How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by ken »

surreptitious57 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:43 am
ken wrote:
Why did you change what we were talking about that being frustration to now talking about being angry
Because frustration is a type of anger that is why
I do not see frustration as a type of anger. I do, however, see how the feeling of frustration can be an underlying feeling, which if left unattended or if what causes the feeling of frustration is not resolved, then this can then lead up to and influence a feeling of anger. But, to Me, anger is just another feeling, of the 450 or so internal emotions, like frustration is, that all human beings experience and feel.
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by ken »

surreptitious57 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:55 am
ken wrote:
As for the huge pre assumption you make in the last sentence I will let that speak for itself. I have already suggested
on numerous occasions how it is far better to gain clarification and know some thing before an assumption is made
I asked for clarification and I got it after asking a question because I did not fully understand your position
You must explain yourself multiple times to make sure that I do fully understand what you are trying to say
Okay, thanks for being honest with Me. Your honesty helps Me greatly in learning what is needed in order to express better and being understood better.
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by ken »

surreptitious57 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:09 am
ken wrote:
What is your reason for being here by the way
What is your actual purpose for being online here in this forum if you do not want to influence others
My purpose till my final day is to learn and grow and being on this forum is a means towards that end
I am definitely not here to influence others for I do not want to rather they should be influencing me
What happens if I said that it is much better, easier, simpler, and quicker for you to learn and grow if you just become truly open and honest, and just seek to change your wrong and abusive ways towards others, then how does that influence you, if it does at all?
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by ken »

surreptitious57 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:19 am
ken post wrote:
surreptitious57 wrote:
Physics books want you to read them ken for they do
not want you getting all of your information from me
Physics books themselves do NOT want any thing. You just want Me to read physics
books so I will stop trying to clarify from you what it is you are actually trying to say
Physics books know more about physics than I do which is very little. This is why reading them is
better than asking me questions. Although reading them would not stop you from asking me any
Physics books do NOT know about any thing at all, let alone more of any thing. Physics books only tell what some human beings think, assume, and/or believe about physics, itself.

If I wanted to learn more about what is written and taught about physics, then I would read more physics books. But this brain is not really that interested, at the moment, in learning about things that are written in those books. This brain just wants to learn how to express better the ideas of HOW it is easily possible to create a much better "world", for the next generation of brains coming through.

You are right in that I would keep asking you clarifying questions if what you write appears to be stated as a truth or a fact.
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by ken »

surreptitious57 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:25 am
ken wrote:
response directly before this one you said that there are many universes and the smaller ones are individually
unique meaning that they are different but now you are proposing that Multiverse and Universe are the same
universe and Universe are not the same
How do you define 'universe'?

You define 'Universe' as ALL-THAT-IS, right?
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by ken »

surreptitious57 wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:33 am
ken wrote:
Do you really believe that you can use any words that you like to any person
that you like and that you have no control whatsoever over how they respond
Yes I do because I cannot access their emotions only they can
And how they respond to me is therefore entirely up to them
So, you can say any thing you like to a young child and you still accept that you have no control over how they then respond?

If so, then you can call a child, from birth and for the rest of its life, some thing like "You are a stupid, clumsy slut", and because you think that you can not access their emotions, and only they can, then how they respond to you is entirely up to them? If this is what you think or believe is true, then what would that make 'you', as the parent of that child? Would you not be responsible in any way, shape, or form for how they person responds to you?

What about if that child hated you and wanted to kill you, because you have put that child down all of its life, and told you so and even tried to kill you, is absolutely every response to you entirely "up to them" or of their own doing?

By the way have you ever heard of 'empathy' and how empathy IS a way of actually being able to access the emotions of others?

Have you also ever heard of, or have you ever been able to 'put yourself into the shoes of others'? If you have, and you have done or do do this, then this might show you how what you do actually say to others can and does influence them. In fact what people say to their very own selves influences them in more ways than what is even recognized yet, in the days of when this is being written. What people say to themselves has far more of an impact then people realize, YET.

What you are saying here, besides the "I can not access emotions part", is very true by the way, but only in relation to a fully Self-aware, and responsible, being. But in all truth how many of them actually exist at the moment?

No matter what you say, or even do, 'you' do NOT control Me. Only 'I', as a fully in control Self, allow what happens in My Life.
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by ken »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:16 am
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:35 pm
Dontaskme wrote:
Knowledge is illusory because no one knows knowledge
KNOWLEDGE is a passing illusory sound and vision show that appears to happen to that which never happens
Knowledge by definition has to be known as there cannot be unknown knowledge. It is temporary but real
If CONSCIOUSNESS manifests through all living things then that is knowledge. Experience is also knowledge
Yeah, and like I've said for the million umpteenth time..there is knowledge, but no one knows it, or owns it...knowledge is an auditory illusory manifestation of sound and vision.Knowledge informs illusory reality. Wisdom understands reality as illusory.
Knowledge (perception) knows the world, but then ask yourself,...can the perceiver be perceived?
I know you do not like Me saying this, but if you keep asking the question, then I will keep answering it. Yes, the perceiver can be perceived. And, it is a very simple and easy thing to do, once 'you' learn how to and thus KNOW-HOW to do it.
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:16 amThere is only perception, arising out of thin air...look around you and all you see is thin air in which everything is appearing in.

But then again, don't take my word for it this for yourself...

“I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. ... The moment you follow someone you cease to follow Truth.- Jiddu Krishnamurti”


It's okay to live in the world of things and be a human being S57...but always try to remember just who or what it is ...that is actually living here?

Know the difference between reality and fantasy, real and unreal... and then just play with life's all perfectly free and beautiful actually...

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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by Dontaskme »

ken wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:15 am
I know you do not like Me saying this, but if you keep asking the question, then I will keep answering it. Yes, the perceiver can be perceived. And, it is a very simple and easy thing to do, once 'you' learn how to and thus KNOW-HOW to do it.

I know you don't like me saying this, but I've already answered my own question of can the perceiver be perceived? so there is nothing more for me to learn ..and so the how's of how to know how to learn what I've already learnt is irrelevant.

And beside that.. I was posing the question to S57 ..but then you chimed in assuming I have not yet learnt the answer...I know you like to do that sort of thing...but you are preaching to the already converted with me, so congratulations for being as smart as me.

It's up to S57 to answer or not...I will await reply from S57.

Thank-you, come again.

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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by Dontaskme »

Harbal wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:04 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:42 pm There is no I that sleeps anyway,
Insomnia is awful, you have my sympathy.
Nothing is asleep, nothing is awake.
Consciousness is not afraid of anything....Since, the substratum of all Living beings is the same Immutable SELF aka CONSCIOUSNESS.
Harbal wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:04 pmHow does the substratum of all Living beings being the same Immutable SELF aka CONSCIOUSNESS lead to the logical conclusion that "consciousness is not afraid of anything"?
Consciousness is another word for life, which is another word for death.

It is realised now or at the moment of the last breath...
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by Harbal »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 12:25 pm
Harbal wrote: Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:04 pmHow does the substratum of all Living beings being the same Immutable SELF aka CONSCIOUSNESS lead to the logical conclusion that "consciousness is not afraid of anything"?
Consciousness is another word for life, which is another word for death.

It is realised now or at the moment of the last breath...
This may be an answer to somebody's question but it's not an answer to the one I asked. The more of your posts I see, the more convinced I become that you make this hog wash up as you go along.
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by Dontaskme »

Harbal wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:22 pm The more of your posts I see, the more convinced I become that you make this hog wash up as you go along.
Yep, it's all my own Bs...I'm no ones bitch, but my own.
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by thedoc »

Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:02 pm Yep, it's all my own Bs...I'm no ones bitch, but my own.
That's good to know, I admire some good honest BS now and then.
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by surreptitious57 »

ken wrote:
surreptitious57 wrote:
I am less certain about anything the older I get and so even if I do make
absolute statements it does not mean that I think they are forever true
Why then make absolute statements

What is the purpose of doing so
Absolute statements imply certainty although I see less reason to reference
them as I get older because they are not conducive to having an open mind
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by surreptitious57 »

ken wrote:
surreptitious57 wrote:
As I have explained many times I avoid other human beings
being here in this forum I see as the very opposite of avoiding human beings
This is cyberspace not meatspace and it is only in the latter that I avoid them
For I do not see any human beings here merely the thoughts of human beings
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Re: How do Christians Expect to Convert Atheists?

Post by surreptitious57 »

ken wrote:
surreptitious57 wrote:
ken wrote:
What is your reason for being here by the way
What is your actual purpose for being online here in this forum if you do not want to influence others
My purpose till my final day is to learn and grow and being on this forum is a means towards that end
I am definitely not here to influence others for I do not want to rather they should be influencing me
What happens if I said that it is much better and easier and simpler and quicker for you to learn and grow if you just become
truly open and honest and just seek to change your wrong and abusive ways towards others then how does that influence you
Becoming slowly more detached over time is not incompatible with being more honest and open
Although they are not exactly the same they do not have rigid thinking as standard which is good
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