has lurched far to the right.
I hope the lurch to the right is a panic among conservatives and intransigents caused by the globalisation of that advanced culture which began in and was first nurtured in Western Europe and has influenced the world. Other signs of the same panic are crimes due to what Durkheim called anomie.

Any revolution brings cognitive dissonance. Taking refuge in fascism, and similarly reaching for some absolute ,is the act of a frightened child who has ventured too far into the dark forest and runs back to the protection of his father.
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by Dachshund »

Belinda wrote: Mon May 20, 2019 9:58 am Greta wrote:
Global politics generally has lurched far to the right.
I hope the lurch to the right is a panic among conservatives and intransigents caused by the globalisation of that advanced culture which began in and was first nurtured in Western Europe and has influenced the world. Other signs of the same panic are crimes due to what Durkheim called anomie.

Any revolution brings cognitive dissonance. Taking refuge in fascism, and similarly reaching for some absolute ,is the act of a frightened child who has ventured too far into the dark forest and runs back to the protection of his father.
Not Durkheim again , Belinda ! We know you love him, but he was just another armchair political theorist - an academic who never understood realpolitik. Whenever intellectuals meddle in politics, all that generally happens is that countless reams of worthless socialist political philosophy are generated; except in the case of Marx whose socialist scribblings did, indeed, manage to kill , let's say, 200,000,000 civilians around the world in the 20th century.

You are a self-confessed socialist, right ? Do you realise just how much blood socialism has on its hands just from the past 100 or so years ? Do you realise that your comrades refuse to this day to apologise for their political ideology's unspeakable crimes against humanity ? You should be ashamed of yourself.


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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Dachshund wrote: Mon May 20, 2019 3:32 pm
Belinda wrote: Mon May 20, 2019 9:58 am Greta wrote:
Global politics generally has lurched far to the right.
I hope the lurch to the right is a panic among conservatives and intransigents caused by the globalisation of that advanced culture which began in and was first nurtured in Western Europe and has influenced the world. Other signs of the same panic are crimes due to what Durkheim called anomie.

Any revolution brings cognitive dissonance. Taking refuge in fascism, and similarly reaching for some absolute ,is the act of a frightened child who has ventured too far into the dark forest and runs back to the protection of his father.
Not Durkheim again , Belinda ! We know you love him, but he was just another armchair political theorist - an academic who never understood realpolitik. Whenever intellectuals meddle in politics, all that generally happens is that countless reams of worthless socialist political philosophy are generated; except in the case of Marx whose socialist scribblings did, indeed, manage to kill , let's say, 200,000,000 civilians around the world in the 20th century.

You are a self-confessed socialist, right ? Do you realise just how much blood socialism has on its hands just from the past 100 or so years ? Do you realise that your comrades refuse to this day to apologise for their political ideology's unspeakable crimes against humanity ? You should be ashamed of yourself.


Another idiot who doesn't understand social evolution or know what socialism means. Stalin and Mao were not 'socialists', they were totalitarian mass murderers and unhinged megalomaniacs.

Marxism on paper must have looked like a recipe for Utopia at the time, a completely new way of thinking. All people equal? In a world of all the wealth and privilege being concentrated amongst a tiny number of people for no reason other than luck of birth? People working themselves to early graves for no reward so that the aristocracy could sit around all day planning what they would wear to their next garden party? It was an astounding and radical idea, which is why it appealed to the intelligentsia of the time. Of course it was bound to fail in its extreme, raw form--human nature being what it is--but much of the basic premise has evolved and been adopted by modern societies everywhere to a greater or lesser degree.
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by gaffo »

Dachshund wrote: Fri May 17, 2019 11:21 pm
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri May 17, 2019 6:08 pm

I can understand why you keep mentioning that snooty old cow, the queen of ungreat Britain---the pommy royals and their toffee-nosed cronies were in love with Hitler and the Nazis. The silly, sycophantic poms have never had a clue about their own royal family.

By jove. What a hoot. Jolly japes all around old chaps.



Dear Veggie,

No, the British Royals were not "in love" with Hitler and the Nazis.
the toff King Edward 8th was, and why is was "removed", and the better man George 6 replaced him.

had nothing to do with relations with an American (who was also a Nazi mindset-wise) divorcee.
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by gaffo »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Sat May 18, 2019 12:30 am
Dachshund wrote: Fri May 17, 2019 11:21 pm
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri May 17, 2019 6:08 pm

I can understand why you keep mentioning that snooty old cow, the queen of ungreat Britain---the pommy royals and their toffee-nosed cronies were in love with Hitler and the Nazis. The silly, sycophantic poms have never had a clue about their own royal family.

By jove. What a hoot. Jolly japes all around old chaps.



Dear Veggie,

No, the British Royals were not "in love" with Hitler and the Nazis. You are - although you don't realise it - probably thinking of Oswald Mosley and William Joyce, amongst others of their ilk.

Here's the story, pay attention Veggie , you might learn something :roll: :roll: (We can only hope :cry: )

Oswald Mosley was a British politician who became the leader of the British Union of Fascists (BUF) in 1932. Mosley's BUF had a membership of about 50,000 in the early 1930's, they hated communists and Jews and were extremely nationalistic. The meetings of the BUF were disrupted by protesters after the party was formed, so Mosley instituted a corps of paramilitary minders called the Fascist Defence Force. The FDF were nicknamed the "Blackshirts" because of the black uniforms they wore. Moseley and his "Blackshirts organised several marches through through the Jewish districts of London's East End trying to stir up shit. They were successful in this, and in 1936 one particular march through Cable Street in a Jewish neighbourhood turned particularly violent. So violent in fact that the Police Commissioner ordered it stopped. Mosley, however, continued to organise provocative BUF marches policed by his "Blackshirts" until the government eventually got fed up with him and passed a Civil Order Act banning (amongst other things) political uniforms and quasi-military style organisations.

In 1936 Mosley visited Italy to check out how Italian Fascism was working. While he was there he shared a public platform with the fascist leader Benito Mussolini. To add to his fascist credential, that same year Mosley married his mistress, Diana Guiness in Germany. The secret ceremony was held in the Berlin home of Nazi Propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels, and the special guest of honour was none other than the Fuhrer himself, Adolph Hitler.

Mosley had a son, Max, who was "the apple of his father's eye: a virulent racist and fascist. Last year in England, Max, found himself (like his father often was) in a "spot of bother" when on the 1st of March, 2018, he featured on the front page of the "The Sun", a notorious British tabloid newspaper. There for all to see, was a photograph of Max Mosley with a headline that read "THE LIAR, THE SWISH AND THE WHORE PROBLEM", and as you are a Narnia fan, Veggie, you will immediately recognise that this is a play on the title of C.S.Lewis' famous first volume of "The Narnia Chronicles", i.e; "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe." What had happened was that young Max (aged 71 :shock: ) had been caught lying about an extravagant orgy he'd organised for himself at his digs in London. This orgy was a sadomasochistic sex-fest complete with seven prostitutes he had hired dressed in Nazi uniforms and striped "concentration camp" pyjamas. The Nazi prostitutes were ordered to shout out repeatedly "We are the Aryan Master race - Blondes" (!) while they thrashed Mosley with switches as he was having sex with the other girls in a kinky "B and D" session that lasted five hours :shock: (sounds like the kind of thing you'd get up to, Veggie) Veggie . Unbeknown to Mosley the whole orgy was secretly filmed by a British gutter tabloid, "The News of the World".

To continue. Oswald Mosley ended up being interned with his wife in London's Holloway prison in 1940. Mosley had always been a gifted public speaker and the British Security Services and Special Branch who had infiltrated the BUF shortly after its inception, eventually became concerned - after Britain declared War against Germany - that he could convince the public to provide financial support to the organisation and thereby enable it to challenge the political establishment. He was tolerated until the Battle of France in 1940, after which he was regarded as being too dangerous. About a fortnight after Churchill became Prime Minister, Mosley was thrown in jail, and shortly after this the BUF was proscribed.

You say that the "toffee-nosed cronies" of the British Royals, were sympathetic the Hitler and the Nazis. Well, I guess you could say that Mosley was "toffee-nosed insofar as he was an hereditary Baronet. His full title was: Sir Oswald Mosley of Ancoats, 6th Baronet. So he was a member of the British upper class and it would probably be fair to say he regarded himself as superior member of British society. If you met him, Veggie, you would say from his appearance and the way he spoke that he was pretentious, stuck-up and snobbish. But Mosley was not a peer, that is, he was not a British nobleman, not (officially speaking) a member of the British aristocracy.Thus, the Queen and the other members of the Royal family would not have been rubbing shoulders with Oswald Mosley, and in particular given his extreme political views and militant public shit-stirring/Jew-baiting stunts.

That brings me to one of Mosley's former associates, one William Joyce, an Irish-American fascist who was, at one point, the deputy leader of Mosley's BUF in Britain. Throughout the entire war (from 1939 to 1945) Joyce worked for the Germans as a Nazi propagandist, broadcasting in English to Britain (and other Anglophone allied nations like the US) from a base in Germany. He delivered his propaganda in a very posh, drawling, upper-crust English accent which quickly earned him the nickname "Lord Haw Haw". So, in a sense, Joyce fits your stereotype of the snooty, upper-class, toffee-nosed "British" fascist and Nazi sympathiser, Veggie, at least that's what he sounded like on the radio.And despite the fact he was dishing out poisonous Nazi propaganda EVERYONE in England tuned in to listen to Lord Haw Haw's broadcasts. He was a celebrity villain. I even remember my grandfather who was fighting the Japanese in New Guinea telling me about listening to Lord Haw Haw on the radio with his mates ( and "Tokyo Rose", but that's another story). Anyway, William Joyce was captured by the British at the end of the war in 1945 and hanged for treason in January of 1946, so the Poms had the last laugh (Haw Haw).

Finally, Veggie, a few years back an old home movie of the Royal family shot during the war came to light. In it, the future Queen Elizabeth (aged 6, at the time) is shown giving stiff-armed "Heil Hitler" salutes, along with her parents in the garden of some Royal residence. They were mocking Hitler, of course, and in any case the 6 -year-old "Queen Elizabeth" would have had no understanding whatsoever of the significance of what she was doing. This old movie footage sent the tabloid press in England into spin, of course, with claims that that the future Queen was a Nazi, which was predictable given the gutter press in England are a collection of disgusting whores who would slit their own mother's throat for 50 pence. They managed to milk the story for about two or three days before the public got pissed of at the insult and then the issue promptly disappeared never to resurface.

Anyway there you have it Veggie. The Queen was never a fascist or a Nazi, nor were any members of the Royal family (at least, none that I'm aware of). There were "toffee-nosed" fascists and Nazis in Britain during the the 1930s, like Sir Oswald Mosley and his "Blackshirts, but they were never invited to Buckingham Place for tea with the Queen. You are spouting bullshit yet again, and that's because you are a "munter" - i.e; an ignorant Kiwi Kunt with a big mouth and a teeny-weeny brain full of sheep shit.

Aroha, cuzzie xx

Of course they would say that. Everyone knows that Edward the eighth and Wallace Simpson were huge fans of Hitler and personal friends of his, as was much of the British aristocracy (and your dates are all whacked up).
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by gaffo »

Belinda wrote: Sat May 18, 2019 9:10 am I remember Mosely . My parents were plain Scots who among others in the small Scottish town decried Mosely and fascists generally. The culture of an an aristocratic elite should not be taken as representing the culture of the common people .
who was "Mosely" (I'm ignorant, but value being less so - here is my chance to be more if you are willing to inform me).
Belinda wrote: Sat May 18, 2019 9:10 am The culture of an an aristocratic elite should not be taken as representing the culture of the common people .
generally so and agreed, but sometime there are born "old souls" and though born in privalege do view the world outside of their upbringing - we know if they are old souls by thier works.

so not into discounting all from that class - just most. and i personally affirm "old souls" and value their mindset even if a vast minority and born in privelage.
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Post by Greta »

Anyone who believes that only men should have the vote is simply insane and can be safely ignored.

It's pathetic in this day and age, the social equivalent to flat Earthism.

Perhaps the question should be, why are people going insane?
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Re: Pathetic

Post by Dubious »

Greta wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 6:28 am
Perhaps the question should be, why are people going insane?
When haven't they been?
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"why are people going insane?"

Post by henry quirk »

When have the bulk of them actually been sane?
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Quite cute, but not all craziness is equal

Post by Greta »

Oh yes, people have always been crazy.

But have all times been equally crazy? Are all cultures and individuals equally crazy? Do you need me to ask those questions?

Put it this way .... Neil Armstrong's countrymen were once happy and proud that they had sent a man to the Moon. Now ever more of them are claiming that the Earth is flat.
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by Dachshund »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Mon May 20, 2019 7:35 pm

Another idiot who doesn't understand social evolution or know what socialism means. Stalin and Mao were not 'socialists', they were totalitarian mass murderers and unhinged megalomaniacs.

Marxism on paper must have looked like a recipe for Utopia at the time, a completely new way of thinking. All people equal? In a world of all the wealth and privilege being concentrated amongst a tiny number of people for no reason oth her than luck of birth? People working themselves to early graves for no reward so that the aristocracy could sit around all day planning what they would wear to their next garden party? It was an astounding and radical idea, which is why it appealed to the intelligentsia of the time. Of course it was bound to fail in its extreme, raw form--human nature being what it is--but much of the basic premise has evolved and been adopted by modern societies everywhere to a greater or lesser degree.

Yeah, that's right, Veggie, just like Venezuela you stupid, big munter !

I heard that one-way flights to Caracas are only $899 at the moment.

So why don't you get yourself off your hairy fern hole and move out of Whyakickamoocow down to the socialist "utopia" in South America?

Just think how much fun it will be lining up in a half mile queue for toilet paper and Scroggins ! (Ooops, I forgot, they ran out of Scroggins 12 months ago).

Aroha xx


(PS: Don't forget to take your AK-47, Vegetable)
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Re: Pathetic

Post by Dachshund »

Greta wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 6:28 am Anyone who believes that only men should have the vote is simply insane and can be safely ignored.

It's pathetic in this day and age, the social equivalent to flat Earthism.

Perhaps the question should be, why are people going insane?

Yo, Funky-G !!

I'll leave you take the issue of female suffrage up with Aristotle, Pericles, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Kant - they all argued that it would be suicidal.

America was largely destroyed by giving women the vote. Within a few decades of the Amendment they were voting for the left en masse. The ultimate results were 2nd and 3rd generation feminism, the collapse of the institution of marriage/the traditional patriarchal family/ multiculturalism/ political correctness/ cultural relativism - Postmodernism/a massive abortion industry/the collapse of white birth rates/mass 3rd - world immigration/ a bloated Welfare State and so on.

And guess what Greta, feminism, was what destroyed the great Roman Empire in similar style ? If you don't believe me, get off you lard arse and pick up some history books.

As for the West, its walking dead, dear; and you can thank female suffrage in the US for that. Spengler was "philosophical" about it all- for him, it was simply destiny. But I am still pissed off. Guess, I'll have to try and accept fate, like Oswald, and realise that it's foolish to get angry about things that one cannot change.

Last edited by Dachshund on Tue May 21, 2019 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why is nazism popular today?

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

Dachshund wrote: Tue May 21, 2019 10:39 pm
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Mon May 20, 2019 7:35 pm

Another idiot who doesn't understand social evolution or know what socialism means. Stalin and Mao were not 'socialists', they were totalitarian mass murderers and unhinged megalomaniacs.

Marxism on paper must have looked like a recipe for Utopia at the time, a completely new way of thinking. All people equal? In a world of all the wealth and privilege being concentrated amongst a tiny number of people for no reason oth her than luck of birth? People working themselves to early graves for no reward so that the aristocracy could sit around all day planning what they would wear to their next garden party? It was an astounding and radical idea, which is why it appealed to the intelligentsia of the time. Of course it was bound to fail in its extreme, raw form--human nature being what it is--but much of the basic premise has evolved and been adopted by modern societies everywhere to a greater or lesser degree.

Yeah, that's right, Veggie, just like Venezuela you stupid, big munter !

I heard that one-way flights to Caracas are only $899 at the moment.

So why don't you get yourself off your hairy fern hole and move out of Whyakickamoocow down to the socialist "utopia" in South America?

Just think how much fun it will be lining up in a half mile queue for toilet paper and Scroggins ! (Ooops, I forgot, they ran out of Scroggins 12 months ago).

Aroha xx


(PS: Don't forget to take your AK-47, Vegetable)
You really are the stupidest, most ignorant and poorly-read person on this site. You don't seem to understand even the tiniest bit of how society evolves. Your 'views' are astonishingly immature and lacking in critical thinking and insight (you need to stop reading Nazi propaganda), and your reading comprehension 'skills' are nonexistent.
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Post by henry quirk »

"have all times been equally crazy?"



"Are all cultures and individuals equally crazy?"


Can't see that it makes much difference, though.

Little crazy is still crazy.

Big crazy, little crazy, singular crazy, collective cazy: harness it, avoid it, or defend against it, seems pragmatic.



"You really are the stupidest, most ignorant and poorly-read person on this site."

I thought that was me.

You don't 'love' me no more... :cry:
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