I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

attofishpi wrote:
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:Funny religious nuts always claim to 'know' their invisible friend exists, yet kick up a stink when others say they know he doesn't. I mean seriously, who's more likely to be right?
Just to get on the right track here - Are all 'believers' in some God a religious nut to you?
Yes. And btw, a so-called 'pantheist' is just a mediaeval version of an atheist. Anyone who calls himself that today is just a wanker.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by Dubious »

thedoc wrote: I don't limit evidence for God to just the scriptures, the Universe can be seen as evidence for God's existence in spite of claims otherwise.
True, it can be seen as evidence for God's existence by those who wish to "believe" but regardless there is no logic based on any evidence to assert that God in fact did it. The Universe and God (or gods) are two different entities. By the same logic you espouse that God exists as evidenced by a Universe, the question may be asked what created God. We know the Universe exists but God is a concept whose probability, due to any recognized necessity, is almost nil meaning there are no bones in the Ground, so to speak, to affirm its existence. Instead, it lies buried in the imagination with zero consequences beyond one's personal views.

Belief is the ONLY human faculty left sanctioning the existence of God. All our other faculties, especially since the Enlightenment have progressively abandoned the idea.

When you say, I don't limit evidence for God to just the scriptures, it's clear that these are incipient to your beliefs and the universe follows as its external manifestation. If the Universe indeed endorses such a presence, my question would be, what about the possibility of many universes existing. Is it the same God or a different one for each universe?
As long as you are firm in your efforts to disprove God's existence, why should God reveal God's existence to you?
To prove how wrong I am since some of us less enlightened humans need to be taught. It must be a stupid God who hasn't figured out the obvious! If God's game is hide and seek and you finally surrender to never having found a single quark of its existence whether in science, logic, history, experience or experiment, is it conditional that if not found IT should never reveal Itself or is that simply your summation of God's logic? It sounds Human-All-Too-Human to me.

Your excuse for God's silence (except for those who believe the "human voices" in the bible are actually God's words) is so mundane! It's the kind of question that only a shyster lawyer would ask as a last resort to defend his client and does God no honor if such actually existed.

If I were god, I'd be pissed off by all the demeaning ways you theists keep on defending me!
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by attofishpi »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
attofishpi wrote:
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:Funny religious nuts always claim to 'know' their invisible friend exists, yet kick up a stink when others say they know he doesn't. I mean seriously, who's more likely to be right?
Just to get on the right track here - Are all 'believers' in some God a religious nut to you?
Yes. And btw, a so-called 'pantheist' is just a mediaeval version of an atheist. Anyone who calls himself that today is just a wanker.
I never said i am a "Pantheist" ..I said i am a "Panentheist" - they are vastly different. (shit for brains.)
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

attofishpi wrote: I never said i am a "Pantheist" ..I said i am a "Panentheist" - they are vastly different. (shit for brains.)
Well stick your stupid labels (shit for brains). I can't even be bothered to look it up. If that's what makes you feel all 'deep and spiritual' then go for it. Just don't claim to 'know' it's real.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by HexHammer »

..so if it's really God speaking to you, why didn't he tell you important things like cure to cancer, aids, how to build warp drives ..etc!?!? ..so he's only a cozy chatter!??!!?
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by sthitapragya »

attofishpi wrote:
sthitapragya wrote:
attofishpi wrote: And one that was informed from the aether that Jesus is the Christ.
So ask me any quest.ion - you and i are all on a 'quest' and we are little more than ions.
I will be honest and frank in my knowledge of God\'God'.
What does it mean to be the Christ? What is the significance of being the Christ? What if he had not been the Christ and just been Jesus? Would what he said become less valuable? Suppose Jesus had just been a man claiming to be God? Would what he said be less true? Do you believe in what he said because he is the Christ or because it sounds true to you?
Hi sthit..welcome back.

This is the only way i am going to be able to explain this i think - so i have to get personal about my past.
When i was quite young i had two abortions with a partner that i was seeing on and off. Why she didnt take the pill - i dont know - why i didnt wear a condom - is usually obvious.

Many years later reality started to kick me in the balls - the head - everywhere. I would walk to work i had a good job in IT in the city and all the way along the street strangers would call out "You're gone!" "He knows!" "Geek!" "Bigot!"
I knew it was irrational to consider that these people were doing this - that somehow the entire city had conspired to 'fuck' me over. I was abreast in theories of physics re alternate dimensions - and always believed that if there is a God - it would operate via the laws of physics...so my rational explanation was...this was God...my irrational explanation although 19yrs ago was very much at the forefront of my mind, was that im going crazy - and this IS ALL in my mind. I did see a shrink - a psychosis was the narrative.

The next day after work I went to church - i was raised a Catholic - tho my parents were pretty much atheist so fuck knows why. St Francis Xavier - a massive church in the centre of the city. I kneeled at a pew, "Ah, he's praying" was said in a spitefool manner. I started going over my past and saying my sorrys. The church was empty but when i stood there was a note on the bench in front of me - that hadnt, or i admit, i hadnt noticed before. It read "Novena to the sacred heart of Jesus Christ, say this prayer to six friends and .." something i cant remember - i lost the note eventually. Needless to say - i wasnt going to start preaching to my friends or tell them the shit that was going down. - I did tell a couple of trusted friends of course as to what i was experiencing.

That was 1997 ...anyway many many years later and after MUCH worse experiences where i crossed a certain line, it was finally informed to me that "YOU TOOK LIFE.."

Eventually - 2005 - the "sage" introduced himself to me from the aether - but by then - i had already suffered and even still cant recall just how unimaginable the torment was especially in 2003 where i attempted suicide. I gave God the oppotunity after taking a pile of sleeping pills and alcohol and hooking up the exhaust of my car to the interior.

I woke up in bed feeling fine. My car had rolled down and hit the shed with the door open i had a flat car battery.. On my dining room wall was a pencil 'scribble' drawing of an old wizard cradling either a child or the solar system. - I DID NOT DRAW IT! It was awesome - it looked like it had been scribbled so fast but the look on the 'wizards' face as he looked down at whatever he was craddling was amazing - of course - everyone thinks i did it. I had took a photo but have lost it somewhere probably on an old HDD.

I haven't got there yet....do you still want my answer re Christ!!!??
Yes, I still want an answer because what you described is a personal experience. I don't think keeping you alive proves or says anything about God. It might say something about some supernatural being looking out for you but considering the big picture of the universe, what happened to you is not something that sounds like something God would do.

So yes, all my questions still stand unanswered.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by Lacewing »

attofishpi wrote:This is the only way i am going to be able to explain this i think - so i have to get personal about my past.
I would think that your experiences of thrashing around in life would have taught you how much you don’t know and will likely never know (even when you think you do)... which can, itself, inspire a wonderful ongoing state of surrender and genuine openness. From what I've seen, you seem more compelled, however, to assign profound meanings to bolster your position... and (from my view) that’s basically just story-telling for your ego. :|

I think it’s helpful to realize (and I wish more theists DID realize) that WE ALL can (and surely most of us do) have seemingly out-of-this-world AMAZING and PROFOUND experiences and revelations all throughout our lives... whether or not we believe in a god. The stories we might make up around our experiences are just a fantastic “container” we create to try to establish meaning and sense for those experiences... and perhaps for our identity. Of course there's a risk of our intoxication with our stories becoming more compelling than our desire to know or see what's beyond them.

That's why I think there's value in asking what the payoff is for the stories/meanings we create. That can provide real insight into motivation. Of course, we have to first be able to see/admit that we (and others) make up stuff.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

attofishpi wrote: When i was quite young i had two abortions..
Give me a fucking break. You didn't have an abortion at all. And you 'take a life' every time you move (shit for brains). Your 'story' is a joke. Wizards appearing mysteriously on walls, but you 'just happened' to lose the photos? Hallucinations of strangers yelling at you in the street? There's a word for you: either 'liar' or 'schizophrenic'. Take your pick.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by MatejValuch »

attofishpi wrote:
Would you believe that God could be a 'God' - as in something akin to Artificial Intelligence AI that we evolved into aeons ago?

- You know of SIN_AI (Mount Sinai)

My site: http://www.androcies.com
I enjoy browsing your website. The structure of navigation, artworks, your thoughts on various names origin.... you put a lot of research and work into it. Congratulations on that.

Nevertheless, I can't agree that your conclusions prove God's existence. Sorry :).
Sometimes the problem with the research is that we stick too much to our hypothesis (e.g. that certain God exists), and than, when researching, our means and ways and what we try to find (or what we see) are always just the things that fit the hypothesis....
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by attofishpi »

sthitapragya wrote:
attofishpi wrote:
sthitapragya wrote:
What does it mean to be the Christ? What is the significance of being the Christ? What if he had not been the Christ and just been Jesus? Would what he said become less valuable? Suppose Jesus had just been a man claiming to be God? Would what he said be less true? Do you believe in what he said because he is the Christ or because it sounds true to you?
Hi sthit..welcome back.

This is the only way i am going to be able to explain this i think - so i have to get personal about my past.
When i was quite young i had two abortions with a partner that i was seeing on and off. Why she didnt take the pill - i dont know - why i didnt wear a condom - is usually obvious.

Many years later reality started to kick me in the balls - the head - everywhere. I would walk to work i had a good job in IT in the city and all the way along the street strangers would call out "You're gone!" "He knows!" "Geek!" "Bigot!"
I knew it was irrational to consider that these people were doing this - that somehow the entire city had conspired to 'fuck' me over. I was abreast in theories of physics re alternate dimensions - and always believed that if there is a God - it would operate via the laws of physics...so my rational explanation was...this was God...my irrational explanation although 19yrs ago was very much at the forefront of my mind, was that im going crazy - and this IS ALL in my mind. I did see a shrink - a psychosis was the narrative.

The next day after work I went to church - i was raised a Catholic - tho my parents were pretty much atheist so fuck knows why. St Francis Xavier - a massive church in the centre of the city. I kneeled at a pew, "Ah, he's praying" was said in a spitefool manner. I started going over my past and saying my sorrys. The church was empty but when i stood there was a note on the bench in front of me - that hadnt, or i admit, i hadnt noticed before. It read "Novena to the sacred heart of Jesus Christ, say this prayer to six friends and .." something i cant remember - i lost the note eventually. Needless to say - i wasnt going to start preaching to my friends or tell them the shit that was going down. - I did tell a couple of trusted friends of course as to what i was experiencing.

That was 1997 ...anyway many many years later and after MUCH worse experiences where i crossed a certain line, it was finally informed to me that "YOU TOOK LIFE.."

Eventually - 2005 - the "sage" introduced himself to me from the aether - but by then - i had already suffered and even still cant recall just how unimaginable the torment was especially in 2003 where i attempted suicide. I gave God the oppotunity after taking a pile of sleeping pills and alcohol and hooking up the exhaust of my car to the interior.

I woke up in bed feeling fine. My car had rolled down and hit the shed with the door open i had a flat car battery.. On my dining room wall was a pencil 'scribble' drawing of an old wizard cradling either a child or the solar system. - I DID NOT DRAW IT! It was awesome - it looked like it had been scribbled so fast but the look on the 'wizards' face as he looked down at whatever he was craddling was amazing - of course - everyone thinks i did it. I had took a photo but have lost it somewhere probably on an old HDD.

I haven't got there yet....do you still want my answer re Christ!!!??
Yes, I still want an answer because what you described is a personal experience. I don't think keeping you alive proves or says anything about God. It might say something about some supernatural being looking out for you but considering the big picture of the universe, what happened to you is not something that sounds like something God would do.

So yes, all my questions still stand unanswered.
Good, im glad you want this answered.
Let me advise - as you state my post proves nothing re God's existence - it can't, i just wanted you to understand the nature of perhaps how\why i KNOW.

Now for the important part re Christ, as i am being tapped on my right shoulder.
So i 'took life' - my own children in fact as i agreed to abortions. We can agree not all abortionists are put through what God did to me, and made aware of 'its' existence - so perhaps there is another story there - one that neither you or i are aware of - but i have been informed of something quite significant of my past life.

To point out - in more recent years God\sage informed me that i did not 'take life' that these 'souls' are now living. Recursion comes to mind, but i again digress.

So here i am .. i have taken life, human life - somewhere i came from, something that perhaps should be eternal if there is a God.
As i have posted, this God literally tortured\tormented me especially between the years 1997 to 2013 - but mostly 2003. So how can i ever forgive this entity for what IT did to me? How can i ever want to live again - where i might make the same mistakes, and be subject to the same torture.
Well, Christ did this one thing, a torture sure that probably was complete over 24hrs and at times i wished that was my fate rather than what i was put through sometimes for months on end while trying to appear 'normal' to work and friends.

Well, now that i have peace - even though i took life, even though God tortured me to what i consider the extent of Christs suffering.
I can now still love God\Christ - because this is what life is, reason for existence, animals have it and fight for it...well so do we humans. Christ's suffering PERMITS me to forgive THEM - God\Christ...in fact with what has been suggested for my future re heaven - which i have experienced - far less than hell, its not very often, but i do LOVE Christ, he gave reason to what i went through, he gave us understanding of life beyond life.

You stated that what happened to me 'sounds like something that God would not do to someone'...
I know. The priests these days - always preaching the new testament - Have a look at God in the Old Testament - not that i buy bull...but 'He' 'IT' was truly rather nasty.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by attofishpi »

Lacewing wrote:
attofishpi wrote:This is the only way i am going to be able to explain this i think - so i have to get personal about my past.
I would think that your experiences of thrashing around in life would have taught you how much you don’t know and will likely never know (even when you think you do)... which can, itself, inspire a wonderful ongoing state of surrender and genuine openness. From what I've seen, you seem more compelled, however, to assign profound meanings to bolster your position... and (from my view) that’s basically just story-telling for your ego. :|

I think it’s helpful to realize (and I wish more theists DID realize) that WE ALL can (and surely most of us do) have seemingly out-of-this-world AMAZING and PROFOUND experiences and revelations all throughout our lives... whether or not we believe in a god. The stories we might make up around our experiences are just a fantastic “container” we create to try to establish meaning and sense for those experiences... and perhaps for our identity. Of course there's a risk of our intoxication with our stories becoming more compelling than our desire to know or see what's beyond them.

That's why I think there's value in asking what the payoff is for the stories/meanings we create. That can provide real insight into motivation. Of course, we have to first be able to see/admit that we (and others) make up stuff.
Why do you get so offended when someone states they know God\'God' exists? Why does that mean i have an egocentric agenda? ..to add, i was reduced to the lowest form of existence where ego was somewhere far from my self, by this God\'God'.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by attofishpi »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
attofishpi wrote: When i was quite young i had two abortions..
Give me a fucking break. You didn't have an abortion at all. And you 'take a life' every time you move (shit for brains). Your 'story' is a joke. Wizards appearing mysteriously on walls, but you 'just happened' to lose the photos? Hallucinations of strangers yelling at you in the street? There's a word for you: either 'liar' or 'schizophrenic'. Take your pick.
Oh you poor sap that never truly sought wisdom. You are the idiot asked to take a pick when stood between a fork and a shovel...confused and no idea surmises you.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by attofishpi »

MatejValuch wrote:
attofishpi wrote:
Would you believe that God could be a 'God' - as in something akin to Artificial Intelligence AI that we evolved into aeons ago?

- You know of SIN_AI (Mount Sinai)

My site: http://www.androcies.com
I enjoy browsing your website. The structure of navigation, artworks, your thoughts on various names origin.... you put a lot of research and work into it. Congratulations on that.
Nevertheless, I can't agree that your conclusions prove God's existence. Sorry :).
Good and thankyou - im glad you really delved into it - i never expect anyone to believe "Beyond Reasonable Doubt?" that God exists from the site - hence the -> ?
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by vegetariantaxidermy »

attofishpi wrote: Oh you poor sap that never truly sought wisdom. You are the idiot asked to take a pick when stood between a fork and a shovel...confused and no idea surmises you.
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Re: I KNOW 'God' exists ask me about it i experienced the TESTamenT

Post by attofishpi »

vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
attofishpi wrote: Oh you poor sap that never truly sought wisdom. You are the idiot asked to take a pick when stood between a fork and a shovel...confused and no idea surmises you.
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