Explicit Knowledge

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Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

Any fool can know explicit knowledge ... information that is contained in encyclopedias and textbooks...a collection of man-made second hand accounts for what constitutes reality.

But when it comes to real explicit knowledge a wise man will study the Bible. Because the Bible is a collection of real historical I witness first hand accounts of what's constitutes reality.

Those that dare to stick their necks out too far will not perish at the hand of the chopper for they have personal I witness accounts and seen with their own eyes that life is eternal and there is no fear of death which is the lie that I can die..

The comfort zone of the box mentality is not my home. I am only home when I am free. . and I am always free.

Ernest Hemingway was quoted as saying ''I can control most things except the hour of my death'' .. then shot himself in the head. See how the mind can play tricks with you...it's the devil in disguise. Use it wisely else it uses you.
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Harbal »

Dontaskme wrote:' See how the mind can play tricks with you...
Hemingway certainly found a way to put a stop to that.

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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

Harbal wrote:
Dontaskme wrote:' See how the mind can play tricks with you...
Hemingway certainly found a way to put a stop to that.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The mind who identifies with the wrong I will struggle not having control over certain aspects of life, so Hem's simply switched off the light. Not realising that's impossible, as there is no one to switch off the light. That's the grace of freewill, it holds NOONE captive. All unwanted gifts are automatically returned to sender.
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Impenitent »

a story of nomads who spoke in Aramaic, written in ancient Greek 50-200 years after the time of occurrence, translated into Latin several years later...

"...a collection of man-made second hand accounts for what constitutes reality."

"There is no original text" - Nietzsche

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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by osgart »

Why would a divine God force people to reckon Noah ark as a real event in history. The parting of the red sea also. You do not see supernatural events and the direct presence of GOD in today's reality.what cause for reason do we have to believe in those stories today.
You will say in today's reality God speaks to all only by his spirit to the heart of every human. I honestly have never experienced the presence of a divine God. The requirement of rational belief falls short.
The Bible also lacks repeatability consistency and simplicity. It's chalk full of conditions and rules and contradictions. one is thou shall not kill and the or law demands homosexuals be killed. I'm not even homosexual, but killing them is immoral.
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

Impenitent wrote:
"There is no original text" - Nietzsche
Nietzsche: another great visionary quoted ''God is dead and we killed him.''

This is correct because two I's cannot be.

Let me attempt to explain in my own words from my own intuitive knowing for those of you who think I'm parroting other peoples idea's.....
My ambition in life is to prove that the ineffable can be put into words. I've heard it said that is impossible, to say it can't be done is my challenge to prove that wrong.
I'm going to take on this challenge for the rest of my life as it is something I feel very passionate about.It's my personal endeavor that I enjoy.
I'm using this forum as a platform to share this experience with others to show them that they too can know the truth of reality. I thank the forum founders for allowing me the space to do this. A space where everyone in the world can see it for their self.

There was a time when I thought that task was an impossibility but now I've changed my mind. Now I know it's not impossible. What I realised was that the knowledge I need to know about myself is within me alone, not in other. I could not have asked another for my own knowledge, I already have it within me. Jesus taught this truth as well.

So here we go then....and please note that I am still under construction when putting this into words ...it's never going to be perfect, I'm probably going to make many massive contradictions and paradoxes simply because I'm attempting to talk about oneness using language that in itself is dual...so I've set myself this difficult task because I care about the precious miracle that is life. It's my way of preserving that sacredness that is life.

I'm going to use the word HE to reference the tacit nameless one God simply because words are all I've got to describe the wordless. ..see there's my first (paradox)

God (AM) had to die so that (I) live. But (I) cannot know I live without my (AM) for I know not what I AM else. ..this is God first) saying he knows before I do (last to know)

I then 'knows' who I Am..as it is I 'alone' as and through 'myself' who bore witness to myself that no else has seen.

To see the invisible, the invisible goes in to the visible ... that's who I Am. I am the in-visible

There cannot be two of me....so the visible is illusory. The invisible is real as witnessed in the visible by I and only I

In other words..
If you know you know - you don't know = (explicit knowledge) (Jesus) (Child)...God in form...materially seen.
If you don't know - you do know =(tacit knowledge)(Father aka GOD ) ..God in formless aka mind invisible.

You cannot see your original face - You are it.

Before (my name) I Am.

I AM nameless. I Am the ONE (real)

A Name ...I Am not (illusory)



to be continued...
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

osgart wrote:Why would a divine God force people to reckon Noah ark as a real event in history. The parting of the red sea also. You do not see supernatural events and the direct presence of GOD in today's reality.what cause for reason do we have to believe in those stories today.
You will say in today's reality God speaks to all only by his spirit to the heart of every human. I honestly have never experienced the presence of a divine God. The requirement of rational belief falls short.
The Bible also lacks repeatability consistency and simplicity. It's chalk full of conditions and rules and contradictions. one is thou shall not kill and the or law demands homosexuals be killed. I'm not even homosexual, but killing them is immoral.
God does not force anything on his children...(himself)
He is unconditional love..all allowing. He gave us/himself freewill to choose to love or to hate.

God already knows what feels comfortable, what feels relaxed, what feels loving, warm, comforting, and blissful...he knows this is the natural state of himself..and that there is no such thing as evil that can overcome the power of that love.

So God can only give love because he is love, he cannot give love if he wasn't love.....he does not demand we/he ..gives it to himself... his sole purpose is to give...and in order for there to be a giver there has to be a receiver...the receiver is also himself giving to himself....as depicted in his son Jesus which was really him the all knowing one inform. Informing himself...knowing himself.

God already knows that when he gives away his love that it will return to him alone because there is only his love, and everything else is an illusion. So the devil is an illusion because the devil is God in disguise ..so he already knows evil cannot win over good because nothing can overshadow the light which is God...God allows evil to exist as his way of showing his unconditional love to his children by allowing them to choose their own reality .. knowing full well that they will eventually choose the real over the unreal because he's the only real there is.

Nothing real can be harmed, anything unreal doesn't exist. God all knowing sends himself into the world appearing as not-knowing innocent children so as to allow himself appearing as children as extensions of his own love source to be shared outwardly....infinitely and uniquely expressed...as aspects of his same self...

God the Fathers will is the only will in force, but he never forces that will on his offspring....they are given the gift of freewill, the choice to choose between love and hate..to choose love is to reconcile with the Fathers will and know the Father's will is the only reliable way to live a good life. To surrender to that state of being...is the natural state.

To choose hate is to leave the Fathers will (heaven) and live a separate will alienated from real self, become estranged ...often referred to as (hell) God already in his all knowing wisdom (YOU) ..knows which one he will choose, because he invented the two polarities. He knows both the not-knowing innocence of himself aka as and through his children ..and himself the all knowing Father to be the same ONE

His not-knowing self...do not know what to choose and is why they are offered up the choice to choose through actual applied experiential knowledge learning to know one state of being from another. What's acceptable and what's not, what's good, what's not......etc etc

Now as for killing people, murdering them...God said don't do it...why?

Would you kill another person if you knew that person was really you in another body just having a different experience from you...would you kill that person if you really knew it was you?...would you want to kill you? ..probably not.
God means kill the sin in the people not the people, in other words kill the sin not the sinner.
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by osgart »

well that's well meaning that you mention empathy as a quality of soul that keeps a man from killing someone else.
I do realize there is a truth all must heed.
Yet rationally wrapping my head around Noahs ark being an actual event makes me feel like a naive kid who doesn't yet know reality and cause and effect.
Yet if there is a key to everlasting life I am quite sure it's in being an just hearted man of compassion toward what is innocent and what is able to obtain mercy. that virtue is what every living creature ought to be
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

osgart wrote: Yet rationally wrapping my head around Noahs ark being an actual event makes me feel like a naive kid who doesn't yet know reality and cause and effect.
Sorry for the long post osgart..this will take some explaining....hope you bear with me...I'll try and put it in a way that a child can understand it..

No event ever happened...life is a seamless stream of apparent events THAT NEVER COMPLETE. As infinity AKA GOD ..expresses himself endlessly giving of himself..only to himself alone...apparent as he appears to himself as and through finite form the child ...like a mothers milk freely expresses milk to it's child only when the child appears to the mother who is inseparable from her....the child being God playing the reverse role as giver and receiver both.. as the receiver of it's own giving ...as and through in the finite vessel / body.

Events are fictions...of the infinite story teller, like dreams are to the dreamer.The dreamer cannot happen or be happened...it can only happen or be happened in it's fictional dream..this happening. The dreamer is Nondual awareness aka God dreaming itself as an apparent dual character...the dream of the dreamer being the characteristics attributes of the infinite dreamer God. Again, I'm just using the dream / dreamer as an analogy...pointing to the ONE being everything.

The stories in the Bible are meant to be pointers pointing to the one who is self aware as being a fictional character. So the stories are not literal, for a fiction cannot be literal, the stories are written in the form of allegories, metaphors, and parables... a kind of sacred knowledge in coded format. An awakened one will decipher the knowledge without much problem, because an awakened one is pure of heart being of the Father so to speak so will automatically see itself in the scripture. But any one with evil harmful self intent will not see itself in the Bible because that one cannot recognise itself there. Again, I'm only using this as a metaphorical analogy as to why some people are drawn to truth and others are not. No one is essentially evil here, there is only the one God taking on the double role...of both himself and the apparent other self, ego.

God the nameless, silent, blind, all tacit knowing one...can only experience, see, know himself as he sees, knows, experiences, himself as the seen, known, experienced.. as through the sound of his voice interpreted as his words...aka the explicit knowledge of direct experience. Here though, this knowledge is only ever God's tacit knowledge made aware to himself, become known, it is only known to God himself the real knower...

Knower knowing known are One...made known as and through the fictional character, experiencing himself as other.. both himself.

Only the love begets love... no evil one can enter the kingdom of love because it doesn't recognise itself there, only love can enter. God allows evil because he knows that evil is already safe in his love and cannot find refuge anywhere else. That's why he gives power to the meek since he knows they are him and will not abuse that power. But those with evil intents will not be granted eternal life until they have reconciled with the Father...for the Father already knows if he grants eternal life to the evil ones they will only abuse their power and reign that evil power on the world forever. So unless we die, and reconcile with the good one, only then we will be be given eternal life of love. But those who refuse to die will lose out..but they won't care because they will not know any different, they will live an ignorant life, and is why Jesus said, ''forgive them Father for they know not what they do''..so the evil ones are already forgiven....but will not enter the eternal kingdom until they forgive themselves...so no one is excluded, and that is what free will means, it means the choice to reconcile with yourself...you choose your own reality.
If you don't know your eternal, then you will live in exile of your real self...cut off so to speak.

In other words, what you choose to be you will become...and until you change what you choose, you will only be/ know that choice, and live that choice. No one ever forced that choice on you. it was only you .... But it's only ever God aka Oneness reversing his roles here. No one else is doing this role reversing but the ONE pretending to be other.
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Harbal »

Dontaskme wrote:...I'll try and put it in a way that a child can understand it..
Then how clever of you to present it in such a way that a child might have writtten it.
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

God is you inside of you not outside of you. God does not hide, he's always with you... there is nowhere for God to hide...he's herenow.

God/You is neither inside or out....You/God is herenow/nowhere...as this eternal PRESENT presence/presenting itself ..as an imaged representation.

Just as One cannot know what is inside a gift wrapped present until the wrapping is removed to reveal the contents.

A closed mind cannot be open to receive a gift...until it's open to the gift it already has inside.
A giver cannot give to a closed mind. An open mind allows for it's own giving to be received.
You are the gift that keeps on giving.

The wrapping paper around a present represents the skin, flesh and bone...aka the body...the gift even though it is there inside the body..cannot be seen until the skin is removed...metaphorically meaning the gift inside cannot show itself until the skin/ego dies....it is only when the skin is removed that the eternal one..aka the present is seen... the ever present present of the invisible naked one that is/was always t/here...is revealed.

...What was apparently hidden inside is now outside..seen and known... it's now inside out...bearing witness to itself by revealing itself.

If the inside out is the same one ..then what you imagine to be on the outside is only ever inside you.

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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

Harbal wrote:
Dontaskme wrote:...I'll try and put it in a way that a child can understand it..
Then how clever of you to present it in such a way that a child might have writtten it.

Innocence can never leave innocence ..only the guilty can leave innocence.

A child never turns into an adult, an adult is just a wise child. A child is a wise adult in disguise. An adult is an innocent child gone wild...left it's innocence...until it returns. Therefore, if you care about children you will care about the aged, if you do not care about the elderly how can you care for the children.. for the aged were once children.. that they have never left....but only forgotten.

The child within never leaves. You do not get old, you get reborn into innocence. Innocence cannot die. There are no old people...only children pretending to be old....be like a child for only a child can enter the magic kingdom.

And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven

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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

Harbal wrote:
Dontaskme wrote:...I'll try and put it in a way that a child can understand it..
Then how clever of you to present it in such a way that a child might have writtten it.
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by osgart »

I take the Bible better as metaphor and allegory. It's a human book . Perhaps a political motive in it's making. I see each writer following a pattern to create religious power in the telling of the stories. Around where I live we have baptists; they demand literal consent to the book or face hell. So naturally I consider all Christians to be this way.

Each writer builds on the patterns before. Something to tell their children.

To rationalize the Bible they use dispensational division. God with endless conditions rules and rationales. it just isn't consistent from book to book. It's rather senseless and violent. It's incoherent.
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Re: Explicit Knowledge

Post by Dontaskme »

osgart wrote:I take the Bible better as metaphor and allegory. It's a human book . Perhaps a political motive in it's making. I see each writer following a pattern to create religious power in the telling of the stories. Around where I live we have baptists; they demand literal consent to the book or face hell. So naturally I consider all Christians to be this way.

Each writer builds on the patterns before. Something to tell their children.

To rationalize the Bible they use dispensational division. God with endless conditions rules and rationales. it just isn't consistent from book to book. It's rather senseless and violent. It's incoherent.
. . osgart while you are entitled to your opinion, which is your unique understanding right now ..I totally disagree that the Bible was written by humans.

No book was ever written by a human.

All books are written by a rational conscientious logical thinking mind. . .The pen in hand ...pen and hand (mechanics) are the instrument the living mind uses to connect/communicate to itself.If a word has meaning attached, that meaning must come straight from the divine source of that meaning which is not human. Human is just some word with meaning attached ...who or what is the source of meaning, where is meaning ?

Who ..what's reading, analysing. deciphering, making coherent meaningful sense...who does that, can that one be seen, can that one be known?

Saying it's human is like saying it's washing machine...

How can a finite conceptual idea such as a human brain have access to all possible knowledge at once...? it can only deal with bits and bytes of information at one time. The brain is a like a computer, it acts as a filter, it can only store information that's been downloaded into it's memory.

If a human was the source of knowledge it would have access and instant coherent understanding to all it's knowledge. But a finite mechanism could not cope with such an enormous amount of information and would short circuit from info overload ...the consequences ensuing would be chaos and insanity and even madness to the point of suicide.

It's not that knowledge is hidden from the human brain, it's readily available when ever there is a demand for it...one has to recall it by deep introspective studying ...The more one studies the more information is released and received from an all giving divine repository.

It's not a human repository .. because if it were human, you would have access to all possible knowledge available regarding everything in the universe including the knowledge of how it all came into existence and what it's purpose is.... . . the knowledge would be all human sourced, so the idea that human knowledge could possibly be incoherent ...is nonsense.

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