My Packets

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My Packets

Post by MozartLink »

Note to Reader: Since there are a lot of packets, then I will narrow it down to the ones you need to read. If you don't wish to read all of these packets which explain how I define my own values and morality (as well as other concepts pertaining to my personal life), then just read the summary packet which sums up very briefly my whole philosophy.

But if you have the time to read at least 2, 3, or 4 packets, then I would also highly recommend reading packet #4, #5, and #6 since they are the 2nd most important packets you need to read. Also, just to let you know, the final packet (#14) has an actual conversation between me and someone else.

I will now proceed to present the Deviant Art links to all my packets.

Here are the Deviant Art links:

Summary Packet:














Last edited by MozartLink on Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My Packets

Post by MozartLink »

This is another note to the reader. I have now made a summary packet for anybody who does not have the time and patience to read my other packets. This summary packet is very brief and will get my philosophy across effectively.
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Re: My Packets

Post by MozartLink »

Lastly, I will now present to you another person's response to my summary and my reply to it. Actually, there are two people who respond and I reply to them. This is to clear some things up and address some issues others might have with my whole philosophy:

Other Person's Response: Let me emphasize the importance of the non feeling values. Where would we be without them? If your life was in danger and you couldn't feel anything, then you would get yourself killed because escaping from said danger would be of no value to you. This is the type of world we would all be living in. Life would simply be a disaster without these values.

My Reply: I would still choose to escape from danger anyway knowing that it is a wise decision. But said decision would be of no value to me. Therefore, the type of world we would be living in would be a world where we would still make decisions anyway knowing that they are wise. Like I said, we are wired for survival and it is this wiring that compels us to make choices anyway even though they would bring our lives no value or happiness.

For example, during my worst miserable times, my life was completely dead and empty. It was absolute hell for me and there was no good value, worth, or happiness in my life whatsoever. My life had the worst possible value. However, I have chosen to get psychiatric help anyway knowing that my life would eventually change for the better.

Again, even knowing that my life would change for the better did not give my life any value. But let's pretend that I had to live the entirety of my life in this miserable state and could never recover from it, then that is when I would end my life. There is absolutely no way I would choose to live on and on in a life that is the worst hell filled with the worst possible value. So, as you can see here, even though I would still make wise choices in my life even without having any good value and worth in my life, I need the good value, worth, joy, beauty, and happiness in my life.

Otherwise, I would give up on life and end my life since nothing would matter to me. I would be in a completely dead and empty state of being and living. Even if the type of world we would all be living in would be chaos without these non feeling values, that still doesn't change my views here. If we were to somehow realize that these non feeling values weren't real and the world were to become chaos, then that is just the way it is. That is just what we are as human beings then.

During my miserable times, I am in a state of complete darkness. I cannot see the light. This means that I cannot see the good value or joy in anything in my life. But once I fully recover and have my good moods/feelings, then they are the light to my life. They allow me to see the good value and joy in my life.

If I were in a state of complete anhedonia, then that would not be a state of complete darkness. Rather, it would be a completely blank state. All light would be shunned out. The same concept still applies here. I would still not be able to see the good value in my life. But a state of hopelessness and misery is a far worse state to be in than anhedonia because states of misery and hopelessness are hell that bring my life the experience of the absolute worst value and suffering in my life.

In other words, thoughts and outlooks alone are not the light or darkness to my life. If I thought to myself that certain choices and decisions brought my life good value, worth, and joy during those horrible times, then it wouldn't work to any degree for me whatsoever. I would still be in a hellish and blank state where my life has no good value or joy. The tone of our moods/feelings dictates the tone of our outlooks. In other words, if you felt angry, then you will be angry. You will have an angry outlook.

Since the tone of an angry feeling has a pessimistic tone, then your whole outlook can only have a pessimistic tone as well. You cannot have an optimistic outlook while experiencing feelings/moods that have a pessimistic tone. The experience of an optimistic and pessimistic tone does not come about through our thoughts and outlooks alone. They can only come about through our moods/feelings. When I thought to myself that my life still had good value during my miserable times, then that thought had nothing but a hopeless and dead tone. In other words, it really wasn't an outlook of anything having any real good value to me.

People who claim to have an optimistic tone of experience (outlook) during their depression or worst miserable times would only be fooling and deluding themselves. As I said before, it is only our moods/feelings that possess the optimistic and pessimistic tones to give our lives good or bad value. Thoughts and outlooks alone without our moods/feelings can only possess a mechanistic tone. This means that they do not give our lives any real good or bad value.

This would have to mean that depressed/anhedonic people who think their lives have good value are thinking optimistic words and phrases in their mind of their lives having real good value, but their thoughts and outlooks only possess a dead and lifeless mechanistic tone and, therefore, these depressed/anhedonic people would actually not be having any real good value in their lives. These words and phrases alone have these depressed/anhedonic people fooled into believing their lives have real good value when they don't.

Once again, that all goes back to my personal example. During my worst miserable moments, I have thought optimistic words and phrases of my life having real good value. However, this tone of experience was completely dead and lifeless. Therefore, my life really had no good value or worth to me at all. Having good value and worth in your life can only be an optimistic tone of experience for you.

It would make no sense to say that having good value and worth in your life is either a pessimistic tone of experience or neither optimistic nor pessimistic (i.e. mechanistic). Since our good moods/feelings are the only experiences that possess the optimistic tone as I've just explained earlier, then it would obviously follow that it can only be our good moods/feelings that give our lives real good value and worth.

For example, if someone said:

"My life is worth living," "These things and situations have worth to me," or "Good, I get to get what I want now. This situation has a lot of worth to me."

Then that is optimism. Even if you screamed and said:


Then that is also optimism. It is an optimistic outlook (experience) for you. But, like I said, it is only the good moods/feelings we get which can give our lives optimistic tones of experience.

Other Person's Response: Theres so much mest up ways of thinking here. You can claim that you're trying to not offend anyone and say you're just expressing your view which is fine but nonetheless youre still putting depressed people into one category. You just wrote "depressed people have no good value and worth in their lives" "depressed people are living lives that have no good value and worth and dont even realize it " are you kidding how can you glump people together like that and think that a persons feelings and mental ilness automatically equates to having no worth.

So many people that brought us great things have all been so deeply depressed. Singers, scientists, philosophers have all been people that have brought great value to our lives even with their state of depression. They enriched us with their intelligence and creative minds. There are parents who are raising children that have severe depression and manage to get up every morning and give their child a good life does that sound like someone who has no purpose and value?

"Depressed and anhedonic people are living lives that have no good value , no worth and they dont evem realize it" thats is such an ignorant stement to make and bring no one any value or use. And I can tell someone their fat and ugky and then say "hey thats just my view not trying to offend anyone " but it doesnt make it any less offesnsive and it wont make them any less ugly or fat. Also the fact that you equate happiness and feel good feelings as people being with value is so strange to me when again so many happy people do nothing withe their lives or contribute anything to society. Depression does not determine your value as a human being and if thats how you feel about yourself than im sorry but its not good to project such harmful negativity to people that are trying to find light in their current dimmed world.

My Reply: I said that it is only our good moods/feelings that allow us to perceive good value and worth in our lives. I am not saying that depressed people cannot have any good value and worth to us. I am saying that they cannot actually perceive any good value and worth in themselves and in their own lives. If we felt good from a depressed person who has contributed to our lives, then we would be able to see that depressed person as being a wonderful person to us. But the depressed person who helped us would not be able to perceive his/her altruistic actions as being anything good or worthwhile.

He/she might think otherwise, but, in reality, he/she is having nothing but an experience that is completely dead inside. There literally is no good value being perceived in this person's life at all and he/she is falsely lead into the notion that the right mindset alone creates the perception of good value in our lives when it is really our good moods/feelings that give us this perception. I think that I have every right to express myself and my views like anyone else. I will not be alone with them. I do not care if people become offended by them when my intention was not to offend in the first place, but only to vent and express my views.
Last edited by MozartLink on Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:13 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: My Packets

Post by Harbal »

MozartLink wrote: Mon Jul 17, 2017 12:57 am This is another note to the reader.
I don't think he's turned up yet.
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Re: My Packets

Post by MozartLink »

I am now going to give you the link that perfectly explains my definition of good and bad. If you don't wish to read the entire debate, then just read what is in bold at the very beginning:
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